Chapter 28

The night clad in sparkling stars made the atmosphere romantic. Moreover, the saxophone made the dinner even more romantic.

'Mom's choice is never wrong. The view in this restaurant is excellent. No wonder she fell in love with the atmosphere, which is really... uh, romantic. And if only you were here, baby, we must have spent this dinner romantically under the dim lights.' Calvino thought with his eyes closed tightly.

Suddenly, the thought of Kiara crossed. At the same time, the brown beads opened perfectly.

Frustrated, that was what he felt when the thought of Kiara hit him again. 'Oh, Kia... why do you always come to my mind? Who are you, Miss Kia?'

Calvino looked angry. However, his parents observed him, forcing both of them to look at each other.

Even so, they didn't want to ask a lot of questions. Calvino's parents never wanted to interfere in their son's personal affairs.

However, this time was excluded. Calvino's gaze seemed to lock to one side.

"Vin, what are you looking at?" Dreena asked.

Calvino didn't answer either. His face stiffened, combined with the gaze still locked in that direction, forcing Dreena and Bram to cast their gazes in the same direction.

"I think it's Lenata, honey."

"You're absolutely right, honey. It must be Lenata. What is she doing in this place? And isn't that the one next to her, Kenan?"

Confusion still shrouded their faces, so they asked their beloved son a question but Calvino hadn't answered yet. They were shocked by the presence of Lenata, who had already greeted them first.

"Good evening too, Lenata." They both answered at the same time with a warm smile.

"Shouldn't you be in London? What are you doing here?" Dreena asked while squinting her eyes.

Lenata put on a warm smile as warm as a lover's hug. After that, the corner of her eye glanced at Calvino. "My arrival at this restaurant fulfills my boyfriend's invitation, Mrs. Kafeel."

"Oh yeah." Dreena replied while looking around. "Where's your boyfriend?"

Lenata didn't answer. She chose to remain silent by closing her lips tightly. Meanwhile, the corner of her eye glanced sharply at Calvino.

Unfortunately, Calvino didn't respond. He just pampered his brown silhouettes on the phone screen.

"While waiting for your boyfriend to come, you better just sit here than there alone."

'Huh, what the hell. Why does Mom ask Lena to sit here? Calvino was upset.

Calvino's anger hasn't subsided yet, but he was even more annoyed when Bram did the same thing.

Unable to be ignored, Calvino's firm jaw hardened. His face was tightened, and his eyes turned bright. His two hands even were clenched tightly until the knuckles turned white.

If it was like this, he wanted to hit his hands against the wall repeatedly as an outpouring of his current anger.

"Vin, is it okay if Miss Lenata joins us while waiting for her boyfriend to come?"

Instantly, Calvino's firm lips covered a smile combined with a warm gaze. "Of course, Mom."

After that, he looked at Lenata with a deadly sharp gaze. "Please have a seat, Miss Lenata."

"Thank you, Mr. Calvino."

Calvino caught Lenata's eyes indicating happiness wrapped in sadness. And this was a lover's instinct so that his hand stretched out on the back of the sofa.

Unfortunately, Lenata immediately responded very possessively. With a smile full of love, she sat on the side of her beloved lover.

No doubt, Dreena and Bram's eyes were opened widely.

Not wanting to be drowned with various questions, Dreena then looked at her with a meaningful look. "You'd better change seats, Miss Lenata. How about you sit over there?"

Lenata's eyes glanced at Calvino. She scowled in annoyance. She shouldn't be treated this way. She was Calvino's girlfriend, his future wife, and will soon be a part of this family. However, tonight she was treated like a stranger.

"I don't want your boyfriend to misunderstand when he sees you sitting next to me, Miss Lenata."

'My boyfriend is you, Vin. How can you act like this in front of your parents? This is worse. What an irresponsible man!' Lenata cursed.

"What Calvin says is true, Miss Lenata," Dreena added, and of course, this made Lenata even more furious.

She wanted to immediately tell her that Calvin was her lover, but she didn't want to ruin this beautiful night into a mess because of her selfishness. However, she also couldn't stand being treated with disrespect.

Finally, Lenata decided to reveal the truth. Unfortunately, when she opened her lips to say something, the restaurant's manager came tailed by the waiters. She then had to be heartened to give up her wish.

"Good evening, Mr & Mrs. Kafeel. Sorry to interrupt your time. Let us arrange this dish to-"

"Please!" Bram quickly cut and then looked at his beloved wife. "See, your favorite food is here, honey. You surely can't wait to pamper your tongue, right?"

There was no answer from Dreena's lips other than a smile in response to her beloved husband's question.

The waiters seemed deft in arranging the dishes on the table so that it didn't take long for all the dishes to be served. Everything was very tempting as if calling for immediate touch. It was undeniable that Dreena swallowed her saliva repeatedly.

"Everything is according to your order, sir. Please enjoy," said the manager with a half bow.

However, the manager didn't leave them. He just stood not far from the position of the special guests tonight.

Meanwhile, near them, the waiters looked neatly lined up to serve whatever they needed.

At this time, the Kafeel family spent the dinner without a word that accompanied the movement of the lips except for a taste of pleasure from the best dishes that have been made by professional chefs.

'Mom's choice is never wrong. The menu at this restaurant is delicious. I will come here often and, of course, with you, my dear.' Calvino thought.

Suddenly, the thought of Kiara flashed back. He had no idea why it happened every time he imagined something romantic. The thought of Kiara haunted his mind.

'Oh, what is this?' Calvino's mind mingled with his brown silhouettes. He then closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm his heart rate whenever he thought of a woman named Kiara Larasati.

'Uh, Miss Kia. You are always in my mind, tormenting me. You permeated every bloodstream. Even though we have never met, our souls have merged, complementing each other until I no longer feel the emptiness.' Calvino thought.

This was crazy. He had gone mad. He already has a beloved lover on his side. Still, the billionaire instead imagined another woman he has never actually met.