Chapter Sixteen: "Memory Lane"

(One Year Later)

Naruto (age 12) was on his way to the academy for the Genin team assigning while sporting a new look for himself. Gone was his ninja mask and braided ponytail, leaving his long stringy blond hair that was partly spiked on top to fall sloppily down his back and over his shoulders with some strands to fall over his forehead. His Leaf head protector was tied over his head with some of his hair resting over it. As a result of Minato's chakra infusing into the preteen, some of Naruto facial baby fat was gone, making him look a little more mature than his age.

His clothes appearance was now like that of a male Jounin except he was still wearing his finger-less black gloves, a sleeveless and colar-less blackish blue shirt showing off his nicely toned bare arms. He wasn't wearing the official Konoha Jounin vest. Instead he was wearing a green vest that looked similar to a Jounin's but the collar and the bottom rim weren't as thick and it didn't have as many pockets. On him was a specially made white vest reached passed his waist with the same features and flame designs as Yondaime's trademark trench coat. On the back of the vest in red kanji was the slogan Konoha No Nidaime Senkō ("Konoha's Second Flash").

Many were looking at Naruto was he made his way down the streets of Konoha, totally surprised at his new appearance. A number of the men and women were murmuring amongst themselves about how shocking it was that Naruto's new appearance made him look strikingly like a young miniature version of Yondaime Hokage with attitude.

The preteen saw the looks everyone was giving him but he just continued on his way. He remembered how Tsunade objected to the idea of him dressing up that like, arguing that it'll earn him dangerous attention, especially from Iwagakure. Naruto argued that he had enemies all his life both within and outside of Konoha, and that the Akatsuki only added to it even before his new appearance. He then added that no matter how he dresses being a ninja will always guarantee many enemies and allies at the same time. Tsunade knew this of course, but as a protective mother, adoptive or not, she still didn't want to risk losing precious her son whom she believe was growing up too fast for her liking.

Like Sasuke (age 12), Naruto passed all of the exams with flying colors. However Naruto held back some of his abilities so as to not show off what he can really do and add more to the already existing rivalry he has with Sasuke, who was anything but happy after he learned of Itachi's defeat to Naruto…

(Flashback; One Year Ago)

It's sometimes hard to keep certain issues a secret, especially if this issue regards the fight Naruto got himself into with Itachi and Kisame protecting Hinata and Ino. Ino told Sakura and her other female schoolmates about it and they told their friends and folks about it and the rest is history. Many Chuunins and Jounins who've heard about the event from their ANBU friends found the story hard to believe until they said that Kakashi was an eyewitness to it, something that couldn't be refuted. Even some of the ANBU were surprised about how Naruto held his grounds against some like Itachi and survived no less to tell about it, unlike anyone else who crossed his path with the exception of Sasuke who was spared for reasons not explained. Naruto's encounter with the two S-class missing-nins was the talk of the village.

Naruto was on his way to school, dodging and running from as many fangirls as he could while on the way.

They don't even know I'm the son of Yondaime and already they're acting like this, Naruto thought as he ran into the academy with a horde of fangirls chasing him, Damn! I was hoping that my encounter with Itachi would have been kept on a down low! How the hell did it spread this fast!?

'…I know the feeling Naruto…,' Minato laughed, '…I had my share of fangirls back in my days before Kushina came along and scared them all away…'

This isn't funny, Naruto shot back in frustration, Many of the rumors and gossips that I've heard about my battle with Itachi and Kisame were exaggerated!

Entering the building, Naruto, by stroke of luck, managed to have the girls lose sight of where he disappeared to. Disappointed, the girls disbanded and decided to chase after Naruto later. Sighing in relief, Naruto made his way to class and entered to see all eyes on him.

From what Naruto saw, there were mixed expressions, most of the girls were looking at him with hearts in their eyes, whereas Sakura looked at him questionably, wondering if what her best friend told her was true. She found it hard to believe that Naruto was able to stand against a feared ninja like Itachi. Shikamaru, Chouji and Kiba looked at Naruto with smirks on their faces, wanting to hear from the horse's mouth exactly what happened instead on listening to the rumors. Shino looked at him with indifference; however he himself was interested in the encounter. Naruto looked directly at Sasuke who was looking at him with pure contempt and hatred in his eyes. The blonde ninja knew Sasuke was aware of what happened between him and his older brother and to say that Sasuke wasn't happy about it would have been understatement. He was downright furious. The tension between the two boys was thick enough to slice with a kunai.

Seeing the tension, Iruka recaptured everyone's attention, "Alright Naruto. You're here so please take your seat."

Naruto nodded way went on his way to sit between Ino and Hinata as usual. He looked at both girls who blushed and looked away shyly. During the class session, Iruka eyed Naruto questionably also. He knew that there was a lot more to the blonde youth than he let on. It was something he always suspected since he became Naruto's teacher and the event between the boy and the two S-class missing nins only served to add to his suspicions.


It was lunch time and everyone was outside either eating or practicing. Meanwhile, Naruto was eating lunch by himself meditating on what Sarutobi told him about the Clan Restoration Act. Although Sandaime told him he didn't have to worry about marrying any girl anytime soon however, Naruto wondered if he should go through with marrying more than one girl or stick to one. He already knew that Hinata was betrothed to him though Hinata herself isn't aware of it and neither is Ino.

And speaking of Ino, Naruto wondered, Would she even consent to being married to me along with Hinata should I accept to go through to notion of marrying more than one female in order to restore the Namikaze Clan?

A moment later his train of thoughts was interrupted when Ino and Hinata appeared, asking if they could eat alongside him. He thanked them but declined their offer, explaining to them that he has a lot on his mind and would rather eat alone in order to clear his mind. Both girls were disappointed that Naruto declined their company since he always welcomed it. However they saw the look his eyes and acknowledged that a lot more seemed to trouble him than his battle with their kidnappers. Choosing not to pry in his privacy, both girls respectfully departed from him and said that they would talk with him later.

A couple of minutes later after Naruto was done eating his lunch, Naruto stood up and prepared to leave when he sensed a presence from behind him. He turned to see Sasuke looking at him with livid eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that," Naruto asked, already knowing why.

"Fight me," Sasuke stated with coldness in his voice.

"Say what," Naruto said being caught off guard by Sasuke's challenge.

"FIGHT ME NARUTO!," Sasuke said louder catching the attention of the other students who started gathering around them.

"You can't be serious," Naruto retorted, "I have no reason to fight you!"

"I have reasons to fight you," Sasuke challenged, "You're one of the main people I've always wanted to fight and defeat!"

The crowd of students was getting rowdy as many were expecting a good battle between Sasuke and Naruto, the top two students of the academy. Sakura, Hinata and Ino were among those in the crowd. Though the three girls were not cheering and hoping for a fight however, they couldn't help but worry how this would turn out. Naruto though saw this as a potential one-sided fight that would not end in Sasuke's favor for many reasons.

"Ridiculous," Naruto said, "I don't have time for this!"

Naruto turned and walked off from Sasuke. The Uchiha youth, angered by Naruto's refusal to fight him, sought to provoke the young blonde.

"Coward," Sasuke spat, "Don't turn your back on me dobe!"

"Say what you will," Naruto retorted, "Right now I have more important things on my mind."

Enraged even more by Naruto not seeking to fight him, Sasuke took the initiative in attacking Naruto from behind with the intention of goading him into fighting. Naruto however ducked and dodged the punch that would have made contact with the back of his head. Turning around, he was met with a barrage of punches and kicks there were sent at him from Sasuke, all of which were evaded and blocked with sharp efficiency and grace. The crowd of students yelled and cheered the fighters on in hopes that things would get interesting. Kiba and Chouji were cheering Naruto on; yelling things like "Bust his ass," "Show him a thing or two." Shikamaru simply mumbled, "How troublesome."

Shino was attentive and silent, interested in how this battle was going to end. Sakura was yelling for Sasuke to stop fighting but her words fell on deaf ears. A majority of the girls present were pulled between loyalties between Naruto and Sasuke. They were distraught about the event and saddened that their two favorite guys were engaged in a heated combat, with Sasuke throwing all of the assaults and Naruto doing all of the evading and blocking. Ino and Hinata, though witnessing how Naruto was able to effortlessly prevent harm from befalling him still couldn't help but be worried for their friend's well-being.

Things got serious when Sasuke pulled out a kunai from his pocket, and attempted to use it on Naruto. Pulling out his own kunai, Naruto started clashing his kunai against Sasuke's. The blonde shinobi knew that he could have ended this fight a long time ago, even before the fight even started at all. However he wanted to see how far Sasuke could go and so far none of them used any form of ninjutsu. Soon the two met each other and their kunais clashed and wrestled against each other in a tug of war for supremacy. The two boys looked each other in the eyes. Sasuke saw calmness and steadiness in Naruto's eyes, as though he wasn't bothered by what was going on. The Uchiha sworn that the blonde was smirking underneath his ninja mask. Naruto saw only coldness, fury and hatred in Sasuke's eyes, with a touch of bloodlust.

"Sasuke you can be better than this," Naruto counseled, "Don't walk down this path of hate. Don't follow in your brother's footsteps."

Just the mere mention of his brother made Sasuke's blood boil, in spite of the fact that Naruto was trying to keep him from walking down the path Itachi went. Pulling away for a second, Sasuke charged at Naruto slashing his kunai at him before grabbing a few shurikens from his pocket and throwing them at him with the intent of striking him. The shurikens instead struck a nearby tree and deeply embedded into it.

This guy is serious, Naruto acknowledged. Seeing that the fight turned seemingly deadly, Naruto decided to end it before things really got out of control. With a speed that none present were able to grasp, Naruto charged at Sasuke and did a pressure point to his neck, which knocked him into an instantaneous state of unconsciousness. Sasuke went falling toward the ground facedown before Sakura hurriedly ran and grabbed him before he actually hit the ground. A few other girls went over to Sasuke to see if he was alright while Ino and Hinata went over to Naruto who didn't look fatigue at all. Iruka, Mizuki and a few other Chuunins came to see what was going on, only to see Naruto and the other students standing before the unconscious Sasuke.

"He's not dead," Naruto informed everyone, "But he won't be awake for the next few hours."

"Why did you do that for," Sakura yelled. Not phased by her reaction, Naruto replied, "He needed time to cool down and think things over. And in case you haven't noticed, he attacked me first and I was getting bad vibes from him during the fight. So I decided to knock him out painlessly."

"Alright everyone back inside," Iruka said. Everyone but Naruto groaned as they complied. Iruka went over and picked Sasuke up off the ground and carried him back into the building. While walking into the building he overheard Ino and Hinata talking to Naruto about his battle with Sasuke.

"That was quite a fierce fight you and Sasuke were in," Hinata said.

"True but it was so awesome! You sure showed him, didn't you Naruto-kun," Ino added more emphasis on his name before turning and grinning at Sakura, earning a sneer and death glare from the pink-haired girl.

"There was nothing for me to show him," Naruto replied, "I could have ended that fight the entire time if I really wanted to. I was more interested in seeing what he was really capable of."

"And what did you see," Hinata inquired. Naruto replied, "Sasuke has potentials that he does. His deeply rooted handicap however is that he has a terrible rage and lacks the conviction needed to let go of his hatred. If he's not careful, that very handicap will consume him."

Again, Iruka looked at Naruto with wonder, before concluding to himself that it must be because he's the son of Tsunade. Yet even that did little to satisfy the many questions his mind had about Naruto.

(End Flashback)

The Genin exam ended with Sasuke and Naruto being tied for the title of Rookie of the Year; what many didn't know however was that Naruto held back a great deal and willingly put himself in a tie with Sasuke for the title, thus a tie breaker was to be held. Iruka and the other teachers used Naruto and Sasuke's past records and performances both inside and outside the academy to break the tie. They also used the reports that discussed Naruto's battle with Itachi and Kisame. They reasoned that Naruto, who wasn't even a Genin at the time, was able to hold his grounds against a former ANBU captain and his S-level criminal partner, and successfully rescued and saved Ino and Hinata. Iruka then presented a report of a fight Sasuke started up with Naruto who defeated him with a one-hit blow.

With these facts they gave the title of Rookie of the Year to Naruto. The blonde preteen shinobi knew that this only served to add to the growing rivalry between him and Sasuke, something he was trying to condense.

Sending his mind elsewhere, Naruto recalled another incident that guaranteed that he would never be the same again…

(Flashback; Ten And A Half Months Ago)

Naruto was returning from jogging for three hours that morning while he heard the sounds of people sparring with each other. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he went over to the training ground where the sounds were coming from to investigate what was going on. Upon arriving and hiding in the bushes, he saw Neji sparring with one of his teammates dressed in skintight green spandex and orange leg warmers with a bowl-like hairdo, and really fuzzy eye-brows. From what Naruto was seeing, Neji had the upper hand against the other boy. To the side were Tenten, the girl who has a secret major crush on the proclaimed Hyuuga genius, and their sensei, Maito Gai, the resident Taijutsu specialist and self-proclaimed beautiful blue beast as Naruto heard.

After few minutes later, the fuzzy-browed boy was sent flying across the ground from a swing kick delivered to his chest. Neji stood there with his ever arrogant smirk as he stood over his defeated teammate.

"You can't beat me Lee," Neji said, "The differences between us are rather obvious. You're nowhere near my level."

Rock Lee scowled at this, "Shut up! I will beat you eventually! I'm sure of that!"

"Lee," Tenten started, "You're not a genius or prodigy like Neji, plus you're this year's dead last."

I really hate that label, Naruto thought to himself, It's both demeaning and insulting.

Gai sighed to himself between breaking up the developing argument and having his three students stand in attention. Naruto was about to walk off when…


Naruto came out of the bushes and walked over to them.

"Naruto-san," Gai greeted with his trademark smile, "The friend of my eternal rival and the one he speaks so highly of! What brings you here?"

Scratching the back of his head and laughing nervously, Naruto said, "Sorry for eavesdropping. But I was coming from my morning jogging and exercising when I heard Neji and Lee sparring."

"I see," Gai smiled, "So you do morning jogging and exercises also?"

"All the time," Naruto replied.


Lee went over to Naruto and said, "Naruto-kun, I've heard all about your battle with the missing-nin Uchiha prodigy named Itachi and his partner Kisame. Surely you knew that Itachi is a most dangerous traitor to Konoha."

"I did," Naruto shrugged, "But that means nothing to me when my friends are in danger and I will do what I must to protect my friends and all those precious to me, even at the cost of my well being. And I never go back on my word. That's my nindo."

"Tell me please," Lee asked excitedly, "Just how were you able to win against them? Perhaps I can learn something from this to improve my training."

"Yes Naruto-sama," Neji stepped in seeking to find some information about Naruto's fighting style, in hopes of developing counterattacks against them, "Tell us all what was your strategy in defeating those missing-nins."

"There's nothing to say," Naruto replied as he shrugged again, "Except that being a lover and glutton for very hard work in my case pays off."

Of all the countless excuses Naruto could have made up, that was by far the WORST thing he said in the hearing ears of Gai and Lee.













The two of them then engaged in a hug with tears still flowing down their faces and, logic be damned, with a sunset at the beach with crashing waves on the shores in the background. Naruto's right eye started twitching involuntarily at the scene which he found rather disturbing.

A genjutsu, Naruto thought, How on earth did that appear!?

'I don't know how to explain that Naruto,' Minato answered, 'Maybe you can ask Kurenai.'

The genjutsu specialist, Naruto replied, I don't even think she would be able to explain this!

Seeing the troubled looked on his face, Tenten went over to Naruto and placed a consoling hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at her as if she was saying, "I feel your pain."

"Tell me they don't do this often," Naruto said with a voice the sounded like a plea. Tenten sighed, "…I wish they didn't do this at all."

Neji scowled at the scene between his sensei and teammate before him before turning to look at Naruto, recalling the blonde's encounter with the infamous Itachi. The Hyuuga genius knew that he himself was no match for Itachi, and his also knew that Hinata would have died had she tried to actually fight the traitorous Uchiha. However Neji sought to make Hinata feel less than her worth about how she was kidnapped by Itachi who was only trying to use her to draw Naruto out. While looking at the blonde, Neji couldn't help but wonder why Itachi of all people would seek out Naruto, who posses no known bloodline limit of any sort.

What makes him so special besides him being the son of Godaime-sama, Neji wondered, And how was he able to hold his grounds against two S-class missing nins when he's not even an ANBU or Jounin, let alone a Genin?

Naruto saw the look in Neji face before the Hyuuga boy looked away. Shrugging, Naruto turned and saw Gai and Lee still engaged in the same hug as before.

"I'll be on my way now," Naruto said as he hurriedly departed before a reply could be said to him.

(End Flashback)

Something like that ought to be outlawed, Naruto thought as he continued on his way to school. Naruto then thought about how Jiraiya made fun of him for days for what Sarutobi Hiruzen told him about the Clan Restorations Act. Tsunade, annoyed enough by her former teammate's behavior, gave him three painful lumps on his head before knocking him unconscious. Though Tsunade knew about the act however, she wasn't in total agreement with it, especially since she didn't want Naruto to turn into a Jiraiya-copy. Hiruzen though managed to discuss this issue with her, explaining everything he told Naruto but only in more details. Reluctantly, Tsunade agreed, even though she knew both Hinata and Ino like Naruto.

While on his way to school, he walked passed a dango shop and saw a familiar woman with purple hair in a pineapple hairstyle wearing a fishnet bodysuit and a mini-skirt and tan trench coat eating some dangos. Naruto blushed upon remembering an incident that he unintentionally got himself into…

(Flashback: Five Months Ago)

Naruto was coming from his training with Jiraiya. He had already mastered the Shunshin No Jutsu and Rasengan with the use of Kage Bushin, a ninjutsu Yondaime explained to him how to perform. Months earlier Naruto learned and mastered using Kage Bushin and now he uses Kage Bushin to form his Rasengan. Because of Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto is unable to form perfect Bushins; however he can create solid Bushins and train with them, thus strengthening his skills.

Happy about the progress he was making, Naruto decided to stop by his favorite ramen shop to see Teuchi and Ayame when…

"Hey," a woman shouted, "Bring me some more of those dangos and don't be cheap with the sake!"

"Whatever Anko (age 23)," the waiter replied as he went to get her order. Meanwhile, outside, Naruto, turning to his left, went and entered the dango shop and saw Anko gulping down dangos after dangos with red bean soup and sake at the side at the table she was sitting at. Anko looked up and saw Naruto approaching her.

"Hey gaki," Anko greeted, "What do you want?"

"A moment of your time if you will," Naruto answered.

"Not interested," Anko retorted.

"You didn't even let me ask you my questions," Naruto stated. Anko smirked at him, "Am I obligated to answer them in the first place?"

"No but-"

"Then it's settled," Anko cut him off, "Now get lost you stupid maggot."

Naruto was annoyed with the older woman. Before he could say another word, the waiter came with another order of dangos and sake before setting them down on the table and walking off. Before Anko could partake of her food, Naruto jumped on the table and took the dango from her plate before crouching down to look her straight in the eyes. The older woman sent Naruto a death glare that promised hours of pain and suffering while everyone else at the other tables moved away from the duo, especially those who knew what Anko was capable of doing to those who crossed her.

Kiba, Ino and Hinata felt the bloodlust that was coming from inside the shop and went to investigate it. The trio came upon a surprising sight. Naruto was crouching down on top of a table fearlessly looking face-to-face with a female Special Jounin who was feared by almost everyone in Konoha, with her dango in his right hand. Kiba was on the verge of cracking up at Naruto's bravado while the girls looked at Naruto as if he lost his mind.

"Gaki," Anko warned, "I'll give you one chance to live and give me back my dango."

Removing and pulling his ninja mask down to his neck, Naruto shot back, "You don't scare me. I faced and seen things worse than you. And I'll leave when you at least answer a few questions I like to have answers to."

"I'm warning you," Anko said threateningly, "Give me back my dango or I'll-"

"Hey Naruto, what's up," Kiba greeted loudly as he came and smacked Naruto hard on his back, effectively knocking him off the table and into the older woman causing her to fall backward off her seat. Both Anko and Naruto fell and crashed onto the floor, landing down in a most inappropriate manner. Naruto was right on top of Anko with his lips hard pressed against hers and his tongue in her mouth, allowing him to sample the mixed taste of dango, bean soup, sake and her saliva in her mouth. Both Naruto and Anko, blushing heavily, froze in shock, completely stupefied at what just happened though unintentional on both their parts.

Hinata and Ino's eyes were as wide as dish plates as their mouths dropped like anvils upon seeing the sight. Kiba in the meantime was die-laughing with tears falling down his face while holding onto his sides. Even Akamaru snickered at the sight.

After several seconds, Anko snapped out of her stupor and fiercely shoved Naruto off her before standing back on her feet. Naruto, snapping out his own stupor, got up off the floor in time to hear Anko shout, "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Shit," Naruto cursed, taking her threat seriously as he took to flight and hurriedly ran out of the shop after putting his mask back on with a deranged Anko in hot pursuit of him with vipers coming out of the sleeves of her trench coat. Kiba was still cracking up at the event he instigated and witnessed before the cowering Akamaru jumped off and out of Kiba's jacket and running off from him while hoping his master will someday forgive his betrayal. That was when Kiba sensed a whole new strong bloodlust radiating from inside the shop. Slowly and fearfully, he turned to see an extremely pissed off Hinata with her Byakugan fully activated, giving off a bloodlust that would have shamed Sakura and any other Sasuke fangirl. Next to her was an enormously enraged Ino was cracking her knuckles while giving off a bloodlust matching Hinata's. The boy paled and gulped in terror as the girls looked at him.

"Oh Kiba," Hinata said with a deceptively sweet voice as she gestured to him to come over to them, "Ino and I would like to have a few words with you."

It was now Kiba's turn to dash out of the shop as Hinata and Ino chased after him like two hunters out for blood. Naruto and Kiba found themselves being chased by females, for different reasons. For Naruto, for the first time, it was by a female seeking his death for something they both knew he didn't do on purpose, and Kiba, for destroying Hinata and Ino's competing chances of giving Naruto his first kiss and having him get it from the crazy Anko who now wants him dead.

All of the bystanders looked at Naruto with sympathy as he ran down the village streets, wondering what dumb prank was he stupid enough to pull on the infamous torture and interrogation specialist of all people.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!," Anko yelled as she continued chasing him.

"HELL NO!," Naruto yelled back before ducking from one of her vipers that dashed to bite him, "YOU'RE A DAMN LUNATIC!"



Naruto managed to escape Anko's wrath after running into Jiraiya and Kakashi. Naruto hid behind the two of them while Anko demanded they hand him over to her so she could deal out his just deserved death sentence. Kakashi asked Anko why she was willing to invoke Tsunade's wrath upon herself, trying to kill her son for something he didn't do on purpose. The part about Tsunade's retaliation served to gradually calm Anko down, allowing her sense of reasoning to take control. Kakashi explained that he saw what happened and stated that Naruto had no intentions for doing what he did when one his friends stupidly pushed him into her on purpose as his sense of a practical joke.

Summoning the vipers back into her trench coat sleeves, Anko grumbled to herself as she turned and stomped off away from the trio, probably back to work to find a poor victim to release her anger on. When she was out of hearing and seeing range, Kakashi and Jiraiya shuffled Naruto's head and laughed.

"I have to hand it to you Naruto," Jiraiya applauded, "You have more balls than I ever gave you credit for! I never in my wildest dreams thought that you'd score your first kiss with a woman like Anko in the shameless manner that you did and not with a girl your age! (With fake sniffles)…It makes me so proud!"

"Shut up ero-jisan," Naruto replied with a heavy blush on his face, "I didn't mean to do that and you both know that!"

"Be that as it may," Kakashi teased, "But I myself would have never suspected that Anko's first real kiss would have been shared with a kid like you! My hat's off to you Naruto!"

Naruto blushed even more on hearing this, "Knock it off! It was a pure accident!"

"Was that why you enjoyed the feel of her barely covered body and the feeling of being on top of her as the dominant alpha male since she had to shove you off her," Kakashi teased, "I'm sure she enjoyed it as much as you did though she might not admit it."

"Getting the Clan Restoration Act to an early start are we," Jiraiya joked causing both Kakashi and to burst into perverted laughter while Naruto hung his head low, knowing that this was another issue, besides the Clan Restoration Act, that Jiraiya and Kakashi would never let him hear the end of.

"I think I was better off with that crazy lady trying to kill me," Naruto mumbled to himself.

(End Flashback)

From what Naruto recalled that same day from Shizune, Kiba was admitted into the hospital after being found heavily beaten and left unconscious at the hospital doors under mysterious circumstances. When Kiba was asked who attacked him, he said that he didn't have time to get a good look at them to identify his attackers. Naruto knew he was lying, but figured that for Kiba's own well being and health it was safe for him to plea amnesia. Though he fully recovered, Kiba made a mental note to never cross Hinata and Ino in any way that involved Naruto and would provoke that same result.

Later that same week, Naruto recalled, he remembered asking Kakashi for information about that particular crazy woman. Kakashi was tempted to tease him again about it, but Naruto said that he's seen the way she's been continuously mistreated by the villages for reason he couldn't understand. He told Kakashi that he heard many of the harsh and cruel names they called her, from 'Snake Whore,' 'Bitch Saddist,' 'Traitor,' 'Serpent,' the list goes on, though he could partly understand the serpent part to a degree. Naruto wanted to know why the villagers hated her so much though she's clearly a fellow Konoha nin like them. Naruto said that when he tried to approach her that day in order to get the information directly from her, Kiba pushed him into her which caused that incident to happen.

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, Kakashi told Naruto some things he knew about her. He explained that her name is Mitarashi Anko, a Special Jounin in the interrogation department under Morino Ibiki's supervision, who happens to be another Special Jounin. The ANBU captain then explained that Anko was a former apprentice of Orochimaru, another worst and most hated traitor and Snake Sannin of Konoha who was caught doing horrific and illegal experimentations on fellow shinobis, men, women and children of Konoha, and on Anko as well.

He also told him that Orochimaru was seeking to unlock the secret to immortality, which was expressly taboo in the shinobi world. Those were among the many reasons why Orochimaru lost the candidacy in becoming Yondaime Hokage, Kakashi explained. Since Orochimaru's defect and disappearance from Konoha, Anko became among the most unpopular, hated and feared figures in the entire village and that only a hand full of people like Kurenai, Sandaime, himself and a few others see her as a fellow Konoha nin and not as a traitor or representation of Orochimaru.

Naruto couldn't help but feel bad about the type of life Anko is forced to live, even though Kakashi told him that she brushes everyone off and tells her harassers to piss off. Naruto made some attempts to befriend Anko, going as far as apologizing for the kiss incident, even though he did secretly enjoyed it and wouldn't openly admit it. At first, Anko found his offer of friendship as his idea of a joke since she remembered her encounter with Naruto that was still fresh in her memory; along with the fact that Kakashi and Ibiki teased her about it a few times much to her aggravation. However, she saw that he was being serious about being friends with her in spite of her reputation, which shocked her to no end since every parent in the village always pulled their children away from her as though she was the walking plague or a curse. Not wanting to lose the opportunity to at make another friend, Anko accepted on the basis that they were on starting on an acquaintance level.

Anko looked up from her plate of dangos and saw Naruto staring at her while he zoned out.

"What are you staring at, gaki," Anko smirked, causing Naruto to snap out his train of thoughts before he waving her good-bye and walking off to continue on his way to the academy.

While going on his way, he turned and looked back at the Hokage Monument that now had Tsunade's face on it, right next to Minato's. Ironic really, Naruto thought: father and mother, Yondaime and Godaime, side-by-side together in all their glory facing the city. Or that was supposed be the case had it not been for a certain incident.

(Flashback: A Week Ago)

Naruto was returning back to Konoha with Jiraiya after a three month absence. Three months ago, Tsunade signed an official document that was given to Iruka and the academy headmaster explaining Naruto's leave of absence and his return before the Genin exam. The document however didn't mention Naruto's training sessions with Jiraiya, but mentioned some special educating he was going to undergo outside of Konoha for a while. Though she was reluctant to let him leave however, she knew that it was for the best since he requested that he leave the village for a short while and see new things while continuing his training with Jiraiya.

Jiraiya and Naruto approached the two Jounins who standing at their post by the towering doors leading into the village. Naruto though notice that the Hokage Monument now had his mother's face on it. That was when a fox-like smile formed on his face.

"State your name and business here," the first Jounin said. Jiraiya snorted at this and said, "What do you mean? There are two of us standing in front of you guys and you both should know who we are by now."

"It's just protocols Jiraiya-sama," the second Jounin said, "But either your companion is invisible or he or she was sent to the next life."

Jiraiya tuned to see that Naruto was no longer with him.

"Damn! Where did that gaki disappear to?"

Jiraiya ran pass the jounin guards and started his search for Naruto. He at first though that he'd head for his favorite ramen stand Ichiraku; but he was surprised to see that he hadn't appeared there at all. Ayame (age 16) and her father Teuchi told Jiraiya to tell Naruto to come and greet them later after he was found.

(Later At The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade was in her office taking a break from her paperwork. Opening the draw of her desk, she pulled out a bottle of sake and a small cup and poured herself a drink. She was happy that her little Naru-chan was coming home today. Sure he kept in touch with her but that didn't replace the thought of seeing him in person and hugging him. She sipped her drink merrily…


The Slug Sannin spewed her drink out before seeing Shizune and several other Jounins behind her rushing into the office.

"What is it," Tsunade barked loudly and indignantly.

"It's an emergency," Shizune said, "The Hokage Monument! Someone is vandalizing it in paint."

Sighing, Tsunade got up from off her seat and head out of the office to the roof of the Hokage tower with Shizune and the other Jounins following after her. Upon reaching outside, their ears came to hear loud fits of laughter coming from the villagers and other ninjas. Tsunade and Shizune with the other Jounins stood on the roof and looked over at the Hokage Monument to see what it was that got everyone in an uproar of laughter. Needless to say, the Godaime's eyes widened upon the seeing the condition the monument was now in.

Painted next to the face of Senju Hashirama, the Shodaime was a large graffiti of a Icha-Icha Paradise book with a hormonal half-naked kunoichi being chased by a horny half-dressed shinobi; this was followed by the face of the Shodaime being painted in way that made him appear to be scowling at the book. Senju Tobirama, the Nidaime, his face was painted in a way to make you think he was sweat-dropping at the sight of the book.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was painted in a way that made him the way he used to look like when he was much younger. However there was redness painted on his cheeks making it seem that he was blushing from the sight of the book as he looked away.

Namikaze Minato's face was painted in a fashion that made him look like he was annoyed at Hiruzen's facial expression.

Finally, Tsunade's face was painted beautifully making her look like an authentic geisha; however she was painted in a way to make her look completely appalled at the book.

The sight of the graffiti representing that adult series alone being painted at the side of the monument was enough to make Tsunade's blood boil. Hiruzen, who was also on the roof, was also cracking up with several others at the scene he was seeing; knowing only one person had the audacity to pull something like this off. The culprit of this offense, whose face was completely masked from sight, was still standing on the scaffold of the monument.

The offender boasted, "Am I not a genius of expression?!"

"You're in a world of trouble! That's what you're in," Tsunade loudly retorted before she ordered the Jounins to apprehend the culprit and bring him before her. Complying the Jounins went in pursuit of the culprit who suddenly took off his mask and revealed himself.

"NAARRUUUTTOOOO!," Tsunade yelled.

"Uh Oh," Naruto said as he speedily jumped off the scaffold and jumped from roof to roof the house near the monument before landing on the streets commencing a chase between him and the Jounins after him.

"Naruto," yelled one of the Jounins, "What the hell have you done!?"

"You're not going to get away with this!"

Naruto speedily started jumping from roof to roof as the Jounins continued yelling and chasing after him.

"Ha Ha! Oh shut the hell up already," Naruto said, "None of you and I mean no one can stoop to this level of low! But I can, 'cause I'm the greatest!"

The Jounins continued their pursuit, not realizing that Naruto gave them the slip with a camouflaging sheet.

"That was too easy," Naruto smiled brightly. However this was short lived when…


Naruto jumped and turned to see Jiraiya standing behind him with a serious expression.

"What was that for," Naruto barked, "Ero-jisan?!"

"You have an interesting way of announcing your return," Jiraiya retorted, before smiling lecherously, "Though I like the idea of you advertising my book for me, and on the Hokage Monument of all places! Gaki you have my utmost respects!"

"And my wrath to go along with it!"

Both Naruto and Jiraiya turned to see a fuming Tsunade running after them at lightning speed.

"OH CRAP!," Naruto and Jiraiya panicked before running away from her in fear for their safety.

(End Flashback)

Luckily the monument didn't need any actual clean up since it turned out that the paints Naruto used were vanishing paints that would only last for two hours before completely crumpling away, returning the monument back to its original glory. In spite of this, Tsunade had Naruto clean the side of the monument that had her face on it. She was upset that Naruto pulled such a juvenile stunt and not allowing her to give him the 'welcome back' she wanted to give him. Still, she was happy that Naruto came back from his absence unharmed and in one piece. Jiraiya though had to hide from Tsunade for a while since she wanted to inflict some serious injuries on him for 'corrupting' her son and making him into a pervert.

Hiruzen and many others though thought that the stunt Naruto pulled was a well needed prank since the village had been awfully quiet and a bit dull without his mischief going around giving everyone something to laugh and cheer at. It also served to scrutinize their security seeing how Naruto was able to pull off such a major prank right under their noses without alerting everyone that he was back.

Naruto, finally realizing that he was going to be late, now started running to the academy.

(At The Academy)

Shikamaru, Kiba, Sakura and everyone else were already there as Iruka started the session. He looked around and saw that everyone was accounted for, everyone but one person.

"You'd think that as rookie of the year he'd be here first if not on time for something as important as this," Iruka said, "Where is Naruto?"

As if on cue the door open and closed behind the boy who entered the class.

"Hey Iruka-sensei," Naruto greeted, "Sorry I'm late. I lost my way on memory lane."

He's becoming as tacky as Kakashi, Iruka thought before studying Naruto's new appearance like everyone else. Needless to say, the Chuunin was shocked at how Naruto now looks like, or more like who Naruto now looks like.

Naruto turned to the body of students and was greeted by everyone staring at his new appearance. He saw how the girls were practically gawking at him with hearts in their eyes, seeing that this was their first time to ever see his face without that ninja mask and that his long hair and new clothes makes him like a junior Yondaime Hokage. Sakura even blushed at the sight of him when…


Sakura seemed to have accepted that reasoning, as she pulled her eyes away from Naruto and over to Sasuke, who appeared to be frowning at the appearance Naruto gave himself.

Making himself look like Yondaime, Sasuke thought, If that idiot has a death wish, all he had to do was dress in a bright orange jumpsuit that screamed 'Here I am! Kill me!'

Kiba and Chouji gave Naruto two thumbs up while Shikamaru thought blonde's new appearance was just troublesome. Shino just nodded his head to Naruto in acknowledgement. Ino and Hinata both smiled and blushed at the sight of him before glaring at the other girls staring dreamily at him. Two days earlier they frowned at him for the stunt he pulled on the Hokage Monument in putting graffiti of Icha Icha Paradise next to the monument. But they eventually forgave him and right they were thinking about how his new looks made him look as handsome as his father before telling themselves that he looks even better.

Naruto went and took his regular seat between Ino and Hinata.

"O…Ohayo N-Na…Naruto-kun," Hinata stuttered shyly for the first in a long while.

"I love your new looks," Ino praised, "It makes you look really sexy!"

"Ye-Yes Naruto-kun…," Hinata said as she shyly fidgeted her two index fingers together, "…Your new style is most…charming."

"Thanks," Naruto blushed, "I was saving these clothes until I became a Genin."

"But they make you look more like a Jounin instead of a Genin," Sakura said, "Isn't that illegal?"

"Shut up Forehead," Ino barked in Naruto's defense, "Don't get me started about talking about your idea of fashion!"

"Mind your own business Ino-Pig," Sakura shot back.




"KNOCK IT OFF!," Iruka yelled silencing the two girls. Sakura and Ino stuck their tongues out at each other before looking away from each other. Naruto and Hinata sweated-dropped at time, as did Iruka.

I see now why Naruto always hid his face underneath that mask…, Iruka sighed before grabbing everyone's attention again for his final lecture to them as their sensei. While giving his speech about life as a shinobi, Naruto's mind zoned out, remembering the incident that took place three days ago. The traitorous Chuunin Mizuki tried to trick him into stealing the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing, telling him that he could go beyond being a mere rookie of the year and attain real powers through the use of that scroll no one is allowed to read. Naruto pretended to buy into it, before informing Tsunade about it and staging Mizuki's arrest.

That same night, Tsunade gave Naruto a scroll covered with a genjutsu to look exactly like the forbidden scroll before he ran off to meet Mizuki at the designated location. Mizuki arrived at the scene and attempted to steal the 'forbidden scroll' from Naruto, before Iruka and a team of Chuunins and Jounins arrived surrounded the two. The 'forbidden scroll' was dispelled to reveal a different and smaller scroll, which was actually a warrant for Mizuki's arrest and a documentation for him to be brought to Ibiki for interrogation. Mizuki put up a fight, but being outnumbered and outmatched, the fight was short lived.

Naruto could only wonder what horrors Mizuki had to face while in Ibiki's custody. A moment later Iruka finally got to the part everyone was waiting for; Team pairings and the Jounin instructors…

Looks like everyone is anxious about who their teams members and Jounin instructors will be. Who'll be paired with Naruto and who'll be assigned to him as his Jounin instructor? Find out next time.