Chapter 02

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Calvino was sitting in the CEO chair. He checked various reports that Aiden had given him. The smile on his lips grew wider when everything went according to his plan.

'Good job, Aiden.' Calvino muttered in his heart.

"Aiden, come to my room now!" Calvino called Aiden.

Not long after that, Aiden bowed before him.

"Yes, sir."

"What time does Mr. Kafeel arrive?"

"This afternoon, sir."

"Prepare the best meal for him!" Calvino ordered Aiden.

"Roger that, sir. Excuse me." Said Aiden, while bowing.

After Aiden's departure, Calvino returned to his laptop screen. It was long enough that he focused on his work until a call from Kenan made his focus split.

"What news do you have, Kenan? Say it quickly!"

"Miss Earl has mobilized her men under the leadership of Sean to attack Ms. Kiara's fiancé,"

"What?" Calvino asked in disbelief.

"Ms. Earl, sir. She made a movement without discussing this first. And Ms. Kiara's fiancé intends to take revenge, sir."

"Wait a minute, Kenan. Who is Kiara? And... What does Ms. Earl have to do with her?"

"Ms. Kiara, Ms. Earl's best friend and colleague at the Grand Pierce Hotel."

"Kenan, that's not what I meant. Please explain in detail what Ms. Earl has to do with all this so that she mobilized her men to attack Ms. Kiara's fiancé?"

"She wants to save Ms. Kiara from a big scandal, sir."

Calvino immediately narrowed his eyes until his brow furrowed.

"A big scandal?"

"That's right, sir."

Calvino immediately asked about the big scandal in detail. Kenan's explanation made his blood boil instantly. One thing he couldn't accept was that his super stubborn twin sister was always getting herself into danger.

He then rubbed his face roughly and immediately reached Calista at the same time.

"What's up?" Someone answered from the other side.

"How many times have I told you to stop interfering in other people's problems? Remember, Earl. Until now, Jozh your ex-husband is still roaming freely out there and you... You always drag yourself into danger."

"What do you mean, Calvin? What danger?"

"Don't think that everything you do will be out of sight of me and Dad."

'So, Calvin knows that I help Kiara solve her problem? Oh God, what should I do?' Calista mumbled in her heart.

"Why are you silent? What are you going to explain, huh?" Calvino asked sarcastically.

Calista rolled her eyes. She tried to think of what excuse she would say to her brother. However, any reason would be useless considering that all of her activities never went unnoticed by the Kafeel family. In the end, there was no other choice but to tell the truth even though that would make Calvino angry.

If it was like this, was Calista afraid? Of course. Who dared to face the wrath of Calvino Luz Kafeel, who was famous for the worst level of emotion?

"Listen to me first. I can't just watch a woman being bullied, especially because she is my best friend."

"The trouble she's in right now is the result of her own fault, Earl. So stop meddling!"

"Whatever you say, l can't stay silent. Listen, my instincts as a woman are called and I can't let the other woman be oppressed by an irresponsible man."

"EARL!" Calvino snapped with a rising voice until Calista took her cell phone away for a moment.

"Stop meddling in this matter, or you will kill your best friend." Calvino threatened Calista and, at the same time, he hung up the phone.

Calvino rubbed his face roughly while leaning his head on the back of the chair. He stared at the room ceiling with thoughts that drifted far away, thinking about Calista.

Not wanting to let his guard down until Calista's safety was threatened, Calvino immediately gave orders to Kenan to keep Calista away from the woman named Kiara.

Unfortunately, the woman lived in Calista's apartment.

"Shitttt, Why on earth is she always in trouble?" Calvino cursed. His jaw was hardened.

Jozh was still very hard to beat, and now, Calista added new problems.

"Stubborn!" He cursed again while banging his hand against the wall.

And while Calvino sunk into a sea of ​​emotions, his phone rang, showing Lenata's name.

"Yeah, honey. What's up? It's unusual to call at this hour." His tone sounded so casual. Lenata didn't even notice that Calvino Luz Kafeel was at war with emotions.

"Ugh, why is that? Don't you miss your beautiful girlfriend?"

"Yes, I miss you more than life. Tell me what happened that made you call me at this hour, hum?"

"Today, Uncle and Aunt are leaving for Dubai. I just want to tell you so you can welcome them."

Calvino smiled. He was flattered by his lover's caring attitude.

"I already know, honey."

Lenata gasped. "So you already know?"


"How did you know?"

"Honey, have you forgotten that I am Calvino Luz Kafeel? Listen, let alone about small news like that, even a little information in the ant hole, I know." Said Calvino proudly while imagining that his beloved lover was frowning in annoyance.

If Lenata was by his side, he would immediately pinch her cheek affectionately. Unfortunately, distance has separated them.

"Oh, yeah baby. When are you leaving for Dubai? You will take some time off right?" Calvino asked.

"I don't think it's going to happen, honey."

Calvino gasped. He immediately straightened his seat.

"Why?" He asked in disappointment.

"Em, sorry honey. I'm very busy here, so I can't take time off. Are you angry?"

There was silence for a moment because Calvino chose to close his lips tightly.

"Honey..." Lenata called. However, there was no answer. She instantly let out a tired sigh as she explained that her schedule was hectic, so she proposed to Calvino to go to London instead.

"Honey, you know I'm very busy. The company here can't be left behind and... Dad, Mom are also on their way."

"Hm, never mind. Work is the most important thing. Just take care of your health." After that, Lenata immediately disconnected the phone.

"Hello, honey..." Well, it's turned off. What a typical woman. All women are the same. Troublesome! Calvino was annoyed.

Yes, that's what Lenata was like. If she was annoyed, she would run away. Luckily, Calvino was still patient in dealing with it, otherwise, maybe their relationship had ended a long time ago.