Chapter Twenty-One: Wins And Losses

(At The Bridge)

"What…what is this," Tazuna yelled as he, Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and Sai had arrived at the bridge and were meet with the sight of the workers laying there unconscious.

"This is…," Sakura said.

"Form the ring," Kakashi commanded. The ninjas formed a protective ring around Tazuna, each pulling out a kunai while getting ready. Then a thick mist came rolling in.

"Kirigakure No Jutsu," Zabuza's voice came throughout the mist.

"I hate this jutsu," Sakura growled.

Suddenly ten Mizu Bunshin of Zabuza appeared around them.

"Go Sai," Kakashi said. He nodded. He pulled out some shurikens and threw them at the clones. The mizu bunshins got stabbed in their bodies and fell down into puddles of water. The mist cleared a bit and there stood the real Zabuza with the masked fake hunter nin next to him.

"It would seem that this fight will give us some trouble," Zabuza said.

"Indeed," Haku said.

"Sasuke and Sai, you two fight that fake hunter nin while I fight Zabuza. Sakura, you guard Tazuna," Kakashi commanded. The Genins nodded as they went to do as instructed.

"It seems you really want to fight? Very well; you know your opponents," Zabuza said to the girl next to him who nodded. The first to move was Haku. She rushed at Sasuke with a senbon (long needle). Sasuke blocked with his kunai and tried to kick Haku, who blocked with her foot.

"It looks like we're at a stalemate," Sasuke said but Haku shook her head.

"No, I have two advantages. First I have occupied one of your hands; then there is the water around us," Haku said and started forming one handed seals. Sasuke gasped when he saw it.

"One handed? I have never seen that before," Sasake replied.

"Hijutsu: Sensatsu Suishou (Secret Technique: Flying Water Needles)," Haku called and the water around her rose up and turned to ice needles. The needles flew towards Sai and Sasake, and just before they hit, Haku jumped away. The two boys focused chakra into their legs and at the same moment Haku jumped, Sasake and Sai jumped as well, effectively dodging the needles. Haku spun and tried to appear like a tornado. She had several senbon in her hands, making her spin motion very dangerous. The two boys jumped away from the needles before they made contact.


Naruto was making his way to the bridge when suddenly…

"Ishi Kusari No Kasui No Mari (Stone Chain Spike Ball)!"

A large rock covered with razor-sharp spike grown from out of it, came flying at him. Naruto narrowly evaded the attack as the rock ball flew over his head and crashed landed into the ground with great force forming a crater in the process. Naruto saw that the spike ball was connected to what looked like a long chain that appeared to be made a stones. Tracing the chain back to its source, Naruto looked and found the culprit some distance away from him.

"Ryota," Naruto said sourly, "What an unpleasant surprise!"

"You're just as fast as before," Ryota said, "That's the second time I missed your head in two days straight. How do you like my Ishi Kusari No Kasui No Mari? It's a weapon of my own devise and you surprisingly got me into using it against you, especially since I only use this weapon on Jounin level ninjas."

"I don't have time for you girl," Naruto said, "Leave me alo-"

The blonde was cut short when Ryota retracted the rocky spike ball to her. Naruto dashed away barely making it at the spikes on the ball slashed at his right arm. Naruto held back his voice as he felt the razor-edge sharpness of the spikes pierce his now bleeding arms which he was holding. Ryota grabbed the ball and held it in her hand.

"Quit calling me "girl"," Ryota shot back abrasively, "My name is Ryota! Remember it since I'll be the last person you'll ever see! I held back against you yesterday! But I intend to fight seriously this time!"

Naruto pulled out a kunai and placed a seal marker on it. After making a kage bushin, he handed his clone the kunai before the clone ran off on his way from him and the Iwa kunoichi.

"It's clear that you're as hardheaded as a Rock," Naruto said while implying mockery with the term "Rock", "You're a bother."

Ryota snarled at Naruto as she pulled the chain and thrust the very large spike ball into the air before swinging it around like a lasso speedily.

"I'm gonna crush you like a tin can," Ryota declared as she threw her spike ball strike into Naruto's direction with intent on carrying out her threat. Naruto dodged the attack again, but what happened next was unexpected on his part. The ball turned around and raced back into Naruto's direction. Naruto barely had time to evade the surprise attack as he grabbed two of the spikes at the last second. Unfortunate for the blonde however was that it didn't stop there. The spikes on the ball suddenly grew longer and attempted to stab him. He managed to dodge one of the spikes before getting stabbed by another to his left shoulder. Kyota heard Naruto screamed in pain from the stab.

"You don't look so superior now do you," Ryota taunted, "You can't hold off that ball forever. I'll use this very weapon to grind you to dog food!"

I hope Kakashi-niisan and the others are having a better time than me, Naruto thought to himself as he felt blood pour out of his wounds.


"I don't wish to kill you both and it isn't anything personal. This is the end," Haku said and formed some weird seals, "Hijutsu: Makyou Hyoushou (Secret Technique: Demonic Ice Mirrors)."

The water around Sasuke and Sai rose up and formed mirrors of ice arranged into a sphere around Sai and Sasuke. Haku walked up to one of the mirrors and 'melted' into it.

"What is that," Sakura asked as she and Tazuna eye witnessed what happened.

"That Mist nin…she has a bloodline limit," Kakashi asked and Zabuza nodded.

"That is her ultimate jutsu. Those two kids won't be able to survive it. No one has beaten it, ever," Zabuza bragged.

"Nothing is as dull as bragging. Let's go," Kakashi said. Zabuza chuckled and the mist thickened around them.

"You may be the Copy Cat Ninja, but I am the superior when it comes to killing without sight," Zabuza said. Kakashi sighed and blocked three shuriken that Zabuza threw.

(Inside The Ice Dome)

Sasuke and Sai looked around inside the dome of ice mirrors. In every mirror, there was an image of Haku holding several needles.

"What…bunshins," Sasuke wondered out loud. He was answered by a shower of senbon needles, some of which they managed to evade though being cut by the others. The two Genins took out some shuirkens and started throwing at the mirrors. Haku raced speedily through the mirrors while Sasuke managed to keep up with her a bit throwing his shurikens. Sasuke then went through some hand signs seeing his chance to attack

"Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu (Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique)," said Sasuke before he took in a deep breath before releasing the blast of fire from his mouth towards Haku who scarcely evaded the flames, amazed at his recent attack at her.

He was able to follow me where I go with his eyes, almost as though he had a bloodline limit of his own…wait! His eyes are now red with a coma on each of them making them different from before. Did he awaken a bloodline limit of his own, Haku wondered as she had escaped to the sanctuary of another ice mirror.

"You seemed stunned. I guess you never went up against an Uchiha before," said the now smirking Sasuke looking at Haku.

An Uchiha! Zabuza-sama warned me about that clan and their eyes. I heard they were all wiped out with the exclusion of two. This one must be the survivor of the massacre given that he's still young, Haku thought before speaking, "It makes no difference to me whether or not you're an Uchiha. You won't escape this ice prison of my creation."

Sai pulled out a paint brush and scroll. Opening the scroll quickly, Sai made a quick painting of a bear. Doing the required hand seals, Sai said, "Chōjū Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Picture)!"

Suddenly the painting of the bear came to life and stood in front of Sai and Sasuke. Sasuke tried not show it but he was surprised but this new jutsu Sai just used.

What jutsu is this, Haku and Sasuke both wondered.

I never seen such a jutsu like that before, Haku thought. Sai gave a calm demeanor as his bear roared beastly at the mirrors. It was a secret of Sai's abilities; his drawing abilities are also the source of his jutsus, and by drawing things with a brush on his scroll he's able to bring his drawings to life. Sai started painting more bears and bringing them to life. By the time he was done, both boys were surrounded by bears created by Sai.

Hopefully this will serve to slow this girl down before Naruto arrives I hope, Sai thought while wondering what could be delaying the blonde. Sai then gave the order a few of the bears to attack the mirrors. The bears obeyed while the rest stayed behind to protect both boys.

Seeing the assaulted, Haku performed her attack as well. The senbon needles now came from every direction, apparently simultaneously.

(All The While)

Naruto was now running from Ryota who was repeatedly throwing her spike ball at Naruto's direction. Presently Naruto sustained multiple injuries and bruises, but nothing life-threatening, yet.

'You can't keep this up Naruto,' Minato said, 'You have to put this Iwa Jounin down!'

It's hard to think while being chased after…

Naruto's thoughts were briefly interrupted when the spike ball crashed behind him again with much force, breaking part of the ground he was running on moments ago. The blonde jumped away from the ball before it fired its spikes at him from all directions. He turned and started punching and shattering the spikes though a few managed to graze him, adding more to his injuries.

…With a death weapon inches away from you, Naruto mentally concluded before turning and running again.

"Run, run as fast as you can Naruto-kun," Ryota taunted while adding mockery to the "kun" honorific, "It only makes killing you this much more fun…(mockingly) Konoha's Second Flash."

"I'm really getting sick of you," Naruto remarked, "What do you have against me anyway?"

"It's nothing personal really," Ryota said while continuing to pursue him, "I was simply assigned to complete a mission, and you're that mission."

"I don't suppose dinner and candle lights will suffice," Naruto joked before a being sent flying off his feet after the large spinning spike ball came crashing speedily behind him. The blonde skidded and landed facedown and replied, "…Ugh…Was that a "no"?"

"You got jokes I'll give you that," Ryota replied before retracting her spike ball and readying herself for another attack.

I have an idea, Naruto thought. Acting quickly, Naruto pulled out his second kunai and place a seal marker on it before getting back up on his feet. Finding a direction to throw his kunai, the blonde threw his kunai into the air and several moments later it was lodged high onto a tree.

Perfect, Naruto thought, Now all I have to do is…

The spinning ball suddenly came crashing into his back, tearing at the blonde with brutal force. Naruto screamed from the sheer agony of being assaulted by the attack as he was sent flying far forward into the forest. He skidded across the unforgiving ground before coming to a complete stop on his badly injured back.

A now heavily beaten, wounded and dirtied up Naruto was lying on his back on the ground. He sustained heavy injuries and wounds from the Iwa Jounin's last attack. Ryota, confident that her victory was sure, dispelled her stone chain spike ball and walked over to Naruto. Standing over him, she stepped to his other side before crouching down and looking down at him.

"You put up a really good fight," Ryota said, "But a fresh out of the academy Genin like yourself can never expect to measure up to my capabilities."

"And true shinobis aren't arrogant and never let their guard down for whatever reasons, baka," said a male voice from behind her. She turned her head a little bit in time to hear…

"Hidden Village of Konoha Hidden Taijutsu Ougi!"

Ryota's eyes widened before her face grimaced upon receiving a butt poke from behind just before…

"Sennen-goro Shi!," Naruto yelled out before sending a now screaming Ryota flying high into the air while holding her now very sore rear end. She was about to collide into the top of a high tree when Naruto suddenly shunshin'd and appeared in front of her and with brute force delivered a brutal swing kick to her side, thus sending her flying through another tree that began to collapse to the ground upon being broken from its base. The Iwa Kunoichi crashed hard into the ground facedown before the tree she crashed through landed down on top of her legs.

She screamed loudly again upon feeling the weight of the tree as it landed down on her legs, adding more to her injuries and immobilizing her. Needless to say, Ryota was in serious pain not just physically, but also from a severely wounded pride.

'You used Kakashi's absurd jutsu to help bring about her defeat,' Minato noted, 'It was effective I must admit.'

I use what I can, Naruto retorted while he started the process of healing himself.

(Several Minutes Earlier; Elsewhere In The Meantime)

Sasuke tried to see when Haku threw the needles, but the mist nin moved too fast. All Sasuke could see was a blur in front of the mirrors and he felt a new cut. Sasuke started to get desperate as he tried to evade and block the needles with his kunai.

"Sumi Bushin (Ink Clone)," Sai said, creating another clone made out of ink. The ink clone stood in front of the boys before charging at Haku, or what they believe to be her. Amidst the chaos and mist surrounding the dome and the bridge, a kunai came flying into the dome from an opening that was made from Sai's animal painting's earlier attacks and landed down into the ground. Everyone was to busy fighting to notice the kunai that was thrown into the dome.

"That should do it," said the Naruto clone hidden inside the mist outside the dome. After seeing how Sai and Sasuke were fairing which was not in their favor, the clone puffed out of existence.

(Back In The Forest)

Naruto had finished healing all of his injuries though parts of his clothes were torn and still stained with his blood and dirt. In spite of this, he was feeling much better, which was more than what could be said of the Iwa Jounin. Going over to her, Naruto stood in front of her and speedily performed a complex series of hand seals.

Irou Jutsu (Medical Technique), Naruto thought as his hands started glowing with waves of blue chakra. Ryota looked up at the blonde who was now standing in front of her with his glowing hands. Before he could do anything to the girl, Naruto was infused with the memory and experience of his now dispelled clone. After a couple of moments, Naruto dispersed the chakra from his hands.

"I'll deal with you later," Naruto said to Ryota before he shunshin'd away from her. The Iwa Jounin was beyond mad, she was pissed off. She, Ryota, the Shining Stone of Iwagakure No Sato, suffered a disgraceful and humiliating defeat at the hands of the boy who she proclaimed to be nothing more than a fresh out of the academy Genin, who left her where she was with the broken down tree lodged down on her legs as though she was yesterday's trash. Turning to the direction to see the 'Naruto' she thought she struck down earlier some distance from her turned out to be a wooden log he used in substitution for himself. The Iwa Jounin then remembered the words of her kage…

"The boy may be a Genin…But I trust that you won't underestimate him. There have been several rumors about this particular Genin; though I do question their authenticity."

Though she saw truth in her Tsuchikage's words however, Ryota was in complete denial. She refused to admit to herself that her underestimation of Naruto led her to her own downfall. Her pride wouldn't let her admit the truth to herself.

"Naruto," Ryota said angrily while futilely trying to fight back the tears falling down her face with her hands balled tightly into fists, "I'll make you pay dearly for my humiliation!"

(Inside The Ice Dome)

More senbon needles came flying at the clones before taking them down like the others. Sai sustained a series of cuts and needle stabs on his body and was worn down from running low on chakra after producing too many animal paintings to battle against Haku. Sasuke however wasn't fairing to well any better, in fact in he was in worse shape. He was lying motionless on the ground and covered all over from head to toe in senbon needles and heavily bleeding from his injuries.

"Sorry, but I can't allow you two to escape this," Haku said and prepared to launch more needles. But before she could, shurikens came flying towards her. The shurikens pierced the mask of all the mirror images, including the real Haku. Sai and Sasuke blinked as Naruto appeared beside them from seemingly out of nowhere. From what they were seeing, Naruto evidently ran into some trouble of his own since some parts of his clothes were stained with his blood and dirt and torn in some places. Seeing no injuries on him though, they figured that he must have healed himself before arriving.

The masked girl landed on her feet on the ground in front of one of the mirrors, and all the images were gone. The only injury the shuriken had given her was a small cut in the forehead, her mask saving her life. Naruto knelt down picked up his seal marked kunai his clone threw into the dome earlier and placed it back into it's compartment in his pants before he pulled Sasuke's body into his lap.

"Sasuke," Naruto said, "Hold on, you're not dying today!"

"N—Naruto," Sasuke said weakly opened his eyes, blinking away the pain and weariness he felt. Naruto was shocked to see that instead of the usual black, Sasuke's eyes were red with one comma in his eyes.

So he's already awoken his Sharingan, Naruto thought.

"Naruto…she's strong…," Sasuke gasped, coughing up blood.

"Save your strength…just rest for now. I'll handle this from here," Naruto said while maintain his calmness in spite of the situation. He pulled out the needles from both Sasuke and Sai, and tossed them away. Going through some hand seals, he gathered his chakra and held his hands over Sasuke. Before Naruto could do anything else for Sasuke, the Uchiha's entire body went limp.

"Sasuke," Naruto asked, concerned, "Sasuke! Wake up!"

"He's dead," said the masked ninja, who had been watching them quietly the entire time.

"He's not dead," Naruto countered after checking and finding Sasuke's pulse much to his relief, "He only lost consciousness."

"You question my abilities," she sneered.

"I question your motives," Naruto replied as he turn looked up to glare at her.

"What are you implying," Haku shot back.

"I'm implying that you had every opportunity to kill my two friends but you didn't," Naruto elaborated, "Clearly Sasuke and Sai were outmatched by you and you could have easily finished them off long before I arrived here but you didn't. None of your senbon needles struck a vital organ or blood vessel. That's because it's not in you to kill anyone. Am I right…Haku?"

The girl had panicked expression under her partly broken mask.

"There's no point in trying to lie to me. You're both the girl from the forest and that fake hunter nin," Naruto said calmly as Haku looked up with part of her mask falling to pieces, "You're Haku."

She quietly nodded admitting the truth as she removed her broken mask from off her face and dropped it on the floor.

"When I met you there in the forest, you didn't seem to recognize me," Haku said. Naruto replied, "I knew who you were the entire time. Plus I smelled you and it was the same scent I recognized when you rescued Zabuza after his first fight with Kakashi-niisan. I can also smell the same herbs you were collecting for Zabuza from off your body."

The girl fought back a blush that tried to creep on her face after Naruto revealed that he knew how she smelled like. Regaining her composure Haku melted into the mirror behind her as she said, "No matter. I'm going to finish you three here."

The mirror images came back, and before Sai or Naruto knew anything, dozens of needles came flying at them.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Naruto called out and twenty clones appeared and surrounded the three boys before the arrows made contact. Several of the clones puffed out of existences, leaving the other clones and Naruto, Sai and Sasuke remaining. The clones popping away into clouds of smoke made it difficult to see, both for the boys, but also for Haku.

"Why can't you see that it is useless," Haku asked.

"We just don't know when to quit," Naruto retorted, "And besides I can't die here. I have a dream to become Hokage and protect my precious people who too seek to live out their dreams as well."

"I see, so you fight for your dreams as well for the dreams of others. Well, I fight for mine too. My dream of being important to my precious person; for that I'll destroy my heart and kill you three here," Haku said and held up a senbon needle.

"Destroy your heart," Naruto asked.

"That's right, to be able to kill for the first time, one must destroy one's heart. To take another's life is the way of the shinobi," Haku said as she noticed Naruto's stabled demeanor.

"I have killed and taken the lives of four men during this mission. These being the two once proclaimed demon brothers who tried to kill my friends, Zabuza and I, and two low class samurais who were going to kidnap Tsunami-san and kill her son," Naruto said and looked up at Haku, "I risk my life and do what I have to do to protect my family, friends and those who can not protect themselves and are in need of my help. I can't do that with a destroyed heart!"

Naruto started focusing Yondaime's chakra into his legs and the rest of his body a few moments before he held out his right hand as one of his clones went over to him and started shape manipulating a blue ball of chakra into Naruto's hand. Sai watched as Naruto formed an attack that was one of Yondaime's prized creations. It wasn't long until Naruto's clone was done. Holding the fully developed spiral wind ball in his hand, Naruto used Yondaime's chakra to push himself up at insane speed to the ice mirrors and yelled, "Rasengan!"

The sheer force and speed of the attack compounded with Godaime-like strength shattered all of the mirrors and blasted a massive hole through the dome itself. Haku, who was totally unprepared for the mighty force of the attack, was sent flying backwards from where she was just before one of Naruto's clones speed dashed and jumped to grab her before she suffered any serious injuries from the attack. Naruto went over to Haku who was being held by one his clones. From the looks of it, she didn't suffer any life-threatening injuries, just a couple of cuts and bruises. The clone placed Haku back on her feet but he held her from moving any further as she faced Naruto.

Rasengan, Sai thought as he quietly looked at Naruto in astonishment, That was a jutsu created by Yondaime himself! When and how did he learn that A-rank attack jutsu? Just who is this Naruto?

"You held back against me," Haku noted, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"Why didn't you kill Sai and Sasuke? Because I know for a fact that you don't have what it takes to destroy your heart. So why fight for a bastard like Zabuza," asked Naruto.

"Don't talk about my precious person like that," she shot back with a mixed expression of anger and sadness.

"What's so significant about him that makes you let him dominate your life! You can do so much more with your life! How can you allow yourself to be controlled by that man?"

"Because my life had no meaning," Haku answered with a low voice.

"What do you mean," Naruto asked.

"He gave me a purpose to exist," she cried out, tears forming in her eyes, "He gave my life a purpose!"

"This purpose being," Naruto inquired.

"I am a tool, to be used by Zabuza-sama in any way he sees fit. It's what I live for!"

"That's it," Naruto replied with indignation, "To be his instrument? Listen to yourself Haku! You're a human being with emotions and dreams! Why do you allow Zabuza decide your life for you?"

"I had no one," Haku cried and sobbed, "I have a bloodlinelimit. Back where I come from, we with special powers were hated. My mother, who also carried the same bloodline I have, lived with my father hoping that he would never learn what she had. But one day he did learn that my mother and I possessed what was cursed in that land. So he murdered my mother and tried to murder me as well. When I woke, father was dead, killed by me. I was all alone, no one wanted me. I became a homeless orphan, alone on the streets! No cared whether I lived or died. To them I was just street trash to be tossed to the side. Zabuza-sama found me and took me in when everyone else shunned and left me to die! He gave me clothes, food, shelter and taught me all he knew!"

There was a moment of silence between Naruto and Haku. The blonde allowed the girl's words to sink into his mind as she continued in a sad tone, "Zabuza-sama wanted me for my power, and he wanted me to be a weapon, a tool for him. I was finally wanted in the world. But Zabuza-sama has no use for a weak tool. I no longer have a purpose anymore. Now that you have beaten me, please (tears falling down her face)…finish me. Just end my life."

(Meanwhile Outside The Dome)

Kakashi's kunai plunged into Zabuza's head, spraying forth…water.

Mizu Bunshin, Kakashi thought.

"You didn't really think I would be defeated that easily? Fool," Zabuza said and prepared to attack Kakashi again.

I have to end this now, Kakashi thought as he hid deeper in the mist before using his kunai to cut his thumb. After cutting his thumb, Kakashi did a series of hand seals and …

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu," Kakashi mumbled and several odd lines went out of the scroll and into the ground. Zabuza still was trying to sense what was happening when suddenly the bridge under him exploded and several dogs of varying sizes erupted from the ground and bit onto him. Zabuza couldn't move an inch.

"If sight and hearing doesn't work, use smell. My dogs went after the smell of my blood on your weapons. Now you won't be able to escape," Kakashi said as electricity started energizing in his left hand.

"Zabuza, you are pretty well-known. You tried to take over the Hidden Mist, but when you failed and escaped. You started working for scum like Gatō to get away from the hunter nins. The man you are trying to kill, Tazuna-san, is important to this whole country. Your ambition sacrifices too many lives of the innocent," Kakashi said, his tone cold and hard.

"I don't care. As long as I can accomplish my goal, I'm happy," Zabuza replied.

"You'll die here," Kakashi said coldly readying his attack to tear into the man.

(Back Inside The Dome)

A moment later…

"Even though I beat you, you still have much to live for," Naruto said. Haku sighed and looked down on the ground.

"Some people do, but I don't have a purpose anymore," Haku said silently.

"You can find another purpose," Naruto reasoned, "You don't have to die here."

"No one would want me," Haku said lowly, "A living weapon with a cursed bloodline that has now have been proven weak."

"Listen, Haku," Naruto spoke, "It's not too late for you! We don't have to fight each other. I remember in the woods. You were so nice then, even knowing I was an enemy. Just, come with me, Kakashi-niisan and the others back to Konoha. I'll see to it personally that you receive the right of forgiveness. You're very good with herbs so you can become a Konoha medic ninja, and make friends and live a real life with us! We can take care of you, help you build a life again. You can't throw your life away like this!"

Haku stared at him quietly.

"If Zabuza don't want you anymore, just because you aren't an invincible tool, then you are better off without him," Naruto said firmly.

"…," Haku was silent.

"Please Haku…It doesn't have to end like this," Naruto pleaded really seeking to help her.

"Naruto-kun, I—," Haku began, but then the mist lifted, and their attention turned to Kakashi and Zabuza, who was held in place by a lot of dogs of various sizes.

"What the…? Raikiri," Naruto said when he saw Kakashi's jutsu. They gasped when Kakashi started running towards Zabuza.

"Zabuza-sama," Haku yelled.


"Zabuza-sama," Haku screamed as she managed to give the clone a hard backwards headbutt, causing the clone to let go of her before she punched 'him' hard enough to puff him out of existence. She began to do hand signs. Naruto pulled out his seal marked kunai and ran over to Haku in time to place his kunai into the back of the belt of her garb just before she disappeared. Haku looked forward and saw that Kakashi was charging at the Mist nin, Raikiri extended forward.

Haku panicked and raced as fast as she could over to Zabuza, standing in front of him ready to take the full brunt of the attack with her arms stretched out to the sides. Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw he girl appear in front of Zabuza. The Konoha Jounin was unable to stop. Before anyone knew what happened, an explosion occurred, blowing off a large portion of the bridge at its left side. Haku held her eyes shut tightly while expecting excruciating pain to plunge through her, but nothing happened.

Sakura and Tazuna looked on as the mist and smoke of the explosion gradually cleared and the bridge eventually stopped shaking. Sai, holding up Sasuke with the Uchiha's right arm over his shoulders, dragged the boy out of what little is of the now useless dome as he and the others looked on to see what happened. What everyone saw next shocked them completely. In front of them was Naruto, standing in front of Haku and Zabuza while tightly holding Kakashi's left wrist away from him and toward the left side of the bridge that was blown off when Naruto deflected and stopped the attack from fatally striking Haku. Kakashi's hand was still coursing with electricity before it gradually died out.

"He effectively stopped Kakashi-sensei's attack to protect that hunter nin and Zabuza," Sakura said in disbelief as she and Tazuna lookd on in astonishment, "But why would Naruto do that?"

"Naruto," Kakashi asked with a shocked and serious tone, "Why are you protecting them, knowing that they're our enemies?"

"Kakashi-niisan listen to me," Naruto requested as he was about to give his explanation when suddenly…


Everyone turned to see that Zabuza's left arm was struck from behind from a surprise attack. The attack wounded his arm and rendered it useless.

"My oh my! You sure are getting beat up, aren't you Zabuza," a short man in expensive clothes said. Behind him was a literal army of thugs and rather rough looking men.

"Gatō…," Zabuza said as he eyed the man and his army of thugs.

"Oh, there's been a little change in plans. You see, I never intended to pay you," Gatō said and laughed.

"What," Zabuza asked angrily.

"Hiring normal ninjas is expensive, so I hire missing nins like you. Then I dispose of them when they're tired from battle and no longer serve any use for me. No one misses missing nins like you; the Demon of the Hidden Mist, what a joke! You are just a little puppy demon," Gatō said and his thugs laughed at the pitiable joke.

He planned on double-crossing me the entire time…I should have known, Zabuza realized, "Haku, stand down. Kakashi, I'm sorry, but this fight between us is over. I have no reason to fight you anymore."

Kakashi nodded as he signaled his dogs to release the Mist nin.

"Hey Zabuza, I can beat them for you if you'll let me," Naruto declared. Zabuza, Haku and Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"Heh, the boy has spirit. But that doesn't matter. You'll all die here," Gatō said. Zabuza growled slightly before he removed the bandages around his mouth.

"Thanks Naruto," Zabuza said, "But I would rather you look after Haku instead. This is something I wish to take care of by myself with no interference."

The blonde shinobi looked at Zabuza questionably.

"Kakashi, can I borrow a kunai," Zabuza asked. Kakashi responded by pulling out a kunai and flipping it towards Zabuza. He caught the kunai in his mouth and ran towards the group of thugs. Gatō panicked and ran behind his thugs. Haku called after Zabuza but he didn't respond. Cutting through the group of thugs, Zabuza went after Gatō, who turned and just saw a flash and had a kunai imbedded in his stomach. Zabuza pushed the kunai deeper into Gatō, ignoring the pain he had from the multiple weapons stuck in his back from the thugs.

"A puppy am I? Well, even a puppy demon can go to hell and become a real devil, which I will be for you! You and me are going to hell together," Zabuza said and pulled out the kunai. He then spun around Gatō and severed his head, sending it flying off his body to the floor.

As Gatō's headless body slumped to the ground, Zabuza glared at the thugs around him. They shivered and backed up. Zabuza began walking back towards Haku, when he lost his strength and fell down to the floor. Kakashi appeared next to Zabuza and grabbed him. They disappeared and reappeared next to Haku and Naruto. Kakashi, Naruto and Haku pulled out the weapons stuck in Zabuza's body. Gently laying Zabuza down, Kakashi and Naruto stepped back a bit.

"Thanks Kakashi," Zabuza said. Kakashi replied with a nod. Haku took Zabuza's head and laid it in her lap. She was crying, knowing that he would die soon.

"Haku, I want you to promise me something," Zabuza said softly.

"What Zabuza-sama," Haku asked, sniffing slightly.

"Live. Be a happy girl and live. Find a new purpose, and new precious people. I don't want you to end up like me. I'm just an empty human shell, and I don't want you to suffer my fate," Zabuza said and Haku nodded, "I will try Zabuza-sama."

Zabuza smiled at her. Sai came with the unconscious Sasuke and rested him down by Kakashi and Naruto. Sakura and Tazuna came and hurried over to them. Sakura ran over to Sasuke and knelt down next his motionless body before pulling his body into her lap with tears running down her face.

"He's alive," Sai said, "Naruto examined Sasuke earlier. But I don't know for how long he'll be unconscious."

Sakura just nodded while holding onto the Uchiha. Naruto knelt down and examined Zabuza. Naruto said, "Zabuza I can try to hea-"

"Save your strength Naruto," Zabuza told the blond-haired shinobi, "I made this choice. I knew I was going to die when I went after Gatō and his thugs. Don't try to help me. I'm not deserving of it."

Sighing, Naruto complied before Zabuza turned his head and looked at Kakashi.

"Kakashi, can I ask you something," Zabuza said and coughed up some blood. Kakashi replied with a nod.

"Tell me…is it possible…for Haku to return to Konoha with you," Zabuza asked. Kakashi's eyes widened, before slightly narrowing.

"Why do you ask," Kakashi asked, slightly suspicious.

"I know Konoha is a good place to live. I would like for Haku to live as good as possible, and I know that you and the others can take care of her, and teach her how to be a shinobi and a human with emotions," Zabuza said. Kakashi looked between Haku and Zabuza.

"Do you want to come with us to Konoha," Kakashi asked the girl. Haku slowly nodded, "Naruto-kun already offered me the chance to return with him and the rest of you to Konoha. I would like to accept the offer."

"Alright. Naruto and I can talk to Hokage-sama, and at least get you a citizenship," Kakashi said and Zabuza smiled before Kakashi turned and looked at the group of thugs.

"Thanks…Haku…for everything. Live well…," Zabuza said as his life left him. When Haku saw he was dead, she cried.

"So, she will come with us," Sakura asked and Kakashi nodded.

"Sure," Naruto spoke, "She only attacked us because of her mission. No personal feelings involved. She had no actual ill-willed intentions on killing any of us."

"Good, but if she tries anything, I'll kick her butt," Sakura said.

"Save it Sakura," Naruto retorted with an annoyed tone, "Emo-Sasuke and Sai couldn't beat her. Therefore you'd have lost easily."

Sakura didn't reply, instead she crossed her arms and huffed. But their attention was dragged from the crying Haku to the thugs, when one of the thugs stepped forward.

"Damn ninjas. You killed our meal ticket. Because of that, we have to kill you and take everything of value that village has," the thug said. The band of thugs started to run forward, when an arrow hit the ground in front of them. Everyone turned and looked at the assembly of villagers. It looked like everyone in the village was gathered there, Inari and Tsunami in front.

"If you dare take another step towards this village, we will respond with hostility," one of the villagers yelled.

"Everyone…," Tazuna said happily.

"A hero arrives late, right," Inari asked. Naruto laughed, "…Well done Inari! You gathered everyone?"

The little boy nodded.

"Well then, I'll help," Naruto said and, "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"

A lot of Naruto kage bunshins came into existence. Kakashi looked at his 'kid brother' before doing making kage bushins of his own, although not the same amount. The sight of the whole village and a lot of ninjas, scared he thugs to no end, causing them to run away as fast as they could.

"Yay, we won!," Inari yelled while jumping in the air. Everyone celebrated, except three people, these three being Haku, Zabuza and Naruto.

"Speaking of which," Naruto said, "I have some unfinished business to take care of."

Kakashi wasn't able to say another word when Naruto ran off from the others.

"What could Naruto mean by that," Sakura asked. Sai and Kakashi shrugged.

When he was out of sight Naruto, shunshin'd from the scene…

Naruto was back up the tree in the forest where he threw it seal marked kunai at earlier. Hurrying back to the tree he left Ryota at, he came to see that the Iwa Jounin was long gone. What he found was a note with message dressed directly to him…

'What you won was a temporary victory. What I suffered was a temporary defeat. I will use what happened here today to as a motive to bring about your downfall! We will meet again very soon, and when we do, I'll take your life by whatever means I can!'

Naruto crumbled the paper before burning it with a small fire jutsu.

I'll deal her when she does come after me again, Naruto thought before putting the thought of Ryota to the side. Teleporting back to the top of the tree where his seal marked kunai was at; Naruto retrieved it before he shunshin'd back to Kakashi and the others.

Naruto reappeared behind Haku who was still holding Zabauza's body. No one but Kakashi noticed that Naruto reappeared back among them. Seeing that his other seal marked kunai was still in Haku's belt, Naruto retrieved and placed it back in its compartment in his pants with his other kunai. A moment later, Kakashi went over to Naruto and asked, "Is everything OK?"

"Just fine," Naruto said, "Nothing to worry about."

Kakashi didn't really buy it but he chose not to interrogate Naruto about it, at least for now. Sakura and the others then acknowledged Naruto's return before he knelt next to Haku and Zabuza's body. Naruto didn't say or do anything, but apparently his presence helped Haku, since gradually her tears stopped.

"We…have to bury him," Haku said with a thick and strained voice, "Naruto-kun…"

"I know," Naruto replied and laid a hand on Haku's shoulder before he continued, "For what it's worth, I'm truly sorry. I hope that in time, you and I can learn to trust each other, and you can learn to trust my friends, like Zabuza wanted. But…no pressure. Take your time."

He gave Haku a slight but sad smile, which she slowly and very shakily returned.

(The Next Day)

The funeral for Zabuza was held. Any injury the group had was healed by Naruto and the bodies of Gatō and his slain thugs were carried off to be burned. Naruto, Team 7, Tazuna, Inari and Tsunami looked at the cross which signified Zabuza's grave. Behind the cross, Zabuza's sword stood. Haku was kneeling in front of the cross, dressed in a black kimono. She had decided to stay in civilian clothing instead of fixing her shinobi outfit.

"Zabuza-sama, I will journey to Konoha, and live my life as I wish there," Haku said and bowed to the grave.

(A Week Later)

It's been eight days since the attack. They passing days were spent working on the bridge. All the workers came back, and helped. Naruto explained to Kakashi what delayed him from meeting up with him and the other Genins during the battle at the bridge. Kakashi laughed perversely when Naruto told him that he used used the 1000 years of pain jutsu on the Iwa kunoichi. The Konoha Jounin never thought that Naruto had it in him to use that jutsu, on a girl even.

Team 7, Naruto and Haku also spent the time getting to know each other. Haku was sad for most of the week; feeling like her only family was gone. Naruto consoled and assured her that she'll make new friends and in time have a new family back in Konoha, though the memory of Zabuza will stay with her and not be forgotten. Haku took some comfort in his words, though she was nervous about how life for her will be like for her in Konoha.

(Three Days Later)

The bridge was finished. Kakashi smiled when he looked at it.

"Finally we are finished. We now can go back home. I miss Konoha," Sakura said and Kakashi nodded.

"Thanks to you all the bridge is finished. Though this bridge is completed, it's…really sad that you all have to go," Tazuna said. The entire village had shown up to say goodbye to the shinobis who made it possible for them to escape Gatō's oppression. They were now at the completed bridge.

"Our mission is finished, so we have to return to Konoha," Kakashi said..

"Take care," Tsunami said

"We will," Sakura answered.

"I'm very sorry for the trouble I have caused all of you. Please accept my most humble apologies," Haku said with a bow. Tazuna nodded in acceptance.

"We'll visit some day," Naruto said confidently.

"You promise," Inari asked, on the verge of crying. Naruto nodded with a sad smile and said, "You've grown a lot during these passed few days Inari. You've proven that in spite of troublesome times, you can inspire and protect those precious to you. Kaiza-san would have been as proud of you as I am."

Inari ran up and hugged Naruto who in turned hugged him back. The darked haired young boy sobbed a little while embracing the blonde who he now looks up to.

"Inari," Naruto said, "Promise that you'll continue to protect those precious to you."

Inari looked at Naruto with a sad smile and a tear-stained face as he nodded.

"Are you sad that you're leaving Naruto-niisan? It's alright to cry you know," Inari said. Naruto ruffled Inari's hair before he turned and walked off and said, "Me cry? No way!"

Sakura, Sasuke and Sai sweat-dropped upon seeing a few tears escape Naruto's eyes. Haku giggled at Naruto's futile attempts to keep those few tears from falling. Kakashi sighed and shook his head slightly at the scene.

'You're in denial,' Minato sighed.

Don't rub it in, Naruto retorted as he continued walking while wiping away his tears. Kakashi and his three Genins followed after the Elite Genin as Haku hurried over to walk alongside Naruto.

"Well, we'll be seeing you later," Kakashi said and turned around to continue on his way with the others. The six ninjas walked away, leaving the cheering villagers.

"That boy changed Inari's heart, and Inari changed the villagers' hearts. That boy gave us a bridge toward hope and courage," Tazuna said, talking about Naruto.

"That bridge…oh, yeah, we need to name this bridge," one of the villagers said.

Tazuna thought about it for a bit when…

"I have a super perfect name," Inari exclaimed, "The Great Naruto Bridge!"

Tsunami laughed slightly and agreed, "That's a good name."

"It's settled then," Tazuna declared, "This bridge will be named The Great Naruto Bridge!"

All of the villagers cheered again.

Nami No Kuni had been saved and Gatō's tyranny has been reduced to nothing. With the mission completed, Naruto and the others are journeying back to Konoha but what new surprises await them there? How will Haku's life in Konoha be like after they learn that she possesses a bloodline limit that's near extinction? And what does that Iwa Jounin kunoichi have in store for Naruto? Find out next time.