Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Preliminaries

(Three Days Later)

The Genins who had managed to get both scrolls and made it to the tower stood in front of the two Hokages, the examiners and their Jounin senseis. Jiraiya, Shizune and Haku also stood with Tsunade and Sarutobi. Behind the higher ninjas stood a statue of two arms holding the ram seal. The Genins stood in an arena and along the walls there was a heightened floor for spectators.

The Konoha rookies were there as well as Gaara and his siblings. Kiba smiled happily upon seeing Haku present among Jiraiya and the Hokages. All but one Genin was present, one Elite Genin to be precise.

"Naruto-kun isn't here," Hinata noted very worriedly, "I hope nothing terrible happened to him. The Forest of Death was truly deadly and he was forced to go into a whole other section of that forest alone."

"I know," Ino spoke up feeling equally worried, "None of us have seen or heard from Naruto since the time we entered the forest and even now we have no idea what's become of him."

"Naruto-san was more familiar with that forest than any of us here," Sai spoke with a neutral voice, "I must admit that I'm surprised that he's not present amongst us."

"I heard that the section Naruto was placed in was far deadlier than where we went," Sakura said, "I found it hard to believe at first; but seeing that Naruto isn't here with us only proves that right."

Sasuke interjected, "If the dobe was half as smart as he says he was he'd have never went into that section of the forest on his own. The loser and dead-last should have dropped out when he had the chance. We can't say that he's not responsible for his own undoing."

Hinata and Ino snarled venomously at the Uchiha. Temari and Kankuro, though they tried to look indifferent, wanted to go up and clobber Sasuke. They didn't appreciate the fact that Sasuke was ridiculing someone who did what no other person was willing to do for Gaara. Neji was thinking that Naruto's situation could be an instrument he could use against Hinata. While all of the Genins were into their own thoughts, a particular aura was making its way towards them. Soon everyone in the building was sensing the aura approaching them.

A moment later, everyone turned towards the entrance to see a barefooted figure reaching the height of Jiraiya's shoulders with tan skin with nothing but tiger-skin loincloth around his waist and what looked like short black tights approaching and entering the building. His face was looking down to the ground as he continued making his entrance and his lengthened stringy and partly spiked blonde hair was pointing down to the ground. What was also noteworthy was that this well-built and nicely toned figure was wearing a Konoha head protector over his head. All of the Genins, including the three from Oto, were wondering just whom was this person and why was he dressed like some character from an adventure book.

They don't even recognize me, the figure though in surprise as he continued entering the build over towards the Genins.

Hinata was trying to stay neutral thinking to herself that the older teen figure entering the building doesn't measure to her love interest though she detected something about the guy that felt strangely familiar. Ino was trying to do likewise, but was having a bit of difficulty in completely doing so since, like Hinata, she sensed something familiar about him.

Shizune, though calm and reserved, couldn't help but admire the guy's nicely toned and pronounced built with the bit of power radiating off him. Like Hinata and Ino though she sensed some form of familiarity towards the blonde stranger.

Anko was visibly salivating and gawking at the sight of the supposed jungle ninja with a trickle of blood coming down her nose; if anything, the sight of this stranger was going to fuel her wet dreams and fantasies for weeks.

I can think of a whole world of possibilities of what I can do with that guy with that super body, Anko thought lecherously, I would definitely love to cut and lick him all over.

Kurenai, though more conservative than Anko evidently, couldn't help but wonder who the entering stranger was. The genjutsu mistress shook her head with a sigh of dismay upon looking at Anko's unprofessional demeanor.

Tsunade was dumbfounded and stupefied at the sight, immediately recognizing who the stranger is. She was told about this from Jiraiya but she herself found it hard to believe, especially since he told her about it a few hours ago without informing her that the stranger was in tiger-skin loincloth and that his body underwent this kind of drastic change. For what it was worth, she wanted to go over to the older boy and strangle him for coming before her and everyone's sight the way he was.

Sandaime dropped his pipe from his mouth as, like Tsunade, he immediately recognized that aura the stranger was radiating.

Jiraiya was giggling lecherously in the far corner after moving there a few moments ago. He was scribbling away giddily and recording everyone's reactions. He didn't seriously think that the teenage Kage-level shinobi would actually go through with what he wanted him to do. If anything, Jiraiya's respects for the blonde grew to higher levels.

Kakashi looked up from his orange book and recognized the aura the stranger was pouring out. He knew only person who could produce such an aura. Ibiki, Hayate, Asuma and Gai sensed the same aura, and saw that what they were feeling from that aura was a presence they haven't felt since Namikaze Minato.

The boys looked on at the entering figure with curiosity and perplexity. They sensed something recognizable about the older teenager however his appearance radiated a power they haven't felt before and though they didn't admit it, part of them were intimidated by it whereas another part of them desired to challenge that power. Sasuke and Neji especially wanted to challenge that power solely to prove their own superiority. Shikamaru just found the presence of the blonde stranger troublesome.

Sakura, though blushing from the sight of the stranger, was hearing inner-Sakura yelling fits about how Sasuke's body and built would be more sight to see in those tiger-skin loincloths than the wannabe putting on a show in front of everyone.

Tenten had a look of curiosity with a small smile on her face while wondering just how strong the mysterious supposed jungle forest-raised ninja was. She wondered what kind of weapons was he capable of using or if all of his fighting styles are done through his bare hands and close ranges like Gai and Lee.

"…," Gaara just had a look of indifference, not caring either way.

He don't look so tough…he's such a showoff, Kankuro thought to himself. Temari, though reserved and calm, looked at the stranger with interest and a noticeable grin on her face though she had no idea who this guy was however.

He looks strong and capable, Temari acknowledged, And cute too. I wonder if I could get that guy into leaving Konoha for Suna. He'd make quite a shinobi in our ranks. I wonder if his affinity is wind type; that would be extra pluses in my book.

He's noticeably skilled, the female Oto Genin acknowledged while analyzing the figure, I wouldn't mind challenging him to a fight to test out my own abilities against his.

Kabuto looked at the teen in question, Impossible! This can't be the same Genin I saw a few days ago! His power is even stronger and potent than before!

"And just who are you," Sasuke interrogated, "I don't recall seeing you from around here."

With a grin, the stranger replied, "I've only been away for five days and none of you recognize me? I'm hurt."

Though the voice sounded more mature, they immediately recognized who this stranger was. Sasuke's eyes widened on the realization as did everyone else's.

"N…Na…Nar…Naruto-kun…," Hinata stuttered for the first time in a long time. Naruto just grin his trademark smile, "None other."

"This was uncalled for Naruto," Kiba barked indignantly, "You can stop the charade and drop the damn henge already!"

Naruto flashed a grin again, "I'm afraid that's not possible. What everyone here is looking at is the real thing."

Kiba was about say something when…

"Kiba…," Hinata interjected between stutters with her Byakugan activated and a crimson blush on her face, "…Believe or not…that…that is no henge. What we're looking at…is the real Naruto-kun…"

"WHAT?," Kiba yelled in disbelief. Neji, wanting to see for himself, activated his Byakugan and scanned Naruto's body. A few moments later…

"Both Naruto-sama and Hinata-sama are telling the truth," Neji confirmed though finding the truth himself hard to believe, "This is Naruto-sama with no deception to his appearance."

Everyone but Jiraiya looked at this in shock. With the exceptions of the Sandaime, Godaime and Jiraiya, no one had any idea what happened to Naruto in the forest of death that caused such a drastic transformation.


Oh my God, Shizune thought as a realization dawn on her, You mean to say that was Naruto-otouto I was…

Shizune, who was totally shocked by this revelation, turned and ran from the chamber and into a different room from feelings of embarrassment and shame. The boys were looking at Naruto in absolute disbelief.

Anko, after speedily fixing herself during the momentary distraction, was tempted to personally check for herself if what she was looking at was truly Naruto in the flesh. Although she want to do her own physical on him however, her sense of reasoning kicked in and successfully managed to keep her impulses at bay, especially since she didn't want to invoke Tsunade's wrath. What shocked her more was the realization that she was having perverted fantasies of him which were still fresh in her mind. The purple haired Special Jounin was definitely going to get answers out of him, one way or another.

Naruto saw the looked in everyone's faces and needless to say he couldn't help but take amusement at their expressions. The Genins couldn't believe that Naruto had undergone such a huge change in such a relatively short time and that he was now taller than all of them.

Shikamaru tried not to act too surprised, feeling that doing do would be too troublesome for him. Shino had both eyebrows raised upon realizing that the stranger before him was none other than Naruto. He figured that there had to be some form of logic explanation for the transformation Naruto underwent although he presently couldn't think of one.

Kiba and Chouji, who stopped eating his chips and nearly dropped his bag of chips in fact upon seeing Naruto, both looked at Naruto with stupefied expressions. The boys always knew that Naruto was unique in his own way but they never suspected that something that what they was looking at could ever happen to the blonde.

Lee was contemplating on how the fires of Naruto's youth and hard work resulted in Naruto's unexpected transformation. Tenten looked at Naruto with a cherry blush and surprised expression. She couldn't believe that the boy she tried to be in good grace with in hopes that someday he'd talk his mother into training her; had transformed into the hot-looking ninja she was looking at. Though she tried to think up of some explanation for his new appearance however, her mind was too busy focusing on his nicely restructured body and face.

Sakura was in denial; she couldn't believe how handsome and built Naruto became while trying desperately to convince herself that Naruto's new appearance still doesn't measure up to Sasuke's. In spite of this though, she wondered exactly what happened to Naruto in the forest that triggered this seemingly unexplainable transformation.

Sai was still neutral though he had a curious look in his eyes. Sasuke and Neji though were scowling and seething at the sight. Both boys, like all the other Genins, wondered exactly what triggered Naruto's surprising change and increase of power. Sasuke was angered hotly at the fact that Naruto was getting stronger faster than he was and possessed power that he wanted for himself to use against Itachi and prove his superiority to Naruto. Neji wondered if fate had deemed Naruto's future for power and advancement beyond many others.

Hinata and Ino were both blushing and gawking at Naruto. Ino was visibly drooling at his appearance with a trickle of blood coming down her nose. It took all of her willpower not to run and jump on him just so she could feel him up. Hinata had to release her Byakugan for fear that she'd be tempted to use it to see more than she was supposed to; not that she haven't before on several occasions which resulted in both her blood loss and loss of consciousness.

Haku looked at Naruto in surprise. She didn't know what to make out of what she was looking at. She had always known Naruto was a strong and capable ninja and person especially since she's heard many things about him before she got to meet him. But for him to undergo such a drastic change in such a short time was unheard of to her.

Gaara remained calm, reserved and indifferent in spite of his curiosity. Kankuro looked at Naruto with a dumbfounded expression. Sure, the Suna nin knew the boy was powerful and not to be underestimated, but never once he though that what he was seeing was possible. Temari, though surprised like all the other females, looked at Naruto with an admiring smile on her face. She couldn't find words to explain how Naruto had gone from being a thirteen year old shinobi to every girl's fantasy. Though the Suna kunoichi maintained a partial reserved demeanor however, she couldn't deny the fact that not only was Naruto now taller than her and the others; she found him surprisingly handsome and appealing in form.

The Genins from Oto looked at Naruto questionably and suspiciously. Like their leader Orochimaru, the three Oto nins have heard many rumors about the son of Gondame, the self-proclaimed Second Flash. If anything, Orochimaru tried to keep tabs on Naruto ever since he heard about the blonde's surprising victory over Itachi, a shinobi he himself couldn't defeat. Unfortunately for the Snake Sannin, there wasn't much had had on Naruto, and he was sure that Tsunade was effective in keeping an eye out on her son.

All of the other Jounins looked at Naruto with shocked and surprised expressions. Like many, they wondered what exactly happened to him while he was alone in the forest during the five days. Jiraiya was having a field day taking notes with his pen and notepad recording everyone's, especially the females' reactions to Naruto's new appearance. He was planning on using all of the materials he was gathering for what he was planning on making his latest and rarest Icha Icha Paradise, Jungle Forest Ninja platinum edition.

I'm happy I found those pair of short black tights yesterday, Naruto thought to himself, My ass is the last thing I'd want to put on display in front of everyone.

"What the hell happened to you," Kiba asked after a long period of silence.

"Puberty," Naruto replied in sarcasm. Kiba remarked, "If I'd have known that you'd have returned looking like that after being placed wherever you were in that damn forest, I'd have gone there a long time ago."

"More like died there a long time," Naruto refuted, "What happened to me in that forest in not an experience I want to go through again. I came close to death many times in that damnable sector of the forest I was placed in."

"Yet you're still alive," Shikamaru interjected with a bored demeanor, "So don't complain so much about it please because it'll just be troublesome."

"Put a sock in it Shikamaru," Naruto retorted with an annoyed tone.

"Naruto-kun," Lee spoke up eagerly, "We're all curious to know as to how you were able to advance so fast in just five days alone in the forest of death."

"Naruto," Sasuke said with a serious demeanor, "Tell me exactly what happened that triggered your transformation." If I can find out how Naruto managed to age and become this strong in such a relatively short time, I can use that to greatly improve in my training and become stronger.

"My transformation is something that can't be repeated by anyone," Naruto replied, "It's unique only to me and unfortunately, it's irreversible."

Sasuke wasn't satisfied with that explanation. Tsunade and Hiruzen hurriedly went over to Naruto and examined him. Tsunade was surprised that Naruto could now look at her face to face without having to look up at her anymore.

Jiraiya did explained that Minato's chakra influence was potent on the boy as a result of the concentrated amount that the boy infused into himself, Hiruzen thought, But I would have never thought in all my years that Yondaime's chakra would have had this great an impact on the boy's physiology.

I can't believe this happened, Tsunade thought, At first I found Jiraiya's words hard to believe but now that I'm seeing it for myself, there's no way to refute it.

"Naruto," Tsunade said after regaining her voice, "It's hard to believe that you've aged like this."

"It's nothing to worry about," Naruto assured.

"Nothing to worry about," Tsunade retorted indignantly, "You just lost two years of your life and you have the nerve to say it's nothing to worry about?"

Naruto sighed, "…Listen, nothing we do can change what happened to me, like it or not. We're just going to have to make adjustments to the situation."

"You could have at least found some decent clothes to put on before coming here," Tsunade stated. Naruto replied, "I could have but didn't. Since my original clothes were destroyed, like a trained ninja I improvised with whatever resources I found in the forest. After making it to the tower, I did ask ero-jisan for some change of clothes but he refused to grant my request."

Jiraiya gulped fearfully on hearing that. He was about to interject when…

"He wanted everyone to see that what I went through in that forest alone was a most cruel and challenging ordeal," Naruto explained, "And that I wasn't given special treatment just because of whose son I am. It was a harsh reality but I accepted it."

Tsunade wanted to say something but she couldn't find the right words to say. Jiraiya sighed in relief after hearing Naruto's explanation. At first, after hearing himself being mentioned, Jiraiya feared that Naruto was going to blow his spot and explain that he refused to give him new clothes because he wanted to exploit Naruto's situation for new ideas for his next best seller of Icha Icha Paradise. After hearing Naruto's reasons for his actions, the Toad Sannin couldn't help but admire the boy's boldness. Hiruzen and Tsunade saw how Naruto was maturing, and for Tsunade, it was too fast for her liking.

Sandaime remained quiet as he took another puff of his pipe. He, Tsunade, Jiraiya and the others all knew that Naruto was going to be bombarded with a series of many questions once the rest of the villagers behold his age appearance, and the fact that some of Minato's features were manifesting in Naruto's appearance wasn't going to help matters either, Sandaime realized.

"As much as I'd like to stand here and discussion Naruto's new looks Tsunade," Hiruzen interjected seeking to pull away attention from Naruto, "I believe that we have other important matters to take care of in regards to the remaining Genins here in this building."

Reluctantly Tsunade agreed with her former sensei's advice, "…Yes you're right. We'll deal with this matter at a later time."

Hiruzen nodded as he and Tsunade returned back to there original positions. Naruto went over to the remaining Genins. While walking passed Sai, Naruto looked down at the reserved Genin who gave him a small nod as though they were silently communicating with each other. Sasuke and Sakura caught this but they didn't know what to make out it, so they chose to ignore it, for now anyway. Looking at Sakura, Naruto took notice that her pink hair was now shortened and neck length. Without saying a word, the blonde continued on his way. Reaching his destination, Naruto went and stood between teams 8 and 10.

Hiruzen gave Anko a look that told her to refocus everyone's attention to what was the original objective of being present inside the building they were in. She nodded in understanding.

"Welcome and congratulations on passing the second exam," Anko said, and stepped back as Sandaime prepared to speak. All of the Genins turned to face the aged Hokage.

"Let me explain to you the true purpose of this test," Hiruzen said.

"True purpose," Kiba asked. Hiruzen nodded and continued, "This exam, the Chuunin exam, is to show of a village's power to potential customers. If a village shows it has lots of talented and strong ninjas, then missions will increase for that village. Also, instead of killing each other, the ninja villages compete under these exams, keeping relations and allies, as well as showing off their power to enemies, keeping them from attacking. Likewise if a village's representatives, the Genins in this exam, show that it is weaker, missions will decrease and the threat of invasion is greater. Therefore it is very important that you take these exams very seriously.

"The next stage will be one on one fighting where daimyos and other important people will come to see you fight. The selection on who becomes Chuunin is made by several judges among those important people."

A Special Jounin then jumped in front of Hiruzen, kneeling in front of him.

"Sandaime-sama, allow me to explain," the Special Jounin named Gekko Hayate requested before Sarutobi nodded to him.

"As Sandaime-sama said, for the third exam (cough) there will be a lot of important people watching and the invitations are to be sent out. (cough) But since these important guests have limited time, we can't simply have many matches. (Cough) That is why we must have a preliminary now. But before we begin, can those that don't feel well and want to give up, raise their hands. As it is individual (cough) fighting from now on, your decision won't affect your team. (Cough) So, anyone wish to retire from the exam? We will begin fighting immediately, so you won't have time to rest. (Cough)," Hayate said and a murmur arose from the Genins. Naruto saw that Shikamaru was about to raise his hand when Kabuto did.

"I give up," Kabuto said.

"You are Konoha's Yakushi Kabuto? Very well. You may leave," Hayate said and wrote something down on the clipboard he was carrying. Kabuto left and once again Shikamaru was about to raise his hand when…

"I also give up," Sai said with his hand raised surprising Sakura more so than Sasuke. Sure she and Sai didn't get along, but she was aware of his abilities as a Genin and for him to suddenly quit after their ordeals in the forest of death didn't add up. Naruto however was fully aware about why Sai was forfeiting.

You know what to do Sai, Naruto thought as he watched Sai make his way out of the building, I hope that you don't fail.

Shikamaru was about to raise his hand again when Ino shot him a glare. Reluctantly he complied and lowered his hand, not wanting to deal with Ino yelling at him later for quitting because of his laziness.

"What should we do about the Uchiha," Anko asked. Both she and Hiruzen could see something was bothering Sasuke, confirming Orochimaru did something to him.

"Hokage-sama," Anko started, "I can practically taste Orochimaru's cursed seal on Sasuke and he did survive the ordeal of the curse seal. We have to stop that Genin from competing. If he gives in-"

Anko started but was cut off by Kakashi.

"He isn't the type to just give up and listen to you. He's here to test his strength," Kakashi said.

"But…," Anko began.

"I or Kakashi can place the containment seal on Sasuke. Don't worry," Jiraiya said.

"Well, if there is no one else (cough) giving up, then let's start the first match," Hayate said and a part of the wall behind the statue slid down, revealing a screen. There, names began to flash before two stopped.

"First match of the preliminaries: (Cough) Senju Uzumaki Naruto against Tenten," Hayate called.

Damn it, Naruto swore with an annoyed tone, I just recuperated from my battle with a vixen Iwa kunoichi, and now I have to take on another kunoichi? Does the world hate me that much?

"Rest assured that my hatred of you and Yondaime is still in check," Kyuubi mocked darkly.

Shut the hell up Kyuubi-teme, Naruto retorted.

"Can everyone, except the two contenders, (cough) retreat to the upper levels to watch," Hayate said and everyone went up the stairs to the upper levels. Anko grinned menacingly, which didn't go unnoticed by the other Jounins. The grin that Anko was wearing was one she'd use before dealing something harsh and cruel on her enemies or torture victims; and the fact that she was wearing it upon hearing Naruto's name being mentioned for his fight with Tenten only served to give them the idea that this match was clearly one-sided.

Gai, in spite of this, maintained an optimistic and very enthusiastic spirit, and Lee simply followed his example. Neji stood quietly, wondering how the match between his teammate and Naruto was going to turn out. Sasuke was contemplating on what jutsus Naruto was planning on using and if any were powerful he'd find some way of acquiring them for himself to increase his own abilities and use them against Itachi.

This ought to be interesting, Kakashi thought as he looked up from his orange book, Though I'm sure Naruto will hold back some, I'm curious as to what methods Naruto will use in this match and if any will be like Anko's.

Kurenai looked at Anko questionably after noticing her disturbing smile. The genjutsu mistress was wondering what tactics the Elite Genin had up his sleeves and if it was as brutal as Anko's methods.

So I'm to face off against Tsunade-sama's son, Tenten thought a bit nervously, This was quite unexpected. I wonder how I'll do against him seeing that his mother is the great Slug Sannin and now a Hokage.

"Fighters ready? (Cough)…," Hayate asked. Tenten and Naruto nodded. Hayate jumped away to a safe distance.

"The only rule is that when I (cough) say the match is over, it's over. (Cough) Also no endangering the audience. (Cough) Alright, begin!," Hayate explained before starting the match. Naruto and Tenten jumped back, putting some distance between each other.

"Do your best Naruto-kun!," Hinata cheered.


"GO TENTEN! SHOW EVERYONE YOUR BURNING FLAMES OF YOUTH!," Gai yelled, and everyone else wondered who was louder.

"YES TENTEN! LET YOUR YOUTHFUL FLAMES SHINE BRIGHTLY IN THIS MATCH!," Lee yelled joining the list of whose louder than the other.

"Geez, our cheerleaders are really loud," Tenten commented. Naruto simply nodded as he remained calm and reserved. Silence filled the arena as the two combatants stood staring at each other.

Tenten's distance from me is neither too far nor too close, Naruto noted, This way she can deal with defense and offense without much problem. Clever…

Naruto grinned towards Tenten, who got slightly uneasy because of that grin.

He has something planned. Can't let him pull off whatever it is he's planning, Tenten thought and threw four shurikens towards Naruto who easily dodged the weapons as though they were mere toys. Tenten was impressed.

So, he can dodge weapons with his speed. Let's test how many weapons he can dodge, Tenten thought before she started running around Naruto. Going in a perfect half-circle she took out two scrolls and threw them into the air before leaping with them into the air. Using her Kuchiyose No Jutsu, Sōshōryū (Twin Rising Dragons), she unrolled the scrolls and started spinning speedily. Picking up speed she became a blur. Naruto narrowed his eyes as Tenten rapidly summoned dozens of weapons so that she could throw them at him in quick succession. Weapons, lots and lots of weapons started flying out of the spinning blur that Tenten became.

Acknowledging the danger he was in…

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Naruto said as many clones encircled around him forming a shield for him as the weapons came raining down on them causing them to puff out of existence resulting in a white smoke cloud to form around Naruto, temporarily concealing him from sight. All the while Naruto and the clones were being bombarded with many katanas, kunais, shurikens, needles, throwing knives. All sorts of weapons were sent flying at the blonde. Suddenly spiked balls were sent flying down upon Naruto and his clones.

Soon, Tenten's assault halted as the smoke cloud cleared away, revealing Naruto standing alone clutching his bleeding and wounded left arm which sustained multiple injuries, as did a few other parts of his body. Tenten landed and smirked at Naruto, her scrolls floating down beside her with all of her weapons scattered and littered all over the arena floor.

"I must admit Naruto that I'm a bit disappointed," Tenten spoke, "From all the things I've seen and heard about you, I thought you'd be more of a challenge."

"Don't be too quick to misjudge me," Naruto rebuked calmly, "I warn you, things aren't always as they seem and you'd do well to look underneath the underneath."

"You're quite the philosopher," Tenten smiled confidently, "But my days at the academy are over."

Tenten leaped high into the air again before her weapons were tied to her fingers with thin, nearly-invisible strings, allowing her to raise them off the ground and aimed them all at Naruto.

"…," Naruto was silent as he saw at the situation he was in with lots and lots of weapons hovering over him.

"Any last words," Tenten asked while air-borne as she prepared to throw her weapons at him again, this time all at once.

"Just one," Naruto said before releasing his wounded arm and standing up straight as he pointed his finger directly at her with his right hand in the form of a pistol. Looking up at Tenten, he said, "Boom."

That was when a series of explosions occurred around the weapons Tenten was carrying. The fourteen year old found herself surrounded by explosions, which resulted in several of her own weapons being blown and shot and batted right back at her. Unprepared for Naruto's surprise attack, Tenten was lost in the confusion while being assaulted by explosions and many of her own weapons in the air.

"What the hell," Kiba yelled, who like the other Genins, were caught off guard by the shocking turnaround of the battle.

"Tenten!," Lee yelled out from the stand he and the other Genins were at. Anko just smiled proudly at Naruto's brutal efficiency and execution of tactics. Gai was worried and hoped that Naruto wasn't excessive and killed his student.

A moment later Tenten fell from the smoke cloud in the air and crashed down onto the unforgiving ground on her back with an audible thud with her weapons, many of them damaged, raining down to the floor and some on her thus resulting in collateral damage. As of now, her body and face had sustained a series of cuts, slashes, bruises and burns and her clothes were ragged, burned and damaged in several places and stained in her blood in a couple of places on her ruined clothes. She coughed out some blood from her mouth painfully. It went without say that she was in a lot of pain all over. The question in everyone's minds was: What the hell just happened?

Naruto, after healing his injuries, walked over to the wounded and heavily battered girl and knelt down on one knee at her right side. She turned her head and looked up at him and asked weakly, "Ho…How…were you…"

"Able to beat you with your own weapons," Naruto finished for her before he explained, "During the moments were you bombarding me and my clones with all of your weapons, I created Daibakuretsu Kage Bushins (Exploding Shadow Clones) and used henge to disguised them as one of your different weapons before strategically scattering them among your real weapons that were already on the floor. I allowed myself to be struck by a couple of your weapons to throw you off. My body was the decoy, your weapons was the bait.

"Any one of your weapons could have been any of my disguised bombs and you wouldn't have known it until it was too late. More or less, it was a deadly gamble with the odds strongly against you."

The girl looked at the blonde with a stupefied expression. Both Sandaime and Jiraiya had the same thought in mind in how Tsunade's gambling habits have rubbed off on Naruto, but with a surprisingly lethal twist. Tsunade herself was surprised at Naruto's use of gambling as a strategic method of combat. The other Genins looked at the blonde before recalling the stunt he pulled on Iruka a couple of years ago at the academy with the exploding apple he gave Iruka. Back then Naruto made it very clear that if he really wanted to killed Iruka he'd have already been dead should he had made that exploding apple fatal. It was no secret to any of them that Naruto was holding back a great deal against Tenten the entire time.

"I gave you the clue earlier," Naruto spoke, "'Things aren't always as they seem and you'd do well to look underneath the underneath.' But alas my warning to you fell on deaf ears, especially when I saw you tie all of the weapons to your fingers before raising them up off the ground towards you. You solidified your own defeat to me through the overconfidence I purposely planted in you after allowing myself to be hit by some of your weapons."

Tenten couldn't believe what she was hearing, but it made complete sense. She knew about the renowned stories of how Naruto was able to set traps and pranks on Chuunins, Jounins and the ANBU and escape their capture. It amazed her how ingenious Naruto was when it came to deception, traps and being an escape artist.

She would have never expected her own weapons to backfire at her if disguised shadow clone bombs weren't hidden among them. What surprised her more was the revelation that Naruto used his own body as a distraction to throw off her judgment and cause her to become overconfident in her abilities. He planned her defeat perfectly in such a short time, she realized.

That Naruto, Kakashi thought, Leave it to him to discreetly pull off surprising usages of resources without going overboard. He's truly my sensei's son.

I'm happy I didn't have to fight against him, Shikamaru thought, Fighting against someone like him would have been so troublesome.

"That strategy I used however would prove useless against any Hyuuga," Naruto admitted, "Hina-chan would have easily seen through my strategy and effectively counter it."

Hinata smiled and blushed brightly on hearing Naruto complimenting her abilities against his.

"You truly live up to your name…and title Naruto," Tenten smiled showing some of her teeth despite her pain, "…I'm happy that I've gotten the chance…to fight and test my skills against yours. I'll take my defeat…as a lesson to better prepare myself…should we ever face off again."

Naruto smiled and nodded his head to her, "I'm sure by then you'll have greatly improved."

"Winner: Senju Uzumaki Naruto," Hayate said before medic nins and placed Tenten on the stretcher before taking her away for medical treatment.

"Naruto-kun's spirit of sportsmanship is truly ablaze with his flames of youth Gai-sensei!," Lee said enthusiastically.

"Yes Lee!," Gai agreed with the same, if not more, enthusiastic spirit, "Naruto's flames of youth shines brightly through his dedication to hard work and training like you! Though Tenten have lost her match to Naruto, his humble spirit and sportsmanship radiated his fires of youth even brighter."

Naruto turned and walked up to the balcony stand to join the others. As he walked passed them, he noticed how Sasuke and Neji were looking at him. They couldn't believe that Naruto brought about Tenten's defeat in a short amount of time without so much as touching her once. They were hoping to see him use some powerful jutsu so they could develop methods of countering it. Instead he used basic ninjutsus, B-ranked kinjutsus and a well-planned strategy; this wasn't what either of them was expecting or hoping to see.

Ino, Hinata and Haku went and congratulated Naruto on his victory. He smiled sheepishly before telling Hinata and Ino that he's sure that they'll do even better. Soon the blonde shinobi found his way towards Anko and stood by her, only to find that he's now noticeably taller than her.

Tsunade, Orochimaru thought as he looked at her unnoticeably in his disguised as an Oto Jounin, It's clear that you've been very busy molding your son into a most unique shinobi; and having my former apprentice as his Jounin sensei only make things more interesting.

"Nice work out there Yondaime-gaki," Anko smiled toothily as she now had to look up to him for a change, "Five days alone and you come back as a sight for everyone to behold. (Grinned wider) Or did you have someone in particular in mind?"

Kurenai sighed and shook her head again at Anko's behavior. She soon noticed that whatever else the Special Jounin was about to say next to Naruto was cut short when Tsunade shot Anko a look that promised immense pain should she trying anything funny in front of her and everyone else.

(A/N: By now everyone should know how the preliminaries went so I won't bother wasting everyone's time writing entire scenes in how the match went. I'll just state who won first matches with a few alterations)

Shino vs. Abumi Zaku: Winner: Shino. Zaku being quick to act without thinking and properly weighing the consequences for his actions left him without the use of his arms after his defeat to Shino and his kikai bugs.

Sasuke vs. Akadou Yoyoi: Winner: Sasuke, who was immediately taken away by Kakashi after the cursed seal started acting up.

Shikamaru vs. Tsuchi Kin: Winner: Shikamaru.

Sakura vs. Ino: A double knock out, neither advanced.

Chouji vs. Kinuta Dosu: Winner: Dosu. Dosu was equipped with a special speaker implanted into his wrist which served to amplify sound waves and dramatically strengthen his sound-based attacks. With his speaker, Dosu could use Kyōmeisen (Vibrating Sound Drill) to damage Chouji's inner ear, throwing him off balance and making him nauseous after he tried using his Nikudan Sensha (Human bullet Tank).

Kankuro vs. Tsurugi Misumi: winner: Kankuro.

Lee vs. Gaara: Winner: Gaara. The fight between them was very intense and brute. Lee opened five of his gates and used his increased abilities against Gaara. In the end however after the jutsu wore off, Gaara used his sands to deliver a leg and arm injured to Lee's already worn and damaged body. The injury sustained by Gaara's final assault, compounded with the injuries he sustained during the match, was to leave Lee hospitalized for some time. However Gaara didn't damage Lee's arm and leg beyond repair, remembering the alliance he made with Naruto; nor was Lee's injuries beyond Tsunade's healing and medic capabilities. Though healing him would take some time she noted however, Tsunade estimated that Lee would be up and running after being hospitalized for the next two and a half weeks. Gai sighed in relief on hearing that.

Kiba vs. Temari: Winner: Temari. Her battle with Kiba was brute and one-sided sad to say. Neither Kiba nor Akamaru had a fighting chance against her. Both Kiba and Akamaru gave it their all with all the the jutsus they knew. However Temari was able to use her knowledge on wind jutsu at her disposal to block and counter all of their attacks. Both Kiba and Akamaru ended up heavily brutalized and cut up by her wind-jutsu attacks. Akamaru was the first to lose consciousness after Temari performed another wind jutsu on him after her fan reached the second star. After her fan reached the third star, Temari performed her Futon: Tatsu no Oshigoto (Wind Release: Severing Pressure) on Kiba, trapping and cutting him up in the process before having him land painfully on top of her large fan and then tossing him to the floor in a heap next to his dog.

Amazingly Kiba managed to remain conscious despite his injuries. Haku and the other medic nins went over to tend to Kiba's and Akamaru's medical needs. As he was being placed on the stretcher with Akamaru, Haku complimented Kiba on his performance and how great he was on facing Temari. She also said to him that Naruto had told her a number of things about him and his and Akamaru's style of fighting. Kiba made a mental note to thank Naruto later before losing consciousness.

Moments later Shizune re-entered the chamber and rejoined Tsunade. The Slug Sannin saw the look on his apprentice's face. She knew Shizune was distraught about what happened earlier but Tsunade didn't hold it against her. After all, it wasn't everyday that someone a girl/woman looks at as a kid brother leaves for five days and comes back with a built and stature that would catch many girls' sight.

"You OK," Tsunade asked with a concerned demeanor.

"Yeah," Shizune assured while trying to act as her normal self, "…I'm fine; really."

"It's not your fault," Tsunade replied, "You don't have to be so hard on yourself Shizune."

Shizune looked at Tsunade in surprise.

"…But Tsunade-sama," Shizune replied with feelings of guilt, "…What I did…How looked at…"

"None of us was expecting what happened earlier to have happened," Tsunade made clear, "It caught all of us by surprise, not just you."

"You're not mad at me," Shizune asked with a surprised expression. Tsunade looked at her and said, "We're humans after all and we're all prone to make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Besides…"

Shizune waited for Tsunade next words…

"If your uncle Dan was still alive and wore those tiger-skin loincloths, who knows how much self-control I might have lost," Tsunade smiled.

"Tsunade-sama…," Shizune laughed.

"And if it was you both wore those tiger-skin loincloths," a voice said lecherously, "Who knows how-"

Jiraiya was cut short when a fist came and plunged hard into his guts, sending him down to his knees while holding onto his pain-inflicted stomach with his breath briefly knocked out of him.

"I don't think we need your explanation," Tsunade said as she stood over him with her fist still clenched tightly.

Hiruzen, who was watching the scene the entire time, shook his head and sighed, Even now at their age, those two still behave like children.

(On The Arena Floor)

"Will Hyuuga Hinata and (cough) Hyuuga Neji please step down to the arena floor," Hayate said. The two Hyuugas made their way to the arena floor. When they got there, they stood at a distance from each other face to face.

"Final fight: Hyuuga Hinata against Hyuuga Neji. Begin!," Hayate said.

Hinata stood in front of Neji, maintaining herself while trying to keep from shaking from nervousness. Neji, the proclaimed 'genius' of the Hyuuga clan spoke coldly, "Hinata-sama, you should give up. You can't win."

"Neji-niisan," Hinata said.

"Niisan," Sakura asked.

"They are cousins," Ino informed, "Hinata is from the main house, while Neji is from the branch house."

Neji then activated his Byakugan, veins pulsating next to his eyes. Hinata stayed quiet while Neji remained motionless. After a few minutes of Neji not moving, and Hinata shaking, Neji spoke up, "Give up. Hinata-sama, your body says clearly that you're afraid. You'll always be weak. There's a reason for the words 'genius' and 'drop-out.' It's our destiny to always be separated by an unchangeable fate called birthright. Some are born to be strong, while some, like yourself, are born to be weak. You should-"

"I've heard enough," Hinata cut in sternly as she looked up and stared at the surprised Neji, "I chose to become a kunoichi and participate in the exams to better improve myself. Naruto-kun and Ino-chan know that about me, as does Kurenai-sensei. They believe in me."

Neji snorted though he was shocked to see that Hinata didn't look scared any more; instead she looked determined. She looked up at Naruto and Ino, and found that they both were smiling brightly at her, encouraging her to do her best. She smiled back, before activating her Byakugan and sliding into the Jyuuken stance, her right leg bent and in front of the other, her left hand pointed towards Neji, palm first, while the right hand was by her hip.

"So, you aren't going to back down," Neji said with a smirk and mirrored Hinata's pose, "Very well."

The two Hyuuga combatants charged at each other. They met and began striking each other with their open palms. Hinata tried to palm Neji's stomach, but Neji blocked and sent a palm towards Hinata's chest. She dodged to the left and tried to strike back. Neji evaded as well. This continued for a while.

The fight continued like that for a while, neither of the two Hyuuga gaining the upper hand. That was when Hinata attempted another forward palm strike at Neji who sidestepped to his left as Hinata went forward pass him. Neji however was caught off guard when Hinata speedily raised and brought her left leg backwards and stuck her foot hard against his face.

Neji was thrust away backwards before hitting the ground on his back. A moment later, he managed to get back on his feet while rubbing his face which now had a shocked expression. He couldn't deny that her attack hurt a lot and left him dazed momentarily. He couldn't believe that Hinata managed a blow that hard on him; and to his face with her foot in fact! Feeling something warm seeping down his chin, Neji rubbed his lips only to find that he was now bleeding from a busted lip.

What the…There's no way she managed to catch me off guard like that, Neji thought to himself for a moment as he tried to remain calm as his anger was boiling inside him.

"Yes, she did it," Ino cheered. Neji soon understood what she did; Hinata managed to combo the Jyuuken with that hard kick to his face. Occasionally such a maneuver wasn't achievable, as rapid muscle movement worn off the chakra control required for the combat style to truly have an effect and not just be wasted chakra. Hinata however had managed to accomplish this to some degree, it didn't have the full influence of an accurate Jyuuken but it was strong enough.

Neji gritted his teeth as he looked at Hinata. The boy had always looked at her as being weaker than he was and he refused to be defeated by her. No, fate would not allow for it, he said to himself. He was the Hyuuga prodigy, the one who was given the strongest Byakugan abilities in the Hyuuga clan and he wasn't going to be defeated by the one he regarded at the weaker.

He rushed forward again, and the two continued to trade blows with the Jyuuken. Though Neji's raw skills were better than Hinata's however, Hinata's agile and lithe figure allowed her to level the match.

"Kurenai-sensei," Shino said, "It's clear that Hinata has improved over the course of time."

"She's changed in many ways Shino," Kurenai replied, "I've known Hinata for a long time and I watched how she's grown from the shy and closed-in girl she used to be. It wouldn't be an overstatement if I said that her time with Naruto-kun and Ino has helped mold her into the young kunoichi she's worked so hard in becoming."

Shino quietly nodded as he and Kurenai continued watching the fight. Naruto looked on proudly at how Hinata was holding her grounds against Neji as they exchanged blows after blows against each other. Since Naruto had helped Hinata work on her speed and Byakugan for quite some time, she was able to evade many of Neji's assaults and counter with attacks of her own, some of which managed to make contact on him, leaving some noticeable bruises on him. This only served to further infuriate the male Hyuuga.

I guess she's not so weak after all, eh Neji, Naruto smiled as he saw the boy's frustration. What Neji did next however caught Hinata entirely off guard.

"Kaiten!," Neji yelled as Hinata, who stood barely three to four feet from him, was struck hard from the spinning attack of chakra, launching her far from him and onto the ground with a harsh thud. The Hyuuga girl struggled to get back up, standing on unstable limbs. She then looked as Neji assumed a stance that she had seen countless times.

"You are now in my field of divination," Neji spoke coldly. Hinata had little time to counter before he rushed at her. She knew she wouldn't survive it and the injuries to several of her vital organs had already been delivered from his last attack. One injured organ wasn't too much of a problem, but several injured vital organs combined compounded with Neji's next assault, she'd certainly die from the strain placed on her body.

Hinata's hands moved in poetic motion in front of her as she repeated the pattern over and over and over again until her hands started picking up speed in near blur vision.

"Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō (Protection of Trigrams Sixty Four Palms)," Hinata whispered under her breath. Her hands moving at incredible speed while blocking each of Neji's strikes. Neji and everyone else in the chamber looked with widened eyes as they watched history in the making; a new ground-breaking jutsu that could protect from the Hyuuga's most devastating attack. Naruto grinned at this.

Amazing, Naruto contemplated, Both Hyuugas forced each other to reveal their strongest attacks and defenses. I recall Hina-chan telling me something about a new jutsu she's been working on for some time, but she wouldn't tell me what it was, saying that it was a surprise she wanted to show me when it was ready. Now that I'm seeing it, I have to admit that I'm very impressed!

Neji grinded his teeth as his attack ended. He jumped away and saw Hinata fall to both knees and one hand as she gasped for breath before coughing some blood from her mouth and onto the floor as her free hand held her chest area. The male Hyuuga saw that only a few of his blows managed to make their hits. Neji's Kaiten attack followed by the exertion she placed on her body while performing her new jutsu left her vulnerable and very low on chakra. Regardless, she used her remaining strength to stand back up on her feet.

Not wanting to see her rise to her feet, Neji rushed forward and delivered a hard palm strike to her chest just above her heart, knocking her off her feet and several feet backwards before hitting the ground on back. The girl lied there on her back motionlessly. Naruto's eyes narrowed venomously on seeing such a maneuver; however he kept his cool not wanting to anything rash just yet.

"Announce my victory proctor," Neji said coldly before he spat out some blood that had accumulated in his mouth from Hinata's earlier assaults, "She won't be getting up."

He turned and made his way towards the stairs. Upon doing so however, he then heard sounds of coughing and shaky movements. He turned to see Hinata struggling to get back up on feet again before she finally stood up again while holding onto her chest.

"Why do you stand," Neji growled, "Your body can only take so much and fate has decreed your defeat to me when you were paired to fight me. You can't change what was destined to happen before this match even started. There's no point in defying fate and you can never change how weak you are Hinata-sama, just like how a cheetah can't change the spots on its fur."

"…I…don't believe…in fate," Hinata said weakly between her breaths while looking at Neji face to face, "…I never did. Nor do I believe…that I'm weak…like you believe me to be. I have friends…who believe in me…and I promised myself that I would become stronger for them…And I never go back on my word. That's my nindo (Shinobi way)…You on the other hand…are suffering a lot more than you're willing to admit…to both yourself and everyone else. Therefore…you use fate as your scapegoat."

Neji became very angry at that, and charged towards Hinata, fully intent on killing her, "How dare you!"

"Wait, Neji. This fight is over," Hayate yelled while trying to intercept the Hyuuga. Kakashi, Gai and Kurenai also tried. All four of them were beaten however, by Jiraiya. The Sannin grabbed Neji's right hand, held it in a vice-like grip, while holding a kunai to Neji's throat, ready to ram it through at a moment's notice. Jiraiya had moved so fast, Neji had only been able to take a couple of steps. The four Jounins stood around the duo as well.

"Does the Main house always get so much special treatment," Neji asked. Jiraiya looked at Neji coldly before applying pressure and squeezing his hand harder to assure Neji felt it.

"Hinata does," Jiraiya retorted, "And you won. She can't fight on."

Jiraiya then let go of Neji. Gai looked reproachfully at his student, "Neji, you promised me you wouldn't argue about the Main and Branch house."

Just then, Hinata started coughing and fell down. Before she hit the ground, Jiraiya caught her. Naruto and Kurenai rushed over, Shizune, Ino and Haku followed closely behind. Shizune and Haku started treating Hinata; Haku looked really grim.

"He was aiming to kill her," Haku commented. Naruto turned to Neji, just resisting attacking and killing male Hyuuga where he stood.

"You look like you want to say something," Neji taunted. Naruto didn't reply, instead he turned to look at Hinata, whose eyes were barely opened.

"Na…Naruto-kun…," Hinata said lowly, "…Did you…like my new jutsu?"

"I loved it," Naruto replied, "It was truly amazing Hina-chan."

"I'm sorry…I failed," Hinata said weakly. Naruto disagreed, "No, you didn't fail, not to me. You did great out there and gave your all. I'm proud of that."

Hinata smiled weakly before loosing consciousness completely.

"You should stop cheering for people who can never change themselves. A shinobi…," Neji started, but stopped when he felt a strong bloodlust from the Elite Genin. Over the years, Naruto have seen how cruel Neji was towards Hinata and how he have demeaned and belittled her unceasingly, and his attempt on her life today was the last straw. Naruto spoke coldly in a voice devoid of emotions, "For Hina-chan…Neji, I'm going to cripple you…for life."

Neji didn't admit it, but he felt a cold chill run down his back on hearing those words spoken in the manner Naruto used. What Naruto had in mind against him was uncertain to Neji at this time.

"I have to get her to the hospital," Shizune said to some of the medics. They nodded and gently lifted Hinata onto the stretcher. Naruto and Ino watched as Hinata was rushed away, Haku following Shizune on the way to help where she could. Jiraiya grabbed Naruto's shoulder before they turned and walked away together ignoring the smug Neji.

"Winner, Hyuuga Neji," Hayate said, but he sounded like he didn't want to declare that.

The winners of the matches soon assembled on the arena floor.

"Congratulations on passing the preliminaries. (Cough) If you would all come and draw a number from this box," Hayate said and indicated to a box Anko was holding. After the nine finalists that weren't in the hospital had drawn their numbers, each told Ibiki their number. He then scribbled something down on a note of paper. When he finished, he held it out for everyone to see.

He must be seven then, Ibiki thought, referring to Sasuke.

"This is the match up of the main matches, which will be a tournament," Ibiki said, "Take a good look at the line up."

First match: Senju Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyuuga Neji

Second match: Aburame Shino vs. Sabaku No Kankuro

Third match: Sabaku No Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru

Fourth match: Uchiha Sasuke vs. Sabaku No Gaara

Fifth match: Dosu Kinuta will challenge one of the four remaining fighters.

"You have a month to train before the main matches," Tsunade said, "I suggest you use that time well."

"Why a month," Shikamaru asked.

"Because we have to send out invitations for everyone who has to be here to witness the exam," Hiruzen replied, "The judges will decide who becomes Chuunins and not."

"Judges," Shino asked.

"In this exam," Hiruzen explained, "The ones who get promoted to Chuunins are those that show the judges that they have the qualities of a Chuunin. A ninja's true strength can only be measured in combat, and that's the purpose of the main matches. Judges are made up of important people from the villages, including the daimyo of the different countries."

"The second exam is finished," Anko barked, "Meet in the main arena in a month. Dismissed."

All of the Genins left the chamber with their respective Jounins. Naruto however was held back by Anko as Tsunade, Jiraiya and Sandaime joined up.

"Naruto," Hiruzen said, "We have much to discuss…"

The Preliminaries are over and the main match is to soon go underway in a month's time. However a few questions remain: How will the villagers react to Naruto's new appearance and what does Naruto know about Sai's forfeiting that the others don't? And will Konoha be completely prepared for the invasion Orochimaru is planning against them? Find out next time.