Chapter Seventeen: "Elite Genin"

(Two Days Earlier; At The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade was sitting at her desk with her elbow resting on the desk as her hand held her head up. She was beside herself in frustration as Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma argued over a particular issue…

"Tsunade-sama," Kakashi said, "All I'm saying is that I would be best suited as a Jounin instructor for Naruto. Unlike Kurenai and Asuma, I've known Naruto for the longest time and I know his strengths and weaknesses, therefore I would know how to assist in his training and strengthening his abilities. And since Naruto is a most advanced Genin, he would also be a great asset in aiding in the training and developments of his fellow Genins."

"Kakashi," Kurenai countered, "You already have the Uchiha prodigy, the second best of this year's Genin class, on your Genin cell. Having Naruto placed on your team would not only throw the academic balance off but it would demonstrate unfair favoritism. Plus many Jounins are aware that you spoil Naruto and there's no doubt that you'll give him more attention than the others. Naruto would do well should I be allowed to have him on my Genin cell."

"And what reasons would you have for that," Kakaski challenged. Kurenai replied, "I've seen first hand how Hinata have gradually changed from the way she used to be because of her association with Naruto. Before, she was always too timid and hesitant to give her all. Also she used to get depressed really fast and allowed whatever negativity others said and thought of her get to her. But over the course of time, Hinata, through association and friendship with Naruto, managed to break through those hindrances and gradually mold herself into the person she worked so hard to become. Even Hiashi and the main house of the Hyuuga clan have acknowledged her changes."

"So you solely intend to use Naruto as a means to give Hinata a motivational boost," Kakashi asked.

"Of course not," Kurenai retorted, "That wouldn't be fair on my part. Since his genjutsu abilities aren't as strong as his ninjutsu and taijutsu, I can do well in training him in that field."

"Kurenai," Asuma interjected, "Unlike you and Kakashi, Naruto's elemental affinity is Wind like myself. Therefore I would be a great asset in training him in developing his elemental affinity and teaching him how to use it in combat."

"Asuma," Kakashi countered, "You're the most laid back among the Jounins and that wouldn't do well for Naruto's development."

The argument continued among the three Jounins. Kakashi recently stepped down from ANBU captain to Jounin since he was the only person capable of teaching Sasuke how to use the Sharingan eye. Tsunade saw how each Jounin had reasons for wanting her son on their Genin cell. In all honesty, she never expected that the topic of her son being placed on the Genin cell would have caused so much trouble. As the argument continued, her patience was slowly declining.

After several more minutes, Tsunade was about to say something to end the dispute when the door to her office opened, revealing Sarutobi, Homura and Koharu entering the office. The three Jounins stopped arguing after seeing the Sandaime and his two former teammates entering the room with a few documents in their hands.

"It's clear that a dispute of some sort has occurred here," Sarutobi said, stating the obvious.

"My son is the topic at hand…," Tsunade sighed, "Evidently these three have a difference as to why one of them ought to be Naruto's Jounin instructor."

"I see," Sandaime said, "In all accounts, Homura, Koharu and I have studied the records of this year's Genins and reviewed them carefully. Based on what the three of us reviewed, there will be a few minor changes and adjustments, which we will discuss with all of you in detail right now."

"What adjustments and changes will occur Sarutobi-sensei," Tsunade inquired.

"For starters," Sarutobi said, "Naruto will be-"

(The Following Day)

Anko was summoned into the Hokage office for a new assignment. From what she was told it was an important one. As she made her way to the office, she pasted a gleeful smile on her face, expecting a very dangerous mission that had to be done.

I wonder what my mission will be, Anko thought excitedly, An A-rank mission in another village! Possibly even an S-rank mission in hunting down a missing nin! Being promoted to ANBU and assigned to a secret mission! Oh the possibilities! I can't wait!

Anko entered the office to see Tsunade and Sandaime waiting for her in the office.

"Anko," Sandaime greeted, "How nice of you to arrive here a little earlier than expected."

"Tsunade-sama said that she had an assignment for me that was most important," Anko explained, "So I came as soon as I could to say that I accept the mission."

Both Tsunade and Sarutobi blinked on hearing this.

"Anko," Tsunade said questionably, "Don't you at least want to know what the assignment entails before deciding to accept it?"

"I already said I accept whatever important mission it is," Anko stated, "I give you my word! So out with it already!"

"Alright," Tsunade said as she handed Anko the folder, "But remember, I'm holding you to your word."

Anko took the folder from Tsunade and reviewed the documents in it. To say that her expression came to a crash would have been an understatement.

"You can't be serious," Anko exclaimed in disbelief, "You can't expect me to-"

"You already accepted the assignment Anko and you're being held to your word," Tsunade sternly interjected, "Perhaps next time you'd do better to hear the assignment out first."

"B…But…," Anko mentally slapped herself several times for setting her hopes up too high. Her new assignment wasn't what she had in mind at all.

"Why don't you take the time to review the files in that folder," Sandaime suggested, "You'll find them quite interesting."

The Special Jounin sighed to herself knowing that she placed herself into a position that was now too late to go back on. She left the office with the folder in hand and closed the door behind her while grumbling unintelligent utterances. When she was out of the office, Tsunade turned to her former sensei and asked, "Are you sure it was a wise decision to assign Anko that assignment?"

"Anko is the only Special Jounin with the capacity to see that assignment through," Sandaime said, "Plus, judging from what I've observed from their earlier interactions, she could use the companionship."

(Present Time)

Naruto looked around the class as he studied a couple of the Genins in the class. His eyes fell on Sasuke, the remaining Uchiha who was driven by his hatred and rage to surpass his infamous brother. Naruto couldn't deny that Sasuke had done very well in physical and book work. The young Uchiha's abilities were known throughout Konoha, as well as his rivalry with Godaime's son. Sasuke was viewed as the implantation to a fading clan. Many pitied him, yet admired him for his strength.

The blond then turned his attention to the pinked haired Genin obsessed with Sasuke, this being Sakura, the girl who he admitted has an unbelievable mind. Sakura constantly received high marks on written exams throughout the year, her physical exams however at best were average.

Moving on, Naruto turned his eyes to Shikamaru, a Genin who is a master strategist and a brilliant thinker. Naruto accepted Shikamaru's ability in creating strategies is unmatched; however his reputation as a lazy bum corresponds his genius-status.

Going to the next Genin, the blond shinobi looked over at Shino, who is a quiet and stoic boy, and according to rumor, is considered a genius in logic within his own clan.

Meanwhile, Sasuke meditated on the puzzle that was Naruto. The young Uchiha prided himself in his abilities as a shinobi, and to have Naruto, the village comedian, academically outdo him, the Uchiha genius, shamed him. As a shinobi, Sasuke understood that information about the enemy was an essential part of battle. He would need to find out more about Naruto, he concluded.

Everyone was happy to finally be out of the academy. It meant that they were adults now, and that they would never have to sit around anymore listening to boring lectures about life as a ninja or what weapons one can use in the battlefield. They would be doing adventurous missions and saving people's lives now. Naruto smiled on at all of the new friends and potential allies he had made during the passed few years, proud of their achievements.

That old geezer was right, Naruto thought, Attending the academy had its advantages in spite of my advanced abilities.

"Listen carefully as I read out your designated teams and your Jounin instructors," Iruka said as he looked at all of Genins as they quietly waited for him to continue. Sakura was hoping to be placed on Sasuke's team while Ino and Hinata were both hoping to be paired with Naruto. Shikamaru had a bored expression while Chouji was munching on potato chips. Sasuke simply crossed him arms in disinterest, thinking that whomever is to be paired with him will only serve to slow him down in his desired goals to make advancements to defeat Naruto and ultimately kill Itachi.

Iruka announced the pairings of the other teams and eventually got to the seventh.

"Team 7 will be Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and Sai, this year's dead last since he started attending the academy later than usual. Your Jounin instructor will be Hatake Kakashi."

Sakura practically jumped off her seat shouting happily and yelling things like true love prevails. Some of the girls were disappointed that they didn't get paired with Sasuke, however some of the other girls were hoping to be paired with this year's rookie of the year, Naruto.

I wasn't paired with Sasuke, Naruto thought, I should have seen that one coming, though I wish I could have had Kakashi-niisan. At least I won't have to put up with someone who takes pleasure in calling me "dobe" when he knows I'm anything but that.

Naruto-kun hasn't been paired with anyone yet, Ino thought happily, That means I still have a chance to be on his team!

Hinata was thinking on the same line as Ino when…

"Team 8 will be Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, and Hyuuga Hinata. Your Jounin instructor will be Yuhi Kurenai."

Shino looked indifferent while Kiba was a bit nervous about Hinata being on his team, especially after he recalled what she and Ino did to him after the prank he pulled on Naruto and Anko. Hinata though looked completely dejected as if her whole world came to a crash.

Does this mean I won't get to work with Naruto-kun, Hinata thought sadly while on the verge of tears. Naruto saw the look on Hinata's face. He saw that she was really hoping to be paired with him and in truth he was really hoping that was going to happen. He was really disappointed at this.

Damn it, Naruto thought, I was really setting my hopes up that it was going to be me, Hina-chan and-

"Team 9 is still active as a team of Genins. Therefore, the new Team 10 will be Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, Yamanaka Ino. Your Jounin instructor will be Asuma Sarutobi."

WWHHAAAAAAATT!, Naruto thought angrily. Two of the girls he wanted to be paired with were paired with other teams. Ino's head slumped down just as sad as Hinata's. Ino didn't know whether to cry or burst out and yell at Iruka.

This isn't fair, Ino and Hinata thought, both wanting to be paired with the son of Yondaime. Shikamaru and Chouji grinned at each other, seeing that they were teamed together.

Sakura gets to be on the same team with the guy she's crazy for, inner Ino yelled, And I'm denied the privilege to be paired with the guy I really like! It's so not fair!

Naruto looked around and realized something…

"Iruka-sensei," Naruto spoke as calmly as possible while trying to hold his own anger inside of himself, "Why wasn't my team announced?"

"Well Naruto," Iruka explained, "According to this, you weren't assigned to any Genin team."

"What the hell," Naruto said in outrage. All of the Genins were surprised about this revelation. Naruto, not knowing what else to use to release his rage on, pulled his hair together from the back before pulling out a kunai and with one strong swipe, slashing off the long hair from his head. Everyone was shocked and speechless as Naruto's unexpected action. Slamming the sliced off hair down on his desk, he stood up indignantly, "Why the hell wasn't I assigned to a Genin team?"

"…Let me explain," Iruka sighed, "Normally the best in the graduating class is paired with the dead last of the class in order to balance the teams out. However, based on what the Hokage was willing to explain to me, she said that Sasuke is to be your replacement as the best Genin on Team 7."

Naruto was doing his best to control his indignation as he held his kunai tightly. Sasuke however had a most rare wide grin on his face, making Sakura and his other fangirls look at him dreamily.

"I always knew that in time you'd be seen as the dead last that you are Naruto," Sasuke mocked arrogantly, "In fact you're worst. At least the real dead last was given a team. I can't believe that what befell you just now came at a most fitting occasion."

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a tempting desire to throw the kunai at Sasuke's direction when…

'Don't lose your temper Naruto,' Yondaime warned, 'It's exactly what that fool is trying to get you to do! Don't stoop to his level! I'm very sure that Tsunade has a very good reason for this unexpected arrangement. She is the Hokage and knowing her, she wouldn't do anything without first looking at everything from every angle possible. It would be in your best interest to discuss the matter with her and not do something reckless that you'd later regret! Don't give Sasuke the satisfaction of getting a desired reaction out of you!'

Those words from his sealed father served to calm Naruto down as he placed his kunai back in its compartment in his pants. The anger once present on Naruto's face cooled down as he took a couple of breaths to calm himself down. Hinata and Ino looked at Sasuke with contempt. They couldn't understand what Sakura and the other girls saw in that jerk.

"Was there anything else you were told Iruka-sensei," Naruto asked with coolness. Iruka was surprised that Naruto managed to calm down and not retaliate against Sasuke who insulted him openly in front of the class. Kiba and the rest of the students were expecting Naruto to lash out against Sasuke who insinuated that his mother finally saw her son as the idiot he always is. They were amazed that he did the complete opposite of what they expected him to do.

He managed to steam his anger enough to allow reasoning to take effect. It's surprising seeing the situation, seeing Naruto's calming demeanor, Iruka continued, "The Hokage explained that you'll be given a different kind of training as the first "Elite Genin" of the graduation class of Genins."

Naruto now had a surprised and puzzled expression on his face. The grin on Sasuke's face vanished on hearing that title given to Naruto.

"Elite Genin," Sasuke asked.

"That's right," Iruka replied, "Based on Naruto's records and assessment, he was given the new Elite Genin title and his training will be discussed with him with the Hokage after the other Genin teams were assigned."

The class couldn't believe what they were hearing and neither could Sasuke, who now looked outraged by this.

"How come Naruto gets special training and not Sasuke or anyone else," Sakura asked, "Is it because he's Tsunade-sama's son?"

"No Sakura," Iruka replied sternly, "Such favoritism would not be tolerated by this village's shinobi standards. It was a recommendation made by two village advisors and Sandaime-sama after they evaluated Naruto's and everyone else's records here. All of you were selected and assigned to specific specialized teams based on your capabilities which your Jounin instructors will explain to you all in more detail after they arrive here a little later today."

"Is there more for us to know," Naruto asked. Iruka looked at the young Genin and simply smiled at the blonde haired kid, as he had unknowingly wormed his way into the teacher's once hardened heart. Naruto didn't gloat about his own accomplishments or that he outdid Sasuke, and he wasn't egotistical.

"For them yes," Iruka smiled, "But as for you, you may leave now to discuss your new training with the Hokage in person. There's nothing more for me to tell you except good luck and congratulations on receiving the honorary title as Elite Genin. Believe me when I say that you've earned it Naruto."

"Thank you," Naruto said as he left his desk and started walking from his desk towards the door. The class watched as Naruto calmly exited the class before closing the door behind him and leaving his cut off hair on his desk. After he left the classroom, one of the girls in the class remembering the slashed off hair Naruto left behind said, "I want Naruto's beautiful golden locks!"

The girl rose off her seat and ran to grab the pile of hair on the desk when another girl came up and attempted to grab the slashed blond hair, "Hands off hussy! They're mine!"

"No they're mine," a third girl yelled as they and a couple of other girls minus Sakura, Ino and Hinata started arguing about who gets to keep Naruto's once long hair. Sasuke looked at the bickering girls in disgust, wondering how females like them ever made it as Genins. He was surprised that neither Hinata or Ino started arguing with the other girls about keeping something as useless as Naruto's hair. Iruka and the other boys in the class room sweat-dropped at the scene.

"Fangirls are so troublesome," Shikamaru commented, "They argue and fight over the most trivial of nonsense!"

That's just stupid, inner Sakura said, I can't believe they're fighting over something as dumb as Naruto's hair. Now if it were Sasuke's hair, then that would have been something worth fighting over and winning!

(At The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade was doing some paperwork when…

"Kaa-chan," Naruto said as he entered the office with Shizune behind him. Tsunade looked up from her desk to see her son looking at her with a straight face. She was taken by surprise to see that his hair was cut short by a razor of some sort, although a bit sloppily.

"What happened to your hair," Tsunade asked.

"I was in need of a new style after coming from the academy," came Naruto reply.

"I take it that you found out that you weren't assigned to a Genin team," Tsunade said.

"That's for sure," Naruto retorted, "If anything, I was really hoping to be paired with either Hinata or Ino. In truth I was hoping to have been teamed with both of them!"

Tsunade sighed as the rubbed her temples. She suspected that Naruto was going to react like this.

"Naruto," Tsunade said calmly, "I know that you're upset at me and Sandaime-sama for not assigning you to a Genin team, but you must see the bigger picture."

Naruto knew his mother; she only uses his full name when she's about to discuss something of high importance or if he was being scolded for something. Since he wasn't being scolded, he saw that whatever she was going to say was important.

"Yes Kaa-chan," Naruto asked calmly, "What's this bigger picture seeing that I'm in the dark about all this? I would like to be enlightened please."

Tsunade, happy that her son was rational, explained, "Sarutobi-sensei and his two former teammates assisted in arranging the Genin teams. Seeing the students who graduated at the academy this year, he, Homura, Koharu and I divided them in a way to create specialized teams of ninjas. Team 7 is to be specialized as an attack unit, Team 8 is to be specialized as a reconnaissance unit, and Team 10 is to be specialized as an investigation unit."

"That's logical," Naruto admitted, "But what about this Elite Genin title I was given?"

"For one thing," Tsunade made clear, "You're not an ordinary Genin like the rest of them. You're the Elite Genin at Sannin level and you're too advanced and experienced for them. They wouldn't be able to keep up with you and you would have ended up having to slow down drastically for them to keep up. Something like that would hinder you greatly in your own development."

"Couldn't I in some way assisted in their training if I were assigned to one of their teams," Naruto asked.

"That's what Kakashi argued about," Tsunade said, "He, Kurenai and Asuma were here in my office two days earlier arguing over who'd have you in their Genin cell. They had their own reasons as to why one of them should have you in their team; though I have to admit that some of their reasoning was quite appealing. In truth Naru-chan, you can pretty much fit into any of the Genin cell divisions. Still, Sarutobi-sensei and I had something else in mind for you than for you to perform the same Genin-level training you've already completed years earlier, which would be both a waste of time and productivity."

"…," Naruto remained silent as he listened. Seeing that her son wasn't arguing, Tsunade continued, "Aside the earlier reasons why Ino and Hinata were assigned to different teams, those two girls need to be focused on training to become the next generation of kunoichis of Konoha. Were they to have been paired with you, they would have been too side-tracked in trying to develop a romance with you seeing that they know who you are and what your responsibilities are as the last Namikaze. And don't act like you haven't noticed how they've been behaving around you over the passed year."

"I can vouch for that," Shizune said, speaking up for the first time after a long period of silence, "Those two girls have been seen almost everywhere with you Naruto."

"You make it sound like a bad thing," Naruto joked. Shizune cleared her throat, "…It's not that Naru-otouto. But Tsunade-sama, Sandaime-sama and I have taken this matter into careful consideration for everyone's benefits. Both Ino and Hinata have to be balanced in the time they spend with you and devote some of their energy and resources in honing their skills as ninjas and working with others. Also it'll allow them to develop and strengthen their familial jutsus."

"I honestly can't argue with that point," Naruto said. Tsunade spoke, "Plus Kurenai was the one who especially requested to have Hinata on her Genin team. I expected this seeing how Kurenai has always been a mother figure to Hinata."

Naruto was well aware of this fact since he's seen how often Kurenai came around the Hyuuga mansion and train Hinata.

"I'm sure that there could have been another female Jounin who could have helped Hinata out in that department," Naruto said.

"Maybe but Kurenai was very adamant on it," Tsunade retorted, "And speaking of female Jounins, one particular Jounin was assigned to you."

"And who would that be," Naruto inquired, and as if on cue, the office door opened and entered was a most familiar female figure who smiled her trademark grin.

"Anko-chan?," Naruto said.

"Nice to see you too, gaki," Anko said, "Looks like we're going to be spending more time together little man."

"I'm not little," Naruto retorted, "And it'll be wise for you not to underestimate me like Itachi."

Anko wanted to go up to him and whack him across the head, but she didn't want to risk her safety with Tsunade being present in the room.

"Naruto," Tsunade said, "Although you're not on a three-man Genin cell, you will however be assigned to work with Teams 7, 8 and 10 from time to time doing D and C rank missions. Your training though will be different from theirs."

"How so," Naruto inquired.

"I'll explain that," Anko spoke, "In reviewing your records, I've acknowledged that since you were eight years old you had a habit in setting up excellent pranks on many of the Chuunins, Jounins and some of the ANBU and with methods of escaping from them. You still have that habit and it's common knowledge to everyone in the village."

"Where are you getting at," Naruto asked.

"Where I'm getting at," Anko explained, "Is that you have a gift in infiltration, setting up traps against unsuspecting shinobis of various levels and you're a very good escape artist. I would like to assist you in developing those skills of yours. They could be most useful when battling enemy ninjas."

"Alongside this," Shizune interjected, "Tsunade-sama recommended that since you're also training as a medic nin that you start training at the hospital as well, working alongside me in the operating and examination rooms."

"So basically I have two female Jounins to work with," Naruto interpreted, "But how will I be able to do all those things? Don't you think that's a bit much?"

"I figured you'd say that Naruto," spoke an aged voice filled with experience. Everyone turned to see Sandaime and Jiraiya enter the room before closing the door behind him.

"Oi jiisan, ero-jisan," Naruto greeted. Sandaine said, "We're happy to see you too Naruto. I'm sure that by now they've explained to you about the type of training you'll being undergoing and I'm sure that it sounds rather overwhelming. But I know of a method that can help you as you train with both Shizune and Anko."

"What would that be," the blonde asked.

"Make a Kage Bushin and I'll have Jiraiya demonstrate it," Sandaime said. Doing as he was told Naruto created a Kage Bushin in the exactly likeness of himself. Anko was shocked at seeing this.

"He's able to perform a Jounin level kinjutsu," Anko asked in surprise. To the others in the room, this was common knowledge.

"Yes Anko," Sandaime answered, "Unlike most ninjas, Naruto possesses massive quantities of chakra and is unable to create regular Bushins. His chakra however allows him to perform higher rank jutsus. If someone else his age learned that jutsu, they might be able to create two if not three Kage Bunshins before losing consciousness due to chakra exhaustion. But Naruto can create dozens without looking even the slightest bit tired."

Anko said nothing more as she processed the information though she found it hard to swallow.

Is this kid suppose to be Itachi's replacement, Anko wondered as Jiraiya placed his arm around the solid clone's shoulders and escorted him outside of the office away from everyone's hearing ears after closing the door behind them and walking some feet away.

After few moments later, Naruto's face turned crimson as his gaze lowered to the floor, unable to look Anko straight in the eyes. His mother and sister saw this and wondered what just happened. Jiraiya stepped back into the room after dispelling the clone moments ago. Seeing the look on Naruto's face, it was confirmed that it was a success. Tsunade looked at her former teammate questionably.

"What just happened and what did you do," Tsunade she interrogated.

"Teaching Naruto a new trick," Jiraiya said with a grin, "I took his Kage Bunshin out of listening range before saying anything, and yet he knew exactly what I said after the clone was punched out of existence."

It was starting to dawn on the blonde what being taught to him. Sandaime elaborated, "Whatever Naruto's Kage Bunshins sees, hears, smells or experiences is transferred into him immediately after they puff out of existence. This makes them most useful for fighting, scouting, and training, especially with the massive amounts of chakra he possesses. If Naruto have a Kage Bunshin work on mastering a jutsu, all the progress it makes is transfered to him once it's canceled.

"Use ten Kage Bunshins…and you have ten Naruto's. He could do things that would take weeks in a single day! Naruto can use Kage Bushin to study and train with Shizune while Naruto himself trains with Anko. He can use the memory of those clones to practice, if he has the chakra to maintain enough clones he could progress much faster. It would also increase his stamina and chakra reserves.

"The only drawback is the experience exhaustion he'll undergo by the sudden mental impact of absorbing the clones' memories and experiences. Depending on the amount of Kage Bushins he uses and what he has them do for whatever amount of time, Naruto could either feel very tired or completely fall unconscious immediately after absorbing the clones' memories and experiences."

Naruto took the moment to process everything that was being explained to him and everyone else.

"Great," Naruto said after a long period of silence, "I can multi-task simultaneously and relish in its benefits! That's so cool!"

"Yes but don't go bragging to the other Genins about this," Sandaime advised. Naruto nodded before making another Kage Bushin and instructing the clone that 'he' was to accompany Shizune to begin their new medical training while he go with Anko to start his other training. With everything cleared up, Tsuade dismissed everyone from her office before returning back to her paperwork. Before Jiraiya left, Tsunade asked, "Just what was it you told my son?"

"Nothing important," Jiraiya said rather quickly before exiting the room speedily. Tsunade saw that she was now alone in the office. Sighing, she stood up to look out the window to view the village before her.


Shizune and the Naruto clone went on their way to the hospital while Naruto and Anko went elsewhere as they exited the Hokage tower. While heading to their destination, Anko said, "Hey gaki, you might want to get your new hairstyle fixed up. It looks like crap from where I'm seeing it."

"I'll let Shizune-neechan fix it later today," Naruto retorted. A moment later, a thought came to the older woman's mind.

"Out of curiosity, what was it that Jiraiya-sama told you that made it hard for you to look at me?"

Naruto didn't really want to answer that question, knowing fully well how Anko would more than likely react on hearing his answer.

"Nothing significant really," Naruto said though the color on his face betrayed him.

"Don't lie to me kid," Anko said, "I wasn't made a Special Jounin by being stupid! Now if we're to be working together, I want the truth from you. Now tell me what was it that he said?"

Naruto looked at the older woman nervously before answering, "He said that you don't wear bra or panties under that fishnet body suit of yours and how very lucky I was to be getting private lessons from you considering what happened between us several months ago."

Anko was seething and fuming on hearing that. But her anger wasn't directed at Naruto this time, but at a certain older man. At that moment she was wondering in just how many ways could she hurt this man when another idea came to her mind.

"He said that huh," Anko said, before a sinister smile appeared on her face, "Well now, that give me an idea for your first test."

"A test," Naruto asked questionably.

"That's right," Anko confirmed, "All new Genins are given a test by their Jounin instructor to see if they're truly fit to be ninjas. If they fail, they're sent back to the academy."

"You won't get me to go back."

"Good. Now your test will be against a certain shinobi. Beating him won't be an easy feat. You'll have three hours to come up with a way to bring about his down fall."

"Who's the target," Naruto asked.

(Two Hours Later)

Jiraiya was walking through the forest by himself in hopes to find some young women bathing and playing by the river. As he made his way through the forest, his ears heard distinctive sounds that sounded like anything but two people training together. Letting his lecherous nature take control of him, he quietly followed the direction from where the sounds were coming. When he finally arrived on the scene, he hid behind the bushes and peeked at the sight. His eyes widened in shock and giddiness upon seeing the sight. Before him were Anko and Naruto, both of whom were holding each other romantically as though they were having a secret love affair.

"Damn that kid works fast," Jiraiya thought with a perverted smile as he pulled out his pen and notepad to write down ideas for what he hopes would be a next best seller for his novel series. Moments later Naruto asked mischievously, "Anko-sensei, is what ero-jisan said about you not wearing bra or panties true?"

"There's only one way to see if what he says is true or not," Anko replied seductively as she released an ever eager Naruto, "I think I'll start my first lesson in showing you the works and wonders of a kunoichi's body."

After saying that Anko took a few steps away from Naruto before she slowly removed her trench coat and threw it to the side before starting the process of slowly undoing her mini-skirt while moving her body in an erotic fashion while Naruto watched happily. Jiraiya was so engrossed with the scene he was watching and taking notes on that he failed to notice someone sneaking up from behind him stealthily. Before he knew it, Jiraiya was clobbered very hard on the head, knocking him unconscious.

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

Jiraiya woke up to a splitting headache but soon found something very wrong with his surrounding environment.

"W-What happened," Jiraiya said drowsily, "…Where am I and why is everything upside down?"

That was when Jiraiya realized that he was tied to his ankles while being held high to ceiling of a certain bath house with all but his boxers removed off him. Painted in red across his head was the phrase "Mega Pervert." To add to the situation he was in was that there was a candle burning away at the rope that was holding him up and the rope was mere moments from snapping and releasing him. Jiraiya gulped in terror and fear when he realized that underneath him were bathing kunoichis, some of whom were Jounins and possibly a few were ANBU as well.

Jiraiya didn't have time to react when the rope snapped and sent him falling into the waters upon the unsuspecting naked kunoichis. Moments later, very loud wails of pain, suffering and misery were heard by many villagers as sounds of heavy beatings accompanied the loud wailings. Many at first thought that someone had the unpleasant doom of being sent to Ikibi as the cries continued. Those who were close enough to the women's bath house however knew that some guy was stupid enough to risk his health to go inside the women's bath house. Some of the males gave their sympathy to the poor soul.

Meanwhile, Anko and Naruto were laughing their asses off while hearing Jiraiya's cries for help.

"Serves that pervert right…," Anko laughed before turning to Naruto, "…Combining Kage Bushin with Henge? That was true genius! I can't believe he fell for that ridiculous scene you fabricated!"

"A true ninja studies his target carefully and looks for their weaknesses. He then works on those weaknesses and baits the target into their trap."

"Tell me though," Anko asked, "How did you manage to sneak him into the bath house without being noticed?"

"A ninja doesn't give away his secrets that hastily," Naruto said, "There are ears in the wind after all."

"Needless to say Naruto you got the idea of this test," Anko said, "You studied and exploited your target's weakness, using it to your advantage without alerting him to your presence and placing him into an inescapable demise. You were also careful enough not to explain how you executed your plan too openly since enemy shinobis could be listening in the crowd. If that were to happen, the enemy could try to manipulate and use your own method against you. You pass my test Naruto. Let's celebrate your success with some dangos and bean soup!"

Naruto shrugged as he followed Anko to the nearest dango shop. Unknown to the duo was that Sandaime and Godaime were watching the scene from Sandaime's all-seeing crystal ball.

"Anymore doubts about Naruto being paired with Anko," Sandaime asked.

"After how Naruto set that pervert up…," Tsunade laughed, "…I take back everything I said!"

Looking back at his crystal ball, Sandaime thought while looking at Naruto and Anko, Yes, this will be most interesting Special Jounin and Elite Genin pairing…

Naruto passed Anko's test although it wasn't quite what she expected him to do. What will happen next? Find out next time.