Chapter Thirty-One: War Outbreak

A/N: Just because Naruto was adopted by Tsunade doesn't mean that everyone by default will have respects for Naruto and there will always be those who'll resent him for some reason, ethical or not. In life, being the son/daughter of an important figure doesn't mean that everyone around him/her will like or respect him/her unless that person has done something significant to earn their respects. Like with Inari in this fic, Naruto had to earn the boy's respect and admiration through his actions; being the son of Godaime didn't grant him Inari's respect and admiration by default.

And for those who think I made Naruto "godlike" and unrealistic, I find that to be an exaggeration. Again I must repeat myself and explain that Naruto in this fic is NOT the Naruto in the anime or manga. Unlike the anime or manga, this Naruto had a family who loved, disciplined and trained him. He had Tsunade, Jiraiya, Sandaime, Shizune, Kakashi and later on Yondaime and Anko. Therefore, Naruto will be smarter and wiser. For me to make Naruto the way he's portrayed in the anime and manga in spite of all these people who's been there for him wouldn't make any sense!

With that said, on with the fic.

(Somewhere In The Outer Territory Of Konoha)

Sandaime, dressed in his black ninja battle gear, had dealt a heavy blow against the Oto ninjas who challenged him. All of the ninjas were now lying dead on the ground. Not so much as one was left standing. Enma, the monkey king Sandaime summoned, stood next to Sarutobi among the field of fallen Oto ninjas. Just then some Konoha Jounins and a Special Jounin leaped from the trees and landed down in front of their leader.

"Sandaime-sama," Hayate greeted as they all knelt down on one knee.

"What's your report," Sandaime asked.

"We've finished dealing with the enemies (cough)…in our section," Hayate answered between his coughs. Sandaime nodded in acknowledgement, "Any word from the other teams?"

"So far (cough)…the ambushes are going according to plan," Hayate explained, "All the enemies are being dealt with but we haven't found Orochimaru yet."

Sarutobi sighed at this. Enma saw the look on Sarutobi's face but he kept his thoughts to himself, at least for now.

"Keep your eyes open," Sarutobi advised seriously, "And should he make his appearance, do not engage him. Leave that to either myself, Jiraiya or Tsunade. Understood?"

"Hai, Sandaime," the ninjas said in unison before the dashed off speedily to deal with the next group of invaders.

"…You should have killed Orochimaru when you had the chance to Sarutobi," Enma sighed, "…All this could have been avoided had you done so."

"I couldn't do it back then," Sandaime admitted, "As his former sensei, I foolishly let my sentiments and optimism of what he could have been cloud my judgments."

"…," Enma stayed quiet.

"I will not make that same mistake twice," Sandaime replied with a hardened face, "If I find him, know that I will kill him and correct my past mistake. Let's go Enma!"

Sandaime and Enma then ran off to deal with their next group of enemies while expecting Orochimaru to suddenly appear and attempt to ambush them at any moment.

(Back At Konoha Stadium)

"Second Match: Aburame Shino against Sabaku No Kankuro. Contestants, get down here," Genma called and both Shino and Kankuro made their way down to the arena floor.

I don't have time for this, Kankuro thought, Especially since the invasion is soon to start and I'll need my strength.

"I'm going to give up," the Suna nin stated as he raised his hand, shocking people. Genma looked at him before sighing, "…Winner, Aburame Shino."

Shino said nothing as he watched Kankuro retreat back to the stands where the other Genins were. Naruto stood with his arms folded over his chest.

"Looks like your fight with Temari is up next Shikamaru," Naruto informed. Shikamaru sighed, "…This is completely troublesome Naruto. I think I'll save everyone the trouble and forfeit."

"…," Naruto said nothing as he looked at the lazy Genin to his right.

Genma announced, "We will now move on to the third match! Will Sabaku No Temari and Nara Shikamaru please come down to the arena floor!?"

The Suna kunoichi left the stands and made her way over down to the arena. It wasn't long until she arrived where Genma was at, only to see that Shikamaru haven't followed. Shikamaru was about to forfeit the match until Naruto purposely pushed him over the ledge of the railing, forcing him to land on his feet carefully to avoid any injuries. He turned and snarled at Naruto who was grinning widely at him in return while giving him the "peace" symbol with his right hand.

"We all need a motivational push from someone sometimes in our lives," Naruto yelled to Shikamaru.

"Hey," Temari called out to the lazy Ganin, "Get your ass over here!"

"Troublesome blondes," Shikamaru mumbled as he walked over to Genma, "Both her and Naruto."

"Third Match: Sabaku No Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru are both here. Begin!," Genma shouted before he leaped away. Temari gave Shikamaru quite an intense fight and her wind jutsu with the use of her iron fan was impressive in the eyes of the spectators.

Shikamaru soon saw an opportunity to put his fingers together to create a circle and closed his eyes so that he can concentrate. While in this pose he considered every element that was relevant to the situation at hand and analyzed the information to its fullest. When he was done, Shikamaru planned out a battle ten moves in advance and devised a couple of strategies to use against Temari, causing her to get caught in his Kage Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Bind Technique). In the end however, Shikamaru forfeited his match instead of defeating Temari, knowing that he had too little chakra to continue. Though Temari won the match, she lost the battle.

Tsunade and the Jounins were amazed and impressed with Shikamaru's use of planning and execution of tactics. They saw how both he and Naruto were on par with each other in terms of creating and implementing effective strategies to their fullest extent with what was available to them. Though Shikamaru forfeited his match as Naruto knew he would however, the blonde couldn't help but acknowledge and respect his skills and intelligence.

(Thirteen Minutes Later)

The fourth match was supposed to have started and neither Sasuke nor Kakashi showed up yet. Many in the audience were yelling for Sasuke to make his appearance. Tsunade was on the verge of canceling the match and having the remaining contestants move on to the semi-finals.

Where are you Sasuke-kun, Sakura wondered worriedly as she and the other Genins were wondering what could have caused Sasuke's delay, I hope nothing terrible has happened to you.

Sai was as neutral and reserved as usual as he kept in an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

"Godaime," 'Kazekage' said, "Many in the audience, including the daimyos and other officials among them, came to see the match between my son and the last Uchiha. Surely you can postpone the match for ten more minutes."

"You surprise me Kazekage," Tsunade retorted with a calm demeanor, "I didn't think one like yourself played favorites. Since I wasn't going to postpone my own son's match with Hyuuga Neji, likewise I will not postpone Sasuke's match just to satisfy your or anyone else's amusement. If Sasuke doesn't show up in the next two minutes, he'll be automatically disqualified."

The 'Kazekage' was seething in anger on hearing Tsunade's words. This wasn't going as the 'Kazekage' had intended.

The crowd was getting restless as they shouted for Sasuke to enter the arena floor. Naruto was leaning against the wall quietly with his arms crossed over his chest as Gaara, Shikamaru, Temari, Kankuro, and Shino were standing by the railing looking down at Genma who was losing his patience.

"Uchiha Sasuke has not shown up. Therefore Uchiha Sasuke is hereby-," Genma began but was cut off when a whirl of leaves came in the middle of the stadium and Sasuke and Kakashi showed up in the middle of the whirl. Sasuke looked even more like the dark avenger he was. He wore a black outfit with the Uchiha fan on the back. His hands and legs were covered in bandages and some sort of black belt. Kakashi scratched his head and looked at Genma.

"Um, are we late," he asked, making most of the audience sweat drop.

"No, just in time," Genma said, although he was clearly annoyed. Sasuke didn't even listen. Instead he looked up at the stands and smirked when he saw the other Genins looking at him. Sasuke lost his smirk however when he saw Naruto step over to the railing with his new appearance.

That idiot must really have a death wish making himself look like a striking resemblance of the Yondaime, Sasuke mentally scoffed. Naruto saw how Sasuke was looking at him but paid it no mind.

"Sabaku No Gaara. Get down here," Genma called. Sasuke looked as his opponent came down, and Kakashi went up to the stands.

"Fourth Match: Uchiha Sasuke against Sabaku No Gaara. Begin!," Genma almost didn't manage to finish before sand exploded off Gaara towards Sasuke. Sasuke quickly jumped away, and threw some shurikens at the Suna Jinchuuriki. The shurikens were stopped by Gaara's sand, and thrown back. Sasuke deflected the shurikens with a kunai and rushed in towards Gaara. The sand went to block him, but Sasuke smirked and vanished.

"Wha…," Gaara said before Sasuke reappeared behind him.

Okay…Sasuke vanished and reappeared behind Gaara, Naruto thoughtfully contemplated, He's much faster than before.

Sasuke punched Gaara, sending him flying. Before he hit the ground, Sasuke appeared and hit him again. When Gaara landed with a crash, his skin had cracked.

"That must be your sand armor. I'll tear it off," Sasuke said, glanced up at the stands, more accurately at Naruto, and speed off again. He struck Gaara repeatedly, going at speeds equal to what Lee had when he took off his weights during his match with Gaara a month ago during the Preliminaries.

"How did Kakashi get him to become so fast in one month," Shizune asked, who had changed into her Jounin gear and uniform after Naruto's match with Neji.

"He's as fast as I am when I use my mirrors," Haku commented. Kakashi standing somewhere in the audience, looked on at the fight, or his orange book. No one knew for sure.

Sasuke continued his assault, but stopped when Gaara encased himself in a solid sphere of sand. Sasuke stood there panting, and tried to regain his breath.

That sphere. There has to be something with it, Sasuke thought and rushed towards it, delivering a kick to it, only to have his foot almost pierced by spikes of sand. The only thing that saved him was the Sharingan he had activated. Sasuke leaped back and stared at the sphere. He then smirked and undid the 'belt' he had on his right arm. Then he formed the required seals and focused chakra into his arm. Sparks started to fly and a blue glow came from his hand. A sound, like the chirping of a lot of birds followed.

"That's…," Naruto said while experiencing Yondaime's disapproval on recognizing the jutsu being performed by Sasuke.

"Chidori," Sasuke said. Sasuke then charged towards the sphere as fast as he could. Spikes once again flew at him, but he dodged and plunged the Chidori into the sphere. The jutsu went into the sphere and a scream of pain was followed.

"What was that," Shikamaru asked.

"Chidori," Naruto explained, "Kakashi-niisan's only original jutsu. It concentrates a large quantity of chakra into the arm, along with electricity, turning the arm into a sword. The user thrusts his arm straight into the target. Its penetrating power is better than many attack jutsus and it's ranked B-A. However, that jutsu only met Yondaime's disapproval for a number of reasons."

"Like," Shikamaru inquired. Naruto retorted, "I'd rather not discuss the details right now. Besides you'll just find them troublesome anyway."

"I would in fact," Shikamaru shrugged before he and the others returned their attention back to the match below. Naruto however turned his attention over to the Kage box with narrowed eyes as he focused primarily on the 'Kazekage.'

Suddenly Sasuke's face contracted with pain and he hurriedly pulled his arm out of the sphere. An arm of sand followed, but the arm was different. The sand was much lighter in color, and with blue markings. It also looked…demonic.

What is that, Sasuke thought while looking at the sphere. Suddenly he saw the sphere crumbled, revealing Gaara clutching a wound in his chest.

Naruto dashed like a blur and leaped over the railing and went straight towards Sasuke and Gaara. The two contestants jumped out of the way as Naruto landed agilely on the ground between them. Everyone was wondering what Naruto was doing interfering with the match. Ignoring everyone else's shouts and stares, Naruto went over and healed Gaara of his injuries. When that was done he walked away from Gaara and Sasuke.

Before anyone could interrogate the blonde for his actions, Naruto punched the ground with great force causing the arena floor within a twenty-yard radius around him to crack open and crater. Genma, Gaara and Sasuke had to jump away from the shock wave that came their way from the force.

Everyone's eyes in the audience were as wide of dish plates with their mouths hanging open upon witnessing Naruto's insane strength. Sasuke was stupefied on seeing this for the first time while another part of him was angry on beholding that strength. Not waiting for anyone to say anything, Naruto grabbed and picked up a large slab of the ground and dashed with it towards the Kage box. He then jumped into the air and aimed the slab at his target.

"Kaa-chan out of the way!," Naruto warned as he hurled the slab with great force straight at the 'Kazekage.' Tsunade jumped off her seat leaving the 'Kazekage' to his death. The 'Kazekage' however leaped out of the way with only mere seconds to spare before the debris came plunging into the Kage box, knocking his bodyguards off their feet as the pieces of the debris flew at them and struck them. Naruto stood there as he awaited the reappearance of the 'Kazekage' while Tsunade stood by the wall that was to her right. The crowd had confused looks on their faces, but before everyone could say anything.

"Hey, Orochimaru," Naruto called out, sending all of the Konoha Jounins and Genins on full alert. Temari and Kankuro appeared next to Gaara, along with their Jounin sensei. Before another word was said, enemies made their appearance.

Up in the stands, Kabuto, disguised as an ANBU wearing a dark cloak, hurriedly performed his jutsu, causing the people to start falling asleep. Most of the ninjas recognized the genjutsu and cancelled it, including Sakura and Sai. They rushed towards where other the Genins were and snapped them out of the genjutsu before they hurried over to help their respective Jounin-senseis who were encountering some enemy ninjas from Suna and Oto. More Konoha Jounins and ANBU were making their entry into the stadium while combating against the invaders. The mystery girl also dispelled the genjutsu, but she pretended to remain asleep so as to not blow her cover and reveal herself just yet though she kept a careful watch over what was happening around her.

Orochimaru, still in his 'Kazekage' appearance was not happy with how things were turning out. Tsunade was about to attack him when Orochimaru reached into his robes and threw a bag at her. The bag burst open on her, causing her to freeze dead in her tracks. Orochimaru smiled evilly upon seeing Tsunade's hemophobia kicking in as she saw that she as now covered in blood. He punched and knocked her down before turning to Naruto who was now looking at him with deep hatred.

"Surrender you bastard," Naruto ordered with no hesitation in his voice, "Your ambitions will come to nothing and as I speak your invading forces are being overrun and ambushed and running into the death traps we've set in place for them! We've learned of your invasion long in advance!"

Though Orochimaru didn't show but in truth he wasn't about to fight Naruto, especially since he defeated Itachi. He heard the rumors about Naruto and from what he was seeing about the blonde was more than enough to strengthen his hate for the blonde shinobi. Anko had to restrain herself from charging in and trying to attack Orochimaru, knowing fully well that such a reckless course of action wouldn't end in her favor.

"It took me a while to find where you were," Naruto continued, "That was until I ran into one of your subordinates earlier today and tortured him cruel enough until he was willing to talk and reveal your whereabouts, which was why I was late for my match. Your Oto ninja though didn't survive the injuries."

"That's not the Kazekaze," Baki asked in surprise. Naruto explained in a calm voice, "No. In fact from what that Oto ninja explained to me, your Kazekage have been dead for some time. He was killed by Orochimaru and his body was dumped into a ditch some distance not too far from Sunagakure. Why he left your Kazekage's body where it could be found by you guys is beyond me."

Baki felt rage course through his body on learning this.

Damn you Orochimaru! Were my fellow Suna nins and I that inattentive to notice this, Baki asked himself. Gaara felt nothing from learning about his father's death. To be honest he really didn't care. Temari and Kankuro didn't know what to feel at the moment; sure the Kazekage was their father, but they never actually had a genuine familial relationship with each other.

"I don't have time for this," Orochimaru said as he gave a signal to his men to surround and kill Naruto. Doing as ordered, the mixed company of Oto and Suna shinobis, who were completely unaware of their Kazekage's death, came and surrounded Naruto.

"There's nowhere for you to run boy," said one of the Oto ninjas, "Prepare to die!"

"You ought to take your own advice," Naruto retorted coldly as he extended his right hand while gathering and concentrating chakra into a sphere. The Jounins and Orochimaru recognized that glowing blue orb of chakra.

"That jutsu," Orochimaru said with narrowed eyes. A moment later, nine of Naruto's hidden disguised kage bushins appeared from different sections from around of the sleeping audience and pulled out a particular brand of kunais that the Jounins immediately recognized. Naruto, reaching into his trench coat with his left hand, pulled out the tenth one of his special kunais.

"Those kunais…," Kurenai said in disbelief as the clones threw the kunais in random directions within the enemy ranks. What everyone saw in the next second was a yellow flash followed instantaneously by enemies ninjas within a sixty-yard radius around Naruto slaughtered with baseball-sized holes through their chests. That was when everything in seeing range nearly paused; a most powerful and feared jutsu that hasn't been seen in over thirteen years was just performed, along with another powerful jutsu.

The Jounins were left speechless, as were the Genins and the four surviving Suna nins. In an instant, all of the enemy ninjas that they were fighting were wiped out by Naruto all by himself. Kabuto managed to escape being instantly killed when he took to flight and left the stadium after performing the genjutsu. The same dark brown-haired girl was left utterly stupefied at what she personally eye witnessed with her own eyes. She have heard many things about Yondaime's feared jutsu but she never in her life thought she live to see it performed by the one who self-proclaimed himself the Second Flash, who astonishingly was living up to his title.

Naruto-kun, the girl wondered with her gazed fixed on the blonde shinobi, Were you always this powerful and held back?

The remaining enemy ninjas that barely escaped from being within Naruto's attack range were now cowering in fear, especially since they knew about Yondaime's history. They knew that enemy villages long ago had instructed their military battalions to cut their loses and flee on sight if they ever saw Yondaime in the battlefield, and right now that's exactly what they were about to do. However that wasn't to be as they were met up with an ambush from more of Konoha's forces entering the stadium.

"You," Orochimaru said insultingly while trying to mask his fear, "You're…You're Konoha's Yellow Flash!"

"Correction," Naruto stated, "I'm Konoha's Second Flash!"

As Orochimaru saw, things weren't going as planned and seeing Naruto's power only made things worst.

"Those two jutsus," Lee asked, "What were they?"

"That ball of chakra was the Rasengan, an A-rank close range attack jutsu," Gai explained, "The flash you saw was the Hiraishin, an S-rank long range attack jutsu; both of which were prized and powerful jutsus created by our late Yondaime Hokage! The Hiraishin was the jutsu that made Yondaime extremely hated and feared by many of our enemies as Konoha's Yellow Flash!"

"I thought those jutsus died with the Yondaime," Kurenai said.

"Evidently they didn't," Kakashi added in, "And Naruto is clearly capable of using them in the most effective way he can."

"You don't seem at all surprised by this Kakashi," Asuma said suspiciously, "Seeing that those were your sensei's jutsus. I wonder how the boy obtained and learned those jutsus."

Kakashi gave no reply as he looked at Naruto before he visualized an image of Yondaime over Naruto. The Genins couldn't believe what they were hearing and saw with their own eyes. For so long they wondered just how powerful was Naruto since they never saw him use any real powerful jutsus in front of them before. And the first real devastating jutsus he used in front of them for the first time were A and S-rank jutsus of the Yondaime.

The Suna nins were aware that Naruto was indeed very powerful, especially with Kyuubi being sealed into him. But there was no trace of Kyuubi's chakra at all the entire time. Therefore, all of what's transpired up till now was all Naruto. They knew that he if they were Naruto's enemies, they'd be among the dead right now, if not long ago.

Sasuke didn't know what to make out of what he just saw with his own eyes. Not too long ago, Naruto was surrounded by enemy ninjas that were about to kill him and in a second they were all massacred with the remaining few in the stadium to be overtaken by the Konoha shinobis. The Uchiha wondered how Naruto managed to attain such great powers and why he, as the last Uchiha, the elite, couldn't possess that power he felt he rightfully deserved.

So Tsunade's son can perform Minato's jutsus, Orochimaru realized, That can only mean one thing…

Just then giant brown snakes burst through one of the walls of the stadium. Gaara took action and summoned the powers of his sand, forming a giant body of sand for himself in the form of a tanuki as he countered and battled with the snakes. The sight of Gaara's new appearance caught all but Naruto, Orochimaru and the Suna nins off guard.

"Baki-sensei, Temari, Kankuro and I will deal with the snakes and the rest of the Oto nins!," Gaara yelled as he and his team went into action, "We'll catch up with you later!"

This surprised Orochimaru entirely as he watch them head out. He didn't expect Gaara and his team to have sided with Naruto.

That explains the information leakage, Orochimaru figured angrily before picking up the motionless blood-covered Tsunade from the floor and making a rapid exit from the stadium with her as his human shield.

"Damn it," Naruto swore as Kakashi and the others assembled around him.

"Kakashi-niisan," Naruto ordered, "Take both yours and Gai and his team with you and deal with the other invading Suna nins who chose not to side with Baki like the others. Anko-chan, head over to where Iruka and the other Chuunins are. Check on the children and civilians with them and make sure that there were no casualties among their number. Kurenai, Asuma, take your teams and deal with the Oto ninjas around the area. And Genma, try to track down and bring in Kabuto, alive if possible."

"What should we do Naruto-kun," Haku asked, fully dressed in her ninja attire and gear right after the attack started. Like the others she was now wearing a Konoha headband tied around her head.

"Haku-san," Naruto said, "I want you and Shizune-neechan to help any of our injured nins. Both of your medical expertise will be needed if anything."

The Genins looked at Naruto in awe. He wasn't talking like another Genin, rather he was talking as one with authority that the Jounins seemed to respect.

"Who put you in charge," Sasuke asked.

"The fact that I'm the one who discovered and explained the invasion plan to kaa-chan and Sandaime-jiisan two months ago places me in charge here," Naruto replied authoritatively, "So shut up and do as I instruct you and the others!"

Sasuke felt the curse seal trying to act up on him, forcing him to fight against it momentarily. Kakashi was ready to knock Sasuke unconscious if the curse seal got out of hand.

"What are you going to do," Anko asked.

"I'm going after kaa-chan. She was taken by Orochimaru," Naruto answered before he turned and ran off in the direction Orochimaru went into with Yondaime-like speed. The Genins were shocked and astonished at the speed to say the least.

"Was Naruto always this strong and yet held back against us Kakashi-sensei," Sakura asked in disbelief.

"Naruto has always been a surprising ninja for as long as I've known him," Kakashi replied. The others knew the copy-cat cyclops was hiding something but they decided not to press on the subject as everyone went to do as Naruto instructed them. All but Kakashi, Anko and Shizune had many questions running through their heads about Naruto's hidden abilities and the fact that he could execute Yondaime's signature jutsus. But they saw that they weren't going to get the answers now as they went about with what they had to do.

As this was going on, three Konoha ANBU were following after Naruto, the leading one wearing a dull pale white colored hooded cloak, and the other two in down dark gray cloaks. Anko wanted to follow after Naruto since she also had a personal score to settle with her traitorous former sensei. But she placed aside her personal vendetta to take care of other matters that needed her attention.

All the while, the mystery girl had sneaked away unnoticed and left the stadium. While on her way to her next destination, she took out and efficiently killed the Oto ninjas who crossed her path.


Orochimaru, who had already discarded his Kazekage robes and in his actual clothes, by this time had made a very large distance between himself and Konoha, with Tsunade being carried over his shoulders. They were deep in the forest and not another ninja from Konoha was in sight. Several moments later, Orochimaru stopped where he was after reaching a very large and wide hill-like clearing in the forest.

Curse that damn brat, Orochimaru thought, He's more of a problem than I thought.

The Snake Sannin then sensed a presence coming towards him, a strong and fast one.

"That's either Jiraiya, Sarutobi-sensei," Orochimaru said to himself, "Or-"

Orochimaru jumped out of the way when he saw something leap into the air and dash down at him before punching the ground with great force thus making a crater in it.

"You certainly have your mother's insane strength," Orochimaru commented before throwing Tsunade at him. Naruto hurriedly ran and caught Tsunade before they both fell to the ground. Naruto soon got up and lifted Tsunade off him as he pulled out a cloth and wiped the blood from off her face and arms.

"Geez kaa-chan," Naruto remarked, "You'd do well to slow down on the sake and put off some weight."

The reply to that statement was nearly instantaneous when Tsunade's eyes snapped open before bopping Naruto hard on the head.

"Ow," Naruto cried before rubbing his head, "Sheeeesh! What was that for!?"

"Never make snide remarks about a woman's weight or her passion," Tsunade rebuked.

"Even should her passion lead to alcohol poisoning," Naruto mumbled under his breath, only to be bopped on the head again, "Hey knock it off!"

Tsunade snorted before turning her attention to Orochimaru. Naruto too turned and looked at the Snake Sannin whom everyone in Konoha hold the utmost hatred for next to Itachi, two of Konoha's worst S-class traitors.

"Orochimaru," Tsunade spat bitterly.

"Tsunade," Orochimaru replied with a twisted smile, "It's been a long time. Too bad that this little reunion lacks a captive audience."

"Don't worry about that," Naruto retorted, "You'll be long dead before an audience can witness your execution by our hands."

"Mother and child, working together for a common cause," Orochimaru remarked, "Tell me Tsunade, who fathered this child with you."

Tsunade and Naruto tensed on hearing that.

"I've been interested in Naruto for some time after I learned that you had a son," Orochimaru explained, "What always escaped me was the fact that I was never able to decipher who you had a child with since your fiancé had died long ago, and you didn't bare children for him whatsoever. After seeing the jutsu Naruto performed against my men not too long ago, I realized then who his father was; since only someone who's of his bloodline descend can use the Hiraishin, isn't that right son of Namikaze Minato!?"

Naruto and Tsunade's eyes widened when they saw that Orochimaru found out who Naruto's father is.

"Yes, I know about the Hiraishin," Orochimaru continued, "It was one of the very jutsus I can never get a hold of because of how Minato uniquely created it. And the fact that you have a striking resemblance to Minato never did escape my notice. However, I at first couldn't figure out why, since his wife and unborn child died on the night of Kyuubi's attack. So tell me Tsunade, did Jiraiya's former prized student have a secret one-night stand with you despite your age or were you both lovers in secret? It's evident that the Namikaze clan isn't quite extinct yet seeing that you've mothered the last heir of Yondaime."

"I've heard just about enough from you," Tsunade spat distastefully, "And who I had a child with is not your concern!"

"Let's get back to the previous subject that was at hand why don't we," Naruto suggested, "I believe kaa-chan and I were just about to finish you!"

Before either Tsunade or Naruto could do anything, four ninjas popped out from the trees and assumed their positions from four corners in the form of a large square about 80 yards wide at all sides. They were the Otogakure No Shinobi Yonin Shū (Hidden Sound Shinobi Four People), also known as the Sound Four, Orochimaru's elite bodyguards. These Oto shinobis were Tayuya, Jirobi, Kidomaru, and Sakon.

Going through a complex series of hand signs, the four Oto ninja performed a four violet flames battle encampment barrier jutsu called the Shishienjin ("Four Flames Formation"), a box-like barrier around the area of Orochimaru, Tsunade and Naruto. Naruto looked and saw a few birds fly into and touch the barrier only to burst into flames and die instantly. To prevent themselves from being attacked and thus bringing down the barrier, the Sound Four created the same barrier around themselves.

"Goddamn it," Naruto swore when he saw the situation he and his mother were in. The three Konoha ANBU that were following Naruto earlier soon arrived at the scene and saw the situation Tsunade and Naruto were in.

"Tsunade-sama! Naruto-sama!," they yelled out as they ran over to them.

"Don't touch the barrier," Naruto warned, "You'll burst into flames and die if you do."

The three ANBU stopped just two feet away from the barrier. They looked all around and saw that were was no where for them to enter through.

"Looks like we have an audience after all," Orochimaru said. Tsunade and Naruto took note of Orochimaru's calm demeanor in spite of being outnumbered within the barrier.

Stay alert Naruto,' Yondaime warned, 'He's up to something, whatever it is.'

Naruto mentally nodded as he, Tsunade and Orochimaru started focusing chakra around themselves. The ground from underneath them was cracking and particles of dirt and pebbles were rising to the air.

"Don't expect me go easy on you Tsunade just because you're my former teammate," Orochimaru warned.

"I wasn't expecting you to do so," Tsunade retorted, "Nor was I planning on going soft on you either."

"I hope neither you nor your son disappoints me," Orochimaru shot back as he looked at Tsunade and Naruto with strong tension. Naruto and Tsunade likewise looked back at Orochimaru with the same feeling of killing intent as the ground continued cracking with particle floating into the air with their clothes dancing with the movements of the winds being made from their chakra levels rising.

"This is amazing," said the ANBU to the right of the one wearing the pale white cloak.

"It feels like the air is pushing down on us," the ANBU in the pale white cloak who was in the middle of the two besides him. He and the other two observed the three fighters inside the dome. After several moments, which felt like an eternity, Naruto and Tsunade went charging at Orochimaru who went charging at them also. Smiling wickedly, Orochimaru ran through a series of hand seals and stopped running. Tsunade and Naruto then saw and heard him say, "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!"

"What," Tsunade said to herself, being caught off guard by the jutsu being used a purple portal of some sort opened up on the ground in front of Orochimaru.

"Number One," Orochimaru called out as a casket with the kanji for "First" appeared and stood upright.

"What the hell," Naruto said when he saw the casket popped out from out of the ground upright.

"Number Two," Orochimaru called out when another casket with the kanji for "Second" appeared.

"What is this jutsu," Naruto asked out loud, being unfamiliar with the jutsu Orochimaru was using.

"Number Three," Orochimaru said when a three casket emerged from the portal.

"What kind of summoning is this," Naruto thought out loud in bewilderment.

"Number Four," Orochimaru said as the final casket came from out of the ground before the portal closed, this casket being the shortest and standing upright next to the casket that appeared first. Tsunade recognized the four caskets and upon seeing them, she felt as though her heart was in her throat. The Slug Sannin was in pure denial at the horrific realization that dawn on her.

"He did not do what I think he did," Tsunade said with a shaky voice as the four standing caskets' covers gradually fell down onto the ground. Orochimaru, the ANBU, Naruto and Tsunade watched as the covers fell to the ground before four figures became visible from within the caskets. The color of their skin was dull gray and their heads were bent down towards the ground.

"Are those people…," the ANBU in the pale white cloak exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face hidden under his mask.

"Those people…," the ANBU to the right of the one in the middle asked.

"Now what will you do, Tsunade," Orochimaru asked with a warped smile on his face. Tsunade immediately recognized them, as did Naruto who have seen a number of pictures of them. Tsunade seemed to have lost the color in her face as she looked at the four people in front of her.

Moments later they opened their eyes and took a few steps from out of the caskets and stood where they were. One of them, who was the shortest of the four, was a young boy no older than twelve years dressed like a Konoha Genin with medium brown hair standing next to a man with black hair who was geared in black clothes and brownish red armor.

"Nee-chan," the boy said with no emotions as he stopped and stood where he was with the other three standing beside him, "Is that really you? You've grown older."

A man dressed as a Konoha Jounin with long light lavender hair spoke, "Tsunade, it's been such a long time. You look exactly as I remember seeing you. Amazing how time has been gracious to you."

Tsunade at this point was breaking down mentally and emotionally.

"Tsunade," said the oldest of the four with black hair, "My granddaughter, I never thought I'd see you again. You've grown since I last saw you."

"My word Tsunade," said the second oldest who had white hair and geared in black and blue armor, "You've matured into quite a woman. But I don't recognize the one standing next to you. Is that young boy your son I presume?"

"You have a son," the one dressed as a Jounin said with a disbelief looking feature one could make in the zombie-like condition he and the other three were in, "I see that you managed to move on with your life despite my untimely passing. It's ashame that I couldn't have been the one to father and raise a child with you."

"So this young man is my great-grandson," the man with long black hair said, "He looks strong and quite distinguished. From the looks of it, it's clear that you've done quite a job raising your son into quite a shinobi, Tsunade."

Tsunade was sobbing with tears pouring down her face. Naruto couldn't believe what was happening. In front of him and Tsunade were the four men who were important people in Tsunade's life while they were alive many years ago. Tsunade looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown as she spoke, "…I didn't expect to see…any of you…in a form like this. I'm terribly mortified…and I'm so very sorry."

"This is bad," the ANBU in the middle noted, "That summoning technique…"

The other two looked at him.

"Who are those four," the one to the right ask.

"Shodaime-sama, Nidaime-sama," Naruto acknowledged, "Nawaki-jisan, Dan-san."

The ANBU gasped in shock at this revelation.

"Yes," the ANBU in the middle confirmed, "The one with black hair is Shodaime-sama, Tsunade-sama's grandfather. The one with white hair is Nidaime-sama, Tsunade's granduncle. Both have been praised as the best ninjas of their time, and they're the Hokages who built Konoha to what it is today. And the kid with them is Nawaki, Tsunade-sama's kid brother and the one with lavender hair is Dan, her late fiancé from what I've heard."

(Back Inside The Dome)

"Edo Tensei, eh," Nidaime said as he turned to his older brother Shodaime, "This kid summoned us with a kinjutsu? (The four caskets fell to the ground with a thud) Quite a guy."

"If that's the case," Shodaime said as he turned to Tsunade and Naruto, "Then Tsunade, we must fight both you and your son."

"You twisted bastard," Naruto called Orochimaru, "I'll kill you before this is all over!"

"Enough chitchat," Orochimaru said feeling confident at that the outcome was now in his favor, "It's time we get this started. Isn't that right Godaime?"

This title caught the attention of all four of them.

"Godaime," Nawaki said, "So you became Hokage and claimed grandfather's title in my place. It sucks that I was killed before I was able to fulfill my dreams of becoming Hokage."

"Tsunade," Dan said, "You're Hokage? Since we didn't live long enough to live out our dreams, I see that you've live out our dreams in our place."

Dan and Nawaki then saw the necklace around Naruto's neck.

"Nee-chan," Nawaki said, "My nephew is wearing grandfather's necklace; the same necklace you gave me on my birthday. So becoming Hokage is his dream too?"

This same revelation came to Dan as well though he said nothing.

"That matters not right now," Orochimaru cut in, "You four have more important things to do."

"I see that in all periods," Shodaime said, "There is war."

"But you enjoy war don't you," Orochimaru chuckled with a twisted smile as he walked up to the four of them from behind with four kunais with red seal tags attached to them in his hands, each seal tag designated and prepared for each one of the ninjas he summoned.

"Mocking the dead like that…," Tsunade said bitterly with tears still streaming down her face, "Nothing good comes out of trifling with time."

Orochimaru just smile darkly at her though he wasn't paying much attention to Naruto however. And speaking of the blonde male, Naruto was feeling pure hatred and rage coursing through him; as his blue eyes were changing back and forth from normal to red with cat-like slits in the middle. A pair of three facial whiskers was gradually appearing on his cheeks though not strongly visible while his fangs slowly started growing longer inside his mouth.

Damn it Naruto,' Yondaime yelled while trying to help keep Kyuubi's influence at bay, 'Get a hold of yourself! You can't fight if your mind is clouded with uncontrolled primal fury!'

"Nee-chan," Nawaki said, "I'm afraid we have to kill both you and your son."

Four people who had major impacts on Tsunade's life have been summoned and brought back by Orochimaru for the sole purpose of fighting and killing both her and Naruto. How will things turn out for the mother and son pair in this twisted and tragic family reunion?