Chapter 13

The one thing Calvino feared the most was that someone would listen to this inhuman heartbeat. His steps relaxed as he looked around. However, he was suddenly jolted by the sound of someone disturbing his ears.

He immediately turned his face with a deadly sharp gaze. No doubt, the waitress immediately bowed, afraid to stare at the sharpness of the brown silhouettes.

As if he understood the atmosphere he made, his gaze instantly softened. "I have no promises." He said in a voice that made it as warm as possible.

"Alright, sir. Then, please have a seat."

"Um, thanks. I still want to see which seat fits me best." He replied while lifting the corners of his lips.

"And this is not prohibited in this restaurant, right? My attitude is not against the rules, right?" He asked, leaning his face forward.

"Oh, of course not, sir. Please!" The waitress stammered at a very close distance, and brown silhouettes entangled her very firmly.

Calvin chuckled. "Can you give me some space?"

"Oh, sorry. Please, sir." At the same time, giving Calvino room to walk.

After Calvino's departure, the waitress immediately exhaled a heavy breath slowly.

"Uh, his voice, his gaze, the smell of his breath, and his scent. Hmm, really intoxicating. His aura is also very alluring, especially his brown eyes. Uh, really full of warmth."

'Oh, God, if You allow, make this foreign man my lover.'  She asked in her heart.

No one knew how long the waitress had lost in her daydream until she didn't notice a pair of eyes glaring at her with deadly glares. At the same time, footsteps approached. It was so close that it could touch her slender shoulders.

Unfortunately, there was no tenderness in touch, but it was full of emphasis. She then immediately turned her face to see who it was.

"Ms. Kiara…" She said in disbelief. At the same time, she lowered her face by playing with her fingers.

"What are you doing here, huh? Work!" Kiara snapped at one of the employees keeping an eye on Calvino.

"Sorry, Ms." She replied with a bowed face.

"Sorry, sorry, WORK!" Kiara snapped in a rising voice.

"Alright, Ms. Kiara. I'm sorry." She bowed again before walking away from Kiara as her superior.

After the employee left, Kiara's gaze was fixed in the same direction. Curiosity soared when no one was there.

"It's weird. There's no one there. Woah, was she possessed?"

It had been long enough that Kiara had sunk so deep in her own thoughts that she didn't notice someone's presence. The snap of his sturdy fingers in front of her face brought Kiara's consciousness back.

"Matthew, you shock me!" She snapped in a rising voice.

"Why are you daydreaming like that? What are you thinking about, sweet lady?"

"Sweet lady?! Am I sugar?"

"Yeah, as sweet as sugar. You can't have joked around."

Exhalation of tired breath accompanied the roar of Matthew's breath. At the same time, he followed Kiara to her room.

Kiara was angry at Matthew's attitude, which always followed her wherever she went.

She then Immediately stopped her footsteps. She looked at Matthew with a deadly sharp gaze combined with one hand leaning against the door. Suddenly, she closed the entrance for Matthew to enter her room.

"Kia, get your hands off me and let me in."

"It's still working hours. Go back to your room and finish all your work!"

"Just let me in, Kia. Just a moment." He said with a pleading look.

"No way! Go back to your room and set a good example for all employees. Don't make your subordinates work arbitrarily because their boss is just unprofessional."

"Hey, who said I'm not a professional? You just want to..." His sentence was interrupted by the door of Kiara's room which slammed very hard. And, of course, it made Matthew gasp.

He rubbed his own chest roughly. "Be patient ... Be patient... Fortunately, you are a woman, Kia. If you are a man, I must have beaten you hard." Mattew was upset.

He looked back at the door to Kiara's room, which was still tightly closed. It was long enough in that position before walking away from there.

Meanwhile, from inside the room, Kiara contacted her secretary and confirmed directly whether Matthew had left or not.

"Yes, Ms. Kiara, Mr. Matthew left a few minutes ago."

"Hmmm," Kiara replied, and she disconnected the call.

Kiara leaned her head on the back of the chair and looked up at the room ceiling. Memories after memories of his ex-fiancé's family were utterly intolerable. Her ex-fiancee continued to cast terror so that Kiara would return to his side.

Her lips looked luscious with a sad smile.

"Let alone I returned to your side, I don't even want to make friends with you." She talked to herself.

While in the restaurant, Calvino looked around for Kiara's whereabouts. One thing he hoped was that he would meet a woman named Kiara Larasati face to face. A woman who has a physical resemblance to her ex-fiancé, Samara.

Three hours had passed, and Calvino was still in the restaurant doing nothing.

Tired of doing nothing? Of course.

He then opened the laptop screen. He pampered his eyes with the various activities of his company in Dubai. Even though it was in a very far country, all activities would never go unnoticed.

Who knew how long he had been immersed in his activities until a voice interrupted his concentration for a moment. At the same time, he lifted his face and looked around.

"I didn't hear wrong, right? I just heard someone calling out Kiara's name. But, where is Kiara? There's no one here. Ah, maybe it was just my feeling." He said in a low voice and sounded like he was mumbling.

Not wanting to sink into Kiara's shadow deeper, he then spoiled his eyes on the laptop screen again. And that was when Kiara crossed.

No one knew what was interesting about Kiara until Calvino immediately raised his face.

'Whose perfume is this? It smells excellent, and this perfume is like Samara's.' Calvino whispered in his heart.

Not wanting to let his curiosity go too far and never getting an answer, he got up from his seat. He looked around every corner of the room.

Everyone might think that Calvino has gone mad. However, that was precisely what Calvino did.