Chapter Eleven: Troublesome Times

(A Week Later)

A week ago Naruto told his family about his time with Ino and Hinata after they treated him to lunch and sparred with him. Jiraiya was rather amused at the fact that Naruto had two girls who were interested in him and not just as everyday typical fangirls. Tsunade and Shizune weren't surprised at all. Tsunade though teased her son at how he would grow up to become a true lady's man.

Jiraiya, being who he was, told Naruto that he would give him some copies of his rare limited edition Icha Icha Paradise books showing how he could give Hinata and Ino a really good time. This of course earned Jiraiya a free flight into the Hokage Monument in courtesy of an enraged mother named Tsunade.

Sandaime was also told the story by Naruto after he returned with Konohamaru from their vacation away from Konoha and in turn Sandaime told Naruto about his fun time away with his grandson. Although Sandaime didn't voice it, he saw it was a chance for Naruto to revive and rebuilt the Namikaze clan and reestablish it as one of Konoha's strongest clans once again after he becomes of age to marry. Sandaime grinned inwardly, knowing fully well that if word was to ever get out that Naruto is not only the son of Godaime Hokage but also the biological son of Yondaime Hokage, Naruto would have to run for hours as armies of girls and possibly older kunoichis would chase after him screaming for him to marry them and allowing them to birth his children.

(Present Day; At The Hokage Mansion)

Tsunade and Naruto were looking at each other with narrow eyes, awaiting the other make the first strike. Kakashi, Shizune and Tsunade's new pet pig Ton-Ton, which she was carrying in her arms, were watching the duo, wondering how this mother and son duel would end. Neither of the two opponents was willing to back down.

"It's not too late kaa-chan," Naruto warned, "There's still time to back down."

"Like I'd ever submit to you," Tsunade retorted with unbroken determination, "I'm not afraid of you."

"It's your funeral," Naruto replied, "Your move."

"I'll match you. Full house, kid," Tsunade grinned smugly, putting down her cards on the table both her and Naruto were sitting at. Naruto made a "hmmm" sound and proceeded to look at his cards at great length, shuffling them around. Mother and son were going for broke in this game.

"Well," the impatient Hokage finally said, "What do you have?"

"I have a bunch of red guys, a ten, and an Ace," Naruto said, putting down his cards, "That's good, right?"

Tsunade stared dumbfounded at the Royal Flush of Hearts. She hadn't gotten one of those in her many years of gambling. For Naruto, this was his form of payback for all the hard hits Tsunade would inflict on him during the times he'd spar and train with her.

"WHAT?!," Tsunade shouted, finding it hard to believe that she lost to her son, again, "YOU CHEATED!"

"I didn't cheat kaa-chan," Naruto replied, "You are the Sucker after all! You simply SUCK and it's legendary at every casino you drag and take us to! The fact that we're not in the poor house or homeless for that matter because of all the loans and debts you've acquired is nothing short of a miracle!"

Kakashi was futilely stifling a laugh that was threatening to break free. It was amusing how Naruto had the guts to talk to Tsunade like that knowing fully well that he was risking her wrath. Shizune however was torn between being upset that her little brother was gambling, and being pleased that he was so good at it, which was A LOT more than what could be said of her sensei, who was presently fuming at yet another loss to her smart-mouth son.

"You little brat, how dare you," Tsunade stated in indignation, "For that, tomorrow when we spar, I'm going to kick your ass twice as hard!"

"…," Naruto grimaced at the anticipation of being bruised up and beaten on a more harsher level, "…Just give me my money, so that the next we gamble, you'll start off twice as broke!"

And so it began, mother and son verbally battling it out for supremacy. Shizune shook her head before letting out a sigh. Gambling was a habit that she was hoping Naruto wouldn't pick up on. Sad to say, some of her sensei's bad habits and temper rubbed off on him, and whenever those two gambled against each other, it always ended with them arguing. It amazed Shizune though that Naruto acquired Tsunade's super strength and not her bad streak at gambling. Kakashi was aware of how hard Tsunade could be on Naruto when it came to training and sparring with him. For what it's worth, Kakashi definitely didn't want to switch places with him.

(Two Weeks Later)

Naruto and Jiraiya were back together at the training ground. Jiraiya was most pleased with the amazing progress Naruto have been making over the years. His intelligence, fighting style, speed, strength and stamina was currently Sannin level. Naruto though was yet to reach Kage level; along with everything else he was being trained in by Minato, Jiraiya and Tsunade, but was making progress in doing so in mind and body.

And speaking of Tsunade, Naruto winced at the memory of his spar with his mother two weeks ago. True to her word, the Hokage inflicted kicks, punches and headbutts on him that were indeed twice as hard during their sparring session. He lost consciousness after the brutal sparring was over. Although Tsunade fully healed him, he'd cringe a bit from just remembering the event. He was amazed that he didn't die from the experience alone.

Now I know how ero-jisan feels whenever he's beaten up by kaa-chan, Naruto thought, Kaa-chan is such a sore loser.

"OK Naruto," Jiraiya started, "Today I'm going to teach two new jutsus. But first I'm going to talk to you about elemental jutsu."

"Elemental jutsu?"

"That's right," Jiraiya stated as he looked directly at Naruto, "There are five elements that form the basis of everything in the world; Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Lightning. The five great nations and hidden villages match to these elements. Sunagakure is in Wind nation whereas Konohagakure is in the Fire nation."

Naruto responded nodding his head.

"Everyone is aligned to a particular element and whenever they use ninjutsu's of their primary element it's easier to control and is stronger."

"Primary element," Naruto asked with curiosity.

"Take for example the Uchiha clan. In the past, their primary element was fire. When they used jutsus that were fire attacks, they were stronger and had easier time controlling those attacks than other elemental attacks they knew of."

"How do you know they were a fire elemental clan," Naruto asked.

"We test for elements to learn what element we are."

At that Jiraiya pulled out a thin card from his pocket and handed it to Naruto who grasped it as he looked at it questionably.

"What do I do with this?"

"Simply channel chakra into the card and it will show you which element you are," Jiraya instructed. Nodding Naruto channeled his chakra into the card , which ripped in two.

"Interesting; you're a Wind elemental just like your father Minato. Seems you're a real chip off the old block," Jiraiya smirked, "Leaf Nins who are primary wind elementals are very rare. And since that you're a wind elemental that makes it easier for me to teach you this seal-less jutsu."

"A seal-less jutsu," Naruto repeated in disbelief, "I never heard of such a jutsu."

Grinning, Jiraiya focused charka into his right hand and compressed it into a fist-sized ball.

"Rasengan," Jiraiya yelled out as he launched the deadly attack at a tree. Upon impact the tree burst into sawdust and millions of tiny splinter. Naruto's eyes widened upon seeing the devastating power behind such an attack.

"Wow," Naruto shouted in amazement, "That was incredible!"

"It is a powerful attack; it's one of your father's trademark attacks which he created."

Naruto's eyes widened again on hearing this revelation; he knew that his familial ancestors were experts in creating and master jutsus, but he never once thought that seal-less was possible.

"My father created that?"

"Yes," Jiraiya confirmed, "It took him three years to create and master it."

"Three years to create and master," Naruto repeated in disbelief.

"That's right and it took him four months to teach it to me. I don't know how long it'll take you to master it, but hopefully it won't take as long as it did your father and me."

Naruto nodded before Jiraiya continued, "I'll explain and demonstrate how the Rasengan is done. After that I'll teach you Shunshin No Jutsu."

"Shunshin No Jutsu?"

"Yes," Jiraiya said, "It's a D-class teleportation jutsu that uses a jutsu marker placed on either the human, object or the location the user seeks to go to. Shunshin doesn't emit any signature. The user simply vanishes, and can only travel to one target. Minato however created an ever stronger and more advanced jutsu. This being the Hiraishin No Jutsu, which is an S-class jutsu. This jutsu earned your father the name Konoha's Yellow Flash as you already know. Unlike the Shunshin, Hirashin uses the tri-tipped kunai and formula seals to allow the user to travel to where the kunai is, however it also permits the user to travel to another kunai of the same type. Hiraishin emits a yellow flash when used.

"This technique is particularly effective on large numbers of enemies. During his time as Hokage, Minato would simply distribute his special kunais to ally ninjas and tell them to throw them at different targets at the same time, then simply teleport to the locations and finish off his opponents. This attack can literally defeat a whole army almost instantly."

"Do you know how to perform the Hiraishin," Naruto asked with eagerness to learn that jutsu.

"That's a trademark jutsu your father never taught me since Hiraishin consumes a lot of chakra. Shunshin on the other hand consumes less chakra than the Hirashin No Jutsu."

Naruto nodded with a smirk; he could only imagine the kind of monkey business he could cause after learning the Hiraishin. Naruto was about to say something but suddenly passed out and fell to the ground. Caught off guard by this, Jiraiya ran over to Naruto and checked to see if the boy was alright. He examined him and saw that nothing was thrown or shot at the boy, but that Naruto mysteriously slipped into a state of unconsciousness.

(In Naruto's Subconscious)

Naruto was standing before Minato who was locked behind steel gates like Kyuubi a piece of paper that had word "Seal" inscribed on it in kanji place on the gates. The environment was a surprisingly a clean hallway with many pipes that connected gates that locked Minato away. Surprisingly it didn't look like a sewer like it does with regards to where Kyuubi is sealed.

"How did I loss consciousness?"

"Overexcitement about learning my trademark jutsus," Minato answered.

"Didn't know I was that excited," Naruto replied sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

"Don't get any ideas Naruto," Minato spoke sternly, "The Hiraishin is a very power jutsu and is NOT to be used as one of your play things for any of your mischief!"

"You're no fun," Naruto snorted.

"For that," Minato decreed, "I'll teach you the Hiraishin at my discretion since I'm the only one who knows the secret of how to create those tri-tipped kunais and formula seals needed for that jutsu."

"Be that as it may father," Naruto shot back, "I'll learn it from you eventually since I'll be absorbing your knowledge away. I'll be a force to be reckoned with throughout the Elemental Shinobi nations and all other nations everywhere! I'll become the Rokudaime Hokage known as Konoha's Yellow Flash Prankster!"

Naruto started visualizing himself as a Hokage pulling huge pranks on everyone at lightning speed much to Minato's displeasure as he banged his head against the bars of his prison a few times in frustration and aggravation.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee," entered a new and monstrous voice, "That kit will make a mockery out of you yet Minato-baka."

"I don't recall inviting you into this conversation," Naruto interjected. Naruto would occasionally hear Kyuubi speak to both him and Minato, mostly to insult, ridicule and get on their nerves.

"Like I give a damn," Kyuubi retorted, "I have no one else to harass but you two idiots! You can thank your idiot father for that!"

"And while we're on the topic Kyuubi," Naruto said, "Since you're living in my body, you owe me rent!"


"I've been giving it a lot of thought for the pass few weeks," Naruto continued, "My father spoke with me about the limited amount of chakra I possess, even with his own chakra feeding my reserves. And from what I've learned, you're the only tailed mystical beast that's said to have unlimited chakra. So as rent payment, I'll take your chakra!"

"You insolent little mortal! How dare you!"

"You're bound to me through the Servitude Seal, Kyuubi like it or not! Either you learn to co-exist with my father and me or die alongside us should anything to me!"

"You have a lot of nerves threatening me like this kit! You surprise me!"


Jiraiya just stood just as he looked at Naruto funny. Naruto's facial expression was changing from happy to annoyance to frustration to anger to triumphant and so on. The Sannin figured that Naruto must be talking or arguing with his 'tenants' and from the looks of it, Naruto got the upper hand in the end.

(Six Days Later)

Naruto was by himself at the training ground he and Jiraiya would normally train at. He was practicing jutsus Jiraiya was teaching him; these jutsus being Rasengan and Shunshin No Jutsu. Yondaime however held back from teaching Naruto the Hiraishin No Jutsu until a later time; he didn't feel Naruto was ready for that S-rank jutsu just yet. Thus far Naruto had problems making the Rasengan and failed multiple times in creating a perfect one. He suffered severe chakra burns as a result of his repeated failures and had to resort to healing his hands before calling it quits until later. His use of the Shunshin No Jutsu had improved better than him creating the Rasengan. However Naruto was seeking to perfect his Rasengan and the fact that he didn't get it quite right yet angered him.

In his frustration, Naruto thrust and punched his right fist into a nearby tree, effectively uprooting and collapsing the tree with some wood chunks spreading over the ground.

Take a break Naruto,' Minato advised, 'You'll burn yourself out from chakra exhaustion. Besides, you still don't know how to control Kyuubi's chakra perfectly either, and if you're not careful Kyuubi's chakra will send your chakra control straight to hell.'

I don't see you doing any better in helping me in that department, Naruto retorted.

What was that!?,' Minato replied indignantly, 'If I weren't stuck here inside you, I'd have smacked you across your head for that remark.'

Having your voice in my head is punishment enough as it is, Naruto countered.

Shut up! The both of you," Kyuubi spoke up.

My mistake, Naruto thought, Kyuubi's voice in my head is far worst.

"Impertinent human," Kyuubi roared, "I am the great Kyuubi no Yoko, the strongest and most fearsome of the tailed beasts!"

I'll do well to remember that…fearsome servant, Naruto remarked in mocking sarcasm before hearing Kyuubi roared angrily while thrashing himself against his cage.

"Damn you Naruto and your bastard father for sealing both us into you," cursed Kyuubi, "If I had my way, I'd devour both you and your father and feast upon your marrow!"

Idle talk! Don't waste my time, Naruto stated before cutting off his mental connection with Kyuubi and Minato. Naruto went over to a shaded tree where his backpack was at and sat down underneath it, appreciating the shade it provided. While doing this, he opened his backpack and took out some food Shizune made for him, which was some rice balls and fried fish. After eating his food, he started playing the one of his kunais he bought from Tenten's (age 12) folks' weapon shop.

From what Naruto knew of her, Tenten has a major crush on Neji, the arrogant Hyuuga who Naruto believes was born with a sharp ice stake shoved up his ass. Frankly, Naruto isn't all that fond of Neji and several times he was tempted to put Neji in the emergency ward in the hospital after seeing how he treats and talks to Hinata. One day he nearly did so after seeing how Neji was verbally demeaning Hinata. Had it not been for Hiashi's intervention in stopping the fight between Naruto and Neji before it happened, Naruto would have more than likely succeeded in hurting, if not crippling, Neji with brutal efficiency. The Hyuuga clan leader assured Naruto that he'd deal with Neji accordingly.

Naruto also was aware that Tenten practically idolized his mother Tsunade as one of the greatest kunoichis alive and hopes to one day be like Tsunade. Tenten had occasionally pestered Naruto about putting some good words in for her to Tsunade in hopes of getting into Godaime's good graces so that she might one day decide to teach her something. To Naruto, Tenten's repeated talks about how she'll one day be a great kunoichi like her idol Tsunade was, as Shikamaru would put it, troublesome.

(Meanwhile Back At Konoha)

Ino was in her bedroom looking at herself in the mirror. Ever since Naruto complimented both her and Hinata about how they both have nice figures, Ino has been obsessed with how to keep her body shape up and still be a skilled kunoichi in Naruto's favor. Ino still remembered how Sakura came running to her house a week ago, begging for all of the info about her day spent with him and Hinata after finding out from Naruto that he hanged with them. Since it was her best friend, Ino had no trouble in relating everything that happened and how both her and Hinata attempted to get Naruto to remove his mask and failed.

Sakura though squealed when Ino told her how Naruto carried her back home bridal style in his arms after she passed out from that mask stunt he pulled on both her and Hinata. She also added that her father teased her about it and only wished he had his camera at the time when Naruto brought her home. The sight of them together like that was so cute, her father told her. To no surprise, Sakura found the whole idea downright romantic.

While this was on her mind, Ino thoughts then shifted towards Hinata. It was no secret to anyone that the Hyuuga heiress has the hugest crush on Naruto. She practically liked him since day one during their early days at the academy. She wondered if Naruto was aware of this and like her just as much. She shook the thought out of her head, not wanting to think that a girl like Hinata would pose as a challenger for Naruto's affections. Ino wasn't worried about Sakura, who was too into Sasuke. For what it was worth and what she saw for herself over the years and especially during her sparring match with Naruto, Ino felt that Sasuke didn't measure anywhere near Naruto's potentials and capabilities.

With that thought in mind, Ino wondered if she measures up to Naruto's expectations as girlfriend material. She knew that Hinata would work towards that goal, especially after seeing the gradual changes in Hinata's character over the years as a result of her association with Naruto. With that realization in mind, Ino told herself that she'd have to improve herself in everything if she was to win Naruto over.


Hinata was walking about through the village in hopes to find Naruto. She wanted to tell him about how her training session with Hanabi went and how both Hanabi and herself have improved over the passed few weeks. Kurenai (age 25) who's been like a mother figure to the Hyuuga heiress was happy to see how Hinata have changed from the closed-in, shy girl she used to be. She was even more surprised to see how Hiashi has changed a bit from how he used to treat Hinata. The rookie Jounin wasn't sure how the changes were happening but needless to say she was happy they were.

While Hinata went on her way, two mysterious figures in black robes with red clouds drawn on the robes and ceremonial bamboo hats on their heads walked pass her. She felt a cold vibe travel down her back, much to her fright. After a few moments, she turned and saw the two figures were gone, almost as though they were never there.

The Hyuuga heiress continued on her way to find her crush, however the feeling that she felt from those two left her highly troubled.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

Ino stepped out of her parents' house and started on her way towards Sakura's house. While on her way, her eyes came upon two unknown figures whom she never seen before. Something about them told her that they were bad news. As she followed them briefly, they vanished and went elsewhere. Ino stood there dumbfounded without a clue as they whom those two were. But if anything, she had a bad feeling about them.

Pushing that though to the side, Ino saw that following those two mystery men threw her off track from Sakura's house. Seeing this, she turned and started back. While on her way, she soon came across Hinata. Going over to her, Ino decided to greet her friend/rival.

"Hinata," Ino greeted. Hinata looked to her side and saw the Yamanaka girl coming her way.

"Hi, Ino," Hinata greeted back.

"Where are you off to," Ino inquired.

"I was on my way…to find Naruto-kun. I've been looking for him all day."

All thoughts on heading to Sakura's house vanished on hearing this revelation.

"Really," Ino asked, "I can't say I've seen him myself either, beside seeing two weird-looking guys in black robes of some type."

Hinata's head shot on hearing this, "Did…They happen to have red cloud designs on their robes with ceremonial hats on their heads, with one of them have a really large sword covered in bandages?"

"They did," Ino answered in surprise, "How did you know?"

"I saw them earlier also. I thought I was imaging things at first. But it seems…that I wasn't seeing how you yourself also saw them."

"Any idea as to whom they are?"

Hinata shook her head. After a moment of silence, Hinata said, "Well, I'm going to see if I can find Naruto-kun."

"Hold up," Ino interjected, "I'll come with you. I'm sure we can find him faster if we work together."

Seeing no harm in that, Hinata went along with Ino in search of Naruto.


Deciding to call it quits for now, Naruto started on his journey back to the village in hopes of gretting some pork ramen from Ichiraku's. After twenty minutes while on his way, he soon picked up on two chakra signatures approaching him. Stopping, he turned and saw two figures standing behind him; one with a human face and the taller one with shark-like features carrying a large bandaged sword on his back.

"Senju Uzumaki Naruto, I presume," said the short figure. Cautiously, Naruto asked, "Who are you?"

"We'd like for you to come with us," said the shorter figure, "Our organization is keenly interested in you."

"Thanks but no thanks; and besides my mother told me to never talk to strangers," Naruto replied in sarcasm.

"You got good jokes kid," said the shark man, "But it would save us the trouble if you'd simply accompany us back."

"And why should I," Naruto asked.

"We already made our presence known to two young girls who seem to hold you in high regards," stated the shorter figure. This set Naruto on full alert, although he maintained a calm outward demeanor.

"What did you do to them?"

"They're in good health for now," replied the shorter figure. Just then the taller figure stepped to the side towards a large tree. He came back, carrying two people whom Naruto knew all too well.

"HINA-CHAN! INO-CHAN!," Naruto cried out after seeing that both girls were tied up and gagged so they wouldn't scream. Their hands were also tied behind them and their legs were also tied together. The taller figure dropped both captive girls down to their knees. Naruto's eyes narrowed dangerously at the two men. If anything, he didn't take kindly to people threatening his family or friends.

"What's your name," Naruto asked the leading figure. Removing his hat, the figure allowed Naruto to see his fully developed Sharingan.

"Uchiha Itachi (age 16)."

Naruto's eyes widened upon seeing the S-class criminal in front of him. He heard and learned many things about Itachi from Jiraiya and Kakashi, and he was aware of the fact that he was the one who slaughter the entire Uchiha clan by himself at the age of 13. Itachi became one of the most hated figures in Konoha.

"Sasuke's detestable older brother," Naruto said with distastefully, "The Uchiha prodigy."

"…," Itachi remained silent. The second figure moved his hat and also introduced himself, "I'm Hoshigaki Kisame."

Another S-class criminal wanted for murdering a daimyo and many crimes in other villages and nations. Seeing that their forehead protectors had a gash across them meant they were also missing-nins. Naruto though knew that those two men in front of him weren't small time chumps and he wasn't about to underestimate them. At the same time though, he didn't want to jeopardize Ino and Hinata's safety. It went without say that both Hinata and Ino were afraid now.

"We simply want you to come back with us without incident," Itachi said with a calm demeanor. Naruto knew this was a bad situation. He had to think of something and fast…

It looks like Naruto is in a real mess! Hinata and Ino found Naruto but what holds true is that trouble has also found them. What will become of Ino and Hinata? Will they live through this? Will Naruto be forced to accompany Itachi and Kisame? Find out next time.m