Chapter Thirty: Fate Defied

Naruto and Neji stood there in the battle stances staring at each other as though one was waiting for the other to strike first. Everyone in the audience waited intently while wondering what was going to happen next. Neji looked at his opponent, wondering how to beat him. But before he could do anything, Naruto did something that caught everyone and Neji off guard; the blonde dropped from his stance and stood up straight with his arms to his sides. Neji smirked, "What's the matter, Naruto-sama? Forfeiting to me already?"

"Aren't you the ever confident one," Naruto retorted, "Like every other ninja I've ever fought."

"Aren't you aware that everything in life is predetermined and decided before a person is born," Neji asked with his smirk gradually shrinking as he thought about his own problems, "People are only as gifted as the families they're born into."

Naruto gave a slight frown though he maintained a calm demeanor.

"Haven't you ever taken the time to look at the obvious facts Naruto-sama," Neji went on, "Only a handful of shinobis are chosen to become Hokages. And those that have become Hokage were born into that destiny. That's the only way."

Naruto stayed quiet momentarily until…

"Tell me…," Naruto asked as Neji looked at him cautiously as he kept his guard up. Naruto asked, "Why do you believe in fate so much? What possible reasons could you have to accept such a ridiculous belief?"

Neji looked at him before dropping out of his Juuken stance and deactivating his Byakugan. Reaching for his head band, the male Hyuuga removed it off his head.

"Because of this…," Neji answered and pointed to a green seal on his forehead. The seal looked like an "X" with a hook on the left and on the right sides of the "X."

"My father Hyuuga Hizashi," Neji continued, "Was the twin brother our clan leader, Hyuuga Hiashi-sama. They were only separated by a few minutes, but their fate was sealed when Hiashi-sama was born first. My father was placed into the Branch house whereas Hiashi-sama was allowed to be part of the Main house. My father was later given the Bird Cage Seal after being made part of the Branch house."

"…," Naruto remained quiet and reserved. He stared at Neji for a moment with a blank facial expression.

"I'm sure you've heard about the great ceremony Konoha was having when the diplomat from Kumogakure came to sign an alliance treaty with our village after many years of warring. Everyone was there from Jounin to Genin. That same day however, the Hyuuga clan never showed up for the ceremony because something else was taking place: it was the important day the Hyuuga heiress turned three."

"…," Naruto stayed quiet with a calm expression as he listened on.

"…," Hiashi said nothing.

"It was Hinata-sama's third birthday," Neji continued, "Both houses came together on that day, the very day that I, who was four at the time, was turned into 'a bird in a cage' through this curse on my head.

"While my father had long resented the Main house, my birth brought his hate to a new level because I, a natural genius, was born into the Branch house, thus making me a Branch house member. He saw that I would never be able to realize my full potential by learning the Hyuuga clan's most secret jutsus. Angered by this, my father began to outwardly despise the Main house and its members and was punished on some occasions because of it. One time my father's Bird Cage Seal was activated by Hiashi-sama while Hinata-sama and I watched during the day she was training with her father. Due to the punishments my father received, I in time came to resent the Main house."

Hanabi looked at her Father who had his eyes fixed on Neji and Naruto.

"The Bird Cage Seal is the absolute fear of the death given to the Branch house families by the Main house. With a simple secret hand seal, the Branch member's mind can be easily destroyed, resulting in death. And this curse will only disappear after death, sealing up the abilities of the Byakugan along with it. Countless people have been after the Hyuuga's most prized bloodline limit and its secrets. The Branch house was created to see to the protection of the Byakugan and this seal guarantees no disobedience from any of its members. It's an effective system designed to protect the Byakugan. Then that incident happened…"

"…," Naruto continue to listen with no expression on his face.

"…," Hiashi closed his eyes with his head slightly lowered.

"My father was killed by the Main family," Neji stated, "One night Hinata-sama was kidnapped by someone. Hiashi-sama quickly took action and killed the culprit who was wearing a mask. Can you guess who it was?"

There was no answer.

"It was the Kumogakure diplomat who had just signed the treaty with Konoha," Neji answered, "It became clear that he was here after the Byakugan. Kumogakure, after seeing that their diplomat's plan had failed, demanded Hiashi-sama's corpse as retribution for Konoha breaking the treaty; they wanted our clan's bloodline limit and the Byakugan. Konoha, wanting to avoid war, agreed to their wishes.

"But father is…," Hanabi said as she looked at her Father who had his eyes fixed on Neji before closing his eyes.

"War was safely avoid…thanks to my father who was killed by the Main house and used to replace Hiashi-sama's corpse. To escape this horrible curse, there's no other method but death."

All the Genins looked at Neji with a stupefied expression

"Niisan," Hinata said quietly though Kiba was still able to hear her. Tsunade looked on without saying a word. She was very well aware of the circumstances behind that incident, but she was also aware that there was more to the story that Neji wasn't aware of.

"They were twins and their strengths were virtually the same," Neji went on, "Born first, born second; their destinies were decided by just that. (Smirked sinisterly) And this fight…your fate was decided the moment I became your opponent. You're destined to lose to me."

Naruto closed his eyes as he reached into his trench coat.

"I won't lose to a coward who's always blaming all of his problems on fate and every other nonsense," Naruto declared coldly.

"Someone as ignorant as you shouldn't be lecturing me," Neji shot back, "You can never understand what it's like to be burdened with a symbol you can never be rid of!"

There was a moment of silence amongst everyone there. Naruto knew that Neji words were false although Neji himself wasn't aware of that reality. Naruto thought back to the seal on his stomach, knowing who was locked away within him. He also thought back to how many on the council regards him as his father's reincarnation and not as his own person who doesn't want to be under Yondaime's shadow.

"You're wrong Neji," Naruto retorted, "I understand the feeling a lot more than you know. The only difference is that I learned to deal with it instead of looking for people and concepts to place blame on, so shut the hell up!"

Neji was partly taken aback by this.

"You're not the only one who's suffering," Naruto added, "Hina-chan is suffering just as you are; a Main house member working hard to change and strengthen herself to gain acknowledgement and approval. The Branch house is supposed to protect the Main family, yet doing what you did to Hina-chan…In truth you're trying your hardest to defy fate!"

Naruto speedily threw a kunai from out of his trench coat at Neji who easily caught it with his left hand. The blonde kept his sight fixed on the Hyuuga as he waited to see what he was going to do next.

"You'll have to do better than that," Neji said confidently before tossing the kunai to the side. Naruto said nothing as he ran towards the Hyuuga who now reactivated his Byakugan. Reaching the boy, Naruto engaged the Hyuuga in taijutsu combat. The battle was fierce and hard with them trying to gain dominance over the other.

What is he doing, Ino asked to herself, Neji shouldn't pose that great a challenge to him!

You're up to something Yondaime-gaki, Anko thought with a smile on her face, What devious plan have you conjured up that you're planning on unleashing?

"You should give up. Fate has chosen me as the winner of this fight. You can not fight your fate," Neji said, "Just as Hinata-sama can't fight hers. Her fate is set and there is nothing she can do to change that."

Naruto said nothing in response. If Naruto did know he could win that easily, he didn't show it. The blonde just looked at Neji with a calm calculating look in his eyes. Hinata and Ino recognized the serious look on Naruto's face.

Naruto pulled out four kunais and six shurikens. First he threw a kunai right in front of Neji, making him jump back. Second he threw two shurikens, again making Neji dodge. Afterward, timing just right, Naruto threw the remaining three kunais and four shurikens at Neji, just as he stopped moving from his evasion. Neji saw the flying weapons with Naruto charging at him.

"Kaiten!," Neji cried loudly as he activated his spiraling defense and deflected the weapons and Naruto away from him. When the dust cleared, a winded Neji stood in the middle of a crater, unharmed, although his clothes were a bit singed. Naruto looked at the grinning Hyuuga who was looking back at him with the veins in his eyes more pronounced than before.

"You're now in my field of divination," Neji announced as he prepared for his next attack.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata said worried knowing fully well what the next attack was. Ino too was worried about how this fight might turn out and hoped that Naruto would somehow think of something. Sakura looked on with a concerned expression while wondering how Naruto was going to get out of that predicament since he can't perform Hinata's Shugo Hakke Rokujūyon Shō.

"Run Naruto!," Kiba yelled out, "Don't let yourself get caught by his attack!"

Damn it Naruto, Anko yelled her head, What the hell are you doing! You know he can't beat you, so what exactly are you trying to prove?

Everyone watched as Neji wasted no time and charged at Naruto.

"Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!" Neji shouted as he reached and started striking Naruto's tenketsus.

"2 palms!"

"4 palms!"

"8 palms!"

All of Neji's hits were making contact.

"16 palms!"

More of the Hyuuga's attacks were hitting their targets as the audience just looked on in shock at the event playing before them.

"…," Tsunade said nothing as she watched the scene transpiring in front of her.

"32 palms!"

More and more strikes were being made with cutting edge precision.

"64 PALMS!"


A large and loud explosion occurred the moment Neji made his sixty-fourth hit on Naruto, who had suddenly exploded on him. Everyone in the audience looked at the shocking turn of events that just happened out of nowhere.

"What the Fuck?," someone in the audience shouted as Neji's heavily battered and wounded body came flying speedily from out of the smoke and flames before bouncing hard and skidding harshly across the arena adding more to his brute injuries, scrapes and burns. Neji was now sliding backwards across the ground on his chest before coming to a complete stop. All in the audience looked on to see the horrid condition Neji was now it. The young Hyuuga was completely covered injuries all over from head to toe. His clothes suffered from heavy damage, tears and burns. His body had burns, scrapes, bruises and he was bleeding in many places with his ruined clothes covered in his blood. Neji coughed blood out of his mouth painfully almost as though he was choking on it. He was in a great amount of pain and in immense need of medical attention.

"Niisan," Hinata said worriedly while Kiba had his mouth wide opened from witnessing what just happened. Ino was wondering what happened to Nauto after seeing the explosion occur. Tenten had a very worried look on her face, hoping that this wasn't going to be Neji's end. Gai and Lee looked on at this while wondering how things suddenly turned out the way it did. The remaining Genins and Jounins were looking in disbelief that what just happened just happened. Anko had a smile on her face after seeing what just unfolded in front of everyone.

You never fail to amaze me Yondaime-gaki, Anko thought admirably. Neji looked forward and saw the same kunai from a distance that was thrown at him earlier. A moment later, the kunai puffed into a cloud of smoke. After a brief moment, the smoke cleared to reveal to Neji and the audience…

"…Naruto…sama…," Neji said weakly as the blonde stood in front of him from a distance dressed in the exact same clothes he was wearing when he entered the stadium. The weakened Hyuuga wanted to move, but his body was too busted up and he felt numb in some places; in all, he was now completely at Naruto's mercy and completely defenseless.

Hiashi and Hanabi were completely caught off guard by the deadly twist Naruto pulled off. Hanabi was utterly dumbfounded at what she just saw. First her older sister developed a jutsu to counter the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō and now her sister's love interest created a fatal strategy that could effectively turn their prized jutsu against them. Hiashi, after seeing first hand what Naruto is capable of doing with Yondaime's influence, was now wary of the Kage-level shinobi.

"You gave a lot of talk about fate and how I was destined to lose to you," Naruto spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "I practically threw myself to you and placed myself into your hands in the form of kunai before you cast me away to the side. Tell me: were my actions the result of fate, free will or a planned strategy to throw your judgment off? After all my clone reaching into the insides of his trench coat was more than enough to alert anyone to the obvious fact that he intends to pull and possibly throw something, am I right? And you're the proclaimed Hyuuga prodigy, I mean I should know better than to trying something as lame as reaching for a kunai in my coat in front of you."

Neji couldn't respond as he saw the logic in Naruto's words. Naruto continued, "What you were fighting and talking to was an exploding clone I created. I had to use a large amount of chakra in order to make it last long enough and endure your blows. I rigged my clone to respond to your Hakke Rokujūyon Shō and set it to detonate on you on your sixty-fourth palm strike."

The Hyuuga looked at the blonde with widened eyes.

"You look surprised," Naruto said, "What? Didn't think for a moment that my time at the Hyuuga Compound and sparring with Hina-chan wouldn't teach me things about the way you Hyuuga's fight? Added with what I learned about your style of fighting with Hina-chan during the Preliminaries, I took all of what I learned and came up with methods in beating you and several other Hyuugas. But with you I had something else in mind, especially after seeing what you did to Hina-chan during the Preliminaries."

"…," Neji just looked at Naruto as the blonde continued, "When I saw you use your Hakke Rokujūyon Shō on her, I saw that you were out for blood, namely hers. Even when she wasn't able to continue the match, you still wasn't satisfied and attempted to end her life in front me; truly a most foolish action. It was only three days ago when I thought up of a way to cause that jutsu, one of the very jutsus the Hyuugas pride themselves on to become your own undoing."

Neither Neji nor the audience could believe what they were hearing. Just like with Tenten's battle with Naruto, the blonde resorted to basic B-ranked Jounin level jutsu, henge and a well thought out strategy to bring about his victory in the most effective way possible. And just like with Tenten, he cunningly and lethally used their own specialties against them.

"Well," Neji sneered between his coughs, "…What are you…waiting for?"

"Huh," Naruto mumbled.

"Go on," Neji spat, "Do it! Isn't this the part where…you cripple me for life…like you said you were going to do to me…for what I did to Hinata-sama during the Preliminaries? Here's your chance! So do it…and be done with it!"

Tsunade, Shizune, Haku, and the Genins and Jounins who were present when Naruto announced that threat now waited to see what Naruto was going to do in carrying out that threat. Kiba, Tenten, Lee, and Sai were now hearing this for the first time. Gai, Tenten and Lee looked on to see if Naruto was going to go through with what he said, knowing that there was nothing they could do to stop it. Hinata was told about Naruto's threat to Neji by Kurenai and Ino several days after her release from the hospital. Now that she was seeing the scene playing out in front of her and everyone else, she hoped that Naruto makes the best judgment.

"Very well then," the blonde replied as he walked and made his way over to Neji as he reached and unclipped the small red strap that held his trench coat partly close together over his upper chest near the collar. While walking and grabbing his coat, Naruto removed and cast it to the side before going through a series of complex hand seals and….

"Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique)," Naruto said as he crossed his arms in front of him in the form of an "X." His arms from his elbows to his fingers started flaring with chakra. This jutsu is a multi-purpose medical technique used by medic-nins to heal wounds and perform surgery. For the former, the user concentrates chakra to their hand and applies it to a wound, speeding up cell regeneration. For the latter, the user focuses their chakra into a blade to make cuts where necessary. Because it's done with chakra, the user doesn't need to cut through their target's skin to reach muscles and organs. For this to be applied effectively in healing, a large amount of chakra is required. Using it to cut seems to be less chakra-intensive. This cutting aspect of this jutsu can also be used in combat, though it requires incredible precision on the user's part to be effective.

"Hyuuga Neji," Naruto said coldly as he now stood in front of him, "As the Elite Genin I made a declaration to irreversibly end your shinobi career by crippling you in the most effective way possible for what you've done and intended on doing to the Hyuuga heiress who also happens to be one of my closest friends."

Everyone now saw Naruto focused his chakra into blades while preparing to make the cuts where necessary on Neji's body.

"This is a judgment you've brought upon yourself," Naruto replied with narrow eyes.

"He's actually going to go through with it," Asuma said as he, Kurenai and all the others looked on at the event about to take place. It was no secret among them that Naruto was not only the Elite Genin, but he was also a medic nin protégé of Tsunade and also under the training of Shizune.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata said lowly and sadly as tears started building up in her eyes and falling down her face as her head lowered. Tsunade, Shizune and Haku, respective medic nins now watched and waited to see what was Naruto's next move.

Naruto moved in to do what he was now going to do. Neji closed his eyes and waited for the final blows to occur, but nothing happened. A few moments later, Neji opened his eyes to see Naruto's glowing mystic hands in his face before the mystic glow vanished completely. The Hyuuga looked at Naruto questionably as he pulled his hands away from Neji before turning and walking off to get his trench coat. Picking it up, he placed his coat back on and returned back to Neji.

"As Konoha's Second Flash," Naruto added, "I nullify that threat made to you."

Neji blanked at this, not knowing how to reply to that gesture.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata said happily as she smiled brightly at what she saw Naruto do as she wiped away her tears. Naruto knelt down on his right knee while he rested his left arm on his left leg.

"Over the years Neji," Naruto went on, "I saw nothing but your malice and cruelty to Hina-chan, the very person who wanted nothing but your friendship. Seeing the way you continuously treated Hina-chan birthed into my heart resentment and disapproval of you. You have no idea how many times I wanted to put you in the emergency ward of the hospital and the number of times Hiashi-san and Hina-chan had to intervene and calm my anger in your behalf. The Main house members, the very people you came to despise, were the very ones protecting you from my wrath, and for someone with a bloodline that can see through virtually anything, you sure were blind to have not acknowledged that reality!"

Again Neji couldn't believe the revelations coming forth from Naruto's mouth.

"When I saw what you did and was going to do to Hina-chan during the Preliminaries I said in my heart that was the last straw," Naruto continued, "I wanted nothing but vengeance and to see you hurt, broken and humiliated to the highest level and I spend days thinking about how I was going to go about it while leaving no room for anyone to question the fact that someone as haughty and harsh as yourself had it coming to you. But something happened three days before today's event.

"While I was on my way to one of the training grounds, I ran into Hina-chan at the training ground and we got into a conversation that eventually turned into a conversation about my future battle with you. Before she left, Hina-chan asked me to swear a promise to her…"

"…," Neji said nothing as he waited to hear his answer.

"She wanted me to give her my sworn word that I'll help her change the Hyuugas after I become Hokage."

"…," Neji just stayed quiet.

"She told me," Nauto continued, "That the feud between the Main and Cadet Branch houses have been going on for many years, all because of their bloodline limit. She also told me that it breaks her heart to see her family members at each other's throats and placing clan members like you into forced servitude."

"…Save your breath," Neji scoffed between his painful coughs, "…I don't need her pity or yours for that matter. And I don't need help from that spoiled little Main house symbol of weakness."

"It's arrogance and behavior like that from so-called 'geniuses' like yourself that truly disgust me," Naruto replied harshly, "Such traits are self-destructive and have led many to their own undoing. Hina-chan is neither spoiled, weak or any other demeaning name you've ever called her under the sun, which is more than what I can say about you."

Neji gave Naruto no reply as the blonde shinobi continued, "She told me that one of her greatest ambitions is to stop the feud and restore unity in her clan while finding a way to abolish the Bird Cage Seal and develop a new system that would benefit everyone in both the Main and Cadet Branch house, including you."

Neji couldn't believe what he was hearing for the first time.

"She didn't make me swear not to cripple you in any way," Naruto went on, "And whether or not she knew I was planning on doing so to you she didn't say. However she told me that whatever I was planning on doing to you, she trusted my actions. She left me at the training ground with a lot to think about that day and with a lot of self-evaluations I had to do.

"Today's earlier conversation was required in order to piece together everything I needed to know. What happened to your father up to his death was most unfortunate. But instead of finding constructive ways of dealing with it, you took a coward's way out and blamed everything on fate and took out your anger and hate on Hina-chan who had no control over the situation concerning what happened to your father after the failed kidnapping. You even went as far as to use the Preliminaries as an excuse to lash out your murderous intent on her, actions which I found unacceptable and unfitting for anyone seeking to become a Chuunin."

"…," Neji was lost for words as Naruto continued, "Yet in spite of the wrongs you've done to her Neji, Hina-chan found it in her heart to forgive you, seeking to not only improve herself but also to improve the relationship between both houses. After I gave it careful consideration, I realized that my crippling you would have in effect made her goals of mending the ties between the Main and Cadet Branch houses even harder for her to achieve since my actions against you would have been made in her name.

"Great Hokages listen to the voice of their people and place the needs of the people ahead of their own interests. I desire and seek to become a great Hokage, and by listening to Hina-chan after asking me to help her mend the ties between the two families, Hina-chan in effect saved me from making a terrible mistake I would have regretted for the rest of my life. Hokages and the people of this village listen to and benefit from each other in order to accomplish many things; something Hina-chan reminded me of that day whether she knew it or not."

There a period of silence; no one said anything as they looked on at the event unfolding. Neji wasn't able to hold back the feelings of guilt and shame for his actions against Hinata over the years. Moment later…

"…I'm sorry…," Neji apologized sincerely.

"I'm not the one for you to either apologize to or make atonements to," Naruto said, "However your apology is a start in repairing your relationship with Hina-chan and helping her fulfill her goals. I will tell you this though: since you've apologized for your actions with no trace of falsity in your voice and demeanor, as of today my resentment and disapproval of you has ended."

Hinata was blushing crimson through most of Naruto's speech and was doing all she could to keep from fainting. Ino looked at Naruto in amazement. She, like so many who were watching and listening, saw how the blonde shinobi demonstrated a sense of maturity, justice, insight and wisdom far beyond his years. Once again, Ino learned more unique traits about the Naruto and was finding herself being more attracted to him. Many in the audience looked at Naruto with admiration and deep respects. The Jounins present acknowledged that he demonstrated abilities far passed those of a standard Chuunin.

Gai and Lee were shouting enthusiastic praises and admiration of Naruto's youthful flames and spirit of a truth ninja, much to the annoyance of those around them. Tenten looked at Naruto with amazement and admiration. Like all the others, she thought that Naruto was truly going to go through with his threat. But upon seeing why he decided not to in spite of Neji's wrongdoings, the weapon-using kunoichi developed a higher level of respect for blonde shinobi, especially seeing how he managed to help Neji begin his path of changing himself and viewpoints of life and everyone around him.

That Naruto is really quite a guy, Tenten thought with a sincere smile on her face.

Now I see why Hinata-neechan likes Naruto-sama so much, Hanabi thought, Naruto-sama is truly a unique kind of guy…thought he's still a bit of a weirdo…but a really cute weirdo.

Tsunade looked at her son with a smile of approval. Whether or not Naruto was going to actually cripple Neji however, Tsunade wasn't planning on interfering acknowledging that this was his fight and that his actions were what he himself was going to have to live with, regardless of the consequences. Shizune looked at her 'otouto' (kid brother) with a bright smile on her face. She was truly happy that Naruto didn't resort to using medic jutsus that she and Tsunade taught him for his own vengeance and anger against a Konoha Genin, an act that would have disappointed both her and Tsunade greatly. Haku too smiled brightly at the young blonde ninja after watching his actions. As she knew him for, Naruto was willing to place the interests of his precious people ahead of his own desires, a characteristic she truly admired and respected.

Elsewhere in the audience, a young brown-haired girl was staring at Naruto. She knew that Naruto was holding back on Neji the entire time and that he could have ended the fight long before it even started. As she sat there, she thought about all the things that Neji said and what Naruto told him before and after he defeated him. While doing so, she took another look at Naruto again before unconsciously placing her right hand over her neck covered with her turtleneck.

"This match is over. Winner: Senju Uzumaki Naruto," Genma announced. Everyone in the audience gave a loud applause and cheers while some were shouting Naruto's name. Naruto looked back at the crowd and smiled toothily at them. Sakura though was looking at Naruto with a look that questioned her own abilities in contrast with his. She found herself envious of Naruto's growing progression. Genma turned to Neji and said, "Even a captured bird, if it's clever enough, will try to open the cage with its beak; never giving up its desire to fly freely in the sky. This time, you've lost."

Hiashi watched as a medic team arrived on the arena floor and carried Neji off on a stretcher. Hiashi got up from his seat to follow after Neji, leaving Hanabi by herself in the audience. Naruto made his way back to the stands were the other contestants were. After receiving their congratulations, he went over to the wall and leaned up against it with his legs crossed as he folded his arms over his chest and rested his head down and closed his eyes. The other Genins chose not to bother him as they turned their attention back to the arena floor.

While in the recovery room, Hiashi dismissed the medic nins from the room before explaining to Neji what really happened to Hizashi and the scroll that his father left from him. Hizashi volunteered to be killed instead of Hiashi, thus saving his life. Hiashi, Neji learned, for his part was absolutely opposed to the idea of his brother taking his place and leaving his young son alone, but before he could prevent his brother from doing so, Hizashi disabled him in one blow. Hizashi told his brother that he was not doing it to serve the Main house, but because they were brothers and doing so was his way of going against his fate and to make a decision about his own destiny all together.

Hiashi decided not to tell Neji that his father volunteered to die until he felt that Neji would be mentally ready to accept this over the much more comfortable belief that the Main house was responsible for his death. This moment came after Neji's defeat to Senju Uzumaki Naruto. Hiashi got on his knees and bowed to Neji as he apologized as his uncle and Hizashi's older brother for what happened to Hizashi. This was when Neji completely rejected his belief in fate and decided to do what he could to rectify his mistakes and remedy the estranged relationship between himself and the Main house members, most particularly with Hinata.


Jiraiya was done taking care of the Suna and Oto ninjas where he was at with little problems while the other Konoha shinobis did their parts in battling the invaders. While taking a small break, the Toad Sannin thought back to what happened a few hours earlier…

(Flashback: Four Hours Ago)

Jiraiya was in his apartment gathering all of his essential supplies, scrolls and weapons for the coming battle against the invasion. When he was finished, he made his way over to the drawer where a framed group picture of him, Tsunade, Sandaime, Shizune, Kakashi, Anko and Naruto was sitting. Smiling at the picture, he picked it up to look at the picture that was taken only week ago. Everyone in the picture looked happy and sure of a bright future. Jiraiya was about to place the picture back on top of the drawer when the glass frame of the picture suddenly cracked in several places. This served to unnerve the white-haired Sannin, as though he was given a bad omen…

(Present Time)

I'm hoping that I'm dead wrong, Jiraiya thought, But somehow I sense that our victory will not come without a price…

Neji's fight with Naruto is over and now the young Hyuuga desires to make amends for all of his wrongs. The Chuunin Finals are still underway, however things will soon take a turn for the worst! How so and does it have anything to do with what Jiraiya suspects? Tune in next time to find out.