Chapter 27

Being immersed in work made Calvino forget a necessary appointment with his family. Inadvertently, the corner of his eye caught the clockwise direction on his wrist. He was shocked to the point of widening his gaze.

"Oh My God, Mom and Dad must be waiting," he said to no one because he was alone in the oversized room with the words CEO Calvino on it.

He then immediately grabbed his car key and also his work coat. His fingers seemed to tap on the elevator wall with numbers that kept crawling down.

Calvino was impatient. He thought that the numbers on this elevator were too slow. His face looked angry. He wanted to get to the floor where his favorite car was already waiting for him to come and then drove it at high speed.

The corners of his eyes glanced repeatedly at the numbers that kept crawling down as the elevator approached the floor where his favorite car was.

His sturdy lips made a faint smile.

When the elevator doors opened, his steps were increasingly hasty towards his new car.

Khair, who saw his master, immediately ran and opened the car door. "Please, sir."

"Where's the car key?" Calvino asked with a stiff face.

"Here, sir." Khair handed it to Calvino's hands.

Calvino immediately got into the car and sat on the driver's seat. However, he previously handed over a dollar bill to Khair as a taxi ride fare.

"Sir, wait!" Khair called his master by knocking on the windshield. At the same time, the car window opened.

Calvino opened his wallet again to take money, but his movements were interrupted by Khair's voice.

He then looked at his driver with a sharp gaze.

"Not enough money, huh? Take it!"

Khair immediately returned the money and the sheet that Calvino had given him earlier.

"Sorry, sir. This is too much. This is more than enough."

Calvino took another few dollars and handed it to Khair. "Give this to your family!"

Khair was shocked by the amount of money in his hand. He didn't have time to say thank you because the car had gone at high speed.

'Thank you, Mr. Calvino. You are a very nice person. May the Lord always facilitate all your matters and give you the best soulmate.' Khair muttered in his heart.


Arriving at Pierchic Prime Restaurant, Calvino parked his car randomly. The security guards ran over the billionaire who got out of the car.

They immediately stepped back by bowing. "Good evening, sir."

Calvin didn't answer. He just continued walking by throwing the key at the security guards so they could park his favorite car where it should be.

The steps were getting faster. Honestly, he was uncomfortable because he came late.

Meanwhile, his parents sat side by side waiting for his arrival.

Bram glanced sharply at the clock on his wrist. "Where is he? It's already this hour but still not showing his face yet." Bramantara was upset.

"Maybe he's still heading here," Dreena replied.

"Ah, that's impossible. Calvin must be still in the office."

"And that's the result of your upbringing. You made my son a workaholic."

"Let me call him."

"Don't!" Dreena cut her husband's words quickly.

Bram stared at his beloved wife with an unusual look. "If I don't call him, how long are we going to wait for him like this, huh?"

Inevitably, the two of them were debating with each other.

Meanwhile, Calvino didn't come closer yet. He was just standing not far from his parents with his chest crossed.

"This is a public place. Should you two debate here, hum?" Calvino whispered right in their ears.

Suddenly, a familiar voice forced the two of them to turn their faces so that they met a handsome face with a distinctive smile. The smile that made the billionaire's handsomeness increased many times.

"Why did you just come, huh?" Bram's tone rose slightly, sweeping over the ears.

"Nope, Dad. I've been here quite long tho." Calvino replied. He then sat on the sofa opposite his parents.

The answer that just slipped from their son's lips had made Bram and Dreena gasp, so that one crucial question came out of their mouths.

"What do you mean?" Both of them asked at the same time.

Calvin chuckled. "You both are very compact."

"A married couple will always stick together in everything. So Vin, hurry up and get married. A dinner like this should be the right moment for us to get acquainted with your future wife."

"We're here for a family dinner, Mom. Oh, right, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Dreena didn't answer except to give her son a faint smile. It was a thin smile that Calvino didn't even know his mother was smiling.

"No need to choose the food menu, Vin. I have ordered all the menus in this restaurant."

Calvin flinched and rolled his eyes. "Dad, there are only three of us. There's no need to order that much food."

"There's no exaggeration, Vin. Moments like this are rare and we must spend a very special time."

Calvino's sturdy lips smiled. It was a meaningful smile. Indeed, he became a fortunate child who was born amid the Kafeel family.

He was grateful to be in this family. It wasn't about the wealth and the luxury he had, but what touched his heart the most was the love that his parents gave him. For his parents, wealth wasn't everything, but their son and daughter were the most valuable in their life.

He looked at his parents with deep and long gazes.

'Mom, Dad, thank you. Thanks for giving Earl and me unlimited love.' He muttered in his mind with a warm smile that etched on his sturdy lips.

"What's wrong, Vin? Why are you looking at us like that?"

His sturdy lips returned to a smile. He reached for his mother's fingers which were starting to grow wrinkles.

"I love you, Mom." He then kissed her with a deep and long kiss. After that, he looked at his father. "I love you, Dad."

"We love you too." Both if them replied at the same time

While waiting for the food to come, the three of them got into a heated conversation.

"This is your Mom's favorite restaurant, Vin. This restaurant is always busy, but whenever your Mom comes here, this restaurant only serves one person and that person…"

"Mama." Calvino cut his father's sentence. "Then Mama is an old customer and definitely a special guest."

"Not only that, Vin." Bram leaned his face forward rhythmically in a whisper.

"Since you and your sister weren't born yet, your mother fell in love with the cuisine of this restaurant so she decided to invest here."

"I didn't hear it wrong, right?"

"Of course not, Vin. Your Mom owns an 85% stake here."
