Chapter Twenty-Two: "Kindred Nins"

(At A Small Town)

Ryota finished recuperating at a medical inn after escaping from where Naruto left her after her defeat to him. She still refused to admit that she underestimated him. And speaking of him, Naruto's words came back to haunt her…

"…True shinobis aren't arrogant and they never let their guard down for whatever reasons, baka…"

She slammed her right fist down on the table next to her after recalling how Naruto shoved his two index fingers up her ass before painfully launching her into the air before giving her a brutal assault, thus landing her in the situation she was in now. Her pride, though severely wounded, wouldn't allow her to be honest with herself about Naruto's abilities. She concluded to herself that it was just mere luck that he managed to catch her off guard. She wasn't going to let that happen again. She had a mission to complete and she had already made up her mind. She was determined to make Naruto suffer and pay for her disgraceful defeat and humiliation. She made up her mind not to return to Iwagakure until Naruto was defeated or killed, especially after how he butt poked and rocketed her into the air before brutally sending her into a collision to the ground.

Getting off her bed, the Iwa Jounin, wearing only her bra and underwear, went over to the full length mirror to exam her appearance and slender curvy body. Much to her relief most of her injuries were healed and her body didn't have any permanent scars from her last battle. Recalling her last encounter with Naruto, Ryota wondered why didn't Naruto just finish her off when he had the chance to after he immobilized her. She knew that Iwa and Konoha had an intense hatred towards each other and Konoha nins found in Iwa would have been killed on sight without question. Yet he spared her though he knew she was trying to kill him. What was he trying to prove to her, she wondered, that he had no need to kill her since he was clearly stronger, faster, smarter…?

Ryota shook the thoughts out her head in frustration. She wasn't going to get a satisfying answer no matter how hard she tried to explain it to herself. Sighing, she went over to her clothes and gear, putting them all back on her before leaving the facility to train outside the town she was temporarily lodging at.


Naruto and the others have just return back to Konoha. While this was going on, Sasuke was in deep thought as he eyed both Naruto and Haku carefully. He recalled how both he and Sai combined still wasn't enough to take this one girl down although it was later learned that she had no actual intentions on killing them, just temporarily crippling and immobilizing them. Yet still, Sasuke of the Uchiha clan was taken down by a girl with a feared bloodline limit. No matter what he or Sai did Haku just kept coming. Then Naruto, from out of nowhere, made the appearance and single-handedly brought about Haku's defeat with a single attack, an attack that Sai told him was created by Yondaime Hokage himself.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Naruto and also at Haku who was presently walking alongside the blonde. The Uchiha didn't like the fact that even with his awaken Sharingan it wasn't enough to beat her. Sasuke then remembered Naruto's words at the Academy a little more than a year ago…

"Yondaime is the Hokage I plan to surpass…In just about…everything."

The raven-haired Uchiha snarled at how Naruto was working hard toward his goals and making the gradual progress towards them.

I need more power, Sasuke thought, I have to work and train harder if I'm to become stronger than Naruto! I must in order to kill my brother!


The Uchiha youth turned to the pinked-haired Genin who called out his name.

"What is it?"

"Are you OK," Sakura asked, "I saw that you were thinking hard about something and you haven't said a word for a long while."

"I'm fine," Sasuke replied plainly, "I don't need your concern."

Sakura felt dejected that Sasuke once again brushed her off. Haku entered the Konoha gates nervously with Naruto and the others not knowing how the others will react to her. Seeing Haku's situation, Naruto went over to her and assured, "There's nothing to worry about Haku-san. I'm sure everyone will take a liking to you with very little trouble."

Naruto, Kakashi and Team 7 with Haku went to see Tsunade in her office. They also found Hiruzen there as well, along with Shizune. One by one, Naruto and the others explained the events as they saw them take place. Naruto also brought up the issue about the Iwa Jounin kunoichi who tried to kill him twice. Hiruzen and Tsunade's ears perked up on hearing this. They both suspected that it was a matter of time until Iwagakure tried something like this. Naruto explained that he doesn't exactly know what Iwa is planning, since the kunoichi they sent after him was under orders to bring him back by whatever means possible. He told them though that he handled the kunoichi who came after him, although she managed to escape from him.

After the debriefing of the events that took place Tsunade requested her son, Kakashi, and Haku to remain in the office in consideration to important issues regarding the Nami No Kuni mission. The other three Genins were dismissed from the meeting.

"Why can't we stay," asked Sasuke as he suspected that he was being left out of something important, "Why am I not incorporated in this meeting?"

"It regards the relocation of Haku," Tsunade answered authoritatively, "It's a matter that doesn't require your concern or input."

Sasuke scowled before walking out of the room all the while doing the usual brooding on how to get stronger. Sakura was right behind him followed by Sai as he went about his own business after leaving the office with the other Genins.

"Now as it stands," said the Godaime leaning back in her chair, "Haku possesses a bloodline limit that's near extinction and she's the only one of her family left with this bloodline limit. And presently she doesn't have a place to stay."

Tsunade remained quiet momentarily as she contemplated on Haku's situation. A moment later she spoke, "From what I've examined from my son's testimony and your reports Kakashi, Haku's also highly knowledgeable with the human anatomy and is very skilled in medical jutsus, and herbs. Alongside this her combat capabilities are between the levels of high Chuunin and Jounin. She can be most useful as a medic nin and Shizune's assistant."

"That would be nice really," Shizune smiled, "I could use the extra help."

"That's great," Naruto said, "But unfortunately that still doesn't answer the question of where Haku-san can stay."

"I'm sorry that I don't have a solution at this time Naru-chan," Tsunade retorted, "But I can't just place Haku anywhere in this village and because she has a bloodline limit that's new to this village, which means more paperwork work for me to do before I can fully initiate her as a full Konoha civilian. Plus I'll have to call together all of the other clan leaders and village elders to inform them that we have a new girl with a bloodline limit."

Naruto gave Haku a concerned look that did not go unnoticed by the either Hokages.

"Honestly," Tsunade continued, "I wouldn't suggest allowing her to stay at any of the others clans' estates here in this village seeing that the clan elders will most likely use her to breed her bloodline limit into their clan to further advance theirs by making a new form of bloodline limit."

"Therefore," Hiruzen added, "Staying at the Hyuuga clan is out of the question. She definitely can't stay at the Uchiha district either, though Sasuke is the only one left of his clan like Haku."

"I wouldn't worry about Sasuke," Naruto assured, "He has no interest in Haku in that way and he's angry at the fact that Haku beat him. Plus I highly doubt that when he's older he'd want marry her and mix his bloodline limit with hers anyway."

"In any case," Tsunade interjected, "I will see what I can do to accommodate Haku. In the mean time Naru-chan, you can show Haku around Konoha so she can know the layout of the village that is now her new home. Welcome to Konohagakure No Sato, Haku-san."

"Arigatō, Godaime-sama," Haku thanked as she bowed in respects.

"C'mon Haku-san," Naruto said, "Let me give you a tour around the village that I'll become Hokage to one day."

The girl giggled as she followed Naruto as they exited the office.

(Thirty Minutes Later; Elsewhere)

Sai was at office other of an older man who had bandages around two-thirds of his face and over his right eye. He had a scar under his chin in the form of an "X".

"Danzo-sama," Sai greeted. In deed, the man was Danzo, a man who's more militant than most in Konoha, favoring aggression and war over passiveness and peace. In the past, he competed with Hiruzen for the position of Sandaime Hokage. He created the (now disbanded) ANBU training department known as Root and acted as its head. Danzo was the one who recommended that Sai be placed on Team 7 alongside Sasuke and Sakura after he learned that Naruto wasn't to be placed on Team 7. He appears to have lost an arm at some point, the cause of which remains unknown.

"Sai," Danzo spoke, "You've returned."

Sai nodded before Danzo continued, "What's your report about the mission?"

Sai gave Danzo a detailed recount about all that happened during their journey to Nami No Kuni to the enemies they came across to their battle with Zabuza and Haku. What caught Danzo's ears was when Sai told him that Naruto used a jutsu that was created by the Yondaime.

"I see," Danzo said, "He used the very jutsu that took the Yondaime quite some time to create and master."

"I remember you telling me about it Danzo-sama," Sai said, "But what I don't know is how Naruto was able to learn that jutsu. There was no mention of anyone in Konoha beside the Yondaime knowing how to perform that jutsu."

"There is a lot more to that boy than you know Sai," Danzo retorted, "He has a power within him that many would kill to have and control."

"…," Sai was silent for a moment then said, "He's been excellently trained by his mother, Anko-san and perhaps another person or more. His styles of fighting and medic jutsus are testimonies to these truths. I've witnessed this first hand. Naruto's abilities are far passed those of any Genin, Chuunin or Jounin."

"They are in fact. Years ago I argued with the Sarutobi to allow me to take Naruto under my wings. I told him that the boy has potentials for greatness that would allow Konoha to produce greatest shinobi to exist since the Yondaime. But that old fool wouldn't budge and denied me on every occasion I sought to have Naruto as my apprentice. He kept giving me talk about Naruto needing balance in his life."

"…," Sai then replied, "Though you don't agree with Hiruzen-sama's ideals however, I've personally seen that Naruto is indeed strong in many respects and has untapped potentials."

"The same can be said of you in some ways my young apprentice, which was why I trained you in Naruto's place for a while before suggesting to the Godaime that you be assigned to Team 7. Though your jutsus and fighting abilities have yet to reach their peak, Naruto however is in a class of his own."

"It's also the reason why Iwa is after him and why he was able to beat Haku single-handedly. Sasuke wasn't too great a challenge to her and I had to buy Naruto some time before he arrived and stopped Haku."

"And now that same girl is at the Hokage office and is going to be made a citizen of Konoha. She must really be something if she was able to give you problems."

"Her bloodline limit which allows here to perform deadly water and ice manipulations very effectively is truly strong," Sai said, "My jutsus can only do so much against a kunoichi with such a bloodline limit, and being surrounded by water only adds to the problem. But still it wasn't enough to take down Naruto, and she knew that he was holding back when he could have clearly killed her with that one attack."

"That boy sees potentials in that girl," Danzo commented, "I have to admit that he has good judgment in seeing qualities and attributes worth strengthening. Having Haku joining up with Konoha can serve to increase our strength immensely, especially if she bears children with her bloodline limit."

"Should that prove to be so," Sai remarked, "They'd make excellent shinobis."

"Yes indeed," Danzo agreed, "Especially if they were to be under my tutelage."

"You think the council would approve," Sai asked.

"Prospects would be slim," Danzo replied, "Especially if that old fool Sarutobi and his former student Tsunade have a say in it. But we won't worry about that. For now Sai, continue your training and keep an eye on Sasuke."

Sai wordlessly nodded.

(Another Thirty Minutes Later)

Naruto and Haku were walking through the village as he gave her the tour around Konoha. While doing this, he was also looking for familiar and friendly faces that they could hangout with to help Haku make new friends. As the pair continued walking to get to another part of the village, they soon heard the sound of small footsteps and the scraping of cardboard behind them meaning…

"Come out Konahamaru. I know you're in that box," said Naruto as he turned around with his hands in his pants pocket waiting for the younger boy to come out of hiding. Seconds later the square rock with eyeholes in it stopped moving and exploded, sending smoke everywhere. The sounds of multiple coughs were heard, causing the blonde to acknowledge that Konohamaru wasn't the only one in the square box.

"I think we used too much gunpowder," said a young male voice from within the box that Naruto identified was anyone else but Konohamaru. Naruto waited patiently for Konohamaru while Haku stood next to the blonde curiously wondering what was going on next.

"Your ability of seeing through our disguise is amazing. I really admire and respect you as my rival," said Konohamaru as he leaped from the box. The smoke cleared to reveal goggle-wearing kids, two boys and one girl. They looked up at Naruto before going into a weird pose.

"I'm Moegi, the feistiest kunoichi in school!"

"I enjoy doing Algebra! My name is Udon!"

"And I'm the toughest shinobi in the village! My name is…Konahamaru!"

"And we are…The Konahamaru Ninja Corps!," The three eight-year-olds chorused.

"Hey Konohamaru, it's been a while since I last saw you," said Naruto while smiling at the kids in front of him.

"Yeah boss it has. You promised you would play ninja with us when you had the opportunity to, remember," said Konohamaru pointing to his friends and then Naruto.

"What kind of ninja 'plays' ninja," asked a less than impressed Sakura as she made her presence known to them as she entered the scene.

"Sakura," Naruto replied, "Cut them some slack. They're children after all."

"Hey boss who is she? Is she know," said Konohamaru with a particular grin on his face. By this point, Sakura was shocked that the boy made such a declaration. Naruto saw the look in Sakura's eyes that said that she wanted to tell the young boy off.

"Her name is Sakura," Naruto replied calmly, "And no she's not what you thought she is to me."

"And where did you get an idea like that anyway Konohamaru," asked a new voice that entered the seen. Everyone turned to see Sai entering among them.

"Sai," Naruto greeted, "When did you show up?"

"I was walking around when I overheard your conversation with the three kids here," Sai replied, "I'm surprised though that the boy would assume that someone of your stature would consider a Sasuke-obsessed fan-girl like Sakura as your girlfriend. I'm certain that she just returned from having Sasuke reject her after asking him for a date, again."

Naruto felt a wave of bloodlust coming from Sakura.

I guess what Sai said is true, Naruto mentally noted. Sai continued, "I'm sure that Naruto must be less than flattered by the thought of Sakura being his girlfriend."

"SHUT UP!," Sakura yelled at Sai before he quieted. Trying to cease the tension, Naruto cut in, "Hey Konohamaru, I never got to introduce my new friend to you. (Gesturing to the girl next to him) This is Haku-san, she's new here in Konoha and she's going to be a new citizen of Konoha."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon," Haku greeted.

"You're boss's new female friend," Konohamaru asked. Naruto answered, "Yes, she is, along with the few real female friends I have. I'll introduce them to you later Haku-san."

Haku nodded and smiled.

"Hey Konohamaru," Sai asked, "Why would you assume that Sakura was Naruto's girlfriend?"

"Because boss always has girls and kuniochis hanging and chasing after him. Once a few of them even invited him to hang with them in the woman's bathhouse," Konohamaru answered causing the blonde to blush heavily while Haku and Sakura looked at Naruto questionably.

This kid is too observant, Naruto thought before he said, "I didn't accept their offer to go to the bathhouse with them, and most of those girls are fan-girls really Konohamaru."

'You might not have accepted their offer, but that doesn't mean that you never sneaked into the woman's bathhouse before,' Minato teased.

That was different, Naruto mentally retorted, I did that to pass that test Anko-chan gave me against ero-jisan.

"Besides, Naruto has too much class to be dating a girl like Sakura anyway," Sai stated. Naruto looked and saw anger building up in Sakura as Sai continued, "I mean look at her; no sense of fashion, pink hair? How fake is that? Not to mention that massive forehead of hers! I can practically paint the entire Hokage Monument across her forehead effortlessly!"

The next thing Naruto and the others saw was Sai's face to the ground with a throbbing lump on his head as Sakura stomped off away from them before pushing Naruto away from her, though she knew that the blond-haired shinobi did nothing to provoke her reaction to him.

"Hey," Konohamaru yelled angrily, "You can't treat boss like that you hag!"

Oh boy, Naruto sweat-dropped as Konohamaru was smacked down to the ground by Sakura before she stomped off again. Sai and Konohamaru were getting back off ground when Konohamaru added his two cents, "I see your point Sai-san! Is flat chest even a real female on top of that?"

Sakura, who was in hearing range, stopped upon hearing that.

…Those two really have a death wish, Naruto sighed as he watched Sai and the three kids run from the raging Sakura. Sai somehow slipped away and vanished from Sakura's sight leaving Konohamaru and his two friends at Sakura's mercy. Not taking the chance with Sakura, Naruto went after them to the stop her from doing anything rash. From where Naruto was seeing, Konohamaru was in the lead, with Moegi and Udon following close by as the last one. Konohamaru turned the corner and bumped into someone who was now lifting him up into the air.

"You little brat," yelled the older male lifting Konohamaru off the ground. Konohamaru opened his eyes to find he was being held up by the collar of his shirt by a person he didn't recognize. The figure was dressed in what looked like a black cat suit with purple paintings on his face and a large puppet being carried on his back.

"Put me down," Konohamaru commanded, "Let me go!"

The boy struggled in order to get free from his abductor.

"You brat! You're the one who bumped into me. I ought to make you pay for that," said the older figure as he readied to hit the kid. Sakura turned around the corner to find out what the situation was.

"Put the boy down. Now!," Naruto commanded as he entered the scene with Haku following close by while maintaining alertness should there be more trouble.

"Who are you," the older figure asked.

"The mediator of this ordeal," Naruto replied, "And the boy you're holding against his will is the grandson of the former Sandaime Hokage. I advise you to release the boy from your grasp. Refusal will result in immediate consequences for you."

"Your head-protectors! They indicate you're from Sunagakure No Sato, yes," asked Sakura as she recognized the symbols on their shinobi headbands from what Iruka taught them during their time in the Academy.

"They do and we're here for the Chuunin exams, but what's it matter to you," said the older blonde girl of the group who was carrying a large fan on her back.

"It matters considering that you're foreigners and if your friend does not let go of Konohamaru, he'll have to deal with an angry former Hokage, the boy's grandfather," warned Naruto with no sign of humor in his voice. Reluctantly, the older boy lowered the child before releasing the boy. Konohamaru ran over to Naruto and hid behind him.

"Who are you," Naruto asked.

"I'm Sabaku No Temari," the older girl replied with a touch of haughtiness in her voice.

"I'm her brother, Sabaku No Kankuro," replied the older boy, "And whom just whom might you be?"

"Senju Uzumaki Naruto," Naruto replied, "Son of Godaime Hokage."

"Really," Kankuro retorted, "Well it doesn't change the fact that you're still a shrimp in size compared to us."

"This coming from someone who enjoys parading in public wearing black cat pajamas while wearing his sister's make-up and playing with life-size dolls," Naruto mocked. By this time, Kankuro was fuming while Temari was cracking up.

"Why you-," Kankuro was cut off when a pebble was thrown and hit him on the head. Temari, Kankuro and Naruto looked to see who the curprit was. It was a red-haired boy Naruto's age standing on top of a tree branch with a large gourd being carried on his back with a red kanji for "Love" tattooed on his forehead.

"G-Gaara," Kankuro said a bit fearfully.

"Kankuro," Gaara replied dryly, "You're a disgrace to our village."

"They started it," Kankuro replied.

"Shut up or I'll kill you," Gaara said coldly while looking at Kankuro who cringed on hearing that. Temari was just as fearful as she hoped that Gaara wouldn't hold true to his words and turn on her as well. The red-haired boy looked at Naruto and said, "I'm Sabaku No Gaara."

Naruto felt a weird vibe circulate through his being upon seeing Gaara. He was sensing a form of chakra that was anything but human.

That chakra, Naruto thought quietly.

"That boy is a Jinchuuriki like you kit," Kyuubi said, "I can sense that raccoon dog's chakra anywhere."

A raccoon dog, Naruto questioned.

"That red-haired boy contains Shukaku, the one-tailed raccoon dog (tanuki)," Kyuubi explained, "Though Shukaku is the weakest of us nine bijuus I advise you not to underestimate him. And that boy is leaking Skakaku's stench like a fragrance, which was why you were able to detect a little bit of that bijuu's chakra. Just the look in that boy's eyes tells me a whole lot about his sanity and bloodlust. Shukaku was never known for his mental stability. And judging from that boy's eye condition, I can see that he's also an insomniac."

'Clearly a result of a sealing gone wrong,' Yondaime added.

Gaara and Naruto wordlessly looked at each other tensely when Konohamaru and the others looked at the two boys questionably.

"I know there is something different about you Gaara…I sense you are like me," Naruto said after a period of silence. Though Gaara didn't show it facially, he was surprised by Naruto's words. Temari and Kankuro were edgy about what Naruto said and wondered if he knew Gaara's dark secret.

"Boss what are you talking about and how is that guy like you," said Konohamaru as he looked from between Naruto and Garaa with a confused expression.

"Konohamaru," Naruto said with a serious tone with no humor in his voice, "I want you to leave and take Moegi and Udon away from here as this is an issue far beyond your understanding. Got it?"

"R-Right boss, whatever you say," said Konohamaru as he took his two friends away from the area. Naruto pulled out his seal marked kunai and handed it over to Haku.

"Hold onto this for me will you," Naruto said. Haku nodded as she took the kunai and placed it into her belt.

"Sakura," Naruto said with the same demeanor, "I would like to have a moment of privacy with the Suna nins. Please be kind as to leave us alone at this time and take Haku-san with you. Show her around the village and introduce her to Ino-chan, Hina-chan and the other Genins if you see them. I'll meet up with you both later."

"What," Sakura argued, "Listen Naruto, whatever it is you have to say I'm sure I can-"

Naruto turned and gave Sakura a hard authoritative look that showed that he was not in the mood to be argued with. The vibe he gave off with that look sent a cold chill down the pink-haired kunoichi's back, so much so that Haku felt it herself. Sakura knew that Naruto could be goofy here and there but at this time she knew not to take Naruto lightly, especially knowing what he's capable of when he's angry.

Complying, she took Haku by the hand and escorted her away from the scene. After being left alone with the Suna nins, Naruto turned his attention back to Gaara as he watched him jump from the tree branch and down to the ground. The blonde shinobi now wondered how to approach this issue considering that the red haired Suna nin was noticeably unstable as Kyuubi noted.

"I like for you three to come with me as what I wish to speak with you all about isn't something I want others to hear," Naruto invited. Gaara simply nodded as he followed Naruto to where he was going. Kankuro and Temari, though confused by Gaara's actions, followed along to where the two boys were going. After a while, the four of them found themselves at a deserted training ground with no one else in sight or in hearing range. The blond shinobi made sure that they were the only ones in the area before starting the conversation.

"Gaara," Naruto started as he looked straight at Gaara, "Your seal that binds Skukaku within you, I wish to see it."

Those words shocked and stunned even Gaara, along with Temari and Kankuro who were now looking at the blonde boy worriedly. They couldn't understand how Naruto knew that Gaara was the carrier of Shukaku. Gaara, not one to just do as anyone tells him to do asked, "How do you know that I contain Shukaku?"

"I have heightened senses and I can sense that bijuu's particular chakra from off your body," Naruto answered.

This gaki can detect bijuus, Temari thought in shock and a bit fearfully, Who the hell is he?

This can be trouble, Kankuro thought as he looked at Naruto cautiously, This Naruto guy is clearly more than he appears to be. The plan can be ruined he if Naruto-

"Though I'm surprised that you know of what bijuu I carry however," Gaara spoke unknowingly cutting off Kankuro's train of thoughts, "For what purpose should I show you my seal?"

"I wish to examine it if you will," Naruto replied, "And as I said earlier, you're like me; I'm also a Jinchuuriki."

Gaara's eyes widened on hearing that; there was someone else like him who was forced to burden the curse of being a Jinchuuriki from birth without his consent. There was someone else who could understand his pain, his sorrow, his hardship and loneliness.

Yet, Gaara thought as he looked at Naruto, He doesn't look like he's suffering from madness or harassment from his bijuu. What's his secret?

"Tell me," Gaara said, "Which bijuu do you contain?"

"Kyuubi No Yoko," Naruto answered straightforwardly. That revelation shocked the Suna nins to no end. From what they've been told, Kyuubi was destroyed years ago in his fight with Yondaime Hokage. No one has seen the great fox since.

"You lie!," Kankuro remarked loudly, "Kyuubi was defeated and killed by your Yondaime over thirteen years ago!"

"No bijuus can be killed by mortals," Naruto corrected, "They can only be sealed away by the use of fūin kinjutsu ougis (forbidden master sealing techniques). Yondaime Hokage did this with me at the cost of his life."

To prove his point, Naruto removed his black fingerless glove from off his right hand and focused chakra into his right hand enough to reveal the seal that contained the Kyuubi, which started glowing red. Needless to say, the Suna nins were shocked by this.

"This is a very dark secret," Naruto explained, "That neither Sandaime-sama, nor my mother, or the village council revealed to the villagers, especially since I have a lot of enemies after me. I trust that you three won't reveal this secret to anyone, just as I won't reveal yours to just anyone."

Naruto dispelled the chakra flow from his hand causing the seal to vanish back into his hand before placing his black glove back on.

"I showed you my seal and shared my darkest secret with you," Naruto said, "Honor me please in showing me your seal Gaara."

Nodding, Gaara raised his shirt and show Naruto the seal that contained Shukaku. Naruto went over to Gaara and carefully looked the seal over.

'As I suspected,' Minato said as he examined the seal through Naruto's eyes, 'That seal is unquestionably flawed. Whoever did the sealing did a terrible unprofessional job at it. The person who performed the sealing was not a true seal master.'

Is there a way to fix it, Naruto inquired.

'It'll take some time,' Minato said, 'But I can guide you through it. Though that seal is terribly flawed however, it can be repaired and made to work more effectively.'

Having a Hokage-level seal master sealed inside me has its many advantages, Naruto thought.

'Evidently. We'll have to get Sandaime-sama to assist us in doing this since he'll be able to gather the required essentials for seal's repairs. Though Jiraiya-sensei is a preferred option when it comes to seals however, he's obviously away looking into what he can gather about the Akatsuki.'

Naruto mentally nodded before he stood back up again. Gaara placed his shirt back down as he faced Naruto.

"That seal was poorly designed," Naruto informed, "That person who sealed Shukaku into you was not a true seal master. And from the condition of your eyes, it's clear that you're an insomniac, yes?"

"…," Gaara stayed quiet as he nodded. A moment later Gaara spoke, "I see that you don't look to be suffering from harassment from your bijuu. Tell me, what's your secret?"

"Yondaime Hokage was an expert seal master," Naruto explained, "The very best in our village in his days. However, after I turned eight years old, Kyuubi woke up from his long slumber and gave me a great deal of grief, pain and misery. Like you Gaara, I had many sleepless nights and horrific nightmares. I had to do everything in my power to hold onto my sanity. After some time though, the seal kicked in and effectively allowed me to suppress Kyuubi's blood-lusting torments."

Gaara had an emotionless expression as he listened to Naruto's words.

This kid is really something, Temari thought as she looked at Naruto, wondering whether or not to believe what she was seeing with her eyes, I never met anyone who was able to hold a conversation with Gaara without having their lives threatened or just killed on the spot.

Naruto is like Gaara, Kankuro thought, Except Naruto isn't being used as a weapon much to my surprise. Gaara's seal was designed deficiently making him incapable of sleeping at night. Because of this, it turned him into an insomniac psychopath, whose only method of deadening Shukaku is by killing people around him.

"Though your seal was poorly designed however," Naruto continued, "I may be able to fix it."

Gaara's head shot up on hearing that as he looked at Naruto skeptically, "How can that be so? Are you a seal master?"

"Not yet officially," Naruto admitted, "However, I have both the knowledge and expertise of a true seal master."

'The irony,' Minato remarked.

"I won't lie to you Gaara," Naruto said, "Fixing that seal will be no easy task and it will take some time, but it can be done."

Gaara was quiet as he contemplated on what Naruto was offering to him. Meanwhile Temari and Kankuro looked between Naruto and Gaara wondering what they should do next.

"I would like for you, Temari and Kankuro to meet me at the Hokage office tomorrow afternoon to discuss with my mother and Hiruzen-sama the former Sandaime-sama what I have in mind in repairing that seal of yours," Naruto said, "Hiruzen-sama can help set it up. That is if you're willing to accept my offer."

Gaara remained silent as he considered and pondered on everything he was being told. A moment later…

"I accept," Gaara replied, "I will meet you at the Hokage Tower tomorrow. Temari and Kankuro will accompany me there as well."

Naruto nodded, "Excellent. I'll leave now to discuss and have everything arranged with the Hokages."

With that said, Naruto shunshin'd from the scene, leaving the Suna nins to their thoughts.

"I don't like this," Temari spoke up after a long period of silence, "This could be a trap or a set up. Are you sure you want to go through with this Gaara?"

"I'm certain Temari," Gaara replied dryly, "This Naruto character has a bijuu inside of him and he trusted us enough to share his secret with us even though he wasn't obligated to do so. Though he's a fellow Jinchuuriki, he's different and I owe him the benefit of the doubt."

"What do you suppose Baki-sensei and father would say about this," Kankuro interjected, "I doubt they'll approve of your decision considering the alliance we have with Otogakure No Sato."

Gaara looked at his siblings with a cold and hard expression, causing Temari and Kankuro to cower and take a few steps back away from him.

"Our father is a foolish Kazekage," said Gaara angrily as his sand started coming out of his gourd and hovering over him and seemingly over to his older siblings, "I don't want to hear of him unless it's necessary. Understand?"

"Y-Yes Gaara," Kankuro gulped as both he and Temari nodded fearfully before Gaara forced the sand back into the gourd and popped the cork over the mouth closing it.

"We will return later to inform Baki-sensei about what Naruto is offering me seeing how what he told me sounded most appealing to me," Gaara stated, "I would like to be able to sleep for once without worrying about Shukaku waking up and seeking to take over my mind and body."

Gaara turned and started walking off with Temari and Kankuro following from a short distance behind him. After few minutes, Gaara stopped again with his back facing the two older Suna nins.

"Temari, Kankuro," Gaara said instantly grabbing their attention, "Do not participate in this foolish invasion Suna is planning with Oto."

The older Suna nins were caught off guard by this. Neither nins wanted to risk the wrath of their Kazekage but at the same time, they didn't want to risk Gaara's, whose wrath always ended with a deadly finality.

"What," Kankuro retorted, "And why not?"

"Let's get something straight right now," Gaara said, "Should Naruto successfully fulfill his promise to repair my seal and make it more effective in containing Shukaku, as payment I will tell him and the Hokage everything about the invasion Suna is planning to do with Oto against Konoha. And should the invasion take place regardless, I will fight alongside Naruto against Suna and Oto."

Kankuro and Temari's faces turned pale on hearing that. The thought of two Jinchuurikis fighting against them was rather terrifying. Though Gaara was a deadly force to be reckoned with however, the fact that Naruto appeared to be in control of his own bijuu that was none other than Kyuubi made him more dangerous, the Suna nins realized.

(Later At The Hokage Tower)

"Are you sure about this," said Hiruzen after both he and Tsunade heard what Naruto had explained to them about his encounter with the Suna nins.

"Unquestionably," Naruto said with his arms crossed over his chest facing the Tsunade and Hiruzen, "I arranged a meeting with Gaara and his siblings to meet us here tomorrow afternoon. I told him that I can fix his seal and make it more effective."

"Naruto," Tsunade spoke up seriously, "How could make such a promise when you yourself are not a seal master?"

"After giving it some deep consideration," Naruto began to explain, "I figured that by using the ancient Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal)-"

"NARUTO!," Hiruzen and Tsunade yelled fearfully in full alertness as Tsunade stood up from her seat almost instantly. Hiruzen said, "That particular seal…"

"I don't intend on summoning the Shinigami if that's what you both are thinking," Naruto assured, "What I was going to say was that I can study and use the ancient Shiki Fūjin seal design my father originally found, along with the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style and the Four Symbols Seal to make the needed repairs to Gaara's seal; in theory I should be able to make his seal as strong as possible. If I recall, my father was an expert at sealing and a true seal master. And he specifically told me that he can guide me through the process in repairing the seal. Plus, seals were among the things ero-jisan and father taught me."

"Hmm…," Hiruzen contemplated as he took another intake of his pipe, "…I'm not as skilled with seals as my former pupil Jiraiya or Yondaime are, but I can gather all of the need materials for the procedure. I can help have everything set up by tomorrow."

Naruto nodded, "I will need access to the forbidden scroll that has the Shiki Fūjin, the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style and the Four Symbols Seal written in it. Will it be possible for you to retrieve that scroll for me later today?"

Hiruzen nodded, "If you were an ordinary Genin granting such a request would have been out of the question. But as it stands, you're not an ordinary Genin. I'll personally deliver the scroll to you later today as that kinjutsu ougi (forbidden master technique) is a most deadly jutsu I can't just entrust to anyone."

"Thanks jiisan," Naruto said before turning to his mother, "By the way kaa-chan, were you able to place Haku-san with someone?"

Tsunade threw a pair of keys and an envelope to Naruto. After catching them, Naruto asked, "What are these for?"

"I wasn't able to place her with any family in the village," Tsunade said, "However I was able to attain a small apartment to accommodate her. It's really the best I can do under short notice. I still will have to hold a meeting with the council to inform them about Haku. What you have in your hands are the keys to her apartment and that envelope has the address written in it. Be sure to give them to her as you escort her to her new home. This is your D-rank mission for the day."

Naruto nodded before he turned and exited the office with the two items. After he left, Tsunade opened the desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of sake and a small cup.

"…I need a drink," Tsunade sighed while pouring some of the alcoholic contents into the cup, "That kid is too much."

"Just like his father," Hiruzen smiled before making his way out of the office, "Naruto will accomplish great things."


Anko was making her way to the dango shop. Her eyes soon fell upon a familiar blonde running down the block from the opposite direction. Naruto was too occupied to notice that a kunai was thrown straight at him. Realizing this at the last second, Naruto barely evaded the weapon which grazed his face before it was impaled into a wooden light pole. Anko appeared and wrapped her arms around Naruto from behind as she brought her face over to his.

"…Yondaime-gaki…," Anko said cheerfully between the times she started licking the side of his face she cut, "…You shouldn't let your guard down like that…Otherwise you'll become a tasty treat for me…"

Naruto had a most annoyed expression on his face while feeling Anko's tongue lash against his face; this was not the first time she pulled this stunt. She'd do this occasionally when she managed to catch him off his guard. The older woman held Naruto's arms to his sides to keep him from moving them. Naruto knew he could have easily thrown her off him, but he didn't want her to see just how strong he really was, at least for now.

"When did you return…," Anko asked.

"This morning Anko-chan," Naruto answered.

"…Your mission was a success I trust…," Anko said as she shamelessly continued licking the little bit of blood from off his face.

"It was," Naruto said, "In fact I got the chance to put some of your teachings to practice on two enemy ninjas."

Anko gave a small sinister grin when she heard that.

"Good boy…," Anko replied as she gave his face another lick, only slower, "…You truly are an Elite Genin, Yondaime-gaki."

"Look I appreciate the attention as twisted as it is Anko-chan but I really must be on my way," Naruto said, "I have important things to do and a few people to meet up with."

Anko bumped him on the head on hearing that before she released her hold on him.

"And I suppose I wasn't one of those important people," Anko retorted, "If anything I'm one of the first people you should have went to see after your return."

"You are in fact, I'm standing in front of you aren't I," Naruto shot back while rubbing his head, "I just came from kaa-chan's office and I have to deliver a few things to a new friend of mine who's new here."

"A new friend you say," Anko said as she placed her arm around and over his shoulders before pulling him close to her, "Why don't you tell me all about it as we head over to the dango shop? While we're there, I can tell you about the Chuunin exams I'll enter you in after you give me the juicy details on the ninjas you took out during your mission through the training of yours truly."

Naruto sighed again as he went with Anko to the dango shop after she retrieved her kunai from the wooden light pole.

(Later On That Afternoon; Elsewhere)

Sakura was showing Haku around the village. Thus far Sakura has been telling her about all the great places she go could to for some fun, like the clothes stores, the bathhouse and etc. While they were walking around, there was a common thought they had in mind, what was it that Naruto wanted to discuss with the Suna nins that was so confidential that he dismissed the both of them.

"Sakura-san," Haku asked.


"What do you suppose Naruto-kun wanted to speak with the Suna nins in private about," Haku inquired.

"My guess is as good as yours," Sakura replied. Just then Sakura saw Hinata, Shino and Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino coming their way.

"Hey you guys," Sakura greeted as she hurried over to them with Haku following close by.

"Hey Forehead Girl," Ino greeted, "Back from your mission I see."

"Yes Ino-pig," Sakura scowled, "And let me be the first to say that it was really an A-rank mission."

"You're lying," Ino retorted in disbelief, "We're only Genins!"

"You and your team were given an A-rank mission before any of us," Shikamaru asked lazily, "Well better you than me. Those missions are so troublesome."

"It's true that our mission turned out to be an actual A-rank mission," Sakura said with a large grin on her face, "My new friend here can testify to that."

"And speaking of new friends," Kiba said as he dashed over to Haku and stood next to her closer than he should have, "I'm Inuzuka Kiba. What's your name good-looking?"

Giggling, Haku said, "I'm Haku and I'm new here in Konoha."

"You are," Ino asked, "Are you living here with your folks?"

Haku's smile seemed to have disappeared from her face as a sad look partially appeared on her face.

"Leave it to Ino-pig to ruin the mood," Sakura said sourly.

"Don't blame her Sakura-san," Haku interjected trying to restore the happy atmosphere.

"I'm sorry if I've offended," Ino said sincerely, "I didn't mean to-"

"It's not your fault," Haku assured, "You didn't know. No, I don't have any relatives or a place to stay really. But Naruto-kun offered me the chance to live here, meet and make friends with you all."

"You met Naruto-kun," Hinata asked.

"I did," Haku said, "Back at Nami No Kuni. And judging from your eyes and features, you must be Hyuuga Hinata. And the blonde girl with the blue pupil-less eyes is clearly Yamanaka Ino."

Hinata and Ino were surprised by this. Of course, many in Konoha knew who they were, but they weren't expecting a total stranger to know who they were.

"Don't be so surprised," Haku continued, "Naruto-kun and Sakura-san told me all about you guys."

The other Genins took turns in introducing themselves to Haku. After the introductions…

"I'm happy that's out of the way," Kiba said with a toothy grin, "Tell me Haku, did Naruto fail to mention anything to you about my charming good looks and strong ninja arts?"

"I don't swing that way Kiba," said a voice from above. Everyone looked up to see Naruto crouching down on top of a light pole. Unknown to them was that he shunshin'd to them with the use of the seal marked kunai he gave Haku.

"Hey," Kiba yelled indignantly, "I didn't mean it that way and you know it!"

"I'm just saying it as I heard it," Naruto mocked as he flipped back down to the ground and went over to the others. Luckily, Naruto, before arriving, healed the little facial cut and cleaned his face of any signs of Anko's personal treatment. The last thing he needed was Kiba and Akamaru finding something to either blackmail him on or cause more trouble for.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata and Ino said simultaneously as they happily ran and embraced Naruto.

"OK, OK Hina-chan and Ino-chan," Naruto smiled before returning the embrace, "I'm happy to see you both too."

Though Sakura didn't voice it, she couldn't help but feel jealous of her best friend and Hinata. The pink-haired kunoichi often wished that Sasuke would welcome her with opened arms like how Naruto does with Hinata and Ino. Hinata and Ino soon released the blond-haired shinobi from their embrace.

"Sakura said that you, her and the rest of Team 7 went on your first A-rank mission," Ino said.

"It started out as a C-rank mission but it turned into an A-rank in the end," Naruto confirmed, "In all, the mission was a success."

"Well, we're happy that you and everyone came back safely," Hinata said, "I hope you didn't run into too much trouble."

"No trouble at all…," Naruto lied as he laughed a nervously, If you minus an Iwa Jounin kunoichi who wants to kill you for doing the Sennen Goroshi on her.

Shaking the thoughts off, Naruto went over to Haku and said, "Haku-san."


"Kaa-chan managed to get you a place of your own," Naruto said, "If you'll be so kind as to accompany me, I'll escort and show you where your new home is."

Haku smiled and nodded.

"Hey," Kiba interjected, "How about I come with you guys?"

"Thanks Kiba," Naruto interjected, "But this is a D-rank mission kaa-chan specifically gave to me as I'm to escort Haku-san by myself."

"Hey Naruto," Sakura interjected, "About that conversation you had with those three Suna nins…"

"It's been taken care of Sakura," Naruto answered, "It's nothing for you or anyone else here to worry about. That's all there is to say about it. Hina-chan, Ino-chan; I'll meet up with you both later."

Naruto gestured to Haku to follow him to their next destination. She complied as she followed Naruto to her new home, leaving the other Genins behind. On the way, she gave Naruto back the kunai he asked her to hold onto earlier.

"Damn it that sucks," Kiba scowled, "For once there's a D-rank mission I'd have gladly performed and it's given to Naruto. I swear that momma's boy always get the sweet life!"

"Shut up Kiba!," Ino shouted as she smacked the boy across his head.

"Yes Kiba, stop complaining," Shikamaru said, "It's really troublesome."

"Whatever," Kiba retorted while rubbing his head. Short after, the remaining Genins disbanded and went about their own businesses.

(Later That Evening)

The three Suna nins were back at the hotel they were staying at with Baki. Temari had given their Jounin sensei a full recount of everything that transpired from their encounter with Naruto. To say he was stupefied would have been an understatement.

"Gaara," Baki spoke cautiously, "You're serious about this?"

"Need you ask," Gaara replied dryly with his arms crossed, "Temari already told you everything."

"But this will go against everything that Kazakage-sama instructed and planned with Otogakure," Baki retorted, "On all accounts, such actions will be looked at as treason!"

"I can care less for what my father wants," Gaara replied, "Tomorrow I'm going allow Naruto fix this seal of mine as he promised. If he succeeds, as payment for his services, not only will I tell him and the Hokages everything about this upcoming invasion, but he'll have me as his new ally in stopping this invasion Suna plans on doing with Oto. My foolish father can regard me as a traitor if he so wishes."

Baki knew that there was no way to change Gaara's mind. It was clear that the red-haired nin had already made up his mind and he wasn't about to go back on it now. The Jounin saw that he and the other Suna Genins had no other choice but to go along with Gaara…

Gaara accepted Naruto's offer and intends on seeing him about repairing his seal. Haku has been introduced to the other Leaf Genins and has been given her own place. Will she been able to fit in with the others? Will Naruto be able to successful ly repair Gaara's seal as promised? Find out next time.