Chapter Forty-Two: Reasons

A/N: Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi are still attending the Academy though Naruto took them on as his apprentices. Another correction is that though Naruto won't be doing missions with them however, they'll be occasions when he'll take them along somewhere with him.

By the way, Naruto's shunshin is both smokeless and leafless; though this statement is irrelevant to the previous topic that I thought I should let you all know. Well, I said too much, so on with the fic.

(Two Days Later)

Temari let out a sigh as she and her Jounin escort, who were carrying her luggage, drew closer to the gates of Konoha. Temari was standing in front of two tower wooden doors that led the way into Konoha.

"Are you nervous Temari-san," asked one of her Jounin escorts. Temari let out another sigh, "Yeah…I mean come on…I'm about to meet my suitor, my future husband."

"I'm sure the Hokage's choice in your suitor will be adequate," the Suna Jounin assured.

"…," Taking a breath, she and her escort stepped into the gate but were stopped by the two Jounin guarding the entrance.

"Halt," said Kotetsu, "State your business here."

One of the Suna Jounins pulled out an official scroll that had the seal of the Suna council on it and showed it to Kotetsu and Izumo.

"We're here on important diplomatic business with the Hokage and the council of this village," the Suna Jounin said, "It's essential that we be allowed to proceed to meet with your Hokage as soon as possible."

Izumo and Kotetsu checked the seal and saw that it was authentic, though they took note of the luggage the Suna Jounins were carrying. Not delaying them any further, Izumo shunshin'd with a swirl of leaves to the Hokage Tower to with the scroll to report it to the Hokage. Minutes later, Izumo returned with Shizune.

"I'm happy to see you again Temari-san," Shizune greeted. Shizune turned to the Jounins guarding to entrance, "I'll escort them to the tower."

Kotetsu and Izumo nodded as Shizune gesture to Temari and the three Suna Jounins with her to follow her to their next destination. Temari gave another sigh and entered the village with her escort. Konoha was really a beautiful village, she admitted, but she found it hard to enjoy when she couldn't stop thinking about whom her future husband was going to be.

What if he's a total jerk…what if he's anything like my father…or worse…an older man and a pervert, thought Temari. Shizune saw the looked in Temari's face though she stayed quiet as she led them towards the Hokage Tower.

(Meanwhile At The Sarutobi Compound)

Sarutobi Hiruzen was in his study room in his estate reviewing a few scrolls. Taking a breath, he placed the scroll down and took a puff from his pipe. While sitting at his desk, he turned to look at the pictures in front of him, one in particular was the one showing himself, Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, Tsunade and even Orochimaru in it. This was during their younger days while Minato was still under Jiraiya's tutelage and before Orochimaru turned traitor. They all looked happy in that picture despite the war with Amegakure and Iwagakure. The aged Hokage looked at Minato and Kushina in particular. He knew from Jiraiya that Namikaze Minato always had a major crush on that tomboyish girl, Uzumaki Kushina. Even as a young teen her red hair was long.

He wasn't surprised when Minato and Kushina married years later. When she got pregnant, like many of the others, he was looking forward to the birth of their child. But all that was ruined when the Kyuubi attacked Konoha. He sadly recalled the severe price Minato paid in order to save the village: the life of his wife and everything he had going for him, and turning his own son into a Jinchuuriki.

Hiruzen sighed again as he recalled sending an ANBU search party to locate and retrieve Tsunade for the purpose of asking her to adopt and raise Naruto as her own child after she left the village a few years earlier. He had to admit that he himself underestimated how strongly attached Tsunade became to Naruto over the course of years. Hell, her strong attachment blossomed the very moment she cradled Naruto into her arms when she appeared in his former office.

He recalled the night baby Naruto was kidnapped by a renegade ANBU and how Tsunade went all out in searching for Naruto while barefooted and only in her sleeping kimono and what she did to the culprit after he was found. Sarutobi, Kakashi, and the rest of the ANBU found Tsunade sitting and cradling Naruto in her arms with motherly affections while singing to him under a tree despite her horrid condition.

A kunoichi will do what she must to defeat her enemies and defend her village, Hiruzen thought, But when you threaten her children, then you'll invoke a wrath even a Kage would cringe at.

Sarutobi recalled how stupefied he was when he saw Tsunade breastfeeding Naruto for the first time through his crystal ball. Just remembering that occasion made the aged Hokage blush with a small giggle that escaped his mouth. But he also remembered the look in her eyes and face as she watched Naruto feeding from her breast back then; it was an expression he had seen in a few before from Tsunade's face, an expression of motherly affection and tender care, showing that she'd do anything to protect the child she claimed as her precious own, even if it meant her life.

Hiruzen then recalled the time when Naruto nearly died after Kyuubi's awakening. Tsunade nearly had a nervous breakdown as she placed all of her efforts in reviving him, putting aside her fear of blood for his sake.

Then there was the occasion when Itachi and Kisame came to retrieve Naruto to bring him to the Akatsuki. Tsunade immediately dropped everything she was doing at the Hokage Tower and ran right out of the office to find Naruto with himself, Jiraiya, Shizune and the Black Opts ANBU following close-by. Sarutobi recalled the potent bloodlust Tsunade poured out as Naruto retold what Itachi did to him; she'd have pursued the two Akatsuki nins to beat them to death had Naruto not calm her anger.

He then recalled how completely obliterated Tsunade was when Naruto was forced to resort to using the Fuchi Fūjin to seal away Shodaime, Nidaime, Nawaki and Dan at the cost of his life. The traumatic experience nearly landed Tsunade in the mental ward of Konoha Hospital had Naruto not used his Sōzō Saigen to revive himself.

Over the years, Sarutobi saw how the people of Konoha and many from other foreign villages and nations, Orochimaru included, became so deeply ingrained with the belief that Tsunade is Naruto's birth mother and Tsunade herself started looking at herself as Naruto's actual mother instead of his adoptive mother. Also, Naruto whole-heartedly accepted Tsunade's family and late ancestors as his own, even after he and a few others learned or already knew the truth.

Hiruzen often wondered why he as the then presiding Hokage during Tsunade's temporary leave of duty never revealed to the villages the entire truth about Naruto's backgrounds. However, the aged Hokage knew why: after recalling these and other events and memories of Tsunade and Naruto together on the day he was to announce Naruto's inauguration as the Namikaze clan leader, Sarutobi couldn't find it in himself to reveal to everyone that Naruto was Tsunade's adopted son, in spite of the very few who knew the truth, yet respected Tsunade a great deal as the mother who raised and loved Naruto as her very own child and sole heir. When asked about Naruto's middle name "Uzumaki," many figured that he was given that name in loving memory of Uzumaki Kushina, in that way the Uzumaki name and legacy would live with Naruto. The irony was truly remarkable.

Hiruzen didn't know whether or not the village as a whole would have been able to handle the truth about Naruto's birth and the events that took place with regards to the sealing jutsu Minato used and why Naruto's birth parents died on the night of Kyuubi's attack. Taking the picture into his hand, Sarutobi looked at Minato and Kushina.

"…Minato, Kushina," Hiruzen sighed with feelings of regrets, "Please forgive this old fool of a man."

He placed the picture back down on his desk and turned to another picture showing Naruto, Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi. That picture was taken on the day Naruto was inaugurated and announced as the new Namikaze clan leader. Sarutobi found it funny how his grandson brags about Naruto almost all the time yet looks at him as his "rival" and the one he someday hopes to surpass. He found it surprising in a few ways that Konohamaru, who also seeks to become Hokage, admires and believes in Naruto to the point that he sees him, his self-proclaimed "rival," as the coming Rokudaime. But then again, Konohamaru looked up to Naruto as his greatest role model for quite some time and still does.

"Children are funny these days," Hiruzen said to himself before he looked at the scrolls there were still on his desk. He was about to go back into reading them when a knock came at the door.

"Yes," Hiruzen said, "You can come in."

The door opened to reveal a young servant girl with a sealed scroll in her hand.

"Hiruzen-sama," greeted one of the servants who entered the room, "This came in for you."

The servant girl went over to the aged former Hokage and handed him the scroll. After thanking and dismissing her from his study room, Sarutobi formed a hand seal and unsealed the scroll and opened it to read the contents inside it.

"Looks like I'm needed," Hiruzen said with a calm expression as she stood up from his seat. Grabbing his red and white robes, he placed them on before placing his traditional Hokage hat on his almost bald head. After taking a puff from his pipe, Sarutobi exited the study room and started on his way to the Hokage Tower.


Ino was in her room lying down on her bed contemplating on everything that happened yesterday…


Ino was in the flower shop with her mother, helping out wherever she could. She was busy watering the plants when she heard the sounds of chiming bells at the front door. She turned to see Hinata and Naruto entering her family shop.

"Hey you guys," Ino smiled, "What brings you two here?"

"We came to see and speak with you Ino-chan," Naruto said, "But it's something that Hina-chan and I wish to speak with you in private and not in front of everyone here. Do you have a moment?"

Ino nodded as she untied her apron and set it down on a nearby chair. She was about to lead them to the back when…

"This is faster," Naruto said as he grabbed Ino and Hinata's hands and shunshin'd to an open field away from the shop. The girls found themselves on top of the Hokage Monument, particularly, on Yondaime's head.

"The Hokage Monument," Ino asked. Naruto answered, "That's right. I thought it'd be a fitting place to discuss what Hina-chan and I must explain to you."

At that Hinata and Naruto went into detail to explain everything that took place within the last few days from the council meeting involving the alliance to the Hyuuga clan meeting the other day. It was a while before they were done and when they were Ino didn't know what to say. After several moments of processing the information, Ino replied, "You mean to tell me that Hina-chan has been engaged to you and you said nothing to me about this?!"

"…I said nothing to Hina-chan about this either back then," Naruto sighed, "And like I told her, the reasons why I didn't say anything were because I wasn't sure I wanted to go through with the whole arranged marriage deal and with what the Clan Restoration Act entailed. Plus, back then I wasn't sure of my feelings for her, Anko-chan and you Ino-chan."

"What do you mean you weren't sure of your feelings," Ino retorted while feeling hurt, "Weren't Hina-chan and I there for you through all these years?!"

Well she's taking this pretty well, Naruto thought sarcastically to himself.

"Well, weren't we," Ino said with a feeling of hurt still in her voice.

"Yes you both were," Naruto said, "Unlike most girls in this village, you two are my closest friends and have known me for the longest time. And unlike most girls in this village, I've shared with you both some of my most personal and darkest secrets. In spite of everything that's happened to me, in spite of the fact that I carry this burden of being the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Kitsune, neither you nor Hina-chan looked at me differently."

"And why should we look at you differently," Ino replied, "You're our best friend and not some arrogant jerk who thinks he's better than everyone else. Hina-chan and I cried for you when we were told that you were forced by your own father to be a living prison to the Kyuubi. We saw that what you're forced to live with is something neither of us or anyone else in this village could ever come to understand. We came to understand that you truly are a hero Naruto-kun, for keeping that monster from destroying us."

"Though very few in this whole village know the truth about this," Hinata said, "It doesn't change the way we see you Naruto-kun. I'm sure you've always known that."

There was a brief moment of silence among them. Neither one of them said a word to the other as they gave themselves time to think. After a few minutes, Naruto said, "You both grew to love and appreciate me even more for being the one who jails and denies Kyuubi his freedom. Neither you nor Hina-chan grew affectionate for me for superficial reasons. You both grew fond of me genuinely, which was something I truly wanted. To put it short, I grew to love you and Hina-chan much more than as friends."

Ino thought her heart skipped a beat at the moment. She couldn't believe that Naruto, the renowned son of Yondaime and Godaime, just openly admitted to her that he loves her and Hinata.

"Do you really mean that Naruto-kun," Ino asked hoping that she wasn't dreaming of this. Naruto assured, "Yes Ino-chan, I do. I'll understand if you're angry at me for everything else that's happened up to now in regards to Hina-chan and Temari being betrothed to me, and my current situation with Anko-chan. I won't hold it against you; I know I deserve that much."

There was a brief moment of silent among them. Neither one said a word to the other while contemplating on everything that's been said thus far. Moments later, Ino broke the silence, "Naruto-kun, I'll forgive you on one condition…"

"Yes," Naruto asked. Ino looked at him and smiled, "You come and ask my parents for their blessings in asking for me to be one of your betrotheds and allow me to move in with you!"

This partly caught Naruto and Hinata by surprise.

"After all," Ino continued, "Hina-chan and I been very good friends for a long time as well and like with you, we confided in each other also about things that's been going on in our lives. I'm sure Hina-chan told you that several times we even talked about the both of us marrying and sharing you, right?"

Hinata's face turned dark red upon remembering those occasions. Naruto was just happy that Jiraiya wasn't around for this conversation; the funny thing was that Naruto unconsciously looked around just to make sure. Turning back to Ino, Naruto asked, "You really mean that?"

"Naruto-kun," Ino said, "I already knew about the Clan Restoration Act from my father. He told me all about it over a year ago, which was why I would talk with Hina-chan about the idea of the both of us marrying you and becoming part of your clan. I was just upset that you knew she was betrothed to you and you didn't say anything about it to us."

"I'm sorry," Naruto apologized, "But one of the reasons why I said nothing back then was because your father didn't go through the notion of betrothing you to me. My belief is that he wanted us to develop a relationship with each other without him trying to maneuver so many things in your life in contrast with Hina-chan's father. But regardless of whether or not both of your fathers would have betrothed you both to me, it wouldn't have changed the truth that I have feelings for the both of you and that you both would have been my first two I'd have chosen as future brides out of all the young girls in Konoha."

Ino smiled on hearing that. Hearing Naruto say that helped to wipe out whatever doubts she might have had about him.

"Is there a way you can convince me of that Naruto-kun," Ino asked. Naruto looked at Ino momentarily before stepping over to her. Before a word was said, Naruto embraced and kissed her. Ino's eyes widened at Naruto's actions as she felt the world spin around her. A moment later, Naruto pulled his lips away from Ino's to find that her face was a shade of red that could rival Hinata's blush.

"I'm…convinced…," Ino stuttered while in her still blissful state.

(End Flashback)

It was a few hours after that private discussion Naruto and Hinata had with Ino did Naruto come by the Yamanaka residence. He greeted her parents respectfully and explained his reasons for coming by. When Naruto told them that he wanted their blessings in having Ino as his betrothed and living in his estate, it went without say that both Yamanakas were most ecstatic. The idea that their future grandchildren would be not only from their descent from also from the son of Yondaime was something they always wanted. Ino's mother wanted to go and call all of her friends to tell them about it but Inoichi had to make an effort to convince not to do so.

Ino was snapped back to reality when a knock came at her front door.

"The door is opened," Ino replied before the door swung opened to revealing Hinata.

"Ino-chan," Hinata greeted, "Are you busy?"

"No, not really," Ino said before sitting up on her bed, "I finished unpacking and putting away all of my things a bit of a while ago. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you're OK," Hinata said. Ino smiled, "You mean with the fact that we both are now roommates living in Naruto's mansion? And that Temari is going to be living here also with us?"

Hinata admitted, "This will take some getting used to, especially since I'm no longer an heiress to the Hyuuga clan."

"Hina-chan," Ino asked, "Does that make you in any way upset? I know that you always wanted to unite the Main and Branch houses and end the division in your clan. But seeing that you're no longer living at the Hyuuga Compound…well…does that mean that your goals-"

"Have changed," Hinata finished for her, "It's true that I'm no longer the heir of the Hyuuga clan and that my younger sister has succeeded me in that. However my goals have not changed one bit. I'll still find a way to unite the Hyuuga and end the division in my family. And I never go back on my word. It's my nindo."

Ino smiled at the girl, "I'm happy to hear that. I will admit that even now I find it hard to believe that we're actually living here with Naruto-kun though it hasn't yet been announced publicly."

"I can only image how everyone will react when they hear about this," Hinata said, "I hope this doesn't tarnish their views on both us and Naruto-kun."

"Forget about that," Ino retorted, "If they don't like it, that's their problem! I'm sure if any other girl was given an option they'd have jumped at the opportunity to be in our shoes simply because of the fact that Naruto is the son of two Hokages, in particular, Yondaime."

Hinata nodded in agreement, "Besides, we made a promise to Naruto-kun some time ago that we'll always be there with and for him, no matter the danger or problem."

"And we never go back on our word, isn't that right," Ino smiled. Hinata nodded again.

(Meanwhile At The Hokage Tower)

Temari and her escort arrived at the tower on schedule. They were in the waiting room waiting to be announced to have an audience with the Hokage. The wind mistress felt awkward. It was truth that she's been on many missions before, a number of them dangerous ones. She's face a number of challenges in her life and none could prepare her for this challenge she realized. While waiting in the room, she felt her heart beating with every passing second while wondering who her betrothed was going to be. Temari found it strange that she was this nervous though her village council said that this was her "mission."

Some mission, Temari thought to herself, Being used as a bargaining chip for a treaty alliance to be formed by two nations. I hope I'm not being set up with some old man on the council with missing teeth and a perverted interest in younger girls.

Temari shuddered unconsciously from the thought of it, but she saw that for the sake of her village she had to go through with it, whether she wanted to or not. It was her mission and on the night before she left, the council told her that this was regarded as a high priority S-rank mission, therefore failure to complete it was not an option. She sighed to herself while wondering when she was going to get the whole thing over with.

Ten minutes later, Shizune stepped into the room and greeted, "Hello everyone. I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting. Tsunade-sama and Hiruzen-sama will see you four now."

Taking a deep breath, Temari rose to her feet and followed Shizune to the meeting chamber were Tsunade, Sarutobi and the others were waiting. A few minutes later, Temari and her escort entered the designated chamber to find Tsunade and Sarutobi and the rest of the village council sitting at their designated seating. All but Naruto and Homura were there and Jiraiya was standing besides Tsunade along with Shizune while Sarutobi sat at Tsunade's left side since she was reinstated as the presiding Hokage much to Sarutobi's relief, in spite of the fact that he still wore the red and white robes and Hokage hat.

"Temari-san," Tsunade greeted, "I trust your journey back to Konoha wasn't too troubling for you."

"No Godaime-sama," Temari said as she bowed in respects to both Tsunade and Sarutobi.

"Please take a seat," Sarutobi offered as she gestured to the round seating futon on the floor in the center of the chamber. Temari nodded as she went over and sat on the futon while her escort went and stood at the side by the wall. The Suna wind mistress felt all eyes on her now and this only served to add more to her nervousness.

"Sabaku No Temari," Tsunade started, "We of the council of Konohagakure No Sato are very happy to have you here with us today. We appreciate your willingness in leaving your village and journeying all the way here to finalize the treaty alliance between our two nations. The arranged marriage with whom you're betrothed to is of the utmost importance to both Suna and Konoha. We assume the council of Sunagakure has explained this to you, yes?"

"Hai, Godaime-sama," Temari said, "I was well informed that this is to be my final mission as a Chuunin of my former village. It was explained to me that this was a high priority S-rank mission. I'll do everything in my power to live up to this council's expectations."

Tsunade nodded, though she, Shizune, Sarutobi, and Jiraiya inwardly frowned when the idea of Temari marrying Naruto was labeled as a "mission."

"Temari," Tsunade said, "This arranged mission is not a mission regardless of what the Suna council may have told you about the alliance. Your suitor is a strong and most accomplished ninja and respected clan leader who is part of this council. In fact, your former village especially asked for you to be betrothed to this particular clan leader."

Temari's heart dropped on hearing that her suitor was a clan leader. She knew that all of the men in the chamber were old enough to be her father, if not her grandfather. Though she facially tried not to show it, Temari wanted to scream in indignation and the fact that the Suna council made this request only made things worse and she had no choice but to go through with it.

"I understand," Temari said with a voice expression no emotions. Tsunade and Sarutobi wondered if the Suna council told Temari whom her betrothed was; and if not, why didn't they, the two Hokages wondered.

"Is there more I should know about my suitor," Temari asked, almost fearing what she might hear next. Tsunade was about to say something when Sarutobi suggested for him to say something. Tsunade nodded and gave Hiruzen the opportunity to speak, "Yes young lady. The clan leader whom you're being betrothed to happens to be one of our very best men of our village and we strongly believe that he's the best suitor for you, being the daughter of the late Yondaime Kazekage. Also, the daughters of Hyuuga Hiashi and Yamanaka Inochi, both of whom are clan leaders, have also been betrothed to him as well."

Great, Temari thought dreadfully while wondering which one of the older men in the chamber was the one Hiruzen was referring to, Just as I thought! The old clan leader is a pervert! He's already taken younger girls as his future brides and I'm one of them!

Hiruzen saw the expression on Temari's face as she tried to look as respectful as possible. Sarutobi wanted to come right out and say whom her betrothed was, but he decided to stretch this out further to see whether or nor Temari would willingly go through with it. He figured that maybe that's why the Suna council chose not to reveal to Temari whom her suitor was going to be.

"Plus," Hiruzen continued, "The reasons for his rights to marry more than one female are reasons I'm sure your suitor himself will be willing to explain himself after you meet him."

Hiruzen knew that if he revealed that the clan leader was the last of his clan, it would lead to Temari narrowing it down to Naruto. Though Sasuke might have came up however, he was never inaugurated or announced as a clan leader since neither the Hokages or council found Sasuke worthy or mature enough to assume that role.

All eyes were on Temari now as she stayed quiet momentarily. Closing her eyes, Temari had to remind herself of several important factors. Several moments later…

"Is there something you wish to say," Tsunade asked. After a moment, Temari opened her eyes and replied, "Yes."

"You may speak freely," Tsunade offered. Taking a breath and gathering her words together, Temari looked at Hiruzen and Godaime and said, "As a Chuunin of Sunagakure, I was sent here to solidify the alliance between our nations, regarding it as a high priority S-rank mission. As a kunoichi, I alone was entrusted with this as the final mission given to me by the council of Suna and failure to fulfill what my village council entrusted with me would go against the will of the council of Suna that wants this alliance to happen…"

Sarutobi, Tsunade and everyone else in the chamber stayed quieted as they listened to what Temari had to say. After a brief pause…

"However," Temari continued, "I, as Sabaku No Temari, the daughter of Yondaime Kazakage, came here of my choosing to help my family and people. Sunagakure is in a most weakened state since our daimyo's refusal to help us and Orochimaru's deception. Enemy forces could at any time attack and plunder my home village. I don't want that to happen and I know that there's no one in my village who are at the levels of the either you Godaime-sama, Hiruzen-sama, Jiraiya-sama or Naruto-kun himself who could defend against enemy villages.

"My family…my village…my people…are in great need of this alliance. They placed all of their trust and reliance on me to see this whole thing through and I can't fail them. They're all counting on me. I chose to sacrifice and put aside my own interests and goals for the greater need of my people. Plus, I'm forever indebted to Naruto-kun for what he's done for my brother Gaara and words can't describe how grateful I am to him. I accept whomever this council chooses as my betrothed and I'm sure that I can grow to love whom this council finds me worthy to marry, even though I'll have to share him with his other female betrotheds of this village."

Temari again paused as she took the time to control her emotions. Everyone in the chamber saw her sincerity in her words and found no signs of deception in her voice.

How does Naruto do it, Sarutobi wondered with a smile on his face, He even got children of another Kage from a foreign nation to develop self-sacrificing spirits for the sake of those they regard as precious people.

This girl doesn't even know whom her betrothed is…yet despite what the council have told her she's doing this not for the desire of the council but for the sake of her people, Tsunade thought carefully, Naru-chan you've made quite an impression on many whom you came across in your life.

Temari took a deep breath and asked as she bowed her head, "When will I meet my suitor?"

"Shortly," Hiruzen said as Tsunade signal to one of the ANBU to go over to the door and retrieve Temari's suitor. Opening the door, Homura stepped into the chamber stood at the entrance as everyone turned their attention to him. Temari saw the aged man and sighed to herself. Before Homura was able to say a word…

"Honorable clan leader," Temari greeted him as she bowed her head to him, causing Homura and everyone in the chamber to blink in bafflement at that moment as she continued, "I am Sabaku No Temari, daughter of the late Yondaime Kazekage and the one whom has been betrothed to you."

It took all of the self-control of almost everyone present in the chamber not to burst out laughing at the scene that played out. Hiashi remained reserved though he and Shibi had raised eyebrows when they heard and saw Temari's actions. Shikaku mumbled "troublesome" under his breath when he saw Inoichi and Chōza snickering quietly.

Is that girl for real, Inuzuka Tsume thought to herself with a disbelieving expression, How could she possibly think we were going to marry her off to that old bat?!

Koharu shook her head, finding it hard to believe that Temari assumed that her betrothed was a man old enough to be her grandfather. Homura looked at Temari with a baffled expression and remarked, "I'm Homura and I'm flattered young lady, but I can assure you that though I'm an important figure and part of this council as a village elder however, I'm neither a clan leader nor your betrothed."

Temari blushed heavily in embarrassment, though she inwardly sighed in great relief.

"My apologies, Homura-sama," Temari said as she bowed her head to the older man. Jiraiya, Sarutobi, and a few others in the chamber snickered at the scene though Homura shot them an annoyed look that showed that he wasn't humored by it. Hell, even the Suna Jounins chuckled at the scene. Tsunude knew that if it had been Jiraiya in Homura's place, he'd have had a field day teasing Temari until he was punched and told to tell the truth.

Homura stepped to the side as he gestured to the opened door, "Sabaku No Temari, we of the council of Konohagakure No Sato present to you, your suitor."

No sooner when he said that, Naruto, fully dressed in his Jounin uniform and gear and custom white trench coat, stepped in and entered the chamber.

"Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto," Homura presented, "Son of Godaime and our late Yondaime Hokage, and the newly inaugurated Namikaze clan leader of this village and council."

Temari was dumbfounded when she saw that her betrothed was none other than Naruto himself. She wanted to say something, but the right words weren't forming right.

"Sabaku No Temari," Naruto greeted with a smile on his face as he bowed to her, "It's a pleasure to meet you again. I'm honored to be betrothed to the daughter of Yondaime Kazekage."

The wind mistress couldn't believe her luck; here it is that she's being betrothed to the very ninja praised as the second coming of Yondaime Hokage, only stronger; the one who single-handedly defeated and changed Gaara; the very person who came out victorious against impossible odds during the course of his life and shinobi career. She wasn't being married off to some old prune as she feared.

Temari couldn't help but smile brightly and blush on seeing Naruto again, "No Naruto-kun, the honor is all mine."

She stood up from her seating futon and walked over to the blonde. Standing in front of him, Temari bowed to him.

I forgot he's taller than me, Temari thought as she rose back up and faced Naruto with the same smile never leaving her face.

"I know we have much to discuss Tema-chan," Naruto said before she nodded to him as she blushed at the nickname he gave her already.

(Later In Konoha)

Sasuke was walking around the village with Sakura and Sai following. They were heading to meet up with Kakashi at the ramen stand, but they figured that he'd be late as usual. The young Uchiha though was still sore about the three-day D-rank mission he was forced to do by himself at Naruto's estate. And since the pay for D-rank missions is rather low, having it reduced down to less than what the missions are worth was like receiving pocket change.

I'll find a way to become stronger than you Naruto, Sasuke contemplated, Then I'll use that power to overthrow you and kill my brother.

While they were making their way to their destination, Sakura said, "Hey, did you guys see Temari and those three Suna Jounins with her earlier today?"

Sasuke, without turning to face Sakura, replied, "I did in fact. Though I don't know why she's here with three of her village Jounins with her. However, I did see them being escorted by Shizune to the Hokage Tower earlier, with some luggage in fact. Plus, I noticed that Temari was wearing a Suna Chuunin vest."

"So her village promoted her to Chuunin," Sakura said, "It's almost surprising in my opinion. I doubt Temari and those Jounins with her are here for a vacation. Something's up, I know it."

"Surprising," Sai remarked with a fake smile on his pale face, "You figured that out all by yourself Sakura-san."

Sakura smacked Sai hard across his head as she huffed and turned to Sasuke again, "What do you suppose they're here for?"

"It's anyone's guess at this moment," Sasuke replied, "I doubt they'll be here too long. Since they were carrying luggage scrolls I'm assuming a couple of days at most. They're probably here on some kind of diplomatic business with the Hokage."

After another ten minutes, the trio arrived at their destination to find that Kakashi wasn't there yet. Rather they found Ryota and Haku sitting at the ramen stand with Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon sitting down at the stand with them. From the look of it, Konohamaru and his friends seemed to be talking with the two older girls about something. Going over to the group, the trio stood behind when the two girls and the three youths noticed their presence.

"Have you guys seen Kakashi," Sasuke asked, "We were supposed to meet up with him."

Haku said, "No, we haven't seen him all day."

"Typical," Sakura retorted, "That's old reliable Kakashi-sensei for you."

"What are you five doing here," Sai inquired.

"The kids were telling us about how they look forward to learning some interesting things from Naruto-kun," Haku said. Sasuke inwardly snarled at the fact that Naruto chose three children who aren't even Genins to be his apprentices, and one of them just so happens to be the grandson of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

For the next two hours, Team 7 waited for Kakashi while talking with Haku, Ryota and the three youths with them. While they were there, Ryota related to the group how she gave Naruto quite a thrashing when they were once enemies. Sakura, Konohamaru and his two friends pretty much laughed their asses off when they heard from Ryota how she used a jutsu to manipulate Naruto's body movements and forced him to pummel himself before she forced him into tearing his own clothes off. Sasuke was smirking to himself while hearing of Naruto's humiliation at the hands of a female. He almost wished he was there to see that event play out. Sai though saw that there was more to the story than she was letting on.

"I take it that from all this that the battle did not end in your favor," Sai said straightforwardly with a fake smile on his face, "Which leads me to wonder why you hang around Naruto-kun so much."

There was an awkward silence amongst the group as everyone turned their attention on Ryota. Ryota though, didn't want to relate how Naruto crushed and humiliated her when he beat her to within a near inch of her life before restoring her and placing a choker seal around her neck. What added to her humiliating defeat was the fact that in the end, she begged Naruto to put her to death and he refused before giving her the option to do with her life as she saw fit. Though she was an A-class Jounin whereas he was a Special Genin during that time however, ranks meant nothing after her repeated defeat was made clear.

"You're stone-cold silent all the sudden Ryota-san," Sai said.

"Why else," Konohamaru grinned, "She doesn't want to tell us how Naruto-niichan kicked her butt in the end!"

Ryota was about to say something when…

"I once read in a zoology book how females of various species are often attracted to the stronger and dominant males of their species, predominately for the objective in finding suitable mates to reproduce with," Sai said with the same fake smile on his face, "My belief is that Ryota-san's reasons for being around Naruto-kun so often is related to what I read from that book."

No one saw how swiftly Ryota moved off her seat before punching Sai in the face, effectively knocking him off his feet. When that was done, Ryota turned and stomped off from the group with a downed Sai with them. Seeing how bad Sai got punched, Konohamaru remarked, "She must want Naruto-niichan really bad since she hit Sai-san that hard to shut him up. Denial always shows an ugly face when told the truth."

Everyone at the moment saw Ryota stop walking away, realizing that she was still in hearing range. This was confirmed when they felt a portion of bloodlust radiating from the earth-type kunoichi.

"Uh…Konohamaru-kun…," Udon muttered. The boy didn't have time to say much when the Jounin turned and chased after his friend. Konohamaru screamed as he found himself running from Ryota while Udon, Moegi and Haku ran after Ryota to calm her down. Team 7 found that they were now alone at the ramen stand. Sai had already got back up off the ground when he saw Konohamaru running from Ryota with Haku, Moegi and Udon following close by.

"Females truly are complicated creatures," Sai remarked, "And I don't think they'll be enough books to archive all the findings about them."

Sai found himself on the ground again, this time with another bruise to his face in courtesy of Sakura.

"Jerk!," Sakura yelled indignantly with her right fist still clenched tightly.

"Hn," Sasuke huffed in disinterest. Before another word was said, Kakashi shushin'd and appeared in front of the group.

"Yo," Kakashi greeted. Sakura frowned, "You're late!"

"Sorry," Kakashi said with a smile under his mask, "You see, I was on my way here when a black cat crossed my path. So I had to use another route to get here."


Kakashi shrugged as he looked at the group in front of him, before noticing Sai getting back off the ground with noticeable bruises on his face.

"What happened to you Sai," Kakashi asked. Sai replied, "A victim of my own findings."

Sakura was about to go up and punch him again when Kakashi grabbed and restrained her.

"That's quite enough Sakura," Kakashi said calmly. Sakura frowned at both Kakashi and Sai before calming herself down. Seeing that she calmed down, Kakashi released her.

"Well, since you're all here," Kakashi said, "We can now head over to the Hokage tower to start our next mission."

Sasuke, Sakura and Sai nodded to Kakashi as they headed over to the Hokage tower. Kakashi said nothing as to what the mission was, but he knew that the three of them were in for a surprise…

Kakashi and his Genin team are off to the Hokage Tower for their next mission but what sort of mission is it and how will all the other Genins react when they receive word that Temari is now going to be living amongst them as a Konoha-nin? How will the rest react when they find out that Hinata and Ino are living in his estate? Stick around to find out next time.