Chapter 17

Not wanting Calvino to keep on her flirting, Calista distracts. "Please help me pour this tea into glasses?"

"You have hands. Why don't you pour it yourself?"

Calista growled. Her eyes stared intently at Calvino. "Don't make me angry."

Calvino chuckled as he poured the tea into two glasses. "You look cute when you're angry, honey."

"Your rambling makes my blood boil."

"Then ignore me. Simple, right. Why should you bother."

Calista didn't want her blood to boil, so she ignored her brother. She looks busy serving the breakfast menu, namely spaghetti. "I guess it's not as delicious as usual. I hope you don't throw up this spaghetti," she sadly looked down at that breakfast menu.

"What kind of bullshit is that? I've never done that in front of you. Even though it tasted so weird, I still swallowed it down."

"You making fun of me? Sickening." Calista was so furious that she threw a deadly glare at her brother. Meanwhile, Calvino himself was indifferent. The man kept on teasing him. For him, seeing the anger in the gray bead was quite pleasant.

'I was kind enough to make him breakfast. He made me angry. He's so annoying.' Calista cursing in her heart.

Seeing Calista's face harden with her lips forming a straight line, Calvino was sure that his sister was angry. He felt guilty for making the woman he loved so angry. "Please forgive me." Pressing Calista's lips to the right and left to form a smile.

Calista saw the regret in her brother's eyes. She immediately pushed the sturdy hand, then put on a big smile. Calvino's eyes lit up with joy seeing a smile on her lips. "If you smile like this, you look more beautiful. Don't be angry anymore, okay?"

"Next time, don't make me mad."

Calvino pinched her sister's cheeks. Suddenly his sister groaned in pain while holding her cheek. "Don't pinch my cheeks. I don't want my cheeks to not tight because of you."

A smile etched on Calvino's lips. "Precisely because I often pinch your cheeks, it will tighten. If not, it will loosen up."

"Sickening. Better finish your food quickly because if it's cold, it will taste different." Calista's suggestion.

Calvin nodded.

When the food entered his mouth, Calvino enjoyed it very much. 'Your cooking always suits my tongue, Earl.' He praised in his heart.

Calista looked at her brother worriedly. "Do you like the taste?"

"Of course."

A smile etched on her lips. "Thank You."

Calvino wished if only he could live close to Calista. He would ask her to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Too bad they have to live in different countries.

'I wish God sent a woman who has a personality like you, Earl.' Calvino muttered as he glanced at his sister.

Suddenly Calvino choked. With full tenderness, Calista handed him a glass of water and patted his shoulder. "There's no need to rush. You have to be careful when you eat."

Thank you, dear. Those are the words that slipped from Calvino's lips through his eyes. And Calista responded with a kiss she gave the man on the cheek. "Go on with your breakfast but take it slow."

After finishing breakfast, Calista inquired about her brother's departure, and Calvino explained that he would make his departure soon.

"Is Kenan coming with you?"

"Of course."

"Then, Sean? Is he coming with you too?"

Calvino gently cupped Calista's cheeks. "Sean, here, with you." His tone was firm, and so was his gaze.

Calista scowled in annoyance. 'Why did you have to leave Sean here? Why don't you take that guy with you?'

A crooked smile was etched on Calvino's lips as he brought his face closer to Calista. "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Kenan's departure. Remember, my men, monitor your every activity."

"You are very annoying!" Calista was fed up with her brother and left him.

"Earl, you should know that what dad and I are doing is to protect you from the evil eye." However, it is useless to explain. Calista has entered the room.

Calvino sighed as he quickened his steps towards Calista's room. Suddenly, the apartment bell rang. He rolled his eyes. "Is that you, Kenan?"

Without peeking through the intercom, Calvino just opened the door. He gasped, eyes wide, mouth gaping. Standing in front of him was not Kenan but people he knew very well, namely Beni and Mira.

Calvin's eyes lit up. "Uncle Ben, how are you?" Hugged him tightly, then turned to Mira. He kissed the back of her fingers gently. "Nice to meet you, Aunt Mira."

"Since when have you been in Indonesia? Why didn't you tell us you were here? You're so outrageous, Vin."

"I didn't mean to keep my presence in this country a secret. You'd better come in." Calvino gives space for Beni and Mira to go inside.

Beni looks around. "Are your mom and dad here?"

"No. Dad - the mom, is in London. I came alone because I have urgent business to handle."

Beni's gaze squinted at Calvino. "What urgent business is that?"

'I don't want to tell you because it's a secret. And before I can unlock the secret, who is Kiara Larasati? The problems that happened in Dubai forced me to leave Indonesia. For me, this is sickening.' Calvino muttered.

"While you are here, I will take you for coffee at my favorite restaurant."

"That sounds like a lot of fun but too bad. I have to leave today as well."

"Where do you want to go?" Beni asked with a curious look.

Calvino has not had time to explain. Kenan had arrived and explained that the jet that would take him away was ready.

Beni's eyes widened. "So today is your last day in Indonesia? You're so annoying, Vin." He hitting Calvino's stomach made the man groan in pain.

Beni smirked. "That's the punishment for an annoying nephew like you."

"I'll take this punch of yours as a gift."

Beni chuckled. "Give my regards and Mira to your parent."

"Of course. I entrust this naughty girl to you. If she's naughty, lock her in the room." Glancing at his sister with a smile. For Calista, that smile was sickening.

"I'm not a kid you can keep in the room. It's disgusting." Pinching Calvino's arm so hard that the owner groaned in pain.

Calista smirked. "That's a gift from me." Then glanced at Kenan. "Bring Mr. Calvino to the airport. With him here makes me get old fast because he always makes me angry."

"You kicked me out, honey?"

Calista's face turned somber. "Of course not, but I don't want you to miss your flight."

"Come on, hug me." Spreading both arms welcomed his sister into a hug.

Calvino hugged Calista tightly and kissed the top of her head repeatedly. "Take good care of yourself and don't drag yourself into danger, understand?"

Calista nodded.