Chapter 24

Tonight, Calvino has quality time with his family, eating dinner together.

No one made a sound when they ate dinner cooked directly by Calvino's mainstay chef, chef Parviz. Except enjoy delicious food that spoils the tongue.

Dreena's plate was empty. Calvino offers. "Would you like some more, Mom?"


"I know your Mom likes chef Parviz's cooking, but-" Bram brought his face closer to Calvino. "Women are like that. A little annoying."

Calvin chuckled. "Don't say bad things about my Mom."

"What are you guys saying? Why are you two whispering?"

Bram put on a charming smile. "Nothing unless I tell my son this. How about we have dinner out tomorrow?"

"I don't believe it." Turning to look at Calvino. "Say to me. Is that what your dad said?"

Calvin growled in annoyance. 'Shittt, Dad always taught me to lie.'

Calvino chose to remain silent, and that made Bram angry. He stepped on his son's feet. Honestly, he was the laziest to argue with Dreena. According to him, a waste of time.

Calvino immediately looked up, looking at his mother. "Mom should have 100% trust in Dad." Then he turned to look at his father. "Okay, Dad. Tomorrow we're having dinner out with Mom too, right?"

"Of course."

"Mom, agree, right?"

"It's up to you. The most important thing is not to disturb your work time."

"Of course not. All right, then I go to my room." Kissing Dreena's forehead.

"Why hurry, Vin? We'd better have a chat first." Bram put his arm around Calvino's shoulders and led him to the family room.

"Dad, is there something serious you want to discuss with me?"

"Sit down first." His chin pointed at the sofa next to him.

Calvino stared intently at his father. "Does this discussion have anything to do with our discussion this afternoon at the office?"

Dreena, who had just joined, immediately interrupted their conversation. "What are you guys talking about in the office?"

"Men's business."

"Then let's talk about women's business." Turning to look at Calvino. "You just visited Indonesia, right?"


"How are your sister? Did you meet her?"

"She good, and she sends regards to you and Dad."

"Has she decided to move to London?"

"For that, please ask her directly."

Bram immediately intervened. "We have discussed this issue before. We'd better talk about business. How is the development of companies in Indonesia?" He asks Calvino.

"The development is quite significant. The market there is pretty good."

"Then, what about the plan to open a new branch there?"

"For that, it's still 50%."

"Make sure everything goes smoothly. But, dad, you don't want a mess like what happened in the past, understand?"

Dreena interrupted Bram's conversation. "You'd better take care of Kafeel company myself. Don't burden Calvino with all the company's business. He also needs to organize his future, find a future wife, and get married. But his time is up to work and work."

"This is how I raise my son. After all, Calvin is my successor, so he has to take care of my company from now on."

"I know, but not by devoting all his time to work."

"Never mind, you won't understand men's business." Bram looked at Calvino. "The topic of our discussion just now reached where?"

Before Calvin could answer, Dreena had spoken first. "This is a mansion, a place to rest, also hang out with family. Business talk, please talk at the office." Her gaze fixed on Bram.

"Calvin and I are also relaxing, but our ways are different."


"Of course." Casting his gaze on Calvino, seeking support from his son.

Dreena leaned forward, glaring at her husband. "Then return my daughter to me."

Bram took a deep breath. "We've discussed this issue before. Don't you ever get tired of discussing the same thing?"

Calvino immediately intervened. "What do you mean, Mom? Earl, remain your Princess."

Dreena's eyes turned sad. "Give your little sister back to my arms. You certainly know how painful it is for a Mom to separate from her daughter, right?"

"Staying in Indonesia is already a decision, Earl. I even forced her to move to London, but she refused."

Dreena raised her voice. "You should have done everything possible to get her to move to London."

"I've tried various ways but always failed. Mom should know that the Earl stands firm. The more forced, the more rebellious she will become."

Bram understood that the Calvin - Dreena debate would lead to a heated discussion. He gazes at Dreena. "You and I have discussed this issue before, and we don't need to discuss it again and again."

Dreena's face becomes red because angry. "You two don't understand how I feel." She immediately leaves from there. Calvino stared intently at his mother, who left him, then turned to look at his father. "You have to understand feelings, your wife."

Bram didn't seem to care what Calvino said, so he chose to lean his face forward. "You haven't explained it to me."

Calvin rolled his eyes. "Explain about what?"

"Don't act stupid, Vin. Did something happen during your trip to Indonesia? Did something bad happen to your little sister?"

"She is fine. There's no need to worry about her."


"Then what, Dad?" Calvino exhales, tired.

"As you told Earl is fine. Kafeel company is also fine. But, then the problem you faced after visiting Indonesia-" narrowed his eyes. "Does this have anything to do with women?"

The father's interrogation made Calvino curse repeatedly. Meanwhile, Bram stared at him intently. "How is your relationship with the woman you are close to?"

"I'm not close to anyone." The answer is nonchalant.

Bram's gaze narrowed until his brow furrowed. "Not close to anyone?"


"Oh My God, this is a catastrophe. You are a famous businessman bearing the title of a billionaire. Artists, supermodels. Even the daughter of business partners is lining up to be your lover. Haven't any of them caught your attention?"

Calvino was rubbing his face roughly. "I'm not interested in women. Right now, my focus is on business."

"But your life needs a woman. What if Dad introduced you to one of Dad's business partner's daughters? She's beautiful and just graduated from Harvard University."

"We'd better end this conversation." Calvin moves from his seat.

"Is you will leave me?"

"Yes, I want to my room. Good night, Dad."