Chapter 20

Calvino was angry with Lenata's jealous attitude. That's what made him vent his frustration by driving a high-speed car.

Again and again, Calvino smacked his hand against the wheel. "As a lover. You should be present as a complement to my life, a silencer of my anger. However, it was you who made my anger peak."

Finally, Calvino decided to go to a club. The club owner welcomes his arrival with pleasure. "Welcome, Mr. Calvino. Do you want me to prepare the VVIP room now?"

"No." Calvino walked towards the bar table and sat on one of the chairs in front of the bar table. "Prepare the best drink for me."

The bartender immediately poured the pisco into the glass, then pushed it in front of Calvino. "Please enjoy, Mr. Calvin."

"Provide two bottles again."

Two bottles of pisco in the taste is enough to quell his anger. However, anger escalated when the sexy-bodied woman approached, offering warmth on the bed.

Calvino hates bitches who sell themselves for the sake of material things. He glanced sharply at the despicable women. "Tonight, I don't want to be rude. Please leave me alone and don't bother me."

Unfortunately, the women ignore the order. "We're here for you, Mr. Calvin, so don't throw us out. Let us be here to please you."

A fierce glare was cast on the bitches. "Don't make me mad, or you'll regret it?"

One of the most influential women in the club came over and asked the bitches to disperse. "Go, all of you."

They all left feeling irritated. "Sickening."

A beautiful woman with a sexy and seductive body stared intently at Calvino. "Hi, Mr. Calvin. I know you're not interested in those cheap women. You came here for me, right?" Stroking his strong jaw, switching to caressing his chest, and then inserting her fingers into the two open shirt buttons.

That woman's fingers play with the fine hairs, blending with the sexy skin. While Calvino was leaning his head with his eyes closed, not tempted by the woman's touch.

The woman's hand slid down, gently caressing Calvino's manhood. "You may ignore me, Mr. Calvino. But feel my touch on your manhood. Now tell me, are you still not seduced by me?" Squeezing his manhood makes the manhood stiffen.

Knowing that her touch seduced Calvino made her smile happily. "I told you that no man can ignore my touch, including you." The woman whispered in his ear while biting a little on end. While her hands were still surfing under there, melting with the increasingly tense manhood.

The woman was getting bolder to bring her face closer. When the distance between lips and lips is 1 cm, that's when Calvino's eyes open. "Take your hand away, or I'll break it this second!"

"Why should you be ashamed to admit that my touch tempted you? Look, your manhood stiffens. How about we go to our room so that I can satisfy you in bed?"

The look in Calvino's eyes turned deadly. "Get out of my way!"

"What if I don't want to?" Sitting on Calvino's lap.

Calvino was so angry that he gripped the woman's jaw tightly. "This is the reward you deserve for your not to polite to me, bitch!"

The grip did not release. It felt even more vital, making the woman swallow the sweet liquid, namely blood, due to being gripped so tightly.

Calvino grew disgusted with the woman and then pushed her so hard that her knees hit the floor. The woman groaned because of pain as her knee was injured and bleeding. Even so, the man doesn't care.

Calvino gave orders to the bodyguards who were guarding there. "Discard this disgusting woman out of my sight!"

The woman feels insulted by Calvino's treatment. "I'm not a bitch you can treat as you please. You must pay for this humiliation by-"

Calvino looked disdainfully at the woman. "With what? Say." While sipping his drink.

"You hurt my knee, so you have to pay for the wound on my knee with three hundred thousand dollars."

Calvino gripped the glass in his hand until the glass shattered into pieces. "Once a bitch, always a bitch." His gaze turned deadly towards the woman.

"I'm not a bitch. Get those dirty words out of your mouth."

A scornful smile etched on Calvino's lips. "This is what you want, right?" He wagged a wad of dollars in front of the woman. "You want these dollars? Come here."

"I don't want to accept money for free unless-" she paused, biting the corner of her lips with the seductive look she threw at Calvino.

"Come here before I change my mind."

The woman approached to take the money from Calvino's hand, but her movement stopped. The man placed a wad of dollars on the table. "These dollars in exchange for your bleeding knee." He put two more dollars on it. "And this one is for a burning night. Your job now, tell me what you're going to do to make me happy?"

The woman sat on Calvino's lap, gently stroking his stocky jaw. "Tonight will be the most beautiful night of your life and my life."

A sly smile etched on Calvino's lips. "That's true, and it will be a night you will never forget."

The woman is getting wildly moving her buttocks to seduce Calvino's manhood. "I guess I can't wait to take you to my room and satisfy you, honey."

Disgusted by the bitch in his lap, Calvino pushed the woman so violently that the woman fell to the floor.