Chapter Forty-Nine: Battle Lines

(The Next Morning; In Iwagakure)

The Iwa nins were going about their daily lives. The future Genins were heading to the academy, and ninjas were various ranks were performing their assigned duties. Speaking of ninjas, it was noted that some ninjas haven't been seen for the passed couple of days. Some took it that it was because of the missions they were assigned to that had several days if not a few weeks duration.

At the Tsuchikage Tower, an unscheduled meeting was about to take place in the office of the Tsuchikage. The leader of Iwagakure, sitting behind his desk with heaps of paperwork, was just catching up with his work when he decided to check up on his tomboyish medic-nin niece whom he haven't heard from in the passed couple of days.

"Kaori," the Tsuchikage called out to his secretary. The young pretty-looking woman with long blonde hair in her mid-twenties appeared through the door and bowed before her leader.

"Yes Tsuchikage-sama," she asked. The Tsuchikage responded, "Summon my niece Tsuchiko into my office."

Kaori gave him a perplexed look, "Tsuchikage-sama, don't you remember?"

"Remember what," he gave her a questioning look.

"You sent Tsuchiko on a high-priority S-rank mission with Soujiro."

"When was this," the Tsuchikage replied with his anger slowly rising regardless of his calm demeanor. Kaori gulped in fear when she realized the situation, "…This was a week ago."

"I don't recall assigning my niece to such a mission with Soujiro."

The secretary went to one of the file cabinets and retrieved what looked like a classified mission folder. She went over and handed it to him before he opened the folder and reviewed its contents. The atmosphere dropped rapidly as she felt a massive bloodlust radiating from her leader.

"WHAT?!," yelled the Tsuchikage in outrage. The secretary standing in front of him cringed in fear for her life.

"Soujiro left several days ago with a written document authorizing-"

"I understand," the Tsuchikage cut her off, "But I gave no authorization for such a mission and him taking my niece along with him only makes matters worse! This is treason!"

The secretary stood there hoping her leader wasn't planning on taking his rage out on her since she was the one who was shown the documents with the Tsuchikage's signature and seal on it.

"By now Konoha already knows of Soujiro's intentions," the Tsuchikage growled, "His actions will trigger another Great Shinobi War, and we'll have not only Konoha to deal with but also Suna backing them up! As much as I'd love to crush Konoha however, we don't have the manpower to deal with them, and Ryota's siding with them only serves as another disadvantage."

"What will you have me do Tsuchikage-sama," the secretary asked. After thinking it over momentarily, he explained, "Here are my orders, and I want no mistakes!"

(Meanwhile Many Miles Away)

Shikamaru, Temari and the rest of the team were still in pursuit of Sasuke and the Sound Four. Kiba was up front, Shikimaru was behind him, Temari behind him, Chouji behind Temari and Neji behind Chouji using the Byakugan to make sure they weren't being followed.

It didn't take long for them to start to catch up. They came across two Jounins, one of them the examiner for the main matches. The two were injured, but not in mortal danger. The team had no choice but to continue anyway, leaving the two behind.

"We're gaining on them," Kiba said and Shikamaru nodded. They stopped in a tree and Shikamaru turned to Neji.

"Can you use your Byakugan to scout ahead," he asked and Neji nodded.

"Byakugan," Neji said and veins around his now white eyes pulsed and pumped, "There are four of them. I don't see Sasuke, however there's a big barrel that I can't see into. It's protected by some advanced seals, but I assume Sasuke is in there. They seem to be resting, probably from a fight with enemies that they came across."

Shikamaru nodded, "Alright, let's go!"

They moved out again, although much more cautiously, in case of traps.

(Back In Nami No Kuni)

Naruto and his two female Jounin comrades left Tazuna's house and started on their way up to the mountains. So far the trek to their destination was in silence and neither said a word to each other. Naruto was deep in though as he wondered exactly what he was suppose to expect from the fight he was going to face against Soujiro.

"Stop," Ryota called out. Naruto and Anko stopped walking and turned to the earth-type kunoichi.

"What it is," Anko asked.

"We're not alone," Ryota warned as she scanned the area, "This land was recently disturbed."

"Looks like your skills haven't waned since your desertion from our village, traitor," said a feminine voice before a team of ninjas burst from out of the ground; all of them having the crest of Iwa on their forehead protectors.

"Tsuchiko," Ryota snarled, "What an unpleasant surprise."

"The feeling's mutual…bitch," Tsuchiko remarked. Ryota was tempted to charge at the kunoichi but her experience in fighting Naruto kept her from doing something that reckless.

"I take it you guys are the welcoming crew," Naruto spoke up, "I have to hand it to you for risking all or nothing in coming out to face us."

"Naruto," Anko interjected, "Don't waste your time fighting here. Go on ahead of us."

The blonde turned to the older woman who looked back at him with a serious look.

"Ryota and I will deal with these bastards," Anko added, "Go and rescue your friends. You'll be of no use to them if you go there tired and with depleted chakra."

Naruto nodded, "Just be careful."

He jumped to one of the trees and took off. One of the Iwa Jounins was about to pursue him when…

"Leave him," Tsuchiko ordered.


"Soujiro's orders," Tsuchiko reminded, "He'll deal with Naruto in his own way."

"Besides," an other Iwa Jounin interjected, "We get to settle an old score with the one who betrayed us and sided with the village of our greatest enemy."

Tsuchiko stood several feet away from Ryota. Both kunoichis faced each other with hardened expressions, neither showing that they were going to back down. Anko stood there while wondering who was going to initiate the attack first.

"I knew about Chizuru, your older sister," Tsuchiko said with a hint of sorrow in her voice, "From what I heard about her, she was one of Iwa's most loyal and promising ninjas. If she was alive today, she would have been ashamed of what you've become Ryota."

"…," Ryota said nothing in response.

"Why," Tsuchiko asked, "Why did you betray us, your own people and break your allegiance to Iwagakure?!"

"Unlike my sister," Ryota retorted, "I at no time pledged any form of allegiance to you, the Tsuchikage or Iwagakure as a whole. I had nothing and no one in Iwa to swear allegiance to. Therefore, I betrayed no one."

Tsuchiko was seething, being enraged by Ryota's words, "You betrayed the honor and legacy of your own sister! You betrayed everything she lived and died for!"

"Don't even start to judge me Tsuchiko," Ryota replied while keeping her own emotions in check, "You speak of me betraying the honor and legacy of my older sister. But from what my life has shown me, no one in Iwa lifted a finger to help me after the death of my sister. I wasn't looked at as the little sister of Chizuru; No! I was looked at as the apprentice of the traitor Deidara!"

"And you did nothing proved them wrong," Tsuchiko remarked, "Instead, you've proven them right in becoming just like your sensei, a traitor thru-and-thru; the very man responsible for killing your older sister in front of you!"

Ryota snarled on being reminded of that.

"And to make matters worse," Tsuchiko continued, "You sided with the son of the Yellow Flash, the man responsible for killing your father and our brethren during the Third Great Shinobi War! You disgust me Ryota! I'll never forgive you!"

"I don't remember asking for your or Iwa's forgiveness during this conversation," Ryota stated, "Last year when I was nearly raped by that asshole Soujiro, everyone took his side and left me to fend for myself! Since my sister's death and Deidara's betrayal, I had to rely on myself to get stronger and become a capable ninja. No one was willing to teach or guide me, or take me into their homes. I had no family, friends or comrades.

"For a time I used to believe that my sister would have hated and been ashamed of me for deserting Iwa and siding with Konoha. But now that I think about it, if anyone betrayed anyone, it was you, the Tsuchikage and Iwagakure as a whole that betrayed both me and my older sister in letting what happened to me take place during my days in that village! My sister didn't die out of loyalty to Iwa; she sacrificed herself because of her love for me. I was precious to Chizuru and she was willing give her life to protect me from Deidara so that I could have a future.

"Since then, no one in Iwa honored Chizuru's sacrifice. No one took sympathy for what happened to me. Instead, all of you turned your backs on me and left me to rot like a common criminal. I'd have surely died if it wasn't for my self-determination and ambition to make something of myself. My sister would have wept to her grave if she was alive to see what Iwa has done to me! Though Chizuru is dead, her legacy has and will always live on through me, not through Iwa."

Tsuchiko growled at Ryota with contempt. Anko was surprised to hear the things that were coming out of Ryota's mouth.

She suffered the same way I did, Anko thought as she looked at the younger Jounin, She was betrayed by her own sensei like how I was and she was hated by her own people for the crimes her sensei have done; just like how I was hated. But I had the Sandaime, Kurenai-chan, a few of the other Jounins, and Naruto-kun there for me. Ryota had no one. She was truly alone.

"My ties are and will always be with Naruto-kun," Ryota stated solidly, "He's done more for me than anyone else! I love him and I'll be damned if you think Iwa will have their way with him!"

Anko then sensed a strong bloodlust that radiated off of Tsuchiko.

"So you're in love with the son of the Yellow Flash," Tsuchiko declared, "From this day forward, you'll never be considered as part of Iwa nor will you ever be welcomed back. You will answer for your crimes."

Ryota raced through a series of hand seals before her rock sword formed in her right hand. She grabbed and swung it a few times to get the feel of it, "Enough talk! It's time to fight!"

"Let's go," one of the Iwa Jounins yelled as they charged at the two Konoha kunoichis. Anko smiled sadistically, racing through ideas on how brutal she was going to make them meet their deaths. Tsuchiko ran directly to Ryota and pulled of her own sword. Meeting up with her, the medic Jounin engaged Ryota in a fierce sword to sword combat. The two female combatants slashed and parried each other through the midst of the seemingly one-sided fight.

Meanwhile Anko was dealing with her share of enemies as she dodged and evaded one attack from another.

"I'm going to enjoy putting you Iwa nins deep into the ground where you belong," Anko remarked with a twisted smile on her face before taking one of her kunais and thrusting it into the head of one the Iwa Jounins. She hurried ran and retrieved the kunai from his head.

"I'd lick your blood," Anko said, "But your taste is too foul for my liking."

"Bitch," screamed one of the Jounin, "You'll pay for that!"

Anko ran through a set of hand seals before vipers appeared from out of the sleeves of her trench coat.

"Come make me," Anko challenged as she thrust her arms forwards with the vipers charging toward the Iwa Jounins.


Naruto was jumping speedily from tree to tree. Part of him wanted to go back and help Anko and Ryota, but he knew that they understood the risk and willingly chose to hold off the main force while he went after Soujiro himself. He heard a loud explosion from behind him a moment later.

"Looks like the party started back there," Naruto said to no one in particular as he continued on his way to his destination. After another while, Naruto arrived at what looked like an ancient temple built inside a mountain.

"This must be the place," he said as he started walking toward the entrance. He cautiously made his way to the entrance when he saw a diamond of some sort hanging from above the entrance. Naruto was wary of the diamond as he continued on his way into the temple.

(Inside The Temple)

"Looks like Naruto made it on time," Soujiro said while holding his diamond kunai in his hand, "Now we'll see what he's truly capable of."

He turned to two figures in the shadows, "You know what to do."

They nodded and took off from his sight. Soujiro grinned maniacally, with a sure smile believing that victory would be his.

Naruto was still walking through the darkened ancient ruins of the temple, which was lit up by torches undoubtedly made by Soujiro. While walking through the labyrinth-like temple, the blonde was surprised and amazed by the temple's size and architecture. He noticed a number of seal writings inscribed on the walls and columns, leaving him to wonder what the temple was made for long ago.

My father would have had a field day trying to decipher these seals, Naruto thought to himself. He unconsciously placed his hand over his stomach and sighed, I wonder why I still can't summon him. My chakra coils have been restored for the most part and yet I still can't connect to my father.

Though Naruto never really talked about it, he missed his conversations with his father, although there were times Naruto got into disputes with Minato with Kyuubi sometimes playing the role of the instigator. Since the battle with Orochimaru, Naruto had been unsuccessful in reconnecting a link with his imprisoned father and since then, he's been doing everything pretty much on his own without his father guiding him every step of the way.

From being an Elite Jounin, a Jounin-sensei, a clan leader, and a member of the village council, Naruto had to perform all of those tasks without Yondaime being there to help and advise him. Ironically, the more Naruto thought about it, the more Naruto felt proud of his accomplishments. He started looking at his father's absence to be more like training in developing his maturity and making him stronger.

Naruto was so engrossed with his train of thoughts that he momentarily failed to notice two figures following him in the shadows. His awareness was rekindled when a glint of light caught his eyes. He dodged a kunai aimed for his chest as he saw it embed itself into one of the columns.

Looks like Anko-chan's habit of throwing kunais at me while on my free time came in handy, Naruto thought as he readied himself for another attack. He saw two figures appear in front of him, one taller than the other.

"The guest of honor has arrived," Soujiro said as he entered the scene, standing on top of one of the pillars to Naruto's left. Naruto turned and looked up to see the Iwa Jounin.

"You must be Soujiro," Naruto said, "You're saved me the trouble of finding you."

"I'm happy you see it that way," Soujiro remarked, "Though it won't truly be in your favor."

The two figures stepped out of the shadows and into the light. Naruto eyes widened when he saw the two figures in front of him.

"That's…it can't be…," Naruto stuttered as he looked upon the young male and older female in front of him in Iwa ninja uniform and gear.

"What's wrong Naruto," Soujiro asked with mock concern, "I show you the people you came to see and you react like this?"

Standing before Naruto were Inari and Tsunami, in ninja clothes and gear. They were looking at Naruto with emotionless expressions.

"How do you like my work," Soujiro said, "I've turned them into my personal instruments for your death. Of course neither of them was trained to be ninjas of either of our levels. But I've managed to compensate for that with the bodies I've integrated them into. The boy talked so much about what it means to be a ninja, so I granted his wish."

Naruto closed his eyes tightly as his canines grew in length. Three jagged whisker marks appeared on both sides of his face. He reopened his eyes, revealing red eyes with cat-like slits in them. Naruto abhorred many things, but among the top ones he truly despised, was innocent people be used as instruments and someone's weapon, especially those who were family and friends to him.

"You've made a several fatal mistakes during these passed days," Naruto made clear, "And using those precious to me as your weapons is an unforgivable mistake."

Inari and Tsunami charged at Naruto.

This is bringing back painful memories, Naruto thought, recalling his battle with Shodai, Nidaime, Nawaki and Dan. His train of thoughts was derailed when a fist came his way from Inari. Naruto side-stepped Inari and karate-chopped him to the back on the neck, the young boy fell to the ground seconds before his mother appeared and performed a roundhouse kick to Naruto's head. The blonde however leaned backwards, allowing her leg to harmless swing over him. Inari got him and joined his mother in attacking Naruto.

The blonde jumped away and punched the ground hard, causing a small tremor to occur. Inari and Tsunami lost their balance momentarily before Naruto dashed at them and hit pressure points on their bodies. The pressure points hit wasn't to kill them, rather, it was to immobilize them. His efforts though proved unsuccessful as Inari and Tsunami got back up off the ground, looking as though nothing happened.

"What," Naruto said in surprise, "They shouldn't be standing after hitting the pressure points I struck them at!"

"I told you," Soujiro said, "I integrated them into special bodies. You won't be taking them out that easily."

Soujiro performed some hand seals and…

Kongōsekiton: Kongōsekigan No Jutsu," Soujiro said before his eyes sparkled and changed as they crystallized.

"What jutsu is this," Naruto thought as he watched Soujiro eyes morph into a diamond-like substance.

"I will not go down so easily Namikaze," Soujiro said, "You will die by my hands and with the aid of your own precious people."

"Damn," Naruto swore after seeing his situation. He only hoped that he wouldn't have to resort to using either Fuchi Fuujin or Shiki Fuujin to stop them. Naruto knew that there would be no return if he used either of those two S-rank kinjutsu ougis. And he couldn't use Sōzō Saigen either since it would kill him also in sealing away his life force.

Putting those thoughts aside, Naruto wondered what Soujiro's new eyes were capable of doing.

(All The While With Shikamaru And His Team)

Things didn't go the way they would have liked it to have gone. First, they had been stopped by the fat Oto nin of the Sound Four, Jirobo. He first had trapped them in a dome of dirt, where he sucked out their chakra. Chouji managed to break out using his family jutsu. Chouji told the others to go on ahead while he took on Jirobo himself. Though personally taking offense to being called fat by Tayuya, Jirobo called Chouji fat near-constantly during their battle. This, among others reasons, goaded Chouji into using his trump card in swallowing a large portion of soldier pills, giving him superior strength and allowing him to kill Jirobo with ease with a massive punch to his chest. Chouji though collapsed from an excessive loss of body fat and chakra after using his trump card.

Secondly, Neji took on the spider-type ninja of the Sound Four, Kidomaru. He referred to Neji as a "trash character" whom he believed would be the first to die. During their battle, Kidomaru slowly picked up on a blindspot in Neji's defenses, and proceeded to focus his attacks on that point. Despite successfully striking this blindspot, Neji was able to recover from the attack and he killed Kidomaru. Though Neji won his battle against the Kidomaru however, he suffered from severe wounds and injuries.

Kiba and Akamaru fell into a ravine where they had to deal with the grey haired Oto nin, this one being Sakon and his older brother Ukon whom he fused with. Just as the two merged brothers were about to finish off Kiba and Akamaru after a fierce battle, Kankuro appeared and gave Kiba and Akamaru a helping hand after rescuing them. The Suna nin dealt the deathblow to Sakon and Ukon after trapping them in one of his puppets and using pieces of his other puppets to stab them to death with.

Shikamaru, Temari, Lee and Sai caught up to the red-haired foul-mouthed girl who now was carrying the barrel, this one was Tayuya. But some other Oto nin came and took the barrel. Shikamaru and Temari had stayed behind to fight the Tayuya while Lee and Sai had gone ahead.

The only weapon Tayuya was equipped with was a flute, thus she would avoid close combat at all costs. With her flute Tayuya controlled three demonic beasts that she summoned to her side during battle. Though primarily intended to perform the physical attacks she avoids, the beasts was also able to make ethereal, snake-like creatures that consume an enemy's chakra. Once weakened in this way, Tayuya could trap them in illusions she would create with her flute. She attempted to use her many long-range techniques against Shikamaru and Temari, though his superior intelligence forced Tayuya to rely on brute strength to gain victory. Though she almost succeeded, Temari created a windstorm using her weasel summoning jutsu that crushed and killed Tayuya under a pile of debris. Shikamaru came out with a broken finger, but other than that, he was OK.

Lee and Sai had caught up with the new Oto nin, Kimimaro it was, just as the barrel burst and Sasuke came out. Before either Lee or Sai could say or do anything, Sasuke had speedily started running off. Kimimaro had stepped into Lee's way, demanding information on Naruto's location. Sai took this momentarily distraction as his opportunity to pursue the runaway Genin. Lee, after his refusal to stoop to being unyouthful in revealing any information about Naruto, engaged Kimimaro in fierce taijutsu combat. Kimimaro used his hard bones as his weapons after the taijutsu Genin. Later Gaara made the appearance and provided Lee with some assistance. Just as he was about to kill both Gaara and Lee, Kimimaro died by the hand of his illness after it completely took away the last breaths of his life.

Sai, after catching up with Sasuke, was now staring at the runaway Uchiha, who stood on the head of the giant statue of Madara at the Valley of the End.

"So…you came to stop me," Sasuke taunted as he gave a defiant smirk to Sai. The pale-skinned teen ninja gave the Uchiha no reply.

"You're wasting your time coming this far after me," Sasuke added before activating his Sharingan, "I'm warning you, turn back now."

Sai sensed that Sasuke's chakra didn't feel the same, it felt like a cross between Sasuke's and something else, something evil. Also, the way Sasuke held himself spoke of one thing: confidence. Sasuke had always been arrogant, but now he looked like he felt like he was the strongest there was. Sai knew that even Sasuke at his most conceited, knew that he wasn't the strongest. However this Sasuke was different.

"So you're betraying Konoha for Oto," Sai stated as a matter of fact.

"I grew up," Sasuke remarked, "That pathetic village only held me back while everyone else was too busy kissing Naruto's ass. I will never be strong in that place and it won't give me the strength I need to beat my brother. Only in Otogakure will I get what I need."

Sasuke vanished from Sai's sight. Sai's eyes widened as Sasuke reappeared behind him. Sasuke moved forward to punch Sai in the back. However Sai ducked forward and spun his body with his right leg out, delivering it hard and swiftly into Sasuke's face. Sasuke was sent flying to the side, but he flipped in the air and landed down on his feet. Sasuke rubbed his face after feeling the pain that came from Sai's counterattack.

"You are both weak and stupid Sasuke," Sai stated, "I don't think you realize that like Naruto-kun, Itachi also became powerful in Konoha."

Sai reached for his backpack and pulled out his scroll and ink brush. Speedily opening his scroll, Sai prepared to paint.

"The other week," Sai said, "I recall Naruto-kun giving us a speech about those who didn't have it in them to deal with comrades that turn traitor and how such actions allowed those traitors to do more damage than good. He also added how he himself had to fix the mistake those two ninjas made at his own personal expense."

"…," Sasuke's eyes narrowed.

"I believe he was implying that we wouldn't want him as our enemy," Sai added, "Because he has zero tolerance for traitors, and that we must do what we have to stop those who betray us and our village."

"Was that supposed to frighten me," Sasuke asked coldly.

"I don't deal in frights," Sai said, "It isn't my style you gutless little homo."

Sasuke snarled on hearing that statement directed at him.

"Before we had set out to find you," Sai continued, "Sakura-san asked and begged me to bring you back. She wanted me to promise that I do whatever I can to return you."

"…," Sasuke said nothing to that.

"Though I didn't make such a promise to Sakura-san however," Sai said, "I told her that I would do what I can to return you to Konoha."

Sai raced his paintbrush across his scroll, drawing up several large reptilian beasts. Forming a hand sign, Sai brought his artwork to life and aimed them at Sasuke.

"But I never said I'd bring you back in one piece," Sai remarked coldly as his beasts charged at Sasuke, "Or alive for that matter."

Sasuke growled venomously as Sai's creations came his way.

(Back In Nami No Kuni; Inside The Temple)

The battle was fierce. Inari and Tsumani proved to be more of a nuisance to Naruto than a challenge. Soujiro jumped into the fight whenever he saw an opening. The Iwa Jounin found Naruto to be more of a challenge than he gave him credit for. Sure, he heard many things about the blond Elite Jounin, but that was all the more why he sort to bring about Naruto's undoing. With his Kesshougan and the specially designed crystals he placed around the temple, Soujiro was able to follow and anticipate many of Naruto's movements and counter them.

Those eyes of his are really getting on my damn nerves, Naruto thought, It's similar to the Uchiha's Sharingan, except he can't copy any of my jutsus.

Grinning, Soujiro started gathering energy into his glowing eyes.

"He's up to something," Naruto said to himself. A moment later, Soujiro, after focusing the light energy in his eyes, fired a powerful laser beam from his eyes and into Naruto's direction.

"Shit!," Naruto cursed before he ran from the beam as it came and destroyed whatever it touched with explosions following thereafter. The blonde ran all around the area dodging the beam and falling debris that blew into his way. Grabbing one of the large slabs that fell to the ground, Naruto threw it into Soujiro's direction. Seeing the slab coming his way, Soujiro used his optic beam to destroy the large slab, with some of the debris falling to the side and behind him. That was when Naruto shunshin'd behind Soujiro and brought his fist into the back of his head, sending the Iwa Jounin flying across the surface of the ground. Naruto had placed a seal marker on the slab earlier before throwing it at Soujiro, which was why he was able to teleport to him.

Bastard, Soujiro cursed mentally after pulling himself together and getting up off the ground. Soujiro charged at the Elite Jounin with his diamond kunais in hand. Naruto however jumped forward, while grabbing Soujiro's arm. Using his forward momentum, Naruto swung Soujiro and slammed him into a large column, beating him like a rag doll. He lifted Soujiro into the air and slammed him into the column again. He was about to do it again, but Soujiro twisted around and punched Naruto's wrist. Naruto felt his wrist snap, forcing him to let go and jump back. Naruto hurriedly used his chakra to heal his wrist. Soujiro just stood there with the arrogant smirk on his face.

"How does it feel knowing your attacks aren't hurting me as much as you'd like them to," Soujiro laughed, "I have my eyes to thank for that. It's not an actual bloodline, but I got this ability through extensive experiments and research with diamonds and crystals. I have you on the ropes Naruto."

Soujiro laughed again.

That's my chance, Naruto thought once he finished healing his wrist. Soujiro took a ready stance, still with the arrogant smirk and activated his Kesshougan again. Naruto ran towards Soujiro, much faster than Soujiro thought he could and punched towards the Diamond Fang. Soujiro dodged, but since his attention had been on the charging Naruto, he couldn't evade the kick from Naruto's kage bunshin that had been hiding in his shadow. The kick struck Soujiro in the head and sent him flying down from the balcony and down into the running waters below. Naruto jumped after and landed agilely on the water, watching as Soujiro rose to the surface and climbed onto the surface of the water.

Soujiro was surprised while not letting it show in his expression.

Damn! He managed to hit me, even with my eyes! Impossible, Soujiro thought and formed seals. Just then Inari and Tsunami jumped off the platform above the two Jounins and charged downward toward them. The two of them took Naruto on in combat with diamond kunais in their hands. Soujiro jumped in to triple team Naruto. The blonde, using his experience in fighting ninja of greater skills than his, counterattacked, knocking Inari and Tsunami away from him, punching them both into the solid walls and out of the water. As much as it pained him however, Naruto couldn't allow sentimentality to cloud his judgment.

Naruto turned and threw seven shurikens towards Soujiro. Soujiro dodged the shurikens, which was thrown so that they forced him to run in a half circle, losing his sight of Naruto. When Soujiro had evaded the shurikens, he looked around for Naruto, but didn't see him. Soujiro scanned the area, but still no Naruto. In a final ditch attempt to see the elusive blonde, Soujiro pumped as much chakra into his eyes as he could. Suddenly he couldn't see straight at all, before his vision became clearer than ever.

What…Oh, I see. There he is, Soujiro thought, seeing Naruto wearing a transparency jutsu, which Jiraiya taught him a few months ago. Soujiro charged and Naruto tried to hit him, but Soujiro saw every motion before it was done and dodged before countering with a blow to the stomach. He was surprised when Naruto puffed out in a cloud of smoke.

How the…, Soujiro's thoughts was rather brutally discontinued with a foot slamming into his chin, knocking him upwards in the air. Several Naruto clones followed up and shunshin'd to Soujiro, kicking him higher and higher. Soujiro opened his eyes and saw a Naruto on his way towards him, leg extended for a kick.

"Namikaze Naruto Rendan," Naruto called and slammed his foot into Soujiro's face. The Iwa Jounin was sent spiraling down towards the flowing water channel below, but twisted in the air and landed on the surface of the water. Soujiro dashed off towards the Naruto kage bushins landing on the water, hitting them and inwardly cursing each time one puffed into smoke. When he hit the last one, Soujiro was shocked to see that it too puffed into smoke.

Where the hell is that bastard, Soujiro thought frantically. Naruto was nowhere in sight. Soujiro, using his crystallized eyes, turned around in circles to keep from being caught in the back. What he didn't however anticipate was to be grabbed by the ankles before another Naruto clone burst from the waters and delivered a solid upper cut to his jaw, sending him flying from the waters and into the rocky walls of the ancient temple.

Naruto appeared behind Soujiro, and slammed his fist into his back. Soujiro was forced into the air again with the pain that came from Naruto slamming his fist into his back. He was sent flying over the waters as Naruto followed. Soujiro heard faint puffing sounds and soon found himself being assaulted over and over again by Naruto clones who went past him. Punch after punch landed on Soujiro's body. He could see them, but when he blocked punches, the clones would kick him, or some new clones would come out of nowhere.

Soujiro, after receiving a brutal thrashing, landed on his face on the surface of the water.

This is impossible. I can't be beaten by the son of the Yellow Flash. Alright, let's see what my power can really do against him, Soujiro thought.

"You're really good Yellow Flash," Soujiro said implying mockery to the title "Yellow Flash", "But now I think it's time I fight for real. Now that I've gauged you, I won't hold back against you."

Naruto, standing on the water a some distances away from him, gave the Jounin no reply. Soujiro ran through a series of seal patterns that Naruto wasn't familiar with. The blonde stayed alert while wondering what the Iwa Jounin was up to. He felt a strong increase in Soujiro's chakra.

He's up to something, Naruto acknowledged.

"You will see why I'm called Iwagakure's Diamond Fang," Soujiro declared as he started glowing in a shiny bluish white glow with diamond-like crystals spreading all around his body. His crystallized eyes became more bluish white. Soujiro grew in size and mass with a sinister smile on his face.

Naruto looked uneasy at this development. When Soujiro stood up on the water again, a large razor-sharp crystal blade grew from out of Soujiro's right arm and another from his left. Soujiro stood well over eight to nine feet in height towering over Naruto with his hulk-like size.

The hell, Naruto thought with widened eyes, He's like a giant walking statue of diamonds!

Indeed; Soujiro hardened and crystallized his entire body. A moment later, Inari and Tsunami jumped back onto the water and stood side by side with Soujiro.

"With this form of mine, I'll crush you," Soujiro said with a deepened voice, "Many whom I came against in battle after using this form never lived to tell of this transformation to anyone. You'll be one of them, son of the Yellow Flash of Konoha."

Naruto cracked all the bones in his hands and neck before he slid into his ready-to-fight stance. His reddened cat-slit-like eyes looked at Soujiro with unwavering defiance.

I have no choice, Naruto realized seeing that it was time for decisive action, I have to resort to using that kinjutsu. Forgive me, Kaa-chan…

The battles rage on among the ninjas in several locations. Naruto's problem has just gotten bigger as his fight with Soujiro was taken to higher levels with Inari and Tsunam backing Soujiro up. Will Naruto succeed in beating Soujiro and what kinjutsu is Naruto resorting to use? Will Sai succeed in retrieving Sasuke or will he bring him back as a corpse? Stick around to find out next time.

Kongōsekiton: Kongōsekigan: Crystal Release: Crystal Eyes