(Location Unknown; Later That Afternoon)
Itachi was sitting on the ground on top of a mountain while the still heavily battered and weakened Kisame was recuperating from his battle with Kakashi and Naruto. Both Akatsuki nins had expected the mission to be somewhat less troubling since they were dealing with an eleven-year-old boy who was neither Genin or Chuunin, and possess no Bijuu, or so they and the rest of the Akatsuki nins think. Neither Itachi nor Kisame expected Naruto to cause them so much trouble with Kakashi to later add to the mix.
Itachi said very little after both he and his partner escaped the wraths of Naruto's mother, the Toad Sannin and the rest who follow after them. It interested Itachi to no end that an eleven-year-old kid who wasn't of Uchiha bloodline descend managed to overpower and defeat his Mangekyou Sharingan. In the beginning, Itachi believed for a time that the Mangekyou Sharingan could only be defeated by another Uchiha possessing the Mangekyou Sharingan. The fact that Naruto managed to do it without having the Uchiha bloodline limit amazed him in spite of the fact that his head started hurting from just thinking about it, literally.
"Damn," Itachi muttered under his breath, acknowledging that he still hasn't recovered from his unexpected defeat to Naruto, who hasn't even laid a finger on him and yet managed to inflict such an injury to him.
"I underestimated this Naruto," Itachi contemplated, "I should have observed and studied him more…"
Kisame walked over to his partner and saw that he was in deep thought. After a couple of minutes, Kisame spoke, "That Naruto brat is quite a character. If he was to become anything like you, he'd have made quite a member of the Akatsuki."
"Perhaps," Itachi said, "But from the looks in Naruto's eyes, we both know that's not going to happen."
"…," Kisame.
"Naruto is not what he presents himself to be," Itachi stated, "Judging from the way he strategically fought us, he's far beyond Genin or even Jounin level. He's possibly at an Elite Jounin or ANBU level. His mother is Tsunade after all and I'm sure she's trained him all his life."
"Raised and trained by the Slug Sannin," Kisame said, "That's explains the boy's inhuman strength. I felt every blow he gave me and surprisingly they were getting harder."
"From the way Naruto fought you," Itachi explained, "It's clear that he might have been trained by more than one person other than his Chuunin sensei at the academy…perhaps by another Jounin, ANBU, or Sannin."
Kisame knew that it wasn't Orochimaru, an ex-Akatsuki nin who left their organization some time ago. Although a Snake Sannin however, Kisame was aware that Orochimaru wasn't as strong as Itachi and was in fact afraid of him. Therefore it had to be the other one…
"Jiraiya," Kisame answered. Itachi simply nodded his head, "Either him or Kakashi."
"You may be able to fight Jiraiya almost evenly, but I cannot," Kisame said.
"You are right," Itachi agreed, "Though we're almost even however, if I were to fight him, I would lose. If we both fought him, in the best-case scenario we would kill him, but we also would die."
Itachi looked up into the sunset, "Even if we had more men, the result would be the same."
"So Naruto is being trained by two Sannins you believe," Kisame asked.
"I don't know for sure. But if that's the case, then I don't know for how long Jiraiya might have taught Naruto. However when I did battle with Naruto in his mind, I acknowledged that Naruto's kenjutsus (sword techniques) are lacking. I was able to mete out some series of injuries and assaults upon the young boy. If I had engaged him in actual kenjutsu, chances of my success over him might have been stronger."
Kisame gave a grin of predation, "If that's so, I wouldn't mind going at it against that brat again some time the future. I'd definitely show him a thing or two with my Samehada."
"Don't get ahead of yourself Kisame," Itachi warned, "Though Naruto may not be too skilled in kenjutsu however from what I've seen in both of our battles with him he has innovative ways of making up for his handicaps. If we underestimate him again, he just might kill us, if not only one of us next time. My mind battle with him showed me that…which was why I lost to him."
"…," Kisame remained silent as he massaged one of his still aching injuries. Itachi held his pained head as he cursed under his breath.
Even with all of my powers at my command, Itachi contemplated, Naruto possesses more than I do and he's being educated and trained by two Sannins, one of whom who taught the Yondaime. That may help to explain how he was able to create that Yondaime figure in his mind and use him to fight me. Jiraiya must have taught Naruto in depth about Yondaime Hokage to make him that realistic in his mind. I'll have to work and train harder if I'm to challenge Naruto again…
(At The Hyuuga Compound)
Hiashi was in his study room reading some scrolls although some of his attention wasn't fully there. Early that afternoon he received word from Godaime that his daughter and Ino were kidnapped by Uchiha Itachi and Kisame of the Akatsuki. Hiashi was no fool though. As much as he pushes Hinata and Hanabi to be stronger however, he knew that Hinata didn't have a surviving chance against Itachi if she engaged him in combat, and he knew Itachi's history in Konoha before he defected, as did everyone else.
Hiashi was surprised when he also informed about how Naruto risked his life to successfully rescue and save his daughter and Ino although Naruto knew that he was the desired target the entire time and that Hinata and Ino were merely used as bait. If it had been anyone else Naruto's age and most who were older than him who fought against the two Akatsuki nins, they would have surely met their deaths at the hands of Itachi and Kisame. Hiashi was more intrigued at how Naruto was able to hold his grounds against Kisame and Itachi on his own before Kakashi arrived on the scene. Hiashi found Naruto's character of keen interest to him. In spite of being the son and container of Yondaime and the adoptive son of Godaime, Naruto thinks little of his status and regards his family and friends as higher priority and worth.
Not only that, Hiashi was also aware of how protective Naruto is of Hinata, and how Naruto was on the verge of attacking and seriously hurting Neji one time in her defense. The thought of Yondaime's son who's considered a born Hokage by Sandaime's standards being close to Hinata were among the many things Hiashi has always hoped for and considered, along the fact that Naruto has the responsibility of rebuilding his clan. A moment later, Hiashi summoned one of the branch members and ordered him to gather all of the Hyuuga elders for an unscheduled meeting.
Hinata was lying in her bed, mediating on everything that Sandaime had to both her and Ino. Never in her life did she ever think that her father, as proud and cold he could be at times, would have considered adopting ANYONE who wasn't of the Hyuuga bloodline into the clan and have him or her established as part of the main house as well and this was two months before she was born. She didn't know what to think that moment as she processed the information given to her.
She always knew how her father had always heartened and encouraged her to associate and be around Naruto to get to know him, but hearing this shocked her to the core. At the same time though, she couldn't help but smile at her father's then actions and still present interest in Naruto. After hearing everything Sandaime told her, she understood fully why her father wanted her to become close to Naruto event though she already had a crush on him since day one.
Hinata have always liked Naruto, even before knowing that he was the son of Yondaime. It amazed her that Naruto went from being the child of one Hokage to becoming the adoptive son of another Hokage. What added to her ever growing fondness for Naruto was that he never allowed this to go to his head and start thinking that everyone else was beneath him. He didn't have that spirit of haughtiness like the Uchihas or like most members of her own family, main branch or not. The more she thought about him and everything Sandaime and the others explained to her earlier about Naruto's heritage and characteristics, the more she found herself falling for him.
Hinata understood why the true of identity of Naruto's father was an SS-Class secret. If word was to get out about this prematurely, every enemy Yondaime ever made would have came to end Naruto's life. She did shed a few tears upon thinking about how Naruto's birth mother died and the heavy burden Naruto secretly carries as the container of Kyuubi. His father sacrificed his own existence and his son to save the entire village from Kyuubi's destructive wrath. The thought alone made Hinata cry for Naruto. Then she thought about how Sandaime explained how Naruto continuously saves Konoha and everyone else everyday since the day of Naruto's birth in denying Kyuubi its freedom and shouldering the responsibility in keeping that monster at bay. This helped to lightened Hinata's mood as she wiped away her tears.
No one outside the council except for Naruto's family, consisting of Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, Sandaime and Kakashi, and closest friends, namely her and Ino, and some of the ANBU are aware of Naruto's darkest secret. At the same time though, Hinata felt happy that Naruto trust her enough to share this secret with without fearing her betraying their confidentiality.
Hinata found herself growing more admiration and esteem for Tsunade after learning how she willing adopted Naruto as her own child and nothing less, raising and teaching Naruto as his own mother. Being the son of a Sannin who's now Godaime earned Naruto many fangirls, Hinata knew. Alongside this, Hinata knew that if word was to get out about Naruto being the son of Minato, every girl and kunoichi, older or younger, in Konoha would be after him in order to have their way with him, either publicly, in a dark alley or…
Hinata blush heavily upon realizing the perverted thoughts that were manifesting in her mind about her crush. She tried to block out those thoughts being thinking of something else. She thought back the times Naruto helped her in her training.
Naruto would often help me when I needed practice using my Byakugan, using himself as the test subject. I can recall the number of times I saw through his clothes and checked out his surprisingly well-toned body…I'm doing it again, Hinata silently scolded herself with a blush on her face.
Shaking her head, her mind drifted to when Sandaime explained how Naruto carries the responsibility of building the Namikaze clan and re-establishing it as one of Konoha's strongest clan again. When that thought crossed her mind, she thought about how Sasuke and Naruto carry the same responsibility in rebuilding their clans. Aside from Itachi who willfully slaughtered and deserted his own clan, both Naruto and Sasuke are the last of two powerful clans, making them both invaluable to Konoha.
Namikaze Naruto-kun, Hinata daydreamed happily, visualizing herself talking to Naruto in private while wearing a beautifully made kimono with ornamentations fit for a Japanese princess, I, Hinata of the Hyuuga clan, offer myself to you in being the one to help you rebuild your clan…It would be my highest honor in becoming your wife and bearing children for you.
Her face turned even redder with a large smile on her face as she daydreamed even more about what she fantasizing about when…
"You look very happy neechan," said a young feminine voice. Hinata snapped out of her train of thoughts before shooting and sitting up on her bed as she looked at the door to see Hanabi standing there, looking at her quizzically.
"What are you so happy about," Hanabi asked, "Is about Naruto-sama?"
Hanabi saw her older sister's cheek glow redder with embarrassment as her head lowered a little.
"I heard from father that Naruto-sama rescued you from some mighty strong ninjas."
"He did," Hinata said as she gestured to Hanabi to step inside, "Wanna hear about it?"
Shrugging, Hanabi stepped into her sister's room before Hinata related her encounter with the Akatsuki-nins
(At The Yamanaka Residence)
Inoichi was informed by Tsunade about how Ino was kidnapped by two S-level missing-nins and rescued and saved by none other than Naruto. Like Hiashi, Inoichi knew that his daughter was as good as dead if she had tried to fight against Itachi, but he was amazed to hear about Naruto's victory against Itachi. Inoichi was present in the council when Sandaime labeled Naruto as a born Hokage a few hours after Kyuubi and Yondaime were sealed away into Naruto. He saw how Naruto grew up as his own individual with some of Yondaime's attributes manifesting through him. Inoichi and his wife acknowledged that Naruto was destined to do great things for Konoha and many other people and they wanted their daughter there with Naruto at his side when those things happened. That much was certain.
When Ino found out that her father Inoichi knew all along who Naruto's father was, she herself was left speechless. Like Hiashi, Ino knew how her father had encouraged and heartened her into forming a bond with Naruto. After meditating on the explanation Sandaime gave her earlier in regards to Naruto's heritage and Tsunade's involvement, and how he's both Yondaime and Godaime's heir, she had so many reasons say "thank you" a thousand times to her father for persuading her to befriend Naruto from the beginning. She wanted to tell Sakura so badly about Naruto's heritage, however she swore an oath of secrecy and she didn't want to violate that and offend Naruto and Sandaime. She didn't even tell her father that she now knew the secret.
While in her room, Ino thought about Naruto a lot. She saw just how little she knew about him. Like Hinata, Ino openly shed some tears upon hearing how Naruto's birth mother died and how Yondaime, as much as it wounded him to do it, used Naruto, his own flesh and blood, as a living sacrifice to seal away Kyuubi and save all of Konoha, stopping the Kyuubi from doing further damage and killing more people. It pained Ino deeply knowing that Naruto carries such a heavy burden without his consent, but was inspired at the fact that Naruto never allowed this to crush his spirit and character. And the fact that Tsunade willingly chose to adopt and raise Naruto as her own son made Ino respect Tsunade a lot more than before.
Soon thought Ino thought about what Sandaime said about Naruto being the last of the Namikaze clan and carries the responsibility of rebuilding his clan and making it stronger than before. Again, she saw how both Naruto and Sasuke were opposites who were alike. Both boys came from two of the three strongest clans in Konoha, both of which are near extinction for different reasons. With the Namikaze clan it was because they had many enemies outside Konoha who sought their destruction, whereas the Uchiha clan was self-destructive, with Itachi as the trigger.
Such is the life of the Shinobi, Ino sighed as she thought about how both Sasuke and Naruto had to re-establish their clans again. But of course this was to be no easy for both boys and something of that magnitude would much time and effort. Ino's mind drifted to the thoughts of being the one to help Koichi Uzumaki Naruto, or better yet, the very handsome Namikaze Naruto rebuild his clan. She giggled and blushed heavily on the idea, an idea that she decided in her heart that she was going to fulfill one day…
"Ino of the Namikaze clan, wife of Namikaze Naruto, sole heir of Yondaime Hokage and Godaime Hokage," Ino said to herself with a wide grin, "That has a nice ring to it…"
After a couple of minutes, Ino got up off her bed before running out of her room and out of her parents' house to the Haruno residence. Ino knew she couldn't talk about Naruto's heritage and dark secret with Sakura; however that didn't mean she couldn't brag about how Naruto fought Itachi and Kisame to rescue and save her and Hinata.
(Back At The Hyuuga Manor)
Hinata had just finish relating the story to Hanabi, minus the parts about Sandaime explaining Naruto's origins and his fox summoning contract. Hanabi was surprised at the story told to her.
"Naruto-sama is very brave neechan," Hanabi said, "Even though I find him to be weird at times."
"He's always wearing that stupid ninja mask as if it's part of his face. Doesn't he ever take it off or is it that he doesn't have a face underneath it," Hanabi asked.
"He does," Hinata said laughed.
"And how do know," Hanabi asked, "Have you ever seen under his mask."
"I've seen more than what's underneath his mask actually," Hinata thought out loud in an undertone.
"What's that supposed to mean," Hanabi asked suspiciously. Hinata blushed upon realizing her folly.
"…Nothing…just gibberish…," Hinata laughed nervously, "…I was just talking nonsense."
"Whatever," Hanabi said, "Naruto-sama is still weird in my opinion. But he and Neji-san don't seem to like each other."
"I know," Hinata agreed sadly, "Every time they look at each other they just wanna tear each other apart."
"If Neji-san and Naruto-sama got into a fight," Hanabi asked, "Who would win?"
Hinata was about to voice her opinion when…
"What's this about who'd win in a fight between me and Naruto-sama?"
Both siblings turned to see their older cousin standing by the door with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Neji-san," Hanabi said.
"Niisan," Hinata greeted, "How long were you there?"
"I heard my name mentioned so I came over," came his reply, "So what's this about who would win in a fight between me and Naruto-sama, Hanabi-sama? Does this have anything to do with Naruto rescuing Hinata-sama from Itachi?"
"You know about that," Hinata asked.
"Everyone in the clan knows about it," Neji answered, "Naruto-sama had to save you because you were too weak to defend and hold your grounds against Itachi. It's pitiful that the supposed heiress isn't capable of defending herself against criminals. Fate has deemed you weak Hinata-sama."
Neji turned walked off from his two cousins and back to his quarters. Normally in the past, Neji's harsh and cold words would have made Hinata question her worth, however after spending quantities of time with Naruto and Ino, and gaining her father's recognition and approval, Hinata decided not to let her cousin's words get to her.
"Fate, fate," Hanabi snorted, "That's all he ever talks about. Sometimes I wonder if one of the cadet branch members dropped him on his head as a kid."
"Hanabi…," Hinata lightly laughed.
(Later That Evening)
Naruto was sitting on top of the Hokage Monument; unsurprisingly he was standing on top of the side with Yondaime's head. While he was there, he was thinking back to everything that transpired all in one day, from him training in the use of the Rasengan and failing to perfect it, arguing with Minato and Kyuubi, a run-in and battle with Itachi and Kisame of the Akatsuki after the two of them kidnapped Hinata and Ino to finally Hinata and Ino learning of his familial history and legacy. He was happy that he allowed Sandaime to explain the issues concerning the Namikaze clan and Kyuubi's imprisonment.
Sandaime was careful about how he went about explaining to Ino and Hinata the truth about Naruto, Yondaime, Tsunade and Kyuubi. He explained the history of the Namikaze clan and how they were specialized in discovering, creating and mastering sealing jutsus, spirals and creating seal-less attack and defense jutsus. He also explained what led to the Namikaze to near extinction and how Minato was originally the last of his clan and was planning on reconstructing his clan after marrying Uzumaki Kushina.
Sarutobi then explained how things took a turned for the worst when Yondaime received word about Kyuubi No Kitsune traveling to Konoha and destroying everything its path as it made it's way to the village. Sandaime held back no details from the two girls in explaining the tragic and horrific events in sheer details. Hinata and Ino were in tears upon learning that Kushina died from heavy trauma and distress during Kyuubi's attack and ultimately of childbirth and how Minato had no other choice but to seal Kyuubi into his own newly born son, turning Naruto into a living sacrifice with the use of a forbidden master jutsu that was meant to take his life in the process.
Without actually stating the name of the kinjutsu used in spite of it being a fluke, Sandaime explained that Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto's right hand and that Yondaime's body was completely destroyed after the jutsu was initiated, with all of his chakra absorbed and sealed into Naruto's stomach. Sarutobi was careful not to reveal that Yondaime Hokage himself was sealed into Naruto as well and that Naruto is gradually absorbing his father's Hokage attributes, knowledge and wisdom. Sandaime explained that as a result of Kyuubi's sealing into Naruto's right hand, he was instantly given a summoning contract with foxes and can summon them when needed.
Sandaime then went on to explain how Hyuuga Hiashi volunteered first to adopt Naruto into the main house of the Hyuuga clan before explaining how Tsunade came into the picture and became Naruto's new mother and how he's been her only son ever since. What Sandaime left out was the facts that Naruto has been heavily trained and taught by Tsunade, Jiraiya and Yondaime while growing up. The girls figured that Tsunade taught Naruto some stuff; however they weren't aware of just how much.
Thinking back to those moments, Naruto remembered the shocked look on Hinata and Ino's faces after Sandaime revealed those revelations. It was all so overwhelming for the girls to take in at one time and he knew that they would never look at him the same way again. After a period of silence that felt like an eternity, both girls went over and hugged Naruto affectionately. Both girls were happy that Naruto trusted them to the point that he was willing to reveal and share his greatest secrets with them and promised never to reveal it without his permission.
While standing there he wondered what the unknown future has in store for him. After several minutes, Naruto said, "I know you're there so you can come out of hiding."
A second later, an aged man in his 60s smoking a pipe stepped out from out of the shadows and walked over to Naruto.
"I figured you'd sense I was here Naruto," Sarutobi said. Naruto nodded.
"Thinking about what happened earlier," Sarutobi asked.
"I was," Naruto admitted, "I have to admit the girls took it rather well. I was surprised that they didn't turn into crazed fangirls on the spot."
Sandaime chuckled at this and said, "That's because they're your friends Naruto, not shallow girls who sees you only because of the name you carry or because of whose son you are. They see you for you, and I can tell that from the way they look at you, as does your mother. Those girls really like you Naruto and I'm sure that they'll be of great benefit to you in the future."
"I saved their lives," Naruto joked, "What's there not to like?"
"Tell that to the Akatsuki and your father's enemies from the other villages and nations," Sandaime shot back.
"Point taken," Naruto frowned.
"Seriously Naruto," Sandaime stated, putting all humor and jokes aside, "The truth about who you really are will eventually come out into the opening. Once word gets out that you're the living son of Yondaime, you'll be a most, if not solely, loved figure in this village and a most hated representation of Yondaime to outside enemy villages who really hate your father."
"You told me this before jiisan," Naruto retorted, "As did my father, who has yet to teach me all of his jutsus and fighting styles, and the Hiraishin No Jutsu for that matter."
"Most likely for your own protection," Sarutobi stated, "Your father was the feared Yellow Flash after all. From what your father told me before you were born, creating and mastering the Hiraishin No Jutsu was no easy task, even for a seal master like him. He didn't go into many details about how he created that jutsu or how long it took, but he told me that he designed and created the Hiraishin No Jutsu in a way that only someone of his bloodline descend could use it."
"That explains why he never taught it ero-jisan," Naruto made known, "The Hiraishin No Jutsu is fundamentally like an artificial bloodline limit then." (A/N: I don't know much about the Hiraishin No Jutsu so please go with the flow)
"Comparatively," Sandaime agreed, "From what he told me, even if the enemy did acquire the jutsu and the special kunais used with it, that jutsu's complexity in its creation is the reason why it won't work for anyone else. Your father took every precaution he could think of to ensure that the Hiraishin No Jutsu wouldn't fall into the wrong hands and used against us. It's an S-Rank self-summoning jutsu that can't be copied or emulated by anyone outside the Namikaze bloodline."
"I bet the Uchihas weren't happy about that," Naruto joked. Sandaime merely chuckled and continued, "But I'm sure that you'll learn and master your all of father's jutsus in time as you continue growing stronger mentally and physically. You will become the new Yellow Flash of Konohagakure after all."
Naruto nodded in understanding, "I'll grow stronger and inherit my father and mother's wills of fire and legacies, and become Hokage some day."
"It's funny you should say that since the first nickname you ever gotten from me when you were merely a few hours old was "Born Hokage"."
"It was," Naruto asked, "I thought my first nickname was "Neo Yondaime Hokage"."
"That's the second nickname you've gotten, that one from Jiraiya," Sandaime said.
"Speaking of ero-jisan, where is he?"
"No doubt doing some research as he puts it knowing him."
Naruto didn't need to be told more.
"Anyway Naruto," Sandaime said recapturing his attention, "I came here to talk to you about another matter of utmost importance."
"Oh? What would that be?"
"The revival of your clan," Sandaime said.
"What's more to know," Naruto asked curiously, "Is there something more that I haven't been told yet?"
"Are you familiar with polygamy?"
Sandaime saw the looked on Naruto's widened eyes and face as his face reddened a deep shade of crimson that would have shamed Hinata. Although he wasn't a teenager yet, Naruto already had a sharp vocabulary.
"Where are you getting at," Naruto asked carefully. Sarutobi took a puff of his pipe and then elaborated, "According to the Clan Restoration Act of Konohagakure No Sato, which was established by the council during the rule of Nidaime-sama, the sole male survivor of a major clan of the village is allowed to be married to multiple wives. This act is only used when an essential and beneficial clan is near extinction and its recovery is of great importance. To put it simply Naruto, you are within your rights to marry multiple females to revive the Namikaze clan and re-establish it as one of the strongest clans once again. This act also applies to clans with bloodline limits, presently in Sasake's case. But from what I've seen of him, the boy's too bent on revenge against Itachi than focusing on restoring his clan. However we're not talking about the Uchiha clan right now. We're talking about you marrying a few females who'll help you in reviving your clan."
It wasn't hard for the old aged man to see the expression on Naruto's reddened face as he soaked in everything he was just told.
Those girls really like you Naruto and I'm sure that they'll be of great benefit to you in the future, Naruto recalled those words about Ino and Hinata spoken not too long ago. Naruto wanted to say something but found himself stuttering with his words. Nothing coming out of his mouth was making any sense.
"You don't have to worry about marrying any girl right now," Sandaime assured while trying to calm Naruto before explaining more to him, "You're not at the age to marry yet anyway. Hiashi though is already aware of this act and both he and the Hyuuga elders have agreed to betroth the Hyuuga heiress to you in the future."
"WHAT!," Naruto exclaimed with a heavier blush, "They're arranging that I marry Hinata in the future?! When did this happened?!"
"Earlier today."
"What does my mother thinks about all this," Naruto asked.
"It was both her and I Hiashi spoke with about the arranged engagement before I came here to see you. Tsunade have been aware of the Clan Restoration Act a long time ago since it was her granduncle that put the act in effect in the first place. Of course Naruto, Hinata won't be the only female you'll marry in order to revive your clan."
"When ero-jisan hears about this he'll have field day," Naruto said, "He'll never let me hear the end of it."
"Perhaps," Sarutobi said, "You can't expect anything less from the self-proclaimed Super Pervert. But I'm sure he'll know when to be serious about the matter."
"Seems unlikely," Naruto retorted, "But we can always hope. By the way, are Hinata and Ino aware of their arranged engagements to me?"
"Presently Hinata isn't aware of this since it was deemed that she'd be enlightened about this at a later time when she's ready to know. By the way, why did you add Ino into the mix? Aside from Hiashi, I don't recall saying that Ino's father betrothed her to you."
Naruto blinked on hearing this, "But…you say that both Ino and Hinata really like me and they'll be of great benefit to me in the future."
"The latter part of that statement could have meant anything Naruto. What I could have meant is that both girls could prove to be great allies to you during good and hard times. Therefore, judging from your answer, I'm assuming that you were already contemplating on marrying both Hinata and Ino, yes?"
A now heavily reddened face Naruto found himself more speechless than before. He wanted to say something to Sandaime but nothing came out. He couldn't deny that he senselessly placed himself in the situation he found himself in.
Seeing Naruto's predicament, Sarutobi laughed, "…Don't be so hard on yourself Naruto. I already knew you like both girls seeing that they're the only two from the academy you've taken a liking to. If anything Yamanaka Inoichi would be more than happy to betroth his daughter to you before allowing any other guy to step into the picture. (Grinned) I should know; I've seen how both he and his wife have been trying to pair both you and Ino together for quite some time now, especially since he's aware that you're the son of Minato."
"So he wouldn't oppose to Ino being married to me along with Hinata," Naruto asked with a still reddened face.
"All of the members of the village council are aware of the Clan Restoration Act and what it entails Naruto. So don't be surprised if other clan members try to offer their daughters to you as wives after you become of age to marry and have children."
"I don't know if I can look at girls the same way again," Naruto admitted., feeling as though Kakashi and Jiraiya's perverted traits were starting to rub off on him. Sandaime chuckled at Naruto and said, "I don't think Hinata and Ino will ever look at you the same way again either. Just promise me that when the time comes you'll be mature about this. This is a serious matter after all."
"What's there not to be mature about," Naruto retorted, "I'm the only Namikaze left and I'd hate to be the one responsible for guaranteeing its extinction. However, I don't like the idea of girls marrying me simply because of what name I carry, whose son I am or what clan I came from. I want such girls to see and marry me for me because of the way they feel for me, just like how I would marry them for who they are and how I feel for them."
Sandaime smiled and simply nodded in agreement before taking another puff of his pipe, You're showing maturity and a level-headed mind about this already Naruto.
For the next couple of minutes, both Sarutobi and Naruto quietly looked over at the village with the darkening starlit night skies blanketing village.
Hey Father, Naruto thought, I have a question.
'What is it,' Yondaime asked.
Since you seem to know what goes on in my mind and body, Naruto wondered, Does that mean you'll be there to know when I having se-
'DON'T EVEN FINISH THAT QUESTION,' Yondaime replied speedily with a strong sense of disgust.
Naruto cringed at the volume of Minato's voice in his head. Yondaime's displeasure and indignation were strongly felt by Naruto as he held his head with his right hand.
"Hee hee hee hee hee hee! Ha ha ha ha ha ha," Kyuubi mocked and laughed maniacally, "Keeping it all in the family I see!"
SHUT UP YOU SICK PERVERTED BASTARD!, Naruto shouted mentally. Sandaime turned and saw Naruto's plight and inquired, "Is something the matter?"
"Just a sudden headache," came Naruto's reply, "I'll be fine. Nothing serious to worry about old man."
Sandaime frowned on being called 'old man' again before returning his gaze at the village. Soon the short lived pain in Naruto's head vanished.
'Sorry about that,' Yondaime apologized, 'But don't ever ask that question again.'
And you have yet to answer it anyway, Naruto mentally retorted.
'The answer is you can control what I see and sense through you. Remember I'm your 'tenant' and I can't do much unless you permit me or if the situation is rather dire. Believe me Naruto, what you were about to ask is something I certainly DO NOT want to be part of! The seal on your stomach that slightly evolved from the original design after the servitude jutsu was performed allows you to block out and cut me away from anything you don't want me to be aware of.' (A/N: the seal on Naruto's stomach is the same, except that there are four small spiral diamonds at the top, bottom, left and right sides of the seal)
"Pft," Kyuubi scoffed, "I bet before the kit knew this Yondaime, you enjoyed the sight of Tsunade's body and breasts when she used to suckle-'
DAMARE YO! BAKA ERO-KITSUNE, Naruto and Yondaime angrily shouted simultaneously. Kyuubi chuckled to himself as he retreated back into the dark depths of his prison. Sighing to himself, Naruto thought, Why me…
Many things are happening and being planned. Meanwhile, some people have a lot on the minds, some more than others. Will word about Naruto's encounter with Itachi and Kisame become widespread? And what more will happen to Naruto? Find out next time.
Damare yo! Baka Ero-Kitsune: Shut up you stupid perverted fox