Chapter 21

The woman looked up and then looked fixedly at Calvino. Not at all angry at being tempted by the money on the table.

"Master, why are you being so rude to me? It would help if you did not show this attitude in front of your bodyguards, but you show it when you are in bed with me. Of course, you know women like me love to play rough."

The woman got up from the floor to approach Calvino, but a bodyguard stopped her.

The woman's eyes turned red with anger. "Let go of your grip, or are you ready to take a slap from me?"

The grip didn't let go, but it felt tighter and turned her hands blue.

"Once again, I order you to let go of my hand!"

However, the grip is also not released. The woman pleaded with Calvino to give orders to his men to release his grip.

Calvino ignored her. He was engrossed in sipping a drink and looked at the phone screen.

"Master, order this subordinate of yours to release his grip."

Once again, he ignored the woman's protests. The woman did not give up, so she screamed.

Calvino glanced at her sharply. "You're so loud." He snapped with sharp eyes.

The woman put on a sad face. "Listen to me, Master. My arm might break if it's constantly gripped. That means I can't service your manhood to the fullest."

"I don't need your services, bitch."

"Master, what are you talking about it? Please don't joke. Please let me go. I can't wait to pamper your super big manhood."

Calvin smiled sarcastically. "Let you go?" he asked with his lips raised.


"If I don't want to." Again, sipping his drink.

"Listen to me. Your money is only valid for one night, and the time is ticking. No extra time for you. Take note of that."

"No problem."

"Don't you regret it?"

Calvino throws a pile of money in front of the woman. "That money is your payment for serving my 10 bodyguards."

Calvino's words stunned the woman, and her lips opened wide. From the look in her eyes spoke. What do you mean, sir? Are you kidding?

"Listen to me. I can use the money to pay 100 women at once. But I don't want to be cruel to you. I have 10 bodyguards. Serve them."

The woman immediately became hysterical. "I am an honourable woman. I'm used to serving classy men, not lowly men like your bodyguard."

"Classy men go well with classy women." Calvino turned his face towards the woman. "And a bitch like you deserves to be side by side with a bodyguard."

"You're an ignorant man, disgusting man. You're no different from your bodyguard. You're a cheap man. You're even cheaper than the guy on the side of the road."

The insults the woman threw at him made him angry. His jaw hardened, his eyes darkened, his hands clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. "Take back dirty words out of your mouth, bitch!"


Calvino gripped the woman's jaw very tightly. "A bitch like you should be thrown out on the street."

The threat from Calvino made the woman shiver in fear. "Please don't do this to me. You are a successful businessman. You can't oppress a woman."

An evil smile crept on Calvino's lips. "Your application is too late." Then gave orders to his men to throw the woman into the streets.

After that, Calvino walked out of the room. The woman screamed his name. "Master, you cannot commit this atrocity to me."

One of the bodyguards immediately snapped. "SHUT UP!" Then dragged the woman's body out of the club. Even though the woman rebelled, her strength was far less than the 10 bodyguards.

The woman was put in a car, driven away from the club, and dropped off on a dark street where no vehicles were passing.

The woman was so frightened that she screamed for help. "You can't leave me here, alone. Take me with you, please."

One of the bodyguards approached and grabbed the woman's jaw. "This is the punishment for anyone who disturbs the peace, Mr. Calvino. Now, enjoy your punishment."

"I swear. You will regret dealing with me. You should know that I am one of the most influential women in"

"It doesn't matter who you are. You were wrong for daring to play with Mr. Calvino if you don't want your life to end tragically. Don't come near, Mr. Calvino. If that happens, I can assure you. that your life is in exchange." His voice was soft but full of threats.

The threat from the bodyguard made the woman shiver in fear. She glanced around the desolate surroundings.

When she turned to look ahead, a car carrying the bodyguards sped away at high speed, leaving her alone in a deserted strange place.

"I'd better call-" The woman immediately remembered that the bodyguards had stolen her cell phone.

"Arrgghh, how do I get out of this place?" Once again, turning her face around, hoping a car would pass.

A car was driven by a black man with a grim face and unkempt hair. "Hi, Miss. It looks like you need a ride. Come in."

The woman looked at the man in disgust and then walked away, but the man followed behind. The man was repeatedly made to swallow hard saliva seeing her sexy appearance with seductive clothes.

"Listen to me, Miss. I'm the only one who crosses this road. You'd better come in, and I'll walk you down the highway."

The woman glanced sarcastically. "No need. I can do it myself."

"Until you break your leg, you won't find that big road. It's already late at night. Danger can come at any time, and I can assure you that in this area, no one will want to open the door to help a foreign woman like you. Better, come on in before I change my mind."

The woman rolled her eyes. "What this man said is true. I'd better come with him and ask him to take me to the club," she muttered.

The man smiled broadly, showing a row of white teeth, then opened the car door with a look full of interest at the sexy body that looked very seductive. "Miss, please come in."

The woman did not know that there were already 5 men waiting for her impatiently in the car. "Uhm, we will soon enjoy the pleasures of making love this night."

The woman turned her face back to meet the five men smiling wildly. "Hi, Miss. Soon we'll be having fun."

The woman's body shivered in fear. She wanted to run away but lost speed because the car was moving at high speed. A man dragged her body into the passenger seat and groped the woman.