Chapter Forty-Five: Code Of The Ninja

(Two Weeks Earlier; In Iwagakure)

The Iwa-nins were all going about their business and their daily lives. The Tsuchikage was presently in his office doing the bane of all Kages: paperwork. While doing his work the door to his office opened to reveal a Jounin stepping into his office.

"Tsuchikage-sama," the Jounin greeted as he bowed his head to his leader. The Tsuchikage looked up at the Jounin.

"What is it," the Tsuchikage asked.

"There's someone here from Otogakure who wishes an audience with you," the Jounin said. The Tsuchikage nodded to the ninja who went to get the Oto-nin. He returned with young red-haired kunoichi with a hat over her head and a flute and scroll being carried in her right hand.

"Tsuchikage-sama," the Oto kunoichi greeted, "I'm Tayuya, a member of the Sound Four of Otogakure and my new leader, Kabuto-sama, seeks a favor from you."

"And what favor would that be," the Tsuchikage asked while staying cautious.

"He would like to have one of your best ninjas to do a mission," Tayuya said, exercising control of her popularly known foul mouth, "Kabuto-sama is willing to pay a very nice amount of money for this one mission. He said it's of the utmost importance."

Tayuya went over and was about to hand him the scroll in her hand when the Iwa-Jounin stopped her. The Jounin took the scroll from the teen girl and brought it over to the Tsuchikage himself. After unsealing the scroll, the Tsuchikage found that the scroll was indeed authentic and written by Kabuto himself with the Otokage stamp and insignia on it. The Tsuchikage read through the scroll carefully. After he was done, he looked up and the red-haired girl and asked skeptically, "You're kidding, right?"

"It's no joke Tsuchikage-sama," Tayuya said with now humor in her tone, "Kabuto-sama believes that one of your ninjas will be able to rid us of our little problem."

"Little problem," the Tsuchikage repeated cynically, "If that was the case, your former leader wouldn't have died by his hands."

"Orochimaru-sama made a grave mistake in underestimating Naruto," Tayuya said, "Kabuto-sama would have dealt with the problem himself, but presently he has to deal with other matters and unfortunately he doesn't have the best shinobis at his disposal to deal with Naruto. There is one ninja in my village that could see to Naruto's demise but his condition limits his abilities. Kabuto-sama is presently working on restoring him back to good health but chances of any success is minimum."

The Tsuchikage thought for a moment before he asked, "Who is this ninja of whom you speak?"

"His name is Kimimaro of the Kaguya clan," Tayuya replied. The Tsuchikage have heard of that clan, but he thought they were long extinct. They were wiped out because of a most feared ability that clan had in being able to manipulate their bones and use them as weapons; bones that were hard to break, it at all possible. The Tsuchikage sat in his seat as he thought about the possibilities, along with everything else that's happened recently that year.

Sometime ago news about Ryota's treachery became common knowledge throughout Iwagakure. Not that she had any friends, but she had fellow colleagues who didn't take too happily to her betrayal. Especially when they learned that she sided with the son of Yondaime Hokage, the very man the nation of Iwa grew to abhor, even after his death.

There were some who made statements saying that they always knew Ryota would someday betray them since her former sensei was Deidara. Though Deidara was a hated figure however, the hatred Iwa held for Namikaze Minato was far worse, and the fact that Ryota abandoned her mission and sold Iwagakure out for Minato's only son made her in effect a most hated traitor. So much so that in their bingo books, a bounty and kill-on-sight order was given to any Iwa-nin who came across her.

There were some Iwa shinobis and kunoichis that considered going after Ryota and returning back with her carcass. However the thought of dealing with Konoha's Second Flash was what kept them at bay. They weren't ignorant and left in the dark about Naruto's exploits. His reputation was well-known in Iwa, including his victories against powerful ninjas.

Many in Iwa at first thought the stories about Naruto were exaggerated and overestimated. But when they were given reports with indisputable evidence about the Suna-Oto invasion and how Naruto single-handedly slaughtered a whole army of Suna and Oto ninjas with the Hiraishin before killing Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannins, and two other unidentified S-class Kage-level ninjas on his own that same day, no one in Iwa was willing to accept missions involving Naruto, even if it was a simple spy mission.

Snapping out of his train of thoughts, the Tsuchikage said, "I decline."

"You decline," Tayuya asked before being handed the scroll back from the Tsuchikage.

"Though my people and I abhor the late Yellow Flash of Konoha however," the Tsuchikage retorted, "I will not allow any of my ninjas to be part of whatever skirmish your leader has with the Second Flash of Konoha.

"If what happened to Orochimaru, your village and Sunagakure is any indication of what this Naruto is capable of doing, I won't foolishly risk the lives of any of my ninjas and people in triggering another war with Konohagakure."

"According to my sources Tsuchikage-sama," Tayuya said, "A Jounin from this village was sent by you personally to go after and bring back the son of the Slug Sannin who later turned out to also be the son of the late Yellow Flash. I wouldn't be wrong to say that attempting to kidnap the child of two Hokages would have been considered a declaration of war."

"If you value your life," the Tsuchikage remarked with bloodlust coming from out of him, "You'll watch your tongue. I can kill you right where you stand girl."

"My apologies Tsuchikage-sama," Tayuya replied with a bow. Though the Tsuchikage didn't want to admit it however, his village was still feeling the effects of what Minato did to their army during the Iwa-Konoha war years ago. As much as the Tsuchikage wanted to get back at Konoha for that however, he had to take into consideration that Konoha had another Yellow Flash who was said to be stronger than the original.

"You're dismissed," the Tsuchikage stated, "Remove yourself from my sight. My business with you has concluded."

"As you say Tsuchikage-sama," Tayuya said as she bowed to the Tsuchikage, "But I hope you change your mind soon."

She turned and left his office while fighting to keep her mouth from screaming a series of profanity in such intricate poetry that would even make a sailor blush. As Tayuya was leaving the office after closing the door behind her…

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance to your leader," a Jounin from behind her said. The kunoichi turned to see a seventeen-year-old male approaching her. He was geared in standard Iwa Jounin gear and uniform with a pale white long-sleeve cloak being worn his Jounin vest. On the back of his pale white cloak was the kanji for "Iwagakure's Diamond Fang."

"I overheard your conversation with the Tsuchikage," the Jounin said, "Perhaps I can convince my leader to allow me to be a lending hand to this Kabuto fella of yours."

"That would be most appreciated," Tayuya smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine," the Jounin replied, "Besides, there is someone in Konoha I'd like to see again."

This particular male Jounin was a ninja that sought to challenge Naruto for sometime and establish Iwagakure as the dominant of the elemental nations. Many in Iwa though told him that such actions would be ludicrous and completely suicidal, but he repeatedly told them that if presented with the opportunity, he'd accept the challenge.

(Six Days Later In Nami No Kuni; Following The Event in Iwagakure)

Everyone in Nami No Kuni were happily going about there lives. There have been many changes in the country since Gatō and his thugs' defeat by Naruto and Team 7. With the Great Naruto Bridge's completion since Naruto's last appearance, Nami No Kuni has been prospering greatly and business for everyone was doing great. No more did the people have to scavenge for food or pickpocket others for survival. Customers and business clients were coming form all over to do business with the country.

Inari in the meantime was coming back from the academy after enlisting to become a shinobi of Nami No Kuni a few days after Naruto's departure. He promised himself that he would become a ninja not only to make his niisan Naruto proud of him but also one who'd do everything in his power to protect all those precious to him. While on his way home, he wondered how Naruto was doing. Naruto's exploits was not oblivious to anyone in Nami No Kuni, especially not to Inari's family either. Inari found it almost hard to believe all the incredible things Naruto did after he left Nami No Kuni. He often wondered if he would ever measure up to Naruto's power and prestige.

Inari's train of thoughts was derailed when a shadow cast over him. He turned around to see a taller figure looking down at him.

"Who are you," Inari asked before being answered with a smile on the figure's face.

(Present Day; Back In Konoha)

Jiraiya was in his apartment, sitting by his desk on a futon with a cup of tea to his left on the desk. In front of him were a series of written notes and notepads he was reviewing while writing his next best seller. After the success of his last rare gold edition, he was sure that this new story was going to be the next big hit in the market:

Icha-Icha Paradise: The Passion Of The Teacher:

This is a tale of how two different people who started off hating each other eventually found a mutual understanding for each other after the young man no older than sixteen years old made the first move to form a better relationship with his twenty-four-year old female sensei, a beautiful but strong kunoichi. Through this, the older woman started to develop a special fondness for her apprentice as they spent more time with each other besides the time they spent training. As time went on, their bond grew stronger than just your everyday student-teacher relationship and everyone was able to see that there was a form of growing love between them that many thought was taboo in the ninja world.

One night, the young apprentice came to see his sensei at her home, only to find that she was upset and frustrated about something. Hating to see his sensei agitated about anything, he saw that he had to correct whatever it was that bothered her. So he interposed into her episode and got her to calm down enough for them to talk, and talk they did. And amazingly he managed to provide her the comfort she was sorely in need of. He held her and she allowed him to hold her, closely as they sat together on her sofa. They both knew this was outside the perimeters of their normal relationship as sensei and apprentice, but for the moment they dismissed all differences of age and rank. To him, none of that mattered. He was just a young man, trying to give a woman some well needed comfort from her troubles.

And it might have remained innocent and pure also, if his sensei didn't suddenly kiss him. A small peck on his right check, like the ones she gave him a few times before. But her lips found their way to his before they met in a light touch, which in effect spark a fire in her soul as she felt his lips on hers for the first time. She had never been kissed by any man before and this was her first time. The young man too had never been kissed by any woman, or by his sensei for that matter, in that manner she was kissing him. And that was when he realized the new territory he was in, very dangerous territory that crossed the boundaries of any student-teacher relationship.

The kissing gradually deepened as it turned holding; then holding turned into caressing. The caressing turned into heated, very heated exploration. Then the exploration turned into the gradual discarding of clothes. And before the young man knew it, his sensei was riding him on her sleeping futon on her bedroom floor for all he was worth. She knew he could have stopped it at any moment, knowing he had more then enough power to stop her, sensei or not. But for the life of him, he couldn't pull away from her. The attachment and love he grew for his sensei overrode whatever earlier impulses that would have moved him to stop her. She was a lonely woman and kunoichi who needed someone for her, and he felt he was the one for her.

So he simply let himself go as he expressed all of his built up emotions he had for his sensei as the two of them made love in her bedroom. She knew she was his first, so she showed him how. And he knew he was the first man to ever touch her, so he made sure to make her feel like a woman…

Jiraiya giggled lecherously as he continued writing the synopsis of his book. He thought about the possibilities his next great work would have, and he credited Naruto and Anko for his inspiration since the story was really based on them.

If I'm lucky, Jiraiya thought gleefully, Someone will even seek me out to get a contract deal to make a movie out of this story! Oh the possibilities!

With that ambition in mind, Jiraiya continued writing his next book, with perverted giggles escaping his mouth here and there.

(Meanwhile At One Of The Training Grounds)

Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi were at the training ground and Naruto haven't shown up yet.

"Naruto-sensei hasn't shown up yet," Udon noted.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Konohamaru retorted, "I hope he doesn't give us some lame excuse for his latene-."

Konohamaru wasn't able to finish his statement when he felt a strong constriction around him. He squealed in pain as he was lifted off the ground. Moegi and Udon were about to do something when they themselves got caught in constrictions of their own also. The trio looked and found that they were being constricted by pythons.

"With the way you three pay attention to your surroundings," Naruto said with the three constricting pythons extending from the sleeves of his white trench coat, "I could have effortlessly killed all three of you."

"Hey," Konohamaru yelled, "Let us go! You're the one who's late!"

Naruto had the pythons constrict around Konohamaru and his two friends tighter. The three youths gasped in pain as they felt the muscles of the snakes squeezing into them.

"A ninja never announces to his enemies when he'll show up," Naruto said, "All good ninjas must always be on their guard otherwise they'll end up dead like how the three of you would have been if this were an actual battle."

"…I get it boss…," Konohamaru choked, "…We'll pay more attention next time."

"Like I said," Naruto remarked, "If there were an actual battle there wouldn't be a next time because you all would be dead because of your lack of focus."

Naruto released and dropped them to the ground. The three youths rubbed their sore bodies while cringing from the pain they were feeling.

"Understand that while you three are personally undergoing my training," Naruto said, "I won't be going soft or easy on any of you because your enemies won't go soft or easy on you either. I'll schedule the days and at which locations we'll train at, but I won't at any time announce when I'll show up. You three will always have to be on your guard and watch each other's backs to keep yourselves from being ambushed by me.

"This was the same thing Anko-chan did to me when I had her for my sensei. Whenever I was caught with my guard down she'd throw a kunai to my face, cutting it on contact as a reminder that my lack of paying attention to my surroundings means death for me."

"Was that why she always got to lick your face so often," Konohamaru smirked, "Or did you just let you guard down on purpose so you can have her on you?"

Naruto frowned at Konohamaru before grinning at him. Before the three youths said or did anything, Naruto launched a kunai at Konohamaru, causing it to graze across the boy's left cheek with blood seeping down his cheek from the opened slash. Naruto suddenly appeared behind the boy with the same kunai being held against the boy's throat.

"Anything else you'd like to say to me wise guy," Naruto asked coldly with bloodlust radiating off him. Moegi and Udon looked on at Naruto fearfully while being too scared to move. Konohamaru was afraid of the possible malicious acts Naruto was going to do to him next.

"Like I said," Naruto remarked, "I have no intentions of going soft of you guys because kaa-chan and my trainers never went soft on me."

Naruto placed his left palm over Konohamaru's bleeding cheek and focused green chakra onto it. He healed the injury he inflicted on the boy before releasing him.

"What kind of training did you undergo at the academy," Moegi asked.

"Not trying to put the academy down," Naruto replied, "But the academy didn't teach me anywhere near about my style of fighting or the training I underwent."

"What did your training involve," Udon inquired.

"Do or die," Naruto answered, "Those were my options in most of my training regiments."

The three of them gulped in fear when they heard that. If that was the kind of training Naruto was subjected to while growing up, then that meant Naruto was going to have them undergo the same thing.

"The academy will teach you guys only so much," Naruto explained, "But in regards to experience and practicality on the battlefield, those are things you won't gain or learn at the academy.

"There have been many cases of young people who became ninjas for the wrong reasons and motives without fully acknowledging what being ninjas truly entailed. Some become ninjas to satisfy their sole desire to become avengers rather than defenders. Others do it for power and fame. Some girls, fangirls to be specific, only become ninjas so they could impress and get close to some guy they like who is also a ninja. Such foolish reasons for becoming ninjas are dangerous and lead to the deaths of not only those people but also their comrades and those they were supposed to protect. Such people also give ninjas a bad name."

Naruto paused momentary as he allowed his words to be absorbed by Konohamaru and his friends.

"I won't have wannabe-avengers, fame and power-seekers, or fangirls for apprentices," Naruto made clear, "Which is why I chose you three for my apprentices. None of you guys displayed any of the characteristics I mentioned and I see potential in all of you. I won't give you misleading beliefs that you'll become strong in no time. You all will have to work very hard to finish the new training I'll be putting you guys through. Haku-san and Ryota agreed to assist me in developing your elemental abilities. I plan on making us into a team like no other. So, are you three up still for the challenge?"

"Bring it Naruto-sensei," Konohamaru replied confidently, "Whatever training you're planning, my friends and I will dish it out and then some! If I'm to become Nanadaime Hokage and your successor, then I have to overcome whatever challenges you throw our way!"

"I may not dream of becoming Hokage," Udon spoke up, "But that doesn't mean that I won't train as hard to become stronger and more useful to my friends and comrades! I will take on your challenge head on and not give up!"

Naruto nodded to the boys before turning to Moegi.

"What about you," Naruto asked.

"I didn't come this far to back out now," Moegi replied, "If Konohamaru-chan and Udon-kun can take it, then so can I! I will succeed at whatever you throw at us!"

"That's good," Naruto smiled, "Because as of today…"

Six kage bushins of Naruto materialized around him.

"I'm going to make your training twice as hard."

(Meanwhile In Suna)

Gaara was standing on top of one of the high rocky walls surrounding Sunagakure. He looked over the entire village while having many thoughts travel through his mind. As the red-haired Jinchuuriki looked down at the village, he cast his eyes over the children running and playing together on the streets. He then looked to see a couple with their newborn baby daughter making their way to wherever they were going.

Gaara found it interesting that these were the same people who shunned and scorned him harshly and wanted nothing to do with him. In the past, he figured that if he couldn't be loved and respected, then he would be hated and feared by everyone and have loved only for himself. He believed at one point that the only way to prove his existence was throw mass genocide and the staining of his victims' blood in his hands. Gaara had always thought that he was the only Jinchuuriki and alone in the world with no one being able to understand his pain, sadness, anger and loneliness.

Then Naruto came along and showed him that he didn't have to carry that burden alone anymore since he was also Jinchuuriki. Gaara recalled all that Naruto said and done for him since the first day they met each other. Ever since then, Gaara's life gradually started changing for the better. It wasn't as fast as he'd like it to be, but it was a start. Learning to forgive others for their past mistakes was a lesson Gaara had to learn and if anything, he realized that it had to start with himself and then his home village. He no longer wanted to be viewed as Suna's bloodthirsty maniacal weapon. No, he wanted to be viewed as a shinobi who protected all those precious to him, with his life.

And speaking of those precious to him, Gaara received reports from Konoha a couple of days ago as to whom Temari was betrothed to and where she was to be living at. Gaara, though he admittedly missed her, was most happily for his sister and wished her the very best with all of his blessings. He couldn't think of any other guy he found worthy of being with his older sister other than Naruto. He was certain that the blonde Jinchuuriki of Konoha would protect and treat his sister kindly.

"Gaara," a masculine voice called out. Gaara turned to see Kankuro making his way towards him.

"Is something the matter," Gaara asked in his usual monotone voice.

"No, everything is fine," Kankuro assured, "The Jounins from Konoha just got through evaluating the training regiments and academy curriculum. They saw where more adjustments and corrections will have to be made."

Gaara nodded to him as he turned his attention back to the village.

"Anyway," Kankuro continued, "The two of us have been summoned by the council to report to them for a briefing of some sort."

"…I'll be along with you shortly," Gaara replied while only turning to look at him half way. The puppeteer nodded before leaving Gaara alone with his thoughts. While alone, Gaara took another look at the village that his father was the Kazekage to. If anything, his father left Sunagakure in a huge mess, not that their daimyo didn't have anything to do with it either. There was so much that had to be done in order to restore Suna and keep it and its people from being plunged by other elemental nations, not that Konoha would be one of them. With those thoughts in mind, Gaara turned and made his way to the Kazekage tower.

(Later That Afternoon)

Naruto was at a BBQ restaurant with Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi. The three youths were exhausted and their clothes were rugged, worn out and torn in several places. True to his word, their training with Naruto was anything but pleasant. Whatever training Ibisu would have had them go through would have been looked at more as an act of mercy compared to what Naruto had them go through.

And speaking of Ibisu he was running errands and wouldn't be around until later. While they were there, the other Genins came in and joined the four.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata smiled as she, Ino, Temari and the others walked in.

"Hey guys," Naruto greeted, "What are you all doing here?"

"We pretty much finished today's training," Shikamaru said, "I was hoping to go cloud watching, but Ino insisted that we go and do something else."

"Well we came back from doing some training earlier today also before coming to eat here," Naruto said, "You all can join us if you want, my treat."

"You're paying," Chouji asked with a hopeful expression. It was no secret that Chouji's appetite was notorious and the only person he considers a rival was Naruto. Shikamaru thought, This will be troublesome for Naruto if he accepts.

Naruto said, "If you all want to pay for yourselves then-"

"We accept," Kiba yelled as he and the other sat down at tables next to Naruto's.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into," Shikamaru warned, "Chouji eats the most out of Asuma-sensei, Ino and I combined."

"I'm not worried about that," Naruto said, "I've seen how much Anko-chan eats and it amazes me how she could maintain that figure she has."

"That would depend upon how much of her figure you were freely allowed to see," Kiba snickered, "Everyone here knows how close you were to your sensei."

Before Kiba could add anymore remarks, Temari came and smacked him on the head with her large metal fan.

"You're more of a dog in heat than your pet Akamaru," Temari said.

"Akamaru isn't my pet," Kiba barked, "He's my partner and friend! And that's more than what I can say for that stupid luggage you carry around and call a weapon!"

"Hmph," Temari smirked conceitedly, "Well this luggage was more effective than your partner was for you!"

"What was that," Kiba growled as Akamaru barked at the blonde wind mistress. Naruto sighed in annoyance at the scene as did everyone else. It was like this every time Kiba and Temari were in the same room together.

"It's understandable why Temari-san was promised to Naruto-kun," Sai remarked with a fake smile, "It's rather clear that her domineering demeanor is too much for weaker alpha males."

"What did you say," Kiba replied angrily while the girls burst out laughing for the first time at Sai's remark. Konohamaru, Shikamaru and Chouji snickered under their breaths while trying to keep their laughter from burst out. Sasuke huffed at the scene.

Pathetic, Sasuke thought to himself.

"Knock it off all of you," Naruto said, "We don't need a scene here."

Kiba grumbled under his breath about grinding Temari into dog food before burying her remains in an unmarked grave. The atmosphere had calmed down by the time Haku and Ryota walked into the establishment. All thoughts of what Kiba wanted to do to Temari's corpse vanished when he saw Haku enter the restaurant.

"Hey, Haku," Kiba said happily. Haku looked over at the group and went over to them. She greeted, "Hello everyone."

"Wanna join us Haku," Kiba offered.

"You're not the one who's treating us to lunch Kiba," Tenten rebuked.

"It's quite alright," Naruto assured as he motioned for Haku and Ryota to join them. Ryota went over and sat next to Neji. Haku was about to follow when…

"You can join our table if you want," Kiba offered. Shino simply adjusted his shades while Hinata held back a light giggle while watching Kiba's changed behavior. Many already knew about his huge crush on Haku, so it wasn't surprising that he'd turn into a complete idiot whenever she was around. Accepting his offer, the girl went over to their table and sat down next to the Inuzuka boy.

Everyone took their menus and looked to see what they wanted to eat. After placing their orders, they waited until their meals arrived. Because Naruto was treating, Kiba ordered one of the expensive meals on the menu while Chouji ordered several dishes of BBQ beef and several side orders with them. Neji and Lee chose to be modest in their orders while the girls in general chose to eat light, something along the lines of keeping a watch over their figures. Sasuke, surprised that Naruto was even treating him to lunch, decided to get something since it was coming out of Naruto's pocket. Naruto ordered some food alongside what Chouji was having.

It was a while before all of their orders were done and brought to them. Needless to say, everyone dug in and ate and talked to each other. Sasuke and Sai were more on the quiet side though Sasuke contemplated on how he could improve in his training to become stronger and gain more power. Later while most of the Genins were done eating, Naruto having finished one of the several orders he ordered, asked for the bill. When he got it, he shrugged it off and wrote a check before handing it over to the waiter.

"How much was it," Konohamaru asked.

"Enough to equal one of my kaa-chan's debts," Naruto remarked, "Anyway, I'm the one who was treating so don't worry about it."

"I have to hang with you more often if you treat everyone this good," Chouji said, only to receive an agreement from Kiba who still had his mouth full of food.

"Naruto-kun doesn't need freeloaders eating out of his wallet," Ino snorted. Kiba ignored her and continued eating. Turning to the three youths, Naruto said, "I'd like to ask you all a question."

"What is it Naruto-sensei," Konohamaru asked.

"How far are you guys willing to go to protect this village and all who live here," Naruto asked. Konohamaru answered, "I'll do whatever I have to protect Konoha! Since my goal is to become Hokage, I'll take whatever challenge comes my way in order to defend my homeland!"

"I feel the same way as Konohamaru-kun," Udon said, "I'll do what would have to be done in order to protect the lives of everyone here."

"And me too," Moegi added in. Naruto nodded his head while everyone else was watching and listening in on their conversation.

"Would you guys be willing to go as far to kill if the situation calls for it," Naruto asked.

Konohamaru and his two friends thought about for a moment before Konohamaru said, "As ninjas of Konoha, I'm sure it'll be expected. Jiji and Asuma-jisan told me about it. But if I have to…then so be it, if it means the safety of this village."

The others nodded their heads.

"I see," Naruto continued, "Would that including killing the person or persons you regard as your closest friends, comrades or family members if it meant the preservation of this village and everyone who lives here?"

This question caught everyone off guard as they looked at Naruto questionably. Sasuke's ears perked up when he heard what Naruto said. Though Sasuke didn't look at Naruto as his closest friend, he had to admit that the blonde's question caught him by surprise like everyone else.

"That doesn't make any sense," Konohamaru retorted, "How could I claim to be protecting this village if I'm killing those who are my comrades, closest friends and family?"

"Naruto-kun," Lee interjected, "We swore to protect this village and killing such people as the ones you mentioned would contradict our oath as ninjas to defend the citizens of Konoha with our lives."

Sai stayed quiet as he saw that there was a lot more to what Naruto saying. He waited until Naruto explained the purpose to his questions.

"Your question confuses us Naruto-kun," Haku spoke up, "How could killing those precious to us possibly lead to the preservation of everyone else?"

Everyone turned to Naruto as they awaited his answer. After a moment of silence, Naruto said, "Since none of you can think of any logical reasons to my questions, I'll tell you all an actual story of what happened here in Konoha more than ten years ago that affects all of us today."

Everyone quieted as Naruto started speaking, "There were once three ninjas taught and trained by Sarutobi-sama, also known as Sandaime Hokage. These three ninjas later became known as the legendary Sannins of Konohagakure No Sato.

"Sometime later, ninjas ranking from Genins to ANBU started disappearing throughout the village and a search was sent to find these missing ninjas. It was later discovered that Orochimaru was the one responsible for these kidnappings. One night, a strong Konoha ninja with two of his ANBU under his lead tracked Orochimaru down to one of his hideouts where he conducted his twisted experiments on the kidnapped ninjas. The leading ninja could have killed Orochimaru then and there, but feelings of his bond and sentimentalities of his past with Orochimaru overrode and clouded his judgments, thus making him unwilling not incapable of killing Orochimaru. This led to Orochimaru having the opportunity to escape from the village.

"Later another strong ninja went after Orochimaru and sought to bring him back. Likewise with the first strong ninja, this second ninja had the capacity to kill Orochimaru once and for all, but sentiments of the Snake Sannin being his best friend overrode his judgments. Thus like in the case of first strong ninja, the second strong ninja was unwilling, not incapable of killing Orochimaru.

"As a result of these two ninjas' unwillingness to kill Orochimaru, the traitorous Sannin committed many heinous crimes in many villages and became one of the most hated people to live. He later formed Otogakure No Sato and an alliance with Yondaime Kazekage of Sunagakure for an invasion of Konohagakure. But Orochimaru later betrayed and murdered the Kazekage and posed as him, manipulating a village that was in desperate need of financial help. Continuing his charade as the Kazekage, he used that disguise to get close enough to my kaa-chan in an attempt to kill her and Sandame-sama during the invasion of Konoha.

"After the war to defend Konoha broke out, Orochimaru resorted to using a despicable S-rank kinjutsu kuchiyose which he created to summon four of my ancestors, two of them being Hokages, my uncle who died as a kid and kaa-chan's former fiancé. In order to stop them and Orochimaru all together, I had to do something the two ninjas before me didn't have to heart to do at the time. Not only did I use an S-rank kinjutsu ougi to kill Orochimaru, but I had to use it to "kill" Shodaime-sama, Nidaime-sama, Nawaki-jisan and Dan-san. It was a cruel and very painful pill to swallow that hurt me greatly, even now. But I did it in order to save and protect you guys and the lives of everyone in Konoha since my resurrected ancestors were sadly under the strong control and influence of Orochimaru's kinjutsu. Orochimaru sacrificed four of his Genins for his kinjutsu kuchiyose and sadly they too suffered the same tragedy as my ancestors in being sealed away.

"So many people over the years suffered needlessly; I suffer by living with the memory that I "killed" four men who were special and precious to my kaa-chan in front of her. All this resulted because blinded feelings of attachments to a ninja turned traitor led two capable ninjas to not kill Orochimaru when they had the chances to do so. The follies of others could be lessons in themselves, but such lessons could be avoided if that person does what he or she must in order to prevent the suffering of others."

Everyone there looked at Naruto in astonishment. Though Sasuke didn't want to admit it, even he was captured by Naruto's story. Shino and Sai understood Naruto's logic completely and they nodded their heads to the blonde in understanding. Haku was left speechless after hearing what Naruto told everyone.

"What were the names of these two strong ninjas of whom you speak Naruto," Sasuke inquired.

"Their names are unimportant," Naruto remarked, "What's important is the lesson behind the story. Sometimes in life we as ninjas must make the hardest choices at personal cost for the sake of many others. Allowing our emotions and bonds to those who willingly betray everything we as Konoha shinobis stand and fight for cloud and warp our judgments can lead to dire consequences that can affect the lives of many today and those years down the line.

"I'm in no way saying that doing what those two ninjas didn't have the heart to do would be easy. If anything, it's one of the hardest things to do, especially if you've known that person for a long number of years. But when the situation calls for it, we must do what we must, in order protect all those precious to us, even if it's at personal cost whatever it may be."

Just then a Chuunin entered the diner with a scroll in her hand.

"Naruto-san," the Chuunin said as she went over to the blonde. Naruto turned to the Chuunin.

"What is it," Naruto asked.

"This came in for you," the Chuunin said as she handed Naruto the scroll. Naruto took the scroll and opened it. He raised an eyebrow when he found a seal in the scroll. The kanji on it read "duel."

Standing up, Naruto looked at the Chuunin questionably, "Who gave this to you?"

"The guards found the scroll lying on the ground in front of the main gate," the Chuunin answered, "After they picked it up, they found a note attached to it stating that it was to be brought to you personally. From where and whom it came from we don't know."

Nodding in understanding, Naruto focus chakra into the seal and activated the seal, causing the scroll to burst into a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, a most un-welcomed figure appeared from the smoke.

"Son of Yondaime Hokage," the figure greeted. Naruto snarled when he saw the figure and Ryota jumped to her feet immediately, ready to fight when she saw whom the figure was. The Chuunin too readied herself for anything.

"Hello Ryota-chan," the figure said turning to the former Iwa Jounin, "It's been a while."

The figure blew a kiss at Ryota, who snarled at the figure with hatred and disgust in return.

"Soujiro," Ryota spat, "Otherwise known as Iwagakure's Diamond Fang! Bastard!"

"Is that anyway to greet a close friend and colleague Ryota-chan," Soujiro remarked with a sly grin.

"Asshole," Ryota replied, "What the hell are you doing here!"

"I'm here to offer your master, Namikaze Naruto-san, a chance to meet me in person," Soujiro said.

"Excuse me," Naruto retorted. Soujiro returned his attention back to Naruto, "I would like to meet you in person. I'm sure Inari would like to see you again too, especially since he thinks so highly of you being capable of rescuing him from where I'm keeping him detained, alive for now anyway."

Hearing those words made Naruto's blood boil as he released a fierce bloodlust from his being. Konohamaru and the others never felt a bloodlust this deadly. Naruto fought hard to keep himself under control. Sasuke, Sakura and Sai knew of Inari and his family and wondered if the boy's mother and grandfather were in any danger also.

"I'll be in the mountains in Nami No Kuni," Soujiro said, "Be there within eight days' time, otherwise I'll kill Inari and his mother Tsunami afterwards. I look forward to meeting you, as does Inari. Try not to disappoint the young boy, for his and his mother's well being anyway. I'll be seeing you real soon, Naruto-san."

The Soujiro lost color as he dissolved into a pile of dirt, revealing him to be a tsuchi bushin. There was a moment of silence amongst the group as Naruto battled with himself to remain calm and collected. It was a while before he finally calmed himself down. After what felt like an eternity of silence…

"Konohamaru, Udon, Moegi," Naruto said calmly, "Your training with me will have to be postponed until further notice. If you all will excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

"We're coming with you," Sakura said as she got up from her seat.

"I'd much rather you don't," Naruto replied.

"Naruto," Sakura said, "Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke-kun, Sai and I were part of the mission to Nami No Kuni as much as you were. It's only right that we be there to help you on this one also. I'm sure Kakashi-sensei would-"

"I appreciate your willing spirit to help me," Naruto interjected, "But this situation involves a whole nation my father made enemies out of in Iwa No Kuni. This is a personal vendetta they have against my clan."

"You know they're planning a trap for you Naruto-kun," Ryota said as she went over to him, "At least let me come with you! Soujiro was always an asshole and ambitious bastard and he was always flamboyant about it. Though I will admit he is a strong and most skilled ninja."

"Anything else we should know about him," Naruto asked.

"He drugged me once a little more than a year ago and almost got into my pants," Ryota bluntly remarked, "He would have succeeded in raping me if the faulty drug had not worn off as fast as he hoped it didn't. I fought him fiercely that night but it ended in a stalemate since I was still disoriented from the drug's side effects. I'd have killed him had it not been for the villagers taken his side."

"What," Ino replied with righteous feminine fury, "But you were nearly a rape victim by a former fellow ninja!"

"Why would they take his side over yours," Sakura added.

"When you're the former apprentice of a most hated S-class traitor," Ryota replied, "Who would take your side?"

"That's stupid," Tenten stepped in, "What he did completely dishonored and violated the code of the ninja! That's completely unforgiveable!"

"Evidently those who took his side didn't see it that way," Ryota said, "I don't know how strong Soujiro has gotten since then but I'm sure I can be of assistance to you Naruto-kun in fighting against him."

Naruto thought for a moment as he took into consideration that Ryota was a Jounin and former Iwa kunoichi with some background knowledge of Soujiro. Plus he saw that he didn't know what Soujiro was scheming against him and if Soujiro was as strong as Ryota made him out to be, then he'd need all the help he could get.

"Very well," Naruto replied, "I'll take you along with me Ryota but the rest of you will all stay here and keep on guard. I don't know what Iwa is up to or if this ninja is acting solely on his own. If anything happens here while I'm away, it would do Konoha some justice to have capable ninjas around to protect it."

Naruto didn't give Sakura or the others time to argue as he and Ryota hurried over to the Hokage tower.

"Damn it," Sakura swore, "He's so stubborn!"

"Just like his father," Ino added, knowing about Minato from what Naruto told her and Hinata. The female Chuunin, not seeing anything else she had to do, left and returned back to her post, leaving the Genins to their thoughts with Temari and Shikamaru being the only Chuunins remaining in the restaurant.

(At The Hokage Tower)

Anko was standing in front of Tsunade's desk giving her Ibiki's daily reports. The Special Jounin was about to leave when Naruto and Ryota burst into the office with an urgent look on his face.

"We have a problem," Naruto said. Naruto went into detail explaining to Tsunade everything that happened. Anko stayed to listen to the whole story. The Godaime knew something like this would happen but she always hoped it never did.

Minato, Tsunade sighed, Your past is now catching up with Naruto.

"Kaa-chan," Naruto said, "I must go to Nami No Kuni."

"We both know that this could be a set up Naruto," Tsunade said seriously, "This is a dangerous gamble you're taking! Plus Tazuna-san didn't come here to give a mission to rescue his supposed kidnapped grandson!"

"Be that as it may," Naruto argued, "But the fact that he knows of my connection with Inari and his mother Tsunami is enough to tell me that he'll harm them if I don't comply with his demands within eight days. I've gambled with death before, but I won't gamble with someone else's life, especially if it's the lives of those I care for. I refuse to put my personal well being ahead of anyone else's."

Tsunade knew she wouldn't be able to change his mind, especially since Naruto had his father's stubborn spirit. Needless to say, Tsunade saw the irony in that. After a moment she said, "Very well. You'll leave for Nami No Kuni with-"

"I'll accompany Yondaime-gaki on this mission," Anko spoke up. Naruto turned to the Special Jounin who shot him a confident grin, "Well someone older and more mature has to keep an eye on you and I am still your Jounin-sensei. I have to keep you from doing anything reckless."

In truth, aside from actually helping Naruto as she intended, Anko saw this as an opportunity to talk to Naruto about something she's been meaning to tell him for sometime now.

"You're not the only one going with him Anko," Ryota spoke up for the first time after a long silence, "He already agreed to take me along with him."

"Whatever," Anko remarked, not once feeling compromised, "We'll just be a three-person Jounin team then."

Tsunade, after seeing the logic in Anko's statement, agreed, "Very well. You three will depart together to Nami No Kuni tomorrow morning. Naruto will be the team leader. Understood?"

They all nodded.

"Good," Tsunade said, "Now, get yourselves ready for the mission. Dismissed."

All three ninjas bowed to Tsunade before leaving. After they left, Tsunade sat and leaned back on her seat as she released a breath from her mouth.

"I'm getting too old for this," Tsunade sighed before opening her drawer and pulling out a bottle of sake and a cup. She was in need of something to relax and calm her nerves.

(The Following Day)

Naruto and Ryota were up early in the morning making their way to the front gate. They weresn't carrying any backpack since Naruto sealed all of their supplies in the scrolls he kept inside his white trench coat. When they arrived at the gate, they were surprised to find Anko already there waiting for them.

"Are you two ready to go," Anko asked while looking over at both Naruto and Ryota, who nodded to her as they turned to make their way out through the main gate. While leaving Konoha, Naruto could only wonder what the unknown future had in store for him and everyone else he knew…

Naruto is out on a rescue mission with Anko and Ryota. Will the trio be able to rescue Inari from Soujiro, Iwagakure's Diamond Fang? And what lies in store for the rest of the Genins in Konoha while Naruto, Ryota and Anko are away? Stick around to find out next time.