Chapter Thirty-Five: Kinjutsu Ougi! Fuchi Fuujin!

A/N: One reviewer asked how does Ryota looks like since I never actually described her facial features. For Ryota, think of Sango from the anime Inuyasha, only with long dark brown hair that flowed freely down her back and over her shoulders.

To answer a question from another reviewer, in the manga, earth based jutsus and earth affinity are said to be weak and useless against lightning based jutsus and lightning affinity. That's why Deidara's clay jutsus were useless against Sasuke's lightning based attacks.

Now onto the fic!

(Meanwhile Outside The Dome)

"What's going on," Anko asked loudly, "I can't hear or see what's going on inside that damn dome!"

"The genjutsu Nidaime-sama cast completely blocked out all sight and hearing to everyone outside of it," Kurenai explained.

"Can you cancel it out," Anko asked.

"I can't," Kurenai replied, "For one thing, it's inside that dome which we presently can't penetrate. And for another thing, that genjutsu is at a much advanced and stronger level than the genjutsus of my own, especially since it was a Hokage who cast it. It'll require something stronger to dispel it."

"Damn it," Anko muttered, hating the idea that she was unable to do anything to help and rescue Naruto from Orochimaru.

"…," Jiraiya knew something very bad just happened and he was hoping against the odds that Naruto was alright.

"…Naruto…," Tsunade said worriedly and lowly but enough for her to be heard by Jiraiya who was still holding and helping her stay on her feet, "Please be alright…"

The female Hokage was still weakened and unable to fight anymore due to severe chakra depletion and the use of her Sōzō Saisei.

"Kakashi," Shizune asked, "You've copied over a 1,000 jutsus. Isn't there one you know of that can crack and break this barrier down so we can get Naruto-otouto back?"

"If I knew of such a jutsu," Kakashi retorted, "I'd have used it by now, don't you think?"

Shizune couldn't refute Kakashi on the logic he used on her just now.

Sandaime had a facial expression that radiated dread and despair. He knew which jutsu Naruto had just used and he knew what it entailed. However, that jutsu Naruto used was one the Sandaime didn't allow Tsunade to gain a contract with. What Naruto didn't know was that Sandaime had signed the contract with that kinjutsu, besides the Shiki Fuujin.

Damn it Naruto, Sandaime thought, You didn't have to resort to using that kinjutsu yourself! If you'd have listened to me in the first place, I'd have willingly done that jutsu in your place!

Tsunade and Jiraiya others saw the look on Sarutobi's face and the look he gave alarmed them.

"Sarutobi-sensei," Jiraiya asked, "What is it? Is there something going on within that dome besides a battle we can neither hear nor see?"

Sandaime just looked crestfallen as he sighed, "…This whole thing…It's my fault. Naruto shouldn't have been the one to-"

"We know Sarutobi-sensei," Jiraiya interjected, "I'm just as worried about him as you and everyone else are."

The Toad Sannin thought back to the broken picture back in his apartment. Just thinking about that alone was enough to confirm a thought that Jiraiya was desperately hoping wasn't true.

(In Another Part Of The Forest)

"What is this," Ino yelled, "Where's Naruto-kun? I can't see through that damn darkness inside that dome!"

"A high level genjutsu," Shikamaru said, "Hinata, can you use your Byakugan to penetrate and see through that genjutsu?"

"I'll try," Hinata said, "Byakugan!"

Activating her bloodline limit, the Hyuuga heiress tried and made an effort to see through the barrier. She did this to the best extent that she could.

"Can you see anything," Sasuke asked.

"Nothing," Hinata replied dejectedly, "That genjutsu is a really strong one. I'm unable to see through it."

"How troublesome," Shikamaru muttered, "Something is going on in there and we can't see or hear through it."

"I really hope Naruto-kun is alright in there," Hinata said, "I really hope nothing terrible is happening to him in there."

"We all hope that Hinata," Tenten assured, "Especially after all that he did earlier. There's no way he should be defeated that easily."

"Naruto-kun has been kicking ass all day," Ino added in, "He will win this battle and there's no doubt about it!"

"That's right," Lee agreed, "Naruto-kun won't give up so easily! His youthful flames will shine brightly and break through the darkness of that genjutsu!"

Kiba, Shino, Chouji, Sai and Sasuke stayed quieted as they looked on at the dome in front of them. Soon the others joined in returning their attention back on the dome.

Naruto, Sasuke wondered, Exactly what is it that's going on in there? And how do you intend on getting yourself out of that trap?

(Back Inside The Dome)

"A jutsu I've never seen before," Orochimaru's voice asked through the darkness while still in his white snake form. Naruto and his four clones stood their grounds with the real Naruto in the center still holding the shield Ryota turned into. Naruto was completely unable to see anything through the thick darkness as he kept his guard up.

All the while, the Shin'engami was hovering above and over Naruto's form with Naruto's crucified and chained spectral projection floating in front of it. The dark entity looked to its left with its dark black eyes with dull yellow-orange pupils and raised its left arm to the air as while still holding the chains and shackles wrapped around the spectral projection that were in its left hand. The sleeves of the Shin'engami fell backwards revealing its pale violet skin.

I better hurry with this, Naruto thought, This darkness is getting too dangerous.

"Show me," Orochimaru's voice said through the darkness.

"Hn," Naruto muttered. Just then more attacks came at Naruto, who used his shield to deflect them though a few of the attacks pushed him back a couple of feet. Soon another attack came and knocked Naruto totally off his feet and down to the ground on his back.

"What's wrong," Orochimaru asked, "Are you planning on letting your ancestors torture and beat you to death now? Please show me this new jutsu of yours."

Naruto pulled himself together and stood back up off the ground before picking up and holding the shield again.

It's not ready yet…, Naruto thought, How long is it going to take?

A minute later, the Shin'engami released the chains and shackles wrapped around the spectral projection. The chains then wrapped around both of the Shin'engami's shoulders and upper arms. The Shin'engami then opened its left hand with cracking sounds being heard only by Naruto and his clones with each finger and its thumb it opened.

A moment later, the Shin'engami started chanting in a language that was not of the human world (A/N: think of the Shinigami's voice from the anime). Naruto and his four clones were the only ones that were able hear the chanting. After several more moments, the Shin'engami was done chanting and seal markings started making its way down from its left hand to its arm. After the markings completely covered its arm, it reached into Naruto's detained spectral projection, pushing its hand and arm through it as the projection arched backwards as though it was in a lot of pain.

Naruto for his part felt a massive rush of pain and unspeakable coldness pushed through his body as he cringed and grounded his teeth trying to bare the pain. He coughed out some blood from his mouth and spat it down to the grass floor. He was breathing hard while trying to regain his composure.

"Are you OK Naruto-kun," Ryota asked still in the form of a shield.

"Yeah…," Naruto lied, "I'm fine."

"What's wrong," Orochimaru asked, "Are you wobbling already?"

Naruto ignored the Sannin and focused on his objective. A minute later, all of his four clones ran in four different directions through the thick darkness.

Now, Naruto through, I have to capture them! I'll only get one chance to do this, so I better make it count.

Soon all four of them shushin'd and stopped before grabbing onto something they came in contact with.

"I got you," said the clones. They were struck on the back with shurikens, but had enough strength to keep from puffing out of existence while refusing to release their hold on their targets.

"Come forth," came Naruto's command as the Shin'engami reached deep into his spectral projection. The phantom arm came through the lower chest and tore a round hole through the green Jounin-like vest of the clones and reached into what the clones were holding onto firmly. All four phantom arms of the Shin'engami reached in and grabbed hold of the objective targets in the darkness.

Soon the genjutsu started weakening before the darkness started dispelling and returning sight and light back into the dome. Eventually the darkness was completely gone and everyone outside the dome was able see what was happening. Everyone saw that the four Naruto clones were holding onto Shodaime, Nawaki, Nidaime, and Dan on their shoulders in that particular order while the real Naruto was standing in the background some distance away from his clones and their targets. What they didn't see were the phantom arms sticking out of the clones' bodies and into the four resurrected ninjas' bodies. His clones were able to find them faster because Naruto had placed jutsu markers on them earlier after healing himself.

The darkness disappeared, Orochimaru acknowledged, What is this jutsu?

"Naruto," Sandaime yelled out to the blonde as he and the others saw how the four resurrected shinobis were frozen in place with Naruto's clones holding onto them. With the exception of Sandaime, no one knew what was going on. Naruto watched with a heavy heart as the phantom arm started exacting the souls from out of the four ninjas' bodies.

"I'm so sorry, Naruto," Shodai apologized to Naruto. The blond shinobi now had tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry that we gave you and your mother much grief," Nidaime said with regrets laced in his voice. Naruto now had tears falling down his face as his head partly lowered.

"Nee-chan, Naruto-chan," Nawaki said with a voice that expressed deep sorrow and the want to cry, "I'm sorry for everything! I didn't mean to do what I did! Nee-chan, forgive me!"

Tsunade had tears falling down her face as she started crying.

"Tsunade," Dan said apologetically, "I never wanted or meant to hurt you and your son. I'm sorry for hurting you so badly."

At this point, Naruto closed his eyes and lowered his head as his tears flowed freely. Tsunade recalled Naruto's words from earlier: "Kaa-chan…I hope you'll someday find it in your heart to forgive me."

The female Hokage started crying even more on remembering those exact words from earlier and hearing and seeing what was now happening in front of her and everybody else. She now knew which jutsu Naruto resorted to using, and it greatly pained and broke her heart to see the events play out. Everyone around her saw that she was crying openly. Jiraiya held onto her as she openly accepted his embrace and cried on his shoulder. This was one of the rare occasions that Jiraiya forsook his perverted nature. Sandaime too had tears falling down his face, feeling bad for both Naruto and Tsunade, and for his two former teachers.

"…Please forgive me…," Naruto wept bitterly, "…Great grandfather, great granduncle, Nawaki-jisan, Dan-san."

The four clones, while holding onto their targets, started pulling away from the four ninjas as their bodies started losing color and animation. Soon Shin'engami's hands fully extracted the souls from out of the bodies as the clones pulled away entirely from the bodies before the bodies started decaying and falling apart.

"Fūin (Seal)," Naruto clones yelled before the four souls were absorbed into their chest. The clones cringed while feeling the souls being locked into them. When it was done, all four of them started breathing hard before a seal of some sort appeared on their chest. (A/N: the seal looked very similar to the now Naruto from the anime has excepted the spiral is was made up with diamond-shaped rings and the were four quarter-sized dots on the outer top, bottom, left and right sides of the seal)

The four bodies the souls there previously in eventually fell apart completely back into dust, ash and dry mud as they poured down onto the ground. In the process, four gray and pale bodies of three fourteen-year-olds and one ten-year-old girl surfaced from the four piles of ash, dust and dry mud. Naruto, Genins and the older Konoha nins recognized three of the four bodies and to their shock, they were the three Oto Genins from the Chuunin Exams: Zaku, Kin and Dosu. The fourth and the youngest of them was another female Oto Genin whom the Konoha nins never met before.

"What the-," Kiba said in shock as he and the other saw sight.

"Those are the same Oto Genins we fought in the Forest of Death and in the Preliminaries," Sakura pointed out.

"That kinjutsu must have used them as human puppets and vessels to bring back those four ninjas Naruto defeated," Shikamaru made clear, "What a horrifying jutsu!"

Sandaime couldn't help but feel deep remorse and pity for what Orochimaru had done to his own four Oto Genins. Tsunade and Jiraiya couldn't believe that Orochimaru, their own former teammate, sunk so low as to use youths of his own village as puppets and tools for his own twisted use of the Edo Tensei. But then again, Orochimaru had experimented on people of various ages and both genders without any regards to ethics.

"…The heartless creature…," Tsunade said lowly with mixed emotions of disgust and anger.

Naruto for his part already had a strong hatred for those who rob people of their innocence and use them as weapons and instruments for their own personal use and dispose of them after their use have worn out. What he now saw and acknowledged only served to fuel that hatred all the more.

"You…," Naruto said to Orochimaru while controlling his emotions, "You sacrificed your own Genins…"

(Flashback: Two Years Ago)

Naruto (age 11) was standing on top of the Hokage Monument looking over all of Konohagakure No Sato with Sandaime (in his 60s) and Tsunade (age 48) standing next to him at his sides. It was a bright and sunny day and everyone in the village were carrying on with their lives and daily activities. Naruto's ninja mask was hanging around his neck as his clothes and long blonde hair danced with the cool breeze that was blowing by them.

Turning and looking at Naruto, Sandaime said, "Naruto, your mother told me that your goal is to become the next Hokage and her successor, yes?"

Naruto smiled brightly and nodded, "That's right! And I've been working very hard to achieve that goal to become a great medic nin like kaa-chan and Rokudaime! Becoming Hokage is my dream!"

Tsunade simply smiled while Sandaime chuckled and nodded back before he continued, "I see. Back when I was younger, around a little older than your age; your great grandfather, Shodaime-sama, said something to me that stayed with me for a very long time, even down to this day."

"Really," Naruto asked curiously, "What did you tell you?"

Quoting Shodai, Sandaime said, ""The comrades of Konoha are parts of my body. The villagers believe in me, and I believe in everyone. That's what a Hokage is supposed to do." Those words were of great significance to me as I applied their meaning into my life and role as this village's Hokage. I treat and guide this village and everyone who lives here as though they were my own body. I want you to always remember those words as they will help you down your path as you mature."

"Naruto," Tsunade spoke up as she turned to her son, "As Hokages, we use all resources to help benefit everyone in our village and we protect the ones who love the village and believe in us. We put the interests and needs of the people ahead of our own and stake our lives for this village's protection and prosperity. Plus, we grow those who'll inherit our will and take care of the next generation. Always remembers our words and take them to heart, for in the future you will be the…"

Naruto looked at both Sandaime and Godaime as they both looked back at him. The two grown-ups said together, "Hokage."

(End Flashback)

"Instead of protecting them," Naruto said while finding himself crying for the four Oto Genins who were sacrificed and used for the Edo Tensei, "You used and cruelly sacrificed the lives of your own Genins as if they were mere objects! Such an act from a Kage is an abomination!"

"My Genins' lives," Orochimaru spat, "Stupid boy! Don't waste my time talking about such trivial nonsense!"

"Did they not believe in you," Sandaime yelled at Orochimaru. The Sannin, still in the form of the compilation of white snakes, hissed at the aged Hokage and retorted, "That's of no significance to me! In life, success in everything require sacrifices and I'll make as many of those sacrifices as needed to ensure my success!"

"Monster," the ANBU in pale white remarked.

"You cold-blooded bastard," Naruto cursed, "You're inhuman! You have no conscience!"

Naruto's four clones were still breathing in and out before puffing out of existence. The shield in Naruto's hand then henge'd back into a staff with the same long and large blade.

"I'm immortal boy," Orochimaru declared, "You can't dream of beating me! I will become the ultimate being!"

"You're like a snake that dreams to fly but is forever damned to crawl on its belly," Naruto sneered. The Sannin hissed venomously at the blonde.

"Indeed Orochimaru, you will fly on this day," Naruto stated, "In the fiery talons of a phoenix!"

The Sannin hissed again at the young blonde.

"Ryota," Naruto said while gripping the staff, "Let's go!"

Naruto charged at Orochimaru with the full intent on taking him out. The Snake Sannin charged at the blonde with his mouth wide open as though he was seeking to swallow Naruto whole. The blonde however slashed at Orochimaru who managed to dodge the attacks before the many snakes making up his body came to life and reached for the blonde with their mouths and fangs wide open. Naruto jumped and flipped away from the snakes while hacking off some of them. Orochimaru hissed from the pain as the sliced off snakes fell dead to the grass.

"I'll swallow you whole boy," Orochimaru yelled as more snakes came and rushed at him. Naruto evaded the snakes with timed precision before leaping into the air and down over to Orochimaru. The snakes dashed to the air with the intent on grabbing and biting Naruto to death. Naruto however, pulled out three kunais with exploding notes attached to them and threw them at the snakes. The kunais exploded on the snakes and scattered their remains around the field while making an opening to where Naruto could reach Orochimaru. When Naruto reached the Sannin, he used the blade of the staff to stab through him. However, Orochimaru burst into a large pool of brown mud and sank into the ground.

He replaced himself with a mud clone, Naruto realized while looking around for the real Orochimaru. Moments later, Orochimaru, back in his human form with several injuries and blood around his clothes, burst from out of the ground holding his Kusanagi sword in his hands. Naruto speedily turned to block the sword before it stabbed him. Both fighters started clashing their weapons of choice against each other trying to overpower the other. Soon, Naruto got the upper hand and smacked Orochimaru's sword away and out of his hands.

Jumping back, Naruto speedily threw the staff into Orochimaru's direction.

"I got you," Naruto said as the staff flew at Orochimaru.

"Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)," Orochimaru said as he thrust his left arm forward before snakes came from out of his sleeves and wrapped around the staff after them grabbed it.

"Damn it," Ryota swore seeing that she as captured. As the last of his snakes confined her, Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Orochimaru and grabbed him tightly.

"What the-," was all Orochimaru could say as the blonde looked up at him defiantly.

"You're finished," Naruto exclaimed before the Shin'engami reached into his spectral projection and reached into Orochimaru's body. The Snake Sannin then felt an eerie feeling through his being.

What is this feeling, Orochimaru wondered in confusion and fear, I can't move my body! This is bad!

Forming a seal with his right hand, Orochimaru summoned his sword and levitated it up off the ground. At this point, Ryota reverted back to her human self though still confined by the snakes. She turned and saw the floating and glowing blade of the sword aimed at Naruto from behind, as did everyone else.

"Naruto," Kakashi yelled out urgently.

"Look out," Shizune warned loudly.

"Naruto," Anko yelled out to him, "Behind you!"

Their cries seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as the sword readied to attack.

The Genins were wondering why Naruto wasn't moving out of the path of the sword that was directly behind him.

That idiot, Sasuke yelled in his mind, What is that dobe doing! Can't he see that he's about to be stabbed from behind!

Naruto-kun, Ino screamed, Don't just stand there! Orochimaru is going to kill you!

Naruto-kun, Hinata thought, Please do something!

The remaining Genins were thinking thoughts similar to those of the Sasuke, Hinata and Ino as they waited to see what was going to happen next.

(Back Inside The Dome)

Both ninjas looked into each others eyes with strong hatred and contempt.

"Now Die!," both Naruto and Orochimaru yelled to each other. Orochimaru then did a gesture with his finger to the best he could do with his limited body movements, causing the sword to come flying straight into Naruto. Ryota, seeing the danger, focused her remaining chakra into her right arm. Suddenly there was a splash of blood that sprayed into Orochimaru from Naruto's right chest, with the glowing blade of the Kusanagi sticking out from his chest.

A hand and arm made from the ground had burst and grabbed the sword's handle, trying to prevent it from going any further into Naruto's back. Ryota's right hand was glowing with a greenish brownish glow with her hand in the ground. She was manipulating her earth affinity to form the arm sticking out from the ground and holding the sword that was trying to push into Naruto. The arm tried to pull the sword out but it put up a resistance.

Naruto coughed painfully as some blood seeped out of his mouth. Everyone was shocked that Naruto allowed himself to be stabbed from the back when he could have fully avoided the attack. Only Tsunade and Sandaime knew why Naruto chose not to dodge it.

"Damn it Naruto," Anko yelled angrily trying to fight back the tears in her eyes that wanted to pour out, "You dumb-ass! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Orochimaru himself was surprised that Naruto didn't bother to dodge this attack and instead allowed it to stab him anyway.

"…I know you could have dodged it…," Orochimaru asked with a strain on his voice, "…Why didn't you dodge it?"

Naruto held onto to the Snake Sannin while feeling the cold phantom arm of the Shin'engami through his stomach gripping Orochimaru's soul, trying to fully extract it out of him.

"Damn it," Ryota swore while trying to pull the sword out.

"Fuchi Fuujin," Naruto replied with a grin on his face with blood seeping out both ends of his mouth, "In exchange for this kinjutsu's effects, you must hand over your life to the Shin'engami. This is a jutsu that kills the caster after its completion."

Orochimaru tried to perform a hand seal but found himself unable to perform any seals.

I can't use any of my jutsus, Orochimaru realized in horror.

"There was no point in dodging your attack," Naruto added, "I'm going to die anyway. When this sealing is complete, my life will be taken from me. This self-sacrificing jutsu, which I created, is the revised version of the ancient Shiki Fuujin, the kinjutsu ougi that the hero of this village found to use against the Kyuubi. You will perish with me through the use of this very jutsu!"

"So," Orochimaru retorted, "This jutsu is based on the one that Yondaime used against Kyuubi all those years ago. Revising a jutsu of that level would require the expertise of an experienced seal master."

"And I just so happen to have such expertise," Naruto shot back, "Which is why you're caught in this death trap!"

With the exception of Tsunade, Jiraiya and Sandaime, everyone was speechless on hearing what Naruto revealed. He not only created an S-rank kinjutsu ougi based on the original Shiki Fuujin, but he bravely and willingly used it, fully knowing the penalty for using such a jutsu.

Jiraiya was pained and hurt deeply on seeing what was happening before him. Just like with Yondaime, he was unable to do anything to save him and now he was unable to do anything to save Naruto, the boy he came to love and prize just like his father. Though Naruto looked at Jiraiya as an uncle figure, Jiraiya however, had always looked at Naruto as if he was his own son. The Toad Sannin was angry at his inability to save those whom he valued and cherished.

Tsunade just wept bitterly as she still held onto Jiraiya. She suffered a major blow when Orochimaru summoned her dead loved ones to fight and kill both her and Naruto, forcing Naruto to resort to using that kinjutsu ougi in order to stop them. She felt completely helpless to do anything to stop what happened and was now happening. To her, she was forced to see herself lose her loved ones again and now she was about to lose her son, another precious person who wanted to become Hokage, to that accursed necklace. The very thought made her cry even more.

Sandaime lowered his head in respects for Naruto's bravery and self-sacrifice. However, he too felt angry at himself. He kept berating and telling himself that if he had done what he should have done all those years ago, none of this would have happened. For Sarutobi, all that has happened on this day, he believed to be his fault. At the same time though, he was angry at Naruto and his stubbornness. The aged Hokage pleaded with Naruto to allow him to trade places with him and finish the job for him. Sandaime knew what the Edo Tensei entailed and the kinjutsu ougi that was required to undo it. But like Yondaime, Naruto was too hard-headed and refused to listen to him, putting the safety of everyone else before his own.

He's truly your son, Sandaime thought sadly, Yondaime.

Shizune was openly weeping at what was happening. Her kid brother, whom she dearly loved and helped raise, educate and train all his life was going to die a sacrificial death, which he consciously chose to do. She saw her uncle brought back to life for a twisted purpose that went against everything he lived and gave his life for, and her beloved otouto (little brother) was forced to give his own life in exchange to stop him and the other three ninjas. If anything, Shizune felt that if she knew how to use the Fuchi Fuujin, she have done the sealing herself if it meant Naruto's survival.

Anko was futilely trying to fight back the tears that were coming down her face. Like Sandaime, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi, and the others, she's seen a lot of deaths and destroyed families. She knew what price war always involved. She's seen many shinobis of Konoha die during her ninja career; but Naruto's situation was different. He wasn't just another shinobi who was to be replaced. Though she never came out and said it aloud, Naruto was precious to her and was one of the very few people she ever opened up to. He was the first young man who sincerely wanted to become her friend and didn't fear to be seen with her in public. She grew to love the blonde in many ways and to see him give his life to stop Orochimaru, felt like a stab in her heart.

Kakashi wasn't visibly crying outwardly, but inwardly. He grew fond of Naruto as the boy's older brother figure and always sought to help and protect him. The copy-cat ninja, with all of the jutsus he ever copied with his Sharingan eye, felt useless in stopping what was happening.

Just like with Obito, Rin and sensei, Kakashi thought sadly, I couldn't save them…

The Genins were utterly speechless at what was happening. Hinata and Ino were openly crying, while at the same time angry that Naruto resorted to using such a jutsu.

Sasuke didn't know what to say at the moment as he found what Naruto was doing hard to believe. He figured that with all the power the blonde possessed that Naruto would have came up with a way to stop Orochimaru and the four ninjas he summoned. The raven-haired Uchiha thought that what Naruto had done was downright reckless and foolish.

(Back Inside The Dome)

"I will tear your soul from out of your body and seal it," Naruto said. Orochimaru face grew more terrified when he tried to move again.

"My body isn't moving," Orochimaru noted to himself.

"I'm sure by now that you can see it since half of it is already outside," Naruto continued while his body was shaking a bit from the feelings of both the sword and Shin'engami's cold arm piercing through his being, "Those whose souls are sealed with this jutsu can never rest in peace. Instead they suffer in the chasm governed by the Shin'engami."

Orochimaru had an angry face with eyes that expressed both fear and dread as Naruto continued, "The souls sealed with this kinjutsu are entwined in deep misery, and are forever damned to plummet and fall into a cold lifeless hollow abyss of eternal nothingness!"

The Shin'engami gripped his key shaped blade in his right hand as it smiled sinisterly. It then raised its right hand slowly to the air.

"What's happening," Orochimaru asked with fear in his voice.

Its smile grew even more darkly as its hand rose higher. As the confined spectral projection stood where it was, eight captured souls popped out of the projection while sticking onto it. All eight of them were mourning in great despair and anguish.

The Shin'engami fully lifted its right arm up into the air with the key-blade in hand. The key-blade glowed in a dull silver color before shooting a beam out from it, opening a pitch black spiraling vortex that had an endless vacuum wanting to suck everything into it.

The Shin'engami then turned its attention to the mourning souls and used its key-blade to slice and separate them from the spectral projection of Naruto. Immediately after that was done, some of the chain and shackles around the projection flew off and confined the souls tightly, locking and chaining them by their necks, arms, waist and ankles before being sucked into the vortex. Their screams grew louder with more anguish and agony as all eight of them fell into the abyss.

"This is…the Shin'engami," Orochimaru asked fearfully. Their screams gradually died out as they were completely swallowed whole into the spiraling chasm, vanishing totally.

"Don't screw with me, gaki" Orochimaru yelled fearfully, "You will not have your way!"

The Sannin did more gestures to the best his limited hand movements could do, causing his sword to slowly go deeper into Naruto. The blonde struggled with the pain while Ryota tried to pull the sword out of him. Though she knew she was going to die with Naruto because of the choker seal Naruto placed around her neck, she at wanted Naruto to live long enough to kill Orochimaru and take him to the grave with them. Naruto saw that Orochimaru's soul was slowly being pulled back into his body.

"You know brat," Orochimaru grinned, "While I was in that snake form, all of those snakes I let out at you and that girl released toxins which contaminated the air you both are breathing. It's serving to kill you both faster complemented with your stab wound."

The blonde coughed painfully before snarling at the Snake Sannin.

"C'mon brat," Orochimaru smirked, "Hurry up and die!"

"…Damn it," Naruto strained, feeling himself growing weaker by the second.

(Back In Konoha)

Gaara and his team have taken care of the giant snakes and the Oto ninjas were dealt with. Baki and his fellow Suna nins who joined his side took care of the remaining problems. The other Suna nins who after learning of Orochimaru's betrayal and murdering of their Yondaime Kazekage, turned on the Oto nins and helped stopped the invasion. Though they were saddened that they lost their leader and many of their comrades because of Orochimaru's deception, they were determined to make the Oto nins and Orochimaru pay for their treachery.

Genma was still in search for Kabuto, but the elusive shinobi was still nowhere to be found much to his frustration. Hayate and the other Jounins had finished their tasks in dealing with their enemies and soon hurried to where the civilians were to check up on them.

Hiashi, Inoichi Shikaku, Chōza, Shibi, and Tsume, and all those in their clan were done with their tasks in taking out the invaders. They then regrouped with their fellow Konoha nins.

Baki and his Suna nins also regrouped to analyze the situation

"What's your report," Baki asked. A Suna Jounin gave a salute and explained, "The situation and all enemies have been contained, sir. The threat to Konoha is over."

Baki nodded in understanding as he turned to face Gaara and his two older siblings.

"Where's Naruto," Gaara inquired, "Has he returned?"

Baki sighed and shook his head, "We haven't seen him. Last I heard, he and other Konoha nins went after Orochimaru to retrieve Tsunade-sama. Right now we don't know what's become of him."

The red-haired Jinchuuriki stayed quiet while gathering his remaining strength. He and his siblings had put up a hard fight against the giant snakes and the Oto nins. Temari was wondering how Naruto was doing since he hadn't yet return. She at first figured that with the way he defeated Gaara nearly two months ago and took out the ninjas at the stadium that he'd have been done with his enemies in no time flat, especially since he himself is a Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. She found it surprising that the blonde hadn't yet return.

"Let's get back with the other Konoha nins," Baki suggested, "Perhaps they can fill us in on what else has happened."

All of the Suna nins agreed and followed Baki back with where the remaining Konoha Jounins, Chuunins and ANBU left in charge were.

(Meanwhile Inside The Dome)

Naruto was growing weaker and found that he didn't have as much strength as he thought to fully exact Orochimaru's soul from out his body. Ryota herself was growing weaker as well as her grip on the sword through the use of the arm she made was slowly loosening. Making things worse for the former Iwa Jounin kunoichi was the fact that the choker seal activated and started to slowly choke her. She realized that the seal Naruto placed on his chest above his heart was responding to his weakening vitals, thus triggering the choker seal around her neck.

Ryota started coughing and found her breathing rather difficult and painful in fact. With the poison in the air and the choker seal acting against her, she didn't know how long she'd last.

I don't think…I can hold out…for much longer, Ryota thought while partly choking on her breath,…I would have never thought…that we'd meet our end like this Naruto-kun…Well…at least I can take comfort…(smiled weakly) knowing that we'll die together…

"…I win," Orochimaru chuckled, "…I will survive this fight while you Naruto, will have died for nothing! You're too weak to beat me, and you have no power or strength left in you!"

"Weak and no power and strength you say…," Naruto retorted, "…It's funny really; two years ago, Itachi once told me that hatred give us shinobis our power and strength. You on the other hand, believe that by learning and mastering all jutsus on Earth that one will have power and strength…I find both concepts flawed and destructive!"

"And what would you know boy," Orochimaru mocked.

"While growing up," Naruto answered, "Ojiisan, kaa-chan and ero-jisan taught me that when a person has and finds people who are precious to him and desires to protect them with his life and everything he is, that's when his true strength and power will manifest. That's what made people like Yondaime and others like him strong and powerful! And neither you nor Itachi have anyone who are precious to either of you, which is why both you and Itachi are incredibly weak based on these standards!"

"Shut up," Orochimaru spat, "Spare me your ridiculous ideology!"

Naruto lowered his head before releasing a chuckle. Ryota and the Konoha nins looked at Naruto momentarily as if he went crazy at that moment.

"The phoenix," Naruto spoke between his coughs, "…Is said to be the bird of legend that has been around for centuries. There are a few variations…but the basic idea is this: the phoenix is a supernatural creature, living for 1000 years. Once that time is over, it builds its own funeral pyre…and throws itself into the flames. As it dies, it's reborn anew, and rises from the ashes to live again…Alternatively; it lays an egg in the burning coals of the fire which hatches into a new Phoenix. My will of fire is like that of the phoenix, (looked up at Orochimaru) which is why you won't win this fight!"

"You stupid boy," Orochimaru mocked, "You're making talk of wills of fire and the story of the phoenix? Such blinded beliefs won't save you and like I said before, you won't live long since my snakes' toxins have poisoned the air in this dome!"

Naruto felt the sword piece a little further into his right chest. He partially groaned in pain while Ryota struggled to stay conscious while trying to pull the sword from out of Naruto, but the poisoned air trapped inside the dome served to weaken and kill her faster as every second passed.

(Back In Konoha)

Iruka was with the civilians, women and children at the sanctuary. Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon were with Ayame and her father with Iruka close by.

"Konohamaru-chan," Moegi asked, "Do you think Naruto-nii-chan will be alright?"

"I'm sure he will," Konohamaru assured confidently, "No one can beat boss and he did summon that fox kunoichi to help us earlier. Like I said, boss and jiji (grandfather) will protect us, with the other ninjas helping them also."

"What are you three over there talking about," Ayame asked as she went over to them. Udon answered, "We're just worried about Naruto-nii-chan and the others with him and Sandaime-sama."

"I'm worried about them also," Ayame admitted, "We can only hope for the best and believe in their abilities to protect us and the village."

Iruka stepped in and asked, "Are all of you alright?"

"Just fine Iruka-san," Ayame assured, "The kids were telling me how concerned they are for our ninjas' well-being."

Iruka nodded in understanding, "I'm worried for them also. But as ninjas, we all took an oath to defend this village and all of its inhabitants, including all of you. As we speak, our defense plan is being carried out and our enemies are being driven out."

Konohamaru nodded in confidence.

"None of you have anything to worry about," Iruka assured, "This war will end before you know it."

As Iruka said this however he sensed that something was up. He saw how Anko left in a hurry to go after Naruto after the blonde went after Orochimaru on his own. He knew Naruto was strong, but he saw Naruto's actions of him going after the Snake Sannin by himself was downright careless.

"Iruka-san," one of the Chuunins called to him as he hurried to him.

"What is it," Iruka asked as he turned to the approaching Chuunin.

"Some Suna nins are here to see you," the Chuunin answered. Iruka nodded and followed the Chuunin to where the Suna nins were. When they got there, Iruka saw Baka, his Genin team and several other Suna Jounins with him.

"Baki-san," Iruka addressed, "How is the situation?"

"The snakes are finished with and the Oto nins are retreating," Baki replied, "Your village is freed from the threat."

"I'm happy to hear that," Iruka said, "That's the first good news I've heard all day."

"…," Gaara asked, "Have you seen Naruto?"

"…," Iruka sighed, "Not since the start of the final Chuunin Exams."

Gaara said nothing as he maintained a reserved demeanor. Temari sensed how Gaara expressed a bit of worry for Naruto although it didn't outwardly standout. Though she didn't voice it, she couldn't help but worry a little for the blonde shinobi also. Besides, Naruto was the first person in a long time who sought to help and become Gaara's friend. In spite of everything Naruto learned about Gaara and how he became what he was and how they were originally planning on invading and attacking Konoha, Naruto still sought to help Gaara, especially since he could relate to Gaara in ways that others just wouldn't understand since they're both Jinchuurikis.

Naruto, Temari said in her heart with her eyes closed, Thank you for helping and saving Gaara.

Iruka now wondered how Sandaime and the others were doing. If anything, he could only hope that they were alright and that Naruto didn't try anything extreme.

(Back Inside The Dome)

Looking at the Sannin, Naruto said, "Orochimaru, you're right about one thing…The poison your white snakes released in the air inside this dome was unforeseen and it threw my timing off completely. I was totally unprepared for this. Therefore, I don't have enough strength or time to fully exact your soul. However your ambitions will end here on this day!"

"Never," Orochimaru yelled back, "My ambitions will never end! I'll live through this and my ambitions will live on forever!"

"Orochimaru," Naruto grinned, "I will hand you down this damnation, for wasting and polluting your mind in jutsus and for damaging my family's name and honor! Orochimaru, for using and wasting your knowledge and mind power for selfish and corrupt aspirations and using it hurt my family and friends and the lives of so many innocent people, it's very clear that you're not deserving of a mind! Therefore, I'll take it from you!"

"What did you say!," Orochimaru yelled in fear. Naruto yelled loudly as the head of Orochimaru's soul was being pulled out from his body. The Shin'engami raised its key-blade up and prepared to slice off the head. Orochimaru gasped in horror upon seeing what was going to happen.

"NO!," Orochimaru yelled as the key-blade was brought down, "STOP!"

Naruto released Orochimaru and pulled way just seconds before the blade came down and sliced off the head of Orochimaru's soul. Ryota lost her grip on the sword after her chakra and elemental manipulation wore out; unwillingly leaving the Kusanagi deep plunged through Naruto's back.

"Fūin," Naruto yelled as he held his hands together in front of his chest with a flash of spiraling white light in front of his chest. When the flash died out, Naruto was now holding a fossilized-looking serpent in his hands that had the same seal on its belly side. Naruto dropped the snake to the ground before the snake puffed out and vanished. Orochimaru's head started turning dull purple while choking on his last words.

"N…No…," Orochimaru choked, "I…Immortal…I…can't…die…"

The Shin'engami, after throwing the head of Orochimaru's soul into the vortex, released Naruto's spectral projection from its confinement as it was now being sucked into the vortex as well.

"Now you can no longer pose as a threat to Konoha or to anyone else," Naruto declared, "With your head gone and sealed away, your body can no longer survive, making all of your jutsus useless! The destruction of Konoha has failed!"

Orochimaru dropped to the ground at Naruto's feet. There was no doubt about it; Orochimaru was dead.

"Damn it Naruto," Sandaime yelled bitterly, "Damn your stubborn attitude! It didn't have to come to this! You didn't have to do this! I'd have sacrificed myself in your place had you listened to me to let me fight in your place!"

"Ojiisan," Naruto smiled weakly while feeling the life being drained from out of his body as he started growing weaker with every passing second, "This was a jutsu I created. And I wouldn't have allowed anyone else to use it if I myself wasn't willing to use it and pay the price for it. Plus, how could I show and prove to everyone that I dream of becoming Hokage…if I wasn't willing to give my life for those whom I regard as precious people, just like my father did before me?"

Sandaime felt as though he was living a repeat of history; Yondaime sacrificed himself and all he had going for him to stop Kyuubi and save Konoha, and now his only surviving son and link to the world sacrificed himself and all that he had going for him to stop Orochimaru and save Konoha. Naruto was following in his father's footsteps and though Sandaime was proud of Naruto's selflessness, at the same time he was angry that he couldn't do anything to save to the boy.

The blonde turned to Tsunade and the others. From what he saw, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Sandaime, Shizune, Anko and Kakashi looked to be crying out to him. A second later, purplish black seal markings of some sort started appearing around Naruto's face, ears, neck, then his hands and feet. Naruto smiled weakly at them as his eyes started closing slowly, much to Tsunade's horror. Tsunade was screaming to Naruto to hold on and keep his eyes open, but his sense of hearing was gone. As Naruto's eyes was closing into the darkness, the last thing he saw was a scene of Yondaime, Tsunade, Sandaime, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune, Anko, Hinata and Ino standing and smiling at him.

As Naruto stood there after his eyes fully shut close, his head slowly lowered until it hung down, with his last breath leaving his lungs and mouth. At this point, Ryota's head fell to the ground as she lied there motionlessly with her eyes closed.

(Kyuubi's Cage)

"It's dark," Kyuubi said as he saw the pitch darkness coming to engulf him, "It's getting so dark! The light…fading…My power…fading! Why…?"

(In Another Part Of Naruto's Subconscious)

Yondaime was seeing the darkness approaching him as well as all of the lights in the hallway were being absorbed into the shadows.

"Naruto," Yondaime said lowly as the darkness came closer to him…

A few moments later, Naruto's body started falling to his left towards the ground. The Genins and everyone else watched in disbelief as the young ninja that was believed to be the second coming of Yondaime fall lifeless to the ground.

For Tsunade, it was as though time has slowed down as she watched the boy she loved and raised all his life was collapsing towards the floor. Flashes of her memories showing her nursing, raising, teaching and training Naruto started flashing in her mind, from the time of his infancy to the shinobi who battled and defeated Orochimaru. Her heart shattered when she saw Naruto's body hit the ground with an audible thud, lying there motionlessly on his left side with the Kusanagi still pierced deeply through his right chest.

What everyone saw now before them was a harsh reality: Naruto was dead…

Konohagakure No Sato has been saved and the invasion has failed! Naruto defeated and stopped the four summon ninjas and Orochimaru all together, but paid the ultimate price. Is this truly the end of Naruto, Konoha No Nidaime Senkō (Konoha's Second Flash)? Has Ryota, formerly known as Iwagakure's Shining Stone, died alongside with Naruto? Is the Namikaze clan and legacy now truly extinct? And what were those mysterious seal markings that appeared around Naruto's face, hands and feet? Stick around to find out what happens next.