Chapter Forty-Six: Motives

A/N: Corrections made, so please read this before reading the chapter:

"Wave Country" will now be known throughout the fic as "Nami No Kuni."

Kirigakure (Hidden Village in the Mist) is not part of the Nami No Kuni. They are part of Water Country with Nami No Kuni being a separate country. I made a mistake earlier in the previous chapter in misplacing Nami No Kuni's location. I know, my geography is terrible, please pardon my error.

Also in case there was any confusion, Tayuya traveled to Iwa a week and a half earlier before she and the rest of the Sound Four started on their way to Konoha to retrieve Sasuke.

Plus, I did get a partial inspiration from the Naruto fic "Duty Calls," but that nothing more beyond that.

With that said, on with the next chapter.

(Ten Days Earlier; In Iwagakure)

In a lounge inside a training compound, several Jounins currently were drinking sake and conversing with each other. Soujiro was presently reading a bingo book and studying the recorded file of a particular Elite Jounin who was loved, admired and respected by many and at the same time hated, thought low of and feared by many others.

"What are you doing," a female medic Jounin asked as she walked over to Soujiro.

"Catching up on my reading," Soujiro replied in sarcasm. The eighteen-year-old Jounin ignored the younger male as she snatched the book from his hands and read the file he was reading up on repeatedly.

"Name: Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto," the female medic Jounin said as she examined the blonde's profile and picture, "He's a cutie."

Soujiro snorted, "I'm sure you'd like to bed him. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he already screwed the hell out of Ryota-chan."

"Like you almost did last year," the female remarked cynically, "I suppose the only way for you to get with a female is by drugging them."

"You're one to talk," Soujiro replied, "You still don't have a boyfriend and you're too much of a tomboy for the guys' liking Tsuchiko-chan. Perhaps it's time you considered changing your orientation."

Seeing what he was implying, Tsuchiko pulled out a senbon needle and was about to aim it as his crotch when she remembered why he was known as Iwagakure's Diamond Fang.

"Prick," Tsuchiko remarked before putting her senbon needle away, "I don't swing that way!"

"And you clearly don't swing in any manner that would give a man a turn on either," Soujiro added, "For a time I wondered how you use the bathroom, with the seat up or down."

"You're such an asshole," Tsuchiko growled before deciding to stop the developing argument as they noticed a few of the other Jounins turning to look at them. Soujiro smirked at her as he watched her review the file he was going over earlier. Tsuchiko said, "Let's see what the bingo book have here on this Naruto guy."

"You mean to say that you never read up on him," Soujiro asked with a disbelieving expression.

"Honestly," Tsuchiko admitted, "I've only heard some talk about this guy among the others but I never really bothered to find out more about him. I've been too busy to really care about the latest gossip and tall tales that's been going around."

"I truly find that surprising considering whose son he is," Soujiro added. Tsuchiko had a raised eyebrow as she continued reading out loud, "What more do they have on this Naruto guy:

"Alias: Konoha's Second Flash!?

"Are they serious," Tsuchiko asked while looking back at the male Jounin.

"Just keep reading," Soujiro replied as he pointed to the book in her hands. Turning her eyes back into the book, she continued, "Age: 15 (?)

"That's odd. That guy clearly looks to be fifteen years old. How could they not be sure of his age?"

"Beats me," Soujiro remarked. She shrugged and continued, "What else do they say:

"Place of Birth: Konohagakure No Sato

"Familial Background: Son of Namikaze Minato also known as Konoha's Yellow Flash, and Senju Tsunade, Slug Sannin and infamously known as The Legendary Sucker.

"So he really is the son of the Yellow Flash," Tsuchiko said, "The resemblance is undeniable. And here it was that I thought it was all some wild rumor."

"You really are slow," Soujiro retorted, only to be rewarded with a middle finger to his face in courtesy of the medic Jounin.

"Anytime," Soujiro remarked with a sly grin before receiving a scowl from the female Jounin. Looking into the book again, Tsuchiko went on, "Level: Kage

"Rank: High S-Class

"Status: Elite Jounin

"History: Responsible for killing Orochimaru the Snake Sannin, slaughtering an army of Oto and Suna Jounins with the Hiraishin, and being the prime factor that led to Konoha's victory over the Suna-Oto invasion.

"That same day during the Suna-Oto invasion, he also killed four additional ninjas who were fighting alongside Orochimaru, one of them being a Genin, the second a Jounin and the last two being S-class Kage-level shinobis. These four ninjas were labeled as "unidentified" despite the fact that there were many eyewitnesses that were present at their battle.

"Twice Naruto battled against Uchiha Itachi, an S-class missing-nin and former ANBU captain responsible for the Uchiha clan massacre. On both occasions Itachi was denied victory. The first encounter ended in Itachi's defeat and retrieval whereas on the second occasion Itachi fled especially after Jiraiya the Toad Sannin appeared.

"You got to be kidding! Even Itachi had a hard time with this Naruto guy?!"

"There's more," Soujiro said, "Read on."

She continued, "Naruto battled once against Hoshigaki Kisame, an S-class missing-nin who is also known as the Mysterious Person (Monster) of the Mist. But the battle between them ended in a stalemate because of Itachi's interference in stopping Kisame from continuing his battle with Naruto.

"Naruto battled once against Gaara, a B-A-class Genin formerly known for being Sunagakure's ultimate weapon, and won. Through his battle and victory, Sunagakure later made an alliance with Konohagakure.

"He faced off twice against Ryota, a high A-class missing-nin formerly known as Iwagakure's Shining Stone. The first encounter was during his mission in Nami No Kuni while protecting the bridge builder and architect named Tazuna. The second encounter was in Konoha's Forest of Death. Naruto battled and defeated Ryota on both occasions. After her second defeat, she accepted Naruto's offer to side with him and become a Konoha Jounin. She also aided Naruto during the Suna-Oto Invasion.

"That double-crossing bitch," Tsuchiko said sourly, "I always suspected she'd turn on us the first chance she got! But I never thought it would be for that reason!"

Soujiro said nothing as he watched the medic nin read the rest of the record. Tsuchiko read on, "What's this:

"Additional Note: Naruto never lost a fight.

"Warning: He's extremely dangerous and is NOT to be engaged in combat.

"Order of Action: If seen, Flee On Sight!

"It's very clear that Iwa has been keeping tabs on Naruto for quite sometime," Tsuchiko said as she handed the male Jounin back his bingo book. She looked at him carefully before a realization dawned on her.

"From the look on your face," Tsuchiko said, "I think I see where this is going."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you're planning on doing what I think you are," the female medic Jounin stated knowingly.

"Well, I think you're right," Soujiro answered, "If you're thinking that I'm going to fight Naruto."

"Yes I see," she remarked coolly, "You're going to battle Konoha's Second Flash. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! YOU CAN'T CHALLENGE HIM! IT WOULD BE SUICIDE! Are you insane!?"

The uproar caused all of the other Jounins in the lounge to look at the pair questionably. They all had curious looks on their faces when they heard the young female shout at Soujiro. Shrugging, the rest of the Jounins decided to go about their own business and ignore the pair.

"Since when did I ever refuse a challenge," Soujiro remarked, "Bringing down and killing Naruto once and for all would be a feat that only a brave and mighty ninja can do and it would establish our village as the dominant of the five elemental nations! Plus, it would wipe out the Namikaze bloodline once and for all! Don't you think so Tsuchiko-chan?"

"No," Tsuchiko replied solidly, "It's a stupid and foolish ambition that'll lead you to your death! Most of those people who challenged Naruto were all A and S-class ninjas and missing-nins in the bingo books, and none of them won against him and neither will you! He fought and killed three S-class ninjas in one fight for god-sakes!"

"A fellow nin with such little faith in her own comrades," Soujiro remarked.

"It's not a matter of having lack of faith," Tsuchiko retorted, "It's a matter of common sense and being realistic with oneself!"

"I've been contemplating on a plan on taking out Naruto for sometime," Soujiro said, "And I'm very well aware of his exploits and his abilities and I've been studying up on them. Everyone else prior who fought him clearly underestimated him because of poor strategic planning. But regardless of his achievements, it doesn't change the fact that he's still another mortal human being."

"…," Tsuchiko said nothing as she listened to Soujiro's explanation.

"He's strong, but he's not invincible. He's hard to kill, but he's not immortal. He's bound to have some form of weakness one way or another like any other shinobi. He can be brought to his defeat under the right circumstances and with a well thought out plan of action. We just have to find out what his weakness is and come up with a plan to use it against him. Once we do, he'll become a lamb being led to a slaughter."

"I wonder who the lamb truly is," Tsuchiko remarked as she walked off, "There is no "we" in your plan. I'd much rather be an old retired ninja than a young beautiful corpse."

Soujiro watched the female Jounin walk off. Looking back into his book, Soujiro thought, Maybe I should pay this Nami No Kuni a visit. But first…

"I have one favor to ask of you Tsuchiko-chan," Soujiro called out after snapping out of his thoughts. Tsuchiko stopped and turned to face him, "And what would that be?"

"How good are your medic skills," Soujiro asked. Tsuchiko had a raised eyebrow as she looked back at him.

"Why do you ask?"

"There's something I would like for you to do for me."

(Present Time; Four Days Later)

Naruto, Anko and Ryota were speedily leaping from tree to tree while on their trek to Nami No Kuni. So far they haven't met up with any encounters of any form. During their time traveling, Naruto have been deep in thought and contemplating on Soujiro's objectives in fishing him out from Konoha.

Soujiro is plotting something, Naruto thought, But what I can't figure out is whether or not Iwa has anything to do with it. After all, it's no secret that Iwa has tremendous hatred for my father after he single-handedly turned the tides during the Iwa-Konoha War, which led Konoha to victory over Iwa. The lost of shinobi lives Iwa suffered from my father's Hiraishin was amazingly high. It only took one second for my father to slaughter the entire army of Iwa ninjas, male and female alike.

Naruto knew that learning and continuing his father's legacy would in effect make him too a most feared and hated man in the shinobi world, and without question, many would seek his death. He always knew that his enemies would resort to any tactic, dirty or not, to lure him out; he knew that they would even use those precious to him as bait to draw him into an opening for an ambush.

Is Iwa trying to trigger another war with Konoha, Naruto wondered as he meditated on the current situation, First off, Iwa knows that should they trigger another war with Konoha, they'll have to deal with the wrath of my kaa-chan, ero-jisan, and jiisan, with Gaara and the rest of Suna backing us up since an alliance between Konoha and Suna was formed.

Iwa would have to deal with not only Konoha, but Suna as well, with both Gaara and I at their disposal.

And with Ryota on our side, she'd be able to provide invaluable information about Iwagakure's defenses and terrain, both within and outside the village.

It doesn't add up. Does Iwagakure despise my "dead" father that much that they'll willingly risk war with two shinobi nations and suffer political problems with Nami No Kuni just to satisfy their vendetta against my nearly extinct clan and bloodline?

"Yondaime-gaki," Anko said, snapping Naruto out of his train of thoughts, "Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet for the last two days."

"Sorry," Naruto apologized, "I just had a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Worried about that Inari friend of yours," Ryota asked.

"That among other things," Naruto admitted before turning back to seeing where he was going. While making their way, Anko was deep in thought with what was on her mind. For the passed four days, she didn't know how to tell Naruto what it was she wanted to get off her chest. One of her intentions for wanting to go with him was to talk to him about something important and she repeatedly scolded herself for not finding the right occasions to do so yet. But at the same time though, Naruto himself wasn't in the best mind set to talk to about what she was feeling during the passed days. She figured that hopefully later in the day, he'd be in a better mind set to be spoken with.

After another long while of traveling through the trees Naruto flipped down to the ground with Anko and Ryota following close by. Looking at the skies, Naruto saw that it was close to sunset.

"We'll camp here tonight," Naruto said as he pulled out one of his scrolls from his trench coat. Opening the scroll, he focused chakra into the seal in it and released the utensils that came from out of it. Summoning two kage bushins, Naruto had them go straight to work in setting up the two tents and campsite.

"Ryota," Naruto said, "I've been meaning to ask you if you have more information about Soujiro."

"Beside the fact that he's an asshole and a wannabe-rapist," Ryota remarked, "He specializes in sharp cutting-edge weapons. Last time we fought, he used a blade of some sort that appeared to be made out of glass but it was as hard and sharp as diamond."

"Do you know anything about the kinds of jutsus he uses," Naruto inquired.

"Not really," Ryota admitted, "I never got to really see what he could do, but many said that those who ever came across him always turned up dead or maimed. I was one of the very few he wasn't so successful on."

"So he's a high A-class ninja like yourself," Anko interjected.

"He is," Ryota confirmed, "Though there was once a rumor that he was borderline S-class. But that was just a rumor."

"Regardless," Naruto said, "I'll keep what you told me in mind."

Soon, the kage bushins were done setting the tents up and after placing the firewood together, with the use of a low-level katon jutsu, a fire was started up. While Anko and Ryota were sitting by the fire, Naruto walked off into the forest.

"Where are you going, Yondaime-gaki," Anko asked.

"For a walk," Naruto replied not waiting for a reply from either of the two females. Anko watched as his form gradually disappeared into the forest. She thought about following him, but she decided against it, for now that was.

(Meanwhile Up In the Mountains In Nami No Kuni)

Inari and his mother Tsunami found themselves tied down with ropes that seemingly appeared to be completely made out of diamonds. They found it impossible to break free no matter how hard they tried to free themselves. Inari's legs were also tied together making it impossible for him to stand up.

"Don't bother trying," said a masculine voice that entered the old looking stone chamber they were in. Inari snarled venomously at the sight of the seventeen-year-old Iwa Jounin that entered the chamber.

"Let us go!," Inari demanded, "You'll be sorry when Naruto-niichan gets a hold of you!"

Soujiro went over to the boy and stood in front of him. He smiled brightly at the boy before delivering a back hand to the boy, painfully backslapping the boy to the left side of his face hard enough that it resulted in the youth getting a busted lip that now had blood seeping down his wounded lip. Inari yelped in pain from the blow while feeling the stinging sensations from his bleeding lip with a small bruise accompanying it.

"Stop it!," Tsunami cried, "Please leave him alone!"

Turning to the older woman, Soujiro went over to her and knelt down next to her at her right.

"Perhaps you'd like it if I bother you instead," Soujiro remarked with a sly grin, "I'm sure I can do much more with you than with that bratty kid of yours."

"Get away from my mom you jerk!," Inari yelled, "Do anything to her and I'll-"

"And you'll do what exactly," Soujiro taunted as he pulled a kunai from out of his cloak, with the blade of the kunai looking like a razor-sharp diamond. He then ran the diamond blade of the kunai along Tsunami's right leg up until he reached her skirt. Tsunami's heart was racing fast while feeling the cold object ran across her leg, fearing what the enemy teenage ninja would do to her in front of her son, especially when he slowly caressed his bare right hand over her right leg. Inari snarled at the older male with pure hatred.

"They always said that a diamond is a woman's best friend," Soujiro said as he looked at Inari, "Since I'm an ace of diamonds…"

Soujiro looked away from the boy as his hand went under and further into Tsunami's skirt as he continued caressing her. She gasped in shock and fright at the older boy's actions as she felt his hand where it shouldn't be.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY MOM YOU DAMN BASTARD!," Inari yelled, struggling to break free from the diamond ropes confining him. But to no avail, the ropes were too strong and tight for him to break out of. Soujiro placed the diamond-blade kunai down momentarily and with his left arm, he passed it around Tsunami's back before he grabbed hold and started groping her left breast. Tsunami did nothing in retaliation against the Iwa Jounin for fear that he would take his vengeance out on her son. She was desperately hoping that he'd stop what he was doing to her. It was both demeaning and humiliating, and the fact that Inari was seeing this only made matters worse. Soujiro took a large sniff of her hair and said, "Perhaps I can by your beautiful mom's best friend too."

"I'LL KILL YOU!," Inari threatened.

"I'd watch my choice of words if I were you," Soujiro said as he released her breast and picked up his kunai. He glided the diamond blade of his kunai up to her throat while keeping his other hand under Tsumani's skirt, "We wouldn't want your beautiful mother to have a little accident, now would we?"

Making his point, he pressed the sharp tip of the diamond blade into her neck, causing a small trickle of blood to seep down from the small cut he made into her neck and onto his weapon.

"You bastard! You won't get away with this!," Inari shouted, "Naruto-niichan will make you pay dearly! I swear it! He'll come for us and kill you!"

"I don't think so," Soujiro said, "I have a little something special planned for your niichan and you two will be the ones to help me."

"NEVER!," Inari replied defiantly, "I'd die first before you get me to betray Naruto-niichan!"

Removing his hand from out of the woman's skirt, Soujiro reached into his cloak and threw another diamond-blade kunai at the boy's face. The diamond part of the kunai grazed speedily across Inari's face as the boy screamed from feeling the sharp cutting pain of the diamond blade on his face as the weapon plunged deep into the chamber wall passed Inari.

"Don't hurt my son," Tsunami begged fearing for her son's life, "Do what you want with me but please spare and let my son go!"

"That's a most tempting offer, but I'm afraid I can't oblige to that request since you two are important pieces to my whole plan," Soujiro said as he retrieved the diamond-blade kunai from off of Tsunami's neck. He then got up and went over to where he threw his other kunai that now he Inari's blood on it.

"Why do you hate Naruto-kun so much," Tsunami asked, "What has he ever done to you?!"

"He's done nothing personally to me really," Soujiro admitted.

"Then why are you doing this," Tsunami asked, "What could you possibly gain from all this!?"

"You're not a ninja," Soujiro retorted, "Therefore, you can never understand our motives. We ninjas fight to prove who's greater than the other and establish our name and the name of our village among the elites of the shinobi world. Only the strong survives in this world and those too weak to protect themselves are dominated."

"You're wrong," Inari interjected, "I may not be a full-fledged ninja yet, but I know why I fight! I fight to protect those who are precious to me; that include my mom, grandpa, my people and Naruto-niichan! The strong are supposed to give strength and protect those who are in need of their help and all who they love and cherish with their lives! That's what a ninja is supposed to do! Something Naruto-niichan taught me!"

"Was it now," Soujiro remarked, "If that's what Naruto himself believes in, then certainly that belief will be his greatest downfall."

Turning to the exit, Soujiro made his way out. After taking a couple of steps though, he stopped walking.

"When this is all over," Soujiro said as with his back facing them, "You two will go down in shinobi history as the mother-and-son duo that helped Iwagakure's Diamond Fang destroy Konoha's Second Flash."

Laughing at the prospect of seeing Naruto's dead body at his feet, Soujiro left the mother and son pair alone in the chamber he was keeping them in. Turning the entrance of the chamber, Sourjiro performed a few hand seals, causing what look like prison bars to sprout out of the ground and wall to seal away the entrance. When that was done, Soujiro continued on his way.

"Are you OK mom," Inari asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Inari," Tsuanami assured. After brief moment of silence…

"I'm sorry," Inari said as tears started building up in his eyes, "It's all my fault. I let that dirty creep touch you like that and I couldn't do anything to stop him. I started training so hard to become a ninja that fights to protect those precious to him and I couldn't protect you mom. (Sobbing)…I'm so ashamed…Naruto-niichan would have been disappointed in me…"

Inari started crying with the feeling of guilt washing over him. Tsunami moved herself as best as she could over to her son and allowed him to rest his head on her shoulder as he cried on her.

"It's not your fault Inari," Tsunami assured, "Don't beat yourself up over something that was beyond your power to stop. I'm proud and appreciate your brave spirit and strength to want to protect me.

"But as your mother, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I were to let anything happen to you. I'm supposed to protect you really. And regardless of whatever happens to me, I'd feel much better knowing that you're alive and safe. You and my father are precious to me, and I'll happily give my life in exchange for your well being and safety.

"So please Inari, don't feel you're to blame for what happened to me or why we were captured. Understand that I don't blame you for it and neither would Naruto-kun. Believe me when I say that Naruto-kun would be just as proud of you as I am."

Her words seemed to have calmed Inari down as he eventually stopped crying and leaned in closer to his mother until he fell asleep on her shoulder. Tsunami rested her head on top of her son's head as a few tears fell from her eyes down her face.

I'm so sorry you had to see such a vile act happen to me Inari, Tsunami said in her heart, while hoping that both her and her son were rescued soon.

(Later That Evening)

Naruto was sitting on the grassy ground with a few vials and two medic seal scrolls in from of him. He was currently trying to keep himself occupied and not worry himself too much about Inari and Tsunami. It wasn't that he wasn't worried about them, but he saw that if he didn't do something to keep his mind calm and focused he'd become reckless and do something that would make matters worse.

Presently he was working on two things and both scrolls were important instruments for what he was trying to create. Taking four of the vials, he poured two of them onto the scroll on his left and the other two onto the scroll on his right. After doing a series of hand seals, Naruto activated the seals on the scrolls before they started glowing and infusing completely into the concoctions poured on them, turning the concoction to his right clear sky-blue and the one to his left clear yellow.

"Finally," Naruto said feeling satisfied with his accomplishment. Taking a suction tube, he used it to suck the concoction on his left and carefully poured the liquid contents into a tube capsule. After closing the lid of the tube, he cleaned the suction tube thoroughly before using it to suck the liquid contents on the scroll to his right into it. As with the previous concoction, he took another tube capsule and carefully poured the liquid into the capsule tube before closing its lid. When that was said and done, he placed both vials into one of the pockets in his green vest before cleaning up the mess he made. He sealed away the rest on his medic and research utensils into his scrolls and placed his trench coat back on after dusting himself after placing the scroll inside his trench coat.

"Hard at work I see," said a feminine voice from behind the blonde. Naruto turned to see Anko approaching him.

"Anko-chan," Naruto said, "I thought you'd be out looking for victims to torture to pass the time."

"Maybe I'll make you my victim and torture you, just for fun," Anko remarked with a grin on her face.

"Like that would be the first time," Naruto shot back. Never removing the grin off her face, Anko speedily threw a kunai to his face. Naruto caught the kunai with his left hand as Anko appeared behind him with a kunai to his throat.

"You're getting careless Yondaime-gaki," Anko said feeling confident in her supposed victory.

"Says you," came a voice behind Anko before feeling a kunai to her right side. The older woman turned her head to see the real Naruto standing behind her.

"I learned to adapt to you Anko-chan," Naruto said before his kage bushin puffed out of existence.

When did he create and use kawarimi with a kage bushin, Anko wondered to herself with a perplexed expression. She placed her kunai away before Naruto did likewise.

"How's Ryota doing," Naruto asked.

"She's fine," Anko answered, "She decided to some practicing on her own while I went to find you."

"I see," Naruto said, "Well since you found me now, I suppose we should be heading back now, yes?"

Not waiting for an answer, Naruto turned and started off back to where their campsite was. As Anko was watching his retrieving form, her mind went back to what Jiraiya told her sometime ago:

"Anko," Jiraiya said, "…it would best to come clean and tell Naruto the truth about your feelings for him. You opened up to him on deeper levels than you ever did with any other person…So why not tell the gaki how you feel?

"…After all that the gaki has done and is doing for you, the least you can do for him is tell him the truth about your feelings. That way you won't have to spend the rest of your life with more regrets."

"Naruto-kun," Anko said, causing Naruto to stop in his tracks, especially since he heard the honorific Anko addressed him with. She had never used that honorific with anyone before and he was surprised that she called to him by that honorific. Turning to her, Naruto looked at Anko with a curious face.

"Yes Anko-chan," Naruto asked. Anko was surprised at herself. She couldn't believe that after all the stuff she did and went through with Naruto that she was now nervous before him. She even felt her heart racing and pumping hard in her chest.

What's wrong with me!, Anko yelled to herself, I never felt like this before! Why am I so nervous all the sudden?!

Though it was dark, Naruto saw a faint blush that was on her cheeks. He slowly approached her until he was standing in front of her. It surprised him to remember that Anko was now shorter than him.

"Are you OK," Naruto teased as he looked closer at her, "You look a little red. Are you coming down with a fever?"

Anko blushed some more as she regained her composure, "I'm fine, really. I…There's something I've been meaning to tell you for sometime and I feel that I should tell you now before I regret not doing so…Bear with me as this is the hardest thing for me to do."

"What do you want to tell me," Naruto asked. After a brief moment, Anko took a breath and said, "Naruto-kun…I…I love you. You're the first person I've ever felt this way for in a very long time. I know this crosses the boundaries between the relationship of a sensei and apprentice, and I know some would say that such a relationship is taboo. But I can't help the way I feel for you."

Naruto stayed quiet as Anko continued, "There's more I have to tell you. Back when you were in a coma after your battle with Orochimaru, on one of the days I came to visit you, I poured out my feelings to you knowing fully well that you weren't aware of it. I-"

"I already know about it," Naruto admitted, "I was told about it in detail from ero-jisan."

"You knew this whole time," Anko said with a surprised expression, "How come you never said anything about it?!"

"Because I wanted you come out and say to me while I was awake and aware what was happening," Naruto replied, "I wanted to believe and hear it from out of your own mouth, not from ero-jisan's or anyone else's."

There was a moment of silence between the two ninjas as they stood where they were. After what felt like an eternity of silence…

"I was too afraid to tell you the truth back then," Anko admitted, "Despite the way I act around you and in front of everyone back in Konoha however, telling you my true feelings was surprisingly the hardest thing I ever had to do. The last person I became emotionally attached to betrayed and left me to rot like I was yesterday's trash. That's why I was reluctant to tell you the truth, I was afraid of getting hurt again."

"I understand Anko-chan," Naruto said with a soften expression, "And I'm very happy that you told me this. I was honestly hoping that you wouldn't change your mind and play it off like nothing happened."

"Why," Anko teased with a mischievous smile, "Was it because you always had a thing for sensei?"

Now it was Naruto's turn to blush as he scratched the back of his head, "Lying would be pointless now, wouldn't it? Besides, Kakashi-niisan and ero-jisan were notorious for always teasing me for always liking you despite your infamous reputation."

"So the honorable son of Yondaime and Godaime admits that he always had a thing for Konoha's bad girl," Anko teased playfully as she moved closer to him.

"I never would have thought that Konoha's self-proclaimed bad girl had a thing for younger men," Naruto smirked.

"So what if I do," Anko remarked as she grabbed him by the collar of his trench coat and pulled him down toward her as his lips crushed into hers. Their kiss gradually deepened as their tongues began wrestling intensely for supremacy. Anko for her part wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer to her as Naruto embraced and pulled Anko closer to him.

To the older Jounin, nothing else mattered at that moment. She didn't care what everyone back in Konoha would have thought about her relationship with Naruto. All she cared about was that Naruto was kissing and holding her, something no man had ever done with her before. She felt loved, wanted, and desired while being given the kind of attention that no man has ever shown her in all her life. The smell, touch and taste of him set her soul on fire; she desired and wanted more of him. Because of this, it took every fiber of her being and self control to keep from taking him right then and there. Still, she was loving and enjoying every moment of it.

Moving her hands downward, Anko grabbed and groped Naruto's rear causing the younger Jounin to moan in surprise into her mouth. She giggled mischievously as she slowly pulled her lips away from his as she pulled and hung onto his tongue with her mouth before slowly releasing it as though she was savoring the very taste of him. After completely releasing his tongue, she licked her lips and gave Naruto a satisfied smile, causing the Elite Jounin to blush heavily.

"That's how a real woman kisses," Anko grinned, "I'm sure you've never been kissed like that before by any of those younger girls of yours."

"And I always said 'who doesn't want to be kissed by Yondaime's only son'," Naruto teased back, "Looks like my small fox friend Shippo was right: sensei always had a thing for her younger apprentice; consequences be damned."

Anko snorted and smacked him across the head for reminding her of that small troublemaking humanoid kitsune.

"Be that as it may," Anko remarked while smiling at his frowning expression as he rubbed his head, "But as your sensei, I see that I still have much to teach you."

She pulled him in and kissed him hotly again.

(Meanwhile Back At The Campsite)

Ryota was sitting by the campfire waiting for Anko and Naruto to return.

"Where are those two," Ryota complained, "What's taking them so long?"

Being bored, Ryota, using earth manipulation, formed a small 10-inch tall solid earth statue of Soujiro. Still using her earth manipulation jutsu, she formed several female Jounins statues of the same size, only they had spiked-bats in their hands. Running over to the Soujiro statue, one the females statues spun kicked him to the feet from behind, causing him to fall to the floor on his back before the rest of the female statues hurried over to him. While the Soujiro statue was on the floor, the females, with their spiked-bats, started beating the male figure to death until he was reduced back to the dirt from which he was made.

When that was done, she manipulated the dirt into a one-foot tall Naruto, wearing nothing but his tiger-skin loincloth he made back in the Forest of Death. The Naruto statue was being held up with his arms stretched out to his sides with chains attached to two poles confining his arms. She then formed a slightly shorter statue of herself with a whip in her hand. The only difference was that the Ryota statue was dressed not in Konoha Jounin gear but in jungle Amazon clothing.

"Beg," Ryota grinned as she made a gesture with her hand, causing the Ryota statue to start whipping the Naruto statue. As that was happening, she made another gesture making the Naruto statue appear to be enjoying and begging for more of her treatment. The Ryota statue then went over to the Naruto statue and started feeling on male statue's body while caressing the areas she struck with her whip, looking as though she was taking pleasure in dominating the stronger male who appeared to have fallen completely under her power and control.

"From now on," Ryota said while continuing with the earth manipulation, "You'll be my slave boy and you can refer to me as your mistress."

"I'm very sure you'd have enjoyed that Ryota," a male voice said from behind Ryota, causing the young earth-type Jounin to yelp in surprise as she jumped back from Naruto and Anko who were standing behind her, "Not that you haven't done that to me before, but you certainly didn't succeeded in getting me to beg. I don't however recall the caressing and feeling on my body being part of the treatment from last time."

"H-H-How long were you two there," asked an embarrassed and heavily blushing Ryota.

"Long enough," Anko replied with a warped smile, "I wouldn't have ever thought that someone of your character had something of that nature in mind to do with Yondaime-gaki. But you're from Iwagakure of course and after hearing so much about the rockiness of your former village, it's rather clear that girls like yourself learn to play rough while being the ones on top."

"No it's not like that! You got it all wrong," Ryota denied with the blush never leaving her cheeks.

"No need for denial," Anko replied with the same smile never leaving her face, "With all this in mind, how about you and I compare notes?"

Oh yeah, Anko was going to have a field day with this, and Ryota knew that Anko would possibly never let her hear the end of it. Sighing, Naruto shook his head and was only thankful that Jiraiya wasn't around to see and hear this.

Undoubtedly ero-jisan would write another book based on this mission, Naruto thought.


"AAACHUUU!," Jiraiya sneezed loudly in his apartment in front of his desk with all of his written notes and writing utensils in front of him. He took some napkin and blew his nose.

"Someone must really be thinking about me…whoever the person is, I sure hope she's real cute," Jiraiya smiled to himself before shrugging it off and going back to writing Icha-Icha Paradise: The Passion Of The Teacher, "Now where was I? Oh yeah: Alone at the training ground, Narutobi quietly sat on the grass attentively as he watched his sensei Ankoku perform the kata of her taijutsu. It was an awe-inspiring sight to behold as the grace and fluidity of her body quite took his breath away…"

(Back In The Forest)

I wonder what that old perv is doing now, Naruto wondered before turning back to the two females, "It's getting late. So you both should get some rest while I stay awake and keep on guard."

"Aren't you vigilant," Ryota remarked.

"I have to be," Naruto replied back, "Especially after seeing that little show about me you put earlier."

Ryota wanted to give a retort to the blonde, but she knew that anything she'd say now would most likely be used as ammunition for Anko to tease her some more with. Frowning at the blonde, Ryota turned and went into the tent her and Anko were sharing. When Ryota was out of sight, Anko went over to Naruto and kissed him again briefly.

"Don't let me catching you sleeping while on guard duty," Anko said.

"Who's the one in charge here, sensei," Naruto reminded with a smirk on his face. Anko snorted before smacking him on his shoulder and turning away to head into the tent. Standing there alone, Naruto looked up at the evening night skies to see a star-littered sky with the full moon radiating in all its glory. While looking at the seemingly peaceful skies, Naruto knew that everything was anything but peaceful. Though he was worried about Inari and Tsunami, he couldn't help but feel that something else was happening back in Konoha, and the vibes he was getting from those feelings was anything but encouraging…

(Back In Konoha; Later That Night)

Sasuke was sitting by himself on the roof of one of the buildings looking at the full moon. While there, he thought back to everything that happened from the Uchiha clan massacre to Naruto's two encounters with Itachi all the way up to now.

Naruto had been on par with keeping up with Itachi and even killed a Sannin in one fight, Sasuke thought, He has a power many can only dream of achieving. And my Sharingan isn't fully developed yet.

Sasuke thought back to Itachi's words in what's required to gain the Mangekyō Sharingan: "You must kill you closest friend."

"I will not give you the satisfaction of gaining power by following your methods Itachi," Sasuke thought out loud.

"Then perhaps you'll be interested in gaining power by means of another method," said a feminine voice. Sasuke turned to see four Oto nins a couple of feet away from him standing to his left. The Uchiha stood up and looked at them coldly.

"Kabuto-sama has an offer for you that you may find to your liking," Tayuya said with a haughty smile on face. Sasuke looked at them cautiously, "What kind of offering?"

"Power," Tayuya said going straight to the point, "Real power. And you'll get it if you come back with us to Otogakure."

The Sound Four has made it to Konoha and reached their assigned target. Will they succeed in persuading Sasuke to leave Konoha for Otogakure? Will Naruto, Anko and Ryota make it to Nami No Kuni in time? And how does Soujiro intend to use Inari and Tsunami to bring about Naruto's demise? Stick around to find out next time.