Chapter Twelve: Enter the Akatsuki

(In The Forest)

Naruto stood in front of the two S-class missing nins, who were holding Ino and Hinata captive, both girls tied up and gagged.

"If I may ask," Naruto started, "Does your particular organization have a name of some sort?"

"I'm intrigued that you're calm enough to ask," Itachi stated emotionlessly, "In most situations, people would fool heartedly rush at the enemy with blind expectations of coming out as the victor."

"Well I'm trying not to be anyone's fool," Naruto retorted, "But you haven't answered my question."

"If you must know," Itachi said, "Our organization is known as Akatsuki."

"Akatsuki," Naruto repeated.

"That's right," Itachi confirmed, "We're a secretive organization seeking to gather as much useful resources as we can."

"And what does that have to do with me," Naruto inquired.

"Our organization has been looking for a particular creature for some time and it's believed that you may have some useful information for us."

"Such high expectations your organization has for an eleven year old like me," Naruto shot back.

"We learn to appreciate great things that come in small packages," Kisame spoke for the first time after a period of silence, "And we know that there's more to you than you let on."

"I'm afraid that I don't follow," Naruto said.

"Akatsuki kept tabs on Konoha for some time now," Kisame explained, "Especially after the Kyuubi incident. No one knows what became of the great fox after its battle with your village's Konoha nins and its defeat to Yondaime."

"What more can be said then," Naruto said, seeing where they getting at, "Kyuubi was defeat and Yondaime paid a high price for it! End of story!"

"That's what's been believed until three years ago," Itachi said, "We're received reports from our scouts that Kyuubi's presence was felt by this village again three years ago and from what was reported, you Naruto were in the very vicinity where it was believed Kyuubi was possibly said to have been at."

"…," Naruto remained silent.

Itachi looked at the younger back and continued, "It was said by your Sandaime that a powerful genjutsu was used against the people of Konoha. However, I find that story far from the truth."

"Why is that," Naruto asked.

"No particular village or nation that I know of has been planning to war with Konoha at that particular time. Plus, I've done some research on summoning contracts with particular beasts and as far as I know, I have yet to find one that involves summoning foxes."

'I don't like where this is heading,' Minato spoke up after listening to the conversation.

I agree, Naruto thought back. In spite of being tied up and unable to talk, Hinata and Ino listened to everything that was being said between Naruto and the two missing-nins. What they were hearing from Itachi was shocking.

Now that Itachi mentions it, Ino thought considerably, Sandaime never really gave a name of the supposed enemy village or nation that he said used that powerful genjutsu on us to make us believe that Kyuubi came back. If no village or nation was actually planning on attacking us at that time, then why did Sandaime lie and said that to us…

All the while, Hinata was considering the same thing, It strange how I find truth in what Itachi is telling Naruto-kun. But why would our former leader trick us into believing that a genjutsu was used against us by enemy forces? Was he trying to cover up for something he didn't want us to know…

These thoughts in mind caused Hinata and Ino to start questioning their trust in Sandaime and in some ways, also in Godaime.

"Where are you getting at," Naruto asked.

"When we were sent here to find you," Kisame stated, "It was because you were in the area where it was believed that Kyuubi was at. We kept an eye on you for several days but we didn't see anything of interest until nine days ago when we saw you summon a small orange and white two-tailed fox, though the fox you summoned appeared more playful and non-hostile, and interestingly, we saw that it was able to use its two tails to fly. From this alone, we're sure that you have a summoning contract with foxes; however we're keenly interested in how you managed to attain it."

"We have reasons to suspect that it was from Kyuubi No Kitsune since no other beast possesses such a contract," Itachi spoke. Ino and Hinata, in spite of the situation, were shocked to hear that Naruto possesses a summoning contract. As far as they know, no Genin or student at the academy has a summoning contract of any sort. They could only wonder how Naruto managed to attain one.

Shit, Naruto cursed in his mind as he remained calm though he wasn't at all happy about the situation he found himself in.

"Let Ino-chan and Hina-chan go," Naruto ordered, "They have nothing to do with whatever issues your organization have with me!"

"I'm afraid we can't do that," Itachi said coldly, "Evidently these girls have sadly heard too much and therefore they'll be taken with us as well."

It didn't take a "professor" to see where Itachi was going with this. Hinata and Ino were in fear for their lives more so now than before.

"Damn you both," Naruto replied.

"…," Itachi.

"So kid," Kisame said, "Make our job easier and be a good boy in complying to come with us."

Naruto stayed quiet momentarily. Removing his backpack, he set it down to the ground and opened it before reaching inside it.

"Fine, I'll come…"

Kisame smirked at the boy.

"To identify your bodies at the morgue," Naruto yelled as he pulled two kunais from his backpack and thrust them at the two missing-nins in front of him. The two criminals dashed out of the way of the kunais in time as the kunais traveled into a tree and created a massive explosion, causing a dust and smoke screen to result momentarily blinding everyone. Naruto hurriedly ran and freed the two girls, cutting the ropes off of them.

"Quickly," Naruto told Hinata and Ino after freeing them, "Hurry back to Konoha and tell my mother what's happening!"

"W-What about you," Hinata asked worriedly.

"I'll do whatever I can to handle Itachi and Kisame," Naruto replied.

"That's downright suicide," Ino exclaimed, "You can't possibly expect to-"

"Do as I say," Naruto interjected with a whole new character neither Hinata nor Ino have ever seen before, "Go back to Konoha and inform my mother or jiisan Sandaime about what's happening here! Now go!"

The look in Naruto's eyes was a look they never seen before. The eyes he had at that moment were the eyes of a man who's fought many battles and seen many deaths. Even his voice sounded a bit different than his normal voice; it sounded like a man with authority, seemingly like a Hokage even, they thought. Having no other choice, Ino and Hinata nodded their heads and speedily ran back to the village. After they were out of sight, Naruto turned his attention back to Itachi and Kisame.

"You little brat," Kisame said sourly, "I'll make you suffer for that!"

"…," Itachi simply dusted himself off remaining calm and indifferent in spite of his annoyance.

"Sorry," Naruto replied, "But I had to get the girls to leave here. With them out of the way, I don't have to worry about holding back."

"You sound rather confident in your abilities, gaki," Kisame retorted toothily and his draw his large sword out, "Perhaps it'll be best if I cut off your legs and drag you back with us!"

"Kisame," Itachi stated, "We're under orders that Naruto is to be brought back with us in one piece."

"True," Kisame sound, "But that doesn't mean that I can't have a little fun roughing him up a bit. Besides, our leader never said we had to bring that brat back with us conscious."

"Why is your organization so interested in Kyuubi," Naruto asked, "As for as it goes Kyuubi is dead."

"You do possess the fox summoning contract so it's only logical to believe that you're somehow connected with the nine-tailed fox," Kisame retorted, "You providing information about your connections with Kyuubi and his possible whereabouts will be of great use to us."

"Even if I did have information there's no way I'd hand them over to either of you or your other Akatsuki friends," Naruto stated before standing his ground as he going into a fighting stance with his other kunai in his hand.

"This is highly unnecessary," Itachi said, "We didn't come here for a fight with you Naruto, just to bring you back with us."

"For an Uchiha prodigy you're surprisingly insane or incredibly stupid to believe that I'd go along with you without incident as you so nicely put it," Naruto retorted defiantly.

"You're small fries brat," Kisame said as he swung his large sword, "I'll enjoy putting you in your place."

Both opponents stared at each other waiting for the other to throw the first strike.

"You must be a fool to believe that you'll escape us," Kisame stated. Naruto gave no reply as he dashed forward at the sharkman. Welcoming the challenge, Kisame charged forward ready to cripple Naruto. Upon reaching each other, Kisame brought his sword down upon the eleven-year-old expecting a quick victory. He was surprised though that his sword was stopped from touching Naruto himself as Naruto blocked and started pushing against the bandaged sword with his kunai.

"What," Kisame exclaimed as he struggled to push the blade against Naruto. It was a tug of war between the two fighters as they struggled for supremacy.

There's no way this kid could be this strong, Kisame mentally debated with himself before jumping back away from the boy, who in turn jumped back away from him as well. Reaching in to his pocket, Naruto threw a shuriken before doing a series of hand seals and saying, "Shuriken Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"

The single shuriken multiplied to a hundred shurikens heading straight to Itachi and Kisame. The two S-class missing-nins easily evaded the attack as they speedily dashed from being hit. The shurikens struck multiple trees, none of them hitting the two intended targets.

The kid knows how to create shuriken kage bushins, Itachi thought in surprise although he didn't facially show it. Kisame landed down by one of the trees to seeing Naruto coming at him. Reaching the Akatsuki nin, Naruto attempted to land a punch on him. However the punch was thoroughly blocked, and Kisame smacked Naruto hard away from. Naruto skidded a few times across the ground before coming to a full stop. The boy barely had time to retaliate when Kisame came and delivered a swift kick to his side, sending him flying into a nearby tree.

"Hn," Kisame snorted, "You're all talk but no show!"

Kisame was surprised however when in place of Naruto was a wooden log.

Kawarimi? How the…, Kisame's train of thoughts was severely derailed by a fist slamming into his chin, knocking him upwards into the air. He next felt a hard kick to the side of his head, sending him crashing down to the ground with a thud. Itachi stood his ground as the observer, not bothering to get involved in the fight taking place between Naruto and Kisame.

Kisame got up from the ground and shouted, "Now where are you, baka-gaki? Trying to hide?"

Kisame then felt a strong fist crash into his jaw, sending him flying again. However, Kisame this time, managed to maneuver himself to somersault backwards and touchdown on the ground on his feet. He tasted the bit of blood that was in his mouth as he rubbed his jaw. He turned to see Naruto standing there.

"What are you," Kisame said, but then something connected with his guts, sending Kisame flying again. What Kisame hadn't noticed was the jutsu marker Naruto had placed on him when Kisame had hit him earlier when Naruto's punch was blocked. Also, with Minato giving and helping his son form the chakra, Naruto could do the Shunshin No Jutsu effectively, complemented with the Godaime-like strength to add to the injuries.

(All The While)

Hinata and Ino had reached Konoha and without a second to lose. They ran as fast as they could to reach the Hokage tower in spite of the fact that they were out of breath. They stopped and took a moment to catch their breaths, feelings their lungs ready to explode. Moments later, Kakashi appeared next to the two girls, after putting his favorite hentai novel away.

"Hinata, Ino," Kakashi greeted, "Where's the fire?"

Looking up at the ANBU captain, Hinata spoke, "Na…Naruto-kun…He's…"

"In trouble for pulling another prank again," Kakashi guessed lazily.

"I wish," Ino interjected, "He's out on the training ground fighting Itachi and-"

Ino didn't get the opportunity to finish her statement when a now serious and fully alert Kakashi cut her off, "Report this to Tsunade-sama immediately while I go and help Naruto!"

Without wasting another moment, Kakashi sprinted off toward where Naruto and the Akatsuki nins were. The girls soon pulled themselves together and hurriedly made their way to the Hokage tower, although Itachi's words from earlier were still on their minds. As Kakashi was making his way to Naruto as fast as he could, he was hoping that Naruto would be able to hold his ground long enough until he arrives.

(Back In The Forest)

"I lost much respect for you Kisame," Itachi said coldly looking at both Kisama and Naruto, both of whom were out of breath. Kisame had endured a series of cuts, brute injuries, a few slashes and a busted lip, and his black robe was torn in some places and stained in his own blood much to his surprise. Although Kisame had incredible physical strength and speed however, he couldn't believe how Naruto managed to hurt him.

Naruto was in better shape so to speak. However, due to the fact that Kisame eventually found and destroyed the jutsu marker that Naruto cleverly placed on his arm, Naruto sustained several bruises and cuts, and a gash on his left shoulder as a result of Kisame's large shark sword the Samehada catching and shaving him the moment he was caught off guard. Presently, the left side of his shoulder was covered in some blood but surprisingly Naruto look ready to fight.

"Is that all you got," Naruto mocked, "My nee-chan fights better than you! And she's a Jounin!"

"Shut up," Kisame spat, "I'll admit that you're more of the problem than I gave you credit for earlier! (Grinned toothily) But for what it's worth, I'm amazed that you've given me a good fight! I haven't had a battle like this for some time now!"

"I only aim to please," Naruto replied as he held onto his kunai which was stained in some of Kisame's blood. Itachi looked on at Naruto quietly as he studied him.

This boy remains me of myself in some ways, Itachi thought, I myself was an advanced prodigy during my days as a Konoha nin. But this Naruto is in a class of his own if he could do what he did to Kisame at his age already. Even I wasn't this advance as his age I'll admit. He's done a lot more in this fight now than what I've seen during my days watching him. I know that he's the son of Godaime, and without a doubt she must have taught him a thing or two. But Naruto's style of fighting appears more sophisticated than I expected. And the look in Naruto's eyes isn't the eyes of a rookie ninja, but one who possesses a great deal of experience…

"Well gaki," Kisame said as he readied his Samehada that now had some of the bandages torn off after using it against Naruto, "Ready for Round 2?"

"This is getting tiring Kisame," Itachi interjected, "You're losing focus of the mission. We came here to bring back Naruto."

"C'mon, this is getting fun," Kisame retorted, "And besides I've been holding back on this gaki."

"Be that as it may but you're underestimating this kid," Itachi warned, "I detect that there's more to him than we originally thought. And by now I'm sure that re-enforcements have been dispatched to come here. Isn't that right, Kakashi?"

Seconds later, Kakashi appeared from behind on the one of the trees a few feet behind Naruto. Although knowing Kakashi made the scene however, Naruto didn't dare take his eyes off of Kisame.

"Took long enough," Naruto said without turning to Kakashi.

"Sorry for the delay," Kakashi replied, "But I see that you managed to handle yourself quite well to my amazement."

"I had very good teachers," Naruto answered and smirked. Turning to Itachi, Kakashi said, "Uchiha Itachi, it's surprising that you of all people would show your face here after what you did those years ago. And Kisame Hoshigaki, an S-class missing nin of Kirigakure, formerly one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and also known as the Mysterious Person (Monster) of the Hidden Mist. You're wanted for your crimes in Kirigakure and other nations. Both you and Itachi are wanted criminals in the Bingo books."

"I'm flattered that my reputation precedes me," Kisame said to Kakashi with a grin.

"Stand down Kisame," Itachi stated flatly. Kisame looked at his partner before he reluctantly complied and lowered his sword. The sharkman then jumped back over to Itachi and stood next to him at his left. Turning to Itachi, Kakashi spoke cautiously, "I'm sure that you're not here to relive old times Itachi. So what are you here for? Is it Sasuke?"

"Sasuke does not interest me," Itachi replied back with a colder demeanor as he took a few steps forward and stopped,"He's too weak to interest me."

"…," Kakashi eyed Itachi carefully.

"I'm here to take Godaime's genius with us," came Itachi's reply.

"So you're after Naruto," Kakashi acknowledged, "What for?"

"…," Itachi said nothing as his Sharingan eyes changed.

What the hell, Naruto thought curiously.

"Naruto," Kakashi yelled.

'Don't look into his eyes!,' Minato warned.

But the warnings came too late as Naruto looked straight into the Mangekyou Sharingan...

Naruto felt himself falling and looked around when he stopped. He was back at the Hokage tower; in front of him was Tsunade who was sitting behind the desk of the Hokage office with Shizune standing next to her. Ino and Hinata were standing next to them motionlessly.

Naruto tried to call them, but none of them moved to acknowledge his presence. Naruto was about to go over to them when found himself being chained securely to a cross. The young boy tried to free himself however he was unable to break free regardless of how hard he tried.

"Tsukuyomi. For the next 48 hours, you'll witness as I slaughter these women in front of you, over and over and over again," Itachi's voice came as he appeared behind the four females with a katana in his hands, "As I'm doing that, you'll suffer a series of brutality."

Three more Itachis appeared and stood in front of the chained Naruto before pulling out brass knuckle gloves and placing them on. Then the killing and beating started, and along with it, Naurto's screams…

Things are heating up and it looks like Naruto is in a real predicament! Will he come of this in one piece or will the worst happen? Will the truth about Kyuubi and his imprisonment into Naruto's body be exposed? Find out next time.