Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Close Fight

(Back In Sunagakure)

Temari was taking a walk around the village seeing how everyone was trying to move on with their lives after everything that took place in regards to the recent war and the late Orochimaru's deception. She sighed to herself before continuing on her way. While she was walking, a certain ninja came to mind, a ninja many have been talking about. This ninja was Naruto, the famed shinobi of Konoha who's helped Gaara in ways everyone else in Suna couldn't do. It's been like this ever since many around the village began taking note of Gaara's gradual change in his characteristics. Temari saw from the passed few days how Gaara made attempts to be around the Suna nins in spite of their still present fear of him. It didn't seem like much to the populace presently however to Temari, it meant a great deal.

"Naruto-kun," Temari said lowly to herself as she recalled the events that occurred in Konoha the day she and her younger siblings entered the village for the first time. She never expected that they'd come across a Jinchuuriki who truly sought to help Gaara and not see him as a threat or monster in spite of Gaara's instability. The thought alone made Temari look at Naruto in a completely different light from all the other guys she ever came across. She was soon snapped out of her train of thoughts when she overheard a few of the Chuunins conversing with each other about a particular ninja.

"You heard the rumors too I see," said the first Chuunin.

"It's no rumor," said the second Chuunin, "The Second Flash of Konoha had recently been inaugurated as the new clan leader of the Namikaze clan."

"Are you serious," asked the third Chuunin, "I thought that clan was long extinct."

"That isn't exactly true," said the second Chuunin, "It just so happens that Konoha's Second Flash is the very son of Konoha's late Yondaime Hokage."

"I didn't know that Konoha's Yellow Flash had a kid with Tsunade-sama," the third Chuunin said.

"It's been a well kept secret until now," said the second Chuunin. Temari couldn't believe what she was hearing, but when she thought about it and recalled how Naruto looked like and his abilities, she saw that it made complete sense. Turning around, Temari hurried back to the Kazekage tower to find out more information about Naruto, especially since she last heard and seen from Naruto, he was in a coma.

(Meanwhile In Konoha's Forest)

"Ever since that day you left me alive," Sasuke continued, "I lived by the words you told me to live by in order to kill you."

Sasuke performed a few hand seals before charging his attack, "I hate you. I detest you."

Itachi looked over at Sasuke with an ever calm demeanor as he watched his younger brother's attack increasing in power, "Chidori."

"Sasuke," Naruto called out, but his voice fell on deaf ears as Sasuke highly charged his Chidori.

"I'll kill you!," Sasuke yelled as he charged at Itachi with the full blown intent on killing him, "Die!"

As Sasuke thrust his charged left arm forward, Itachi raised his right hand and caught Sasuke's left arm, effectively deflecting the Chidori to the left side of the forest, blowing up a few trees in the attack's path.

The older Uchiha held onto Sasuke's hand tightly as the electricity gradually died out. It wasn't long until the electricity completely died out. Naruto wasn't at all surprised that Itachi managed to easily deflect Sasuke's Chidori, especially since the attack causes tunnel vision thus making it predictable and easy to evade by an experienced shinobi. Itachi tightened his grip on Sasuke's wrist causing the younger Uchiha to grimace from the pain.

Ryota formed a hand seal and started gathering chakra from within herself. Kisame turned to the girl as he and the others saw an aura of chakra forming around her in the form of a flame aura with her dark brown hair dancing with the flow of her aura.

"Looks like she's interested in starting a fight with us," Kisame said, "The girl have quite an interesting amount of chakra."

Sasuke reared his free fist back and readied to punch Itachi, "Why you-"

"You're a bother," Itachi said without looking at him before breaking Sasuke's left wrist, causing the younger Uchiha to scream loudly in pain before falling to his knees while holding onto his broken hand.

"Sasuke," Naruto called out as Ryota readied her chakra to attack. While forming hand seals, she said, "Ninpō: Iwa No-"

"Not so fast," Kisame cut in as he took a swift swing with his Samehada at Ryota's chakra aura. Naruto rushed and pushed Ryota out of the way before his sword made contact with her chakra. Kisame snarled on seeing that his attack was evaded.

"You were careless," Naruto scolded, "That Samehada sword of his shaves and devours chakra. You would have been left defenseless."

Naruto and Ryota stood back up.

"Ryota," Naruto continued, "I'll engage Itachi while you take on Kisame. Since you're an earth-type all of his water jutsus will prove useless against you. But don't let that handicap move you to underestimate him, so be careful."

She nodded as she summoned her Iwa No Tsurugi (Rock Sword) and got into her fighting stance. Kisame grinned as he readied his own sword.

"I'm going to enjoy shaving you to death little girl," Kisame said. Ryota said nothing as she waited for someone to commence the fight.

"Kisame," Itachi said, "We're here to bring Namikaze Naruto-kun back with us, so don't get sidetracked. We didn't come here to do combat."

"Like last time," Naruto retorted, "Spare me your garbage. I really don't have time for it."

Naruto reached into his trench coat and retrieved one of his tri-pronged kunais. Kisame and Itachi visibly tensed on seeing that infamous weapon aimed and pointed at them in Naruto's left hand.

"Ready to die first Itachi," Naruto asked as he prepared to create his Rasengan in his right hand. Itachi's eyes narrowed at Naruto as he tried to read and calculate him. Before either ninjas could do anything however…

"NO!," Sasuke yelled, grabbing everyone's attention gradually standing back up of the ground, "You will not kill him Naruto…!"

"…," Naruto said nothing as Sasuke continued, "That responsibility rest upon my shoulders and mine alone!"

Revenge, Naruto figured, "Sasuke! Stand down! Don't be stupid! You're in no condition to fight! And you're completely out of your league with these guys!"

Sasuke ignored Naruto's words as he turned his attention to his older brother. Itachi looked to Sasuke and spat coldly, "Get lost. You do not interest me."

"Shut up," Sasuke yelled as he clenched his right fist and charged at Itachi, only to receive the brute end of Itachi's left foot as the older Uchiha kicked and sent Sasuke flying backwards off the ground and into a tree before falling on his butt to the ground.

"Sasuke," Naruto called out but got no response, "Damn it…"

Naruto formed a Rasengan in his hand and prepared to attack when…

"Don't interfere Naruto!," Sasuke barked at Naruto, causing the Elite Jounin to stop in his track, "This is my fight. I've waited a long to have my shot in taking Itachi out. You will not deny me my chance to eliminate him with my own hands."

Itachi remained reserved and calm as Sasuke got back up and charged at him again while yelling out in rage. The older Uchiha simply smacked away Sasuke's right fist as he delivered a brute back smack to Sasuke's right cheek, causing him to cough blood from his mouth while flying and spiraling backwards into the same tree, colliding hard into it as before. Sasuke coughed up more blood that now seeped down his mouth.

He can't even form seals anymore, Itachi mentally noted.

"This isn't over," Sasuke said weakly, "I'm not finished yet."

"Very well," Itachi consented as he walked over to Sasuke in a normal pace. Naruto was about to go after him when Kisame brought his sword over to block his path.

"Let's not interfere as the boy requested," Kisame suggested, "This is a familial issue after all. Let them handle their problems on their own. We'll get back to business shortly after this little family reunion is over."

Naruto narrowed his eyes yet strangely enough he complied, as did Ryota. He still braced the tri-pronged kunai in his left hand. Itachi walked over and stood in front of Sasuke. Sasuke looked up at him momentarily before he speedily got up off the ground and charged at him again.

"Bring it!," Sasuke yelled before Itachi effortlessly brought his left kneecap into Sasuke's guts, thoroughly knocking the breath out of him as he coughed up some blood.

Why, Sasuke wonder as Itachi wasted no time in beating Sasuke to a pulp while Kisame, Naruto and Ryota watched from a distance.

"You're not going easy on him at all," Kisame smiled sinisterly. Naruto remained collective as he and Ryota watched the one-sided fight between the two Uchihas.

The gap between us hasn't shrunk at all, Sasuke thought as he fell to the ground with his right cheek in the dirt.

Naruto has been advancing and getting stronger with every passing day and I haven't improved at all, Sasuke thought before turning his face to the ground, What have I been doing up to now? What have I…

Itachi looked down on Sasuke coldly before kneeling down and grabbed his younger brother by the collar. He slammed and held Sasuke off the ground to a tree while looking at him hard.

"You're weak," Itachi remarked coldly and harshly, "Even Naruto-kun sees this about you. Why are you so weak? I'll tell you…(whispered in Sasuke's right ear) you lack, hatred."

Itachi then activated his Mangekyō Sharingan and looked into Sasuke's eyes. What followed next was blood-curdling screams coming from Sasuke as Itachi tortured him with his eyes, making him suffer what felt like twenty-four hours of helplessly wandering around while reliving the Uchiha clan massacre over and over again.

"Being cruel as usual," Kisame smirked, "He even used Tsukiyomi on his own little brother."

Sasuke continued screaming until he gradually lost consciousness though his eyes were still left open.

"Hey," Ryota yelled, "Pick a fight with someone of your level you coward!"

The kunoichi ran towards Itachi with Kisame following close by. Seeing this, she speedily turned, and took a swing with her sword to his head. Kisame hurriedly brought his sword over to block the attack thus commencing a fierce sword fight between the two ninjas. Meanwhile Naruto, after placing his tri-pronged kunai away hurried over to Sasuke before Itachi turned and threw Sasuke over to Naruto like a pile of garbage.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Naruto yelled as a clone came to life and caught Sasuke. Naruto charged at Itachi as the older Uchiha pulled out his katana readied himself for combat. Stopping in his tracks, Naruto pulled out a small scroll from within his trench coat and opened it. Pouring chakra into the seal on the scroll, he summoned a staff with a large blade from within the scroll and aimed it at Itachi.

"We never actually engaged each other in physical combat," Naruto stated.

"I will not go down so easily," Itachi said with narrowed eyes, "Naruto-kun."

"Nor will you rise from where I'll put you to rest," Naruto remarked as he and Itachi started exchanging blows with their choice of weapons. Though Naruto wasn't up to par as he was when he fought against Shodaime and Nidaime however, he was still able to hold his grounds against the former ANBU captain. Itachi was surprised that Naruto was able to keep up with him seeing that in the Tsukuyomi, Naruto had a much harder time doing so. But then again, people change given a period of time.

As the fight progressed, Itachi and Naruto became increasingly fierce in their fighting. Itachi knew that Naruto had to be brought back with him alive though not necessarily in one piece. However Naruto wasn't planning on being taken by anyone, and that was made clear when Naruto, finding an opening, swiftly slashed at Itachi. The Uchiha speedily back away; but not before feeling a sharp pain run across his right arm. He looked at his arm to see that Naruto managed to land a blow on him, he was bleeding with a slash across his right arm. He realized that he was wounded, something that rarely ever happened.

"I'm getting sloppy," Naruto commented, "I missed my chance to remove your arm that time Itachi. I'll have to make up for it with your head this time."

Itachi remained calm in spite of the situation though his eyes narrowed at the younger ninja. His mind was calculating the situation though he saw that Naruto wasn't about to let him have his way. He dismissed the thought of trying to trap him in the Tsukuyomi after recalling what happened to him last time he resorted to using that dōjutsu. Itachi however figured that there had to be a reason why Naruto hadn't resorted to using his Hiraishin during the fight. Whatever the reason, Itachi wasn't willing to place a gamble on whether or not Naruto would use that jutsu as a last resort.

Doing a series of hand seals, Naruto summoned two deadly vipers, South African black mambas, from the sleeves of his trench coat. Itachi looked on at the Elite Jounin as he had the black mambas laced venom across the blade of his weapon. When that was done, the vipers hissed at Itachi while remaining around Naruto's arm.

"These vipers are the deadliest snakes in the world," Naruto remarked, "Good luck obtaining an anti-venom once you're bitten with the fang of my staff."

Poisoning his weapons, Itachi thought, Just like Sasori. He certainly isn't the boy I fought two years ago.

Meanwhile Ryota was battling it out it with Kisame. Needless to say, the two ninjas were going all out against each as several trees were destroyed or blown apart with a few areas littered with craters in the ground made from Ryota's punches. Many of Kisame's water jutsus were effectively countered as Naruto figured would happen with Ryota's earth affinity. This proved to frustrate Kisame but he continued his fight with the kunoichi.

As this was going on, Naruto's clone watched over Sasuke's unconscious form while watching the fights that was taking place.

"You little worm," Kisame remarked, "I'll stomp you back into the ground from where you came."

"Speaking of going into the ground," Ryota raced through a series of complex hand seals and slammed her hands into the ground, "Doton: Chinbotsu Jimen No Justu (Earth Release: Sinking Earth's Surface Technique)!"

A shock wave traveled through the ground from the girl seconds before the ground started sinking into itself towards Kisame's direction. Kisame ran and jumped from tree to tree while trying to avoid being sucked into the sinkhole as the trees were being sucked and pulled down into the ground. Cancelling the jutsu, Ryota, with her chain boulder mace in hand after summoning it charged after Kisame while hurling the huge spinning spike ball into Kisame's direction. Kisame back-flipped into the air before the ball could make contract with his body. As Kisame was about to land on the ground, Ryota raced through another series of complex hand seals and…

"Doton: Mimizu Boketsu No Jutsu (Earth Release: Earthworm Grave Technique)!," Ryota said after clasping her hands together. From out of the ground burst forth four large earthworms made from rocks, dirt and gravel. The worms speedily rushed forward into Kisame's direction. Seeing the danger, Kisame hacked at the worms and broke them apart. But as soon as that was done, the worms reassembled themselves as though they were never hit at all. Before Kisame could do anything, the worms dug into the ground and tunneled toward Kisame.

Before they reached Kisame, one of the worms burst from the ground and opened its mouth, shooting forth three tentacles from its mouth and over to Kisame. The water type Akatsuki nin hacked and slashed at the tentacles, but he was unaware of the other tentacles reaching for his feet from behind. That was until a strong jerk pulled him off his feet and landed him down to the ground. Kisame struggled against the tentacles as they pulled him towards the mouth of their owner, attempting to swallow him whole.

"You're not getting out of this that easily," Ryota smirked toothily, "You eat the worms and sometimes the worms eat you."

Kisame saw that Ryota had the advantage especially since he was completely surrounded by earth and dirt and water at this point would be useless since earth elements overpower water.

"I really hate this girl," Kisame muttered to himself while wrestling with the tentacles trying to pull him into the worm's mouth.

(Meanwhile In Suna)

Temari was being briefed by Baki about everything that happened in Konoha from Naruto's revival to his inauguration as the new Namikaze clan leader. She listened to everything being explained to her while only asking a few questions a couple of times.

"So he's the son of the once feared Yellow Flash of Konoha," Temari said with interest, "Not surprising after seeing all that's happened in Konoha during our time there."

"That isn't all that's happened Temari," Baki said, "Our village council discussed in great length the issues concerning both Konoha and Suna."


"The council seeks to create an alliance with Konoha," Baki said.

"After all that's happened I highly doubt Konoha's council will be all in favor of it," Temari retorted.

"Yes I know," Baki said, "The council is aware that an alliance with Konoha will require certain conditions and agreements to be made."

"And what does this have to do with me," Temari asked.

Before Baki could explain, the door opened.

"Baki-san, Temari-san," a Suna Jounin interrupted as he stood by the door, "The council has requested the audience of both you and Temari-san immediately."

Temari sighed and nodded her head. Both she and Baki exited the room and made their way over to the council meeting room, with Temari wondering what the council had in store for her.

(Back In Konoha)

Ryota was presently catching her breath. Parts of her Jounin gear and clothes were torn and ragged, and Ryota herself sustain a few bruises and scrapes from Kisame's Samehada. Kisame himself had sustained some injuries of his own and parts of his Akatsuki clothes were torn. Still he was willing to continuing fighting despite the advantage Ryota still had over him.

"You got spunk gaki," Kisame smirked, "I'll be sure to give Deidara-san your final regards."

Ryota snarled on hearing that name again.

"Shut up," Ryota spat.

Itachi wasn't enjoying how things were turning out and Naruto proved to be more of a problem than he had expected him to be. In spite of his weakened condition, Naruto was still a troublesome ninja to take down. He had to deal with both of Naruto's vipers and Naruto himself with his poison induced staff. Being experienced in fighting Orochimaru gave Itachi a bit of a heads-up about what Naruto was up to, but Naruto had his own style unique from the dead Snake Sannin, therefore Itachi couldn't get a desired advantage over the Elite Jounin.

"I see now why Orochimaru lost to you," Itachi commented, "You're truly a formidable ninja."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere Itachi," Naruto retorted, "And I have yet to kill you."

"Naruto-kun," Itachi continued, "You have something we're keenly interested in retrieving and we'll leave you and Konoha alone if you simply tell us the whereabouts of Kyuubi. I'm sure you have the ability to summon him with the fox contract you have with that bijuu."

"So what of it," Naruto remarked, "You have to be truly full of yourself to believe I'd do something like that for you. And killing me won't get you what you want."

"You know something Naruto-kun," Itachi replied, "You're absolutely right."

Gripping his katana, Itachi rushed at Naruto head on. Naruto was surprised at Itachi's direct form of attack. Before Naruto could counter Itachi however, the Uchiha suddenly dashed to the side passed Naruto.

"What the-," Naruto said with a dumbfounded expression. That was when he realized whom Itachi was going to attack from behind.

"Ryota look out!," Naruto yelled as the kunoichi turned to see Itachi's katana speedily coming at her leaving her with little to no time for her to react. Just as Itachi's katana was about to pierce her through her heart, Naruto shunshin'd in front of Ryota and clashed the blade of his staff against Itachi's katana, effectively deflecting the attack and pushing Itachi back from her. Ryota was left surprised at seeing what Naruto had done for her. In truth, she truly wasn't expecting that. Naruto stood by Ryota as he aimed his staff at Itachi. Itachi's eyes narrowed at the blonde, "You risked your life to save the life of a kunoichi who's from a hidden village that despises our home village; a most foolish gesture."

"This coming from a traitorous shinobi who slaughtered his own clan and family before brutally traumatizing his own little brother," Naruto replied with a voice laced with venom, "Don't preach me such hypocrisy! Regardless of her past, Ryota is now a citizen of Konoha, and yes I will protect her and everyone else of Konohagakure!"

"Stupid boy," Kisame remarked as he and Itachi prepared to fight with Naruto and Ryota again. Just as they were about to go at it again, the surrounding environment underwent a shocking and bizarre transformation. The four of them were surrounded by what appeared to be an organic meaty tunnel of some sort that closed off the outside world trapping everyone inside it.

"What the…," Ryota said not having a clue as to what just happened.

"Ninpō: Gamaguchi Shibari (Ninja Art: Toad Mouth Trap)," Jiraiya said while being a couple of feet behind Naruto. Currently he was kneeling on one knee with both hands on the organic ground. Itachi lowered and sheathed his katana before turning to face Jiraiya. Kisame looked down to see the organic substance beginning to wrap around his feet.

"You're out of luck Itachi, Kisame," Jiraiya smirked, "You're inside my stomach now. I summoned the esophagus of the gigantic frog from the Myōboku Mountain's rock inn. You both are wanted criminals anyway. I'll turn you two into food for this rock frog."

Itachi and Kisame saw the danger they were in.

"What is this jutsu," Ryota asked out loud while looking at the meaty surroundings.

"Ryota," Naruto said, "You stand still. This is ero-jisan's jutsu, so don't worry about it."

"Naruto-kun," Itachi said, "Tell Kakashi-san that Sasuke's skills need a lot of work. I will not spare my foolish little brother a third time."

"…," Naruto said nothing to the older Uchiha.

"Kisame, come," Itachi said as he took to flight in the opposite direction of Naruto, Ryota and Jiraiya. Kisame followed in pursuit after pulling his Samehada from off the organic ground that was starting to pull the sword into itself.

"It's useless," Jiraiya yelled, "No one has ever escaped from this before."

Pushing down on the organic meaty ground, Jiraiya cause the meat walls the sprout tentacles and chase after the two Akatsuki nins who were now running for their lives.

"That wall of meat is chasing us," Kisame noted while trying to hack away the tentacles as more came after them. The both of them kept running till they saw that the end of the tunnel was closing in on them thus eventually trapping them inside the esophagus.

"This meat wall is faster than us," Kisame said, "At this rate…"

Itachi momentarily closed his eyes as the gather chakra into his eyes. Opening his eyes, he shot a powerful blast from his eyes, erupting into a large explosion that briefly shook the ground a bit.

"What the hell," Naruto said as Jiraiya got up and ran speedily from where he was passed Naruto and Ryota to the turning corner of the tunnel. Naruto and Ryota followed Jiraiya to the end of the meaty hall to see what Jiraiya was looking at. They came to see a large hole at the end of the other side of the long tunnel with what looked like black fire burning around the opening of the tunnel.

"They're gone," Ryota acknowledged.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Naruto remarked cynically. Jiraiya looked at the scene opening with a serious demeanor, I can't believe they managed to break through these walls.


Kisame and Itachi were speedily jumping from tree to tree before jumping into the running rivers while continuing their retreat.

"Why must we retreat," Kisame asked, "We still have to retrieve that blasted kid."

"There's no hurry to retrieve Naruto-kun right now," Itachi said, "Besides I need to rest somewhere for a while. I had to use Tsukiyomi and was even forced to use Amaterasu (Goddess of the Sun)."

Itachi deactivated his Sharingan and returned his eyes back to normal.

(Back Inside The Meaty Tunnel)

Ryota went over to where the black flames were.

"What is this," Ryota asked as she moved closer to the flames, "I've never seen black flames before-"

"Don't go near it," Jiraiya loudly warned causing Ryota to jump and back away from the flames. The Toad Sannin wondered how Itachi and Kisame escaped from his trap while at the same time wondering what that black fire was. He was surprised that in spite of the fact a rock frog breathes fire that its internal organ was burned.

Putting those thoughts to the side, Jiraiya pulled out a small scroll and knelt down on the ground before unrolling the scroll open on the meaty ground. Pulling out a brush, he started writing some seals onto the scroll with Naruto and Ryota standing beside him. When that was done, he placed his brush away and slammed his right hand to the ground, thus activating the sealing mechanism as blue energy came from out of the scroll and over to where the black flames were. The flames were absorbed into the energy before the energy returned back into the scroll where it sealed the flames away. Jiraiya then rolled the scroll back up and tied it tightly.

"That should do it," Jiraiya said as the Naruto's clone came over to them while carrying Sasuke over his shoulder. Naruto signaled Ryota to retrieve Sasuke from his clone. She nodded and went over to the clone who handed Sasuke over to her unconscious Genin over to her. The clone then cancelled itself out of existence before Jiraiya slammed his right foot down onto the ground, causing the meaty surroundings to disappear and return the environment back to normal. Naruto and Jiraiya walked over to where Ryota and Sasuke were. The three of them saw that Sasuke's eyes were opened but his mind wasn't there. Ryota rested Sasuke down on the ground while sitting him up against one of the trees. Naruto then knelt down by the Genin and performed a physical examination on him.

"His left arm and four of his ribs are broken," Naruto noted, "Compounded with the fact that he received a psychological attack from Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan and was knocked unconscious. He took brutal psychological damage. This is beyond my power. Only kaa-chan can heal and help him now."

"What do you mean Naruto-kun," Ryota inquired, "You performed medic jutsu that far surpassed Tsunade-sama's and you healed me completely earlier today."

"What you took from me during our spar were physical injuries that I was able heal at my current level," Naruto made clear, "I'm not back to full strength and I'm still weakened from my battle with Orochimaru and my great grandfather and great granduncle. I couldn't risk having Itachi and Kisame taking advantage of my weakened condition, which was why I bluffed the use of Hiraishin to get them to back off by only so much."

"You bluffed," Jiraiya said while looking at Naruto indignantly, "You gambled with your life again!? You know that should you have executed Hiraishin in the condition your body is in, you'd have risked completely destroying your chakra coils because of the intense strain you'd have placed your body in."

"Be that as it may," Naruto retorted, "But I never lost a gamble, even with death."

"…," Jiraiya wanted to refute Naruto but he saw the Elite Jounin's point.

"Besides," Naruto continued, "I can still use Hiraishin but only at a much smaller distance than before without risking my safety too greatly. But doing so would consume too much chakra and leave me defenseless. It'll be quite a while before I master Hiraishin to its fullest potential as my father wanted me to do."

"But not before your body is given the needed time to heal," Jiraiya advise before looking at Sasuke again, "That boy is the second one today who was attacked with that jutsu Itachi used."

"The second one," Naruto asked confusedly, "You mean-"

"Kakashi was attacked with that jutsu earlier today after he, Kurenai, Asuma and Gai learned of Itachi and Kisame's presence in the village," Jiraiya explained, "It wasn't hard to figure out for whom they came after again. But that's not all…"

Naruto stayed quiet as he waited for Jiraiya's further explanation. The Sannin continued, "Word about your battle and victory over Itachi, Gaara, Orochimaru and his army, and your inauguration as the new Namikaze clan leader have reached the Akatsuki and other hidden villages. According to the information I received from my spy network, you've already been placed in the Bingo books in numerous hidden villages as a high S-class ninja. Like your father Minato, ninjas were warned not to engage you in battle but to flee on sight."

"Well that did nothing to stop the Akatsuki from coming after me again," Naruto commented, "The last thing I need right now is more enemy ninjas coming after my head while in the predicament I'm in. However my record as an S-class shinobi in the Bingo books ought to prove very useful as it'll buy me some time to regain my strength."

Jiriaya said nothing as Naruto looked at Sasuke again.

"The fool engaged Itachi in what I knew was going to be a one-sided battle," Naruto said, "His blinded ambition for revenge led him to the state he's in right now. I'd have taken on Itachi earlier, but this imprudent Genin chose to disregard protocols again and take it upon himself to do a task he was nowhere near capable of accomplishing. More reasons why I refused Sasuke's bold request for me to train him earlier today."

"Sasuke sought you out so you could train him," Jiraiya asked in disbelief, "I honestly wouldn't have expected that from a gaki as haughty as him."

"Be that as it may," Naruto retorted, "But he gave me no real satisfying reason why I should bother training him."

After a moment of silence Naruto continued, "The Akatsuki is most interested in retrieving Kyuubi; whatever they have planned for that infernal fox can't be anything good."

"My spy network is still on the job in searching for what their objectives are," Jiraiya replied, "It'll be some time before we learn more about it."

Naruto simply nodded his head. Moments later, Kurenai, Asuma and Gai appeared.

"Is everyone O.K.," Kurenai asked.

"All but Sasuke," Naruto said, "Another victim of Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan. By the way, how's Kakashi-niisan doing?"

"Better now that Tsunade-sama treated his condition," Asuma said. Naruto nodded and gestured to Sasuke, "Get Sasuke to the hospital. Kaa-chan is in for another patient to treat."

Gai nodded and went over and lifted Sasuke off the ground, carrying him piggyback style.

"What happened to Itachi and Kisame," Kurenai asked.

"Took off like bats out of hell," Ryota replied.

"I'll go and give jiisan a full report," Naruto said as he and the others made their way back to the village. While on the way, Naruto turned to Ryota, "Hey, Ryota?"

The kunoichi turned to Naruto and asked, "What is it?"

"I heard Kisame mention something about this Deidara person and you didn't look so happy upon hearing his name," Naruto said, "I'm taking it that you both didn't have that great a history together."

"Deidara is an S-class missing-nin from Iwagakure," Ryota explained, "He's a pyromaniac who uses clay for molding his deadly explosive clay artwork. He can also resize and animate his artwork to make them walk, fly or whatever he wishes for them to do. His notion is that art is beauty that last only for a while before it withers away. As he puts it, art is a blast."

"What were his crimes," Naruto inquired.

"He's wanted for crimes outside Iwa and for blowing up the Tsuchikage Tower four years ago, killing everyone there," Ryota explain, "The Sandaime Tsuchikage barely escaped the attack and was critically injured near death and knocked into a deep coma which he still is in down to this day. Deidara is also wanted for the slaying of a Jounin, six hunter-nins and five BOULDER Black Opts who were sent after him."

"I see," Naruto noted, "But you still haven't told me what your history with Deidara is."

Ryota turned her gaze away from Naruto. The blonde saw a familiar look in her eyes, the kind he saw in Anko's.

"Ero-jisan," Naruto said as he stopped walking and pulled Ryota to the side, "Ryota and I will catch with you guys later. Tell jiisan I'll report to him later today."

Jiraiya nodded as he signal the others to follow along with him. After they were out of sight and hearing range, Naruto turned to Ryota and said, "Alright, so tell me: what's your history with Deidara?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Ryota replied. Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and retorted, "And why not?

"Let's just say that I prefer my past to stay buried under a rock."

"Ironic," Naruto remarked, "But the truth of the matter is that you have no one else to tell you story to. Everyone else back in Konoha with the exception of only a handful I can count with my fingers will listen to your story, no less give you the time of day. You really have nowhere else to go and I'm the only reason why the village council and ANBU weren't able to lay a hand on you and why you were allowed to join the ranks of Konoha's shinobis. So what reason is there that you can't tell me your past?"

Ryota sighed and lowered her head in defeat. She knew that Naruto was telling her was the truth. Taking a breath, she started, "Deidara was once my Jounin-sensei when I was seven years old. Back then he was regarded as one of Iwa's promising ninjas and for me to be his Genin student was considered an honor. He taught me many things, nature manipulating of earth being one of them. I loved and looked up to him as a big brother for a time; I even developed a crush on him at one time.

"But everything changed after I turned nine years old. (Tears welled up in her eyes) My older sister, Chizuru, who was the Jounin mentioned earlier, discovered that Deidara was performing illegal jobs as a terrorist and gun-for-hire for enemy villages and clients. Besides Deidara back then (started sobbing)…Chizuru was the only family I had left…My sister confronted him by order of the Sandaime Tsuchikage. When he refused to surrender, she engaged him in combat and did everything she could to stop him. Nothing she used worked against him.

"I yelled and begged for both of them to stop but my pleas fell on deaf ears. I loved them both and felt torn that they turned on each other. In the end, it turned out that my former sensei was toying with her the entire time during the fight…Deidara trapped and immobilized her with one of his clay clones and used a clay jutsu of some sort that demolished Chizuru's body from the inside (sobbed some more)…I watched helplessly as she fell apart…and disintegrated…into nothing…

"After her death, Deidara said that my sister…was a work of art and beauty that withered away like a decayed rose blown and scattered into the wind…I wanted to fight and kill him but I was too afraid to move, fearing that I would suffer the same fate as my older sister. Deidara then left me where I was as if I was yesterday's trash. My former sensei killed my sister in front me and I was too weak to stop it from happening…"

Ryota just broke down and cried into Naruto's chest after recalling that horrific event. This was the second time Naruto saw Ryota cry, but her reasons this time were much different since last time she cried and begged Naruto for her death.

How do I attract such people to myself, Naruto wondered while feeling Ryota embrace and cry into his chest. He saw that the kunoichi in front of him have been holding back a great amount of anger, sorrow and hurt for a quite a number of years and was only now letting it all go. He saw that Ryota's situation was much like Anko's; they both were betrayed by senseis they loved and regarded as family. Not knowing what else to do, Naruto just embraced Ryota and allowed her to cry. The kunoichi welcomed the embrace as she held Naruto closer to her.

"Ever since that day," Ryota continued, "I trained myself as hard as I could to push myself to become stronger. I didn't want to look weak anymore. So I buried my hurt and sorrow, and replaced them with determination and my ambition to become the best I could be; that I was why I wanted to defeat you so badly Naruto-kun. I figured that if I could defeat the one who defeated Itachi then I had a chance in beating and killing my former sensei. But every defeat by your hands only showed me how weak I still am. And now look at me, a kunoichi crying like a weakling."

"Crying is not a sign of weakness," Naruto said, "All of us need to cry sometimes, even the strongest of ninjas. It's unhealthy to bottle so much negative emotions and not have an outlet. I'm happy that you were able to share this with me as hard as it was for you."

A moment later, Ryota pulled away from Naruto and dried away her tears while regaining her composer and demeanor.

"I really needed that," Ryota said, "Thank you helping me get that experience off my chest. But for the record, let's not tell anyone back in Konoha about this incident; I have a reputation to keep up you know."

"If you say so Ryota," Naruto remarked, "How about we go to Ichiraku and get us some ramen? It'll cheer you up."

"…I suppose," she shrugged as she followed Naruto back to the village. A moment later…

"Naruto-kun," Ryota said as she stopped walking. Naruto turned to her and looked at her questionably before he stopped walking also.


"Thank you," Ryota said, "For saving my life and standing up for me earlier."

"Don't mention it," Naruto grinned, "You'd have done the same for me."

"It's not like I have a choice in the matter," Ryota remarked as she pointed to her neck that still had the choker seal on it. She lowered her hand and looked at Naruto, "But you did and you chose to save and protect me. And for that I'm truly grateful."

"You're welcome," Naruto smiled, "Now c'mon, I'm hungry for ramen!"

Ryota smiled and nodded as she followed Naruto back to Konoha.

(Later That Evening)

Naruto was by himself standing on top of the Hokage Monument, typically standing on top of the head representing Minato Namikaze. He was deep into his own thoughts before he noticed Hinata and Ino approaching him.

"We thought we would find you here," Hinata said breaking Naruto out of his train of thoughts. Naruto turned to see the two girls walking over to him. It wasn't long until they reached him.

"Did kaa-chan tell you girls I'd be here," Naruto asked. Ino replied, "We didn't go to Tsunade-sama to find you. We know you enough to know that you often come here to think and clear your mind."

"We heard about what happened to Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei earlier," Hinata said, "They're doing better now that Tsunade-sama healed them."

Naruto nodded and turned to look at the village. The girls saw that Naruto had a lot on his mind seeing that he wasn't as talkative with them as he normally is.

"What's on your mind Naruto-kun," Ino asked.

"A lot more than I'd like," Naruto said, "Being announced as the Namikaze clan leader brought with it both a blessing and a curse."

The girls looked at Naruto questionably.

"Why would being made clan leader be both a blessing and a curse," Ino asked, "How does that even make sense?"

"It makes perfect sense Ino-chan," Naruto replied, "It's a blessing in that I'm now acknowledged as Yondaime's surviving heir and have been given privileges and responsibilities that many my age don't have. It's a curse in that all of my father's enemies and those that I myself have made will come after me despite the S-class rank I was given by this village and other hidden villages. I'm sure they'll use whatever means they can to get to me, (turned to look at them) even if it means going after those I regard as precious people."

The girls went over and stood by Naruto at his sides. Smiling confidently, Hinata said, "In that case, we'll face them together. Even thought you have enemies Naruto-kun, but you also have close friends and allies."

"That's right," said a third voice. The trio looked up into the trees to see Ryota sitting on top of one of the branches.

"How long were you there," Ino asked.

"For some time really," Ryota said as she flipped down and went over to the trio, "Like Naruto-kun said, he has a lot of enemies. Therefore someone has to step up and cover his ass."

"And you think you're the one for the job," Ino retorted. Ryota grinned, "I don't think, I know."

Ino snorted at the dark haired beauty while Naruto shook his head.

"Well Ryota-san," Ino said, "You're not the only one who feels that way. Naruto-kun is our closest friend and he'll do anything to save and protect us and this village. And we'll do everything we can to help him, no matter the danger."

Hinata wordlessly nodded in agreement. Naruto was about to say something when…

"Isn't this a sight to behold," said new voice. The group turned to see Anko approaching them with her trademark smile on her face.

"So this was where you were hiding at Yondaime-gaki," Anko said, "It's nice to see my favorite student being given private nursing sessions after a tough fight."

"…Whatever," Naruto snorted with a blush that appeared on his cheeks. The girls giggled in seeing Naruto's plight. Anko reached the group and ruffled Naruto's hair.

"Taking on Itachi alone again, and in your condition," Anko said with a warped smile, "You got balls, much bigger and thicker than others in this village."

"Anko-chan!," Naruto shouted with a heavy blush on his face. The Hinata and Ino were blushing crimson also after hearing the twisted and perverted remark Anko made; Ryota simply shook her head slightly.

"In any case," Anko said, "I doubt Itachi and Kisame will try their luck again anytime soon. But when they do, we'll be ready for them."

"I'm sure we will," Naruto agreed before turning back to look at the village. Hinata, Ino, Anko and Ryota stood by Naruto as they gazed that the village together. Secretly, each of the four females made a promise in their hearts to always be there for Naruto and stick by him, knowing that Naurto would help and protect them as well.

(Four Days Later; At The Hokage Tower)

Sandaime was in his office doing more paperwork, the natural enemy to all Kages. It was a most unrelenting enemy and it had many allies. Currently he was documenting Naruto's forms for being a Jounin-sensei to three youths he personally selected from the academy as his three new apprentices. One Jounin in particular wasn't too thrilled when Naruto took his student from him and chose him as his new apprentice with two of his other friends with him.

Two days ago, the Jounin argued that Naruto shouldn't be allowed to take his student from him. However Naruto suggested allowing the three youths to decided for themselves who they want as their Jounin-sensei. Needless to say they chose Naruto; after all who wouldn't want to be taught by Konoha's Second Flash? In fact, a whole lot of Genins, Chuunins and Jounins for that matter had hoped that Naruto would consider teaching them. A few on the council suggested for Naruto to take on a prospective genius or Hyuuga to mold into a prize ninja; a couple even recommended Sasuke.

However Naruto chose not to follow the common tread on taking on proclaimed 'geniuses' as apprentices. Like Jiraiya, he believed that training those with no bloodline limit and weren't regarded as geniuses were more fun to teach and he believed that the three he selected would make good ninjas under his tutelage, especially since Ryota agreed to partner with him as his assistant.

When the stubborn Jounin protested and refused to consent in signing his student over to him however, Naruto was forced to resort to using his position as an Elite Jounin and clan leader to out-rank the insubordinate Jounin. The Jounin, defeated, begrudgingly signed his student over to Naruto, thus adding more reason to dislike Naruto all the more. That day, the angry Jounin stomped away from Sandaime's office, muttering things along the line of spoiled half-wit clan leaders and their slutty girl toys. It was later learned that the Jounin was admitted into the hospital with several bone breakages with the 'unknown' assailant still at large.

Sandaime took a puff of his pipe after recalling the events.

That Ryota is like a young Tsunade when guys say the wrong things to her, Sandaime thought while rubbing his temples. He went back to doing his work again when…

"Sandaime-sama," a woman called as she hurriedly entered his office with a piece of paper in her hand. Sandaime looked up at the woman and saw the urgency in her facial expression.

"What is it," Sandaime asked.

"We recently received an urgent letter from Suna," the interpreter said.

"An urgent letter," Sandaime asked.

"Here's the decoded message," she said as she handed the letter to Sandaime who took the letter from her. He read the letter quietly before he eyes widened.

"Interesting," Sandaime spoke in an undertone though it was loud enough for the interpreter to hear. Looking at the woman, Sandaime ordered, "Send a word out to Tsunade to come here immediately and summon the council! This is not a matter to put off to the side!"

"Hai, Sandaime-sama," the interpreter bowed before turning and hurriedly making her way out of the office to do as instructed. While sitting at the desk, Sandaime meditated on everything he read in that letter and the proposals Suna was offering. Sandaime could only wonder how this was going to turn out…

Sunagakure's council has sent an urgent letter with proposals that the Sandaime acknowledged was of great importance and required immediate attention. What were the proposals Suna was offering and what do those proposals entail? And who were the three youths that Naruto sough to take on as his apprentices? Find out next time.

Question to all of my readers:

Based on everything that's happened in this fic thus far, it's evident that more than one main female character has strong affections for Naruto (fangirls don't count); so do any of you think Naruto should stay with one female or should he be limited to a few more in order to revive the Namikaze clan?