Chapter Forty-Eight: Dream Chasers

A/N: A few corrections were made in the beginning of chapter 15, but nothing drastic that'll affect the flow of the story. Based on the recent Manga, Sasuke's curse seal disappeared after Itachi used Susanoo to purge and be rid of Orochimaru. But for this fic, we'll bypass that and have the curse seals act independently from Orochimaru.

Now with that said, here's the next chapter.

(Back In Konoha)

Hanabi was alone in the training ground practicing her Juuken on a human shaped punching bag. After another ten minutes, she took a breath and walked away from the practice dummy to take a break. As she was walking towards the tree where her things were, a shuriken came flying at her. She barely managed to dodge the attack, as the shuriken grazed across her left arm. She clutched her now open and bleeding cut to see three Kumo (Cloud) Jounins standing behind her.

"Hyuuga Hanabi," said the first Kumo Jounin, "We'd like for you to come with us with little to no resistance."

The young Hyuuga heiress got into her Juuken stance and readied to fight, "The hell I will!"

She cursed her misfortune in not wanting a Cadet Branch member to accompany her to the training ground outside Konoha. The girl was aware of the fact that Kumogakure had sought to gain the Byakugan one way or another.

"Byakugan," Hanabi said as she activated her bloodline limit. The second Kumo Jounin noticed this and said "You wish to fight little girl? Very well then. Let's test your Juuken abilities."

The first Jounin charged at Hanabi intending to take her out. Hanabi managed to bend backwards and avoid the attack before hurriedly thrusting forward and closing off two of his tenketsus. Jumping back, the Jounin looked back at the girl with an impressed look.

"Not bad for a young Hyuuga," he said, "It looks like I better not take you too lightly this time."

Hanabi didn't give a reply as she waited for her attackers to come at her again. This time all three of them charged at her. Although this was more than what she could handle on her own, Hanabi was determined to not falter in her Hyuuga spirit. She gave her all in fighting against the Kumo nins, however age and years of fighting experience proved to be the superior attributes against the young heiress. Unlike her older sister, Hanabi never actually engaged Jounin-level ninjas in death fights, nor did she have Hinata's level of skills or experience.

This proved to be so when Hanabi was punched backwards and sent rolling on to the ground in a heap. Parts of her gunmetal colored pants and shirt were dirty, slashed and covered in some of her blood and Hanabi herself had cuts and bruises around parts of her body. She was in pain all over as she struggled to get back on her feet. Before she could, the lead Jounin, rushed and kicked her to the side and rolled her to her back before holding her down with his foot pressing down on her chest. She screamed from the pain she felt from the weight of the bigger man's foot pressing down on her.

"You put up a good fight young Hyuuga," said the Kumo Jounin, "But we have a job to do. We'll bring you back to Kumo and-"

The Jounin didn't get to finish when a kunai was thrown seemingly out of nowhere and buried deep into his head, right between the eyes. The Jounin fell backwards to the ground dead.

"What the hell," said the third Kumo Jounin before he and the other Jounin looked to see the Second Flash of Konoha standing before them with the wind blowing through his golden locks and trench coat making him look more majestic. Hanabi turned to see Naruto standing in front of her.

"Naruto-sama…," Hanabi said lowly.

"Bastard," the second Kumo Jounin yelled as he prepared a lighting based attack. He yelled and rushed at the blonde, hell-bent on killing the Elite Jounin. Naruto merely grabbed the Jounin's arm and applied pressure to it before breaking it. The Kumo Jounin screamed out in pain before Naruto silenced him with a quick swipe at the man's throat with the use of a chakra scalpel, effectively severing all the muscles, tendons and bones in the man's neck. The Jounin fell dead at Naruto's feet. Naruto deactivated the chakra scalpel and looked at the last Kumo Jounin standing there trying to look as intimidating as he could.

Before the Jounin could do anything, Naruto disappeared in a yellow flash and instantly reappeared behind him and…

"Rasengan!," Naruto yelled out with a glowing spinning ball of chakra in his right hand. The spiraling ball was plunged into the Kumo nin's back before it shred and propelled him forward fast with a fierce and brutal force across the ground and it dug into the earth. The Jounin crashed into a large boulder, severely battered and bleeding all over with his gear and uniform completely ruined and torn. He fell dead to the ground leaving Naruto as the only ninja standing.

The blonde went over to Hanabi with his right hand glowing with mystic green chakra. Kneeling down to her, he healed all of her injuries and stopped her pain.

"Are you alright Hanabi-chan," Naruto asked with his trademark grin on his face. Hanabi blushed at the nickname he gave her. She nodded as she smiled back, "I'm fine. Thank you, Naruto-sama."

Naruto moved closer and lifted her up, carrying her bridal style, causing the young girl to blush redder as he held her closer to him.

"Don't worry Hanabi-chan," Naruto assured with the same smile on his face, "I won't let anything happen to you. I'll always be with you."

Hanabi stared dreamily into his charming blue eyes.

"D…Do you really…mean th-that, N-Naruto-sama," Hanabi now found herself stuttering.

"Of course," Naruto smiled as he slowly leaned his face closer to hers causing the young girl to blush crimson, "After all I will never let anything happen to you, my beautiful (voice change) daughter."

Hanabi blinked on hearing that and when she opened her eyes, she found her father's head on Naruto's body. She screamed and freaked out…

(At The Hyuuga Compound)

Hanabi yelped as her eyes snapped wide open. She sat up speedily on her sleeping futon while clutching her pillow, believing it to be Naruto while she was dreaming earlier. She looked up at her father awkwardly as he looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Daughter," Hiashi said while standing at the door looking down at her. She shook the feeling away, "Yes, father?"

"When you're done having a moment with your pillow," Hiashi remarked with a touch of sarcasm, "Get cleaned up and have your breakfast. Your training session will start soon after you've eaten your breakfast."

"Yes father," Hanabi said. Hiashi turned to leave when he added, "And do leave your pillow behind."

That's when Hanabi realized she was still clutching her pillow close to her. Blushing, she threw it aside from her. Hiashi, with the slightest grin on his face, said nothing more as he slid the door closed, leaving his daughter alone in her room.

"Damn it," Hanabi muttered in disappointment, "I should have known that it was a dream. It was too good to be true."

She pouted about the dream not being true as she got up to get herself ready for the day.

(Later That Day)

Hanabi was practicing her Juuken kata with her father standing a couple of feet behind her while observing with his arms folded over his chest. Over the past couple of days, Hanabi became very much focused on her katas and sometimes she went hours practicing until she collapsed from exhaustion. Thought Hiashi was pleased with his youngest daughter determined dreams to improve herself however, he saw that she was also preoccupied with something else as well. It was evident when he noticed that she made a few mistakes in her katas, ones that she normally wouldn't make.

Moments later, Hinata walked into the training area of the compound to see Hanabi going through her katas.

"Hanabi," Hiashi said cutting into her practice, "I've noticed that you've made some careless mistakes in your practice. This is not acceptable for someone of your abilities."

"I'm sorry father," Hanabi apologized as she bowed her father to her father, "I'll do my utmost to not allow that to happen again."

The Hyuuga clan leader maintained a calm expression before he turned to see his older daughter standing by one of the columns.

"Hinata," Hiashi greeted.

"Father," Hinata bowed in greetings to her father and then turning to her younger sister. Hanabi frowned at Hinata but bowed to her nonetheless.

"Take a break Hanabi," Hiashi said, "We'll resume your training later."

Hiashi turned and walked over to his older daughter. Standing in front of her, the taller man looked at Hinata and said, "I must confess that things have been surprisingly different with you no longer living here. In all, it's nice to see you again."

After saying that, Hiashi continued on his way inside the house. Hinata smiled brightly at the fact that her father had warmed up to her, although she wished he was more affectionate. Nevertheless, she was happy that her father no longer looked down at her as though she's weak and useless.

Putting those thoughts to the side, Hinata turned to look back at Hanabi.

"Nice to see you too nee-chan," Hanabi snorted, "What do I owe the honor?"

Hinata sighed to herself, controlling her annoyance at Hanabi's behavior.

"I wanted to see how you and the rest of the clan are doing," Hinata said, "I was hoping we could talk and do some catching up. I know being clan heiress must be a new challenge for you."

"Rising to the occasion to take on challenges is what we Hyuugas do," Hanabi replied, "And I'm not one to back down from any challenge."

"You don't have to hide it from me Hanabi," Hinata assured, "From what I saw earlier you were clearly distracted and frustrated about something."

"What would you know," Hanabi retorted. Hinata approached her and stood in front of her.

"If you'd let me I'd like to help you," Hinata offered, "I'd like to see you improve and become better. One of my dreams is help change the Hyuugas, our family, both Main and Cadet Branch house alike, and I would very much like to start this by helping you."

"I'm sure," Hanabi replied before changing the subject, "…By the way, how's Naruto-sama doing?"

"He's away on a mission," Hinata answered, "I'm not exactly sure when he'll be back. But I hope he's alright and that he comes back safely. I really want to see him again."

"Yeah, me too," Hanabi said under her breath while slightly looking away.

"Hm," Hinata muttered as she looked at Hanabi questionably.

"Well he is the best and strongest shinobi of Konoha," Hanabi hurriedly replied trying to cover up her previous mistake, "So naturally we all hope he returns in one piece am I right? I'm sure everyone wants to see Naruto-sama again."

Hinata saw through Hanabi's façade. The older Hyuuga was aware of Hanabi's infatuation with Naruto, but she chose not to place her younger sister on the spot about it, believing that she'd grow out of it in time.


Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, Lee, Neji, Temari and Sai were making their way towards the main gate of the village. They were assigned by Tsunade to track down and retrieve Sasuke who was reported by Sakura to have defected and ran away to Otogakure last night after she confronted him before he knocked her out.

"This is so troublesome," Shikamaru complained with his hands in his pockets, "I can't believe I have to lead a team of one Chuunin and five Genins just to bring back some runaway. I could think of better things to do with my time."

"Shut up and quit complaining you lazy ass," Temari spoke up, "At the very least, I'm looking forward to some action time. Besides if I recall, we were told that we have to deal with this group known as the Sound Four. I doubt Tsunade-sama wouldn't have sent all seven of us if this mission wasn't that dangerous."

"It's sad that Sasuke's flames grew cold," Lee said, "We must show him the folly of his unyouthful actions."

"Please," Kiba interjected, "Enough with the youth speeches. I just want to find and kick Sasuke's ass for abandoning Konoha and running away to an enemy village!"

Sai remained silent as he contemplated on everything that's happened thus far. Months earlier, his mentor, Danzo, had been the one to recommend Sai being placed on Team 7 as the "dead last" of Naruto's graduating ninja class. Sai's true purpose was to keep an eye on Sasuke, especially after what happened with regards to the Uchiha massacre years ago. VERY few knew why the Uchihas were slaughtered, but Sai wasn't one of them nor was Naruto. It was classified by the council of Konoha as a SS-class secret during the reign of Sandaime Hokage.

"I don't know how Sasuke could believe that he'll find what he's looking for in Otogakure that he couldn't find here in Konoha," Neji added in.

"He dreams of finding a way to topple and defeat Naruto-kun," Sai stated, causing everyone to stop and turn to face him.

"Are you serious," Chouji questioned while holding his bag of potato chips. Seeing how he caught everyone's attention, Sai continued, "I've kept my eye on Sasuke since I've been assigned to Team 7. Even during his days at the academy, I'm sure that all of you with the exception of Temari-san here have seen how Sasuke has been obsessed with Naruto-kun. He wants nothing more than to prove his strength and abilities against him.

"He believes that this village, his team and the rest of us here has done nothing to help him become stronger and that all of us are hindrances to his advancements. He can't stand the fact that even with his Sharingan he's not on Naruto-kun's level nor can he copy any of Naruto-kun's jutsus. He believes that through leaving Konoha and looking for an alternative to become stronger that he'll find a way to surpass Naruto-kun and ultimately have what it takes to bring about the death of the one responsible for the massacre of his clan."

Everyone there stayed quieted as they digested the information given to them by Sai. When they stood there thinking about it, it made a lot of sense. The female Chuunin among them wasn't too happy about this revelation.

"That's what this is all about," Temari replied indignantly, "His ridiculous dreams and ambition to become better than my fiancé so he can get revenge against his older brother?!"

"The Uchihas were always a most proud and arrogant clan," Sai added, "Years ago, there were high tensions between the Uchiha and Senju clan, and the Namikaze clan wasn't up for having the Uchihas using their Sharingan to copy their seals, which was why Yondaime later secured them and created jutsus and seals that couldn't be copied. From what Naruto-kun and I knew of them before their genocide by Itachi's hands, the Uchihas couldn't stand the idea of another clan being stronger than them."

"That asshole," Temari cursed, "When I get my hands on Sasuke, I'll shove my fan so far up his ass he'll think he can spit wind jutsus as his means of becoming stronger."

Kiba and Chouji started cracking up at he thought of what Temari graphically described.

"This conversation is becoming more troublesome with each minute wasted here," Shikamaru cut it, "Let's get this mission started so I can return and go back to my cloud watching."

"Put a sock in it," Temari retorted as she and the others resumed their mission.

"First Naruto, then Ino and now Temari," Shikamaru complained under his breath, "Troublesome blondes and they're all engaged together to make matters worse."

"I heard that," Temari said venomously with narrowed eyes at the shadow manipulator. Shikamaru placed his hands halfway up in surrender fashion hoping Temari wouldn't vent her feminine rage on him. Turning forward, the group continued on their way.

(At The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade was busy in her office doing the bane of all kages: paperwork. The last paperwork involving Sasuke's defections gave her more of a migraine than she wanted; not that she actually wanted a migraine from the start. If Sasuke was successfully brought back, she had a world of punishment in store for him.

She snapped out of her train of thoughts when a knock came from the front door of her office.

"Come in," Tsuade said before the door opened, revealing Sakura entering her office.

"Sakura, why are you here," Tsunade asked while writing in one of the documents, "And make your explanation brief, I have a lot of work to do."

Deciding not to waste the Hokage's time, Sakura took a breath and said, "I want to become your apprentice."

Tsunade stopped writing and looked up at the girl questionably.

"Excuse me?"

"I want to be taken up as your apprentice," Sakura said, "I want to become a medic-nin and be skilled in healing and medic jutsus."

The blonde Hokage wondered about the pink-haired kunoichi's motives, "And what makes you believe you're worth my time Sakura?"

Though her words sounded rather harsh however, Tsunade wasn't in the mood to have her time wasted and she wanted an excellent explanation.

"It was your son Naruto who made me acknowledge that I could become much more than what I am now," Sakura explained, "After the events involving the Suna-Oto invasion, I realized just how useless I truly am. Everyone else was able to contribute their skills to help out where they were needed but there wasn't a thing I could have done to help. I'm tired of being a liability to everyone. I'm tired of always having to be the one who has to be rescued and watched over by my sensei and teammates. I'm tired of being useless when I'm needed most by my team, friends, the village and everyone else who'd need my help.

"I want to change and become stronger for everyone, not just for myself. I'll work hard, study, train and practice for hours if I must. I'll do anything you ask of me. If Naruto was able to do it and use what he learned to help others then I know I can too. Please Tsunade-sama, give me a chance to prove that I can become a suitable apprentice."

Tsunade thought for a moment and contemplated on whether or not to take up Sakura as an apprentice.

Well her heart is in the right place I'll admit that much, Tsunade thought before she spoke, "Alright. I'll give you a shot in taking you up as my apprentice. But here are the ground rules you'll obey, so listen carefully."

Sakura stayed quiet as Tsunade continued, "My son and future successor has over a decade of experience and training as a medic-nin under my and Shizune's training, along with the fact that he outranks you. Therefore you'll refer to Naruto as "senpai." Understand?"

Sakura nodded.

"Also," Tsunade stated, "If I assign either Shizune or Naruto to supervise your training on days I can't make it, you'll follow their directions and instructions to the letter and complete the tasks they give you. I do not want to hear reports of you back talking or showing acts of insubordination to either of them. Am I clear?"

Sakura nodded to her again.

"And I will not tolerate complaints about the difficulty of the training I'll give you. Let it be made very clear to you that I won't go soft or easy on you whatsoever. I'll run and grind you into the ground and back if that's what it'll take to get you to the level you dream to reach. You'll have to prove to me that you're worth training, (eyes narrowed) because I have no interest in training fangirls who seek impress some boy they want to date, even if that young man is Naruto! Girls with such spirits give kunoichis a bad name!"

Sakura gulped and sweated nervously; she didn't miss the emphasized disgust Tsunade had about fangirl kunoichis.

If I screw this up, Sakura realized, Tsunade-sama will definitely drop and dismiss me as her apprentice, and probably never take me up as an apprentice again.

"My son devoted a great deal of his time, energy and soul in becoming the medic shinobi he trained to become under my and Shizune's training," Tsunade explained, "And I'll expect no less from you."

"I understand completely Tsunade-sama," Sakura bowed, "And I'll do everything in my power to live up to all of your expectations of me."

"I'm happy to hear that," Tsunade replied, "Report back here early tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock sharp. I'll give you a run down of what your training will entail. Until then, you're dismissed."

"Thank you Tsunade-sama," Sakura bowed again before she turned and exited the office, leaving Tsunade alone with her thoughts. The blond Slug Princess leaned back in her chair as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed, "…Taking her on as my new apprentice will add to the amount of paperwork I'll have to write up."

Seeking to temporarily escape her dread of the additional paperwork that was to come as a result of taking Sakura on as her new apprentice, Tsunade opened her drawer and pulled out her bottle of sake and cup. Pouring herself a drink, she started sipping her sake. She repeated this until the bottle was half empty causing her to eventually pass out over her desk. Her temporary escape from reality however wasn't without cost. Rest the poor soul who'd brave waking Tsunade up in the partially drunken stupor she was in, since her temper would certainly make her sober when she sees that the amount of paperwork she has to complete and catch up with that day was soon to be twice as much.

(Meanwhile Back In Nami No Kuni)

Naruto wasted no time in making his way with Tazuna's house with Anko and Ryota following close by. While on the way, he was counting on running into an ambush of some sort, but nothing happened thus far. He, Ryota and Anko made sure to stay out of sight so as to not draw attention to themselves. Currently, Naruto was focused on getting to his destination without having the populace being alerted to his presence.

While staying out of sight however, he took note on the drastic changes the country underwent since his last visit. He and the others saw many merchants from various other types locations doing business with the people and everyone looked to be doing great. The food stores had plenty of fruits, vegetables, fresh fish stock and other kinds of foods being sold. The land didn't look poor anymore and no one was begging or trying to steal whatever small pocket change they could get their hands on. There were others who were working together doing either doing construction or renovation work in repairing and restoring the buildings or their houses.

This place really came a long way from the way I last saw it, Naruto thought as he continued on his way in the shadows with Anko and Ryota close by. A while later they arrived at their intended destination. He knocked on the door and waited for a response from inside the house. When the door opened, he was met by the man who employed him a few months ago.

"Naruto-kun!," Tazuna yelled happily as he embraced the teen shinobi into his arms.

"Happy to see you too," Naruto replied, partly surprised that he didn't smell the scent of whisky in the older man's breath. After the man let him go, he looked at Naruto to take a better look at him.

"So it's really true," Tazuna said, "You've aged and grown overnight."

Naruto snorted indignantly at the thought being aged. Ryota and Anko snickered at seeing Naruto's reaction.

"That's a long story which can be explained later," Naruto said. Tazuna nodded as he looked over Naruto's shoulders to see the other two females who accompanied Naruto.

"And whom might they be Naruto-kun," Tazuna inquired.

"This is Mitarashi Anko-chan," Naruto said gesturing to the older woman before turned to the earth-type kunoichi, "And the younger one is Ryota."

"It's a pleasure," Ryota replied.

"Please come in there's a lot I must discuss with you," Tazuna stepped away from the door allowing the three ninjas to enter into his home. Upon entering, Naruto saw how much Tazuna's home have changed since his last visit. There were new furniture, new rugs, new dishes and everything else to make the home look more welcoming.

Tazuna and the three ninjas sat down in the living room before taking out a cup and bottle of whisky.

"I'll cut to the chase Tazuna-san," Naruto asked, "We know that Soujiro kidnapped your daughter and grandson."

The older man sighed as he placed his cup down, "So you know about it?"

"It was Soujiro himself who sent me a message inviting me to battle him in exchange for your family's safety. When did Soujiro get to kidnap your daughter and grandson?"

"Several days ago," Tazuna started, "He came to my home with Inari tied up before taking my daughter hostage as well. He threatened that if I alerted anyone about what happened he'd killed both Inari and Tsunami in front of me. The bastard!"

"Don't worry," Naruto assured, "We'll get your daughter and grandson to back. I give you my word as a ninja and I never go back on my word."

"I don't doubt that Naruto-kun, I have complete faith in your abilities," Tazuna said, "I just want my family back safely. I especially didn't like the way that pervert was looking at my daughter before he kidnapped her. I hate to image what he'll do to her."

Nauto may not be a father, but he's seen from his experience with Tsunade how protective a parent could be for their children. They'd do and give anything for their children's safety and well being.

"That bastard won't bring further harm to your daughter and grandson," Ryota assured, "Not if we can help it."

"How far is this mountain the ancient temples of this country are," Anko asked.

"So you know about those old relics," Tazuna replied, "About a few hours walk from here though the mountains aren't all that big. Why do you ask?"

"That's where Soujiro told me to meet him tomorrow," Naruto said, "I'll fight him and get your family back, though Iwagakure will have a lot answer for when I'm through him."

"I don't know how to repay you for doing this for us Naruto-kun," Tazuna said, "I-"

"Think nothing of it," Naruto interjected, "Nobody hired us to rescue Tsunami-san and Inari. Besides, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I were to ignore the danger your family is in just because there was no money to be made. You guys are worth a lot more to me than what money can buy."

"Speaking of money," Tazuna said, "The village managed to raise the money we owe to you, Kakashi and his team for the A-rank mission you guys did for us. I'll hand it over to you before you and your two friends begin your return back to your village."

Naruto simply nodded.

(Later That Night)

Naruto was standing outside the house by himself. He paced around the beach with the waves continuously splashing onto the shores. While standing and looking out into the open sea, Naruto opened a pouch in his Jounin vest and pulled out the two medic vials in his pouch, the same ones he was working on the other day. No one knew what he was working on and he wanted to keep it that way for as long as had to.

"Naruto-kun," a feminine voice called out to him from behind. Naruto placed the two vials back into his pouch and closed it before turning to see Ryota making her way over to him.

"What are you doing out here," Ryota asked.

"Taking the opportunity to enjoy the fresh ocean sea," Naruto admitted, "It's not something we get to see in Konoha. It's a beautiful sight really."

She went over and stood beside him at his left. Naruto remained silent as he listened to the sound of waves crashing onto the sea shores.

"How do you plan on beating Soujiro tomorrow," Ryota asked.

"Don't know really," Naruto answered, "Since I never fought him before, fighting him will bring in itself a whole new experience. It won't be like fighting you that's one thing."

"Why is that," Ryota inquired.

"Because ironically on someone like Soujiro, perverted tactics won't work," Naruto smirked. Ryota snorted at him before looking back at the sea. A few minutes later…



"There's something I seek to know from you," Ryota said.

"And what is that," Naruto asked.

"Do you like me," Ryota asked, going straight to the point as she turned to face him.

"Say what?"

"Do you like me," Ryota asked again, "Deeply? Yes or no?"

Naruto was surprised at Ryota's directness. He was used to females seeking his attention and wanting his affections. Now here it was that a former Iwa Jounin was putting him on the spot seeking to find closure about where he stands in terms of how he sees her.

"Ryota," Naruto asked as he now turned to face her, "Why do you feel the way you do?"

Gathering her thoughts together, Ryota replied, "I won't lie to you Naruto-kun. Our past was anything but joyous. We started out as bitter enemies from villages that hate each other with the utmost passion and I sought to hunt and bring you back to Iwa after being assigned to do so. You had two occasions in which you could have ended my life but you spared me on both occasions and even went as far as to heal all of my injuries even though I was your enemy. After my second defeat to you, I had nowhere else to go or anyone to confide in. I was completely alone and I couldn't return to Iwagakure without going back unwelcome and in disgrace.

"So I became a missing-nin and stayed in Konoha living off the remaining money I had left after stealing a Konoha Jounin uniform. I knew it wouldn't be long until I was discovered and dealt with, but I felt I had nothing left to lose. Back in the Forest of Death, I cried almost all night believing and fearing that I was fated to die a lonely death with no one to mourn my loss. I believed it was my fate to die alone with no family, friends, or someone who loved me to mourn my loss. But your battle with Neji during the final part of the Chuunin Exams changed my way of thinking. After hearing everything you said to Neji, I saw that I too could change my future and not allow something like fate to predetermine my life.

"I couldn't think of a more appropriate time to change my future other than when your village fell under attack by Suna and Oto. If anything, I couldn't risk anything happening to you, which was why I sought you out after you went after Orochimaru. If you were to die that day, I knew I was going to die also because of the choker seal around my neck. But…I didn't want to die knowing I was alone and had no one in the end."

Naruto looked at her curiously as she continued, "I wanted to defy fate and give myself new dreams. I wanted to die knowing that in the end I wasn't alone. Even if we were enemies in the beginning, I wanted everyone who was there during your battle with Orochimaru to see me die knowing that I fought alongside you not as your enemy, but as your comrade and partner. I wanted to believe that at least one person from your village who saw me die alongside you would mourn my loss and see that we didn't die as enemies but as partners and friends."

The blonde looked at the girl in amazement. He never in his life thought that he made such an impact on her life, but she made it clear to him that he did. Naruto had heard many times from others that he had an uncanny ability to change people for the good but he never truly believed that he had such an ability to do so. He always believed that the said people had to already have the desire to want to change themselves for the good.

"In spite of our bitter past Naruto-kun," Ryota continued, "You've treated and done things for me that my former village never done for me. Because of you I now have a new home, a close friend in Haku, comrades among the Genins and a few of the Chuunins and Jounins, and though it's not much yet, but I'm sure the villagers will come to accept me in time. You even risked your own life to save and protect mine.

"What I trying to say Naruto-kun is that…I've developed affections for you despite that fact that there are other females in your life already. You're unlike any other guy I've ever met and I'll never find another guy like you. Naruto-kun…I love you. I honestly love you and I can't help feeling the way I do for you. One of my dreams is to stay and be with you. So tell me please, do you see me the same way you see Hinata, Ino, Temari and Anko?

"Yes Naruto-kun I know about you and Anko. The other night I caught you two kissing each other after I went inside our sleeping tent. I saw the way you two were looking at and flirting with each other."

"…," Naruto said nothing as she continued, "I want to know if I could experience what they have with you. I want to know if you could look at me in any way you see the other females in your life."

Naruto looked Ryota in her eyes. He always knew she had feelings for him but he never expected her to approach him in the manner she was doing so. It amazed Naruto that each of the girls she mentioned admitted their feelings for him in their own way.

"To be honest," Naruto calmly admitted, "I can't and don't look at you the same way as I do the other girls you spoke of."

"…Oh…," Ryota said lowly as her head slowly dropped, fighting the urge to run off and cry her broken heart out as the tears burst forth from her eyes. It was something she had to hear even if she hated it.

"Is…Is that…how you truly feel…?"

"Yes," Naruto replied, "I don't see you the same way as I see the other girls…"

On hearing that, Ryota was about to turn and dismiss herself from Naruto's sight when…

"Because I see you uniquely in a completely different light than from how I see the others," Naruto said. She turned her head sharply with tear-streaked eyes on hearing that, "What do you mean?"

"I don't see any of the four females you mentioned in the same light," Naruto explained, "Each of them are different and unique, and I see each of them in their own lights, including you. And…"

"And what," Ryota asked, eager to know what else Naruto was going to say.

"Well," Naruto said while scratching the back his head with a light blush on his face, "You were right about something you said to me sometime ago."

She looked at him curiously, "And that was?"

Naruto blushed a little more, "In a few ways…you remained me of kaa-chan."

"I KNEW IT!," Ryota replied with a wide grin as her mood completely did a 180, "I always knew that was one of the reasons why you always wanted me around! You really are a momma's boy!"

"And what does that say about you," Naruto countered, making the earth-type kunoichi think about what he was implying with regards to herself, "That's right; in spite of how tough as you always portray yourself as, you're the kind of kunoichi who goes after momma's boys."

Ryota frowned with a heavy blush on her face after being made to see how her own words were used against her. Clenching her fists, she took a swing at Naruto, only for him to evade the assault. She chased after him throwing as many punches and kicks at him as she could.

"Well this certainly brings back old memories," Naruto remarked before he blocked another punch from Ryota.

"I'll give you something to remember," Ryota grinned as she swung her foot to Naruto's head. However the blonde knelt down causing her leg to swing over his head before he delivered a spin-kick to her left leg. The impact caused her to fall flat on her back. Before she could retaliate, Naruto pinned her to the ground with his face looking at hers.

"Down on the ground and at my mercy once again," Naruto grinned, "Now how familiar is this?"

"Not familiar enough," Ryota remarked as she manipulated some of the sand and used it to push Naruto off her. When that was accomplished, she rushed at him tackled him to the ground. Before he could get up, she pushed him back onto the ground on his back and brought her face to his before crushing her lips onto his. Naruto's eyes widened by this as he felt Ryota force his mouth open before sliding her tongue into his mouth and tangling it around his. She wrapped her arms wrap around his shoulders as she dropped on full weight on top of his body as she felt him embrace and kiss her in return.

A few minutes later, she pulled her lips away from his with a smile on her face.

"Never thought I'd share my first kiss with the son of the man despised by my former village," Ryota said, "It's rather invigorating."

"As being on top of me," Naruto added.

"I can live with that," Ryota grinned, "So long I'm the one on top."

"You'll have to get on line for that ride girlfriend," another feminine voice said. Both Naruto and Ryota turned to see Anko grinning mischievously at them as she stood two feet from them. Ryota hurriedly got off Naruto who rose back off the ground and dusted the sand off him.

"Getting frisky out here on the beach at this hour are we," Anko teased, "And to think that I wasn't invited."

"Nothing of that nature happened," Naruto replied.

"Not from where I was watching," Anko added, "You really have a way with women Yondaime-gaki."

The older woman went over and stood by Naruto.

"So you and Ryota came to terms with each other," Anko acknowledged, "I wonder how everyone back in Konoha will react when they learn that a former Iwa kunoichi is now one of five of Naruto's favorite females."

"If they don't like it then that's their problem," Naruto remarked, "Besides, each of you love you me for me and I love you all for who you are individually."

"Being with five females won't be an easy feat Naruto-kun," Ryota said, "As much as most males would love to be in your shoes, in truth being betrothed to five females won't be easy."

"Technically," Naruto corrected, "I'm officially betrothed to three females in Konoha. You and Anko-chan are yet to be made official. But I'm surprised that you already declared both yourself and Anko-chan as my betrotheds."

"We might as well be Yondaime-gaki," Anko grinned as she moved closer and wrapped her arm around his waist while standing beside him, "We're just two of the five closest females you got, though Shizune and Tsunade-sama are your mother and sister."

Ryota went over and stood beside Naruto, also wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Living under one roof will be a challenge," Ryota remarked, "But I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in this world anymore."

For the rest of the time they were there, the trio just enjoyed each other's company well watching the crashing waves on the seawater. It wasn't until after another fifteen minutes when they decided to return back to the house were Tazuna was waiting for them.

Turning in, Naruto stationed several kage bushins to keep on guard around the house should they fall under a surprise attack. Anko and Ryota shared a room together while Naruto stayed in Inari's remodeled room. Naruto waited until Anko and Ryota fell asleep when he entered their room. Going over to Ryota, Naruto stood over her sleeping form and after coming to a decision, he pricked both his left and right index fingers, causing small droplets of blood to run down his two fingers. He then raced through a complex series of hand signs before clasping his hands together in a seal form. Blue chakra then appeared around Naruto's glowing hands and infused into the droplets of blood from his fingers, causing the chakra to turn whitish purple. The chakra then made its way over to Ryota's neck, wrapping around it.

"Fūin Jutsu: Kubiwa Fuujin: Kai (Sealing Technique: Choker Seal: Release)," Naruto said lowly as the chakra temporarily glowed brighter around her neck, infusing into the seal. The seal glowed and dissolved into the chakra. After the seal completely dissolved, the chakra returning back to Naruto's glowing hands. The chakra soon died out and Naruto's cuts on his fingers closed up. Seeing that his task was done, Naruto dismissed himself from the room and returned back to Inari's room. Ryota was finally freed from her choker seal.

While in the boy's bedroom, Naruto looked around and found the repaired picture of Inari, Tsunami, Tazuna and the man once known as Kaiza. Looking at another picture frame, Naruto found that it was a picture of him being hugged by Inari one the day he was to depart from Nami No Kuni and back to Konoha. On the bottom of the frame was the inscription, "My Greatest Inspiration And Role Model."

I'll get you and your mother back Inari, Naruto swore to himself, And that's a promise.

Going over to the bed, Naruto lied down on it and rested on his back before sleep finally embraced him. He knew that tomorrow was going to be a long day.

(Meanwhile Back In The Temple Up In The Mountains)

Inari and his mother, still tied up with diamond-made ropes, were sleeping on the ground up against the wall when Soujiro came and gave them a rude awakening by smacking them hard a couple of times before they woke up.

"What the hell do you want now," Tsunami hissed.

"I have good news for you two," Soujiro replied, "Naruto is here in Nami No Kuni and is currently at your father's house. He'll be making his way here tomorrow."

Inari was instantly wide awake on hearing that, "Now you'll be sorry! I told you he'd come for us!"

"And that's bad news for him," Soujiro remarked sinisterly. Inari looked at him defiantly, "And what's that suppose to mean?"

"Like I said before, you two will be the ones to help me fulfill my dreams in bringing about Naruto's undoing."

Soujiro turned to his left and signaled to the figure in the shadows to come forward. The figure stepped into the light and chamber revealing herself. She was an Iwa kunoichi dressed in standard Iwa Jounin uniform and gear.

"Tsuchiko-chan," Soujiro said, "If you may, please get to work in putting your medic expertise to good use."

Nodding, Tsuchiko went over to the two captives and took out an injection needle. She sprayed a few of the liquid contents out of it to make sure that there was no air in the needle.

"Don't worry," Tsuchiko smiled, "I'll make this experience as painless as possible."

A lot of events are happening. While Sakura seeks training from Tsunade, the others are in pursuit of her runaway teammate Sasuke. Tsuchiko is about to operate on Inari and Tsunami, but what could she be possibly planning on doing to them with Soujiro's insistence? Will Naruto, Anko and Ryota make to Inari and his mother before something terrible happens? Stick around to find out next time.