Chapter Fifty-Two: Used

(Far From Nami No Kuni)

A golden brown eagle was flying high in the sky. It flew speedily with precision to its destination. It screeched as it continued its flight through the air, with a small carrying case wrapped around its left leg with the insignia of Iwagakure engraved on it. It was Iwa's fastest messenger bird and it was imperative that the eagle made it to its destination as soon as possible with the message it was carrying.

(Back In Nami No Kuni)

Ryota and Tsuchiko were still at each other's throats. The earth-type kunoichi was surprised that Tsuchiko was able to give her a hard time despite her own skills and abilities. Tsuchiko, using her skills in medic jutsu, managed to do some muscle and tissue damage to parts of Ryota's body and give her a few burns with a few of her lightning manipulated jutsus. Ryota retaliated by giving her two fractured ribs and a series of other injuries.

Presently, both females were catching their breaths while staring hard into each other's eyes.

"Damn you Ryota," Tsuchiko cursed while holding onto her injured ribs, "Why won't you die?!"

"I can ask the same of you," Ryota retorted feeling immense pain travel all around her body. Tsuchiko tried to focus her lightning affinity but the pain her body was suffering was throwing her concentration off.

Anko in the meantime, who was standing a few feet away from Ryota at her side, was up against the four other remaining Jounins. Several of the other Iwa Jounins earlier were devoured alive by the giant snake she summoned before one of the Iwa Jounins performed a jutsu that launched large boulders into the snake twice, forcing the snake to return to its realm.

"Damn you," cursed one of the Iwa Jounins at Anko, "We'll kill you for what you've done to our comrades!"

Anko, despite her battered condition and busted lip, gave the Jounins a twisted smile, "Try if you can. I'm ready whenever you are."

Ryota and Anko were about to fight again when a yellow flash appeared and revealed Naruto standing between the battleground where both they and the Iwa nins were. Tsuchiko and her remaining comrades looked on in fear and dread upon seeing that infamous son and successor of the original Yellow Flash.

"It's him," one of the Iwa Jounins said fearfully, "The Second Flash of Konoha!"

Naruto was holding one of his tri-pronged kunais in his hand. Naruto's hair was a mess and he smelled a bit of smoke. His clothes, Jounin vest and trench coat were dirtied up and sustained multiple tears with parts of them stained in his blood. But no one would know if Naruto himself was injured at all since his healing abilities took care of those problems. He didn't have so much of a scar on his body.

"This fight is over," Naruto stated to both sides being turning his attention to the Iwa nins, "You've all been thoroughly deceived; Soujiro has been using and misleading all of you the entire time. He led you all into this mission your Tsuchikage never sent you on. In fact, your Kage and villagers don't even know you're here."

"You lie, son of the Yellow Flash," Tsuchiko spat, futilely trying to hide her fear while showing her hate of Yondaime's living legacy, "Why the hell should we believe a damn thing you say Konoha trash?!"

"Why would I intervene and stop this fight to let you live if what I said was false," Naruto retorted, making it very clear as he pointed his dimensional weapon at them. The Iwa nins took a few steps back away from Naruto, as though the teen was death in human form. The blonde continued, "Your squad leader led you all here without authentic authorization from your Kage just so he could fulfill his own ambitions to fight me. Soujiro didn't give a damn about any of your safety or your lives. He admitted it himself while he was fighting me earlier. He betrayed and sold all of you out to your deaths, leaving your village to deal with the wraths of both Konoha and Suna. And you can thank Otogakure for instigating this in the first place."

"And you expect us to believe such words from you," Tsuchiko sneered, "We have no reason to trust the likes of you!"

"You must be Tsuchiko-san," Naruto said, "The niece of the current Tsuchikage."

"Yes I am," Tsuchiko confirmed, "I take it that Soujiro told you about me."

"He did as a matter of fact," Naruto replied, "And how he used and manipulated you and the others here who came and died here for nothing. I believe he described you guys as being a pack of idiots and your uncle as being a weak fool and a coward."

"Shut up," Tsuchiko yelled in contempt, "I won't listen to garbage from you, the son of the man responsible for killing many of our brethren!"

"I am so sick of you people blaming me for something my father did years ago to protect my village," Naruto retorted, "It was a time of war back then, and if I recall, it was Iwa that started the Third Great Shinobi War with Konoha to begin with. My father did what had to be done to stop the war between our two nations. And make no mistake, I'll do likewise if I have to!"

The Iwa nins said nothing as Naruto went on, "And what's more, your uncle wanted neither you nor his people nor ninjas to have anything to do with what Otogakure wanted from him, which was to have him sent ninjas like you after me. Your uncle didn't want Iwa warring with Konoha again and he repeatedly refused to listen to Soujiro's insistent request for the mission. Soujiro turned to treason against your uncle and village while deceiving you guys into believing that you all were giving an S-rank mission to come after me.

"Soujiro did present us with an official document with my uncle's signature and insignia on it," Tsuchiko explained, "It was a high priority S-rank mission and stated that I and with several other Jounins were to accompany Soujiro in taking you out. The document though explained that Soujiro was to take you on himself while we dealt with whoever else had accompanied you."

"And not one of you found that one bit suspicious," Naruto replied in mocking disbelief, "I'm more than certain that Iwa has a "flee on sight" order on my head in the Bingo books and my father was the only known ninja to be given a SS-class rank in the Bingo books, with me coming in second to him. And for many, taking on such a ninja is suicide. Yet you all followed Soujiro like a pack of blind sheep led to the slaughter, foolishly believing it was an S-rank mission from your uncle. Did you even check with your uncle personally to believe you were given such a mission that he himself never approved of? Or if I'm correct, you guys just acted on your hatred for my father and loyalty to Iwa without doing a background check first."

Tsuchiko thought about what Naruto was saying and as she did, her anger and embarrassment grew with it.

"Bastard," Tsuchiko retorted, "I always knew Soujiro was an egotistical viper and yet I still let him bite and use us."

"And because of that Iwagakure is now in serious hot water with Konoha," Naruto stated as a matter fact.

"Speaking of Soujiro," Ryota asked, "What became of him?"

"He saw the light after I made him see the errors of his ways," Naruto remarked, "The light however took him from this world."

They didn't need an explanation to clarify that Soujiro was dead and it only made very clear what the bingo books in Iwa said of Naruto: he never lost a fight.

"I'm giving you all only one chance to surrender and return back to Iwa with what I explained to all of you," Naruto said, "I'm sure your Kage will be hearing from Konoha soon."

"You're letting them go," Anko asked incredulously, "Why don't we just bring them to Konoha for further interrogations?"

"Because I already dealt with the true enemy, and as I said before the Tsuchikage and Iwagakure as a whole had no part in this and these ninjas here were lied to and fooled into fighting us," Naruto said before turning back to Tsuchiko, "Clearly there are those from your nation who're willing to make an enemy out of me. But tell me; who is your real enemy: is it my dead father, whom you people hate? Is it me, regardless of fact I did nothing against your nation to invoke Iwa's hatred of me besides being related to a dead man you people hate? Or is it people you have from your own nation willing to use and sacrifice you all just so they could fight me and say that they fought and killed the son of the late Yellow Flash of Konoha?"

Tsuchiko growled angrily, not at Naruto, but at herself and her own stupidity in acting alongside Soujiro.

How could I have been so stupid, Tsuchiko thought, I'm responsible for leading my own friends and fellow ninjas to their deaths! I knew it was suicide to fight Naruto and like a fool, I helped Soujiro anyway under the impression that it was an S-rank mission from my uncle. Soujiro betrayed us and still I helped him! And Otogakure was the cause of all this!

Naruto saw the look on Tsuchiko's face, the expressions of anger, failure, dishonor and shame all at once. This was shown in the faces of the other Iwa Jounins as well. Clearly, they were all thoroughly deceived.

"I don't wish to continue fighting," Naruto said, "I'm calling a truce if you're willing to accept it. I don't want war with your nation anymore than your uncle does Tsuchiko-san."

Tsuchiko thought for a moment and wondered if Naruto was speaking the truth. If anything, Konoha could declare war on them for this offense even though technically Iwa and Tsuchi No Kuni had nothing to with this. With the Professor, Slug Princess and Toad Sage alone at Konoha's disposal, Iwa was a doomed nation, and Suna backing them up would only be collateral damage. Many would perish; ninja and civilian alike, and it would all be her fault, because of her stupidity.

Naruto placed his tri-pronged kunai away and extended his right hand out to Tsuchiko.

"Do you accept," Naruto asked. Anko and Ryota looked at Naruto and wondered if he was crazy for the stunt he was pulling. Tsuchiko looked at Naruto incredulously and wondered if this was some sort of trap. This Naruto, the son of the man most hated and feared in Iwagakure and Tsuchi No Kuni, was offering a ceasefire when he could just kill them instead.

"I repeat," Naruto said, "Do you accept to call a truce?"

Seeing no other option and for the safety of her remaining fellow Jounins, Tsuchiko walked forward and took Naruto's hand with her right hand.

"Accepted," Tsuchiko said before she looked to the remaining Jounins with her, giving them a look that told them to put away their weapons. Releasing Naruto's hand, Tsuchiko was about to return to her comrades when…

"One other thing," Naruto said as he reached into his pocket and retrieve to small diamonds with seal markings on them. Showing her the diamonds, Naruto said, "Would you know anything about these two?"

Tsuchiko nodded to him, "Soujiro had me help him implant the woman and her son into them."

"Would you happen to know how to release them," Naruto asked. Tsuchiko replied, "I can try. Soujiro did allow me to look into a few of his seals for the procedure. Weirdly enough he trusted me with them."

"Perhaps it was because he didn't think you'd survive to tell about it," Naruto suggested. Tsuchiko sighed but she didn't give a reply as she watched Naruto set the diamonds down to the ground and took three steps away. The lightning-type medic kunoichi stepped over to the two diamonds and performed a complex set of hand seals before clasping her hands together.

"Fūin Jutsu: Kongōseki Iremono Fuujin: Kai (Sealing Technique: Diamond Container Seal: Release)," Tsuchiko said and the seal on the diamonds started glowing in a bluish white glow before the diamonds started glowing completely. A moment later, Inari and Tsunami appeared from out of the diamonds, both of them unconscious but in good shape with no damage or injuries on them.

"It's done," Tsuchiko said before turned to the Iwa Jounins. They nodded to her and took to the trees, taking off from sight and making their way out of Nami No Kuni. Turning back to Naruto, Tsuchiko said, "You're not at all the boogey man many in Iwa and Tsuchi No Kuni make you out to be. But don't think for a minute that it'll change everyone's thoughts of you."

Naruto remarked, "Regardless, understand this about me: I'll take on and kill whoever threatens the safety of my village, friends and precious people. I'm letting you and your comrades go so you can explain this incident to your uncle."

Naruto said nothing further as he watch Tsuchiko turn her attention to Ryota, "We will meet again I'm sure."

Ryota said nothing as she and the others watch Tsuchiko take off to the trees to catch up with the other Jounins.

"You're quite the negotiator Yondaime-gaki," Anko remarked, "I'm amazed at how you pulled it off. But what if they had tried to ambush you when you were offering that truce? You know how dangerous it is to be too trusting of your enemies."

As if on cue, fifteen Naruto kage bushins dropped their henge and jumped from the trees they were hiding in and surrounded the five of them. Ten more burst from out of the ground and joined the circle, each having kunais or a bladed staff in their hands.

"I wasn't all that trusting Anko-chan," Naruto said, "I kept my clones on standby ready to take them out the entire time."

Anko nodded in understanding. Two of the clones went over and cradled Inari and his mother's bodies off the ground. Naruto dispelled the remaining clones and turn to the females with him.

"Let's head back," Naruto said, "Tazuna is waiting for us back at his house. I can treat all of your injuries there."

They nodded to him and followed him back to the house.

'Well done Naruto,' Minato said, 'You truly came a long way.'

Thanks father, Naruto mentally remarked, happy that the fighting was over, at least for now.

'By the way,' Minato said, 'Why is that Ryota girl hanging around with you?'

It's a long story, Naruto replied.

'Well fill me in,' Minato said, 'What things have happened while I was out of the picture?'

I'll explain later, Naruto replied, That way my explanation won't sound choppy.

As the group was walking away, a venus-flytrap-like figure camouflaged in the trees and bushes appeared behind them.

"He's stronger than expected," the dark half of Zetsu said.

"He is indeed," the white half agreed, "But we can't do anything to him at this time. It's best if we report back."

The dark half said nothing more. Zetsu disappeared into the bushes and went on his way.

(An Hour Later)

Tazuna was sitting in the living with a bottle of sake in his hand. He was partly drunk but sober enough to be aware of his soundings. There was a knock on his door a moment later. Sighing, he got up to answer the door, ready to tell whoever was there that he wasn't in the mood for any company. Upon opening the door, he was greeted by an unexpected company.

"Naruto-kun!," Tazuna exclaimed happily seeing that his daughter and grandson were returned safely, "You're all back!"

"Was there ever a doubt old man," Naruto grinned as he, his clones carrying the unconscious forms of Inari and Tsunami, and Anko and Ryota entered the house.

"They're all right Tazuna-san," Anko assured, "Yondaime-gaki checked their vitals and found nothing wrong with them. They should be up and running within a few hours."

"I'm very happy to hear that," Tazuna happily replied, "Thank you so very much."

"You're welcome," Naruto said, "It's what we do."

The clones carried the mother and son to their respective rooms and laid them on their beds before puffing out of existence. Naruto then went about healing Anko and Ryota injuries. It was a while, but there were soon fully healed and restored.

"Aaaah," Anko sighed in satisfaction, "That's ever so much better."

"Same here," Ryota agreed as she flexed her arms and legs. Naruto was taking in low breaths, feeling the strain on his body finally taking its toll on him.

"I'm happy that you both are back up to speed," Naruto said, "The timing couldn't be any better…"

That was when Naruto completely loss consciousness and collapsed to the floor. Anko, Ryota and Tazuna hurried over to him.

"Is he alright," Tazuna asked worriedly. Anko examined him and a few moments later…

"He's still alive though very weakened," Anko explained, "I guess everything he did today caught up to him. He'll probably be knocked out for the rest of the day until tomorrow."

"C'mon let's carry him to the couch," Tazuna suggested as he helped Anko left Naruto up off the ground and over to the couch. The older man got some sheets and covered him with them. Tazuna then left to check on both Tsunami and Inari, leaving Anko and Ryota to watch over Naruto.

(Meanwhile At The Valley Of The End)

Sai wasn't having the best moments of his ninja career. Having to deal with Kabuto placed him on edge on being mostly on the defense with Sasuke looking for opportunities to take him out whenever he saw an opening. Presently, Sai was low on chakra and sustained a number of painful injuries, some of them internal, from Kabuto. A trickle of seeped down the left end of Sai's mouth as his breathing was heavy.

"Kabuto," Sasuke, still in his transformed appearance, interjected, "I'll deliver the finishing blow."

"Do you truly seek to kill him," Kabuto said, "He's no longer a real threat to either of us."

"He is my teammate and friend," Sasuke said, "It's something that must be done."

Sai gave no retort to Sasuke's absurd proclamation of friendship. As Sasuke was preparing his chidori, Kabuto sensed chakra signatures making their way toward them. This was confirmed when the running waters around them froze into ice. Ice in the form of senbon needles shot out from the frozen river and over to Kabuto. The medic-nin hurriedly back flipped several times away before the needles could hit their marks on his vitals. Sasuke however wasn't as fast since his wings were stabbed deeply with multiple ice-made senbon needles.

"Damn it," Sasuke growled in pain as Kabuto made his way quickly over to him.

"We have company," Kabuto said, "And I don't think things will be in our favor if we don't make our escape now."

"There won't be any escape for either of you two," Haku said as she appeared from behind one of the trees, "You both will be brought back, one way or another."

Kabuto saw that only Haku was present from where she stood, but he didn't dare assume that she was the only one in the area.

"You're not alone I assume," Kabuto said as he adjusted his glasses, "I'm sure others are with you."

"Very perspective Kabuto," Kakashi said with a kunai to the back of Kabuto's neck. Pakkun was standing at Kakashi's left. The medic-nin smirked with his hands raised over his head.

"Your reputation precedes you Copycat Kakashi," Kabuto said while feeling the cold sharp blade pressed to the back of his neck. Kabuto snarled inwardly; he was just about on toe with Kakashi, but dealing with a kunoichi who could manipulate water and ice was another issue, especially with a large body of river water at her disposal. Clearly he and Sasuke were at a disadvantage. Turning to Sasuke, Kakashi looked upon him in shame.

"I'm truly disappointed in you Sasuke," Kakashi scolded, "I expected much more from you than this. There will be consequences for your actions."

Sasuke scowled but gave Kakashi no reply. Haku made a hand seal and was preparing to bound both Kabuto and Sasuke with solid ice. Before she could accomplish this, a giant brown snake suddenly burst forth from the trees from her right. Haku, Pakkun and Kakashi were caught off guard by this surprise attack.

Taking the split second distraction as his opportunity, Kabuto pushed Kakashi away before grabbing Sasuke and running over to where the snake was. Acting fast, Haku made a one-handed seal, causing the ice river the race over to where Kabuto and Sasuke were going.

That kunoichi is going to be a serious problem if we don't leave here soon, Kabuto realized as the ice came at them faster to surround them. The snake however rushed over and blocked the ice, slowing it down as much as it could. The snake though was soon swallowed by the ice before puffing into a large screen, being sent back from where it came. When the smoke cleared, both Sasuke and Kabuto were gone. Rain started falling heavily over the region.

"They escaped…," Kakashi sighed, "Can you track them Pakkun?"

"I would try," Pakkun said, "But this rain makes it impossible for me to do so. Whatever scent that was left was washed away in the rain."

Kakashi sighed again before returning to where Sai was. Currently, Haku was treating his injuries as best as she could, but from what she saw, he was definitely going to have to be taken to the hospital soon. Three Chuunins arrived on the scene.

"Any sign of Sasuke and Kabuto," Kakashi asked.

"No," one of the Chuunins said, "We saw no traces of either of them."

Kakashi gave no reply as he looked over at Haku and Sai.

"Sai-san has several internal injuries and torn muscles," Haku explained, "I healed him as far as I could but I used most of my healing herbs and chakra healing and helping the others back there earlier. He'll need to be taken back to Konoha as soon as possible."

Kakashi nodded before giving the Chuunins instructions to help Sai return back to the village. The Chuunins complied and did as they were told. As the Chuunins were leaving with Sai, Kakashi went over to where the giant snake appeared from. He carefully looked around to find anything out of place.

"Kakashi-san," Haku called out as she hurried over to her squad leader, "What is it?"

"That snake that appeared out of nowhere distracted us enough for Kabuto and Sasuke to escape," Kakashi said.

"Do you suppose Kabuto summoned that snake," Haku asked.

"I highly doubt that," Kakashi answered, "For one thing, he doesn't possess a snake summoning contract like Anko and Naruto as far as I know, and neither of those two is here, not that they would actually attack us on purpose to let Kabuto and Sasuke escape."

"Plus," Pakkun added, "I would have smelled and detected that snake long before we arrived here and alerted you guys if we were in for an ambush. So in other words…"

"Somebody else summoned that snake moments after we arrived here," Kakashi concluded, "There was another ninja who was present here with us."

The rain continued pouring down, and as in the case with Kabuto and Sasuke, the rain made it impossible for Pakkun to track who the third ninja was.

"Who else could summon snakes besides Naruto-kun and Anko-san," Haku inquired.

"Orochimaru," Kakashi said, "He was the original holder of the snake contract. But he's dead and no one else that we know of could have summoned that snake. Things aren't adding up."

Neither Haku nor Pakkun said anything further. Seeing nothing more that could be done, Kakashi turned to the pair, "Let's return back to Konoha. Maybe we might get more information out of that red-haired Oto ninja."

"Considering the damages done to that section of the forest from Temari-san's devastating attack," Haku noted, "I'm amazed that Oto kunoichi was able to have survived it. Temari was certain that that kunoichi was crushed under that heap of lumber and debris."

"Be that as it may," Kakashi shrugged, "But considering her brutal injuries, she won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

Haku dispelled her hyouton jutsu over the river and returned it back to normal. After that, the three of them made their way back to the others before starting on their way back to Konoha.

(The Following Day; Early That Morning)

Naruto's eyes rolled around under his eyelids before his eyelids gradually opened up completely. He looked around and soon remembered where he was. He slowly sat up and rubbed his sore shoulder.

"Must have slept on it wrong," Naruto muttered to himself.

"NII-CHAN!," a young boy shouted as he ran, jumped and embraced Naruto in a tight embrace, knocking him back onto the couch, "I'm so happy that you're alright! I knew you'd come for us!"

Despite the tight embrace, Naruto smiled and hugged Inari back, "Was there ever a doubt?"

Inari let go of Naruto, allowing the older teen to sit up on the couch.

"You looked really beaten up when I found you sleeping yesterday," Inari said.

"My fight with Soujiro was a hard one," Naruto remarked, "But when it came to rescuing and protecting you guys, I was prepared to do whatever I had to."

Naruto then noticed a far away look on the younger boy's face.

"I was weak nii-chan," Inari said with a sad tone, "Despite the training I'm going through to be a ninja I was unable to defend mom, grandpa and myself. Soujiro was so strong. I wasn't able to do anything to stop him no matter how hard I tried to fight him. He easily beaten me and…touched mom in wrong places. I wanted to protect mom but I couldn't do anything because I was tied up. You must be disappointed with me."

Naruto saw that this Inari was a lot different than how he was when he first met him. Putting an understanding arm on the boy's shoulder, Naruto encouraged, "Inari, believe it or not, you're a lot stronger than many ninjas and people I know."

This caused the boy to look at Naruto with widened eyes. Naruto went on, "You were prepared to defend those who are precious to you and you selflessly placed their safety ahead of your own. That's what made Kaiza-san strong and I can see his very spirit in you, and no amount of jutsus can ever equate to that. You're on your way in becoming a true ninja."

"You really think so," Inari asked with a surprised expression. Naruto asserted, "I don't think, I know."

"Nii-chan," Inari said happily as he embraced Naruto again. The older teen chuckled at Inari's antics while ruffling the younger boy's head.

"Naruto-san," Tsunami greeted as she and her father entered the living room. The woman smiled seeing the scene between her son and Naruto. It was no secret to her that her son considered Naruto as his greatest inspiration besides Kaiza. As she thought about it, Naruto was much like Kaiza, only younger. Tsunami and her father went over to the two younger males by the couch.

"How are you feeling," Tsunami asked.

"Much better," Naruto assured, "A little rest was all I needed."

"You were in worser shape when we last saw you," Tazuna said, "And your clothes were ruined. I had them taken so they could be repaired."

That was when Naruto looked down to see that he was in a pair of dark blue pants and white T-shirt.

"And I didn't notice this, why," Naruto muttered to himself before turning to Tazuna, "Thanks for your kindness. I'll-"

"You don't have to repay us anything," Tazuna said, "You and your friends placed your lives on the line for ours. We really can't thank or repay you guys enough for what you've done for us."

Naruto got up from the couch and stood up on his feet.

"You really got bigger nii-chan," Inari exclaimed, "I thought they were all rumors."

Tsunami saw that Naruto was now taller than her and Tazuna, not to mention that he looked more mature than before as a result of the loss of baby fat from his face.

"Quite a handsome young man you became Naruto-san," Tsunami complimented. Naruto smiled, "Thanks. Call it a growth spurt."

"What happened to cause you to age so rapidly," Tsunami asked curiously. Naruto replied, "A medic kinjutsu that was unique only to me. It was meant to heal me but it backfired and aged me instead. I don't plan on resorting that the jutsu again."

'I warned you back then that there would be possible side effects for your using that huge quantity of my chakra while in the broken condition your body was in,' Minato remarked.

I wonder who said a parent's touch is the best medicine, Naruto mentally snorted.

'What,' Minato replied after he caught the mockery behind his son's comment.

Naruto returned back to reality when he noticed the others staring at him after going silent.

"Sorry about that," Naruto apologized, "Kind of spaced out just then."

"It's OK," Tsunami assured as she walked over and kissed Naruto on the cheek just as Anko and Ryota entered in the room. Surprisingly, both females frowned when they saw the scene, especially when a light blush appeared on Naruto's face.

"Thank you for rescuing and saving us Naruto-san," Tsunami thanked, "My son was certain that you'd come for us."

Turning his eye while keeping his head from turning, the blonde saw Ryota and Anko standing next to each other.

"Well," Naruto replied, "I didn't do it alone. I had help from two strong kunoichis standing over there."

Now the two kunoichis decided to join the scene.

"Yondaime-gaki," Anko smiled, "It's great to see you up and running."

"Naruto-kun," Ryota grinned, "Nice choice of clothes. Changing your fashion already?"

"No, just having my actual clothes fixed. From what Tazuna told me, they should be fixed hopefully by tomorrow."

"Actually," Tazuna corrected, "They'll be done by the end of the day today. When the tailor learned that they were your clothes, he got to work on them immediately and assured me that he'll be done with them by this evening. He didn't even charge me for the service. Made me feel that I should have brought along the rest of my stuff and say they belonged to you Naruto-kun."

"Hey," Tsunami scolded, "That wouldn't have been very nice father."

"But you have to give an old man credit for trying at least," Tazuna smiled. Tsunami shook her head, "Anyway, I have breakfast ready for everyone-"

"That's great! I'm starving," Naruto said enthusiastically as he hurriedly left the living room, making his way to the kitchen. Inari laughed and followed, "Hey wait for me nii-chan!"

Tsunami giggled at the scene, happy to see that her son was happy and full of life again.

My son truly admires and adores you Naruto-san, Tsunami thought to herself, You're like the second Kaiza-kun in our lives.

She and the others followed Inari and Naruto into the kitchen. Looking at Naruto from behind, Tsunami visualized Kaiza's form projected over Naruto as he interacted and laughed with her son. She smiled brightly at the scene as everyone got ready to eat their breakfast.

(Later That Day)

Naruto spent the day with Inari who practically followed Naruto around like a second shadow. While they were there, Anko and Ryota decided to check around to see what Nami No Kuni had to offer. They were surprised at how industrious the country became within nearly four months after the bridge's completion. New vacation resorts, hotels and stores were being constructed and from the way it looked, it was promising for good business in the future. Inari, while hanging with Naruto, saw the amount of females that came and followed them around, much to Anko and Ryota's annoyance. Naruto, used to receiving that kind of attention from the opposite sex, had to keep both kunoichis from doing anything drastic to scare the girls away. The kunoichis reluctantly complied, on the condition that he agreed with their request to make it up to them based on what they wanted from him.

Later, Naruto saw and entered the new training school that Inari was attending and training at to become a shinobi. The blonde was surprised that a number of youths were already there training with the ninjas that moved in and took residence as citizens of Nami No Kuni.

'A promising bunch those children are,' Minato noted.

They have potential, Naruto admitted, And judging from the ninjas' skills, I'd say that they're at least B-class Jounin -level.

After everyone noticed Naruto's presence, they all stopped what they were doing and greeted the country's proclaimed hero. Naruto was bombarded with a series of questions about his skills and power and was asked a few times if he'd be willing to show them a couple of his jutsus. He show them Kage Bushin and a few tricks with wind manipulations but nothing further. He was also questioned by the Jounins and his reasons for being in the country. Naruto told them the whole story and how he was able to beat Soujiro and stop his former comrades whom he used and betrayed. Naruto was carefully not to mention that the two additional 'ninjas' he fought with Soujiro were in the form of Inari and Tsunami.

"You're really powerful Naruto-sama," one girl said.

"I can't believe you took on Soujiro and those three ninjas all by yourself," one boy remarked, "Were you scared?"

"I'm scared every time I go on a dangerous mission," Naruto said causing the rest of the class except Inari to look back at him in disbelief.

"You, scared," another girl asked, "Don't believe it!"

"Believe it," Naruto said. (A/N: No, don't think for a minute that I'm turning Naruto into the one from the English-dubbed version! This is just conversion.)

"Just because nii-chan gets scared doesn't mean that he can't control his fear enough to help those he cares about," Inari interjected, "Naruto-nii-chan taught me not to let fear of the enemy prevent me from protecting what's precious to me. That's why I train to become stronger, so I can protect all of my family and friends."

"Very well said Inari," one of the Jounin-senseis commended, "Clearly Naruto-san has been a big influence in your life."

"He's this country's greatest inspiration and I want to become just as strong as him," Inari replied zealously.

Quite the goal you have Inari, Naruto thought, Who knows; maybe you might surprise me and surpass my expectations of you. I'm sure you will.

After another half-hour, Naruto left the school with Inari and went about hanging out together for the rest of the day.

(Back At The House)

Ryota at the beach watching the waves crash on shore before precipitating back to the sea again and repeating the pattern.

"Ryota," Anko called to her as she approached her.

"Anko," Ryota greeted, "Was there something the matter?"

"No," Anko said as she stood to face the ocean, "I just wanted to say that after hearing what you said the other day, it's nice to know that I have someone who understands my secret pain."

"What do you mean?"

Going straight to the point, Anko related, "I understand what it's like to be betrayed by a sensei you once loved and held in high regards. What your sensei did to you was exactly what Orochimaru did to me."

Ryota looked at Anko surprisingly, "You were the apprentice of the Snake Sannin. I should have known, especially after seeing that large snake you summoned the other day. What happened between you and Orochimaru?"

"I must admit that before I met Yondaime-gaki," Anko said, "I had a hard time telling anyone about my past until we became friends…"

Anko and Ryota spent the next two hours relating to each other about their past lives and experiences. They found that they had much more in common than they counted on. Ryota was happy to find that besides Haku, she found that Anko was another person who could empathize with her and likewise Anko found that with Ryota.

Naruto and Inari returned to find the two females conversing together while coming back to the house.

Probably having one of their girl talks, Naruto figured as he continued on his way with Inari. A moment later, Tsunami came out and greeted the two males.

"Inari, Naruto-san," Tsunami smiled, "How was your hangout?"

"Great mom," Inari exclaimed happily.

"Inari gave me a tour around to see the improvements around town," Naruto explained, "Nami No Kuni truly came a long way from how I last saw it."

"The bridge opened up to us new futures and possibilities," Tsunami said, "It was only right that the bridge was named after you in your honor."

"Something I wasn't honestly expecting," Naruto admitted while scratching the back of his head.

"C'mon nii-chan," Inari said pulling on Naruto's arm, "You promised to show and teach me some taijutsus and several other stuff!"

Inari ran/dragged Naruto into the forest leaving Tsunami watching their disappearing forms. While looking at them, she once again pictured Kaiza's form over Naruto.

"I think he's a little too young for you my dear daughter," Tazuna teased mischievously. Tsunami smacked her father across the shoulder, clearly not amused with his implication.

"Knock it off father," Tsunami retorted as she turned and retreated back into the house to prepare dinner for everyone.

(Two Days Later)

Naruto, dressed in his fully restored Jounin clothes, gear and trench coat, Anko and Ryota were standing by The Great Naruto Bridge with Inari, Tsunami and Tazuna. The family came to see Naruto and the others off before they began their journey back to the home village.

"Can't you stay a little longer nii-chan," Inari asked with pleading eyes.

"As much as I'd like to," Naruto said, "My new responsibilities in Konoha doesn't permit me and the others here to stay any longer than our mission duration. However, when you and your family get the time to, you're more than welcomed to visit and spend the night at my estate."

Inari went over and hugged Naruto tightly, "I love you nii-chan, you're precious to me. You know that right?"

"Sure I do," Naruto smiled, though a bit embarrassed by Inari's display of affections. Tsunami and Tazuna giggled at the scene.

"When you see Kakashi, his team and Haku," Tazuna said, "Please give them our regards, along with the payment I promised."

"Consider it taken cared of," Naruto nodded before Inari let him go from his embrace, "Remember to study and practice everything I taught you and everything your senseis will teach you. And practice and review that taijutsu scroll I left with you. Understand?"

Inari nodded. Tsunami went over and kissed Naruto's cheek again, "Thanks again Naruto-san. Feel free to visit whenever you have the time to."

"Hopefully next time it won't involve dangerous ninjas and rescues," Naruto grinned, "Not that I wouldn't do them again."

Tsunami smiled and simply agreed. Turning to the two kunoichis, Naruto said, "Well, it's time for us to get going."

The two females nodded before saying their good-byes to Inari and his family. The trio waved and said their final good-byes to the ninjas as they ran across the bridge and started on their way back to Konoha.

(Meanwhile In Konoha)

At Konoha Hospital, the Genins were in their recovery rooms recuperating from their failed retrieval mission. Chouji and Neji were in ICU, having suffered the most injuries, many of them severe. Fortunately they and the others were said to make a fully recovery in a matter of days. Sakura was in Sai's room looking after him. Though they didn't get along, he was still her teammate and Sakura appreciated that Sai made the attempt to get Sasuke back. She heard about the results of the mission from Kakashi and the battle that took place between Sai, Sasuke and Kabuto. Sai surviving a double-team attack from Sasuke and Kabuto alone was quite the feat the other Genins thought. But all in all, the mission was nearly a success had it not been for the intervention of an unknown party that ambushed Kakashi and Haku in the forest in the Valley of the End.

This was brought to Sandaime, Tsunade and Jiraiya's attention, which troubled the three of them. Orochimaru was gone and no other person besides Naruto and Anko could summon snakes. Jiraiya assured them that along with finding more information on the Akatsuki, he'd have his spy network look into what Kakashi and Haku reported and see what turns up.

Along with this, Tsunade had received the decrypted message sent to her from the Tsuchikage. In the letter, the Tsuchikage explained that Soujiro acted on his own without authorization, taking several of his Jounins, his niece included, on a mission against Naruto that he never authorized, based on a mission request that Otogakure wanted his nation to fulfill, though it was refused. Soujiro, the Tsuchikage explained, was marked in the bingo books as an A-S-class missing-nin wanted for treason and instigating war.

Tsunade, after reading the message, wrote, signed and stamped a reply message to the Tsuchikage. In it, she explained that because Soujiro was marked as a missing-nin after the incident occurred while taking several other official Iwa Jounins with him who willingly went along with the plot in kidnapping Nami No Kuni civilians under Konoha's protection and using them as bait to draw her son and two other Konoha Jounins with him out for an ambush, Iwa would still have to make reparations for the offense against Konoha and the civilian family of Nami No Kuni. The message was sent to Iwa with the same messenger eagle.

Meanwhile, Tayuya, though recuperating from her severe injuries, was being held and watched by 24-hour ANBU guard. Ibiki was assigned to interrogate her later and see what information he could squeeze out of her about Otogakure, its location, the number of Oto nins, Oto's conspiracy involving Iwa and the unknown ninja who ambushed Kakashi and Haku.

(Later That Night)

Naruto and his team set up camp for the night and planned on resuming early the next morning. Naruto, standing outside looking at the night sky while on guard duty, felt bothered by something he couldn't quite understand.

This wasn't the first time Otogakure coaxed a nation into warring against Konoha, Naruto contemplated, This was proven in the case with Suna. That nation was in a desperate military and financial crisis and Orochimaru took advantage of that in hopes of crushing Konoha and getting Sasuke on top of that.

Now Otogakure sought to coax Iwa into warring against Konoha but surprisingly Iwa as a whole refused though there were a few who thought otherwise. Otogakure must have known that if Iwa were to seek to war with Konoha again, they'd have lost. What was Otogakure seeking to gain by triggering another war between Iwa and Konoha knowing that Iwa would lose regardless? Who would benefit from it?

"What are you contemplating," Anko asked as she walked over to him without wearing her trench coat and leg guards. Naruto turned to her and said, "About everything that happened up to this point. Somehow, I think there's more to this than we know."

Anko said nothing as she just stood next to him. A moment later, she said, "If it's about Otogakure, they were clearly trying to achieve something, whatever that was, while letting Iwa take the fall for it. And considering the bitter history between Konoha and Iwa, Iwagakure makes a perfect scapegoat."

Naruto thought for a moment before…

"You can think about all that later," Anko suggested as she stretched her arms out, "I'm going to sleep now Yondaime-gaki."

Anko turned and walked back to the tent, swinging her waist and hips back and forth in a provocative fashion. Naruto frowned at how his former sensei was teasing him. She then stopped walking while keeping her back facing the blonde. Grabbing the left and right ends of her mini-skirt, she raised it enough to give the blonde a view of half her rear.

"Feel free to join me if you want," Anko enticed as she looked at Naruto with a lustful smile, "I can sure use your warmth."

Grinning at the look on his face, Anko disappeared into the tent with Ryota already fast asleep.

"Troublesome woman," Naruto muttered in irritation while forcing the crimson blush off his face and keeping his arousal at bay.

'Naruto,' Minato said with a voice wanting an immediate explanation, 'I think now would be as good of time to start talking and telling me everything that happened while I was gone. And while you're doing that, you can tell me about this taboo affair with your sensei.'

"There's nothing taboo about it," Kyuubi snickered, "It's all part of the natural cycle. The ripened vixen was clearly releasing pheromones while showing signs to the alpha male that she's ready to mate and bear kits for him. To be honest, I couldn't think of a more appropriate mating location than out here in the open forest."

Naruto groaned audibly while hearing the two voices in his head and the trouble Anko caused him. For Naruto, this was going to be a long night…

With their mission completed, Naruto and his team are returning back to Konoha. As the Genins are recuperating from a failed retrieval mission, a few questions remained unanswered:

How will the Akatsuki take to another victory won by Naruto? How will Iwa react when they learn that reparations on their part will have to be made to Konoha and Tazuna's family because of Soujiro and their fellow Jounins' actions? Who was that unknown ninja who helped Kabuto and Sasuke escape from Kakashi and Haku? What will become of Tayuya now that she's in Konoha's custody? Will they get the answers they're looking for from her or will she refuse to cooperate and be executed like the rest of her team? And how will Naruto react to Sasuke's betrayal and desertion? Find out next time.