Chapter Twenty-Nine: Clan Leader Rising

(A Four Days Later)

Shizune, Haku, and the other medic nins worked round the clock at the hospital with regards to tending to the medical needs of the Genins who fought and lost during the Preliminaries. Tsunade had stepped in and helped where she could, as did Naruto seeing that he was Tsunade's prized protégé in medic and healing jutsus. In spite of all the injuries the Genins endured, none were considered fatal or terminal and they all were on the path of making a full recovery much to Naruto's relief. And speaking of Naruto, during the passed seven days he had to endure a series of complications with regards to his new looks and how everyone else in the village reacted to it.

Tsunade and Sandaime had to explain to everyone that Naruto had undergone a transformation as a result of an untested healing and strengthening jutsu that resulted in expected and unfortunately permanent side effects. This jutsu, though unique only to Naruto, was labeled as an S-rank healing kinjutsu since it ages and decreases his lifespan. When many got a good look at Naruto's new features, many couldn't help but take notice his shocking resemblance to the Yondaime. Some began wondering if Yondaime and Tsunade had a secret love affair several months before Kyuubi's attack on Konoha. Many others however thought the idea was absurd since Tsunade was much older than the Yondaime and that Minato had deeply loved his wife.

Alongside this, Naruto's new looks and bodily structure unfortunately earned him unwanted attention from many older teenage girls and kunoichis in Konoha, thus increasing the size of his growing fan club of girls. Several times he had to henge himself into somebody else so they wouldn't be aware of his presence when he walked by. He found the situation rather annoying at times. Besides all this, Nauto handled himself rather well.

Eight-year-old Hanabi, upon seeing Naruto's new and older appearance on the second day, didn't recognize him and took him for a total stranger, a very cute-looking stranger. When Naruto saw the smile and blush that was on the younger girl's face that day however, he realized that Hanabi didn't recognize him at all like all the others. He couldn't blame her really seeing that he was now bigger and more mature-looking than she last saw him. He chose to play along with this to see when she'd eventually figure him out as he waited to speak to Hiashi.

Naruto had to resist falling to the ground and cracking up when he noticed Hanabi hiding behind columns so she could steal glances at him. The idea that Hanabi was imitating her older sister was unfathomable; he'd have never expected it from someone like her of all people. He found her actions rather cute, innocent and downright funny.

This escapade ended when Hiashi entered and called Naruto by his name. Hanabi gasped when she heard her father call him by that name with no trace of humor in his usual serious yet calm demeanor. She used her Byakugan, though not as strong as either Hinata's or Neji's, to see if that was truly Naruto, the boy she always considered a total weirdo her older sister was so into. When she saw the chakra signatures in his body that confirmed the truth, the girl turned tails and ran off from sheer embarrassment. That was when the blonde completely broke up into a fit of laughter with a perplexed Hiashi staring at him, wondering what it was he just missed.

During the third day, Kurenai, Naruto and Ino paid Hinata a visit at the hospital. From what they saw, she was making excellent progress in her recovery after she regained consciousness. While they were there, the trio praised Hinata for the innovative jutsu she created to counter the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigram Sixty-Four Palm). She blushed brightly at this before telling them that it wasn't completely perfected since some of Neji's attacks found openings to penetrate through. Neither Kurenai nor Ino made mention to Hinata of what Naruto said he was going to do to Neji for what he did to her so callously during the Preliminaries. They figured that it wasn't time for Hinata to hear about it just yet.

Hiashi and Hanabi later came by much to Kurenai's surprise. Both Hyuugas received word from Naruto about Hinata's fierce battle with Neji and how Neji was really pushed hard by his younger cousin. To say that Hiashi was shocked by the description of the battle would have been an understatement. He nearly spewed his tea from his mouth when Naruto told him that Hinata developed a new jutsu called Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō that countered the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō, a most prized Hyuuga jutsu. What also surprised Hiashi was the fact that Neji, a member of he cadet Branch family, managed to use the jutsu in the first place. Though Hinata lost the match in the end, Hiashi however couldn't be more impressed and proud of his daughter's development and great improvement. This again surprised Kurenai, who was expecting the Hyuuga clan leader to scold his older daughter for losing to her cousin who was a member of the Branch family.

Hanabi also knew about the Hakkeshō Kaiten (Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin) and Hakke Rokujūyon Shō, and hearing how her older sister created a jutsu to effectively counter the attack was rather hard to believe at first, especially since she at one time thought that the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō was an unbeatable attack and defense jutsu. Hinata noticed how Hanabi gave Naruto a small frown with a light blush that was on her cheeks. Naruto grinned at her mischievously before the younger Hyuuga turned her gaze away from him with the frown and blush still pasted on her face. She didn't know what to make out of it, but she was certain to remember to go ask Hanabi about it later, something that the young Hyuuga didn't really want to talk about.

(Present Time)

Naruto was standing in front of two large wooden doors with a scroll in his left hand. Presently he was dressed in a pair of dark bluish black pants and shirt with back sandals, with white bandages were wrapped around his ankles and into the mouth of the sandals from the sleeves of the pants. The doors were securely locked with a complex seal design on a piece of paper that had the kanji writings for "First Lock" written on it and placed over the doors. Behind him were Tsunade, Jiraiya, Sandaime, Shizune, who was carrying Tonton in her arms, Anko and Kakashi. They were in distant sector of the Konohagakure No Sato, one that hasn't been occupied or visited for years. As Naruto approached the wooden doors, he recalled what he, his mother, Sandaime, and Jiraiya discussed right after the Preliminaries were over…

(Flashback: Four Days Ago)

Naruto and Anko were at the Hokage Tower inside the Hokage office with Tsunade, Jiraiya and Sandaime. The blonde teen shinobi had henge'd himself into a Jounin so as to not reveal to the rest of the villages his new appearance and the tiger-skin loincloths he was wearing. After arriving at the tower, Naruto was given a new set of clothes and sandals to wear.

Tsunade was sitting at her desk with Sandaime standing at her right and Jiraiya at her left. Anko stood next to Naruto at his left.

"So kaa-chan," Naruto started, "What's the issue you and everyone else here want to discuss with me?"

Taking a breath, Tsunade started, "Naruto, before the Preliminaries began, Jiraiya had explained to us about your transformation in the forest though I found his report difficult to believe at first. I must admit that after seeing the truth for ourselves there's nothing for any of us to refute. It grieves me greatly though that you lost two years of your life using a potent healing jutsu that aged you as an irreversible side effect."

"I'm sorry that what happened to me caused you and anyone else much grief," Naruto replied.

What happened to you caused me anything but grief Yondaime-gaki, Anko mentally grinned, I wonder if anything else about you have grown that I should know about…

"But like I said," Naruto continued, "We can't change what happened to me and we'll just have to adapt to the situation and I'm going to have to reveal my new appearance to everyone sooner or later. There's no sense in hiding the fact that I've grown older."

Tsunade frowned on hearing that, more so with regards that she herself hides her true age from sight. She was never known for accepting aging and loosing her beauty of youth. Sighing, Tsunade continued, "…Yes, I'm very well aware of that reality Naru-chan; which moves us to the next topic to discuss."

"I'm listening," Naruto retorted. Tsunade explained, "During the days you were in the Forest of Death, all of the clan leaders and villages elders, Sarutobi-sensei and I held an important meeting with regards to you and your position in this village."

"My position in this village," Naruto asked, "What do you mean?"

"Naruto," Tsunade took a deep breath, "It's been decided that you as the sole son and heir assume Yondaime's mantle as the new Namikaze clan leader and join the ranks among the village council."

After a moment of blank shock, Naruto asked, "But don't I have to be married, be a Jounin or in the ANBU to be a clan leader?"

At that, a small smile appeared on Sandaime's face while an even bigger smile appeared on Anko's. Jiraiya grinned as he said, "Since you've brought it up, kindly tell us who you think you should marry."

"You mean," Naruto replied, "Who should I marry first. As stated in Konoha's Clan Restoration Act, a sole male survivor of a major clan is within his rights to marry multiple times. Besides, as the last of the Namikaze clan, I'm allowed to have multiple wives, yes?"

Jiraiya's grin grew even wider on hearing Naruto's words. The thought of being married to multiple females made the perverted Sannin happy for the young teen and at the same time jealous, especially since the Toad Sannin was aware of how many young girls, and women for that matter, would love to be wedded to Naruto and birth children for him.

"But just because you could," Tsunade interjected, "Doesn't mean you should. Besides, your father only married one woman who was none other than your birth mother, Uzumaki Kushina."

Sandaime and Jiraiya were aware that Tsunade has been a bit reluctant in allowing the suggestion of Naruto marrying more than one female in spite of the situation the Namikaze clan was in. If anything, she didn't want Naruto to turn into another womanizing pervert like Jiraiya.

"…Yes I'm well aware of that fact kaa-chan," Naruto sighed, "…And I'm also aware that I'm not my father. One of the reasons why I'm considering doing this is because I don't want to let my clan die out from extinction. Based on Konoha's history scrolls I've read in the archives, my clan has contributed greatly to Konoha's prosperity and turning the tides against enemy nations and villages during the shinobi wars, especially during the Iwa-Konoha War.

"I will re-establish the Namikaze clan as one of Konoha's strongest clans. Even with that in mind however, I will assure you that I will not marry anyone for anything but love and affections. Though I'd hate to see my clan die out completely however, I'd hate for someone to marry me just because they have to or because my father is Yondaime and my mother is Godaime or for any other shallow reason."

Sandaime and Jiraiya looked at Naruto, who was radiating determination. They knew that they would do the same if they were in his position and Naruto figured that any other sole male survivor would possibly do likewise. But they also respected the teen, because he had spoken of his refusal to marry someone who didn't love him with such sincerity. Sandaime finally broke the silence, "In that case Naruto, who do you want to marry first?"

Naruto thought for a second, "…If anything I'm well aware that Hina-chan is betrothed to me though she's presently unaware of her engagement to me. At first I wondered whether or not I should go through with the engagement seeing that I questioned whether or not her feelings for me and my own were genuine or that of an infatuation. And the same could be said of Ino-chan.

"Both girls I've known for a long time and throughout those times, we've had many great as well as troublesome times. They shared many things about themselves with me and likewise I've shared many deep and personal things about myself with them, and we've respected and upheld each other's confidentialities. Both girls wanted to get to know me for me, not just because of whose son I am or what clan I'm from. And likewise, I got to know and appreciate them for who they are and what their potentials are as kunoichis and young women in this village."

As Anko looked and listened to Naruto, she couldn't help but acknowledge that the way the blond haired shinobi was speaking wasn't in the manner of an adolescent but a mature level-headed figure.

Even though I know people like Kurenai, Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, Ibiki, Genma, Hayate, Ibisu and Iruka however, Anko meditated, I really know most of them on a professional level as colleagues with Kurenai being an older sister figure to me. All the other guys stay clear of me and avoid getting involved with me in any romantic way because of my character, past and infamous reputation.

Though I was afraid of being hurt again like how Orochimaru used and betrayed me, deep down I sincerely wished that someone did take an interest in getting to know the real me and see me for who I really am. I wished that there was someone I could open up to and pour out all of my buried emotions and thoughts to without fearing being judged by the person I seek to open up to; a person that could be a shoulder for me to cry on and just allow me to let go of all of my anger, sorrow and loneliness; someone I could feel comfortable with while being myself and not hide behind the mask I wear in front of everyone; someone who would enjoy my company and won't be ashamed of being seen with me in public view; someone like…

Anko train of thoughts momentarily paused before realizing that only one person has done all the things she described to herself. Not only that, this same person who even gone as far as to defend her openly to anyone who'd insult and slander her and it was because of that very person that her reputation gradually started to change for the better. When it dawned on Anko who this one person was, her gaze slowly went towards the ground as she tried to pose herself in her normal demeanor. This however did not go unnoticed by Sandaime who chose to remain quiet about Anko's situation, at least for now.

"Despite the fact that Hina-chan and Ino-chan show great promises as Konoha kunoichis however, neither of them is ready for marriage and neither of them has reached their full potentials as kunoichis. And to be truly honest with all of you, I don't want to get married at this time seeing that I myself am not ready for that either."

Jiraiya gave a skeptic look after hearing Naruto's declaration. Naruto continued, "In truth, I'm not ready to be any girl's or woman's husband, and I have yet to achieve my prior goals of becoming Chuunin and then Jounin, perhaps ANBU and ultimately Hokage. An Elite Genin clan leader doesn't really sound all that appealing or reputable to me."

"That's why after the end of the Chuunin exams and the invasion that's to follow," Tsunade said, "We're going to promote you straight to Elite-Jounin."

"Say what," Naruto retorted with a surprised expression, "Do you all really think I'm ready to take on such a responsibility so soon, especially since I'm not even a Chuunin yet?"

"In all honesty," Sandaime replied, "If that was the case, neither your mother, nor the council or myself for that matter would have nominated you for the role as a member of the council. Though Uchiha Sasuke is the surviving member of his clan besides Itachi who slaughtered his clan before his desertion however, Sasuke has yet to demonstrate and prove his credentials to us. From what I've seen for myself, the boy is self-absorbed, too anti-social and is heavily bent on hatred and his want for revenge against Itachi, qualities not fitting for a clan leader or Jounin."

Or a Chuunin for that matter, Naruto thought to himself.

"Naruto," Sandaime spoke up seriously, "Over the course of time you have demonstrated abilities and actions that trained and experienced Jounin level shinobis would perform and you know how to act when a situation calls for well thought out tactics and decisive action. The council have also taken into deep consideration your past actions and negotiation skills."

"My negotiation skills," Naruto inquired. Sandaime nodded, "Believe it or not Naruto, you have an uncanny ability to turn enemies into allies."

"…," Naruto listened as Sandaime continued, "With regards to Haku, she was a most deadly shinobi and the last of her clan with a most feared bloodline limit. Though she was under the eyes and care of Zabuza, you successfully managed to convince her to see how flawed her previous ideals of her purpose in life were and you encouraged her to find a more constructive purpose by joining our village and living amongst us as a fellow Konoha nin and medic ninja.

"With regards to Gaara and the other three Suna nins with him, you handled the situation very carefully knowing you were taking a huge risk and gamble if you will. You acknowledged that they were foreigners with one of them being a Jinchuuriki like yourself, which was a trump card you used to gain and earn their trust. Though you battled with Gaara however you managed to prevent it from getting out of hand through preparations made in advance and you effectively negotiated with him before and after your battle with him before repairing his seal.

"Through this you've formed an alliance with them and unveiled to us the Suna-Oto invasion without alerting either the Kazekage or Orochimaru to the fact that their plans have been compromised. This in effect gave us the time we needed to make all of the required preparations for the upcoming invasion which is now in one month's time though more preparations are still underway. On top of this, you've handle the situation without having casualties.

"Your upbringing and training under your mother, Jiraiya, Kakashi and the rest who are present here have developed your disposition and nature fitting for the role of a Jounin and candidate for a spot on the village council as a new clan leader. But not only that, your abilities are among the essentials of what makes a great Hokage."

Naruto remained silent as his mind processed all of the information Sandaime, also known as "The Professor," just explained to him in details.

"Naruto," Sandaime explained, "Just so that you know, when you're inaugurated as the new Namikaze clan leader, it's written in the laws of Konoha that clan leaders can only be guarded by members of their own clan and from where it stands, you have only one member, namely yourself."

"Maybe," Naruto retorted, "But I'm not worried about that. Besides, I'm sure Anko-chan here won't let anything happen to me after I'm made clan leader, right?"

"Hmph," Anko snorted with a smirked, "Says you Yondaime-gaki. You being the son of Yondaime should more than qualify you as being able to watch your own back."

"It's playing safe when I have someone I trust watching my back Anko-chan," Naruto replied, "Besides I trust that you're not a snake, just a wielder of them like I am in some ways."

"…Whatever," Anko replied. It was no secret to either Hokages or Jiraiya that Anko and Naruto had a most unorthodox student-teacher relationship with each other, one that a person in their right mind wouldn't equate to that of a brother-sister relationship.

"None of you need to worry," Naruto assured, "I'll revive the Namikaze clan to its prior power before you all know it!…Wait a minute! But how will you all explain to everyone the truth concerning me and my father, and kaa-chan?"

"Don't worry about that Naruto," Sandaime assured, "Tsunade and I will handle that matter once we cross that bridge. In four days' time we'll escort you to the estate and district that once belonged to your father that now rightfully belongs to you as the Namikaze heir."

(Present Time)

Stepping towards the large wooden doors, Naruto opened the scroll and found three seals in it. Biting down on his thumb, he placed his bleeding thumb on the first seal, resulting in a small puff of smoke to appeared before a key came from out of the seal. Naruto took the key and smeared parts of it with his blood before applying the key to the seal that was on the wooden doors. When he did that, the seal unlocked and puffed out of existence, thus removing the invisible barrier jutsu around the doors and all that was behind them.

"That was unexpected," Shizune said while still carrying Tonton in her arms.

"Minato-sensei was quite the security ace when it came to prevention of unauthorized access to his possessions," Kakashi stated.

"Indeed," Sandaime agreed before taking a puff of his pipe, "…Before closing this district, Minato sealed and locked away many important items and locations in a way that only someone of his blood descend can unseal and gain access to his possessions. We should never expect anything less from a seal master of his caliber."

Seeing that the doors were now unlocked, Naruto pushed the large doors open to reveal a locked away district that's been uninhabited for a long number of years. Naruto remained silent as he looked around what was turned into a ghost town of a district before walking inside with the others following him. Looking forward, the blonde's eyes fell upon a flag that was hanging off one of the windows of the houses in the district that had a most familiar insignia on it. Other houses and shops, Naruto and others saw, were carrying the same insignia-marked flags by their windows while other locations had lamps with the same insignia on them hanging off the ceilings or door posts. This insignia was that of a spiral.

"So this is the Namikaze district," Naruto said to himself.

'This place carries the history and legacy of our entire clan my son,' Yondaime spoke, 'It'd be a shame if all of this became a forgotten memory of Konoha's history.'

Naruto gave a small nod as he continued into the district with the others following and looking around. For Sandaime and Jiraiya, it brought back many memories of how this area was once bustling with life and activity many years ago.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Naruto shouted before a large army of clones, number up to three hundred came into existence and stood in attention, "Alright listen up! Seeing that this district is pretty big, I want each of you to scout around and learn as much as you can about our clan's estate. And while you're at it, see how much work will need to be done in cleaning this place up."

"Got it," the clones shouted at one time before running to carry out their assignments. As the clones were doing as they were told, Naruto and the others made their way to their destination, it was quite a walk before they finally arrived at where they were going. Reaching their destination, their eyes fell upon a large two-story mansion that was beautifully designed although is was in need of a lot of cleaning work.

"I'm taking it that this is my father's house," Naruto said. Anko whistled admirably at the sight of the house, "Your old man must have really had deep pockets. It's amazing that all of this and his wealth now belongs to you."

Going up the small flight of stairs, Naruto stood in front of the door that was evidently protected with another complex seal design on a piece of paper that had the kanji for "Second Lock" written on it and placed over the door. Naruto opened the scroll in his hand before he bit his thumb. He smeared a small portion of his blood on the second seal in the scroll before a key puffed from out if it. Taking the key, Naruto smeared a small amount of his blood on it before applying the key onto the seal on the door. When he did that, the seal unlocked and puffed out of existence, thus removing the invisible barrier jutsu around the mansion.

The group went inside to get a good look around the mansion. While looking around, they saw the place was rather large with six extra bedrooms with private baths for each. There was a huge kitchen, dining and living room that could sit a nice size group of people. Also, there was a forge for making new weapons, an indoor dojo filled with weapons and weights to help build up speed, stamina, and endurance. Plus there was a large library filled with books and jutsu scrolls with a study office located inside. In short it was a shinobi's dream hangout spot.

"I can't believe this was actually my father's house," Naruto said in disbelief, "It's really hard to believe."

"Your clan was renowned for their seals and jutsus," Sandaime explained, "They've created and sold many seals and jutsus, some of which were security jutsus that many uses today. Your clan profited greatly from this, not to mention from the investments they made."

"I always suspected that his birth parents were loaded with cash," Tsunade said as she looked around the mansion. Naruto retorted, "None of which you'll be using for your gambling escapades."

Tsunade frowned and pouted on hearing that. Shizune sighed as she shook her head, Some things about her will never change.

The group then made their way to the master bedroom located on the second floor. Upon arriving there, Naruto opened the twin doors. Walking and looking around the large bedroom, Naruto saw a king size bed stationed at the center of the room which had many beautifully designed and sculptured drawers and cabinets nicely arranged around the room. Though the room was rather dusty all over, everyone was sill able to appreciate its potentials once everything was cleaned up.

"What a room," Anko shouted enthusiastically, "The amount I'm paid as my salary couldn't come near how much all this stuff must be worth!"

Shizune sneezed a few times after a couple of dust particles crept into her nose spoke after her brief period of silence, "It could use a woman's touch in its cleaning work, and seriously it could use a lot of it."

"My clones and I will take care of the cleaning problems later," Naruto assured as he explored the room some more. Going over to a door in the room, Naruto opened it to find a nice sized bathroom inside, bigger than those found in the extra bedrooms. Stepping out of the bathroom, Naruto left the bedroom, decided to head back to where the dojo was leaving the others behind.

Soon he arrived at his destination and entered the training facility. Looking around, he eventually found what he was looking for. There was a portrait hanging on the wall to the right. It was a picture of his father and birth mother, both of whom were dressed and geared in ANBU uniforms. Naruto had seen pictures of his birth mother before, showing her elegant beauty and red hair.

Looks like my birth mother was from whom I inherited my mixed tan complexion from, Naruto figured while going over to the portrait. He then removed it to see a complex seal that was placed on the wall which was hidden behind the portrait. In the middle of the seal was the kanji "Kiiro," meaning "Yellow" written in it. Looking at the scroll in his hand, Naruto opened it and was about to bite down on his thumb again to unseal the third key hidden inside the third seal in the scroll when…

'Leave this seal alone for now Naruto,' Yondaime suggested, 'You should come back to this one at a later time.'

Naruto chose to comply with his father's suggestion as he placed the portrait back on the wall over the seal.

"Naruto," a masculine voice called from outside the dojo. The blonde turned to see Jiraiya standing by the door.

"Is everything all right," Jiraiya asked.

"Just fine ero-jisan," Naruto assured. Jiraiya saw that the blonde knew something that he wasn't saying.

"So you know what's behind that wall," the Toad Sannin inquired.

"I have an excellent idea," Naruto replied, "But my father told me not to disturb it at this time."

Jiraiya nodded in understanding, fully knowing what his former prized student sealed in that wall.

"It's funny how I found you here in this dojo Neo Yondaime," Jiraiya said, "Seeing that both the final part of the Chuunin exam and the invasion are in three weeks time, I have only a certain amount of time in training you."

"Training me," Naruto retorted, "What more will you train me in?"

"There's something I've been meaning to train you in for some time. However I wasn't sure if it would be a success. But I suppose we can chance it."

"Of course," Naruto agreed, "How many gambles have I lost to yet?"

"Can't say Tsunade-hime can say the same," Jiraiya retorted as he gestured to Naruto to come over to him. Upon reaching the older man however, Naruto grew weary and disoriented before falling to the ground on his face.

"Naruto," Jiraiya called out as he rushed over to the collapsed ninja. Checking on him, Jiraiya sighed in relief after seeing that the blonde only lost consciousness from experience exhaustion. He realized that the clones Naruto sent to scout around the district dispelled and relayed all that they learned back to him almost at the same time.

"…Great," Jiraiya sighed, "It looks like I'll have to carry him back."

Jiraiya threw Naruto over his shoulder and exited out of the dojo to meet up with the others.

(Four Days Later)

Naruto was back at the Namikaze district with Jiraiya. The blonde had spent two days cleaning the entire district after summoning over two thousand clones to help with the task. The clones worked either in pairs, groups or individually in completing the tasks and sectors of the district assigned to them. Needless to say, Naruto suffered from massive chakra exhaustion and was bedridden for an entire day to recuperate on the third day.

Fully revived and ready to go, Naruto, with the same scroll in his hand, was back in the dojo with Jiraiya standing behind him. They were facing the same portrait Naruto took down a few days earlier.

"Naruto," Jiraiya said, "Do you feel it's time and that you're ready?"

"My father once told me that he'd let me go through with this once he believe I was ready and mature enough," Naruto remarked, "That was over two years ago."

"…," Jiraiya stayed quiet as he waited for Naruto's next words.

"Ten days ago," Naruto continued, "Kaa-chan, jiisan and the council deemed me ready to become a Jounin and assume the role as the new Namikaze clan leader and become a member of the council after the end of the Chuunin exams and the invasion. (Smiled) I believe it's time I start becoming what I proclaimed myself as and continue my dream of surpassing my father."

With that, Naruto removed the portrait and set it down on the ground by the wall exposing the same seal again. Opening the scroll, he bit down on his thumb and smeared some of his blood on the third seal in the scroll, causing another third key to puff from out if it. On the key was inscribed the kanji "Senkō," meaning "Flash." After coating some blood on the key, Naruto applied the key onto the seal on the wall.

When he did so, the seal glowed with the key before disappearing and revealing a small safe box built into the wall. Naruto reached for the door of the safe and opened it, finding the items he was expecting to see. Inside the opened safe was a scroll, a book and ten tri-pronged kunais. Naruto reached in and took the book out first. Opening it, he read into it and realized that was his father's private journal which went into details about the amount of time and years he spent creating and perfecting the Hiraishin No Jutsu.

"This book contains the Hiraishin's entire history from the time my father began creating concepts for it," Naruto said to Jiraiya as he skimmed through the book momentarily before closing and placing it into his pocket. Turning his attention back to the opened safe, Naruto reached in again and pulled out the scroll and the ten tri-pronged kunais.

"Naruto," Jiraiya spoke seriously, "The Hiraishin was one of your father's most prized and powerful signature jutsus. Though you're Kage-level however, mastering this jutsu will not be easy and will require a great amount of time, which we don't have. It took your father a long time to master the jutsu, let alone create it in a way that makes it impossible to copy."

"Then it's best to make use of what little time we have before the invasion," Naruto retorted, "The Hiraishin was a jutsu left behind by my father…and now I'll work as hard as I must to make it my own."

Jiraiya smiled and nodded, "That's not all you'll be learning Neo Yondaime Hokage. Since your father had a contract with toads, I'll later have you sign the contract to summon toads as well."

"Is that really possible," Naruto asked, "Seeing that I have the fox-summoning contract, do you think Gamabunta will be willing to allow me to be his subordinate?"

"I'm sure to the he'll make an exception for you once he learns your Minato's boy," Jiraiya assured as he placed his arm around Naruto's shoulders after closing the safe and placing the portrait back on the wall. They made their exit out of the mansion to find a nice wide clearing to begin the long and grueling training.

(Two Weeks Later)

Naruto spent two days studying the scroll that discussed the Hiraishin and its jutsu formula in length at the Namikaze district. The next seven days that followed in practicing that S-rank jutsu proved to be one of Naruto's most difficult times. Even with the use of kage bushins, Hiraishin was a most difficult jutsu to use as repeated usage of it drained a great of chakra.

During his training, Jiraiya gave him pointers about moving his chakra with a rhythmic flow as though he was travel with the currents of the wind and not against it. Yondaime gave Naruto some coaching words and encouraged him to keep practicing. He wanted Naruto to discovery for himself how to use and master the Hiraishin to its fullest potential.

On a few occasions Naruto summoned over one hundred and ten clones, and with the extra ten, he gave each of them one of the Hiraishin kunais. Posing the other one hundred clones as the enemy battalion, he had the ten clones throw the kunais in random directions within the 'enemy' ranks before he'd teleport within their ranks and slaughter them. Presently, Naruto was only able to travel up to a 60-yard radius before falling to his face to the ground from chakra exhaustion as a result of repeated use of the jutsu. His 60-yard radius was going to do for now he decided until he was able to travel to farther distances.

One the fourteenth day, Naruto went to meet up with Jiraiya at a river to practice toad summoning. Upon finding him however, he found the old pervert doing what he does best: his so-called research. Jiraiya was occupied trying not to let his lecherous giggles get too loud as he watched the pair of young girls in bathing suits down in the river splashing and playing with one another.

Naruto, using his Oiroke No Jutsu, went over to the perverted Sannin and whispered into his ears enticingly that 'she' was here for 'her' training. When Jiraiya turned around, he grimaced when he found only Naruto standing there and not the appearance of that sexy naked and drenched big breasted female Naruto temporarily transformed into, which he was hoping to see. To add more to his grief, the girls down by the river gathered their things and returned back to the village, unknowingly leaving Jiraiya and Naruto behind.

"C'mon ero-jisan," Naruto said, "It's time to sign me up with the toad contract."

"I will gaki," Jiraiya retorted before be gave a lecherous smile with a bit of drool in his mouth, "That is…if you'll turn into that hot girl again."

Naruto frowned at this before he gave an evil smile.

'Naruto what are you up to,' Yondaime asked knowing that whatever it was Naruto was planning wasn't going to end in Jiraiya's favor.

Naruto walked over to Jiraiya and grabbed him by the wrist.

"Don't go away," Naruto said before he ran off into the bushes over to where the river was. The Sannin just stood there wondering what Naruto was up to. A few moments later…

"Jiraiya-sama," a sweet feminine voice called out from behind the bushes. The perverted Sannin immediately responded as he crept into the bushes to see a sight he wanted to see. Over in the river there was a hot and beautiful soaked and naked girl with long blond hair who looked no older than twenty-three with an ideal proportion and figure, and big breasts with white smoke covering her privates and parts of her breasts. Jiraiya drooled with longing eyes at the sight. What he failed to pay attention to was the fact that in 'her' right hand hidden in the running waters was a particular kunai with three blades. Jiraiya had no time to react in any way before he was struck brutally and sent flying into the air with a yellow flash following after him momentarily. The Sannin crashed and skidded off the rocky ground harshly before coming to a complete stop.

The nude 'girl' walked over the unconscious Sannin with an innocent smile on 'her' face while holding the tri-pronged kunai.

"Was it good for you Jiraiya-sama," the 'girl' asked innocently before changing back to normal with a grin on his face, "Because it was sure as hell good for me!"

Yondaime shook his head at what he just witnessed. He knew that Naruto had placed a jutsu formula on Jiraiya's wrist when he grabbed him.

'When I said I wanted you to realize the full potential of the Hiraishin,' Yondaime said, 'I never expected that you'd go as far as combine Hiraishin with Oiroke No Jutsu!'

Be that as it may father, Naruto retorted, But as ninjas, we use whatever weaknesses we can find about an enemy and exploit it to our advantage. And since I have a very long way before I master this jutsu, I must use whatever innovative methods I can devise that'll allow me to effectively utilize the limited use I have with Hiraishin seeing that it consumes a lot of chakra.

'…,' Yondaime chose not to reply as he and Naruto waited for the bruised up Jiraiya to regain consciousness.

Not wanting the perverted Sannin to be as sour as he was going to be after he wakes up, Naruto went over and began healing his injuries.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

Jiraiya opened his eyes to see Naruto looking down at him.

"Finally you woke up," Naruto said, "Looks the experience was rather overwhelming."

Jiraiya knew that Naruto knocked him out. But seeing that the boy was kind enough to treat and heal all of his injuries he chose to let it go.

"Alright gaki," Jiraiya started, "Let's get this show started."

Jiraiya bit his thumb and after performing the required hand seals…

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu!," he yelled as he slammed his hand down on the ground, resulting in a large amount of white smoke to appear. When the smoke cleared, the figure the duo was expecting to see was present before them.

"Jiraiya," Gamabunta started with an annoyed tone before taking a puff of his pipe, "…It's been a long time since you last summoned me. This better be important as I don't like having my time wasted."

"Gamabunta," Jiraiya said, "I would like for my apprentice to sign the toad contract with your permission. His father is Namikaze Minato."

The towering toad looked down at Naruto and saw the resemblance.

"Yes," Gamabunta acknowledged, "I see that he truly is the son of Yondaime, but I sense that he has signed another summoning contract."

Jiraiya then explained the situation to Gamabunta while the huge toad listened quietly. It wasn't long until he was done.

"I see," Gamabunta said as he took another puff of his pipe, "…That's quite an interesting story Jiraiya. Very well, Naruto may sign the contract. But before he becomes my subordinate though…"

Naruto and Jiraiya listen and waited to hear what important condition had to be followed.

"He must first have a drink of sake with me," Gamabunta finished with a smile on his face.

Both Jiraiya and Naruto sweat-dropped at this.

"I can't drink," Naruto replied, "I'm underage!"

"Gamabunta laughed, "…Don't worry gaki. I'll let you be my subordinate so long as you promise to have that drink with me when you're older."

"It's a promise then," Naruto smiled, "And I never go back on my word! That's my nindo!"

Gamabunta nodded before disappearing in a large puff of white smoke. Jiraiya this time summoned another toad that was the size of large horse, this one being reddish brown with back designs on it and a scroll in its mouth. The Sannin then took the scroll from the toad's mouth and opened across the floor.

"Alright Naruto," Jiraiya said, "Sign your name next to the column where Minato's name is."

After biting his thumb, Naruto hurried over to the scroll and signed the contract. He then smudged some blood on his other fingers on his right hand and stamped his thumb and fingers down under his name. The blood on the scroll glowed momentarily, indicating that the contract accepted him. Rolling the scroll up, Jiraiya placed it back into the toad's mouth before it puffed and disappeared from the scene. Turning to Naruto, Jiraiya said, "Now, summon one of the toads."

Nodding, Naruto, with his thumb still bleeding, performed the seals…

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu," the blonde yelled before a puff of smoke appeared. When it cleared, stand before them was a small orange red toad in from of them.

"Hi, I'm Gamakichi," the toad greeted Naruto before turning to the Sannin, "Long time no see Jiraiya-sama."

Jiraiya sighed and sweat-dropped at the sight.

Looks like Naruto will have to work on summon toads for while, Jiraiya though.

(A Week Later)

During the last seven days, Naruto was hard at work practicing and training as hard as he could. On the third day, he switched gears and turned to practicing that new medic jutsu he's been experimenting on in secret for quite some time now. After Tao done some research for him as a favor he asked of her a few weeks ago in the Forest of Death, Naruto used what he learned from her and tried to apply it to the new medic jutsu he's been trying to create.

After two more days, he was finally starting to see rewarding progress being made much to his delight, though this new jutsu required a large amount of chakra. Regardless, the blonde was determined to make it work, one way or another.

At the same time during the week, the Genins were made aware of the invasion by their respective Jounins. However they were instructed that during the day of the final part of the Chuunin exam to go about it as they aren't aware of it until the actually invasion occurs.

(Two Day Later)

Feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, Naruto made his way to one of the training grounds. While on his way, he contemplated on how he going to pulverize and humiliate Neji in the fight he was going to have with him in less than three days.

Naruto felt that the arrogant Hyuuga merited so much more than a mere thrashing; no. The blonde wanted to be humiliate Neji in manner that would make everyone realize that the proclaimed Hyuuga prodigy had it coming to him, especially after what he did and attempted to do against Hinata. From all that he put up with over the years up to what occurred during the Preliminaries, Naruto wasn't about to let Neji escape with his pride intact.

He knew Neji, like all Hyuugas, could see the tenketsus, which were suppose to be nearly invisible to the human eyes. He saw how Neji attempted to close off all of Hinata's tenketsus, which would have resulted in her death had he succeeded after he used the Hakkeshō Kaiten on her.

The young ninja was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't realize that he was already at the training ground. He came to this realization when he heard sounds of punches being made against a training log. Recognizing the voice, Naruto followed it and eventually found Hinata training by herself repeatedly punching the log in front of her. He leaned up against one of the trees as he watched Hinata go at it almost non-stop until she decided to take a break.

"As determined as ever to become stronger for your friends, yes," Naruto spoke as he made his way over to her. Hinata turned and smiled brightly at Naruto with a blush on her cheeks. She couldn't help but admire his new height and stature.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata greeted, "How long were you here?"

"Not long really," he answered, "I was coming over to do some warm-ups when I heard you training."

"I've been here all morning," Hinata revealed, "Father told me that he's most pleased with the progress I've made and want me to continue with it."

"That's great to hear," Naruto smiled, "After your old man learned about your new jutsu, he choked and nearly spat his tea out of his mouth. Too bad I didn't have my camera then; having a picture of that would have made a nice blackmail."

"Naruto-kun…," Hinata laughed.

"Just kidding," Naruto laughed, "Well, partly anyway."

Both teens eventually stopped laughing. After a moment of silence…

"You're to fight Neji in three days…on the same day of the invasion," Hinata said breaking the silence. Naruto merely nodded, "I've been training hard for it, I'm sure you know it."

"I've been training also like everyone else," Hinata spoke, "We've all been preparing for that event."

"We'll be ready for it Hina-chan," Naruto assured, "We Konoha ninjas won't be overtaken that easily."

Hinata nodded in agreement. A moment later…

"Naruto-kun…," Hinata said gathering all of her courage to say what she had to ask of him, "I want you to swear a promise to me."

Naruto looked at Hinata curiously, "And what promise do you want me to swear by to?"

Taking a deep breath, Hinata looked at Naruto straight in the eyes and said, "Naruto-kun…Give me your sworn word that you'll…"

(Three Days Later; Konoha Stadium)

It was the day of the Chuunin Exam Finals. The stadium was packed with tourists, daimyos and many other people who came to watch the great fights that would occur later on. There was no empty seat at all in the stadium. Everyone wanted to watch the matches that would take place, but some of them only came to watch the fight between Gaara and Sasuke, while others wanted to see Naruto and Neji in action.

Up in the Kage balcony, the Tsunade and the 'Kazakage' were in their seats while waiting for the exam to commence. Next to the 'Kazekage' were two of his guards.

By the time nearly everyone was seated, nearly all of the competitors for the final exam had arrived at the stadium. With the only exceptions being both Naruto and Sasuke, both of whom were the only ones yet to appear to face their opponents, Hyuuga Neji and Gaara.

That Naruto is all talk, Neji smirked, I knew he'd cower out after what he saw me do to Hinata-sama. Fate has predetermined that he'd lose to me…the same as how Hinata did.

The proctor for this part of the exam was Shiranui Genma, another Special Jounin who had volunteered in substituting for Hayate who was currently helping with the defense of Konoha when the invasion began later. Sandaime and Jiraiya were making last minute preparations with the ANBU and taking care of business with the other Konoha ninjas. Kakashi wasn't present either, most likely making last minute preparations with Sasuke.

Genma, with a senbon needle sticking from out of his mouth in his teeth, looked at Tsunade for assistance as to what he should do. Tsunade sighed, wondering what was keeping her son up. Gaara was slightly irritated by Naruto's lateness while Temari was wondering when Naruto was going to show up. Kankuro had the same thought in mind while contemplating what he should do if Naruto doesn't show it. Shino was as calm and motionless as ever; Shikamaru was lazily contemplating on saving himself the trouble and forfeiting his match so he could later help out against the invasion and later do some cloud watching.

Lee, who was sitting next to Gai, was worried and though he wanted the opportunity to face off against Neji however, he hoped that Naruto wouldn't end up disqualified for not showing up. Gai was hoping that Naruto's youthful flames didn't diminish while he was in his prime. Haku was sitting next to Shizune in the audience not too far from the Kage balcony. Like many others, they were wondering what could have happened to delay Naruto.

Sai was sitting high in the audience with a neutral expression, confident that Naruto would show up on time. Nine days ago, Sai gave his report to Naruto on his findings on Kabuto and how Baki was in "cahoots" with him. Like Naruto, during the written portion of the exam, Sai detected something about Kabuto that was rather off and brought it to Naruto's attention in private later that same day. Sai suggested that he would go and keep an eye on Kabuto and see if there was anything he could find. Naruto agreed under the condition that he instructed Sai not to engage Kabuto in any way and to maintain a low profile while still on Kakashi's Genin team. Naruto had brought the information he learned from Sai to Tsunade and Sandaime's attention before they issued instructions to their Jonins to keep an eye out for Kabuto during the invasion.

Genma saw that Neji still wore that arrogant smirk on his ever so confident face expecting to have him call the match as a forfeit.

"Senju Uzumaki Naruto," Genma called out, "Please come down to the arena floor or you will lose by forfeit!"

Naruto-kun…where are you, thought Hinata worriedly while sitting right next to Kiba, who was a little disappointed that Haku couldn't sit next to him since she was Shizune's assistant.

Damn it Naruto, Kiba mentally screamed, Where the hell are you? Don't give that bastard Neji the satisfaction of victory!

Sakura, Ino, Chouji were all wondering where on earth was Naruto. Ino was hoping that nothing bad happened to him, especially knowing that Suna and Oto are planning open war against them. Tenten, sitting somewhere in the crowd, was expecting to see Naruto show up eager to face off against her teammate. In spite of the situation and the upcoming invasion that was to occur, she was hoping that Naruto wasn't planning on backing down from his match. Asuma and Kurenai, sitting next to each other were wondering what happened to cause Naruto's delay. Anko was getting impatient in waiting for Naruto while sitting among the audience.

"He better show up, that's for sure," Anko said to no one in particular with her arms crossed over her breasts, "Otherwise he'll be in a world of hurt when I'm through with him."

Hiashi and Hanabi were sitting together and waiting for Naruto to make his appearance. The Hyuuga clan leader was growing annoyed at the fact that Naruto didn't show yet.

"Otousan," Hanabi asked, "Naruto-sama has not arrived. Is he forfeiting to Neji-san?"

"…," Hiashi said nothing as he stared down at Neji, while thinking about how Neji learned to use the Hakkeshō Kaiten. Alongside this, he was also thinking about how Hinata was unknowingly betrothed to Naruto who is to become the new Namikaze clan leader. He could only wonder what her reaction will be once she's told the truth about this arranged marriage.

The audience was getting restless and wanted the final exam to begin. Somewhere in the audience was a young female figure with long dark brown hair dressed as a Genin with black pants and a beige turtleneck shirt that concealed her neck from sight. Like many in the audience she was anticipating Naruto's battle. After another five minutes…

"…I have no choice," Gemna sighed while giving a mental apology to the blonde, "Since Senju Uzumaki Naruto is not here, (Tsunade frowned; Neji grinned) the winner of the first match is-"

Genma never got a chance to say the final words when his eyes caught sight of a blond-haired figure making his way into the arena. The figure was dressed in a similar clothes and gear a Jounin would wear. What was also noteworthy about this figure was the fact that he was wearing a white trench coat with red flame designs around the bottom of the coat. The trench coat looked exactly like the one Yondaime Hokage used to wear, except on the back of the trench coat were red kanji writings that said "Konoha No Nidaime Senkō" ("Konoha's Second Flash"). Everyone in the audience looked on as the figure entered the arena floor with many in the audience murmuring to each about his uncanny resemblance to the Yondaime.

"Scratch that!," Genma announced, "Senju Uzumaki Naruto has arrived!"

"Sorry for the delay," Naruto said, "There was something important I had to take care of at the last second."

Genma simply shrugged. Tsunade smiled upon seeing her son's entrance.

"YEAH!," Kiba yelled enthusiastically, "NARUTO MADE IT!"

Both Ino and Hinata smiled happily upon seeing Naruto's arrival. Sai merely nodded to him in recognition. The mystery girl remained quiet as she analyzed his appearance before unconsciously reaching for her neck under her turtleneck. Anko grinned widely, hoping to see a nice and fierce battle between the two. Shizune and Haku were relieved that Naruto wasn't going to be disqualified before the match even started.

Naruto and Neji stood and faced each other at opposite ends of the area with some distance between them with Genma standing in the center.

"Both competitors are present. The first match of the Chuunin Exam Finals will now officially start. Senju Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyuuga Neji. Ready…BEGIN!," said Genma before leaping out of the way.

Neji went into his Juuken stance whereas Naruto just stood there with his arms at his sides while his eyes just stared at the Hyuuga coldly.

"Are you ready Neji," asked Naruto calmly.

"I'm ready to win if that's what you're implying," said Neji before activating his Byakugan, "Fate has declared me the victor and sealed your destiny when you were paired to fight me."

Naruto said nothing as he assumed a taijutsu stance that many Jounins in the audience hadn't seen in thirteen years. The 'Kazekage' though gave a suspicious stare at the youth when he saw the stance Naruto took.

"That stance," Asuma said in disbelief, "The only person who assumed that stance was…"

"Yondaime Hokage," Kurenai finished for him equally shocked, "But how did Naruto learn that taijutsu?"

The Genins weren't familiar with the stance Naruto assumed and wondered from where he learned it.

"Hyuuga Neji," Naruto spoke seriously, "Today I will fight you, not as the Elite Genin…"

"…," Neji stayed quiet as Naruto finished, "…But as Konoha's Second Flash!"

The Chuunin Final Exam has begun, and Naruto and Neji are now about to face off against each other. The manner in which this battle could end is anyone's guess. And with this in mind, will Konoha be prepared for the SunaOto invasion? What was it that Hinata made Naruto swear a promise to and who was the mystery girl in the audience? Stick around for the next chapter to find out!