Chapter Thirty-Two: Battle For Konoha

(In Another Part Of Konoha)

"Come on kids we have to get away from here and to safety," Iruka said directing the academy kids to a safe sanctuary location, "This is not a drill. Let's move quickly and quietly."

The other Chuunins were directing the civilians in the crowd who were going in the same direction as the children. Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon were among the children and crowd being led to safety, as were Ayame and her father Teuchi.

"What do you suppose is going to happen Konohamaru-chan," Moegi asked as she and Udon hugged and held onto Konohamaru.

"I don't know," Konohamaru admitted but became confident, "But I'm sure that my grandfather will protect us, as will Naruto-niichan. They're strong, I know it. Whatever happens they'll come through for us."

"That's right," Ayame agreed, "You kids don't have anything to worry about. Nothing bad will happen to us. The shinobis of our village will defend all of us from danger."

A moment later, Anko arrived at the where Iruka and the other Chuunins were gathering all of the children and civilians to safety.

"How's the evacuation and crowd control going," Anko asked as she hurried over to Iruka.

"So far so good," Iruka replied, "Most of the civilians and children have already been evacuated and placed in designated sanctuaries around the village. The few who are left are being gathered as we speak. Once that stage is complete, we'll use all of our forces and eliminate the enemy!"

That was when Iruka, Anko and the other Konoha ninjas with them were met with an ambush from the attacking Oto ninjas.

"You think you can get away from us that easily," one of the Oto ninjas said before he and his fellow Oto ninjas threw shurikens toward the children and civilians.

"Shit," Anko cursed before she quickly did some hand signs and countered, "Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)."

Acting fast, Anko projected a number of snakes from her wrists to stop the shurikens before turning on the enemies to injure, poison or constrict them.

"Hurry and get everyone out of here," Anko yelled to Iruka who nodded and did as advised. While this was going on, Anko took the fight to the enemies.

"I'm in the mood for some blood," Anko smirked, "Who wishes to quench my thirst?!"

"The only thirst I'll quench will be that of my sword with the blood of your own," one of the Oto ninjas shot back as he and the other charged at Anko. The Snake Jounin effectively killed a number of the shinobis coming at her but soon she was being out-powered. Iruka came and aided her as best as he could but was eventually wounded in the shoulder by one of the Oto ninjas.

"Idiot," Anko remarked as she pulled Iruka away from the fight though she sustained injuries of her own, "I thought I told you to get the people out of here!"

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance," said a new female voice before she shouted, "Supirito Sutoraiku No Jutsu (Spirit Strike Technique)!"

The armored female warrior summoned four mystical fox spirits that were imbued with the elemental powers of fire, water, wind and lightning. The mystical foxes obeyed woman's voice as they went and fought for her. The fiery fox blazed against the invaders. The combined elemental assaults resulted in the many deaths of the attacking Oto nins.

"Wh…Who are you," a stunned Iruka asked yellow, black and purple armored woman.

"I am Sakuya," Sakuya answered, "I was summoned and sent here by Naruto-sama to provide you with coverfire and protection."

"Your timing couldn't be any better," Anko said as she helped Iruka over to where the others were.

"Iruka-sensei," Konohamaru cried out when he saw that his Academy teacher was wounded, "Are you OK?

"I'm fine Konohamaru," Iruka assured, "Nothing a medic-nin can't fix."

"Go," Sakuya ordered, "I'll hold off the enemies! Get yourself and the others out of here!"

"Who are you," Konohamaru asked, not recognizing the stranger.

"Re-enforcement Naruto sent to aid us," Iruka said, "Let's get out of here now!"

"I told you Naruto-niichan would come through for us," Konohamaru cheered confidently as he and his friends followed Iruka and Anko as they left together with the rest of the children and civilians, leaving Sakuya to deal with the Oto nins coming at her. Holding her golden staff, Sakuya charged into the direction from where the enemy ninjas were coming before dealing death blows to them. She also used her staff to make two pink rings around herself which were then shot at the enemies.

(Meanwhile At Konoha Hospital)

Shizune, Haku and the Jounins with them were warring against the Oto ninjas attempting to kill everyone at the hospital. Finding a fire hydrant, Haku ran over to it and started forming one-handed seals.

"Hijutsu: Sensatsu Suishō (Secret Technique: Flying Water Needles)," Haku called and the water burst from the hydrant and rose up and turned to ice needles. The needles flew at the Oto ninjas, striking them with deadly efficiency. Soon more Oto and Suna ninjas started flying in and surrounded the girl.

"Time to die," said one of the Oto shinobis.

"If you wish it, so be it. I will not let you kill anyone Naruto-kun and I regard as precious people," Haku said as she performed a different set of hand seals, "Hijutsu: Makyō Hyoushō (Secret Technique: Demonic Ice Mirrors)."

The water from the hydrant rose up and formed mirrors of ice arranged into a sphere around the invading ninjas. Having them trapped inside the dome, Haku wasted no time in slaughtering them while moving speedily through her mirrors.

"Go now and get everyone in the hospital to somewhere safe," Shizune said to Ebisu, "I'll stay and help Haku fight against our attackers."

Ebisu nodded as he and a few other Jounins went to do as instructed. Shizune then turned to the invaders in front of her.

"We have you trapped," said one of the Oto ninjas, "There's nowhere for you to run!

"I had no intentions of running," Shizune retorted as she went perform some hand seals and formed a chakra scalpel in her hand and charged forward, using it to cut through the hearts of some of the Oto and Suna nins that came at her. Doing another set of hand seals, she yelled, "Dokugiri!"

Out of her mouth, a huge cloud of purple poison came and blanketed the area, killing many of the Oto and Suna ninjas who breathed in the gas. After the gas cleared, Haku ran over to Shizune.

"Are you alright," Haku asked.

"Just fine," Shizune assured, "Let's get everyone out of here while we're in the clear!"

Nodding, Haku hurried with Shizune to help get the remaining few at hospital to their designated safe sanctuary. It wasn't long until the evacuation was complete, allowing Konoha forces to go on a full counterstrike against their enemies.

(In Another Part Of Konoha)

The Oto and Suna ninjas who were still on Orochimaru's side were being dealt with by the Konoha ANBU and Jounins.

"You're not getting a step further," said a masked purple-haired ANBU woman after she and her fellow ANBU hurled multiple shurikens and kunais at the oncoming invaders.

(In Konoha Forest)

"What are you waiting for," said one of the Suna ninjas, "He's just one man!"

Hyuuga Hiashi, with his Byakugan activated and the Kaiten, took out and killed the group of ninjas with ease that thought they had him surrounded.

"The Hyuugas are the strongest in Konoha," Hiashi stated, "Remember that!"

(Elsewhere In Konoha)

Nara Shikaku, bound the Suna shinobis under his grasp with his Kage Shibari No Jutsu (Shadow Bind Technique) and with the next part of his jutsu, Kage Kubi Shibari No Jutsu (Shadow Neck Bind Technique), he had shadow hands grow from the shadow binds he had them in and strangled them to death.

Akimichi Chouza, converting his body fat into chakra by using his Baiku No Jutsu (Multi-Size Technique), turned into a giant and with his staff he batted, swapped and crushed the Oto ninjas under his feet.

Yamanaka Inoichi with the use of his Shinranshin No Jutsu (Mind Confusion Technique), caused the Suna and Oto ninjas he was fighting against to turn on each other against their will and kill each other.

For the Ino-Chou-Shika trio, it was like old times during their younger days.

(On The Building Rooftops)

Inuzuka Tsume and her dog companion Kuromaru, along with her daughter Hana (age 18), a Jounin and veterinarian, charged at the Suna shinobis on the building rooftops. Hana's canine companions, which were running alongside her, were called the Haimaru Sankyodai (Haimaru Three Brothers also known as Haimaru Triplets).

"Let's go Kuromaru," Tsume yelled as she charged forward with her large dark gray and white dog with an eye patch over it's right eye following alongside her.

"Sure thing," Kuromaru replied in a dog language the Inuzuka clan understood.

(In Another Part Of Konoha Forest)

Abumare Shibi and his clan members used their colony of kikai bugs to drain the chakra from the invading ninjas and leaving them unable to use their arms and other parts of their bodies, thus making them open to be easily slaughtered.

"Sometimes your worst enemies are the smaller creatures many don't pay attention to," Shibi remarked emotionlessly before retracting his kikai bugs back to him. He and his fellow clan members then ran off to handle the other invaders.

(Outside Konoha Stadium)

Gai, Kakashi and their teams were still fighting off the Suna and Oto ninjas. They were fighting together against them but they got separated during the fight and were getting out numbered.

Lee used his Reverse Lotus and Gōken (Strong Fist, a.k.a. Iron Fist Taijutsu Style) to deal with the enemies coming at him while Tenten pulled out her scroll and rained out multiple types of weapons upon the enemy ninjas. Though Neji wasn't among them because of the condition Naruto placed him in earlier however, the two Genins were still able to hold their grounds against their attackers as they covered each other's backs.

Sasuke, resorting to the Sharingan and the skills and fire jutsus from his clan and the jutsus he learned from Kakashi, handled the invaders with fast moving speed. Sai, drawing things with a brush on his scroll, brought his creations to life, giving them an increased size and the ability to move. With his Sumi Bunshin (Ink Clone) and his Chōjū Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Picture), Sai battled against the mixed company of Suna and Oto nins. Sakura was injured by one of the Suna ninjas before Sai came and used a Chōjū Giga to kill the Suna ninja before he could finish Sakura.

I should go and get back up with Kakashi, Gai thought to himself, The enemies have us out numbered.

Gai battled through the numbers of invaders and reunited with Kakashi to regain the upper hand. No matter how many it was they were not going to beat Gai and Kakashi at the same time.

"Kakashi," Gai said, "They have numbers as their advantage."

"Then let's turn it up a notch," said a new feminine voice, "Kitsune Fūin Kami No Jutsu (Fox Sealing Paper Technique)!"

That was when hundreds of magical, red spell papers came flying and attached to the invading Suna and Oto shinobis, bounding to them momentarily before they all exploded in fiery explosions. The enemy shinobis were killed from the surprise attack, leaving the Konoha nins baffled at what just happened.

"Who or what just helped us," Tenten asked.

"I did," Tao replied as she jumped from one of the roofs and down to the ground over to them. The fox-like features of the humanoid newcomer dressed in ceremonial battle garbs and mask didn't go unnoticed by the Konoha nins.

"Naruto-sama summoned and sent my older sister and me here to help against the invasion," Tao added.

"Naruto-kun did that," Lee asked in amazement, "But how-"

"A summoning contract," Sai answered for him, "Seeing the kitsune features, it's clear to say that he possesses a contract with foxes."

Tao nodded wordlessly. Kakashi confirmed, "Yes, Naruto is the youngest shinobi in this village with a summoning contract."

The Genins with the exception of Sai were shocked at hearing this news. Sasuke asked, "How was it that Naruto was given such a contract?"

"That'll be explained later," Kakashi simply remarked.

"For the time being," Tao interjected, "We have an invasion to stop! Sansukurito Pen Furashu No Jutsu (Sanskrit Pen Flash Technique)!"

A large, magical calligraphy brush emerged from Tao's long sleeves. Holding the brush, she flew into the air and painted a mystical symbol into the air, which released beams of pure light energy at one of the massive brown snakes, taking out the large reptilian beast on contact. She repeated this pattern on several other giant brown snakes clearing the way for Kakashi, Gai and their teams.

"C'mon," Tao said as she charged forward with Kakashi and the others following close by. Though Gai and the Genins had many questions as to how Naruto obtained a summoning contract to summon this powerful warrior, for the most part, they were happy that she was on their side.


Kurenai, Asuma and their team of Genins were having their fair share in battling against the Oto ninjas. For them it seemed like the more they fight, twice the number of invaders came their way. Kurenai placed several of them in a genjutsu where they ended up killing each other by accident because they confused each other for the enemy. However some who saw through the genjutsu canceled it out and continued their battle with the Jounins.

Asuma was using his trench knives (brass knuckles with a blade on one end, similar to kerambit) made of a special metal that's capable of being infused with chakra. With his Hien (Flying Swallow), he extended the blades with his chakra to injure and take out enemies several feet out of the physical blade's range.

"They don't know when to give up," Asuma remarked as he dealt another death hand to several more Oto ninjas, "They just keep on coming!"

"I know," Kurenai agreed, "But we won't let up now!"

"I said nothing about letting up," Asuma replied, "I'm getting a thrill out of thrashing these weaklings!"

Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji worked together with their respective familial jutsus and dealt with the Oto ninjas coming at them. Shikamaru bounded some of them with his Kage Shibari No Jutsu while Ino used Shintenshin No Jutsu (Mind Body Switch Technique) to momentarily infiltrate the minds of a couple of the enemies to have them immobilized, thus allowing Chouji to turned into a Nikudan Sensha (Human Meat Tank), a jutsu that allows him to tuck his limbs inside his increased mass and roll and plunge into the enemies at rapid speed.

"Byakugan," Hinata said before she began her counter assault against the invading shinobis, "Shugo Hakke Rokujūyon Sho!"

Hinata started spinning with incredible speed with her outstretched hands moving at a speed that was completely blur-like in many directions seeming at the same time. The Oto ninjas who were unfortunate to have been in her path suffered from severe bone breakages and internal bleedings that resulted from extensive blood vessel breakages.

"Jūjin Bunshin (Beast Human Clone)," Kika yelled out. This was a modified version of a henge jutsu, which allows a user to transform their animal companion into a perfect copy of themselves.

"Shikyaku No Jutsu (Four Legs Technique)," Kiba said. This jutsu gave some increase of strength and speed to Kiba and Akamaru, as well as lengthening their nails into claws.

"Gatsūga (Double Piercing Fang)," Kiba yelled out as he and Akamaru started spinning together at a ferocious speed and delivering many powerful beast-like attacks when contact was made with their target enemies. The force of this attack is strong enough to drill through stone and the results when used against humans were rather devastating as enemies ninjas were sent flying in multiple directions after being brutally assaulted and torn up.

Shino sent his kikai bugs in a large swarm against the ninjas he had to deal with. With his bugs, Shino used them to sever their limbs and completely drain their bodies of all of their chakra, thus effectively killing them.

(At Another Sector Of Konoha)

Gaara, in his giant tanuki form, battled with the giant snakes without showing any signs mercy as he blasted and power-droved through the snakes with his fuuton (wind release) attacks. Some he slashed with his huge clawed arms and others he trampled with his feet.

Temari, standing on top of one of the roofs of a building, used her Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Cutting Whirlwind Technique) and her more powerful Daikamaitachi No Jutsu (Great Cutting Whirlwind Technique) to create slicing whirlwinds against the Oto ninjas. Because she could guide these forces with her chakra, she easily used them to attack her opponents from great distances.

With her fan, she created tornadoes, and with her Fuuton: Tatsu no Oshigoto (Wind Release: Severing Pressure) she trapped her enemies and cut them up in the process. In addition, with her fan she used it to catch opponents off guard, and with her Fūsajin No Jutsu (Dust Wind Technique) she created a wind current to blanket the area in dust, making it difficult for the enemies to stand once it has settled, thus making them easy targets to take out.

Kankuro the puppeteer Suna shinobi, with the use of his puppets, battled against the Oto ninjas, poisoning and killing many who came his way. Baki was close by using his Kaze No Yaiba (Wind Blade) with fight and kill the Oto ninjas who wanted them dead for turning against them.

(Meanwhile In The Distant Forest)

Orochimaru was smiling sinisterly with the four kunais in his hands tied with fudas (special seal tags). In front of him were the resurrected Shodai, Nidaime, Nawaki and Dan. A couple of distances away from the five of them were Naruto and Tsunade who were looking on at the scene before them.

"Now, let's begin," Orochimaru said, "But before that, I need those four to return to their true forms. Please get ready, Tsunade, Naruto."

Going over to them, Orochimaru pushed each of the kunais into the backs of their heads. The Snake Sannin took pleasure in seeing the look on Tsunade's face as she watched him shove the kunais into all of their heads from behind. When that task was done, Orochimaru took a few steps back before a burst of white steam came from out of the four of them as texture and complexion was being restored to them.

"Amazing," the ANBU in the middle said, "As we speak life is returning to them."

"What is this jutsu," the ANBU to the right asked. The one in the middle explained, "Edo Tensei (Reincarnation Into The Impure World); an S-rank kinjutsu kuchiyose (forbidden summoning technique). From what I heard about this jutsu, it revives the dead. Though kuchiyose normally involves the use of the caster's blood as compensation for summoning; Edo Tensei however is different. The ninja will first sacrifice a living person to provide the vessel that the dead soul will inhabit."

"What," the ANBU to the right retorted, "You mean those were live hosts?"

"Yes," the ANBU in the middle confirmed, "The dead body will then be incased in ash and dirt to resemble the soul of the person that was resurrected. When the ninja wishes to recall the souls, a portal will open in the ground and the caskets holding the bodies will appear. When the caskets open the bodies will be grey and in a state of minor decay.

"At this point the dead souls are able to remember their past life, but they are at the command of the one who summoned them. One final act will fully wipe out their conscious and make them under the command of the one who summoned them. The ninja will place a fuda of some form into the heads of the bodies. This will then virtually restore the bodies and make the summoned persons into pure killing puppets."

Though he was at a distance, Naruto was able to hear the ANBU's explanation of the jutsu Orochimaru had used.

"Complete," Orochimaru said as he watched Tsunade fall to her hands and knees with tears pouring down her face as she continued weeping bitterly. Her greatest dream was now corrupted and turned into her worst nightmare.

"All of you…look exactly…the way you used to look…," Tsunade cried and sobbed with a broken heart, "Exactly how…I remember all of you…"

"Isn't it wonderful Tsunade," Orochimaru mocked cruelly, "Aren't you anticipating the satisfaction of being able to battle and hurt the very ones you once called "beloved"? I know how much you loved and missed Nawaki and Dan especially, and I couldn't think of a better way of reuniting you with them other than on this day during this event. I wanted you to personally suffer that happiness and joy of such a reunion along with your grandfather and granduncle.

"And since your son is here with you, you get the added bonus of suffering this very happiness and joy with him. I specially prepared this familial reunion for you. (Placed his hands together forming a hand sign) So please, enjoy."

That was when the four resurrected ninjas started walking away from Orochimaru and pass their caskets and over towards Tsunade and Naruto. And speaking of Naruto, he was having problems controlling Kyuubi's influence as his rage was getting the better of him. Red chakra started engulfing him as a feral growl escaped the blonde's mouth as his eyes turned red with black slits in his eyes. His fangs grew longer and sharper and his facial whiskers were jagged and pronounced while his fingers grew longer and sharp claws. Tsunade was too deep into her misery to pay attention to what was happening to her son.

"Naruto-sama is undergoing a transformation," the ANBU to the left took note of, "What jutsu is this?"

"This is no jutsu," the ANBU in the middle corrected, "This is the result of that 'thing' sealed into his right hand."

"You mean…," the ANBU to the left said as the one in the middle nodded. The three of them were among the few ANBU who knew the truth about Kyuubi being sealed away and who Naruto's father was.

"For as long as I've watched the boy grow," the ANBU in the middle continued, "That creature has never been able to make itself that manifest since the seal on Naruto-sama's hand kept the creature under control. In the emotional state both Tsunade-sama and Naruto-sama are in, it might make things more complicated."

Shodaime's eyes fell on Naruto and upon seeing the changes he was undergoing, he immediately ran through a complex series of hand signs. When he was done, he rushed at the blonde speedily with his right hand that now had the kanji for "Sit" on his palm.

"Hokage Shiki Jijjuun Jutsu! Kaku'an Nitten-Shuishu," Shodai cried out as she rushed passed Tsunade and straight into Naruto, slamming his right hand hard into Naruto chest. Naruto gave a cry of immense pain before falling down on his knees and hand with holding his chest with his free hand as he felt Kyuubi's presence and chakra being completely suppressed as he was changing back to normal, with his facial whiskers also disappearing off his face. The crystal around Naruto's neck glowed and attached to Shodai's right hand like in the form of a chakra chain allowing Shodai to effectively shut down Kyuubi's influence. When he was done, the shine radiating from the crystal died out, as did the chakra chain that was attached to Shodai's right hand. Both the ANBU and Orochimaru were taken by surprise by what just transpired.

"You're the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Kitsune," Shodaime said, causing Orochimaru's ears to immediately perk up on hearing that.

That brat is the container of Kyuubi No Kitsune, Orochimaru thought in surprise, So that bijuu wasn't killed after all. Yondaime sealed that creature into the body of his own son with Tsunade. Things are getting interesting, especially since the Akatsuki are after all nine bijuus.

"It's unreal," the ANBU in the left remarked, "He managed to subdue and cancel out Kyuubi's chakra and potent influence with no difficulty!"

"I know," the ANBU in the middle agreed, "Shodaime-sama possess the ability to control the powers of bijuus and the crystal which Naruto-sama wears around his neck responds to Shodai's chakra alone. With it, he can control the Jinchuuriki's powers, which he now neutralized. Those powers were among the reasons why he became Hokage."

Naruto acknowledged that the ANBU was telling the truth. He saw that he could neither sense Kyuubi's presence nor was he able to call upon Kyuubi's chakra.

He completely neutralized Kyuubi's chakra flow through my body, Naruto acknowledged, knowing that this battle was now going to become even harder. The blonde ninja wasn't prepared for the brute roundhouse kick that the Shodaime delivered to the left side of his head, sending his spiraling through the air before crashing onto the ground some distance away from him. Recovering from the assault, Naruto saw Nidaime run up the hill before coming his way with Dan following close by.

"Tsunade-sama," the ANBU in the pale white cloak called out, "They may look like them, but they're not your true grandfather, granduncle, kid brother and fiancé!"

The ANBU's words fell on deaf ears as Tsunade stood there on her hands and knees as a broken woman before Nawaki approached and stood in front of her.

"Na…Nawaki…," Tsunade said lowly to him in hopes that her kid brother would hear her voice and remember her as she looked at him, "It's me…your neechan…Please don't do this…"

Sad to say, her hopes were met with a cruel reality when Nawaki gave her a cold and emotionless look before he clenched his fist and and punched her hard in the face. Though a Genin, Tsunade, during her younger days, had taught Nawaki a few things about chakra control and using it to amplify physical attacks. While Tsunade was on the ground, Nawaki went and started punching, kicking and stomping on Tsunade's form harshly as Tsunade did nothing to either evade or prevent the assaults, being too saddened to fight back.

"Shit," Naruto cursed in frustration, "Kaa-chan won't listen to reasoning! She's totally out of it!"

Naruto evaded the kunais that were thrown at him from Dan as Nidaime came speedily from the side down the hill from the right and flipped over him and dashed straight at him from the left. Nidaime sent a volley of fast punches and swinging hand chops before he jumped and tried to swing kick Naruto. The blonde however caught the leg before it made contact with his head and started spinning Nidaime in circles before throwing him into Shodaime. However, Nidaime managed to regain his control and somersaulted backwards before landing down on his hands then gracefully on his feet as he stood up.

Dan rushed at Naruto with his kunai in hand and threw several slashes of his kunai at him. The blond-haired shinobi dodged the attacks before using his Godaime-like strength to punch Dan away from him and over to where Nidaime and Shodai were. Naruto then ran and charged into Nawaki and body-crashed into the Genin, sending him flying backwards toward the other three ninjas. Shodai caught his grandson before he hit the ground.

"Get ready," Naruto said as she run through a series of hand seals Sandaime taught him some time ago, "Katon: Karyū Endan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile)!"

Taking in a large gasped of air Naruto exhaled a stream of fire from his mouth and straight at the four of them. Orochimaru chuckled sinisterly as he watched the battle from a safe distance. While blazing the fires against them, Naruto focused his wind affinity into his attack to intensify the flames until the fire turned white. This in effect caused the temperature to rise rapidly inside the dome while a section of the ground began melting into molten rocks and gravel.

"Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Wall)," Nidaime yelled out as he formed a few hand seals and blasted a powerful geyser of freezing cold water from out of his mouth and created a giant protective tornado of water around the four of them, countering and dousing the intense flames Naruto as blasting at them and neutralizing the forming lava and heat made from Naruto's attack.

"Huh," Naruto could only say as he stopped his attack while the spinning water cyclone completely cancelled out his attack.

"It can't be," the ANBU in pale white remarked in shock, "He used such a high level water element jutsu in a place with no water! Unbelievable!"

The water cyclone eventually died down revealing Nidaime and the other three with him unharmed.

"It's to be expected from a previous Hokage," Orochimaru remarked as Nidaime placed his hands together in a prayer form and said, "Suiton: Suishōha (Water Release: Water Shockwave)!"

Summoning a large body of water, he aimed it at Tsunade and Naruto, seeking to drown and crush them at once. With a warrior outcry, Nidaime sent the massive body of water at them. Seeing the danger, Naruto formed another hand seal Sandaime taught him and said, "Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth Wall)!"

Naruto spat a stream of mud that solidified into a large and high protective shield before the waters came and plunged against and around the wall of hardened mud.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Naruto said before a clone puffed into existence. The clone picked up and carried Tsunade bridal style before moving away from the battle site while the real Naruto was left to deal with the four ninjas who were speedily making their way over to him as Orochimaru stood where he was in an air tube inside the waters watching the fight and Tsunade's despair in amusement.

Shodaime and Dan charged across the surface of the water to double-team Naruto. The blonde made his way over to his attackers and while standing on top of the water, he held his ground and spat fire missiles from out of his mouth and straight into their direction. Shodaime effectively deflected all of Naruto's attacks as he dashed at a fast speed on top of the water towards Naruto. Shodaime, being one who favors close range combat, met up with Naruto and engaged in a fierce and brute taijutsu combat with the young teen.

Catching Naruto off guard by splashing water into his face, Shodaime spun and with a strong fist punched Naruto hard in the face, leaving him in momentarily dazed before giving him additional punches as hard as the previous one before jumping and delivering a roundhouse kick into him, sending him flying backwards off his feet.

Dan appeared from behind and attempted to strike Naruto from a blind spot with his kunai in hand. However Naruto managed to catch himself and kick Dan into the waters while using him as the needed momentum to flip forward and get back on his feet before blocking Shodai's punch that seemed to have came from out of nowhere. The two traded blows but with amazing speed before Shodaime overpowered him and punched him into a mud wall. Naruto quickly got out of his daze and dodged another punch from Shodai as Nawaki came from the left with his two kunais and attempted drive them deep into Naruto's skull.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Nawaki said as two solid clones came into existence and ran alongside him, one to his left and the other to his right.

"Nawaki-jisan knows Kage Bushin," Naruto said to himself in surprise, "Something kaa-chan failed to mention."

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Dan said as four solid clones came to life with two at each side of him.

"Give me a break," Naruto groaned as the Dan, Nawaki and their clones came and started fighting with him. Naruto couldn't afford to use Hiraishin since he used a large portion of his chakra earlier to perform that jutsu back at the stadium, along the summoning jutsu he used to bring forth Sakuya and Tao to help the others back in Konoha.

I'll have to work with what I got, Naruto thought to himself before leaping into the air and throwing some shurikens at Dan, Nawaki and Shodaime and did some seals.

"Kage Shuriken Bunshin No Jutsu," Naruto called out before hundreds of shurikens flew towards them. The clones were effectively taken out; however Dan, Nawaki and Shodai shushin'd from the danger and reappeared twenty feet away from where the shurikens made their hits. Nidaime appeared from under the waters and pulled Naruto down with the use of water-made tentacles and into the waters, forcing the blonde to battle for oxygen which was being deprived from him. Nidaime held onto Naruto with a vice-like grip as the blonde struggled to break free while trying to hold his breath.

Goddamn it, Naruto swore, Kaa-chan and jiisan had told me about how my great grandfather and great granduncle fought back then. But taking on the both of them with Dan and Nawaki in the state of mind kaa-chan is in makes this a nearly impossible battle to win! And with Kyuubi's chakra canceled out and suppressed because of that jutsu my great grandfather used on me, I can't heal as fast, if at all…

Gathering and shaping chakra into his hand, Naruto formed the Rasengan and thrust it backwards into Nidaime's face, forcing him to let go of his grip. Thrusting through the waters, Naruto burst forth to the surface and gasped for air before jumping and climbing the wall until he was on top of it. Naruto then turned to see his clone dealing with Dan and Nawaki who were trying to make their way to Tsunade, who was anything but mentally and emotionally stable.

"This is getting ugly," Naruto remarked before powerful water beams came blasting from the waters and into and through the wall, causing large portions of the wall of break off and fall to the ground. Nidaime wasted no time and firing his attacks at the blonde shinobi, seeking to strike the boy with one of his water missiles as they just kept on coming. Seeing portions of the wall were crumbling, Naruto jumped down to the ground while evading the falling gravel crashing onto the ground as the waters dispensed and dried out.

Naruto however was thrown off his feet and down to the ground when Tsunade was punched and sent flying into his direction as a result of Shodaime dealing and taking out his kage bushin. The young blonde saw that Tsunade was no longer in her green robe and that she had sustained a series of bruises and slashes from being triple teamed by Dan, Nawaki and Shodaime.

"Kaa-chan," Naruto said very worried as he pulled Tsunade over him protectively, "Kaa-chan, answer me! Are you alright?"

Naruto's words met no reply. A moment later, Naruto saw that tree branches were starting to grow from out of the ground. With widened eyes, Naruto gulped upon realizing what that jutsu was.

"This is bad," Naruto acknowledged, "The hijutsu (secret jutsu) of my great grandfather."

Naruto bit down hard on his thumb until it bled.

"Mokuton Hijutsu (Secret Tree Element Technique)," Shodai said as he focused his chakra with his hands clasped together, causing the trees and branches to grow faster and stronger at a rapid rate, "Jukai Kōtan (Birth Of The Trees)."

Carrying Tsunade bridal style, Naruto held her protectively as the trees grew all around from under him, with many of the large branches growing through the earth wall he made earlier. The blonde surfed around the braches trying to evade the tentacle-like branches trying to grab both him and Tsunade. Shodai gave a battle cry as he amplified his jutsu. Soon many of those branches were coming at them and Naruto resorted to using his speed to escape the branches. But in an encased environment, one can only get so far as he and Tsunade were eventually captured and bounded with tree branches.

"Chakra was converted into a source of life," said the same ANBU in the pale white cloak, "Truly amazing. This must be the Tree Element Technique of Shodaime-sama, the man who ended the era of wars and created Konoha. It's truly amazing!"

Orochimaru stepped over to where Naruto and Tsunade were being held high in the trees. The four resurrected shinobis stood next to Snake Sannin as they looked up at their captured fighters.

"I have you both trapped now," Orochimaru smiled sinisterly, which was returned with a venomous snarl from Naruto.

(Back In Konoha)

The invading forces were being handled with brutal efficiency. Sandaime, Enma and Jiraiya took care of all the enemy ninjas on their sides before hurrying to regroup and help the others back in the village. Upon arriving, both the Hokage and Toad Sannin saw that their ninjas and the Suna ninjas who sided with them besides Gaara and his team had the situation under control. The three of them soon met up with Kakashi and the other Jounins and Genins after they had regrouped together.

"What's the current situation," Sandaime asked.

"We managed to rid the village of most of the invading forces," Asuma answered, "And the few that remain are being dealt with as we speak."

Sandaime nodded.

"We were also helped by a summoned female fox-like kunoichi who provided us with back-up," Lee spoke up, "She said she was sent from Naruto-kun and left after she did what she came to do."

"Another fox-like kunoichi came and helped Iruka and I as well," Anko added in, "Like the one this gaki mentioned, she was also sent by Naruto. She left also after her work here was done."

"A summoning contract with foxes," Asuma said in surprise, "I never heard of such a contract. How did Naruto acquire it?"

"Never mind that for now," Jiraiya interjected, "Where's Tsunade-hime and Naruto now?"

"Tsunade-sama was taken by Orochimaru," Kakashi spoke up, "Naruto went in pursuit of him after he effortlessly wiped out most of the ninjas in the stadium."

"In which direction did he go," Sandaime asked with absolute seriousness in his tone.

"He headed east some time ago," Anko replied, "But we have no idea how far they went."

"So Naruto went to take on Orochimaru on his own," Sandaime said, "Jiraiya and I will hurry and try to get to him and Tsunade as fast as possible!"

"But what about us," Ino interjected, "Can't we come and-"

"You can do what you can here," Sandaime retorted seriously, "Orochimaru is a Sannin and none of you here except Jiraiya and myself can handle him!"

"Then why was Naruto allowed to go after him in the first place," Kiba asked angrily though worry was in his voice, "Why didn't Kakashi-sensei and the other Jounins stop him from chasing after Orochimaru if that's the case!?"

Sasuke was about to add his two cents into the argument when…

"Because Naruto is the only person of your age group who can go toe-on-toe with Sarutobi-sensei and us Sannins on even grounds," Jiraiya admitted, seeing no point in hiding the truth anymore, "He's the youngest Kage-level shinobi of this village."

Hearing those words didn't sit well with Sasuke one bit and once again the curse seal started acting up. Sasuke held his neck in pain as he struggled to control the seal's influence. Kakashi took note of this and prepared to deal with Sasuke should he get out of hand. The other Genins and Jounins except Anko and Kakashi were stupefied on learning this revelation about Naruto. Before more questions could be asked…

"Listen," Sandaime said recapturing everyone's attention, "Everything will be explained in more details later. Right now, I want you Genins here to stay and help where you can. Kakashi, Anko, gather the available Jounins and ANBU Back Ops and have them meet up with Jiraiya and myself! We'll be going after Orochimaru and retrieve Tsunade and Naruto. Understood?!"

"Hai Sandaime-sama," Kakashi and Anko said in unison as they went and did as instructed. While Sandaime was giving additional orders to the Genins, Jiraiya thought back to the picture frame that cracked in his hands earlier in his apartment…

Somehow, Jiraiya thought as he looked into the direction Orochimaru took Tsunade before Naruto went in pursuit of them, I have bad feeling that our victory will not come without sacrifice…

Things are heating up! Sandaime, Jiraiya and the others plan on heading to where Tsunade and Naruto are to provide them with assistance. Will they make it in time, especially since Naruto and Tsunade are facing some difficult familial problems? And will Jiraiya's disturbing premonition become a reality? Stick around to find out what'll happen next.

Hokage Shiki Jijjuun Jutsu! Kaku'an Nitten-Shuishu (Hokage Style Submission Technique! Kaku-an's Enlightenment Return!)