Chapter Thirty-Six: Aftermath Part 1

A/N: I know there were some who felt Ino should have been more of a snob, self-centered and obnoxious like in the anime and manga. But for this fic, I didn't feel those characteristics would fit her, especially since she's been hanging with Hinata and Naruto for over fives years based on this fic.

Inoichi and Hiashi had encouraged their daughters to associate and get to know Naruto since their first days at the Academy. I felt that when a person hangs with someone for quite a number of years as they get to know them, that person(s) start rubbing for on him/her, especially if the person one likes isn't into people who're obnoxious and self-centered. So please forgive me for not staying wholly true to the anime and manga canon. This fic is an alternate universe after all.

And for those who wants to know what becomes of Naruto after what happened in the previous chapter, well read and find out, so on with the fic!

Everyone stood there in disbelief after seeing what just happened not too long ago. Senju Uzumaki Naruto, Konoha's Second Flash and youngest Kage-level shinobi, took on and defeated four revived ninjas, two of them former Hokages, a Jounin and a Genin, and the one who summoned them, Orochimaru, the now dead Snake Sannin. What was also shocking was that he used an S-rank kinjutsu ougi to finish the job against them knowing fully well the penalty for using such a dark-natured jutsu, surprisingly which he himself created.

Tsunade fell to her hands and knees as she looked at Naruto's face as he lied there lifelessly. Tears were still streaming down her face non-stop as she saw the weak smile that was frozen on his face, almost as though he was now at peace. She looked at the necklace hanging around Naruto's neck, with the crystal seemingly staring back at her as if it was mocking her in how it claimed the life of another male loved one who dreamt of becoming Hokage. The female Hokage was practically having another nervous breakdown.

"I lost them," Tsunade said with a broken voice, "I lost all of them and there was nothing I could have done to stop it from happening! It isn't fair!"

Everyone watched and listened as the Slug Princess gave way to sobbing, "…Naruto…he was my only son and sole heir who was to inherit my legacy, my title…and will of fire…he was to be my successor and continue my work…in advancing medic and healing jutsus…(With her head facing the ground) I wasn't suppose to bury my only son!"

So that was the omen, Jiraiya thought grimly after recalling the cracked grass framed picture in his apartment as he went over to Tsunade as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulders. She looked up at the Toad Sannin, and saw that he too was very grieved by what took place. Jiraiya knelt down as Tsunade just embraced and cried on his shoulder. Jiraiya allowed a few tears of his own to fall from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya consoled, "If you must know, I loved the boy as if he was my own son."

Sandaime gave way to tears while honoring Naruto's sacrifice. Sandaime, having a contract with the kinjutsu ougi Naruto used, saw everything that happened. He saw the Shin'enkami, Naruto's confined spectral projection, the eight souls Naruto captured, the black spiraling vortex which was the abyss, the decapitated head of Orochimaru's soul and the abyss closing completely as the Shin'enkami disappeared and left the human world. Sandaime saw it all, unlike anyone else around, he was an eye-witness who saw what that kinjutsu does.

You truly had what it took to become Hokage, Sandaime said mentally, I'm terribly grieved that your life was so tragically cut short before you could fulfill that dream…Naruto.

Gai, Asuma, Ibiki and the other Jounins and ANBU lowered their heads in respects for the fallen ninja who sacrificed his life to save them and the entire village. Kurenai was presently consoling Anko who was crying for the lost of her favorite and only student and very dear friend. The genjutsu mistress knew that in spite of Anko's renowned demeanor, Anko really cared for Naruto. Though she never voiced it, Kurenai sensed that Anko cared for the fallen ninja more so than that of a teacher caring for his/her student.

Kakashi likewise was doing what he could to console Shizune though he himself was greatly saddened by the loss of the shinobi he came to see as a kid brother. The copycat ninja felt terrible that he couldn't do anything to prevent what happened from happening. In spite of the fact that Naruto consciously made that choice, Kakashi felt as though he failed to protect Naruto. Pakkun lowered his head, paying his respects to the fallen Konoha shinobi.

"…Otouto (little brother)," Shizune cried while having her face buried in Kakashi's chest, "…My otouto…"


All of the Genins were off the tree branches and standing on the ground. Hinata was on her knees weeping nonstop for the loss of her love interest. Ino was doing no better either.

"You promised," Hinata cried with tears pouring down her face while her hands were tightly clenched into fists on her upper kneecaps, "You gave me…your sworn word Naruto-kun! You swore to help me…change my clan when you become Hokage! You promised me!…(A little lower) And I never even got the chance…tell you how I felt for you…"

Hinata was not only crying over that issue, but also because of the fact that she saw that she'd never have a chance to be with him now and it was no secret to anyone how the Hyuuga heiress felt for Naruto. Though she highly admired Naruto's bravery and noble sacrifice however, she was pained that it cost him his life. Shino and Kiba, also saddened by Naruto's death, were doing what they could to calm Hinata; easier said than done.

Sakura, though crying herself, was doing what she could to comfort Ino who just broke down and cried. Ino cried, "Why did you had to resort to using that stupid kinjutsu Naruto-kun! You stupid idiot! Why did you have to die! You didn't have to die! We could have had something special!"

Sakura knew how much her best friend like Naruto and it saddened her that she and everyone else had to eye witness Naruto's demise. From what the pink-haired kunoichi saw from Naruto's actions, she found what Naruto did was very courageous and honorable. She acknowledged that it took a lot of strength for him to do what he had to do as hard and painful as it was.

You were truly strong Naruto, Sakura thought as a couple of tears fell from her face, More so than I ever believed you to be. I see now why Ino fell for you…

Lee, while crying, said, "Naruto-kun's flames of youth were ones worthy of a true extraordinary ninja and genius of hard work! (Clenched his right fist) I will honor his heroic sacrifice and work even harder than I had before to achieve such youthful flames as the ones he possessed!"

Tenten also cried for Naruto's untimely demise while holding the blonde in high regards for his courageous self-sacrifice. The weapon specialist had admired Naruto's use with the staff and how amazingly proficient he was with it during his battle with the ninjas earlier that day. Had she known he was that talented with such a weapon, she thought, she would have spent some of her time sparring with him instead of trying to get in good grace with him for the intention of getting favors from his mother whom she highly admires and respect as the greatest kunoichi Konoha ever produced.

Chouji and Shikamaru also gave way to tears after seeing the heroic display of valor and shinobi honor. To Chouji, Shikamaru, Kiba and Shino, Naruto was truly one of the guys and he never acted as if he was better than them. All four boys grew to admire and respect Naruto for his disposition around them and esteem in their clans' abilities. Sai remained reserved and collected though he highly respected Naruto's decisive actions and strength to carry them out; consequences be damned. He made a mental note to paint a portrait of Naruto standing tall in his finest hour and give it to Tsunade in honor of his sacrifice.

"…Naruto," was all Sasuke could say. He was speechless after seeing what happened just moments ago. One part of Sasuke was astonished at what Naruto did and his strength to go through with it. At the same time however, another part of Sasuke was jealous of the blonde's abilities.

Jiraiya was still comforting the weeping Tsunade as best as he could. He turned to see Sandaime silently looking on at the dome staring at Naruto's lifeless body. Enma went over to the aged Hokage and stood by him at his left.

"Sarutobi," Enma said as he placed his large hand on Sandaime's left shoulder as the Hokage looked at him, "What the boy did was very brave. Though you'd have done the same in his place, Naruto felt it was his responsibility to win back his family's honor by his own hands. Don't blame yourself for his actions, and remember he always admired and respected you and in spite of your past mistakes, his view of you never changed. He was a shinobi and this was a decision he consciously made as a full fledged Konoha ninja. You ought to be proud of him."

"…I am," Sandaime remarked with a voice mixed with sadness and esteem for Naruto. A few moments later, the Sandaime noticed something was up.

"Enma," Sandaime said, "Do you feel that?"

The monkey king focused his chakra and…

"I sense it also," Enma said. They turned to look back at the dome and saw a shocking sight.

"It can't be," Sandaime exclaimed loudly while looking at he dome with widened eyes. Everyone turned their attentions back to the dome and saw what Enma and Sandaime were talking about. They didn't know whether or not to believe what they were seeing.

Naruto, partly zombie-like, was struggling to stand back up as the seals around his face, ears, neck, hands and feet gradually started glowing in a light blue glow. He still had the Kusanagi stabbed deeply through his chest, a problem he now sought to rectify. Grabbing the blade, Naruto gave a strained growl under his breath as he fiercely shoved it backwards out of his back before reaching behind him and pulling the rest it from out of him, with blood squirting out of his back for a brief moment before stopping, leaving the back of his white trench coat stain with his blood. A little bit of blood seeped from out of his mouth also as a result of the sword being removed from his body.

He then threw the blood-covered sword down to the ground and reached for his green vest and dark shirt. Taking hold of his vest and shirt, he ripped them wide open. His trench coat and torn shirt and vest were hanging around his arms and back, exposing his bare well built chest, back, shoulders and arms to everyone. Beside seeing parts of his chest and back covered in his blood, what everyone now saw was another shocking sight…

"What is this," Asuma asked with a stupefied expression as everyone watched with disbelieving expressions on their faces, as did the Genins.

"His entire body is covered in seals," Ibiki pointed out after seeing seals all around Naruto's body, complex seals no one was able to recognize. The stab wound in his right chest and back closed up completely without so much of a scar to show for it. The glow spread and became a bluish mystic flame aura around his body with his trench coat, torn vest, shirt and messy hair blowing with the flow of the aura. Some of his external injuries healed up also as he was breathing in and out, regardless of the fact that the poisonous air was still trapped inside the dome.

Naruto, with his head kept halfway lowered, then performed a few hand seals and raised his arms forward before two large green pythons with brown and black markings popped from out of the upper white sleeves of his trench coat. While facing forward, the pythons opened their mouths wide and started gathering and molding chakra into their mouths. The chakra gathering and molding inside the pythons' mouths grew stronger and stronger with every passing second. Everyone watching were wondering what type of jutsu was about to be executed from the zombie-like Naruto in front of them. They didn't know whether to be happy that Naruto was actually moving or frightened by the fact that he preparing an attack in his zombie-like state. The pythons hissed and slithered around in the air briefly above and around Naruto with their glowing opened mouths while facing Tsunade and the others with her.

"Would someone please explain to me what the hell is happening," Anko shouted, with no one able to satisfy her with an understandable explanation. A few moments later…

"Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands' Double Rasengan)," Naruto yelled as the two pythons extended and rushed forward at jet speed to the barrier while carrying the enlarged glowing Rasengans that were made in their mouths. With a mighty impact, the pythons rammed the broadened Rasengans into the wall of the barrier, tearing through and shattering the barrier completely as the Sound Four went flying in four different directions. Tayuya slammed hard into a nearby tree and lost consciousness while the others collided into either a boulder or tree. The sheer force of the explosion the Rasengans created pushed Sandaime and everyone back and off their feet as they fell to the ground.

When the chaos died down, Naruto fell to his hands and knees while breathing hard before coughing a couple of times with a bit of blood coming out of his mouth as the pythons retracted back into his sleeves. His pained lungs were taking in large gasps of fresh oxygen after the poisoned air was vacuumed from out of the now destroyed dome. The mystic blue flame aura gradually disappeared into his body as the seals were disappearing back into him as well until they were completely out of sight.

A minute later, Naruto lifted his head up to look at everyone who was getting back up off the ground and looking back at him with disbelieving expressions. He saw the fear in some of their faces while at the same time hoping that who they were looking at was no imposter. Tsunade slowly took a few steps over to Naruto before stopping where she was. Jiraiya stayed close to Tsunade, ready to protect her if a fast one was pulled should who they were looking wasn't truly whom they hope he was.

"Na…Naruto…," Tsunade said with a voice with hope and doubt. Weakly, Naruto reached for his headband and pulled it back enough for her and everyone to see. What they saw on his forehead caught everyone off guard.

"Great medic minds think alike, eh kaa-chan," Naruto stated with a trademark fox grin that only he could smile. Everyone was now looking at a diamond-shaped seal on Naruto's forehead. It looked exactly like Tsunade's, except his was orange red and had two orange red spirals going in opposite directions at the left and right sides of the diamond-shaped design that looked like small spread open wings with miniature seals drawn around the spiral designs.

"Infūin: Sōzō Saigen (Shadow Seal: Creation Revival)," Naruto said before he fell to the ground facedown before completely losing consciousness.

"Naruto," Tsunade cried out as she ran over and knelt down to him. Hurriedly checking his vitals, she realized…

"He's alive," Tsunade cried happily while embracing him tightly in her arms. Tears were coming down her face again, but this time they were tears of great joy. Though his vitals were very weak however, they were there nonetheless.

"My son lives," the female Hokage shouted happily as if she won the biggest gamble in her life; ironic really. Jiraiya, Shizune, Sandaime and the others ran up to the pair. Shizune went over and got down on her knees and embraced Naruto also, crying happily that he survived and is alive.

"My otouto," Shizune cried with joy, "My otouto is alive again!"

Sandaime was very happy as well, but simultaneously he was left speechless and stupefied at the feat Naruto pulled off.

"He performed and survived an S-rank kinjutsu ougi…," Sandaime remarked with amazement, "By means of another S-rank kinjutsu!"

"A feat even Yondaime couldn't pull off," Jiraiya added while being overjoyed at Naruto's survival and victory, "And Naruto managed to breakdown that barrier by combining Sen'eijashu with two strong Rasengans, using the snakes as long range extensions of himself."

"Leave it to Konoha's number one surprising ninja to make the impossible possible," Kakashi said with a large smile on his face though hidden under his mask. Anko wiped away her tears as she was very happy that Naruto was not only alive, but he killed the very man who nearly ruined her life. She went over to the unconscious blonde and knelt down next to him by Shizune.

"That Yondaime-gaki," Anko laughed happily, "You can't help but love the guy!"


As loud and flamboyant Gai was at that moment, they couldn't help but agree with him as odd as it was.


"He's alive," Hinata cried happily, "Naruto-kun is alive! I'm so happy!"

"Naruto-kun lives," Ino shouted with as much joy as the Hyuuga heiress. The other Genins were very happy that Naruto pulled off what everyone regards as the impossible.

"I knew he was alive the whole time," Kiba shouted happily.

"Then what's with the tears in your eyes," Shino pointed out.

"What," Kiba replied while hurriedly wiping them away, "Oh, Uh…I just had something in my eyes tha…"

"It's OK Kiba," Shikamaru assured, "All of us are happy that Naruto isn't dead. So please don't try denying that you were getting teary-eyed about it; it's too troublesome anyway."

"Whatever," Kiba snorted.

Sasuke couldn't believe what was happening; just a moment ago Naruto was lying down dead inside that dome and now he was alive again and kicking.

How is this possible, Sasuke was speechless at what he now eye witnessed, It's so uncanny… for any shinobi to pull off…But Naruto did it…

(Back On The Battle Ground)

The Sound Four, unconscious and completely chakra drained, were apprehended by the ANBU to be brought back to Konoha and jailed. Kakashi and Gai were about to go over and prepare a stretcher to place Naruto on to carry him back when…

"That won't be necessary," Tsunade said as she lifted Naruto off the ground and carried him herself, "I'll do it myself."

Gai was about to say something but Kakashi placed a hand on his shoulder signaling that it's best to leave it at that. The taijutsu specialist nodded in understanding and obeyed Tsunade's order. Sandaime went over to where Orochimaru's lifeless body was at. Standing over it, the aged Hokage looked at the fallen Sannin, his former student, with disappointment and shame.

"Foolish apprentice," Sandaime stated with a hard voice as he picked up and held the Kusanagi in his right hand before turned Orochimaru's body around so that his back was on the ground and his face was facing the sky, "Such a waste!"

With a clean swift, Sandaime hacked off Orochimaru's head from his body, causing the head to roll a small distance from the body. Enma nodded wordlessly in understanding after seeing his long time partner and friend's action.

"Sandaime-sama," one of the ANBU asked, "What are you do-"

"Something I should have done…a long time ago," Sandaime replied with the same demeanor as he turned to the ANBU, "Dispose of the body promptly."

"Hai," the ANBU nodded as he and the other ANBU got to work in destroying Orochimaru's body. Sandaime held onto the Kusanagi. He was planning on bringing it back to Konoha and locking it away.

"What should we do with the girl," another ANBU asked pointing to Ryota who was lying on the ground face down. Jiraiya went over to the girl and examined her. Pulling down her turtleneck, he saw that the choker seal around her neck was still there. Checking her wrist…

"She's still alive," Jiraiya said after detecting a weak pulse, "But she's in need of medical attention."

"Bring her with us," Sandaime ordered, "Naruto has a connection with that former Iwa Jounin."

Jiraiya and the ANBU nodded and did as instructed.

"Let's all return back to Konoha," Sandaime suggested before turning to the trees that were some distance away from them, "And that includes all of you Genins over there!"

Hinata and the others shrieked on realizing that their cover was blown and that they were discovered. Seeing no point in trying to hide anymore, the Genins came out from hiding and made their way over to where the older ninjas were.

"I told all of you Genins to stay in the village," Sandaime stated with a serious tone, "Would one of you care to explain why my order was disregarded?"

All but Sasuke and Sai lowered their heads away from the aged Hokage, though the two boys lowered their gaze partly away from his sight. Shikamaru explained, "We have no true excuse for our actions Sandaime-sama. We-"

"Sasuke was the first to take off and follow after you guys after we heard about how strong Naruto was and we followed after him to keep him from being ambushed," Kiba cut in, only to receive a death glare by the raven-haired Uchiha.

Troublesome idiot, Shikamaru thought while frowning at Kiba for cutting him off from giving Sandaime and the other older ninjas a more acceptable explanation. Sandaime was about to scold all of them but decided not to at that time seeing that the situation concerning Naruto's condition was of higher priority.

"You knew we were there," Tenten asked.

"We knew the entire time," Asuma made clear, "We just didn't make it known since there were even bigger issues that we had in front of us."

"But those problems are done and over with," Kakashi added, "Now let's do as the Hokage suggested and return to Konoha."

Everyone turned to the direction where Konoha was and hurriedly made their way back to tend to Naruto's medical needs. They surely had a story to tell to the others back in the villages, with many questions others wanted answers to.

(Three Days Later)

Otogakure was defeated and the Oto nins were forced back to their village. Kabuto was still at large and Genma was unable to locate and bring him in much to his disappointment. The Sound Four were placed in ANBU jail in solitary confinement and were to await execution. This wasn't to be so however when the Sound Four managed to escape and retreat back to Otogakure. The one responsible for helping the four Oto Jounins to escape was a shinobi who was said to be equally matched to Kakashi himself.

Word about Orochimaru's death and defeat to Naruto and how Naruto was the one who discovered and exposed the planned invasion spread like wildfire throughout the village. As everyone worked together to repair the damages done to a number of the buildings in their village, Naruto's victory over impossible odds was the talk of the town.

Also word about how Naruto executed the Rasengan and Hiraishin, powerful and most feared jutsus created by Yondaime, spread all over the village and to the daimyo himself. Everyone now saw why Naruto proclaimed himself as Konoha's Second Flash. He wasn't doing it just for kicks as everyone thought at first. This in effect led many to regard Naruto as being the second coming of Yondaime. The Suna nins, who were versed in Yondaime Hokage's history knew just how powerful and feared he was, and for Konoha to have been able to produce a Genin who's on par with Yondaime at such a young age made them fear becoming one of Konoha's enemy villages, especially if Konoha were to produce more young ninjas like Naruto.

There were over fourteen Konoha ninjas who died during the invasion. On the third day, a memorial was held in the honor and memory as family members and close friends and comrades mourned their deaths. As hard as it was for them, life had to move on for everyone.

Iruka heard the story from several of the other Jounins and found what he heard almost hard to believe. He suspected that Naruto would pull something insane, but the things he was told went beyond all that he was expecting to hear. But when he thought back to his days having Naruto as one of his students, he saw the kind of power and potential the blonde had and how dedicated and ambitious he was in wanting to surpass both Yondaime and Godaime. The scar-faced Chuunin knew how younger generation people always sought to outdo the older generation, something he always encouraged and pushed his students to do. And the fact that Naruto was striving and succeeding in doing just so made Iruka have pride in his heart that he was Naruto's Academy sensei.

From all this, it wouldn't be long before word about Naruto's exploits reached other villages, nations and organizations, whether for the good or the bad…

Sarutobi offered Tsunade some time away from her position as Hokage seeing that she endured cruel mental and emotional trauma from Orochimaru's twisted use of the Edo Tensei and the condition her son was in. Tsunade accepted, wanting to help restore and heal Naruto in every way she could, as did Shizune. Sandaime was also hurt by what Orochimaru have done when he brought back Shodai and Nidaime, but he knew that his hurt couldn't compare to what Tsunade and Shizune felt especially since those four ninjas were their late relatives and Naruto was forced to seal them. Though Sandaime wasn't looking forward to going back to doing paper again however, he placed the needs of his former student, her apprentice and Naruto ahead of his own interests.

As for the Genins, during the second day Sandaime summoned all of them with the exception of Neji into his office and scolded them as a group for disobeying his instructions to stay in the village and help the other Jounins with the problems happening during the invasion. He made it very clear that regardless of their good-natured intentions, they acted on an impulse and abandoned their assigned tasks given to them from their Hokage without proper authorization. He explained that they should have reported Sasuke's actions to the other Konoha Jounins and Chuunins who were still in the village. He also berated Sasuke sternly for his senseless actions and for forsaking his job for the sole purpose of satisfying his own interests and ego. Sandaime however respected and acknowledged that Shikamaru came clean and made no attempt to pass blame on anyone. He saw that the Shikamaru was willing to accept responsibility for his actions.

Though Sandaime didn't want to punish them harshly, he knew that not correcting them in some way would inculcate the notion that they have the option to disregard his or Tsunade's orders whenever they think they knew better than their superiors and such insubordinate behavior was a serious protocol violation that he didn't want seeded in their development as Konoha's next generation ninjas. So during the week, they were giving D-rank missions consisting of clean up work in assigned damage site areas in the village and other D-rank related errands and tasks. Failure to complete their tasks was not to be tolerated.


Naruto was presently in the hospital after falling into a coma in the battlefield. Tsunade and Shizune personally saw to Naruto's medical needs and examination. From what they learned about Naruto's condition, his body was badly damaged, including portions of his chakra coils. This was the result of him using more than one S-rank jutsu and kinjutsu in one day, something that normally kills a shinobi, often regardless of rank. But what truly served to damage him though was the Fuchi Fuujin, the jutsu that tore into his chakra coils and his being altogether.

When he created the two Rasengans and combined them with Sen'eijashu, a lot of strain was placed on his already damaged body which was trying to heal itself to some degree with the use of Sōzō Saigen, a jutsu that Tsunade had no recorded medical information on though she was planning on having an investigation done on it. When Naruto performed his final attack, he took a dangerous gamble in never being able to use chakra again since he executed that attack with damaged chakra coils. Whether or not he'd make a full recovery was uncertain though Tsunade healed and restored as much of his coils as she possibly could. But they all hoped for the best if anything that the rest of his coils completely heal on their own. Naruto's Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan was recorded and classified as a high A-rank long range attack ninjutsu.

Asuma, after seeing the power behind Naruto's Katon: Shiroi Gōkakyū No Jutsu (Fire Release: Great White Fire Ball Technique), sought to learn how to perform that jutsu since he has a wind affinity like Naruto. Tsunade and Sandaime however put a stop to it after recording and classifying that jutsu as an S-rank long range attack kinjutsu. Tsunade explained in details that after doing a thorough medical examination on her son's internal anatomy, she found that portions of his lungs, esophagus and oral cavity suffered cellular damages and burns and healing them fully was very difficult, even for her. Were a common shinobi to have performed that fire kinjutsu, he'd have died before the jutsu was executed.

How Naruto was able to keep fighting after suffering such internal damages was an enigma she couldn't explain. She figured that Naruto must have concentrated his element around his organs and throat enough to prevent further damages to his body while performing that fire kinjutsu. If anyone else, Tsunade explained, were to attempt to perform that jutsu, chances of their survival because of the severity of the cellular damages done to their organs were very slim. And if they did survive, they'd be disabled and crippled for life.

She kept out the part that Kyuubi's chakra helped in healing the rest of the cellular damage tissues since she didn't what anyone, except those who know about Kyuubi that her son is a Jinchuuriki.

Also she explained that that fire kinjutsu increased Naruto's body temperature to dangerous levels since his body had to generate that massive amount of fire internally while simultaneously using his wind element to cool his body down and prevent his body from overheating. Had his body reached 108 degrees and beyond, Tsunade explained, he'd have surely died and with no place for the energy to go, his body would have burst into flames and burned to ashes. And if he had attempted to perform that jutsu again that same day, she continued, his body would have overloaded and he'd have destroyed both himself and everyone around him. How big a blast the explosion would have been since he contains a huge amount of chakra was uncertain, she said, but undoubtedly it could most likely stretch for miles.

Naruto's Fuuton: Rasen Kamikaze (Wind Release: Spiraling Wind Of God), although incomplete and in its experimental stage, was also recorded and classified as an S-rank attack kinjutsu. When Naruto had performed that shape and nature manipulated jutsu once on Ryota a little more than a month ago, he suffered similar internal injuries as she did although it wasn't as extensive and overwhelmingly brutal as hers. Had he tried to execute the attack at maximum, he'd have suffered from more severe internal and organ damages though Ryota would have died from irreversible external and internal body damage.

Though this was never recorded however, Naruto's summoning of Kyuubi was also regarded as an S-rank kinjutsu kuchiyose.

Ryota, formerly known as Iwagakure's Shining Stone, was being hospitalized at the same hospital Naruto was. She suffered from concentrated snake poisoning and several other internal injuries and burns. After a full medical fix up, they managed to remove the poison from out of her body and healed most of her injuries with the rest being able to heal on their own. Though she was in stable condition however, she was being guarded by two ANBU and her recuperation wouldn't allow her to take on the role of a kunoichi for a while.

Danzo and a few others argued that because Ryota was originally from Iwa that she should be detained in solitary confinement in ANBU jail if not executed, not wanting to risk having a spy in their midst. However Jiraiya and Sandaime argued that Naruto could have easily killed her if she was a true threat or spy and that she willingly forsook and left Iwa thus becoming a missing-nin before deciding to join Konoha. The Toad Sannin stated that Orochimaru said it himself and that Ryota personally confirmed it in front of everyone who were there. Jiraiya also mentioned that she won't foolishly try to kill Naruto since her life is linked with his; if he dies she dies as well because of the choker seal Naruto placed on her some time ago. This served to cool down the tension the council had about having Ryota in their midst, especially after finding out she's been among them without their notice for quite a while. That in mind moved Sandaime to suggest scrutinizing their security again.

(Two Days Later)

Naruto was still in the hospital and his condition was stable but they didn't know when he was going to wake up. Visitations to see Naruto were expressly restricted unless given personal authorization by either Tsunade or Sandaime with ANBU on guard. Jiraiya, Kakashi, Anko, Hinata, Ino and the rest of the Rookie Genins and the Konohamaru Corps came to visit him though their time spent in his recovery room was strictly limited. They saw that Naruto had an oxygen mask over his mouth, an IV needle inserted into his left arm and wires attached to his chest to monitor his vitals. They were happy to see that most of Naruto's injuries were fully healed and they hoped that he'll eventually wake up.

Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and Baki paid Naruto a visit on the second day. With the death of Yondaime Kazekage the issue as to who was to be Godaime Kazekage had to be handled and the Suna council had to be briefed about everything that's happened. Baki wanted to mend and fix the damage and trouble Suna has caused for Konoha and hoped that the council would consider forming ties with Konoha though he didn't know how the council was going to react after they learned that Naruto repaired Gaara's seal. Nevertheless, Baki assured Tsunade and Sarutobi that he was going to do what he could.

While looking at Naruto's unconscious form, Gaara thought about what Naruto had done several days ago. The very thought that Naruto willingly and selflessly sacrificed himself to stop Orochimaru and save his village were characteristics that Gaara found deeply interesting. He recalled the conversation he had with Naruto after his battle and defeat to Naruto over two months ago…

(Flashback; Two Months Ago)

In the forest miles away from Konoha, Naruto, though conscious, was lying on his chest on the ground with Gaara only a couple of feet away from him. Both Jinchuurikis had just finished a deadly battle that would have killed anyone who crazily tried to interfere.

"You…are…strong…," Gaara spoke in a low tone, "…Tell me what makes you this powerful? What's your secret?"

"There's no secret to it Gaara," Naruto answered, "In my life I've found that true strength is determined by true and constructive motives. I strongly believe that if you have a lot of precious people to protect…that will make you strong…"

"Precious people," Gaara asked with a confused expression. Naruto let out a small chuckle, "…I'm fighting…for the protection of my village, my friends and my family…your motives are destructive…you're fighting to prove your own existence through genocide…in the end our goals clash…your objective disagrees with mine…and my desires defy yours…I'll tell you this Gaara, you won't find true strength, or a purpose for your existence, in slaughtering everyone that comes in your path."

"…," Gaara remained silent as Naruto continued, "…Honestly…I believe…if you'd let me…the two of us could become the best of friends…"

"Friends…" Gaara muttered. Naruto continued, "That's right…in my life, I've grown fond of the people I've come to know as my friends and family…and they don't look at me as a Jinchuuriki or as the village's weapon but as a human being…In the end, they're part of the reasons why I didn't turn out to become what sadly happened to you…"

Gaara's eyes widened, "I…I…I…"

"Have a brother and sister that love you," Naruto answered for him, "Even though they're terrified of you. Still, if you desire to have friends…let them be your first…Understand Gaara that it's not too late for you. You can still make constructive changes in your life and find a new way to prove your existence to everyone, showing them that you're an individual and nobody's instrument."

(End Flashback)

"This Naruto was willing to give his life for the people he regards as precious," Gaara spoke after a long period of silence while looking at Naruto resting form, "He was fighting to protect his village, family and friends. He was strong because he had so much precious people to protect. That's why so many who crossed him have fallen to his power, me being one of them."

Temari, Kankuro, Baki, Tsunade and Sandaime turned to the Suna Jinchuuriki. To hear what Gaara was saying stupefied the other three Suna nins to no end.

"Gaara…," Temari said as she slowly approached him.

"Perhaps I too can learn to acquire this amazing power and strength as the ones this Naruto, my friend, have gained," Gaara said as he turned to look at the others, "Naruto has taught me that it's not too late for me and that I can make constructive changes in my life and find a new way to prove my existence to everyone. I will prove my existence to everyone by following his example…I will find precious people to protect and make me strong."

With that said, Gaara walked and exited the room with much to think about, leaving the Suna nins shocked beyond reason at what Gaara said. They couldn't believe how great an impact that Naruto, the Konoha Jinchuuriki, had on the Suna Jinchuuriki. The blonde shinobi succeeded in reaching and changing Gaara's heart, a feat that others in the past have failed to do and instead tried to kill Gaara for something he had no control over or a choice in.

Snapping back into reality, Baki told Kankuro and Temari that it was time for them to return back to Suna. They nodded as they followed Sandaime and Tsunade out of the room. Before their departure from the room though, Temari went back and kissed Naruto on his cheek.

"Thank you for helping and saving Gaara," Temari smiled whole heartedly, "And for becoming Gaara's first friend. You're truly one of a kind…Naruto."

After doing and saying what she wanted to say and do, Temari returned back to the others and exited the room, leaving Naruto to rest and recuperate in his room.

(At An Undisclosed Location)

"So Orochimaru is dead," Deidara inquired after hearing the reports brought to them by Zetsu.

"Yes," Zetsu made clear after explaining what he was able to learning from seeing the later portions of Naruto's battle with Orochimaru and the four resurrected ninjas, "And the Konoha ANBU made quick work in disposing of Orochimaru's body."

"It's a pity really…," Sasori remarked, "I wanted to kill him myself and add him to my collection of human puppets."

"Be that as it may," Kakuzu retorted, "But fact that Naruto single-handedly defeated and killed a former Akatsuki member and two other Kage level fighters in one fight makes him a problem for us."

"True," Pein the Akatsuki leader acknowledged, "However based on the information Zetsu was able to gain for us, it's clear that Naruto is presently in his most weakened and vulnerable state."

"Should we attempt to retrieve him again," Itachi asked.

"Yes but only if it's possible," Pein said, "You and Kisame will leave for Konoha and try to bring in Naruto alive."

"It's unfortunate that I can't fight that gaki again," Kisame remarked, "I would have enjoyed challenging him at the level of power he attained."

"Naruto may be weakened but do not do anything reckless Kisame," Pein made clear, "Otherwise you'll end up just as dead as Orochimaru is. Understood?"

"…Yes leader," Kisame sighed.

"We'll leave now for our voyage to Konoha," Itachi said before having their telepathic link disconnected.

"You know that neither Kisame nor Itachi will have an easy time acquiring Naruto," Konan spoke, "After all, Naruto nearly killed Itachi the first time without them actually engaging in a real physical combat with each other. It wasn't easy healing the mind injuries Itachi was inflicted with by the boy."

"And undoubtedly that son of a bitch will be heavily guarded," Hidan added.

"I'm very well aware of the situation," Pein stated, "But we need not worry about that."

"What about Gaara," Deidara asked, "Should Sasori-danna and I go after him?"

"No," Pein related, "There's no hurry to go after him. We'll leave him alone for now. And besides, we have yet to locate and track down the other bijuus and Jinchuurikiris. Much preparation and time will be needed."

Deidara wordlessly nodded.

Naruto's alive! But he's in a heavily weakened condition and in a coma. To add to Naruto's problems, the Akatsuki is on the move again and is seizing the opportunity to go after and retrieve him. Will Itachi and Kisame succeed in abducting Naruto in order to get a hold of Kyuubi No Kitsune? Stick around to find out.