Chapter Forty: Operation T.O.A.

(In Otogakure)

Kabuto was in the research lab going over all of the scrolls the late Orochimaru left behind. Moments later, Tayuya and the rest of the Sound Four entered the lab.

"Alright Kabuto," Tayuya spoke with a manner that showed anything but respect, "What the fuck do you want?"

"Such language," Kabuto mocked, "A young lady with beauty as your own with a mouth as ugly and filthy as the beasts she summons."

"Four-eyed bastard," Tayuya growled at Kabuto but held her grounds.

"Kabuto-sama," Kidomaru said, "What did you want to inform us about?"

After straightening his glasses, Kabuto said, "I want you all to head to Konoha two and a half weeks from now. You all will be responsible for bringing Sasuke back here."

"For what purpose," Tayuya barked, "That dumbass isn't of any use to us anymore especially since Orochimaru-sama is dead now, no thanks to that Namikaze motherfucker."

"Be that as it may," Kabuto replied, "But Sasuke still has some potential we can harness and use. And don't forget that I'm the new leader since our master is gone."

"He still possesses the curse seal that Orochimaru-sama placed on him," Kidomaru pointed out. Kabuto nodded, "Exactly. You all will have the mission to retrieve Sasuke."

"But we'll have to deal with several damn factors," Tayuya spoke, "And Konoha's Second Flash is a major one."

"Don't count on that," Kabuto replied, "I'm sure that Naruto-kun isn't as strong as before. Performing multiple S-class kinjutsus in one day knocked him down several pegs. I'm sure if you all were to run in to him, together you all could over power him."

"Strength in numbers does go a long way against a powerful enemy," Jirobo. Tayuya remarked, "I'm sure your fat ass will account for the second half of our number."

"What was that," Jirobo shot back. It was no secret that he hated back called "fat" and having insulting comments made about his weight.

"That's enough," Kabuto interjected, "Until the time of your departure, I want all of you to train and prepare for the mission. Dismissed."

The Sound Four bowed and left the chamber.

(An Hour and A Half Later)

Tsunade, Sandaime, Naruto and the rest of Konoha's council, had already gathered together in the meeting chamber. Jiraiya was also present for the meeting. Sarutobi had already explained most of the contents in the diplomatic proposal sent to them from Sunagakure and what they were offering in return for an alliance. This was known as Operation T.O.A. (Terms Of Alliance).

A few in the council though showed reluctance in forming an alliance with Suna, especially after the invasion that took place not too long ago. Danzo was especially against the idea, believing that Suna would possibly double cross them once they found the right opportunity to do so. He favored the idea that Konoha remain separate from Suna and cut off any involvement with them.

Sandaime explained that Sunagakure have received drastic budget cuts from their daimyo because he became a client of Konoha. Since then, the Kazekage has been forced to drastically reduce their military force. As a result, Sandaime explained, Suna was forced to develop better and more powerful warriors to compensate for their military weakness. In order to again allow their military force to swell, they originally sought to defeat Konoha and show their daimyo that they're powerful and deserve more money.

"Orochimaru was very sly," Naruto interjected, "He recruited a desperate nation during a desperate time and they were unknowingly double-crossed by him at the same time. Orochimaru's forked tongue has come in handy many times before…a problem that had to be dealt with."

After a short silence, Sarutobi explained that an alliance would benefit both Suna and Konoha as a whole, and strengthen their ties of allies since they have Iwagakure to worry about, especially since word about Naruto's abilities, his establishment as the new Namikaze clan leader, and Konoha's victory against the invasion have spread to other hidden villages, Iwa being one of them. They knew that Iwa wasn't happy when they received word of Naruto's power and Ryota's betrayal and siding with Naruto and Konoha all together. If another Iwa-Konoha War were to breakout, having another hidden village allied with them would help them greatly, and hopefully reduce the risk of triggering another Great Shinobi War.

Danzo argued that the fact that Iwa dispatched Ryota in the first place to kidnap and bring back Naruto is already a declaration of war. He added that since Iwa got to hear of Naruto's power Konoha is feared not only by them but also by the other great shinobi nations.

He added that since Iwa now knows that Naruto is the son of the late Yellow Flash and has become the new Namikaze clan leader, it could prompt them to mobilize against Konoha and prepare for war while Naruto is weakened, not wanting to let a new Yellow Flash take Minato's place. Danzo suggested that they should use whatever advantages they have to obtain whatever information they can get out of Ryota before Iwa decides to attack first.

Sandaime sighed to himself in frustration. He knew that Danzo had always disagreed with his ideals and always preferred war over peace, one of the prime factors that led to Shodai and Nidaime disqualifying Danzo as a candidate for Sandaime Hokage many years ago. Sarutobi pointed out that an alliance with Suna and the fact that Ryota has sided with them might keep Iwagakure at bay.

Tsunade added and explained that forming an alliance would open up new avenues for trading, traveling and building up on their defenses, not to mention that Suna has specially grown herbs and resources that could prove most useful in the medical field for making new vaccines and antidotes.

Sandaime moved on with the part of the proposal that explained Suna's request for a few of Konoha's Jounins to be sent to Suna so they could help restructure their shinobi training system. Many on the council opposed the idea outright. They argued that they didn't want Konaha's secrets being given to Suna's shinobis. Others said that since Konoha is still recuperating from the invasion the village will need all the Jounins they have at their disposal in case enemy villages consider attacking them, especially since the Akatsuki came after Naruto again only a few days ago.

Naruto countered by explaining that regardless of the Akatsuki that he can still handle himself and will have Jiraiya, Kakashi, Ryota and Anko around to help watch his back. He also added that having Konoha shinobis restructure Suna's training system would in fact benefit both Suna and Konoha. He pointed out Sandaime's earlier words about how Sunagakure received huge budget cuts and how Suna was forced to develop better and more powerful warriors to compensate for their military weakness. Naruto explained that Suna's methods of developing shinobis is heavily flawed and is in much need of correcting, and that having Konoha shinobis recreating their teaching and training system would mean that Konoha would have a measure of authority over their platoon and battle tactics for a given time. And in training Suna's shinobis, Konoha would have a better understanding of Sunagakure's terrain and territory, thus being capable of developing strategic battle plans against enemy forces that would seek to attack Suna and Konoha ninja's in that location. Hearing that served to cool off many objections as the council members found Naruto's words rather plausible.

You'll make a great Hokage one day, Naruto, Sandaime thought admirably as he saw how Naruto handled the situation and quickly end the dispute. After that the part of the deliberation was done, Sandaime moved on to another major factor of the alliance.

"In solidifying the proposal of the alliance," Sandaime said, "Sunagakure is offering Subaku No Temari to be betrothed to one of our village's top ninjas."

"Let me get this straight," Danzo interjected, "Suna not only desires to form an alliance with us but they also seek to solidify this by marrying the daughter of their late Yondaime Kazekage to one of our ninjas? I can arrange a list of promising potential males whom this Temari can be betrothed to."

"Not just any Konoha shinobi Danzo," Sandaime said before taking a puff of his pipe, "…They proposed that they offer and betroth Temari to a promising ninja and clan leader; to be more specific, Temari is being offered to you Naruto."

"What?!," Naruto said with widened eyes, "Are you serious?!"

"Very serious," Sandaime said. Naruto was about to give a reply when…

"The daughter of their late Yondaime Kazekage," Shibi said, "Wedded to the son of our late Yondaime Hokage. From what I've seen from the young kunoichi during both the final parts of the Chuunin Exams and the invasion, she's quite a promising kunoichi whose addition into our ranks would prove to be rather beneficial. And since Naruto-san is the last of his clan, according to the Clan Restoration Act of Konohagakure No Sato, he is within his rights to marry more than one female, and we all already know that Hyuuga Hinata-san is betrothed to Naruto-san though she's not presently aware of it."

"Don't I get a say in this," Naruto shot back. Jiraiya was standing in the back snickering to himself at what Naruto was being told.

Gaki, Jiraiya mentally snickered with a mischievous smile, You have no idea what a privilege you're getting.

"Naruto," Koharu interjected, "A marriage alliance between you and Temari could serve to strengthen ties between our nations. After all, weren't you the one who volunteered to help Gaara the Suna Jinchuuriki? And it was because of your very actions that led to Gaara, his siblings and many of Suna's forces joining our side during the invasion."

"Naruto," Homura added, "You were the one in fact who initiated this alliance, and you did so with Gaara by offering your services to help him and advising them not to be part of the invasion. Having both you and Gaara on our sides has proven to be a great benefit in preserving and saving Konoha from Orochimaru's attack. And from what we were told, Gaara and his siblings hold you in very high regards and admiration.

"It would be insulting if we were to betroth the daughter of their late Kazekage to some random Konoha shinobi or citizen. And none of the male Genins or Shikamaru is fitted for this privilege. Nothing personal toward your son Shikaku…(Shikaku shrugged with a bored expression)…But we strongly believe that Naruto is the best person to have Temari betrothed to, especially since she also will serve as a liaison for Suna though she will be registered as a Konoha kunoichi."

Naruto smacked his hand to his face. This was more than what he was bargaining for. He took the time to process the information while seeing the points Koharu and Homura were making.

"Naruto," Sandaime spoke, "You're the only person in Konoha who can relate to Gaara on levels no one else can, especially since you yourself are a Jinchuuriki. Temari, who lived with Gaara all his life, would have the capacity to empathize with you. Plus, the young girl has already expressed feelings of fondness for you. Tsunade and I were there to eyewitness this at the hospital while you were recuperating. In truth Naruto, she sees you just as how Hinata and Ino see you. And you yourself have told us many times that those were the qualities you're looking for in the potential wives you seek to marry into your clan, yes?"

Once again, Naruto's own words and actions were being brought up to his attention and there was no way for the blond-haired shinobi to refute them. There was a moment of silence in the meeting chamber as all eyes were now on Naruto, who looked to be deep in thought. After a pregnant silence, Naruto looked up at everyone and said, "You're right. I did make those exact proclamations as to what kind of females I wish to marry and I must live by my words. And as you know, I never go back on my word. I agree to the betrothal."

Sandaime smiled and nodded while Jiraiya giggled at the thought of Naruto having some girl "fun" with hot-looking kunoichis; more ideas for his books. And speaking of Jiraiya's books, his new special rare golden edition, Icha-Icha Paradise: The Paradisiacal Forest Ninja, was now on the market. Jiraiya credited his inspirations and ideas to Naruto's appearance in tiger-skin loincloths and the females' reactions to his then new appearance during the Preliminaries.

Kakashi was practically first in line to buy the new rare books before they ran out. To the copycat ninja's delight, the book was autographed and thick; he knew he was in for a good read. And Sandaime had his own personal copy safely hidden so Konohamaru wouldn't find it. Jiraiya, in gratitude to Naruto for covering for him in not exposing to Tsunade about him exploiting Naruto's circumstances during the Preliminaries, gave Naruto a free personally autographed copy of his new book. Naruto, like Sarutobi, made sure the book was safely hidden in his mansion.

Tsunade frowned upon seeing the look on Jiraiya's face and she knew what was going through his mind. She sighed to herself while keeping herself under control.

After the next three hours, they discussing the notion of forming an alliance with Suna in a long deliberation, the council decided and agreed in discussing terms of an alliance with Suna. Tsunade had ordered the dispatching of Suna's messenger hawk back to them, carrying a message stating the agreed and adjusted terms of the alliance.

(The Following Day)

The council received the messenger hawk and the message it carried with it. Baki and the council members discussed Konoha's terms and agreement in details. After a few hours, the council agreed to the terms and dispatched their messenger hawk to Konoha again stating their agreement.

(Later That Day)

Temari sat in the waiting room while waiting for the Suna Council to call her in. The peace negotiations had proceeded rapidly between Konoha and Suna. She was told a few days ago that she was going to serve as a liaison between the two nations and now she was waiting to find out what further conditions the alliance entailed. What was on her mind was her father's memorial, along with the memorial for all the other fallen ninjas that was only a few weeks ago. That had been draining enough, but the realization that her own father had been dead for some time without her or anyone else's knowledge of it was a shocking bit of news. She hoping to see things mended between them all. Although things had been on edge for years between them after her father became the Kazekage and made her look after Gaara, he was still her father. Now she was the oldest in the family looking after Kankuro and Gaara. To say she was distracted wouldn't be exaggerating the circumstance.

Moments later, Baki motioned her into the council room and it took a couple of minutes for them brief her on what was going on. After their lecturing kicked in, in a calm voice Temari said, "So in short, I'm being sent to Konohagakure to marry a Konoha nin as part of the treaty and to serve as a liaison between both Suna and Konoha, with this being my final mission as a shinobi of Sunagakure."

Baki sighed and addressed his soon to be former student, "Yes. However you won't be going as a Genin."

Tossing a vest to Temari, Baki added, "You earned this. Remember to watch your back. You leave tomorrow at nightfall with three Suna Jounins being your entourage."

Catching the package Temari pulled out a Suna Chuunin vest. It was with a certain irony that she would be a Suna Chuunin for only a little over thirty hours that she slipped it on. Temari gave Baki a nod and walked out, her face hardened.

Baki however frowned as he watched Temari leave; she had been his favorite student out of his Genin team, partially because she favored wind jutsus but also for her quick wit. Not to mention she was the most normal out of the three siblings, teaching her had been a rare enjoyable pleasure. She was more than capable as a Chuunin and had been for a long time. Oh well, with her no longer around he could start reading his favorite orange books again, especially the latest rare special golden edition that he recently bought before they ran out, Baki thought as a light blush crossed his face.

(That Night)

While slowly packing her things, Temari felt the tears roll down her face quietly when the door to her room opened. Her brothers didn't even have a chance to comment on her Chuunin vest and set face when she came home and went directly to her room.

"Temari," Gaara said quietly with Kankuro standing besides him, "You are…troubled."

"Yes," Temari could only say sadly, "Yes I am."

Sand emerged from Gaara's gourd and started to whirl around him. In a harsh dark tone, Gaara inquired, "Who caused you to be troubled?"

The bloodlust was coming off Gaara in waves, yet for once Temari wasn't frightened, to her it felt as if Gaara was acting out to protect her, that she was perfectly safe. Calming herself a little Temari replied, "The council. I'm being sent to Konoha to be betrothed to one of their shinobis as part of the treaty. I'm no longer going to be a Suna kunoichi."

Kankuro was shocked by the revelations.

"When did this happen," Kankuro asked, "Did they say who you're being betrothed to?"

"No," Temari replied as she thought things over, "They said that the one I was betrothed to has already agreed to the betrothal and that Konoha's council would explain that to me in further details after my arrival."

The fan mistress could only hope it was someone her age, a much older man wouldn't be pleasant. Even worse it could be one of the bug users, even now Temari still got the shivers at the thought of that clan; she hated bugs. She wondered if they were to going to wed her off to that shadow-using guy she fought and lost to during the final part of the Chuunin Exams.

"If they hurt you I will hunt them down and kill them," Gaara remarked his sand slowly died down, "Alliance or not."

Temari could only nod her thanks to her youngest brother. He still wasn't able to express his emotions that well, but she knew that he would miss her. After he returned the sand back into his gourd and cap the gourd close, Gaara managed to say slowly, "You are still our sister, regardless what village you become part of."

"I know," Temari said quietly, "Even though I'll become a Konoha nin, you both are still my brothers."

Temari went over and hugged both Gaara and Kankuro. First, she lost her mother, then her uncle, recently her father, and now she was being taken from her younger brothers. Sure the council told her a few days ago that she was going to serve as a liaison between Suna and Konoha, and she was just promoted to Chuunin. However she never expected to be betrothed to a Konoha ninja as part of the alliance.

Just when she thought things could start looking up for her and her siblings, she was now called upon to sacrifice everything she has in Suna to become a citizen and shinobi to a foreign nation. It was as though her family was being broken apart piece by piece. A few more tears fell down her face from the thought of not being able to stay close by her younger brothers whom she would dearly miss.

(The Following Night)

Temari stood in front of the main entrance that led the way into and out of Suna. All of her belongs were packed and ready to go. Gaara, Kankuro and Baki came along with her to see her off with their three Jounins to escort her to Konoha safely.

"I guess this is it," Temari said while trying to control her emotions. Kankuro didn't want to show it, but he was already starting to miss his older sister. He could only hope that whomever she was to be betrothed to was someone who was not only a capable ninja but someone who'll tried his sister kindly. Kankuro embraced Temari in a hug that felt as though it would be their last.

"Take care of yourself sis.," Kankuro said whole heartedly. Temari gave a sad smile and nodded before turning her attention to Gaara. The red-heared Jinchuuriki looked at his sister with a mostly neutral expression that showed some signs of emotions, "Temari…"

Gaara didn't know what he could say to Temari. He never had to do anything of this nature before and quite frankly he was at a total lost for words and expressions.

"I understand Gaara," Temari assured as she hugged her brother, "Remember your promise to find precious people to protect and make you strong as your way to prove your exist."

"You, Kankuro and Baki-sensei are one of my precious people," Gaara replied quietly. Hearing those words made Temari hug Gaara tighter. Gaara returned the embrace before both siblings released their hold on each other. Turning to Baki, the Jounin looked at the teenage fan mistress and said, "Temari, having you as my student was both a privilege and pleasure. I will miss you dearly and I know that you'll make a fine kunoichi though you'll be in Konoha. Do take great care of yourself."

The girl nodded as she hugged Baki as well. Baki was a bit surprised by this; honestly he was expecting more of a handshake than her display of emotions. Regardless, he accepted and hugged her back. After saying their final good-byes, Temari and the three Suna Jounins started on their six-day trek to Konoha. Baki, Kankuro and Gaara watched the scene until their forms were no longer in seeing range before returning back to the village. For what it was worth, Sunagakure would never be the same without Temari around.

(Two Days Later; In Konoha)

It was 7 o'clock in the morning and the sun was still rising from the east, gradually radiating the sky in all its glory. Sasuke was grumbling and seething in an undertone. He was in an open field looking at a sight he wasn't looking forward to getting involved in. Moments later, Naruto and Ryota appeared with a scroll in his hand. Reaching the Uchiha, Naruto opened the scroll and poured chakra into it. After a burst of smoke, several utensils came from out of the scroll and onto the ground in front of Sasuke. Seeing those utensils only served to make Sasuke growl further.

"Hey," Naruto rebuked, "Don't give me that kind of behavior in my estate. As a clan leader I won't stand for it. You wanted training from me, so I'm dishing it out to you."

Begrudgingly, Sasuke picked up the first utensil and held it from both hands.

"Your training involves cleaning up your act and following directions from your supervising superior ninja," Naruto continued, "You can start today's D-rank mission by raking my yard of all the leaves and collecting them together in bags. When that's done, your next task will be to mow and rake the grass and water my gardens."

"You can't be serious," Sasuke shot back, "You can't expect me to do all this by myself! Look at the size of your yard!"

"But you're an Uchiha, the elite," Naruto remarked cynically. Sasuke saw the mockery in Naruto's remark, which served to infuriate him further.

"Consider your three-day D-rank mission as training for you to be not only efficient with your time with regards to all of the chores I want you to do effectively in my estate," Naruto explained, "But also training for you to follow orders and learn that insubordination will not be tolerated, nor will I tolerate you instigating fights with me or with any of your higher-ranking ninjas."

Sasuke knew what Naruto was talking about. A few days ago, Sasuke openly tried to goad Naruto into fighting with him and later he disregarded Naruto's order to stand down against Itachi and was heavily beaten as a result. As punishment for his misconduct and second offense of insubordination, Sasuke was sentenced to long hours of hard labor at the Namikaze Estate with reduced pay for the next three days.

"Now get started," Naruto ordered, "My yard and gardens need tending to. And if I find that you've sabotaged or distorted anything in my estate, well, let's just say you won't enjoy the consequences. And just so that you don't try a fast one on me, I'm stationing Ryota to keep an eye on you."

"What," Ryota objected, "How come I'm stuck with the baby-sitting job?"

"Be happy that's all I'm making you do for the next three days Ryota," Naruto stated, "Consider this your D-rank mission. Your temper already caused me enough trouble, and no thanks to it, I'm stuck cleaning up the mess you made."

"That stupid-mouthed Jounin had it coming to him," Ryota shot back.

"Whatever," Naruto retorted, "Don't let it happen again. It's bad enough the villagers are still weary of your backgrounds and fear the idea of accepting you as one of our own."

Ryota snorted, "Who gives a damn! I don't need the approval of those senseless idiots to know what I'm worth as a person."

Naruto sighed as he shook his head. Returning his attention back to Sasuke, Naruto said, "In any case, you both can start your missions. Now if you both will excuse me, I have a little business to attend to."

With that done, Naruto turned and walked off from Ryota and Sasuke. The raven-haired Uchiha was fuming in rage at the blonde. He found his predicament both demeaning and humiliating.

This is degrading, Sasuke sulked, I, Sasuke, the last of the great Uchiha clan, a prodigy, reduced to the level of a clean-up boy for the Namikaze clan…What a waste of my talents and clan legacy!

"C'mon Sasuke," the Ryota said with an annoyed tone with her arms crossed, "We don't have all day. The sooner and efficiently you get the job done, the sooner I can be relieved of babysitting your stupid ass for the day."

Growling, Sasuke got to work on cleaning the Namikaze yard and gardens. He knew he wasn't leaving the estate anytime soon…


While Sasuke was doing his D-rank mission, Naruto went into his mansion and to one of the six bedrooms he selected for Temari. Though Naruto didn't say it however, he was partly using Sasuke's three-day D-rank mission in his estate as a way to prepare for Temari's arrival. He went into the other bedrooms and made sure everything was in tiptop shape. He knew that in time Hinata would be living in his estate as well, along with a few other females of his liking, and he already knew whom those few were going to be.

After checking around his mansion, Naruto went to train for the next three and half hours before he went to visit Ebisu at the hospital. Needless to say, it was another headache Naruto had to deal with. Though Naruto apologized to the Jounin for the trouble Ryota caused however, the blonde spent the next twenty minutes receiving verbal fire from the hospitalized Jounin though the blonde remained calm and reserved. Naruto knew that it was Ebisu's own hardheadedness and derogative remarks about both Naruto and Ryota that resulted in the condition the Jounin got himself in.

To silence the Jounin, Naruto told him that he was lucky that the derogative remarks he made didn't reach Tsunade's ears, otherwise he'd have been forced to resign as a shinobi, that is if he actually survived the vicious brutality Tsunade would have inflicted on him. Hearing Naruto's warning was more than enough to silence Ebisu.

Seeking to fix things in whatever way possible, Naruto made a new deal with Ebisu; Naruto promised that he'll allow Ebisu to in train the three youths on several occasions and to top it off, the blonde promised Ebisu that he'll give him his personal autographed copy of Jiraiya's new special golden edition of Icha-Icha Paradise. Though Ebisu was still sore about what happen a few days ago however, what Naruto was offering served to steam off his anger and some of his resentment of him. So long the Jounin got to train Konohamaru on occasions and got that very rare book autographed by Jiraiya personally, Ebisu accepted, especially since he didn't make it in time to buy the book before they ran out. Naruto though asked him not to show unfair favoritism towards Konohamaru during the days he'd let him teach the boy and his two friends.

There were a few however who argued that Naruto himself was showing unfair favoritism in taking Konohamaru and his two friends and training them himself. This annoyed Naruto to no end that those people were giving him that big of a headache, knowing fully well that those who were making those accusations had wanted Naruto to train their kids instead. Naruto though had his own reasons as to why he chose Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon, and he argued that the trio would continue to attend the Academy and take the final exam like all the others and pass with flying colors while having their training with him and Ryota and occasional training with Ebisu.

Naruto had left the hospital and went to his favorite ramen stand and ordered a pork ramen. Sitting where he was, Naruto are his bowl of ramen while trying to ease his mind of his problems.

"…Sometimes I wish I was a normal teen with an ordinary life…," Naruto sighed to himself after recalling all the problems he had to fix and the strings he had to pull in order for things to get back in track and getting as many people as he could off his back. Earlier he learned from Tsunade that three Jounins were of Sandaime and her choosing were dispatched to Suna a few hours ago after their long briefing yesterday.

Who knows when they'll returned, Naruto thought to himself.

"Naruto-kun," Ayame said as he looked the stressed look in Naruto's face, "Are you alright?"

"Peachy," Naruto answered. Ayame didn't look convinced, "You seemed troubled. Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," Naruto replied, "I'd rather not burden you with my problems. As Shikamaru would put it, it's just troublesome."

Ayame was about to persist in getting Naruto to speak out his frustration when…

"Hey Naruto," a feminine voice called out. Naruto and Ayame turned to see Sakura approaching them.

"Sakura," Naruto greeted, "What's up?"

"I learned from Kakashi-sensei that you refused to give Sasuke-kun any special training yet you chose Konohamaru and his two friends from the academy for training," Sakura pointed out, "Those three brats aren't even Genins yet!"

"So what of it," Naruto remarked, "What's it matter to you?"

"Why did you refuse to teach Sasuke-kun," Sakura asked.

"But I am teaching Sasuke," Naruto replied, "And as we speak he's getting a crash course in cleaning up his act and following directions through long hours of hard work; something that would even inspire and move Lee and Gai to tears."

"Doing D-rank missions in your estate doesn't count as training," Sakura retorted.

"It does when a subordinate learns to follow orders from his superior on a matter that could save his life," Naruto countered.

"Sasuke-kun came to you and asked for your training so he could become stronger," Sakura said, "Wasn't the idea of teaching and helping Sasuke-kun to become stronger appealing to you?"

"Does Sasuke find the idea of training with you to help you better yourself appealing," Naruto countered, "I lost count on the number of times you tried flirting with Sasuke so you could get him into training with you."

Sakura was taken aback by the statement/observation, but persisted, "We're not talking about me Naruto. We're talking about why you won't give Sasuke-kun special training and instead giving it to three Academy youths who aren't even Genins yet."

"To be honest," Naruto shot back, "I would have possibly considered training Sasuke in something useful; however he failed a test I gave him."

"And what test was that," Sakura asked.

"A question I asked him that he gave me the wrong answer to," Naruto replied. Sakura asked indignantly, "You refused to train Sasuke-kun just because he gave the wrong answer to some dumb question you asked him?"

"Sakura," Naruto replied with an annoyed tone, "I'm not in the mood to listen to anymore of your nonsense. If all you're going to do is pester me into training Sasuke, then you're wasting my time."

Turning to Ayame, he thanked her to the ramen and paid for it. Getting off his stool, he walked off from the ramen bar and walked a small distance before Sakura followed after him.

"But you can help him can't you," Sakura retorted, "You of all people should be able to relate to him! The two of you are the last of your own clans; both you and Sasuke-kun are completely the same!"

Naruto stopped and turned to Sakura before giving her a hard look with no sign of flattery in his expression. Sakura felt an arctic chill run down her back upon feeling the harsh aura Naruto gave off. She cringed from the feeling she felt from it.

"Sasuke and I are not the same," Naruto made clear in a deceptively calm voice, "Though Sasuke lost his clan and family because of what his deranged older brother has done however, neither you, nor Sasuke, nor anyone else one else can begin to understand what I suffered when I was forced to fight my own ancestors who were brought back to life by a traitorous Sannin for the cruel and twisted purpose of destroying their family and everything they gave and sacrificed their lives for in building and protecting Konoha.

"My ancestors and family, the people who built this village, were dishonored and shamed by a traitor of our own village who desecrated their legacies. I had to forfeit my life to seal away my own ancestors and get back the honor Orochimaru stole from my family. And reviving life back into my body after performing that kinjutsu ougi was not without personal cost. The memory of what I've done is a burden I have to live with and carry to the grave; this is something that no one can possibly begin to understand."

Sakura was brought to tears upon hearing what Naruto was telling her. Naruto stayed quiet while keeping his composer in check while Sakura wiped her tears away.

"…I'm sorry," Sakura apologized before sobbing, "…I didn't mean to offend you Naruto…"

Naruto calmed himself before speaking again.

"All is forgiven," Naruto said, "But tell me Sakura, what purpose do you fight for and who in your life now is precious to you?"

Sakura was caught off guard by that question. She looked at the blonde and saw that the look in his face showed that he wanted her to answer the question honestly. She thought for a couple of moments before giving Naruto a reply.

"When I became a kunoichi, at first I thought that my doing so would impress Sasuke and help me get his attention. I'm book smart and know many things, but repeatedly I was in need of either you, Sasuke-kun, Sai or Kakashi-sensei bailing me out of trouble. I saw that action-wise I'm lacking.

"While I was on my way back home the other day I saw how everyone was working together to repair the damages done during the war and helping each other out. I took note on how everyone had a skill or method to aid others in one way or another, be it medic, construction, food, whatever. I saw how no one was trying to be a liability to each other or to those helping them. I felt like a liability to my team and wondered what I could do to improve myself and be of more use to my teammates and everyone else.

"I realized that if I'm to be able to help and protect my mother, my team, Kakashi-sensei, my friends and everyone else in Konoha I first had to improve myself and become stronger than I am now. I would have to work harder and do all that I could in order to become a more capable ninja for our village. I'm tired to being weak in front of everyone because my inability to be better in helping everyone. I want to become stronger so I can help protect Konoha and everyone else who would come to us for help and protection."

"And that was the test Sasuke failed to pass," Naruto said after hearing Sakura's explanation, causing the young girl to look up at him. Calmly, Naruto continued, "Sasuke sought me out with the sole thought that I would be his ticket to power. When I asked him the same question I asked you a moment ago, his only reply was so that he could kill Itachi and then rebuild his clan. He gave no mention of self-sacrifice or using that power for the benefit of protecting his team, his sensei or fellow citizens of our village or anyone else who would have been in need of his help. I refuse to teach and train those who'll only use my teachings to satisfy their thirst for vengeance and superiority complex!

"Sasuke's level presently is only low Chuunin because of his decent taijutsu, katon jutsus, weapon and trap making skills. Because he has always been told he was a genius however this led him to overestimate his true abilities. His wish to use his clan's fame as a reason for why he should be better than everyone else also causes him to never truly mature and it doesn't help that he takes his brother's words to heart about how hatred makes a ninja become stronger.

"Itachi has a reason why he resorts to using hatred to become stronger as he believes it to be. From what jisan and ero-jisan told me some time ago, Itachi hated how in the ninja world the only ones who are truly expected to become strong are those that come from clans, preferable those with a bloodline. While this may be common thinking of the average ninja it's in no way true as those from these clans seem to agree with the very people they think they're greater than. The Uchihas were one clan that seemed to take this false knowledge to heart as they relied too heavily on their bloodline. Itachi was livid because all his talent and skills were only acknowledged because of what clan he came from and as the "Uchiha prodigy," which he hated even more as the power his clan is famous for remains in the past, where the only legacy left is their bloodline where he tries to gain abilities that are above his clan's limitations."

Sakura remained ever quiet as Naruto continued, "Sasuke says he wants to rebuild his clan, but so far he's shown no actual steps in proving to anyone in this village that rebuilding his clan is his priority. And so far, all I see is Sasuke rebuilding his clan on bloodshed and hate; such a clan will not last with a corrupt foundation, and Itachi's history can testify to that.

"As much as I would like to help Sasuke in the manner you desire, Sakura," Naruto said, "I can't help anyone if they themselves are not willing to take the first steps to change and improve themselves first with constructive and beneficial goals. That was a lesson that Neji learned and from what I've heard from Hina-chan, both her and Neji started mending things with each other and became friends. Inari and his family found their village and people as precious and eventually they and their people came together to change and protect their homeland, a power that overwhelmed Gatō and his goons which we and the others have seen first hand."

Sakura remained silent as she listened to everything Naruto was telling her. She knew that Naruto was very smart for his age but she also saw once again that he had much maturity and wisdom for his age.

"If Sasuke truly wants to become strong like you want to be Sakura and as you want him to be, then he needs to learn to let go of his hate and desires for power and vengeance, and find something or someone he regard as precious to him and seek to protect that which he cherishes with everything he is. Only then will he have discovered a strength that no amount of jutsus or hate could surpass."

Saying all he had to say, he left Sakura with a lot to think about…

Major events have been taking place one after another; Otogakure is conspiring to retrieve Sasuke, the alliance between Konoha and Suna has been made, and Naruto lectured Sakura as to why he won't train Sasuke the way she'd like him to. With all this in mind, how will Temari react when she learns that her betroth is Namikaze Naruto? How will Hinata, Ino and the other react when they learn about the alliance and its conditions? Stuck around to find out.