Chapter Thirty-Seven: Aftermath Part 2

(Ten Days Later)

It was a clear and sunny day and everyone in the village was going about their lives while reconstructing the areas that were damaged. Meanwhile Anko was in the Hokage tower making her way to the room were Hiruzen was. A few minutes later, she quietly entered and walked into the room where Hiruzen was. Presently he was sitting on a bench looking at the five portraits of the Hokages starting in the order from Shodai and so on. Hiruzen turned to her and smiled, "Anko, I'm glad you were able to make it."

"You wanted to see me, Hokage-sama," Anko asked. Sarutobi nodded and gestured to her to enter and closed the door behind her. She did as instructed as Sandaime stood to face her fully.

"Anko," Sandaime started, "There's something I've been meaning to discuss with you for some time. But I placed it aside since we had the invasion to deal with first."

"Yes," Anko asked, "What is it you wanted to talk with me about?"

"Tell me," Sandaime asked, "What do you think of Naruto?"

Anko stayed quiet briefly and answered, "From what I've seen of him, there's no doubt in my mind that he's a very strong ninja whom I helped train. He's very smart, a fast thinker and innovative. Naruto has demonstrated abilities that far surpassed any and all expectations I've ever counted on. His killing and defeating my former sensei helps to prove that."

Sandaime nodded and said, "Yes Anko, Naruto has demonstrated all that you have said and more. Now tell me, what do you really think of Naruto?"

Anko was taken aback by the question.

"What do you mean," Anko asked, "I already told you-"

"You told me from a sensei's standpoint," Sandaime pointed out, "Now I'm asking you to tell me from your personal standpoint."

"…," Anko remained silent until, "There's nothing to say Sandaime-sama."

"Anko," Hiruzen continued, "Have you ever wondered why I paired you with Naruto?"

The young woman looked at the old man curiously as he went on, "I know how life for you in this village was anything but pleasant after Orochimaru's betrayal and I've been very observant in how you tried to develop methods of dealing with them, though my efforts to help you was only able to go so far. Whereas many feared and wouldn't consider going near you however, something about you drew Naruto towards you, something no one else saw. I observed how your association with him has helped change and improve your life here in the village and how others started looking at you differently than they used to."

"There's no point in denying that truth," Anko admitted, "Being around that Yondaime-gaki did help improve my image. Surprisingly really since I stopped caring about what people used to think about me at one time."

"And the fact that Naruto would stand up for you when the villagers would scorn and ridicule you," Hiruzen pointed out, "Naruto doesn't take kindly to those who judge others before getting to know them."

"One of the things I've learned about the guy."

"…," deciding to bring up to the topic, Hiruzen said, "You care for him, don't you Anko?"

The female Special Jounin was caught off guard by the question retorted, "Why shouldn't I? He is my student and friend."

"I sense you care for him a lot deeper than that," Hiruzen interjected, "A little more than month ago after the end of the Preliminaries, I saw how you were looking at Naruto, besides shamelessly flirting with him in front of his mother and everyone else earlier that day. The very look you gave him wasn't one a teacher would give to their student, and it certainly wasn't one a sister would give to her little brother either. No Anko, that look was one that someone would give to a person they have affections for."

"That's nonsense Sandaime-sama," Anko denied, "There's no way something like that is true! I have no such attachments to Yondaime-gaki!"

"I may be old Anko but I'm in no way senile, and I do pay attention to many things besides one's ninja arts. You can't fool me Anko; you show more concern and fondness for that young man than you're willing to admit."

"…," Anko sighed, "…Just because Naruto has helped improve my image and how others see me doesn't mean anything along the lines you're implying. Besides, I'm older than Yondaime-gaki anyway."

"Only by so many years," Hiruzen replied. Anko sighed again in frustration, while seeking to change the subject, "Is there anything else you wanted talk with me about?"

"Yes," Hiruzen said, "How do you look at Naruto now since he killed Orochimaru?"

There was a brief moment of silence between the two. After a few minutes, Anko answered, "He crushed the very person who nearly ruined my life. I'm happy to have been one of the people to have taught Naruto. I saw how he used and incorporated my snake style of fighting in his own fighting style to counter Orochimaru's style of sword fighting. Knowing that I was a part of Naruto's development which aided in bringing about Orochimaru's downfall brings me much satisfaction."

Sandaime wordlessly nodded in understanding before asking, "After Naruto is made Elite-Jounin and inaugurated as the new Namikaze clan leader, what will you do then?"

After thinking it over for a moment, Anko replied, "I'll stick around with him for while; besides, (grinned widely) with all that fortune he'll get from his inheritance, there's no way he won't be able to afford buying me as much sake, dango and red bean soup as I can eat daily. I am his Jounin-sensei after all."

The aged Hokage knew that Anko was using that as an excuse to be around the blonde though his facial expression didn't show it.

"Is there anything else you wanted to discuss with me," Anko asked.

"No," Hiruzen said, "That will be all. You're dismissed."

She bowed to Hiruzen before turning and making her exit to her next destination.

(Meanwhile Elsewhere In The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade was looking for information about the Infūin: Sōzō Saigen Jutsu her son had used to revive life back into his body. Thus far she hadn't found the scroll for it in any of the medical archives in the Hokage Tower. She's been looking for that scroll for days and came up with nothing. She even went as far as to search through the seal scrolls Naruto kept in the study office where he made the Fuchi Fuujin, but she didn't find the scroll there either.

Naru-chan must be keeping it somewhere in his clan's estate, Tsunade figured before giving up her search. She knew that Naruto wouldn't keep that scroll just anywhere. She wondered if in fact Naruto looked into her Sōzō Saisei to create an upgraded version of it.

During the first days Naruto was in the hospital, she had Jiraiya look into the infūin on Naruto's head to see what he could find. From what Jiraiya told her, he explained that though the seal wasn't like the ones he's seen and studied before however, that seal in particular was one that was at the level of a seal master. He knew that Naruto had Yondaime's knowledge on seals, but the one Naruto had on his forehead was unique, and seeing that the seal was related to Tsunade's Sōzō Saisei in some way, Jiraiya knew that Naruto's infūin had a dark nature to it of some form. It was clear that this infūin was a seal that Naruto must have worked on in secret for who knew how long.

(Later That Day)

Anko was making her way to the hospital to visit her Naruto. She was allowed into the room after being checked that she wasn't a fake by the two ANBU on guard, much to her annoyance. Going into the room, she closed the door behind her and went over to the teenage ninja. The Snake Jounin saw that Naruto was resting soundly and that his vitals were normal based on the chart readings.

"Oi Yondaime-gaki," Anko smiled, "I ought to knock you across your head for worrying me so much, especially for that stunt you pulled in killing yourself…"

Anko dropped her hyper active demeanor down to a more calm one as she continued, "…Then again I'm being a hypocrite. Over a month ago, I tried using Sōjasōsai No Jutsu (Twin Snake Sacrifice Jutsu) back in the Forest of Death after I learned Orochimaru was there during the second part of the Chuunin Exams. The bastard managed to escape me easily. And here you go succeeding where I have failed using an even stronger and most deadly sacrificial jutsu."

Anko paused momentarily as she slowly removed her "mask", "…You really had me scared back there Naruto. I thought I lost you forever to Orochimaru who had already taken away almost everything from me. But I didn't and you survived what I thought was an impossible feat. I'm so very happy that I didn't lose you Naruto. I'm also happy that though I was unsuccessful in stopping Orochimaru once and for all…I was able to be one of your trainers who helped you bring about his defeat."

The Snake Jounin stopped momentarily as she gathered her thoughts. A few minutes later she continued, "It's funny Naruto…I never thought I'd ever become this attached to anyone like this. You took an interest in getting to know the real me and see me for who I really am. You became someone I could open up to and pour out all of my buried emotions and thoughts to without fearing being judged; you became a shoulder for me to cry on and just allow me to let go of all of my sorrow, anger and loneliness; I felt comfortable with you while being myself without needing to behind the mask I wear in front of everyone; you enjoyed my company and weren't ashamed of being seen with me in public view.

"For this I'm very grateful…yet that the same time…(a few tears fall from her face)…I'm angry. I'm angry at the fact that we're not the same age. So many times I've told myself that if things were different, I'd have dated you in a heartbeat. You treated and did things for me that no other man in this village have ever done or even bothered attempting to do for me…and I'm finding it hard to believe that I'm developing these feelings for you."

Anko took a moment to wipe away the tears and compose her herself. A moment later she continued, "I tried masking it by the way I act around you, trying to play it off as the way I act around others. I know that Kurenai-chan and a few others are on to me though they didn't come right out and say it openly. That old geezer of a Hokage sees this about me and he openly said it to my face as much as I tried to deny it."

The Special Jounin took a moment to regain herself and control her emotions, "…Naruto. I'm sorry for being too afraid of telling you this openly while you're awake. Maybe one day I can tell you this straightforwardly."

Looking around in all directions, Anko checked to see and make sure she was alone. When that was done, she removed the oxygen mask off from Naruto's face to expose his lips. Leaning down, she planted a soft kiss on his lips while holding his left cheek with her right hand, which lasted only a couple of seconds. Pulling away, she then placed the mask back over his mouth and stood back up.

"Get well and wake up soon," Anko said after reverting back to her hyper active demeanor, "You got that, Yondaime-gaki? You still have a lot of sake, dangos and red bean soup to buy me!"

Anko smiled and ruffled the blonde's hair before she turned and made her exit out of the room. Moments later, a transparent figure walked from off the wall and over to Naruto. The figure dispelled the transparency jutsu and became completely visible again. Looking at the blonde, the figure gave a most lecherous grin on his face while placing his pen and note pad in his pocket after recording everything he saw and heard. He was definitely going to use that information in his new novel series, that one pertaining to a secret love between sensei and apprentice, with the sensei being a young but older female and a young male as the apprentice.

"Gaki," Jiraiya smiled, "I envy you. Even in a coma you have women flocking to you and giving you kisses. You really placed them under your spell, thus providing me with a pool of resources for my research while keeping you under surveillance. I always knew that woman had a thing for you as much as she tries to hide it."

Jiraiya was about to reactivate his transparency jutsu when he saw Naruto's eyes moving from under his eyelids. The Toad Sannin watched as Naruto's eyes slowly opened while straining to adapt to the lighting of the room. Soon, Naruto's eyes were fully opened and vision was restored to the blonde.

"Welcome back to the world of the living," Jiraiya cracked with a smile on his face, "I'm happy to see that you've finally woken up."

Jiraiya went and examined him.

"Where am I," Naruto asked quizzically after removing the oxygen off his face.

"Konoha Hospital," Jiraiya replied while looking over at the infūin on Naruto's head, "You've been in a coma for days. Healing and restoring your body was a very difficult challenge for Tsunade-hime to perform, even with Shizune's help. Using four S-rank jutsus in one day profoundly damaged your body and chakra coils. Don't take this the wrong way but if anything, you should dead."

"I was," Naruto replied with an eerie calmness.

"…," Jiraiya said nothing as he tried to process what Naruto told him so straightforwardly as disturbing as it was.

"And I'd have stayed dead had it not been for my new Sōzō Saigen," Naruto continued, "I'm amazed at the fact that the jutsu actually worked."

Before Jiraiya could question Naruto further, the door to the room opened and…

"Naruto!," Tsunade shouted happily before running and grabbing her son in a tight embrace. She laughed and cried happily to see that her son regained consciousness again. Shizune came in and hurriedly made her way to Naruto to hug him also. Hiruzen was close by as he entered and closed the door behind him. Sandaime was happy to see how everyone was happy for Naruto's revival. Moments later, Tsunade and Shizune released Naruto from their embrace.

"Naru-chan," Tsunade said, "We're so happy that you're alright! Don't ever scare us like that again!"

"I'm sorry," Naruto apologized, "I never wanted you or anyone here to have to go through that. But what I did sadly had to be done and I couldn't let anyone else do it in my place, especially since I had my Sōzō Saigen in place."

"Naruto," Tsunade asked, "I examined all of the medical scrolls in the archives and found no record of that jutsu. Tell us, how long have you been working on creating that jutsu?"

"For a year and a few months," Naruto answered, "I've been secretly working on this new jutsu beside my Rasen Kamikaze. After studying the workings of your Sōzō Saisei, I decided to invent a new form of that infūin."

"Why didn't tell me you were working on creating such a medic kinjutsu," Tsunade asked.

"There was no way of telling that my Sōzō Saigen would actually work and I didn't want to build up any form of false expectations in what many would have thought was going to be breakthrough in medical advancements," Naruto admitted, "As I've been working on that medical kinjutsu over the months, all of my testing and experimentations on that jutsu have failed with disappointing results. None of the seals I designed were able to hold and handle the kind of power I was trying to place into it."

"Exactly what kind of power were you trying to seal that infūin of yours," Sandaime asked.

"…Both a large portion of healing chakra combined with essence of my life-force," Naruto replied, "With one of my enhanced kage bushins to be used as a vessel to contain this power before sealing my clone into my new infūin. The infūin would absorb and store portions of my life-force and chakra into itself and infuse it into the kage bushin sealed into it. The drawback to this however was that my life span as a result was shortened by a year or two, three at most. However, my father, after learning about my new infūin, gave me some of his own life force and had me seal it into my infūin. In doing this, my life span wasn't shortened as greatly as it originally was going to be.

"It was only recently that I managed to acquire the seals that would be suitable for my Sōzō Saigen. I had Tao look into some seals for me and she managed to find the kinds of seals that I would find useful. After attaining those seals, with much work and revisions of my prototype infūin, I managed to obtain the results I've been seeking for my Sōzō Saigen.

"…I knew I was going to die when I threw kaa-chan away from me moments before Orochimaru had his Oto ninjas reactivate the barrier," Naruto continued, "What caught me by surprise was that Ryota just happened to have made her way over to me from underground before the barrier was reactivated. Seeing that her life was entwined with mine, I didn't wish for her to die because of a self-sacrificing jutsu I planned on using. So before the Fuchi Fuujin was completed, I released Ryota from her Kubiwa Fūin (Choker Seal)."

"I noticed that the Kubiwa Fūin was still around her neck though," Jiraiya said, "I'm assuming you reactivated the seal after your revival."

"I did just before losing consciousness," Naruto confirmed, "By the way, where is Ryota?"

"In another section of this hospital recuperating like you," Sandaime answered, "She's under ANBU surveillance though I highly doubt she'll try anything foolish."

"That parable you gave about the phoenix," Shizune asked after a period of silence, "You were referring to yourself, which was why you likened your will of fire to that of the phoenix. You were giving us an encrypted message about both your death and revival, weren't you?"

"That I was," Naruto nodded and added, "After I saw that no amount of damage I did to my great grandfather, my great grand uncle, Nawaki-jisan and Dan-san would work…I realized then that I had to resort to using Fuchi Fuujin to seal them away…as much I as didn't want to do that to them. I knew I would die as a "side effect" of performing that kinjutsu ougi, but I also knew that there was a probability that I could revive myself with the use of my Sōzō Saigen."

"A probability," Tsunade asked.

"I never actually tested the Sōzō Saigen in its fullest capacity before the invasion and doing so would require me to be as close to death as possible or totally dead," Naruto made clear, "And I didn't want to use anyone's lives as guinea pigs just to test the success of my new jutsu. So during my final moments after the Fuchi Fuujin was complete, I activated my Sōzō Saigen just moments before my last breath left my mouth."

"So in other words," Tsunade realized with widened eyes, "There was no actual guarantee to your revival or that your Sōzō Saigen would work! You took a gamble!"

Tsunade slapped Naruto in front of everyone, letting her emotions get the better of her reasoning. Shizune, Jiraiya and Hiruzen found the situation rather ironic, seeing how Tsunade is a chronic gambler and loser. Naruto now had a reddened left cheek that was sore from the hard blow Tsunade inflicted to his face. The blond-haired shinobi was nursing his hurting cheek while Tsunade at that point had tears coming down her face.

"I'm sorry Naru-chan," Tsunade apologized with her head lowered as she wiped her away, "…I didn't mean to overreact. I just couldn't live with the idea that I was going to lose another loved one in my life who died wanting to become Hokage. When I saw you die in front of me I felt a huge part of myself die with you at that very moment. It was one of the most cruel and painful experiences of my life. No parent wants to see their child die before them."

"I'm sorry that my actions have bought you so much pain kaa-chan," Naruto apologized sincerely, "As your son I never want to bring you such pain and it hurts me to see you in such a harsh distress. But as a ninja of Konoha I have to put the safety of the village and the villagers ahead of my own. This is the responsibility I assumed when I became a ninja, just like you and everyone else here. Most importantly, it was something you yourself have taught me, as did my father, Sandaime-jiisan, Shizune-neechan and ero-Jiraiya-jisan."

Tsunade couldn't help but see truth in Naruto's words. There was no doubt in her mind that Naruto was more mature and wise for his age than many other his age.

"I know and understand that I inculcate that into you Naruto," Tsunade said, "But I'm happy that you're alright. I know you didn't want to resort to using those jutsus but seeing the circumstances, I know I'd have done the same if I were in your place…You said that you hope that I'd someday find it in my heart to forgive you. At first I didn't understand what you meant until I saw how everything played out after that. And now that I've seen all that has happened…yes Naruto, I do forgive you, from the depths of my heart."

"…Thanks kaa-chan," Naruto replied, "That really does mean a great deal to me."

"Naruto," Hiruzen stepped in, "I noticed that while your Sōzō Saigen was taking its effects that you weren't completely conscious though your body was seemingly moving on its own."

"That was why after my jutsu kicked in," Naruto explained, "I was in that zombie-like state. My infūin was trying to restore life back into my broken body with the life energy I sealed away in it. My life energy however wouldn't have stabilized if my body was too damaged, which was why I had stored away healing chakra used in healing my body enough to help revitalize the use of my chakra coils and anatomy all together. The kage bushin that I sealed into my infūin was dispelled which helped quicken the restoration of my mind which was why I snapped out of the zombie-like state. But the heavy mental and physical strain I placed on my body while restoring myself as I performed my Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan to destroy the barrier knocked me into a coma, on top of the heavy damages my body endured that day."

"How often can you perform that medic kinjutsu," Shizune asked.

"Sōzō Saigen is not a jutsu that can be used whenever I want," Naruto explained, "After its use, I must wait at least four to five years before I can possibly use it again if the situation is extreme enough to require resorting to that jutsu. Using it again anytime before then would kill me instantly since it would absorb and irreversibly seal away all my remaining life force in my body. I have to give my body time to repair itself and rebuild on my life force."

"But your life span was decreased by two to three years still wasn't it," Shizune asked with worry in her voice.

"No not really," Naruto corrected, "Like I said earlier, my father gave me some of his own life force; therefore my life span wasn't decreased to that extreme."

"In that case," Tsunade inquired, "To what extreme?

"Perhaps a month, week or less," Naruto replied.

"In any event you won't be doing any serious ninja duties for a while," Tsunade made clear.

"Why not," Naruto asked.

"Naruto," Tsunade explained, "From what I examined about your body after that entire ordeal, it's very clear to me that at this point you're not as strong as before; your level of power and dropped significantly as a result of what you put your body through that day."

"What are you saying," Naruto asked.

"…What I'm saying is that you're not at Kage-level anymore," Tsunade stated, "Your level dropped down to Jounin, if not Elite Jounin; ironic really seeing that you've been promoted to Elite Jounin and so-to-be Namikaze clan leader. It's a relief and a blessing that your situation isn't permanent since anyone else in your position would have been forced to resign as ninjas since their bodies that have those "unique" healing factors like you."

Naruto was very well aware that Tsunade was referring to the Kyuubi sealed in his right hand.

"I don't know how long it'll take for you to get back to that level," Tsunade added, "It could take two to four years if anything."

"I guess it'll give me something to do with my time," Naruto joked before becoming serious, "By the way, how to you proposed we explain to the villagers who my father is when I announced and inaugurated as the new clan leader?"

"I'll give a public address to everyone when that day arrives," Hiruzen answered, "Since everyone believes Tsunade to be your mother, there's no point in telling everyone that she's your adoptive mother since she raised you since your infancy. And everyone knew that Yondaime was the last of his clan, so if you put two and two together…"

Naruto saw where Sandaime was getting at.

"When they hear that," Naruto remarked, "It'll be just like what Orochimaru thought: Kaa-chan had a secret love affair with my father who later bore a son for him, namely me, though his known pregnant wife Kushina died with her unborn child."

"If you haven't notice already Naruto," Sandaime interjected, "The villages are already on to the fact that you have an uncanny resemblance to Yondaime. So the villagers hearing that you are in fact the son of Minato Namikaze won't be too great a surprise."

"I'm sure," Naruto remarked, "By the way, when can I leave this place?"

"In a few days," Tsunade replied, "You still need to rest and you're in no condition to…"

"Kaa-chan I've been collecting dust in this chamber for days," Naruto retorted, "I need to stretch my legs and get out."

"And you will," Tsunade said, "At my discretion. Until then you'll stay here and rest."

"I've been in a coma for days," Naruto shot back, "How much more rest do I need?"

"You'll going through physical therapy," Tsunade stated, "Since your body haven't been very active for some time, you can't just expect yourself to just get up and walk, even with Kyuubi's chakra. I'll make arrangements so you can begin your physical therapy tomorrow."

Naruto wanted to say something but decided against it, acknowledging that arguing wouldn't change the situation. As much as he wanted to leave the hospital, he had to acknowledge the fact that in his present circumstance he's an easy target for everyone to hit.

"Fine," Naruto gave in, "I'll do the therapy."

"As if you had a choice in the matter," Tsunade smirked before leaning over and kissing his forehead. After doing that she turned and left the room with Shizune following behind her.

"I better be on my way now," Sandaime said, "I have to go back to the office and resume my…paperwork."

It was no secret that Sandaime wasn't all that thrilled to going back to doing paper again but he knew that it had to be done.

"And by the way Naruto," Sandaime said with a serious tone as he looked at the blonde, "Those jutsus you used during your battle with Orochimaru, with the exception of your Sōzō Saigen and Hiraishin, were recorded in the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing. And with the exception of your Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan which was recorded and classified as a high A-rank ninjutsu, your other jutsus and your Rasen Kamikaze were classified as S-rank kinjutsus. You are to never teach them to anyone and we don't ever want you using those jutsus again. Understand?"

Naruto simply nodded to Sandaime, knowing that this wasn't the time for jokes.

"You take care of yourself Naruto," Sandaime said before he exited the room, leaving Jiraiya and Naruto behind.

"Oi gaki," Jiraiya asked, "I've been meaning to ask you something."

"And what would that be ero-jisan?"

"Tell me," Jiraiya asked with a grinned on his face, "How much do you know about…Anko-chan?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow in perplexity on hearing that question.

(Meanwhile In The Outlands of Sunagakure)

Four days ago, Baki and a team of Suna Jounins had found the corpses of the Yondaime Kazekage and his advisors in the pit Orochimaru threw them into after killing them. From the conditions of decaying and maggot-infested bodies, Baki and his team realized that those corpses had been dead between three to four weeks before the final Chuunin Exams.

This news sent further ripples through Suna and the council, especially after they learned of Orochimaru's deception. The council also learned from Baki's full report about how Naruto encountered Gaara and his siblings in Konoha and everything that happened after that up to Orochimaru's death and ultimate defeat to Naruto, the Konoha shinobi who was revered as the second coming of Konoha's Yondaime Hokage, only stronger many thought. The bodies of their Kazekage and advisors were retrieved and given proper burials, along with their fallen comrades who died in Konoha because of Orochimaru's deception.

As it stood, Konoha was still standing and still had Tsunade the Godaime and Slug Sannin, Sarutobi Hiruzen the Sandaime and famous "Professor," and Jiraiya the Toad Sannin to lead its forces. Suna had no one on their level currently or at Naruto's for that matter.

The council took everything that's transpired and Baki's report into deep consideration. Some at first thought that Gaara was going to go on a killing spree for revenge after his seal was fully repaired, seeking vengeance against the council for having Shukaku sealed into him and the treatment he suffered over the years while growing up. They were surprised however when Gaara did none of what they thought he was going to do and they were further shocked when Gaara said that he'll become nobody's weapon but someone who wants to become strong and protect all those who are precious to him with his life, just as Naruto has taught him.

Though peace and an alliance were the only solutions however, Baki and the Suna council were sure that peace and an alliance with Konoha weren't going to come cheap. There were however a few unexpected surpluses:

Gaara had been brought out of his madness into sanity. Though still hard-faced, serious and bloodthirsty, the Suna Jinchuuriki had begun developing mentally and emotionally thanks to Naruto's sincere efforts to save the red-haired Jinchuuriki.

The next surplus was that Temari started to grow a fondness for the blonde Jinchuuriki of Konoha for what he did for Gaara, something no one has ever done willingly without asking for any reward for their effort and achievement. In fact, Temari had actually managed to hug Gaara and get one back from him.

Kankuro had gotten his brother open up a little more than before. He even got a laugh out of Gaara, one that wasn't maniacal but humorous.

At that point Baki didn't know how to thank and repay Naruto him for saving Gaara and giving Temari and Kankuro a chance to have an actual sibling relationship with the youngest brother.

With all of this and everything else in mind, the council decided to call for peace negotiations with Konoha. Before dispatching one of their fastest messenger hawks to Konoha containing proposals for a peace treaty and an alliance, the council had to settle the issue of who they were going to inaugurate as Godaime Kazekage.

(Back In Konoha)

The Genins were all returning home from doing more D-rank missions given to them by Sandaime. For more than a week, these missions involved clean-up work at the demolished sites in the village. When Sandaime penalized them with D-rank missions for their disobedience during the invasion they saw that he was no joke. The kind of clean-up work they had to do entailed strenuous heavy-duty labor that lasted for hours, if not most of the day. They would always return home exhausted and unable to do almost anything else because of the amount of work and stress the jobs involved. They were happy that today was their last day in doing those missions; for what it was worth, they made a mental note to never disregard Sarutobi's orders again.

(A Week Later)

During the week, Naruto had been subjected to a series of physical therapy in getting his body back in action. Tsunade cautioned him not to push his body more than he could handle since he still needed time to recover. But as usual, Naruto was stubborn and tried to do so anyway only to fall on his face several times. Luckily for him, those incidents were nothing serious for him to worry about. Still he was determined to get back in shape again and become stronger than before.

The Genins and the villagers were thrilled on hearing about Naruto's awakening from his coma. Hinata and the others visited him in the hospital and as usual, Hinata and Ino tackled him with tight embraces. Lee and Gai were making loud proclamations of Naruto's shining fires of youth and other things of that nature. Tenten, as happy as she was that Naruto was alright, asked if he'd be willing to do some weapon sparring with her sometime when he has the time to do so. He found no harm in that so he told her when he got the time to. Sasuke wanted to question Naruto about his power and jutsus while wondering if there was any way for him to gain that kind of power the blonde possessed. But he decided to do so at another time.

They were caught off guard though when they found out that Naruto was promoted to Elite Jounin and not Chuunin like Shikamaru was. Shikamaru however found it troublesome that they were making such a big deal about it. All he saw was that it meant more work and responsibilities for Naruto and less for him, giving him more time for cloud watching and playing shogi.

Iruka also came by to pay Naruto a visit. He congratulated Naruto on his victory, recovery and promotion to Elite Jounin, though technically he thought Naruto would have been made Chuunin first. He added that he was proud of the fact that he was willing to go to the farthest extent to protect Konoha and Tsunade.

Konohamaru and his two friends also came by to visit Naruto during the week. They hurled a bunch of questions at Naruto about his battles against the Suna and Oto ninjas and Orochimaru. Konohamaru even asked Naruto if he'd someday teach him those powerful jutsus. Naruto however told him that those jutsus were all high S-rank and too dangerous to be taught to anyone. He made it clear that both Tsunade and Sandaime had expressly forbid him from teaching those jutsus to anyone and he himself was forbidden from using them again. The three youths were surprised by this but to Naruto's surprised they didn't press on the topic. But as usual, Konohamaru declared that he'll work hard to match Naruto as his rival since they both were competing for the title Hokage. Naruto simply smiled and nodded to boy, admiring his determination.

Anko also visited Naruto, being very happy that he was awake and walking again. Naruto had to fight back a blush and grin that wanted to appear on his face after remembering what Jiraiya had told him in details about what Anko said and did at the hospital before he regained consciousness. The blonde saw how Anko was playing things off as though she didn't do anything while he was in his final moments of his coma. He wanted to bring it to her attention, but he decided to let Anko come clean about if/when she was ready to do so, and he could only guess when that was going to happen. Anko, although she already knew it was going to happen, did congratulate Naruto on his promotion. She knew that Naruto being Elite Jounin meant he out-ranked her and the other Jounins and Special Jounins for that matter.

During the passed couple of days though, Naruto had trouble communicating with Minato. He wondered if the seal was damaged in anyway at first, but after both he and Jiraiya examined the seal, they found that the seal wasn't damaged to say the least. Naruto wondered if his death and revival had anything to do with it. If anything, it surely sounded like a possibility.

Ryota was emitted out of the hospital but because of the fact that she was originally from Iwagakure, there were some who were still not trusting of her, the council especially. Naruto however stated that Ryota is his responsibility and that he'd watch over her. Danzo however opposed the idea and suggested for Ryota to be under constant ANBU guard and surveillance. Sandaime, having eye-witnessed Ryota's actions and proclamation during the battle with Orochimaru, ruled that Ryota would be under probation until further notice while under Naruto's supervision. Because of her power and experience ninja expertise and Naruto vouching for her, Ryota was enlisted and registered as a fellow Konoha nin and Jounin though she wasn't allowed to leave the village wall without the approval from either Sandaime or Tsunade with Naruto in company.

By the end of the week Naruto was back on his feet and up and walking like normal again. He was to wait a few days before he was able to start retraining himself again.

(Two Days Later)

Sandaime had called an assembly of all the villagers of Konoha. Everyone was assembling around the Hokage Tower wondering what was happening, but they knew that it was something big if the Hokage called all of the villagers together. Naruto was nowhere in sight, though Kiba saw to it that he found Haku and stood alongside her. He asked if she knew what was happening but she confirmed that she was just as clueless as everyone else. The other Genins likewise were asking around but they got nothing. The Jounins themselves were wondering what was going to happened. The clan leaders and village elders of Konoha all knew what was going to happened but they remained quiet while standing among the crowd. Ryota was also among the crowd as while but she knew that the ANBU were somewhere keeping an eye on her.

Moments later, Hiruzen, Tsunade, Jiraiya appeared on the roof of the Hokage Tower with Homura and Koharu standing behind them. Sandaime signaled everyone on the ground to quiet down before beginning his speech.

"People of Konohagakure No Sato," Sandaime dressed, "Not too long ago our village was attacked by a renegade Sannin and his army. Many of our best ninjas battled and placed their lives on the line to protect this village and I'm happy and proud to say that victory was ours and our village is safe again!"

Everyone cheered and applauded enthusiastically. Hiruzen gestured to everyone to settle down, "At this time I wish to have your attention for something very important that must be explained. Over thirteen years ago the beast known as Kyuubi No Yoko attacked our village and killed many of our ninjas and people. Yondaime battled the monster and lost his life defeating the monster. Kushina his then pregnant wife died also that night. It was believed that the Namikaze clan was completely wiped out since. But I'm pleased to say that the Namikaze clan had a survivor!"

Everyone's ears perked up on hearing that, Sasuke's especially. Kakashi, Anko, Shizune, Ryota, Hinata and Ino saw where this was going but stayed quiet not wanting to ruin the surprise.

"The existence of this surviving heir was kept secret to assure his protection against all of his father's enemies. He was given his mother's last name, and both mother and son have been living here amongst us for more than thirteen years, and all of you have seen his face many times and all of you know his mother. Some of you are even friends and close friends with the young man in fact."

This aroused everyone's curiosity even further except of the few who knew whom Sandaime was talking about. They knew it couldn't be Kushina since it was made clear that she died years ago. Everyone was now believing that Yondaime had another wife in secret besides Kushina. Some in the crowd were suspecting whom Sarutobi were referring to, Ayame and Teuchi being one of them. Konohamaru and his friends were waiting excitedly to find out who it was.

"This surviving heir has worked very hard to earn back all that once belonged to his father Yondaime and his clan, and he made it one of life goals to re-establish his clan as one of Konoha's strongest clans once again. Through his diligence and hard work as a ninja of this village, he has proven himself worthy of inheriting his father's former position as the new Namikaze clan leader and all that belonged to his father. So without further delay, I present to you…"

Hiruzen stepped aside as he allowed Naruto to walk and step forward, allowing the young teenager to be seen by everyone. Naruto was dressed exactly like Yondaime except his white trench coat had the kanji for Konoha's Second Flash on the back. Everyone gasped in shock and surprise, the Genins especially.

"NARUTO," Kiba shouted with a shocked expression with his eyes widened, "HE'S THE SON OF YONDAIME?"

"It makes sense really," Shikamaru replied, "He's the only person in this village who looks the late Yondaime really. Not to mention that he's the only one capable of executing Yondaime's powerful signature jutsu."

"Naruto," Sakura said in disbelief, "Is the last Namikaze and…the son of both Yondaime and Tsunade-sama!?"

"No way," Tenten shouted in amazement, "That's so cool! Tsunade-sama had a kid with Yondaime!"

Sai gave a small smirk while looking at Naruto in all his glory. Haku smiled brightly being happy for Naruto's success and privileges. Sasuke looked at the blonde with a stunned expression. He didn't know what to say after hearing and seeing with his own eyes what was happening in front of him and everyone around him. Shino looked at the blonde respectably while standing collectively next to Chouji.

"Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto!," Hiruzen announced loudly to the villagers, "The new Namikaze clan leader!"

Everyone in the crowd shouted and burst into a loud applause as Naruto smiled widely and waved to them. Ino was shouting loudly for the blonde while Hinata, while standing next to her, smiled brightly and clapped enthusiastically. Anko cheered loudly for Naruto while Kakashi and Shizune smiled at Naruto approvingly. Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon were also cheering for Naruto with Iruka smiling proudly at the blonde. Gai, Asuma and Kurenai clapped for Naruto while Neji smirked at him with Lee shouting for Naruto's shining flames of youth.

How much more is there to Naruto, Sakura wondered, He went from being the son of the Slug Sannin to the son of Godaime Hokage and now the son of the late Yondaime and the new Namikaze clan leader! Even Sasuke as the last Uchiha wasn't honored as being inaugurated as clan leader of his clan and yet Naruto was!

Naruto-kun is now the new Namikaze clan leader, Ryota contemplated, I'm sure things are going to get quite interesting now. I can only wonder what'll happen when news of this reaches my former village. I'm sure they'll be anything but thrilled when they learn about this.

"Yondaime had a kid with Tsunade-sama," a villager asked in surprised, "But wasn't she much older than him?"

"What does it matter," a young female villager retorted, "Yondaime's legacy and clan hasn't died out and now he can start reviving his clan!"

The young girls and young women in hearing range all smiled brightly on hearing that. The thought of being wedded and having children for the son of both Yondaime and Godaime was most appealing to them.

After years of hard work, Naruto was now officially the youngest Elite-Jounin and clan leader in Konohagakure No Sato.


Two figures in black robes with red clouds drawn around parts of the robe were journeying to their destination. So far they didn't run into any trouble, or anyone who wanted to risk facing a quick death.

"Kisame," Itachi said before he stopped walking, "We'll stop by and lodge at that small town that's about an hour's walk from here."

"What," Kisame retorted, "But that'll delay our arrival to Konoha."

"Naruto-kun is more than likely under heavy duty protection and we don't need to draw too much attention to ourselves," Itachi made clear, "It'll be best if we buy our time carefully and wait for the right time to go after him."

Kisame was one who enjoyed a good fight, but he knew the kind of person Itachi was. The Sharkman shinobi simply nodded before resume their trek.

Naruto's has regained consciousness and has been inaugurated as the new Namikaze clan leader and Elite-Jounin though he's not up to Hokage-level strength as before. Sunagakure now seeks to form an alliance with Konoha but they know that peace and alliance won't come cheap. What deals will the council of Suna be willing to make? Also, Itachi and Kisame are still journeying to Konoha with the intent of abducting Naruto in his weakened state. Will they succeed? Stick around and find out next time.