Chapter Thirty-Eight: Life As A Namikaze

(A Week Later; At the Namikaze Estate)

Naruto was presently in his mansion inside his study office with a bunch of letters on his desk. Around him were several kage bushins to help him sort though the piling stacks of letters. One after another his clones discarded the letters into the already piled up trashcans. It was rather annoying to Naruto. Ever since his inauguration as the new Namikaze clan leader, he had been getting letters after letters, pictures after pictures from a bunch of girls and young women in fact; letters ranging from "Please marry me" to "I'll have your children"; the list went on. This was one of the reasons why he decided to confine himself to his estate, at least for now.

"Argh!," Naruto groaned in annoyance as he crumbled another letter of the same kind. He made a mental note of having one big bonfire with all of those letters.

"Could these silly girls get any shallower," Naruto said in annoyance as he rubbed his temples, "I see now why my birth mother hated fangirls and chased them all away from my father."

"You seem upset," said a voice from in front of him. Naruto looked up from his desk to see Hiruzen and Jiraiya standing in front of him.

"I feel like a Hokage already," Naruto joked, "Look at all these envelopes and paperwork on my desk."

The two older men went over to the desk and picked up one of the envelopes. Opening it, Hiruzen took out a picture that came in it, allowing both himself and Jiraiya to see it. What they saw had them both blushing and giggling like the perverts they were, Hiruzen being more of a closet pervert.

"What are you two laughing at," Naruto inquired with a suspicious tone. Jiraiya took the picture from his former sensei and showed it to Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened with a reddened face while trying to keep the blood from bursting out of his nose. Jiraiya laughed at Naruto's predicament.

"How old is that woman," Naruto asked in disbelief, being shocked that a woman in her early twenties sent him a picture of herself in white silk lingerie while posing on a bed in a most suggestive fashion.

"I don't know," Jiraiya said while placing the picture in his pocket, "But I'll be sure to look into it."

"I'm certain you will," Naruto replied in sarcasm, "I've been getting letters and pictures like this for the last five days. Sometimes I regret that I was publicly announced as my father's surviving heir. Since my inauguration, these girls have gotten nuttier.

"Just the other day I was sitting at a dango bar eating some dangos when a girl 'came, tripped, fell' and landed on my lap by "accident." She apologized and asked if there was anything she could do make up for her carelessness; I didn't need to be scientist to figure out what she meant by anything. And not too long after that another girl came, and 'carelessly' slipped and nearly bumped into my head with her lips missing mine by so much."

Neither Jiraiya nor Hiruzen missed the sarcasm and annoyance in Naruto's words.

"Do you have any idea how many guys would love to trade places with you," Jiraiya asked.

"You mean besides both you and jiisan," Naruto remarked. Hiruzen cleared his throat at the accusation/truth while Jiraiya smiled and said, "If you like I can always henge into you and serve as a decoy while you get your personal space and go where you please."

"Yes I'm sure you'd enjoy that," Naruto remarked.

"I'm only offering you whatever help I can provide you with," Jiraiya replied with a false sense of innocence.

"Whatever," Naruto said, "These silly females are chasing after me because I'm the famed and honorable son of Yondaime and Godaime Hokage. They don't see me for me and I'm sure they'd look at me a lot differently if they were to learn that I'm the Jinchuuriki of the feared Kyuubi No Kitsune that my father sealed away and himself inside of."

"Perhaps some of them would see passed that," Hiruzen figured before taking a puff of his pipe.

"Who knows," Naruto remarked as he got up from his seat, "If you'll excuse me I'm going for a walk now to clear my head."

"When will you be back," Hiruzen asked.

"I guess when it's empty," Naruto joked, "I'll be back later."

Not giving the two older men time to reply, Naruto dispelled the clones and left the office and made his way out of the mansion and ultimately out of his estate. Hiruzen went over to the desk and sat down at the desk piled with letters and envelopes. He opened one of them and read the letter. A moment later, a perverted giggle left his mouth after reading the sensual content in the letter.

"Now this is paperwork from the village I could get used to," Hiruzen grinned as Jiraiya went and stood in front of the desk. He took the letter from his former sensei and read it, only to giggle as well like the Super Pervert he self-proclaimed himself as.

"I think I'll take some of these letters and photos with me," Jiraiya said as he took several of the letters and photos and stuffed them into his pockets, "I'll be sure to do a thorough investigation on them to see what information I can find. I'll be sure to return with my results."

Of course, Hiruzen knew what kind of information he was referring to and what he was going to use that 'information' for.

"Very well…," Hiruzen said with a mock tone of seriousness while taking a puff of his pipe, "…This will be looked at as a high priority S-rank mission. Make sure you get the job done. We're all counting on your caliber and expertise."

Both men laughed with perverted smiles of their faces.


Hinata was currently at the Hyuuga training ground in the compound. She woke up early in the morning and started training hard and vigorously. She's been doing this ever since she saw Naruto's fierce and brutal battle against ninjas that would have been impossible for any normal ninja to defeat alone, let alone a Hokage. She wanted to become strong and improve herself not only for Naruto, but for her clan and friends.

Hanabi would on occasions eavesdrop on her older sister, while watching her train intently on improving her abilities. Even Neji, after getting out of the hospital a twelve days ago, would look into Hinata's training regimen though he chose not to interrupt and watch her. He had to admit to himself that Hinata had changed a lot from how he at one time looked at her.

Naruto-sama and Ino have been a major influence on you, Hinata-sama, Neji thought while watching Hinata train.

Hanabi, while watching her sister train, recalled how Hinata had confronted her about the hospital scene that took place after the Preliminaries. Hinata while hospitalized after her match with Neji had busted her younger sister frowning and blushing while looking at Naruto. Hanabi was quick to deny it and said that such a thing never occurred, though her redden-pink cheeks betrayed her. When Hinata brought her blushing cheeks to her attention, Hanabi again denied the blush which unfortunately caused her to blush further. That day the eight-year-old Hyuuga as a result left Hinata alone while mumbling remarks along the lines of "stupid older sisters" and "stupid cute weirdoes."

The young Hyuuga was also told in details about Naruto's battles during the invasion. Hanabi found story hard to believe at first, but after recalling how Naruto effectively defeated Neji with a basic plan and Jounin-level kinjutsus, she saw that there was a lot more to Naruto than he let on, and why her older sister is so interested in him.

Kiba and Shino would train with Hinata from time to time when they weren't doing so with their own clan members. Both boys couldn't ignore the gradual changes in Hinata's character, not that they were complaining about it anyway.

Kiba still sought to get Haku's attention, though he didn't develop enough courage to ask her out. In one of the discussions Kiba gotten into with Haku, she said that though she wasn't there personally to see Naruto in action against the Snake Sannin, she knew for a fact that Naruto would come out as the victor. She told the dog user that she believes in the same belief as Naruto, that having those precious to you that you desire to protect makes you strong and helps you to become stronger. For a time Kiba once thought that brute strength and stamina makes a ninja strong. But he saw that neither Naruto nor Haku see it that way. He even remembered what Naruto told Orochimaru about what makes a person truly strong and able to accomplish many things. Kiba was given something to think about after his discussion with Haku.

Chouji, Ino and Shikamaru spent some time discussing the events of the invasion. They had also used their time training together after Asuma saw that his team's attack and investigation strategies were in need of work.

Lee too started intensifying his training with Gai after they all eye witnessed Naruto's incredible battle first hand. They wanted to do all that they could through the fires of their youths to achieve Naruto's great youthful flames. Kakashi simply wished them luck, though it sounded more sarcastic and hip as Gai would put it.

Tenten spent some of her time practicing and training with her weapons. While doing so, she recalled how Naruto bested Orochimaru with the use of a staff while going through her weapon inventory. She thought that Naruto used the staff with grace and sharpened proficiency; something she knew that involved much devoted time in intense practicing and sparring. She didn't know how far the use of kage bushins could do for someone with a huge amount chakra like Naruto. Plus, Hiruzen, being one who favors the staff as his weapon of choice, had spent some time teaching and training Naruto in the use of the staff since the blonde wasn't really efficient with sword fighting, a handicap Genko Hayate could have helped rectify had Naruto sought him out.

Regardless of that, Naruto learned the hard way, after a series of bruises, injured bones and head injuries, just how skilled Hiruzen was with the staff, especially when that staff was Enma. Even with kage bushins, Hiruzen gave Naruto a hard time. Still his training served to improve his ninja arts. From all that she saw, Tenten became interested in going against Naruto from time to time in a good weapon combat and see where she measured up against him, though she knew that in real combat, he'd kill her.

Sai spent his time making painting portraits of Naruto's fights during the invasion and other event happening during the invasion. He also made a portrait of what he at first thought was Naruto's final moments before and after his death, capturing the heroic selflessness Naruto displayed while battle the now deceased Snake Sannin. He also made a few portraits of Naruto's revival and everyone's joy that Naruto didn't stay dead, a feat that intrigued him and many others.

Sakura was returning back from the training ground after Sasuke refused to train with her again, let alone go out with her. While she was on her way back home she saw how everyone was working together to repair the damages done during the war and helping each other out. She took note on how everyone had a skill or method to aid others in one way or another, be it medic, construction, food, whatever. She saw how no one was trying to be a liability to each other or to those helping them; that's what she felt like, a liability to her team. She recalled the times Sasuke, Sai and Naruto had to bail her out of trouble or harms way. She was book-smart, but action-wise she was lacking. She wondered what she could do to improve herself and be of more use to her teammates and everyone else. She carried on with those thoughts while making her way to her destination.

Sasuke was at the training ground by himself. For the passed number of days after Naruto's death and resurrection after his victory over Orochimaru, the Uchiha had questioned his own abilities to Naruto's. The same questions had plagued Sasuke for the longest time since the battle: What's the source of Naruto's power; How is it that Naruto, the village clown, was gifted with such a great power and he as the last Uchiha isn't; What's his secret and how could he attain that great power he could use and bring about Itachi's defeat and death.

Sasuke knew that Naruto had attended the Academy alongside him and all the other rookie ninjas, but Naruto was the only one who reached Kage-level before any of them and what escaped the Uchiha was for how long was Naruto this strong and was holding back against them the entire time. The very thought that Naruto held back against them irritated Sasuke. He wondered if Naruto was always this strong then for what purpose did it serve to have Naruto attend the Academy for four years just to become a Genin. Was it to mock them, he wondered, was it for Naruto to study and observe them. Sasuke shook the thoughts away before focusing on how he was to deepen his training to match and outdo Naruto's power.

Sasuke then thought back to when Itachi killed off the entire Uchiha clan in one night by himself. The young Uchiha recalled what Itachi told him in how to acquire the Mangekyō Sharingan: you must kill your closest friend. Sasuke knew that his brother managed to acquire the Mangekyō through that method. However Sasuke wondered if there was another method in getting that power without having to resort to the suggestion Itachi himself used. Sasuke decided to found an alternative he could use to attain real power, the very things he needed to use against Itachi.

Speaking of which, there was something that Sasuke wanted to gain from Naruto in fact. After seeing the power behind that jutsu Naruto executed, Sasuke thought that having possession of that jutsu was be more than enough to not only kill Itachi, but to raise his level of power and strength many folds. That was the very jutsu Sasuke wanted to ask Naruto about. With that in mind Sasuke left the Uchiha district and went in pursuit of the person he sought to find.


Naruto was at one of the training grounds by himself. Presently he was wearing his standard Jounin uniform with his white trench coat lying on the ground by one of the trees. The Elite Jounin spent the last two hours training intensely though Tsunade warned him about going overboard. Regardless, Naruto wasn't one who accepted having physical limitations.

While doing one of his running drills, rock projectiles were sent flying at him. Naruto dodged all of the oncoming attacks and punched and shattered several of the other rock projectiles thrown at him with eye-popping speed. Suddenly, a female garbed in Jounin uniform came flying at him from one of the trees and engaged him in what seemingly looked like mortal shinobi combat.

The two fighters exchanged blows with each other trying to gain dominance over the other. The kunoichi then somersaulted and brought her feet to Naruto's face, making him airborne as he soared to the air. As she went to pursuit him, he puffed into a wooden log. Before she could decipher how she was outwitted, she felt a strong knee was delivered to her left side of her ribcage, causing her to scream out in pain as she was sent plunging into the ground.

Naruto landed down on the ground and walked over to where the kunoichi collided, finding her holding her injured ribs.

"Damn it Naruto-kun," the kunoichi swore, "You hit so freaking hard!"

"Stop your infernal whining Ryota," Naruto shot back, "I was soft on you compared to what I did to you last time."

"Gee," Ryota remarked in sarcasm, "Your charming personality can really go far with young girls."

"I'm sure yours do wonders for you in getting a decent boyfriend," Naruto shot back before being rewarded with a vein that popped from Ryota's forehead. It was clear to the blonde that he struck a nerve or two. It was clear that Ryota was a beautiful girl, but because of her origin from Iwagakure, many young males stayed clear of her and the only one she could be around with is Naruto, but that's because of the circumstances she was presently in with regards to Naruto.

"Whatever," she shot back as she massaged her injured ribs. She winced from the immense pain she was in.

"Let me take a look at that," Naruto offered as he went over to her. He placed his hand at her side and examined the area he inflicted the injury. Focusing his chakra, a green glow came from out of his hand and over the injury. The pain Ryota was feeling gradually died out. It was ten minutes later when Naruto was done.

"All fixed now," Naruto stated. Ryota flexed and moved around a bit.

"Aaaahhh," Ryota sighed in relief, "That's ever so much better."

"You seem to enjoy the way I handled the attention your body was in need of," Naruto teased. Ryota futilely tried to fight back a blush that appeared on her cheeks.

"Pervert," Ryota snorted, "I know I'm beautiful in every way, but I assure you that I'm not that easy."

Naruto wanted to give a snide remark on that but decided against it.

"Whatever you say," Naruto shot back, "Well, I'm in the mood for some ramen and dangos."

"Don't you eat any healthier foods," Ryota retorted, "Eating that stuff all the time can't be good for your health."

"I didn't know you cared," Naruto remarked.

"I just don't want you to die at a young age from heart failure due to poor dieting," Ryota shot back with an annoyed expression, "And ultimately take me to the grave with you at the same time!"

"Please," Naruto shot back, "I died once before from an even deadlier method of my own devise and that didn't hold me down for long now did it?"

Ryota wanted to counter him but she found nothing that was able to refute what he told her. Feeling satisfied with himself, Naruto picked up and placed his trench coat back on. He then turned to the direction he was about to walk off into when…

"Get out from hiding in the trees Sasuke," Naruto shouted. Sasuke wasn't at all surprised that Naruto found him so easily.

"Hn," Sasuke snorted as he jumped from the tree and walked over to Naruto.

"So the almighty Sasuke has decided to grace us with his presence," Naruto remarked in sarcasm, "What do we owe this extraordinary honor?"

Sasuke kept himself in check, though annoyed at Naruto's mockery of him.

"Naruto…," Sasuke started with this being a very hard pill to swallow; he found it hard to believe that he had to stoop to going to Naruto of all people for what he wanted, "…I want you to train me."

"Oh," Naruto remarked with an uninterested tone, "What makes you think you're worth my time? I already have three youths in mind that I'm already interested in training and you're not one of those three. And besides you already have Kakashi-niisan to teach you."

"That's not enough," Sasuke replied, "You're far stronger than he is and you know that's true. Those jutsus you used back at the stadium, the Hiraishin and Rasengan, they're your father's very jutsus. And you have the ability to summon foxes. You managed to slaughter an army and three Kage-level shinobis within less than a few hours. You've reached a level of power that many can only dream of achieving. I seek to attain that level, especially if you teach me how to use the Hiraishin-"

"Not happening," Naruto cut in sternly, "The Hiraishin is a trademark familial jutsu of the Namikaze clan that can not be taught or copied. My father made sure to that."

"So it's a bloodline limit," Sasuke asked.

"More like an artificial bloodline limit my father specially created," Naruto retorted, "No one outside my familial bloodline can use it. And the Rasengan is not a jutsu to teach to just anyone and I don't intend to pass it on anytime soon."

"Be that as it may," Sasuke interjected, "I still want you to train me."

"Tell me," Naruto asked him, "What purpose do you fight for and who in your life now is precious to you?"

"My goal is to kill a certain man," Sasuke straightforwardly answered.

"Itachi," Naruto replied.

"Uchiha Itachi," Ryota jumped in, "The S-class missing-nin responsible for the massacre of his own clan and only leaving his little brother alive for reasons unclear."

"That's the very shinobi," Naruto confirmed.

"Didn't you tell me that you killed him," Ryota asked. Naruto corrected, "No, I defeated him back then only because of his poor judgment of me. But I didn't have enough time or strength to finish him off."

"The only one who's going to kill Itachi is me," Sasuke stated with a determined look, "If you were able to beat him back then, then surely you can train me to reach a level of power higher than his. I must gain more power so I can have my revenge against my brother and rebuild my clan."

"Therefore," Naruto replied, "I will not train you."

"What?!," Sasuke replied in disbelief.

"The answer you gave to my question showed me that you hold a lot of hate; you fight solely for power and the desire to satisfy your own interests and want for vengeance," Naruto stated firmly, "You hold no one but yourself in high regards and not once did you mention protecting anyone precious to you, not even your own teammates and sensei, and that to me makes you weak. Be on your way Sasuke. I have neither the time nor interest to teach a wannabe avenger."

Naruto turned and walked off from Sasuke with Ryota following close by. Sasuke dashed speedily and appeared in front of Naruto and Ryota.

"Fight me, right now Naruto," Sasuke challenged, "I want to measure myself against you."

"Surely you can't be serious," Ryota remarked.

"This doesn't concern you," Sasuke retorted, "This is between me and Naruto."

"You wish to do combat," Naruto said, "I don't have time for this."

"You're right," a new masculine voice said from the sideline, "In fact, you don't have time at all…son of Yondaime."

Sasuke look from Naruto to the person owning that very voice, the voice that haunted his mind and nightmares.

"It's been a long time…Sasuke," the figure said.

"Uchiha Itachi," Sasuke spat coldly. Naruto and Ryota calmly turned to see both Itachi and Kisame standing to the right of them.

"The kid looks like you Itachi," Kisame noted. Itachi simply replied, "He's my younger brother."

"So that's the Uchiha gaki you left alive," Kisame grinned toothily.

"Itachi," Naruto remarked, "What an unpleasant surprise. How's your head feeling from our last encounter?"

The older Uchiha saw where Naruto was going with that comment but decided not to pay it any mind.

"You're Hoshigaki Kisame," Ryota said pointing to the taller ninja, "You're an S-class missing nin from Kirigakure, formerly one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and also known as the Mysterious Person (Monster) of the Hidden Mist. You're wanted for murdering a daimyo and your other crimes in Kirigakure and other nations. In the Bingo books both you and Itachi are wanted criminals."

"So you're heard of us," Kisame remarked, "And whom might you be?"

"I'm Ryota," she answered.

"Aah," Kisame said, "I've heard of you too. You're that kunoichi from Iwa formerly known as Iwagakure's Shining Stone. You're classified as a high A-class missing-nin in that Bingo books with a hefty bounty on your head. You're wanted for turning traitor and abandoning what was recorded as a classified high A-rank mission and siding with an enemy village, namely Konohagakure."

"Looks like my former village didn't waste time exacting my death," Ryota remarked.

"Indeed," Kisame smiled toothily, "I'm sure Deidara-san would have been most interested in seeing you again after all this time."

Hearing that name made Ryota snarl venomously as strong bloodlust seeped from out of her.

Seems this Deidara character and Ryota have some form of history with each other, Naruto thought, And not a good one from the look of things.

"Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto-kun," Itachi said, "We're here to take you with us."

The Akatsuki has returned and with the same goal as before. Will they succeed? And what's Ryota's history with Deidara? Stick around to find out.