Chapter 18

The latest sports car is speeding, and the driver is Kenan, Calvino's confidant.

Calvino saw one of the cars that passed next to him. His eyes widened when he saw a woman in that car.

'I'm sure that, Miss. Kiara.' Calvino muttered.

Calvino orders Kenan to chase that car.

But Kenan has a problem. The road jammed, and Kiara's car was in the front row. Even he couldn't overtake to catch.

That's what makes Calvino angry. "Are your ears deaf, Kenan? Chase that car!" He snapped until his voice was deafening.

"Sir, this road is jammed, and that car, in the front row. I can't overtake."

Calvino ordered Kenan to immediately pulled the car aside, and now, it was his turn to drive. He was so good at driving that he overtook several cars and was right behind Kiara's, but the red light flashed, so the woman's car went ahead, and he was stuck.

Calvino was panicking. Time and time again, he banged his hands on the steering wheel. "God, why did you make my life full of mystery? The distance between Miss. Kiara, and I, are very close, but there are obstacles."

After the red light came on, Calvino immediately drove a high-speed car. Damn, the car that took Kiara away didn't leave any traces. It didn't discourage him from combing every corner of the city.

"Looks like that car left this location, sir." Kenan Said.

Calvino glanced sharply at the man. "Shut up, or I rip your mouth?"

Time and time again, Calvino banged his hand on the steering wheel. "This is all my fault for being incompetent in driving. Chasing just one car, can't. Disgusting."

For now, Calvino's emotions are on the ups and downs. That's why Kenan chose to remain silent because he didn't know whose car was the man chasing?

If only Calvino to tell Kenan that what he chased after was Kiara's car, the man would have taken him straight to the woman's residence.

Once again, Calvino banged his hand against the steering wheel. "Oh My God, why is the car, Miss. Kiara, it disappeared so fast?"

A billionaire like Calvino Luz Kafeel is willing to spend hours on the streets to find a foreign woman he had never met.

Maybe some people will think that Calvino has gone mad. Yes, that one word is very appropriate to describe his current actions. He is very curious about the similarities between Kiara and Samara, his ex-fiancé who died by suicide.

Calvino's wish is quite simple. He just wanted to prove whether Kiara was Samara or not? However, this simple thing makes his life full of mystery, like an unsolved puzzle.

Kenan can't bear to see Calvino driving the car with a worried face. Finally, he ventured to offer help. "How about I drive the car, sir?"

Calvino didn't respond with words except glancing at the man with a death glare, then pulled the car over.

Kenan rushed to take over. After making sure Calvino sat comfortably in the passenger seat. He drives this car at incredible speed towards the airport.

Calvino's face looks tense, eyes darkened, lips forming a straight line. He couldn't hide his annoyance. 'Damn, if only the red light didn't come on. Surely I can catch up with Miss. Kiara's car and I can confirm that Kiara is Samara or not?'

Calvino did not know that a document from Kenan listed Kiara Larasati's full address. Unfortunately, he did not read the record in its entirety.

Calvino was so lost in thought that he didn't realize he was too late. "Kenan, increase the speed again!"

"Yes, sir."

Calvin growled in annoyance. "Kenan, increase the speed again!"

"This speed is maxed out, sir."

Again, Calvino rubbed his face roughly because he was a few minutes late. His face looked restless.

The car that had taken them away had arrived at the airport. Kenan opened the car door for Calvino. "Please come down, sir."

Before getting out of the car, Calvino put on sunglasses. Of course, this makes his handsomeness increase many times over. Many beautiful women adore his good looks.

However, Calvino is not attracted to every woman who adores his good looks. He is more interested in mysterious women. According to him, women like that are more challenging to conquer.

Calvino's steps were toward the jetliner, and Kenan followed back.

There was no smile on Calvino's lips, and his eyes were deadly sharp shiny. In contrast to his father, who is always friendly and smiling.

That's what Calvino is. His gaze frightened everyone. He gave off an eerie aura, and his expression was horrifying, but women from the upper classes, such as artists, models, and daughters of entrepreneurs. They all do not know the word fear for a purpose. They all want to make Calvino's lover.