Chapter 16

The woman flinched at Calvino's words. Her eyes burned.

Calvino glared at the woman. "Graduate what?"

"SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL." The woman said in a low voice.

"You can call this number. I will give you a proper job." He placed the business card on the table pushed it towards the woman.

"Can you tell me. What kind of job do you offer?"

A faint smile etched on Calvino's lips. "You will soon find out. Now, go."

The woman bowed respectfully. "Thank you for your kindness to me, sir. Excuse me."

After the woman left, Calvino alone. Her soul felt empty. 'Lord, where is my soul mate? I miss her.'

His heart whispered. "There is already Lenata by your side. You shouldn't feel alone."

Calvin sighed. "Lenata, comes as a complement to my life, not to fill the void in my soul, because she is not my soulmate."

His heart whispered again. "Then, who is your soulmate?"

Suddenly, Kiara and Samara's faces appeared. However, his mind shouted one name is Kiara. 'Lord, what happened to me? Why my life has been full of mystery since its appearance the woman named Kiara?'

Calvino opened his eyes, looking straight at the view of the city of Surabaya while sipping his drink.

Suddenly an incoming message notification is heard. Calvino immediately opened the phone screen. He narrowed his eyes. "Aiden, he send me a company report? Something bad must have happened at my company."

Calvino grabbed the laptop beside him then put it on his lap. His gaze fell on the report Aiden had sent.

His eyes widened, blood rumbled, jaw clenched, and eyes darkened. His company's chaos required him to return to Dubai immediately.

Calvino's hand swung in the air, and the waiter approached. "Can I help you, sir."

"Prepare the bill."

The waiter bowed respectfully. "I will prepare your bill soon. Please wait." Calvino can't wait. He opened his wallet, took out five hundred thousand, put it on the table.

Calvino hastened his pace to leave the restaurant. He drove a high-speed car towards Calista's apartment.

Arriving at the apartment, he went straight to the kitchen gulped down a drinking water bottle.

"Drink it slowly. You might choke." Calista advised her brother. Calvino turned his head. He observes his sister leaning against the wall. "You startled me."

"You, who didn't notice my presence."

Calvino glanced at the clock on his wrist. "It's seven o'clock now. Why did you come home early today? Because usually, you get to the apartment at nine." He asked as he walked towards the sofa. He leaned his head back, eyes closed, and arms crossed in front of his chest.

When he felt movement next to him, Calvino opened his eyes. He glanced at his sister. "Your gaze intimidates me."

Calista's eyes withhold Calvino's eyes. "What's bothering you? Is your company having problems, because of Kenan, he just came from here, looking for you."

"My company is fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Better go to your room, get some rest." Calvino kissed the top of Calista's head before walking to his room.

Calvino lay down on the bed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Just come in, Earl."

Calista was standing in the doorway. "How about tonight, I sleep with you, in this chamber?"

"It is not good to speak from a distance. Come here, sit here." Calvino patted the bed next to him, then stretched out his arms to hug his sister.

Calvino rubbed the top of Calista's head. "You're an adult, but your attitude is childish."

Calista looked up at Calvino's face. "I want to sleep on your lap."

A smile etched on Calvino's lips. He Calista's head on his lap. "Now, it's late at night, go to sleep." Gently, he stroked Calista's hair.

Being in his brother's arms made Calista feel comfortable, and she was fast asleep. Cautiously, Calvino moved her head into the pillow. "Good night, my little angel." Kissed Calista's forehead and then got up from the bed, but Calista held it by hugging him tightly.

Calvino sighed, he let go of his sister's embrace, but Calista hugged him tighter. He growled in annoyance. "Are you deliberately trying to keep me here?" He growled. Finally, he decided to lie down next to his sister.

Calista smiled slyly in Calvino's arms. 'It's not that I'm selfish and want to keep you here. But I still miss you very much, and moments like this, we rarely go through. You rarely visit me, you are busy with your company in Dubai.'


The morning rays peeked shyly through the window blinds, greeting the lovebirds hiding under the thick blankets.

Calista woke up first. Slowly he escapes from Calvino's arms. He walked to the kitchen, preparing the breakfast menu.

After a while, Calvino woke up and followed her into the kitchen. He sat on the chair, looking at his sister, busy cooking. "You'd better find a maid. So that maid will accompany you here."

Calista turned smiled at Calvino. "That's not necessary. I can do it myself."

"If you have a maid, you won't be tired from having to get up early to prepare breakfast."

"I never get up early, and cook. Usually, I have breakfast at the office. Since you're here so I decided to prepare breakfast for you."

Calvin squinted. "Is my presence in here bothering you?"

"Of course not."

Calvino lifted the corners of his lips. "Judging by your gestures. You seem to mind."

Calista turned around, and her eyes fixed on Calvino. "Nonsense. It's disgusting."

Calista's irritated face and anger shining her eyes made Calvino tease her aggressively.

Calista was fed up with her brother. "You are so disgusting."

Calvin chuckled. "Stop being angry. You look ugly when you're angry."