Chapter 25

On the balcony, Calvino enjoyed the sparkling city lights of Dubai from the floor he was standing on. Beautiful? Of course! This city offers romance, but Calvino was soul feels empty. "I wish tonight, you were by my side. It must have been even more beautiful tonight." Imagining Samara's face then tightly hugging his hands in front of his chest as if he was hugging the woman tightly.

"Why did you leave me so soon. You're being unfair to me. You left me alone in this world." He closed his eyes.

However, his eyes opened again when Kiara's face flashed. "Uhm, Kia." His lips curved into a warm smile. "I've never felt this kind of excitement. We haven't met each other yet, but why is your charm able to torture me like this. It even penetrated my every bloodstream."

Calvino imagines Kiara's face that looks real in front of him. Her beautiful eyes and lips are sexy. "Uhm, how does it feel when I kiss your lips?" Closing his eyes, imagining when he was kissing her. "Uhm, your lips taste intoxicating." He said in a low voice, then touched his lips.

It's crazy. The billionaire - Calvino Luz Kafeel - dissolves into madness. Yet, even he was immersed in his sensations.


In the dining room, Bram - Dreena was waiting. The husband and wife were sitting waiting for their son. While waiting, the two of them talked about Indonesia and Calista.

"Good morning, Mom." Calvino kissed Dreena's cheek. After that, switch to Bram. "Good morning, Dad."

Such is the attitude of Calvino Luz Kafeel. He is a handsome businessman, full of wealth, and holds the status of a billionaire, but he never forgets his respect for his parents.

Dreena probed Calvino's face. "Last night, you stayed up late again?"


"Your eyes are swollen. That's enough to prove that-"

Calvino was staring at his mother. "I have to get to the office right away. Shall we start now with breakfast?"

"Health is number one. You should be able to divide your time between work and rest." Dreena advised him, then turned to look at Bram. "Look at your Son's behavior!"

"Never mind, you don't need to worry about small things like that. Our son is a tough guy. Isn't it, Vin?" Bram raised an eyebrow.

Dreena sighed tiredly. "You are the same as your son. The two of you are so compact to corner me." Turning back to look at Calvino. "Better, quickly find a wife so that someone will pay attention to you."

"That's not necessary. Dzamira, already noticed me."

Dreena rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Dzamira, head maid. Find a woman that suits you then introduce her to us."

"Yes, in the near future I will introduce her to you."

Dreena was rolling her eyeballs. "So you already have a candidate. Immediately introduce us to her. Oh yes, how about you invite her to dinner with us."

Calvino was constantly being pressured about marriage, and it was disgusting. He rubbed his face repeatedly. Bram knew that, so he immediately intervened. "We can talk about this later. How about we have breakfast first?"

"I agree with you, Dad. I am hungry." Calvin continued.

After eating breakfast, Calvino immediately said goodbye to go to the office.

"Don't come home too late because Dad has booked your Mom's favorite restaurant."

"Hh mm," then called Dzamira. "Get my bag and put it in the car."

"Yes, sir."

Dreena fixed her gaze on the son, walking away from her reach. "Look at your Son's behavior!" Turning her face to Bram. "He's turned into a workaholic."

"That's good. It means that my upbringing succeeded in making him a successful entrepreneur."

"That's true to the point where there's no time to find a wife."

"Calvino, has said that he already has a future wife and will be introduced to us tonight. We'll just have to wait."

"You just don't seem to know his attitude. I'm sure he's lying."

"Don't doubt his ability to find a wife."


Calvino arrives at the Luz Company. The bodyguards bowed respectfully to welcome him. "Good morning, sir."

Calvino ignored their greetings, and he walked towards the elevator. The bodyguards followed behind him.

Calvino's presence made the atmosphere tense. The employees are frightened by the intimidating aura that always surrounds them because of his never smiling lips and sharp eagle eyes.

But things like that do not apply to Calvino's secretary - Bechara Qallshen - who always dresses super sexy so that it shows cleavage and always teases him at every opportunity.

"Good morning, sir." She greeted by biting the corner of her lips. Her eyes longed for Calvino's good looks. "This morning, you are very handsome." Her voice sounded seductive.

Ignoring the temptation from Bechara. Calvino put on a serious face. "Is there a meeting scheduled today?"

Checking a document containing Calvino's meeting schedules. "Today, empty, sir."

Calvino entered the CEO's room.

Bechara is still looking at him with longing eyes. "Sir, why are you so handsome, sexy and seductive. Your strong muscles make me always fantasize about making love to you." Closed her eyes. "Uhm, it must feel good to make love to you." Hugging her own body tightly as if Calvino was hugging her.

Bechara's behavior aroused the two bodyguards guarding behind the CEO's door. The two men exchanged glances with interest at the sexy body in her skimpy clothes that showed her cleavage.

Feeling being stared at, Bechara glared at the two men. "Watch your eyes if you don't want me to flush with mercury."

The two men smiled mockingly.

The man with curly hair said. "Beautiful, sexy, but honey-"

The big-eyed man answered. "Wild."

Bechara approaches the two men. "Watch your words if you don't want your dirty mouth-" she glared at the man. "I'll rip it off."

"We didn't say anything." The big-eyed man defended himself.

"Lies! I heard you guys-"

"We say that you are beautiful and sexy, Miss Bechara." The man with curly hair answered.

Bechara smiles proudly. "That's right." Lifting her face arrogantly. "There is no more beautiful and sexy woman in this world than, Bechara Qallshen." She brushed her hair so that it hit the curly-haired man's face.

The scent of Bechara's hair made the man with curly hair drool and then turned his gaze to Bechara's ass, which looked full and full. "Your body very tempting, Miss Bechara."