"Copy Ninja Kakashi," Kisame said, "I've heard many things about your exploits. But that won't stop me from go all out on you."
That was when the missing-nin felt a cold steel held to the back of his neck. Kisame turned around and saw Kakashi with a kunai to his throat.
"What the hell," Kisame said upon realizing that the real Kakashi was using kage bunshin to protect Naruto the entire time.
Kakashi was always known for being very resourceful…, Itachi thought, Maybe even too resourceful.
'Kage Bushin,' Yondaime told Naruto, 'A most resourceful B-ranked ninjutsu. However such a jutsu is regarded as a Jounin level kinjutsu because of the amount of chakra it consumes from the user.'
If I were to learn and master that jutsu, Naruto retorted, I'm sure that I could put it into some good use.
'I've been contemplating on that actually,' Yondaime agreed, 'But I'll tell you about it later.'
Kisame swiftly turned and tried to shave Kakashi but he dodged it. Kisame quickly lifted his sword and tried to hit him again but Kakashi quickly pulled out his spare kunai and held a kunai in each hand to block Kisame's Samehada. Kakashi was being overpowered by the sword.
"I can't believe I'm being overpowered by just the tip of a sword…This guy is strong."
The sword was now near Kakashi's shoulder.
"My big blade, Samehada…," said Kisame as he neared Kakashi's shoulder, "Does not slice. It shaves! You're friend Naruto knows this from experience already!"
Kakashi dropped to the ground, narrowly escaping from being shaved by the Samehada. He rolled and got up quickly before Kisame could advance on him. After performing some hand seals, Kisame shouted, "Suiton: Bakusui Shōha!" (Water Release: Exploding Water Shockwave).
A massive amount of water burst forth from Kisame's mouth. Kakashi dashed out of the way from the hydrokinetic assault. Itachi and Naruto, with the Kakashi clone aiding him, jumped from off the ground as the flood waters continued from Kisame's mouth. This jutsu covered a significant portion of the forest area Naruto, Itachi, Kisame and Kakashi were at with water. However this did close to nothing to hinder them since they all already knew how to stand, walk and fight on top of water. In Naruto's class though, none of his friends his age nor his teachers at the academy are aware of this.
This jutsu is similar to what Kaa-chan told me about my great granduncle Nidaime, Naruto thought, From what Kaa-chan told me, Nidaime was very proud of his superior combat ability, and was especially skillful at water jutsus to the point that he didn't require a source of water to perform the jutsus.
'This is true Naruto,' Yondaime said, 'Even though Kisame managed to perform the jutsu you've just witnessed however, many to this day believe that Nidaime's amazing water jutsus remains unrivaled.'
Naruto simply nodded his head as he and Itachi watched the fight from separate directions at a distance from each other. While this was going on, Itachi used the "provided" water to wash off the blood that ran down his face that resulted from his surprise defeat to Naruto. His head though was still hurting and throbbing painfully from the encounter with Naruto. Itachi still found his defeat hard to believe.
Meanwhile, the young eleven-year-old blonde on the other hand took the opportunity to heal his injuries as quickly as possible, although he was still affected by Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan.
'Narurto,' Yondaime spoke, 'I know you're still influenced in some ways by Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan. But remember, you had nightmares of Kyuubi that were far worst than what Itachi had showed you, and you've endured them for over seven months with the physical pain it gave you when you were eight years old. In spite of the terrible nightmare experiences, you came out victorious against those horrid dreams and suppressed Kyuubi's influence with the aid of Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya-sensei, Sandaime, Kakashi and me. Remember, you have your family and friends to support and give you vigor when needed. Never forget that my son. Use this as your power Naruto to counter the affects of the Mangekyou Sharingan.'
Naruto soon took steps in heeding his father's advice after he was done healing his injuries. He made a mental note to thank his mother and Shizune later for the intensive medic-nin training they gave him. Seeing that Naruto regaining his strength, the Kakashi clone whispered something into Naruto's ears. When that was done, he burst into a puff of smoke and evaporated, leaving Naruto on his own but not defenseless although Naruto was confused about what the clone told him.
Kisame rushed at Kakashi with his large sword in the attempt to shave off half his body. Kakashi jumped and flipped backwards away from him. The sharkman missing-nin was coming at Kakashi with amazing speed and stamina while Kakashi evaded and blocked the large sword as many times as he could with his kunai. The gray-haired ANBU was already injured and shaved in a few places. However Kakashi managed to land some injuries of his own against Kisame while using his Sharingan eye to keep up with Kisame as best as his Sharingan eye could get him.
"Suikōdan No Jutsu!," Kisame and Kakashi yelled simultaneously after performing the same hand seals. (Water Release: Water Shark Missile Technique). This jutsu caused a massive amount of the water they were standing on top of to attack the enemy with a powerful water burst in the form of a shark; in this case, Kakashi, using the Sharingan's Copy Wheel Eye, copied and mimicked the attack against Kisame's, thus cancelling out Kisame's assault. Kakashi was stand on the same side as Naruto but only some distance away from him. Itachi was now facing Kakashi and Naruto.
"I'm impressed that you can use your Sharingan so well even though you are not part of the Uchiha Clan," Itachi told Kakashi, "But your body is not an Uchiha body, which the eye needs to work best."
He's right. I tire easily, said Kakashi in his head while catching his breath. Catching Kakashi off guard, Kisame knocked him in the water before performing some hand seals. Kisame then yelled, "Suiton: Goshokuzame!" (Water Release: Five Eating Sharks)
From within the waters, five sharks were created and used to attack Kakashi. When the five sharks rammed into Kakashi, he surprising burst into water.
"What," Kisame said in disbelief, "When did he use Kawarimi with Mizu Bushin?"
Naruto then sensed a strong force coming their way as a loud noise similar to many birds chirping grew louder by the second.
'Naruto! Get off the water! NOW!,' Yondaime warned speedily, knowing what the attack was.
Nodding, Naruto leaped high from off the waters and up into the trees, and Itachi did likewise also realizing what attack was fast approaching. Kisame failed to realize why his partner and Naruto jumped away into the trees when Kakashi came flying down to the waters with his left arm stretched out in front of him as he yelled out, "CHIDORI!" (One Thousand Birds)
"Kisame! Get out of the water," came Itachi's warning. But it was too late for Kisame to react as Kakashi came flying in straight down to the water.
"What," was all Kisame said as Kakashi's left fist which was coursing with a ball of lightning-based chakra came plunging into the waters, thus effectively electrocuting Kisame. The entire region that was covered in water was now turned into an electrified death pool at that moment as the sharkman screamed out in agonizing pain. Kisame fell facedown into the waters with a few bolts momentarily waltzing around his body.
Surprisingly he didn't lose consciousness or his life for that matter; however he was severely weakened and injured from the surprise attack, and the fact that he already endured some brute injuries from Naruto earlier, complemented with what Kakashi managed to add to it only served to intensify the severity of the pain Kisame was feeling throughout his body. The Akatsuki nin had some steam coming out from his body.
"I always enjoy my sushi well sizzled," Kakashi joked weakly while catching his breath. He was currently breathing hard since he used up a great deal of chakra in that attack, "However it'll be some time before I can remove your nauseating baking stench from out of my nose."
"…Uuugghh…Damn you…," Kisame cursed weakly, "…Give me a second…and I'll grind you down to fish bait…Uuuuuggghhhh…"
Naruto, while on the tree remembered what the Kakashi clone whispered to him earlier, "Soar and reside in the trees upon hearing many birds."
Naruto didn't understand what the clone meant at first, but Yondaime did, which was why Naruto wasn't left defenseless.
That was Chidori, Naruto thought to himself in amazement.
'Yes. This jutsu is Kakashi's only original jutsu. He created it around the time he was promoted to Jounin when he was 13 years old. The amount of chakra is so great that it becomes visible to the naked eye. The jutsu actually alters the nature of the user's chakra, effectively converting it into electricity. As a side effect of the conversion process, the large amount of chakra, and the speed at which the user moves, this jutsu makes a loud noise similar to many birds chirping, hence the name Chidori. Once the technique is completed, the user charges forward and stabs their enemy with it. The amount of thrust combined with the large concentration of chakra allows the user to stab through almost anything; as such it is usually fatal to the enemy. This technique is classified as an assassination technique because of the speed at which it is performed; despite the loud noise it produces.'
That's amazing, Naruto thought, What a unique jutsu Kakashi-niisan invented!
'This jutsu however met my disapproval years ago for several reasons.'
This caught Naruto's attention and curiosity, Really it did?
Yondaime continued, 'After Kakashi was made Jounin, my team and I were assigned a sabotage mission to blow up a bridge in order to prevent Iwagakure forces from entering the Land of Grass where the enemy could easily mount an attack on Konoha. Shortly after the mission started, Kakashi's team encountered an enemy shinobi and his clones. Kakashi saw this as a good time to test his Chidori, but he couldn't find the real enemy amongst the clones, especially since he didn't have the Sharingan eye at the time. After Kakashi's shoulder was slashed by the shinobi in the confusion, I had to rescue Kakashi from the enemy shinobi and sternly forbid Kakashi from using that jutsu again.'
That's interesting, Naruto retorted, Is there anything else to know about the Chidori?
'There is,' Yondaime replied, 'This jutsu has a major drawback. The speed at which the attack must be done, combined with the fact that the user must run in a straight line, causes a tunnel vision-like effect for the user. This allows their enemy to easily counter the attack, making it a potentially lethal move for the user. Though this drawback would seem to make using the jutsu fairly pointless, Kakashi is able to avoid this drawback because of the Sharingan eye he later obtained from Obito before his death after saving Kakashi's life from an enemy Shinobi after his left eye was damaged from enemy attack. While dying, Rin implanted the eye into Kakashi's damaged left eye socket, as a gift, thus creating Copy Ninja Kakashi. Kakashi's use of the Chidori was only perfected with the addition of Obito's Sharingan, whick takes in every detail regardless of how fast the user is moving. As his first act, Kakashi avenged Obito by killing the enemy ninja with the perfected Chidori.'
I see, Naruto retorted, Is there more?
Yondaime continued, 'Another drawback is the large amount of chakra required which limits its use to a few times a day, and in Kakashi's case, four times. Should the user attempt to go beyond their limit, all of their chakra will be drained and their very life force could go along with it, thus killing them. As an additional problem, though not necessarily a weakening one, is the fact that the large amount of chakra can also injure the user's hand if they put too much force into the attack.'
Naruto took a moment to digest everything his father taught and informed him on about the Chidori and its history.
I think I'll stick to practicing the Rasengan, Naruto concluded. Yondaime wanted to tell him more about the Rasengan's history and status but decided to save that for a later and better time.
Jumping down from the tree, Itachi went over to his partner as Kakashi fell to his knees and hand. That last attack really did him in Kakashi realized; he was almost depleted clean of chakra and was barely able to stand back up. Naruto also jumped from the tree he was on and hurried over to Kakashi.
"Kakashi-niisan," Naruto called out as he ran over to help the weakened and exhausted ANBU captain.
"Let's depart from here," Itachi suggested, "I sense trouble fast approaching us."
"…Let it come then…," Kisame retorted as slowly stood back up with a look showing that he was ready to fight again in spite of his many injuries and severely weakened condition, "We have to bring back that Naruto brat after all, yes?"
"Not today," Itachi advised, "Our seeking to bring Naruto back with us is premature. It would be best to wait for a better occasion. If we don't leave now we definitely won't be allowed to escape."
"…Really," Kisame inquired.
"The leading three shinobis among the group approaching us are at levels higher than our own. We'll surely die should we stay here."
As if on cue, a large tree was sent flying at Itachi and Kisame from a very large distance like a speeding jet missile. Itachi grabbed Kisame and dashed out of the way barely evading the surprise attack as the uprooted tree went crashing into the forest and down into the waters, causing a large wave of water to separate the Akatsuki nins and Leaf nins further apart from each other. None of the four there needed to be geniuses, to know whom it was that threw that fully grown tree with such great force.
"Godaime," Itachi said to himself. Taking Itachi's words seriously and not wanting to argue with his partner any further, Kisame placed his large sword away. Before leaving, Itachi looked over at Naruto and said, "You surprise me Naruto. You're more than we expected and I will admit that we underestimated you. But next time we won't make that same mistake. When I'm strong enough, we will meet again. Until that time, try not to get yourself killed."
Itachi and Kisame vanished from the scene, leaving Kakashi and Naruto behind.
"Bastards," Naruto mumbled mere seconds before Sandaime, in his black shinobi battle gear, Godaime in her usual clothes but not with her green robe, Jiraiya and the entire ANBU squad in full battle ready ANBU Black Ops gear, and Shizune in full Jounin gear appeared around Naruto and Kakashi who now placed his head protector back over his left eye. During this time, the water was speedily sinking into the ground.
"Nice timing," Naruto remarked in sarcasm. Jiraiya, Tsunade and Sandaime went over to Naruto and Kakashi. Tsunade knelt down to tend to Naruto first.
"Naru-chan," Tsunade said in a motherly tone forgetting all Hokage protocols, "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine," Naruto grinned, "Thanks to the medic training you and Shizune-neechan gave me over the years. It helped me a lot."
In spite of the situation, Tsunade couldn't help but smile knowing that not only was her son in good health, but that her and Shizune's training him was truly paying off.
"Are Hina-chan and Ino-chan alright," Naruto asked with concern.
"They're fine," Jiraiya replied, "We came here as fast as we could after they told us what was going on."
Tsunade looked around for the two missing-nins with a venomous expression showing that she was out for blood, specifically theirs, "Where's Itachi and Kisame?"
"They're gone," Kakashi answered, "They took off just before you all arrived here. For what it's worth, Naruto and I gave Kisame and Itachi quite a fight; solely Naruto with regards to Itachi actually."
"We'll expect a full report about this when we return back," Sandaime said. Kakashi simply nodded his head. Shizune tended to Kakashi's injuries and healed him of his cuts and bruises before returning back to the village.
(Later Back At Konoha)
Ino and Hinata were instructed to await Tsunade, Jiraiya and Sarutobi's return with Naruto at the Hokage office after they explained what happened earlier. The girls still remembered how they barged into the office while Tsunade and Sandaime were having an important discussion with Shizune, Jiraiya and the two village advisors, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, both of whom were also Sandaime's former teammates. Upon barging in unannounced, Tsunade was about to immediately dismiss them for their disrespectful entrance until the girls said that her son was battling Itachi and Kisame of the Akatsuki.
That was all that had to be said when a suddenly worried-sick Tsunade dashed from her desk and straight at them demanding to know exactly where her son was. Upon hearing their explanation as to where Naruto was, Jiraiya and the two Hokages immediately ran out of the office and gathered the entire ANBU squad along with Shizune. Neither Hinata nor Ino have ever seen Tsunade, Jiraiya and Sarutobi move with such inhuman speed.
"I hope that Naruto-kun will be alright," Hinata said in a worried voice.
"Me too," Ino retorted just as worried, "But did you see the fiery look in his eyes? It was as if he was an entirely different person."
"I saw it too," Hinata said, "I never…saw those kind of eyes before. And his voice was also…different. I know that Naruto-kun is a diligent hard worker but…what we saw earlier today was…"
"I know what you mean," Ino nodded in agreement, "There's so much about him that we don't know or understand."
Before another word was said, the door to the office opened, revealing Naruto, Kakashi, Shizune, a Sannin and two Hokages stepping into the office. Naruto's clothes were ragged but other than that, he was A.O.K.
"Naruto-kun," Hinata and Ino chorused happily as they ran over and hugged him together. Naruto was partly surprised at the show of affections, but he understood their concerns.
"Women never show me such display of affections for risking my life," Jiraiya pouted with a hint of jealousy with his arms crossed over his chest as Tsunade rolled her eyes and retorted, "What you risk your life for isn't something women would want to show affections for."
Before Jiraiya could counter that remark, Koharu and Homura entered the office and closed the door behind them.
"Naruto," Homura greeted, "We're happy to see that you made it out alive from your confrontation with Itachi and Kisame."
Koharu added, "But we must say that engaging ninjas like those two missing-nins was both reckless and foolish."
"Naruto," Tsunade scolded, "What were you thinking fighting against Itachi and Kisame?"
"I didn't have much of a choice," Naruto replied, "Didn't Hina-chan and Ino-chan tell you? Itachi and Kisame kidnapped them for the sole intention of getting to me. I was the one they sought to bring back to the Akatsuki. They were about to bring Ino-chan and Hina-chan along as well simply for knowing too much as Itachi put it. I couldn't nor did I want to risk their safety because of the issues the Akatsuki has with me. So I freed and told Ino-chan and Hina-chan to go and find you while I held off the Akatsuki nins long enough till help arrived."
Thinking of the well being of your friends before your own even though you were the prime target, Sandaime mentally noted with a small smile pasted on his face, A self-sacrificing characteristic I truly respect Naruto.
"That was a very brave risk you took for us Naruto-kun," Ino said with a blush on her cheeks, "I don't know how we can thank you enough."
"I can make some helpful suggestions," Jiraiya offered with a perverted grin, earning him an elbow to the gut by Tsunade.
"I don't need any rewards," Naruto grinned under his ninja mask while scratching the back of his head, "Your gratitude is enough. I will admit though that Kisame gave me a hard fight, although I managed to really hurt and rough him up here and there before Kakashi later came to finish the job after my encounter with Itachi. The Tsukuyomi genjutsu Itachi used on me with his Sharingan nearly did a number on my sanity."
"Tsukuyomi," Ino asked.
"Yes," Kakashi stepped in, "It's one of the abilities of the Uchiha bloodline limit, the Mangekyou Sharingan. It's a most advanced ability that allows an Uchiha to create an illusionary world within their target's mind. In this illusionary world, the Uchiha can manipulate target's mental senses, making them believe that everything he or she is seeing or happening to them is real while making the target believe that they're spending hours, days or any other given time in that illusionary world when in truth only a second goes by in the real world. Though it's an illusion, the experience the target's body goes through feels real."
"I experienced that first hand," Naruto interjected, "Itachi placed me in an illusionary world where I was chained and crucified and forced to watch my mother, Shizune-neechan, Hina-chan and Ino-chan being gruesomely slaughtered over and over and over again for 48-hours while three duplicates of him beat me down without mercy. In my mind, Itachi tortured me, for hours, for pleasure."
The bloodlust Tsunade was giving off after hearing this was potent. It was enough to cause everyone in the room to pale and cringe in fear, and in some respects, even Sandaime was fearful of her. The elderly Hokage knew what an enraged protective mother was capable of doing, especially if this mother was Tsunade. She was tempted to run out of the office right now to find Itachi wherever he is and beat his body down until it liquefied.
Before that happened though, Naruto continued, "However Itachi was only able to make it last for what felt like almost ten hours when my mind started resisting and fighting against the genjutsu he placed me under. A voice in my head helped me to self-motivate myself into summoning the needed willpower to fight against Itachi and that horrible illusion. In the ended, Itachi lost to me and was brutely forced out of my mind. He bled his own blood painfully as a result of his Mangekyou Sharingan being overpowered. Now that I've experienced the Mangekyou Sharingan, I now have method to counter its affects."
Everyone in the office was shocked at the story Naruto had just told them. They knew how powerful the Mangekyou Sharingan was but never did they think that it could be overpowered and the fact that Naruto was the first to do so amazed everybody there.
Naruto then explained how Itachi then tried to verbally manipulate him into believing how the both of them are alike and how he would one day turn out like Itachi. Naruto put in plain words explaining how he expressed to Itachi his complete abhorrence in being likened to him and how he'd rather die a horrible death living up to his shinobi way before turning out like him. He also told them how Itachi even openly admitted that he and Kisame underestimated him, and that he won't be showing himslf around here for a while until he's strong enough to fight Naruto again.
Needless to say, everyone in the room was once again amazed the story told to them.
Just who are you really Naruto-kun, Ino wondered with fascination and an ever growing desire to know more about him, I know that there's so much more to you than you let on and this story only serves to add to it.
Naruto-kun, Hinata thought with a blush creeping up on his face, You're a very special person and I truly seek to know and understand you more.
Tsunade's killing intent subsided on hearing this revelation. She saw that Itachi's mental attack didn't permanently damage Naruto and that it instead served to make him stronger. The blond haired Hokage saw the looks on Ino and Hinata's face as she saw how they were looking at Naruto. She knew that they were falling for the young boy but decided not to voice anything about it for now.
"That's a most impressive story Naruto," Homura said, "Very few, if any, might have been able to do what you did. You have real strength in both mind and body."
"And heart," Koharu added, "Something that died in Orochimaru a long time ago. It's truly a sad waste."
"It is," Sandaime said, "And we'll have to make sure that the Akatsuki don't succeed in abducting Naruto."
A moment later, a thought suddenly popped up into Ino's mind.
"That reminds me," Ino said, "There's something Hinata and I have been meaning to ask you Naruto-kun since our ordeal with Itachi and Kisame?"
"And what's that," Naruto inquired.
"Is it true that you were giving a fox summoning contract by Kyuubi himself three years ago and that you know where Kyuubi is," Ino asked. The room fell into a deep silence on hearing that question. Hinata spoke, "Those were the very reasons…why they came after you and used us as bait."
"No disrespect Sandaime-sama," Ino interjected as she turned to Sarutobi, "But from what Hinata and I heard from Itachi earlier, I sense a major cover-up that resolves around Naruto-kun. And Hinata and I are certain that all of you here are in on this, otherwise the so-called Akatsuki wouldn't have gone through so much trouble in trying to kidnap Naruto."
There was no point in lying, everyone realized. Both girls knew a lot more than they wanted them to ever know. Homura and Koharu, and the rest of the village council learned about the secret of Kyuubi being sealed into Naruto's right hand by Sandaime and Tsunade a month after the incident of Kyuubi's reawakening. It was only after being thoroughly explained to about the circumstances between Kyuubi and Yondaime's connections with Naruto with regard to the Servitude Seal did the council argued no further with Sandaime and not view Naruto as a possible threat to the village's safety, especially since Naruto exhibited no dangerous, animalistic or threatening signs of Kyuubi's characteristics since the fox's imprisonment.
It took a while for the clan leaders, village elders and advisors to get used to the fact that both Yondaime and Kyuubi were both sealed away inside Naruto, but in time they gradually looked at Naruto the same way they used to in the past.
Sandaime sighed, knowing that he along with everyone else owed Ino and Hinata a most lengthy explanation. Sandaime looked at Naruto who nodded his head to him.
"You girls may want to take a seat," Sandaime suggested, "You're in for a long story."
Doing as suggested, Hinata and Ino grabbed the available seat in the office and sat down as Naruto, and the others stood in front of them. Sandaime then said seriously, "What you're about to hear is a major SS-Class secret and can never be revealed to anyone without my, Tsunade, or Naruto's permission especially. Hyuuga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, you both must swear an oath of secrecy promising to never divulge what you're about to hear! Do you both swear the oath of secrecy?"
Seeing the seriousness of the situation, both girls nodded their head, "Yes."
"That's good to hear," Sandaime said, "Now tell us, how much do you both know about the son and surviving heir of Namikaze Minato, Yondaime Hokage?"
Hinata and Ino blinked at this in confusion.
"Surviving heir," Hinata questioned in surprise.
"That's not possible," Ino shot back, "According to the history books, Yondaime and his entire family died in Kyuubi's attack. His family was the last of the clan that was formerly one of Konoha's three strongest clan; the Namikaze clan! That clan has been completely wiped out years ago without a survivor!"
"That's not entirely true," Tsunade interjected, "Yondaime's son survived that attack and has been living here in this very village ever since."
"What," Ino said in disbelief.
"Yondaime's son is really alive," Hinata asked in surprise.
"He is," Naruto said, causing both girls to look at him, "He's here, in this building. In fact, he's in this very room."
Hinata and Ino looked around expecting a new person to enter and stepped forward. But nothing happened until…
"Hina-chan…Ino-chan," Naruto said softly, capturing their attention, "I am Senju Uzumaki Naruto, son and sole heir of Senju Tsunade, Godaime Hokage. However…"
Both girls looked straight at him as he slowly removed his ninja mask, allowing them for the first time in all the years he knew them to finally see his full face.
"My birth name is Namikaze Naruto, the son and sole heir of Namikaze Minato, Yondaime Hokage," Naruto revealed, "And I'm also the sole survivor of the Namikaze clan."
The girls' eyes widened like dish plates on hearing this earth-shattering revelation. Upon studying his eye and facial features they saw the undeniable resemblances he had with Minato since they saw many pictures of him in their history books. It was so unreal. Standing before them was Yondaime's very one son and surviving legacy, Naruto, the boy whom they attend school, hangout, became friends with and grew very affectionate of. Hinata and Ino did the only thing girls do under these indescribable events; they fell forward off their seats and fainted…
(A While Later)
Ino and Hinata were started to stir and gradually open their eyes. They found themselves lying down on futons with wet wash rags folded and placed over their heads. Tsunade, Sandaime, and the others entered the room six minutes both Hinata and Ino woke up.
"About time you two woke up," Naruto said with his ninja still off his face and hanging around his neck, "I was afraid that my revealing who my father is caused the both of you to fall into a self-induced coma."
Both girls were silent. They wanted to say something to him but didn't know the right words to say. So many thoughts and questions were going through their minds in regards to Yondaime, the Namikaze clan, and Tsunade's connections to all of this. Hinata was the first to break the silence, "Naruto-kun…Your father was Yondaime?"
"Yes," Naruto assured.
"…B…But…," Ino started while trying to piece everything together, "Your mother is Tsunade-sama and Yondaime was married to Kushina-sama! Are you saying that your father had Tsunade-sama as a secret wife who later gave birth to you?!"
Tsunade and Naruto sweat-dropped at this and the fact that Sandaime, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune, Koharu and Homura were chuckling at what they heard did little to help the situation. Regaining his composure, Sandaime stepped forward and said, "It'll be best if I explain everything from the beginning. This story also involves both of your fathers and the Kyuubi incident eleven years ago in more ways than you know…"
Hearing that last part made Hinata and Ino realize they were going to learn a lot more than they were bargaining for…
Ino and Hinata are in for a story they'll never forget. Both girls always wanted to know more about Naruto and it looks like they going to find out a lot more than they ever counted on. Will they ever look at Naruto and Tsunade, or even their own fathers the same way again? Find out next time.