Chapter Forty-One: Hard Truths

(The Following Day; At the Namikaze Estate)

Naruto, up and fully dressed early in the morning, was in his study office. It was presently around 6 o'clock in the morning and he was at work designing a counter seal on the curse seal Orochimaru created. Ever since Anko told him about the curse seal he's been trying to find a way to completely remove it off of Anko's neck. When Anko allowed him to examine her seal yesterday, he realized that removing her seal wouldn't be extremely hard since she hadn't resorted to using its power and influence for a long time. However he knew that the removal of the seal was going to be a delicate process regardless. Since his analysis of her seal, he's been hard at work in designing an exorcise seal to destroy the seal from off her neck.

"…Designing a seal that'll allow me to exorcise Orochimaru's influence inside that curse seal will take a little more time than I'd like," Naruto sighed with a messed of papers with concepts seals scattered over his desk. Several sheets of paper were crumbled around the floor of his desk.

But that wasn't all that concerned Naruto. For some time, he's been trying to get in contact with his father. He's been unable to communicate with Minato for quite a while and it started to worry him. Kyuubi, whom Naruto knew was still around, was neither a problem nor a concern for all Naruto cared. Jiraiya, after performing an evaluation on the seal on Naruto's stomach, indicated that the link between him and Minato was damaged as a result of the Fuchi Fūjin Naruto had used during his fight with Orochimaru. The Toad Sannin told Naruto that there's a possibility that the link could be repaired though he himself wasn't sure how.

So far not much of a success has happened in that department and it started to frustrate Naruto. Running his hand through his hair, Naruto sighed and he sat back in his seat.

"You look loaded down," spoke a feminine voice. The blonde looked up to see Ryota standing by the doorway.

"'Loaded down' aren't the words I'd use to describe it," Naruto remarked. Ryota walked into the study office while looking at the size of the room that was abound with books and scrolls of different sorts.

"Quite a collection you have here Naruto-kun," Ryota acknowledged as she made her way to Naruto's desk.

"Any particular reason why you're here," Naruto asked.

"Going straight to the point huh," Ryota said, "I'm cool with that. The reason why I'm here is because there an issue I've been meaning to ask you about for some time."

"And that is?"

"During our fight with Orochimaru after he stabbed and poisoned you, the Kubiwa Fuujin activated and started choking the life out of me. You clearly died after the fūin kinjutsu ougi was completed."

"So where are you getting at," he asked.

"The Kubiwa Fuujin was designed to kill me upon your death yet I survived," Ryota pointed out.

"The reason for that was because just moments before my last breath I released my hold of the seal on you," Naruto pointed out, "I freed you from your bound to the seal though I reactivated it after my revival. I didn't want you to die for a self-sacrificing decision I made of my own choice after performing the Fuchi Fūijn."

"You spared my life again, even though you had it in your power to kill me alongside with you," Ryota said, "Tell me something, if the situation was different and I wasn't there alongside you while you were battling Orochimaru and instead I was elsewhere, would you have still deactivated the seal before your death?"

"You shouldn't worry yourself with "what ifs"," Naruto replied, "Such scenarios as those aren't ones I would like to dwell on. 'What ifs' only lead to doubts, and in turn doubts lead to lack of trust and confidence in people and in one's own abilities."

"Yet you still have the Kubiwa Fuujin around my neck," Ryota said with a touch of sourness in her voice, "You haven't yet removed it from off me."

"You helped me against Orochimaru, that you did," Naruto countered, "And I trusted you enough to release my hold on you. I realized that while you were in Konoha under all of our noses, you could have attacked and kill any one of my friends and family members out of spite but you didn't. Instead you willingly chose to help and side with me. And for most of the time the seal is left deactivated. The few times I was tempted to use it was to keep your temper at bay. The last thing I need is a younger version of my kaa-chan going around wrecking everything with her insane strength after going through one of her mood swings because she couldn't ignore some stupid comment an idiot made about her."

Rather than getting angry, Ryota grinned at him as she leaned closer to him over his desk. Naruto had a raised eyebrow as her grin grew larger.

"Is that why you keep me around," she teased, "Because I remind you of your beautiful and beloved kaa-chan? I never knew you were that much of a momma's boy."

"Knock it off," Naruto retorted with an annoyed expression, "You're living in my estate out of my good grace and generosity. Be happy I didn't start charging you rent."

"Since I owe rent how should I make my payments, hmm," Ryota said while not moving away from him. Naruto sweat-dropped at her, "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll think of something, girl."

"I have a name you know," Ryota said as she moved away from him, "Anyway Naruto-kun, I'll be going. The 'Almighty Sasuke' will be here in a while to perform his second day duty of his D-rank mission. I swear his ego is legendary. He talks all day about how he must train harder to become stronger than you to prove his might as an Uchiha and use that power to kill his brother! Damn, talk about your one-tracked mind!"

"You could relate," Naruto joked. Ryota snorted at him, "I wasn't that egotistical."

""A fresh out of the academy Genin like yourself can never expect to measure up to my capabilities" ," Naruto quoted, "I believe those were your exact words before you were humbled by yours truly."

"Whatever," Ryota snorted again before sticking her tongue out at him. She turned and dismissed herself to go on her way before closing the door behind her. Naruto shook his head and sighed, "…Why do I keep her around again…Troublesome girl."

Ever since Naruto allowed Ryota to reside in his estate, Ryota made it a habit to pester and tease Naruto whenever she could. Among other things, the other villages weren't too willing to have a former Iwa kunochi reside as a tenant in their housing complex. Naruto saw that it would be too much of a hassle for both Hiruzen and Tsunade to find a place for the kunoichi regarded as an outcast, much like how Anko was treated.

Looking at the time, Naruto saw that he had some time left before he had to go to meet up with his new team. Before then, he had to finish up on the project at hand before him. Getting back to work, Naruto resumed his previous objective in creating a exorcise seal for Anko.

"Just like your old man gaki," Naruto looked up to see Jiraiya standing by the doorway with the door wide opened.

"When did you show up," Naruto inquired. Jiraiya remarked, "A ninja never announces when he'll show up."

"First Ryota, now you," Naruto commented, "So what brings you here?"

"Just coming to see how your progress on that seal is coming along," Jiraiya said as he walked into the study room, "So how's everything going?"

"Super," Naruto remarked cynically, "Orochimaru's curse seal design is a headache to figure out. If my father were here right now then I'd have no problem in solving this puzzle I'm sure. He was an ace seal master after all."

"And with you unable to communicate with him things have been tough on you, huh," Jiraiya noted.

"You think," Naruto sighed, "…So much pressure as to what's expected from a clan leader and member of the village council."

"You'll get more of that once you're Hokage gaki," Jiraiya added, "If anything I'd have made a terrible Hokage."

"Why's that," Naruto asked, "Jiisan gave you the position of Hokage first before it was given to kaa-chan. Surely jiisan wouldn't have decided to give you such a position if he didn't see you fit for the role."

"I appreciate your high thinking of me gaki," Jiraiya said, "But the truth of the matter is that I'm too free-spirited and I've devoted too much of my time tracking down the Akatsuki and other organizations Orochimaru had ties with to settle down as a village leader. Plus it would cut too much into my time, leaving me with close to no time for my research."

"You mean peeking," Naruto teased, "Honestly ero-jisan, I could have imagined what kind of Hokage you could have been."


"I mean," Naruto joked, "As Hokage, you could have passed a law making it mandatory that all kunoichis were to wear tight leather dominatrix uniforms and public reading and advertisement of Icha-Icha Paradise would have been granted to all. Peeping over women's bathhouses would have been allowed to males of all ages and women caught beating up on males for practicing such privileges within these village walls would have been punished with a week of community service, namely, long hours of modeling for your next series of Icha-Icha paradise."

Naruto busted out laughing with tears running down his face after seeing Jiraiya's expression. After several moments however…

"WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!," Jiraiya shouted while pulling out a pen and note pad, "GAKI YOU'RE A GENIUS!"

"Huh," Naruto remarked with a dumbfounded expression as Jiraiya looked at Naruto with a large lecherous smile on his face.

"What's with that look ero-jisan," Naruto asked Jiraiya.

"You've just given me a whole now idea for one of my new books gaki," Jiraiya said as he scribbled away in recording everything Naruto said a moment ago, not wanting to lose one word of it, "Gaki you're a gold mine of inspirations. This will be my next best seller for sure."

Naruto sweat-dropped at the blunder he made. He didn't expect Jiraiya to jump right back up on his feet so soon from those mocking jokes he made about all the ridiculous nonsense Jiraiya could have done as Hokage.

"I thought you'd be upset about all those jokes I said about all that stuff you could have done as Hokage," Naruto commented.

"I told you," Jiraiya replied, "I'd make a terrible Hokage. However what you said moments ago will make an excellent addition to my stories. Now all I need is a name for this next best seller…"

"What have I unleashed," Naruto mumbled under his breath as he rubbed his temples in annoyance.

"Oh, I'll think of it later," Jiraiya said after writing down everything he heard from Naruto. Putting his pen and notepad away, Jiraiya looked over at the blonde and said, "Well gaki, I bothered you enough so I'll be on my way now and leave you to your work."

"Thank you," Naruto said, "Now that I helped you, I can get back to work in helping Anko-chan and ridding her of that curse seal's effects on her."

Jiraiya saw from the looks in Naruto's face and voice that the blonde cared for the older female more so than he lets on sometimes. With a thought in mind, Jiraiya went off to his next destination.

(Later That Morning; At The Training Ground)

Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi were standing together while waiting for someone to show up.

"Where is he," Moegi asked, "I thought he'd be here by now."

"Don't worry," Konohamaru assured, "Naruto-niichan will be here at any moment."

"Well," Udon spoke up, "I hope what he has planned for us will be no sweat."

"Did somebody say sweat," a voice called out. The trio looked up to see Naruto standing on top of the tree in front of them. The Elite Jounin flipped down and landed gracefully before them.

"Sorry for the hold up," Naruto said, "I was tending to Sasuke's mission at my estate."

"What mission," Moegi asked curiously.

"Nothing for you to worry about," Naruto assured, "So long as you follow my directions. Anyway, I'm here now so let's get this started. Since we already know each other's names and backgrounds, let's just skip to telling each other what our goals are. So I'll start. My goals are to revive my dying clan and to surpass my father Yondaime and my kaa-chan, Godaime, and become Hokage."

"Many believe that you already surpassed them Naruto-niichan," Konohamaru said. Naruto smiled and replied, "I don't think so really. And since you spoke, why don't you go next. What are your goals in life?"

"My goals are…"

To outdo Naruto-niichan and become Hokage, Naruto figured he'd say.

"…To be recognized as Sarutobi Konohamaru and not just as the honorable grandson of Sandaime Hokage. My other goal is to become Nanadaime Hokage (The Seventh Hokage) and protect this village like you, jiji and the Hokages before me."

"Nanadaime," Naruto asked curiously, seeing how Konohamaru had regarded him as his rival/friend, "What about Rokudaime (The Sixth)?"

"You're the only one who'll become Rokudaime, Naruto-niichan," Konohamaru answered, "I'm going to be the one who'll succeed and surpass you."

"We'll see," Naruto grin, "OK Moegi, you're up."

"My goal is to become a great kunoichi like your friend Ryota."

Hearing that statement caught Naruto completely by surprise.

"Really now," Naruto asked. Moegi nodded, "That's right. She's sassy just like me and I like her attitude. Plus I know she must be very strong since you told us about the way she fights. So I want to become just as strong as her and protect my friends."

"Interesting," Naruto noted, "Alright Udon you're next."

"Well," Udon started while adjusting his glasses, "My goals are to become a brave and great strategic ninja, and keep Konoha from facing another invasion."

Looks like I rubbed off on them a bit, Naruto smiled internally, "I noticed a common theme with all three of you…you all seek to become strong so you could protect something you cherish, namely your friends and this village. I like that very much. None of you showed a selfish desire as to why you want to become ninjas."

"And if we did," Moegi asked.

"Then I'd have failed all of you," Naruto smiled, "And refused to give you three any training while looking for three new apprentices at the academy."

The three of them sweated nervously on hearing that.

"But that's not the case so you don't have to worry about that," Naruto assured. They all sighed in relief.

"Now," Naruto said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out three cards, "I want to give all three of you a little test."

"What kind of test," Udon asked. Naruto replied, "I want you all to pour and focus your chakra into these cards. I want to know what your elemental affinities are."

"What will that do," Moegi asked.

"It'll help me in determining what kind of training to give to all three of you," Naruto explained, "Each of you have your own elemental affinity. My affinity is wind just like your jisan Konohamaru, and wind affinity is rare in Konoha. If you're a lightning-type, the paper gets crumbled, if you're a wind-type the paper gets torn in half, if you're a water-type the paper gets wet, if you're a fire-type the paper gets burned and if you're a earth-type the paper turns to dust."

He handed each of them a card and stepped in front of them.

"Alright, whenever you're ready," Naruto stated as the three youths nodded to him. With that said, the trio began focusing their chakra into their cards. Moments later, Naruto saw the following results. Moegi's card turned to dust, Udon's card got burned and Konohamaru's card got wet.

"Three different elementals," Naruto noted, "Terrific."

"Damn," Konohamaru complained, "I was hoping to get that wind element like you and Asuma-jisan."

"Don't complain Konohamaru," Naruto rebuked, "Water in itself is a most powerful element. My great granduncle Nidaime was a powerful water-type ninja, and to this very day his ability to manipulate water molecules is said to be unrivaled. Seeing that you guys each have different elements, I'll have to develop ways of structuring your training to complement each other."

"Is that possible," Moegi asked.

"Of course," Naruto said, "But we'll worry about that later. Konohamaru, since you're a water-type, I'll arrange for my friend Haku to give you some lessons in manipulating and using water jutsu since she's has both water and wind affinities. Moegi, it looks like you get your wish after all. Ryota is an earth affinity kunoichi so she'll be around to help in your training also"

"And what about me," Udon asked, feeling a bit left out.

"I can help you in that area," Naruto assured, "I may be wind-type, but wind intensifies fire, and I learned to use fire to my advantage with my element."

Udon nodded. Naruto further added, "Before I dismiss all of you, there's one other thing I have to advise you three on."

All three looked up at Naruto.

"I don't mind you guys calling me niichan," Naruto made clear, "However during training periods and while doing some occasional travelings with me, you all will refer to me as "Naruto-sensei"."

"Why," Konohamaru asked. Naruto pointed out, "If we were traveling to a foreign territory and one of our enemies heard any of you refer to me as "niichan," the enemy would change tactics and use our relationship to their advantage against us. We can't allow enemy ninjas to have any advantages against us. Understand?"

They all nodded.

"Be here tomorrow for your training exercise," Naruto said as he turned and walked off.

"Our first training exercise," Konohamaru asked excitedly, "Are we going to teach us more cool jutsus!"

"No," Naruto remarked, "But you'll find out tomorrow what your new training is."

Not giving them a chance to ask further questions, Naruto shushin'd and teleported elsewhere.

"Well that went smoothly," Udon commented.

"So what should we do now," Moegi asked.

"I dunno," Konohamaru shrugged; then a thought came to mind, "Hey, let's ask jiji if he can give us some scrolls that show us some jutsus based on our elements."

"I doubt he'll grant that request," Udon retorted.

"Well it doesn't hurt to ask anyway," Konohamaru countered as he started back to the village with Moegi following after him with Udon coming close by.


Anko was at the dango shop eating her favorite dish of dangos and red bean soup with a side of sake.

"I wonder what Yondaime-gaki is up to," Anko asked no one in particular.

"Why don't you ask him yourself," a masculine voice suggested. She turned to see the Toad Sannin standing over her with a smug grin on his face. She snorted at him, "What do you want you old perv?"

Jiraiya frowned on hearing that. Anko smirked to herself as she was about to eat her last stick of dangos. However that was denied her when Jiraiya reached out and took the dangos from off her plate and started eating it. Anko growled venomously at seeing that.

"If it weren't for the fact that you were one of the Sannins I'd have-"

"You don't scare me," Jiraiya retorted as he sat down in front of her at the table she was sitting at, "I've faced things worst than you."

That same attitude reminded her so much of Naruto. A small blush appeared on her cheeks just remembering that occasion when they first met each other.

"Thinking about a certain blonde," Jiraiya teased. Anko blushed harder and tried to suppress the redness on her cheeks.

"Shut up," Anko shot back, "I did no such thing."

"You're lying," Jiraiya replied, "I can read you like an open book."

Anko pulled out her kunai and threatened, "That's not all that'll be open if you don't knock it off."

"You know you look even hotter when you're angry," Jiraiya grinned, "I have to give Naruto credit, he has good taste in women."

Anko was boiling and looked ready to lash at the older man. Deciding to be serious, Jiraiya dropped the act, "Alright Anko, I won't joke around and upset you any further."

She placed her kunai way, "You're still going to buy me that dango you ate."

"Whatever," Jiraiya remarked, "In any case, I want to talk to you about something very important, but not here."

"Where then," Anko asked. Jiraiya answered, "By the entrance of the Forest of Death. Be there."

Jiraiya shushin'd from the spot, after leaving some money for Anko to buy that one dango she wanted. She sighed before taking the money and buying that dango. She then made her way back to location Jiraiya told her to meet him at. It wasn't long before she got there, finding only Jiraiya there.

"Alright," Anko said, "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Just something I've been meaning to bring to your attention," Jiraiya said going straight to the point, "When will you tell Naruto the truth?"

"What are you talking about?"

"That incident at the hospital Anko," Jiraiya made clear, "You opened your heart to him though he was in a coma. You kissed him despite the fact he wasn't aware of it. So when are you planning on telling the boy the truth?"

Anko was shocked needless to say. She was certain that no one was in the room at the time.

"But how-"

"How I know isn't important," Jiraiya interjected, "What is important is that you come clean with the gaki. He deserves that much don't you think…considering how close and attached to him you've become. I may be a pervert, but I know female attachments and affections when I see them and believe me I saw a lot more than you openly show in public."

Damn it, Anko mentally swore, That means he saw everything that happened.

"I know you love and care for him Anko," Jiraiya said, "And I also know that you're afraid of what'll happen if or when this comes out into the opening. But seeing the way you act around Naruto during your days as his sensei, I see absolutely no reason for you to be afraid to tell him that you have affections for him."

Anko was silent as she thought about what the Sannin was telling her.

"I know that gaki really likes and cares for you Anko," Jiraiya said, "In fact, one of the reasons why he wanted to befriend you was because of that silly crush he had on you."

"What?!," Anko shouted after hearing what Jiraiya told her. The Sannin grinned, "Oh c'mon! I know you knew he always had a crush on you. It's one of the reasons why you were able to get away with a lot of the nonsense you pulled on him. Otherwise, Tsunade would have personally placed you in ICU (Intensive Care Unit), repeatedly, if not permanently."

Anko wasn't ignorant to Tsunade's protective nature when it came to Naruto and her temper was infamous.

"Anko," Jiraiya continued, "I won't lecture you too much about this, but I will advise you that it would best to come clean and tell Naruto the truth about your feelings for him. You opened up to him on deeper levels than you ever did with any other person, not to mention that you flirt with him more so than with any other male, in open public even. So why not tell the gaki how you feel?"

The Special Jounin found it hard to believe that she was getting advice from the man who self-proclaimed himself as the renowned Super Pervert. It was an event that was for the record.

"Whether or not you take my advice is up to you," Jiraiya said as he turned and started walking off, "But after all that the gaki has done and is doing for you, the least you can do for him is tell him the truth about your feelings. That way you won't have to spend the rest of your life with more regrets."

Saying nothing else Jiraiya left Anko alone with her thoughts.

(Later That Day; At The Hyuuga Compound)

Hanabi was in her room sitting on her futon while looking at a picture in her hand. She smiled with a blush on her cheeks before hearing a knock on her door. After hurriedly hiding the picture under her futon, Hanabi got up and answered the door. She opened the door to find Hinata and Neji standing outside her room.

"Hanabi-sama," Neji said, "You and Hinata-sama have been summoned to the meeting chamber."

"What is this about," Hanabi asked.

"I myself don't know," Neji said, "All I know is that Hiashi-sama sent me to bring both you and Hinata-sama to the meeting chamber where he, the clan elders and high members of the Branch house are."

Both Hinata and Hanabi knew something big was to take place since all the people Neji mentioned were present at the meeting chamber. Complying, Hanabi stepped out her room and closed the door behind her. All three Hyuugas made their way to their next destination.

While Hinata and Hanabi were making their way to the meeting chamber with Neji in the lead, both siblings of the Main house were wondering what important issue was going to be discussed that required their presence.

"Nee-chan," Hanabi asked, "What do you suppose father summoned us for?"

"My guess is as good as yours imouto-chan (little sister)," Hinata replied, "I'm sure father will explain once we arrive there."

After a couple of minutes, all three of them arrived at their intended destination. Upon arrived they found everyone whom Neji mentioned earlier present in the meeting chamber sitting on mats on the floor.

"Hinata, Hanabi," Hiashi said, "Enter and sit before me."

Nodding, both sisters entered the chamber and went over to the two mats meant for them. The two girls sat down on the mats facing their father while Neji went over to where the rest of the Branch house members were. Both sisters couldn't help but feel nervous being in front of all these high nobles of their clan.

"Hinata," Hiashi said breaking the silence, "You and Hanabi were summoned here discuss a most important matter that will affect the Hyuuga clan as a whole, both Main and Branch house alike. This is a matter that greatly regards the both of you."

Now they knew for certain that something huge was going to happen. Both sisters kept their nervousness in check while waiting to hear what their father was going to say next. Neji too was curious to know what could possibly be so big as to affect the future of both houses of the Hyuuga clan.

"Over the course of time Hinata," Hiashi continued as he looked at his oldest daughter, "You've shown great improvements in both your character and Jyuuken. As both your father and clan leader, I've been most impressed and pleased with your improvements and advancements."

Hinata, despite the seriousness of the meeting, couldn't help but smile at receiving her father's approval and recognition.

"Hinata," Hiashi spoke with a serious tone, "The reason for this meeting is to discuss the decision made by the council of this clan in regards to your arranged marriage."

Hinata, Hanabi and Neji's heads shot up instantaneously on hearing those words. Before Hinata could say a word, Hiashi raised a palm to stop any potential protests from her.

"This was a decision made after your eleventh birthday," Hiashi explained, "On the eve of your sixteenth birthday, you will be wedded, but until then you've been betrothed to this young man since your eleventh birthday."

Hinata couldn't believe what she was hearing. True, arranged marriages have been practiced by her clan and other clans in Konoha before, but in truth she was hoping that she'd be able to choose for herself whom she wanted to be married to. Hiashi continued, "However the man to whom you're to be wedded is not of this clan and because of this, you can no longer carry the title as clan heiress. Therefore the position of clan heiress will be passed down to your younger sister Hanabi."

This was a bombshell that shocked both Hinata and Hanabi. Neither of them was expecting any of this. Hanabi knew that her father at first looked down on Hinata because of her past inabilities to measure up to the Hyuuga's standards in the art of Jyuuken. But the young girl had seen Hinata's steady improvements in terms of her speech, behavior and abilities as a kunoichi all together. Hanabi didn't know if she was ready to fill in the shoes that were soon to be left behind by her older sister. Neji remained silent as he and the others in the chamber watch the scene play out.

"But father -," Hinata and Hanabi's protests were cut off again when their father raised his hand to silence them. Hiashi saw that his older daughter had no idea what was in store for her.

"In order to fully accept your marriage, you are to get to know your betrothed from now until the both of you are wedded. I understand your fondness for the son of Godaime however this was a decision made by this council for your benefit. If you refuse, you will be stripped of your position as a member of the Main house and be branded with the Caged Bird Seal and placed in the Branch family, and you will be forced to marry anyway."

Hinata seemed to deflate at this news, while Hanabi was both shocked and speechless.

"Hinata," Hiashi said calmly, "You must accept your betrothed. It's what is best for you…"

The clan leader trailed off as Hinata's tear-streaked gaze met his. She was meek and humble once again.

"Whom have I been betrothed to, father," her voice was both cold and emotionless, carrying no feelings whatsoever. Hanabi and Neji themselves were taken aback her Hinata's uncharacteristic coldness, but seeing the circumstances they understood why. Hiashi's eyes moistened at the sight of his defeated daughter.

"Your betrothed is the son of a Kage and a very accomplished ninja," Hiashi explained, "He's been revered in other villages as being one of the strongest known ninjas and is feared by many of our enemies. We're certain that you both will produce promising offspring, who will not only be granted full access to the Hyuuga Compound but they will be regarded as being part of the Main house of this clan despite being part of another clan."

The fact that her future children weren't going to be given the Bird Cage Seal was the only good news Hinata heard so far, but that did close to nothing to lighten her mood.

"Your betrothed is here in fact Hinata," Hiashi said, "We'll present him to you now."

Hinata said nothing as her father signal to one of the Branch members to allow the young man into the meeting chamber. Doing as instructed, the Hyuuga went over to the door and slid it open, allowing the young man to enter the chamber. When Hinata's eyes saw who entered the chamber, her eyes widened in absolute shock, leaving her completely speechless.

"Hinata," Hiashi said, "Your betrothed is Namikaze Naruto, the clan leader of the Namikaze clan and son of the late Yondaime Hokage."

Hinata's face turned a shade of red Naruto wondered was humanly possible.

"N…Na…Naruto-kun," Hinata stuttered for the first time in a long time, I've been betrothed to Naruto-kun!

Hinata could only gape, her gaze switching back and forth between Hiashi and her future spouse. Hiashi smiled, "Hinata, the council felt it would be in the best interests of both you and the clan that you be betrothed and later married to the son and sole heir of the late Yondaime Hokage, who in fact is also the sole heir of our Godaime Hokage. We believe it will be considered an honor if our clan and the Namikaze clan united through marriage. But because you are to later carry the name of the Namikaze clan and not the Hyuuga's, we believe that it would be in the best interest of our clan that your younger sister assumes your soon-to-be former role as clan heiress."

This was too much for Hinata to handle. She looked like she was about to fall into a self-induced coma. It took all her strength to keep from fainting from the fact that she was betrothed to Naruto this whole time and only now was told about it. She didn't know whether to jump and hug Naruto tightly and happily or run and embrace her father for arranging all this.

"Hinata," Hiashi continued, "There's more to this than you know and I hope you have an understanding about what I'm about to explain to you."

Hiashi looked to Naruto who nodded back to him. At that moment, the Hyuuga clan head took the opportunity to explain to Hinata in full details everything that happened in the meeting chamber with the two Hokages and village council in regards to the alliance with Suna. Hinata was shocked when she heard the part about Temari being betrothed to Naruto as a way of solidifying the alliance. Her father also explained that from what he heard from Hiruzen that Temari became very fond and attached to Naruto ever since he helped Gaara in ways that no one else was to. Hiashi was carefully not to mention that Gaara is a Jinchuuriki, which in effect would alert Neji and the others to the truth that Naruto himself is also a Jinchuuriki.

Hiashi also made it very clear that since Naruto is the last of his clan that he was within his rights to have more than one wife in order to revive his endangered clan, according to Konoha's Clan Restoration Act, initiated by Nidaime Hokage. Hinata saw that the arranged marriage between Naruto and Temari involved a lot of politics between two nations and Naruto himself had little to no say in the matter much like herself, especially since the Konoha council, particularly Hiruzen, Homura and Koharu, used Naruto's own words and actions as a means to persuade him to consent to the marriage between him and Temari.

"Since you were betrothed to Namikaze Naruto first," Hiashi made clear, "You'll be the one to marry and bear children for him first after you become of age to marry."

Hinata blushed heavily at the thought of birthing children for Naruto; it was like a dream come true. The very thought of what having Naruto's children entailed nearly caused a trickle of blood to seep from Hinata's nose. Though Hanabi didn't show it too much however, she couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of her older sister. And speaking of her older sister, Hinata was as quiet as ever as she processed everything that was explained to her. A moment later…

"Where is Temari going to be residing at since she's to be living here in our village," Hinata asked. Before Hiashi could say a word…

"At my estate," Naruto answered as Hinata sharply turned to face him, "Since she's my betrothed as you are Hina-chan, I arranged that both you and Temari live in my estate with me. I already prepared rooms to accommodate the both of you."

Hinata's head was spinning. This was a lot more than she was counting on. With all this happening so suddenly, she did the one thing that could happen under such circumstances…


She fainted facedown in front of everyone. Hiashi, Naruto and Hanabi sweat-dropped at the sight as did the others inside the chamber.

"I guess she's in agreement with the whole arranged marriage business," Naruto laughed a little while scratching the back of his head.


Hinata opened her eyes and found herself back in her room. She looked around and saw that she was lying on her futon with Naruto kneeling down next to her futon.

"Hello Hina-chan," Naruto smiled, "I'm happy that you're awake again. For a moment I thought that news about our engagement knocked you into a self-induced coma."

Hinata sat up and looked at Naruto straight in the face upon hearing those words leave his mouth. Everything that was discussed with her in the meeting chamber all came flooding back to her. She was to be replaced as the Hyuuga clan heiress since she's to become the wife of the Namikaze clan leader, Naruto. after regaining her ability to speak, Hinata asked, "Naruto-kun?"


"Were you aware of our engagement or did you recently find out about this?"

Naruto looked at her and felt she deserved an explanation.

"I knew about the engagement for more than two years," Naruto admitted. Hinata looked at him in total shock. Before she could say a word, Naruto put a hand up to allow him to explain. Hinata said nothing as Naruto started explaining, "The truth of the manner Hina-chan was that I at first wasn't all that sure about going through the whole arranged marriage deal and having a few wives to marry into my clan. It wasn't because I didn't want to marry you Hina-chan. It was because I didn't know what my feelings truly were towards you and…"

"And Temari," Hinata asked. Naruto futility fought back a blush of embarrassment that appeared on his face, "Actually, towards you, Ino-chan and…(feeling more embarrassed) Anko-chan."

Hinata looked at Naruto in disbelief. She didn't know exactly what to say to him but she allowed him to continue, "I've known both you and Ino-chan for quite a number of years and all three of us has become the best of friends. I would be lying if I said that we three did not rub off on each other as our bonds strengthened. You both are the very few females in this entire village that sees and appreciates me for me, not as the famed and honorable son of two Hokages. And when you both learned who my father was and my heritage and my status as a Jinchuuriki, neither of you turned into fan-crazed girls or ran away in fear of me because of the bijuu imprisoned inside of me. Instead, you both grew closer to me and continued to see me for me…There's really a lot more I want to say but I just don't know the right words to say besides the fact that I grew to love you both."

Hinata thought she was on cloud nine on hearing the latter words from Naruto mouth. If anything, she had to use all of her force to keep from fainting again.

"As for Anko-chan," Naruto continued, snapping Hinata out of her trance, "Believe it or not, she does have feelings for me."

The Hyuuga looked at Naruto and wondered it he was serious. But when she thought back to the number of times his Jounin-sensei shamelessly flirts, hugs and always hangs around him, she couldn't find it hard to believe.

"I don't need Byakugan to see through that," Hinata remarked, "And you made it clear that you have affections for her also."

"Are you angry," Naruto asked. There was a moment of silence between the two. Neither knew what to say at that moment. After what felt like an eternity, Hinata admitted, "Honestly, I'd being lying if I said was completely upset…after all, (blushed deeply) there were times Ino-chan and I did talk about sharing you, just between us."

"What?!," Naruto said being completely caught off guard by that revelation. Hinata giggled at his expression.

"You both did," Naruto asked with a surprised expression, "I wonder what else you both talked about."

Another blush appeared on her face, "Just things among girls. I can only wonder how Ino-chan will react when she learns about the whole engagement issue regarding you, Temari and myself."

"I don't know what that future will bring, especially when everyone else finds out about it," Naruto admitted, "But we both will have to talk to Ino-chan about this before any wild rumors start up, especially before Temari's arrival here in Konoha. And speaking of Temari, I don't know how she'll react to this whole multiple wives thing and my desire to revive and save my clan from complete extinction."

"I can't say for sure how she'll take it," Hinata said, "But in truth, I wouldn't want to be betrothed to anyone else but you Naruto-kun. I'll stand by your side no matter what."

Naruto looked at Hinata in wonder and asked, "Do you really mean that, Hina-chan?"

Mustering up all the courage she could find within herself, Hinata looked up at Naruto before she grabbed and held onto to his shoulders.

"Hina-," Naruto was cut off when Hinata pressed her lips against his, solidifying her conviction to her previous statement to him. Naruto's eyes widened at Hinata's act. Never did he ever thought that Hinata would make the first move; if anything he thought he'd be the one who'd have to do so. Accepting the kiss, Naruto closed his eyes and returned the kiss to her. The young Hyuuga felt like she was in heaven, as though she could just die happily at that moment. A few moments later, Naruto pulled away to find that Hinata lost consciousness, again, with a beet red blush on her face.

"She fainted," Naruto said stating the obvious.


Hanabi was in her room thinking about everything she saw and heard earlier while in the meeting chamber. It went without say that it was a lot more than she was expecting to hear. She pulled out the picture that was hidden under her futon and looked at it again. She sighed as she looked upon the picture with a daydream in mind.

I wonder how things would have been if-, Hanabi's thoughts were cut short when a knock came at her door. Hurriedly hiding the picture again, Hanabi went over to the door and opened it to see Neji standing there again.

"Hiashi-sama wishes to speak with you Hanabi-sama," Neji said. Hanabi simply nodded as she stepped out and closed the door behind her. The pair walked in silence when…

"Who was in that picture you're keeping in your room," Neji asked. Hanabi's head shot up on hearing that.

"How did you know I had a picture?"

"I saw a small glimpse of it from under your pillow," Neji explained, "So who was in the picture?"

"No one to be worried about," Hanabi retorted.

"Was it a boy?"

"That's none of your business," Hanabi stated.

"Is he strong?"

"He's stronger than you obviously."

"Hanabi-sama," Neji replied as he stopped walking to look at the young girl, "Get over your silly crush on Naruto-sama."

"Huh," Hanabi said while failing miserably to fight back a blush on her face, "That's not-"

"Hanabi-sama, I saw the way you were looking at both Hinata-sama and Naruto-sama. It was evident that you were jealous of your older sister because of her betrothal to Naruto-sama. Plus, numerous times I saw how you would hide behind columns and other large objects in this compound so you could look at Naruto-sama whenever he would come by here. I must admit it was very much outside your character."

The young Hyuuga wanted to refute Neji, but she didn't know how to go about it.

"How dare you talk to me like this," Hanabi said indignantly though she was unable to deny what Neji was saying, "You have no right to talk down on me with such insolence!"

"I mean no disrespect to you in any way Hanabi-sama. I'm simply offering you some advice to help you in your development and my advice to you is to be neither jealous nor envious of your older sister. Such emotions won't bring forth benefits to you as either a ninja, a member of the Main house or as Hinata-sama's sister. You may not like the idea of me telling you this, but I'm only trying to look out for your goodwill, especially since you're now the new clan heiress."

Hanabi frowned at the older Hyuuga but she gave him no response as the pair continued on their way to Hiashi's chamber.

Stupid know-it-all Neji, Hanabi mentally snorted.

(Far Off From Konoha)

Temari and her Jounin escort were continuing their trek after taking a short break. So far that ran into no trouble and there time traveling was in smooth sailing. While she was making her way to Konoha, she wondered about many things that have happened over the passed couple of days from being told by the Suna council that she was to marry a Konoha shonibi to solidify the Konoha-Suna alliance to where she is now. She still wondered whom her betrothed was going to be.

Whomever it is, Temari thought, I hope my so-to-be betrothed isn't anything like my father who wasn't really there for me and my brothers while growing up. I wonder if it could be…Nah, the likelihood of the Konoha council betrothing a foreigner like me to him of all people is a million to one.

(Sighed)…I better not set my hopes up too high. It's hard enough that I'm being forced to marry a total stranger for some political alliance. If anything they might have me marry some boy who's the son of a clan leader in the village.(Grimaced) My life would be over if I'm forced to marry some clan leader on the council who's probably an old fart and a pervert.

Temari snapped out of her train of thoughts and back to reality as she continued making her way to Konoha with her Jounin escort.

Hinata is moving in with Naruto and her title as Hyuuga clan heiress as been given to her younger sister. Temari continues on her trek to Konoha without any knowledge as to who is to be betrothed to. What more will happen? What will Hinata and Naruto tell Ino in regards to the arranged marriages and Clan Restoration Act? Will Anko take Jiraiya's advice and tell Naruto the truth? What will Temari's experience be like as a Konoha-nin? Find out next time.