(Back In Konoha)
Ino was tending to the flowers and plants in the back of her parents' flower shop. Things have been rather quiet since Naruto and the others' departures. News of Sasuke's defection had spread all around Konoha and many were gossiping about it. Sakura didn't take Sasuke's desertion rather well. Speaking of Sakura, Ino was thinking about going over to see how her friend was doing. It was no secret that the pink-haired Genin had the hugest crush on Sasuke, something Ino wished her friend would get over for her own sake.
A moment later the door to the shop swung open revealing Sakura entering the shop, carrying a backpack filled with textbooks. Mrs. Yamanaka looked up from the counter to see Sakura.
"Sakura," Mrs. Yamanaka greeted, "What brings you here?"
"I was wondering if Ino was here," Sakura said.
"She's in the back," Mrs. Yamanaka gestured pointing to the door leading to where Ino was. Sakura walked through the shop to the door leading to the area where many of the Yamanaka plants and flowers were. The pink-haired Genin entered the backyard to find Ino watering some of the larger plants.
"Ino," Sakura called out. Ino turned to see her friend approaching her.
"Sakura, I was thinking about seeing you today after my work here was done."
"Looks like I beat you to the punch," Sakura said, "Are you busy?"
"Just with the family business," Ino remarked, "Was there something you wanted to do today?"
Sakura took off and set her backpack down on the ground.
"I was coming from the library actually," Sakura replied, "Tsunade-sama was no joke in saying that she was going to work me hard if I'm to become a medic-nin. But I must admit that it'll take calling Naruto "senpai" some getting used to."
"It'll grow on you," Ino said, "You'll just have to get used to being his kōhai (junior). Besides it took me living with him some getting used to and I knew my fiancé for years."
"I know I should be happy for you Ino," Sakura admitted, "But I must admit that a part of me envies you."
"What for?"
"The kind of relationship you have with Naruto was one I always wanted with Sasuke-kun. I tried everything I could think of to make myself more appealing to him and yet all he did was give me the cold shoulder."
"Why did you even waste your time with that spoiled bastard anyway?"
"Hey! I know Sasuke-kun had some issues in his life especially after what his brother Itachi had done, but Sasuke-kun does have his good moments."
"Like," Ino inquired skeptically. Sakura thought for a moment before giving her long-time friend her reply. As she was about to give her friend a reply, she remembered Naruto's words to her about Sasuke sometime ago:
"Sasuke says he wants to rebuild his clan, but so far he's shown no actual steps in proving to anyone in this village that rebuilding his clan is his priority. And so far, all I see is Sasuke rebuilding his clan on bloodshed and hate; such a clan will not last with a corrupt foundation…
"If Sasuke truly wants to become strong like you want to be Sakura and as you want him to be, then he needs to learn to let go of his hate and desires for power and vengeance, and find something or someone he regard as precious to him and seek to protect that which he cherishes with everything he is. Only then will he have discovered a strength that no amount of jutsus or hate could surpass."
With a sigh of defeat, Sakura confessed, "To tell you the truth, Naruto haven't found much positive things about him at all. And sad to say I can't but find truth in his words as much as I hate to admit it."
"Has Sasuke's recent actions proven Naruto-kun's words wrong in any way?"
"Sasuke-kun said that this village has done nothing to help him become stronger. Yet, from what Naruto said, Sasuke-kun's reasons for wanting to become stronger isn't what Naruto approves of. He rejected Sasuke-kun's request for training and ignored everyone who tried to convince him to change his mind."
"Why do invest so much time on someone who refuses to see you how much you're worth," Ino asked. The blond kunoichi knew that Sakura always had issues with self-esteem, especially since girls used to poke fun at her because of her big forehead. Ino was the one who stood up for her and the two became friends ever since. Since Sakura's helpless infatuation on Sasuke over the years, things got rather frustrating for Ino to deal with.
"I know Sasuke-kun wasn't always the way he is now," Sakura said, "I thought I could change and help him in accomplishing his goals."
"But what about your goals," Ino interjected, "What had Sasuke ever done to help you accomplish them?"
Sakura couldn't provide an answer to that question that could refute Ino's words to her.
"He never trained with me no matter the amount of times I've asked him," Sakura admitted, "I know how Naruto trains with you and Hinata, and how he spars with Tenten and Lee occasionally. Often times I found myself wishing that Sasuke-kun was more like Naruto. There were occasions that I wished Sasuke-kun and Naruto swopped personalities."
"So you wish Sasuke had all of Naruto-kun's characteristics and abilities while Naruto-kun was stuck with all of Sasuke's bad habits and traits," Ino interpreted with a frown on her face with her arms crossed over her breasts, "And what of me and Hina-chan? Do you think we'd have liked having to deal with Naruto-kun back then if he was anything like Sasuke and treated us the way Sasuke treated you?"
Sakura saw the incensed look on Ino's face and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry. I knew it was selfish of me back then, but I so wanted to believe that I could get Sasuke-kun change and be more like Naruto, especially after Naruto admitted that he'd have considered helping and training Sasuke-kun if Sasuke-kun was willing to change."
Ino sighed to herself before taking a breath as she gathered her thoughts together, "…Sakura, I know how much you like Sasuke and I'm sorry that things didn't turn out the way you would have like it to have. But as your friend I feel I should be honest in telling you for your own good to put Sasuke behind you. He isn't worth your time and he's done nothing productive with you.
"This romance you so desperately seek to have with him is a lost cause and for what it's worth, it'll only give you more heartache and disappointment. Sakura, Sasuke isn't right for you and his desertion of Konoha only makes matters worse for him.
"Sasuke could forget about receiving any training from Naruto-kun after he's brought back in chains for his betrayal."
As much as Sakura hated hearing what Ino was saying, she knew that Ino meant well for her. True, Ino and Sakura had their arguments before, but they never allowed it to ruin their friendship. Sakura was about to say something when the door leading to back inside the shop opened up, revealing Hinata and Tenten coming through the door.
"Hey girlfriends," Tenten called out with her tomboyish demeanor as she and Hinata approached Sakura and Ino, "What's up?"
"Not much," Sakura said, "I was actually on my way out. Tsunade-sama will want me hitting the books before she gets on my case. I'll see you three later."
Sakura, after grabbing her backpack, hurriedly left the backyard and exited the shop, leaving Hinata and Tenten alone with Ino.
"What was that all about," Tenten asked quizzically. Ino sighed, "…Sakura and I just got into one of those talks about Sasuke."
"That traitorous jerk," Tenten remarked sourly, "I don't know why Sakura is so fixated on that deserter. What could she possibly see in him anyway?"
"Feelings don't just die overnight I'm sorry to say," Ino said, "Especially when you're in denial about the actions of the person of interest."
Tenten shook her head at the thought. Seeking to change the subject, Ino asked, "How do you suppose the guys are doing?"
"My guess is as good as yours," Tenten answered with a shrug, "I just hope nothing bad happens to them."
"I'm sure they'll be alright," Hinata spoke in trying to sound as optimistic as possible, "Whatever trouble that they'll come across I'm certain that as a team they'll overcome them."
"I hope you're right," Tenten said, "By the way, how do you both think Naruto is doing?"
"Knowing Naruto-kun," Ino said optimistically, "Wherever he is, I'm sure he has everything under control."
Hinata, confident in her best friend's words, nodded and agreed with her.
(Back In Nami No Kuni; Deep Inside The Temple)
Naruto looked up at the towering figure before him. A giant living statue of diamonds Soujiro became, with Tsunami and Inari with him and under his control. So far during parts of the fight, Naruto allowed his anger and hate to get the better of his judgment, leading him into the situation he now found himself in.
Shiki Fuujin, Fuchi Fuujin and Sōzō Saigen are definitely out of the question, Naruto contemplated while seeking to calm his anger and rationalize his options, The situation isn't dire enough for the use of those jutsus. However resorting to Shiroi Gōkakyū No Jutsu will…
(Flashback; Thirty-Eight Days Ago)
Naruto, two days after his recuperation and leaving the hospital, was in a meeting room at the Hokage Tower having a private discussion with his mother and Sarutobi about the jutsus he created. All but the Sōzō Saigen were recorded in the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing. Naruto sat on a sofa in front of Tsunade and Sarutobi while she was going over the detailed documents based on her son's original jutsus. The two Hokages were sitting together on a separate sofa facing Naruto.
"Naruto," Tsunade spoke starting the meeting, "With the exception of your Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands' Double Rasengan), all of your original jutsus are high risk S-class kinjutsus, one of them a kinjutsu ougi."
"And what of it," Naruto asked as a matter of fact.
"They're jutsus no one can use useless they want a quick death," Sarutobi interjected, "From the looks of them, they all look like self-sacrificial jutsus."
"They're all powerful attack jutsus."
"You haven't made any jutsus that ninjas of lower classes can use," Sarutobi pointed out.
"Not my problem," Naruto countered with his arms crossed over his chest, "When my father created the Hiraishin and Rasengan, he didn't make them for everyone's use either."
"Be that as it may," Sarutobi said, "But the Rasengan and Hiraishin aren't life threatening to the user as the jutsus you've created. Plus the Hiraishin as you're well aware of is an S-class attack ninjutsu not a kinjutsu."
"It doesn't change the fact that my father didn't create them for everyone to use," Naruto replied.
"That isn't the point," Tsunade sighed as her rubbed temples in frustration.
"Look," Naruto spoke up, "Those jutsus I created were all my specialty jutsus. They won't work for anyone unless they have the prerequisites for them."
"Naruto," Tsunade interjected, "Let me make something very clear about your jutsus: the Shiroi Gōkakyū No Jutsu you created caused severe cellular damage to your respiratory system and oral cavity. Healing the burns and injuries was very difficult, even for me at my level. There's no guarantee that you'll survive another use of that kinjutsu."
"And even if you managed to do so," Sarutobi cut in, "Your body will have sustained too much damage for you to continue your career as a ninja. You'd be forced to retire early and never be a ninja again for the rest of your life. And on top of that, you'd be forced to renounce your goals in becoming Hokage, because the village wouldn't survive with a crippled as a Hokage."
Naruto bit back the bile that built up in his throat on hearing those words.
"And that Fuchi Fuujin," Tsunade continued, "Was another problem for me to solve with the extensive damage it done to your chakra coils. There's no promise that I'll be able to restore you again if you resort to using those jutsus a second time. The damages that it will inflict on your body could very well be irreversible the next time you use any of those jutsus. And based on the information about your incomplete Rasen Kamikaze, that kinjutsu is too unstable to be used, and it causes you heavy muscle and organ damages as well."
Naruto wanted to argue against her points, but chose to hold his tongue before he ended up saying something he'd later regret.
"Naruto," Tsunade went on, "I'm telling you this not only as your mother and Hokage, but also as your personal physician. Those jutsus of yours are too dangerous to use, even with Kyuubi's chakra. The cycle of losing and reproducing of your cells simultaneously after the use of each of those kinjutsus will only shorten your life."
"…," Naruto gave no reply as he listened.
"You're forbidden from ever using those kinjutsus again."
"I heard that already from jiisan at the hospital two days ago," Naruto replied while controlling his frustration.
"Well she's emphasizing the point," Sandaime remarked. Tsunade added sharply, "You're being expressly prohibited by both Sarutobi-sensei and I. Those jutsus are off limits. Are we clear?"
Naruto sighed in defeat, "…Yeah…crystal."
There was a brief moment of silence between them. Tsunade decided to break the silence, "Listen Naruto, you're my only heir and future successor and though it hasn't been made public as of yet, you are the future Rokudaime chosen by Sarutobi-sensei and myself. But you have to learn when not to take deadly gambles with your life, especially when the safety of the village would depend on your actions and decisions. Continuing such a practice would be gambling the safety of the village as well. Hokages don't make decisions based on a gamble."
Naruto found the situation rather ironic. Senju Tsunade, the Slug Princess and Legendary Sucker, was schooling him on the dangers of gambling, when she herself was addicted to the sport. He would have called her a hypocrite to very face were it not for the seriousness of the meeting they were having. Naruto said nothing as he allowed her mother's words to sink into his mind.
"I'll think deeply on your words kaa-chan."
Standing up from the sofa, Naruto turned and made his way to the door. When he reached the door however, Naruto stopped where he was. With his back still facing the two Hokages, Naruto requested, "Kaa-chan, jiisan, with regard to my Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan, I have one request about it."
"And what might that be," Tsunade inqured. Naruto turned his head to look over his left shoulder, "Remove it from the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing."
Sandaime and Tsunade were caught off guard by what Naruto was asking.
"Remove it," Tsunade asked, looking at her son incredulously, "Why should we?"
"I believe I made my point very clear earlier about the jutsus I created," Naruto explained, "When I created those jutsus I made them with special prerequisites in mind.
"First off, the Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan requires that the user have a summoning contract of some form with snakes, and since Orochimaru is dead, only Anko-chan as his former apprentice possess the contract, and she's not about to let anyone else sign that contract anytime soon.
"Second, it requires the user to have complete knowledge in creating the Rasengan. Training in the use of the Rasengan is a three-step procedure of spiral rotations and chakra manipulation. Learning to master that jutsu is no easy task since the Rasengan has no hand seals to follow along with. It took ero-jisan months to learn and master that jutsu and he's a Sannin like you kaa-chan. Imagine how long it would take anyone else.
"Third, information about how to create the Rasengan was never recorded in the Forbidden Scroll due to my father's personal reasons. Therefore, if someone were to get their hands on the Sen'eijashu No Baizō Rasengan, without the essential requirements and skills that long-range ninjutsu is useless."
Sandaime and Tsunade found logic and a lot of truth in Naruto's words. He made complete sense with no way to refute him.
"It's evident that when you create that jutsu you placed a great deal of thought into it," Sandaime acknowledged taking a puff of his pipe, "Very well then, we'll honor that request in removing it from the scroll."
"Thank you," Naruto nodded to him before turning back around and leaving the room, dismissing himself from their sight. After the door was closed shut, Tsunade dropped her serious mode and allowed herself just a moment to express her emotions.
"…What am I going to do with that boy…," Tsunade sighed.
"He acts more like a grown man than a boy Tsunade," Sandaime remarked. Tsunade snorted, "…He's still an immature boy in my eyes in some respects though…"
"You just want to protect and keep him close to you," Sandaime interpreted while pulling out his pipe from his mouth, reading Tsunade's body language, "As any caring mother would for their children, shinobi or not."
"I wouldn't be able to bear losing my son again Sarutobi-sensei," Tsunade said with her eyes close, "That pain was too great. He already died before me…I don't want to go through that experience again."
Sandaime, letting his fatherly spirit overtake him, placed a comforting hand over her right hand, which she accepted as she grabbed and held on to his hand. Outside the room, Naruto was standing behind the door listening to Tsunade and Sarutobi's words exchanged between them. After hearing what he heard, Naruto left the Hokage Tower and went about his own business with a lot to think about…
(End of Flashback)
After clearing the anger that clouded his judgment, Naruto realized,…Resorting to any of my kinjutsus is definitely out of the question. I'll have to come up with a more rational method in cracking through that diamond body of his without gambling or risking too much danger to my own well being.
While deep in thought, Naruto started thinking back to his earlier fight with Inari and Tsunami. During the fight with them, Naruto sensed that something was rather off about them.
Soujiro said that he integrated them into some sort of bodies, Naruto thought as he theorized the probability, Would that most likely mean that…
Naruto didn't get to finish his train of thoughts when Soujiro came at him.
"Here I come," Soujiro yelled at his rushed at Naruto. Snapping out of his thoughts, Naruto barely evaded a large fist them came his way. He was caught off his guard when a large leg slammed hard into his chest, effectively knocking the breath out of him. Taking the momentary stun into his advantage, Soujiro grabbed Naruto and threw him hard into the wall, forming a crater into the wall with his body. Naruto fell to the ground flat on his chest.
Pulling himself together, Naruto felt the brute pain that followed before he coughed up some blood from his mouth and onto the floor. A moment later, Naruto saw a shadow overcast him. He looked up and hurriedly rolled out of the way as Soujiro speedily came crashing to the ground, seeking to crushing into the ground. The Iwa Jounin formed a crater in the ground from the impact.
Naruto red cat-slit eyes narrowed at his situation.
"Get off your damn ass kit!"
Naruto recognized that voice anywhere.
Kyuubi, Naruto sneered mentality, It's been a long time; can't say that I missed you.
Naruto held onto his sides, realizing that he now had four broken ribs.
"Getting your ass handed to you I see," Kyuubi snickered, "And by some Iwa nin. That's pathetic."
Naruto slowly rose off the ground while feeling the excruciating pain that came with it.
Now I know how ero-jisan felt when kaa-chan broke his ribs after she beat the hell out of him for peeking on her once, Naruto thought before felling Kyuubi chakra pouring into his ribs, healing them in the process.
"Let's rock," Soujiro exclaimed as he charged at Naruto.
"Oh hell," Naruto grimaced before he jumped from where Soujiro plunged his large diamond arm blade. Inari and Tsunami followed after Naruto, not seeking to give him time to recuperate. Naruto was forced to battle his friends despite the fact that he was dealing with his temporarily painful handicap. Naruto saw Soujiro jump away from him and leap high into the air. He rushed through a set of hand seals and thrusts his hands towards Naruto's direction.
"Kongōsekiton: Kongōseki Ryūseiu No Jutsu (Diamond Release: Diamond Meteor Shower Technique)," Soujiro said as the fired hundreds of energy diamond-shaped shards at Naruto. The blonde grabbed and lifted a column over him, using it as cover as the energy shards pelted down on him, doing considerable damage to the column in his place. The heavy pelting continued until the column was reduced to pieces and rubble.
"Beautiful," Naruto remarked in sarcasm before focusing chakra into his legs. Leaping into the air, Naruto propelled himself over to Soujiro. Reaching him, Naruto formed a Rasengan and plunged it into Iwa Jounins chest. The Jounin was rocketed away from Naruto before crashing into wall, forming a large crater into it before fall straight to surface. While falling, Soujiro shot his left hand out and unleashed a diamond-made tentacle from out of his and over to Naruto, catching him by his right ankle.
"What," Naruto said as the tentacle tightened around him. He was unable to break free as Soujiro pulled back and swung his tentacle to the ground. Naruto came plunging into the ground with Soujiro landing on his feet a couple of feet behind him. The tentacle was still fastened around his ankle. Lifting Naruto off the ground, Soujiro started swinging and smacking Naruto across ground, walls and columns, breaking a few of the columns on contact.
"Goddamn it," Naruto cursed before seeing another tentacle being formed, this one into a stabbing weapon.
"Die," Soujiro said as he plunged the tentacle into Naruto's chest, only for it to puff and reveal itself to being a long piece of slab.
"Kawarimi," Soujiro realized. Naruto moved in stealthily to attack Soujiro from behind. His effort was met with a brute disappointment what Soujiro speedily turned and punched him in the face, sending him pummeling into the floor. The blonde coughed up some blood from his mouth again while feeling the pain from his still wounded ribs with the additional injuries he was inflicted with. He looked down to see that many parts of his clothes and gear had sustained damages and tears with other parts of his clothes covered in his blood.
"You won't get me that easily," Soujiro said cockily, "In this form, I'm like a living body of eyes. Every angle of my diamond body reflects everything around it to my eyes, giving me 360-vision of my surrounds."
Great, Naruto thought sourly, Now it's imitating the Byakugan. What more must I deal with?
To answer his unspoken question, Inari and Tsunami came charging in from the sides. The duo jumped into the air and made their way down to trample down on Naruto's form. The Elite Jounin turned rolled to his back and brought his legs back with his feet positioned toward the air. Tsunami and Inari came landing down on Naruto's feet before he kicked and thrust them away from him. While in the air, the pair regained their bearings and flipped down to the ground with no harm done to them.
Naruto steadily stood back up off the ground despite the pain, Naruto spat on the ground with his spit mixed in with a bit of his blood. More of Kyuubi's chakra started pouring from the seal and into Naruto's chakra coils. The blonde fought to keep his mind in focus and not give into the fox's primal influence. Soujiro was already seeing the Elite Jounin's wounds and injuries healing up, leaving sections of his clothes ragged and dirtied.
I see now why many believe that as a medic-nin he'll surpass his mother Tsunade, Soujiro noted to himself, That healing factor of his will be a problem if not dealt with soon.
After catching his breath and many of his injuries healed, Naruto, resorting to the snake style, dashed over to Inari and Tsunami, using speed, caution and flexibility to move his way around them. Though pressure points didn't stop them however, it served to slow them down enough for Naruto to inflict additional blows to them. Tsunami, with her diamond kunais in hand, rushed at Naruto with kicks and stabs, all of which the Elite Jounin managed to maneuver around like a serpent.
"Sen'eijashu," Naruto said as he shot snakes around out of his arms over to Tsunami. Grabbing her, he lifted and swung her over to Inari who caught her upon being thrown. After retracting the snakes into his arms, the blonde reached into his rugged trench coat and pulled out a small scroll and opened it. Pouring chakra into the scroll, he activated the seal in it, releasing his bladed staff before gripping his weapon of choice.
"I've had just about enough of this," Naruto stated before being tangled in combat again.
Tsuchiko and Ryota were still battling it out with each other in their sword to sword combat. The Iwa medic Jounin proved to be more formidable than Ryota had counted on. She managed to land several slashes on Ryota though she endured injuries over her own. But what gave her an advantage was her healing abilities she'd used as a result of her medic training. Surprisingly during the fight, neither Ryota nor Tsuchiko resorted to other forms of ninjutsu. That was now about to change.
Ryota raced through a set of hand seals and…
"Ishi Kusari No Kasui no Mari (Stone Chain Spike Ball)," Ryota said while summoning her next weapon. Grabbing the rock chain, Ryota lifted and swung her weapon off the ground.
"I'll grind you to dust," Ryota yelled out as she launched her spiked covered boulder at Tsuchiko. The medic nin jumped out of the way before the spiked boulder come plunging into one of the trees, knocking it down on contract after destroying its base. Pulling her weapon back to her, Ryota prepared to throw it again.
"Oh no, you don't," Tsuchiko remarked after racing through a series of hand seals and infusing her element with her jutsu. What formed from her hands were chraka scalpels charged with electricity. She focused the chakra scalpels into larger blades with electricity infused into it.
"Raienjinto No Jutsu (Lightning Scalpel Technique)," Tsuchiko said as she rushed over and slashed the chain, severing its connection to the boulder. Before Ryota could reconnect her chain to her boulder, Tsuchiko dash her at with the intention of stabbing her with her Raienjinto. Ryota flipped backwards several times to avoid getting struck by the attack as Tsuchiko continued coming at her.
"You're an earth-elemental ninja," Tsuchiko stated, "I on the other hand am a lightning-type, a rare type in Iwagakure. And lightning shatters earth, which means your earth jutsus are useless against me."
"Don't be too quick to underestimate me," Ryota warned, "I'm not only known for my expertise in earth-type attacks."
Making her point clear, Ryota jumped into the air and hurled herself after to Tsuchiko with her chakra-charged fist aimed at her. Seeing the danger, Tsuchiko dashed out of the way before Ryota's fist came crashing down, forming a huge crater in the ground.
"Like Tsunade-sama," Ryota said, "I'm also a ninja known for my amazing strength."
"And you'll soon be a dead ninja once known for your amazing strength," Tsuchiko remarked. Forming a hand sign, Ryota focused her earth affinity before sinking completely into the ground. Tsuchiko looked around for the elusive kunoichi, doing all she could to keep from being ambushed.
A moment later, she heard and felt the sounds and vibrations of the ground. She turned to see something making its way over to her from underground. She jumped away into before a giant worm made from gravel and dirt burst forth from the ground, thrusting its three tentacles from its mouth at her.
Using her Raienjinto, Tsuchiko slashed and destroyed two of the tentacles. Grabbing the third one, she slid down on it making her way over to its opened mouth.
"Eat this," Tsuchiko yelled as she punched her fist into his mouth, blowing off its head. Caught in the mass of the dust and dirt cloud, Ryota took the opportunity to thrust from out of the earthen worm and into the surface. She somersaulted and struck Tsuchiko in her chin, throwing her into the air. Not giving her time to recover, Ryota leaped and hurried over to her and delivered a swift roundhouse kick to her side. Tsuchiko was sent on a colliding course to the ground, landing down with a hard impact. Tsuchiko coughed up a bit of blood from her mouth.
Ryota landed down gracefully with Tsuchiko several yards away from her.
"Like I said," Ryota said, "Don't underestimate me."
"You'll regret that," Tsuchiko spat as used her chakra to heal her injured jaw and side.
Meanwhile, Anko was being triple teamed by two male Jounins and one female Jounin. So far they were able to hold their grounds against Anko and managed to land some injuries on her. Anko had sustained a couple of cuts and bruises, but nothing life threatening thus far.
"I'm really getting sick of you morons," Anko snarled.
"Getting weak already Konoha trash," the female Iwa Jounin of the trio mocked, "Please, tell us you wish for a quick death."
"Not now," Anko retorted, "Not ever!"
Biting her thumb, she did her required hand signs and thrust her hand to the ground.
"Kuchiyose No Jutsu," Anko said before a large puff of white smoke cover the area. Moments later, the smoke cleared revealing a very large brown snake. The Iwa Jounins back away from the creature.
"Now my pet," Anko smiled, "Have them satisfy your hunger with their lives."
The summoned snake hissed venomously as it turned its attention on its targets. The snake charged them with a lethal speed before the Iwa Jounins started running for their lives. Anko grinned sadistically as she ran in pursuit of them as she saw one of them being caught and swallowed whole and alive by the snake, that one being the female Jounin from earlier.
(Back Inside The Temple)
A large rock slab came flying in at Naruto. Focusing his wind element around his hands, the blonde turned and shredded the slab to many fragments before Tsumani and Inari ran over to him. The boy threw series of shurikens at the Elite Jounin, only to see the blonde ward off all of the shurikens with his wind element and thrust them all deep into the wall. Inari made his way over to Naruto as he jumped and attempted to perform a roundhouse kick to Naruto's head. Naruto however, grabbed the boy and shot green chakra into the boy's body.
Just as I thought, Naruto realized with partial narrowed eyes before grabbing and throwing the boy over to his mother. He crashed into her before Naruto appeared behind them and…
"Rasengan," Naruto yelled back thrusting the spiraling orb of chakra into the woman's back. The ball propelled from Naruto and rocketed Tsunami and her son down away from Naruto and into one of the columns. The column collapsed over them, leaving them immobilized and trapped where they were.
"Surprising," Soujiro remarked in the shadows out of Naruto's sight, "You didn't even hold back from hurting Inari and Tsunami. It looks like I misjudged your brutal methods."
Naruto spat on the ground and sealed his staff back into the scroll before putting the scroll back inside his trench coat. Naruto turned to Soujiro and retorted, "You know nothing about me! And there's more to me that you'll never know, not now or ever."
"Big words for someone who's punier than I am now," Soujiro replied back, "But in any case, all that I have to know about you is that you'll be dead by sunset."
"I see that you're locked away in the darkness deep within the earth," Naruto said, "I tell you today, that while you're in the darkness deep within the abyss of the earth, you will by no means stay concealed in the earth's darkness. You will be made to see the light in all its power. I tell you this with a promise."
Naruto caught a split second glimpse of light from his left. He only had less than a second to duck under a large razor-sharp diamond blade that nearly cleaved him in half.
"I'll show you some lights Namikaze," Soujiro roared before charged at full throttle towards Naruto. The blonde was surprised that despite Soujiro's large size he was incredibly fast and agile. This was made clear what a number of Soujiro attacks were making their marks on Naruto's body. The blonde felt Kyuubi's influence seeking for opportunities to overtake his reasoning. Naruto pushed Kyuubi's influence to the background before receiving a punched from a rather large fist that sent in flying backwards through several columns with Soujiro in hot pursuit.
Just as Soujiro was about to stab down on Naruto the said blonde shushin'd from his sight over and over to another location away from the seventeen-year-old Iwa Jounin. Naruto took the moment to catch his breath.
"I haven't been this pissed in a while," Naruto said while pulling himself together. Soujiro appeared behind Naruto, his large fist up in the air and ready to crush it down onto the medic Jounin. Sensing the danger, Naruto dashed away merely two seconds from having his head smashed to pieces as the fist came thrusting into the floor. Pulling his fist from out of the hole he made into the ground, Soujiro speed dashed to Naruto who, as in the case with Inari and Tsunami, used the snake style to maneuver himself around the huge fighter.
As it stood, Naruto was now on the defense as Soujiro came at full throttle on the offense. Naruto dodged and evaded many of the Iwa Jounin's attacks and diamond-based weapons.
"Stand still you little worm," Soujiro roared out in frustration.
"Elusive serpent actually," Naruto remarked before jumping and flipping over the towering figure. Grabbing a standing column, Naruto broke and pulled it off its position. Using it as a baseball bat, he swung it at Soujiro with full force, sending the large ninja flying away from Naruto up into the air. Soujiro found himself airborne but before he was able to get his bearings back, Naruto shushin'd to him and swung the column down on him, sending him rocketing into the ground with a mighty crash. Looking up into the air, Soujiro looked in time to see Naruto holding the column vertically as he plunged it into him deep into the ground, shaking the ground contact.
Naruto stopped to catch his breath while keeping his guard up. His momentarily cease fire what cut short when a long diamond blade suddenly burst from the column and stabbed into Naruto right chest.
"Aaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!," Naruto screamed after feeling sharp blade tear into his bone and flesh. Before it could change shape and lock into him, Naruto hurried pulled away from the weapon now stained with his blood. He backed away while holding onto his opened wound.
"Shit," Naruto cursed, "I was careless that time!"
The column was lifted from out of the hole and off the ground, revealing Soujiro with his left arm dug into the bottom of the column.
"That was a nice effort Naruto," Soujiro complimented, "But it's going to take a lot more than that to beat me. And from where I see things after all that's happened up till now, you're not even on my level."
The blonde snarled at the arrogant shinobi in front of him. Soujiro, after retracted his bladed arm from out of the column, tossed the column away from him.
"I remember Ryota-chan have a prideful spirit much like yours when she had me on the run," Naruto said, stalling for time so his wound could heal and close up, "But that only last for so long. And as it was in her case, your arrogance and pride will be your undoing."
"Ryota-chan was weak and of no use to anyone," Soujiro mocked, "No one cared what happened or who had their way with her. But I will admit that she has a gorgeous body that surprisingly no one in Iwa took an interest in, well nobody but me that was."
"…," Naruto gave no reply.
"Please, tell me Namikaze, in all the time Ryota-chan has been with you I'm sure that you found Ryota-chan's delicious body to be rather exquisite. I saw her on top of you on the beach the other night after she confessed her undying love for you.
"A nice play fight between a boy and his girl before getting intimate; now that's entertainment worth watching; though I was disappointed to see that things didn't go further than making out after your Anko-chan made the appearance. From what I saw and heard, it seemed that your Anko-chan was looking forward to a hot coital threesome on the beach that night.
"I'm amazed that you didn't knock them up since they were obviously willing to share you amongst themselves. I mean come, what man in their right mind would turn down hot sex on the beach with not one but two sexy kunoichis with the moonlight shining over them?"
Naruto looked at the ninja before him in outrage and indignation. Not only was he spying on them the entire time, but Soujiro openly admitted that he was hoping to get visuals of his personal sex life though Naruto never actually had sex with anyone at all yet.
And ero-jisan calls himself a super pervert like no other, Naruto thought.
"You're not impotent are you," Soujiro mocked, "Perhaps after I kill you, I'll show your Anko-chan a good time after I'm finished with Ryota-chan and Inari's mother."
"Fuck you," Naruto cursed, "You won't go anywhere near them! Further, my personal sex life is none of your goddamn business! I least I don't have to resort to forcing myself on females like you tried to, you sad and pathetic excuse for ninja! You call yourself the Diamond Fang, but your diamonds are only worth toilet paper because you're so full of shit!"
"You son of a Bitch," Soujiro screamed as he thrust his right hand forward as his fingers elongated into speeding and piercing stabbing spikes. Naruto jumped into the air as the spikes stabbed into the large rock behind him.
"Damn it," Soujiro said in frustration after missing his target. With his spikes still in the rock, Soujiro lifted the rock and threw at Naruto. Seeing the object coming at him, Naruto punched the rock to pieces and landed back down on them ground. Looking around, he found Soujiro nowhere in sight.
"Now where the hell is that worthless rock," Naruto asked to no one in particular. By this time, Tsunami and her son, after recovering from Naruto's Rasengan, got out from under the column and backed way from Naruto towards the wall while looking at an opportunity to attack the blonde.
"Kit," Kyuubi spoke up, "You're wasting your time with that horny prick. I could care less with what happens to Inari's mother, but certainly you're not going to let that idiot have his way with two of your five future mates are you?"
Naruto was about to give a retort to Kyuubi when…
"Kongōsekiton: Torimaku Renda No Jutsu (Diamond Release: Surrounding Barrage Technique)," Soujiro said as myriads of sparkling shards suddenly started being fired at Naruto in all directions. Each shard promised to tear through flesh and bones until the target was reduced to a pile of liquefied shreds. Acting quickly, Naruto put into action his latest jutsu.
"Fuuton: Shippuu Uzumaki No Jutsu (Wind Release: Hurricane Whirlpool Technique)," Naruto hollered while focusing and manipulating his wind element before levitating ten feet into the air and spinning around in blurring rotations creating a spinning force field of wind repelling everything away from it. The myriads of shards were blasted away from the mighty force of the spinning dome while large dust clouds were forming around the surrounding area simultaneously blowing away other objects and debris far from where Naruto was. Inari and Tsunami were trying to fight against the strength of the attack only to be knocked back off their feet and buried under a pile of rubble and dirt again.
Moments later, Naruto gradually stopped spinning, causing the wind storm to slowly die down. When it was all over, Naruto lowered himself down to the floor and held onto to his chest, taking in large intakes of breath into his lungs. After spending some time studying the Hyuuga's Kaiten, Naruto had devoted some time in secret creating his own version of that jutsu using his wind affinity and speed. However, he never got around to fully experiment fully with it. But where it stood so are, the prototype jutsu proved to be rather effective.
"Swallow your pride Hiashi-san," Naruto grinned, "I as your future son-in-law don't need the Byakugan to perform the Kaiten when I got this!"
Soujiro suddenly burst from out of the ground grabbing Naruto by the face, raising and lifting him into the air. His large right hand encased around his head as he tightened his hold on him with every passing second.
"Got you," Soujiro said victoriously as he applied more pressure onto the blonde's skull as Naruto struggled fervently to break free, "I'm sure you wish you had the Byakugan's all seeing power now to have seen that coming!"
He increased the force into his hand to squash Naruto's head, only to see the panicking medic Jounin burst into a pool of mud and fall to the ground.
"What," Soujiro exclaimed in surprise, but angered that his supposed victory was denied him. Calming himself down, the diamond specialist went searching for Naruto.
"Where are you," Soujiro taunted, "Come out, come out wherever you are. Don't tell me this is the best the Konoha's Second Flash can do."
"You're just going to run and hide in the dark like some little bitch," Kyuubi mocked, "Foolish human! Let's go out there and kill him together!"
Not allowing himself to be manipulated by Soujiro's taunts or Kyuubi's ridicules, Naruto snuck away into the shadows to give himself some time come up with a plan of action. So far many of Naruto's attacks did close to nothing in damaging Soujiro's diamond body and armor. He barely put a crack in it, even with his insane strength. He knew he had to come up with something soon.
Forcing Kyuubi's chakra down, Naruto's eyes returned back to normal as his fangs shrunk down in side with his whiskers vanishing totally from his face.
"You refuse my power," Kyuubi said, "You won't get anywhere without my help kit! I'll see you come begging at my paws, demanding use of my chakra!"
Ignoring the bijuu, Naruto stealthily moved deeper into the temple while making sure to avoid being spotted by the diamonds Soujiro placed around the temple. Saw far all was clear. While on the move, Naruto thought back to one of the lessons his father gave him…
(Flashback; Two Years Ago)
Naruto (age 11) was in his subconscious, sitting before Minato who was behind his seal. The sounding area was amazing clean and Minato himself wasn't as confined as Kyuubi. He had more moving ability than the fox and when even allowed to move about only so far since the seal was still bound to him.
"Naruto," Minato asked, "How are battles won?"
"Through good planning and overwhelming numbers," Naruto answered. Minato replied, "Suppose that despite good planning and numbers that things don't go as planned, then what?"
Naruto thought for a moment before he gave his father his reply, "How can you fight against the enemy if the plan that was thought up doesn't work the way it was intend to? What purpose does staying around to fight accomplishes?"
"Very good Naruto," Minato smiled, "I'm glad to see you using your head instead of jumping to wrong conclusions."
"Hey," Naruto snorted indignantly, "I resent that."
"Well it's better that you make you mistakes here while training with me," Minato remarked, "Instead of making them on the battlefield where such mistakes are irreversible."
Naruto gave his father no reply as he stayed silent and listened.
"A good ninja knows when to pull back and retreat in order to re-plan his strategy," Minato explained, "Continuing to go into a battle full hearty with no revised tactics after a plan fails only leads the ninja and his team to disaster.
"Many ninjas of Konoha during the Second and Third Great Shinobi Wars have died because of their refusal to pull away when the situations were more than they could handle. They failed to reevaluate their options and didn't regroup to come up with another plan of attack.
"Fewer lives and resources are lost when the fighters use good judgments in knowing when a temporary retreat from fight is needed."
(End Flashback)
Naruto found that this was one of those times. He knew that it wouldn't be long until Soujiro found and continue his assault on him. So far Inari and Tsunami were incarcerated under the debris but he knew that wouldn't hold them down for long, especially after the revelation he made about their bodies.
"Don't worry Soujiro," Naruto said in an undertone while making his trek into the unknown, "While deep in the abyss of the earth, I promise you, I'll have you see the light…"
Deciding on a temporary retreat, Naruto travels deeper down into the mountain, leaving Soujiro on a search expedition on his whereabouts. What revelation did Naruto make about Inari and Tsunami's bodies and how will that discovery aid Naruto later on? Will Naruto be able to bring about Soujiro's defeat and what did Naruto mean in getting Soujiro to "see the light"? Stick around to find out next time.