Chapter Fifty-Three: Facing Reality

(Five Days Later: In Konoha)

Naruto, Anko and Ryota were approaching Konoha's main gates. As they were doing so, they were greeted by Kotetsu and his friend Izumo.

"Naruto-san," Kotetsu greeted, "It's great to see you back and the others back. Tsunade-sama told us to tell you to report to her office immediately for a briefing."

Naruto nodded as the two females followed him close by.

"Damn it," Anko complained, "I was hoping to get some dangos before seeing Tsunade-sama."

"Forget about it for now," Naruto said, "You'll just have to deal with it until we get this briefing done and over with."

"Fine," Anko retorted, "But you're buying."

"No I don't think so," Naruto remarked.

"You still owe us that favor," Ryota interjected.

"I already paid it," Naruto said, "I took up the nightly guard duties during the return trip back to Konoha since you both weren't willing to do them and decided to get longer sleep instead. Plus, I had to put up with Anko-chan repeatedly teasing me with innuendos and sensual gestures on top of that. Therefore, I don't owe either of you a damn thing."

Both females snorted at Naruto who clearly ignored them. During the return trip, Anko, during the nightly teasing session, was hoping that Naruto would have caved in and decide to have some "fun" with her. She was surprised at how strong a will he had in not succumbing to his hormones and her sensual teases.

While on his way to the Hokage Tower, Minato was able to see how many of the citizens were greeting Naruto as "Namikaze-sama," "Naruto-sama" and "son of Yondaime." By this time Minato was already aware that everyone knew that Naruto was his son. He was however rather upset that Kushina wasn't explained to the villagers. It was headache for Naruto to deal with as he explained to Minato about Tsunade's near mental and emotional breakdown after his death and why Sarutobi reluctantly withheld explaining Naruto's connection with Kushina as much as it pained the old man to do so. For Naruto, it was hard for him also; though Kushina gave birth to him however, Tsunade raised and trained him as her own son all his life after Kushina's tragic death.

What also got Minato's attention was when Naruto explained to him about the issues involving Hinata, Ino, Temari, Ryota and Anko. Kyuubi spent much of his time harassing Naruto about breeding of kits "endowed" with chakra from the most feared of the bijuus. It was a while before Naruto was able to close out Kyuubi's voice.

'It's clear that much has changed since my absence,' Minato said while watching the scene through Naruto eyes, 'You've truly came a long way to get where you are now.'

Perhaps, Naruto replied, But I'm still a long way from reaching the rest of my goals.

Naruto looked to see Yugao walking to the hospital with some items in her hands. He was curious as to why the ANBU kunoichi was heading there and wondered whom was she visiting.

(In Iwagakure)

The Tsuchikage was in his office contemplating on everything his niece had explained to him. Though happy about her survival however, he was disappointed in her poor judgment and earlier actions which led to the deaths of six of their Jounins. Tsuchiko said she was willing to accept full responsibility and whatever punishment that was believed to be deserving for her disgrace. Her uncle knew that she and the others were completely deceived by the traitorous Jounin and presently he didn't know what kind of reprimanding to deal out to them.

It surprised the Tsuchikage to no end however that the son of the Yellow Flash spared their lives and allowed them to return back alive in spite of the hatred Iwa has for the Namikaze name. He never would have thought that the son of their most hated enemy would have shown them mercy despite the fact that they were attempting to bring about his defeat and the deaths of his comrades. Honestly, he would have believed the news to be preposterous had his own niece not personally give him the full detailed report about everything that happened with the surviving Jounins as eyewitnesses to the event.

Though the other Jounins didn't say it, but they started looking at Naruto differently from how he was always portrayed by their fellow Iwa nins because of whose son he was. The families and friends of the Jounins killed mourned their loss and before talk of blaming Naruto could take root, it was thoroughly explained that their deaths resulted from the actions of a traitor who tried to instigate war with Konoha and Suna. They explained that Naruto killed the traitor while allowing them to return back without incident, not wanting to kill them or trigger another war with Iwa. The families and many of the citizens in the beginning found their story ridiculous and thought it was some kind of cover up for what really happened. The Tsuchikage himself had to make it very clear that Soujiro was a traitor and that he sold them out not to Konoha but to Otogakure. This led to mixed feelings rising up among the citizens concerning Soujiro and Naruto.

But that wasn't all that the Tsuchikage had to deal with. What was also on his mind was the reparations Konoha was going to demand from Iwa because of their Jounins' actions against Naruto and Tazuna's family. He didn't know how much this was going cost the village but seeing the degree of the offense he knew that the reparations would indeed be highly based on whatever terms Konoha decides to make agree to.

(At The Hokage Tower)

Naruto, Anko and Ryota were in Tsunade's office with Sarutobi and Shizune present. The Elite Jounin had reported everything to Tsunade who had a serious look on her face, especially after Naruto explained the new viral medic ninjutsu he secretly created and used on Soujiro. After taking a moment to contemplate on everything her son told her, she then explained what the Tsuchikage had explained to her through a messenger eagle and how she responded by telling him that Iwa would be responsible for making reparations to both Konoha and Tazuna's family for the offenses their still loyal Jounins have caused.

"Have you all decided what measures the reparations will be," Naruto asked.

"…Not yet," Tsunade sighed, "But from what the Tsuchikage said in his letter, he doesn't want to instigate another war with us."

"Smart man," Anko remarked. Ignoring her sarcasm, Tsunade continued, "I thought about having Iwa pay 120 million ryos as compensation, with 20 million out of it going to Tazuna and his family."

"Quite a hefty fine," Ryota noted, "Do you think the Tsuchikage will agree to pay such a large sum of money out of Iwagakure's treasury? Knowing him, he'll try to negotiate in having the reparations being more reasonable."

"It was his lack of scrutiny in the ranks among his ninjas that led to his village being in the mess it got itself into," Sarutobi interjected, "His and the mistakes of his ninjas placed their entire village at fault and they must take full responsibility for it. This isn't a mistake that can be taken lightly or brushed under the rug.

"Hypothetically speaking, if Naruto was killed in that battle with Soujiro, Konoha, in its fury, would have not only rose up and declared war but every ninja in Konoha of all ranks would have been more than willing to seek Iwagakure's complete destruction as vengeance for killing the last Namikaze and heir of the Senju clan."

"Not only that," Tsunade cut in, "They would have most likely sought your death as well Ryota-san."

"What," Ryota burst in surprise, "Why would they after I clearly defected from Iwa to Konoha?"

"Because of your origins," Tsunade pointed out, "And the fact that you accompanied my son to Nami No Kuni might have triggered the false assumption that you helped lure Naruto and Anko into an ambush with your former comrades. You would have been used as the most believable scapegoat for them to vent that blood thirst on, no matter how much you pleaded otherwise."

Ryota hated what Tsunade said but she knew it was true, especially since not everyone in Konoha still trust her.

"Naruto," Tsunade said seriously, "I want a detailed report about the creation of your Iyasu Henshitsu No Jutsu (Healing Deterioration Technique) on my desk first thing by tomorrow morning."

"You don't have to wait that long," Naruto replied as he reached into his trench coat and retrieved a scroll from it. He gave it to his mother who took it from him and found the scroll to have a seal of some sort on it.

"There's a blood seal on it," Naruto said, "For security purposes, only your and my blood can open it. It's too dangerous of a medic ninjutsu to be trusted to just anyone."

"I thought we reprimanded you for creating kinjutsus that are based on gambles with your life," Tsunade scolded. Frowning, Naruto replied, "I gave this viral medic jutsu a lot of forethought and preparation. And that scroll will go into details about its history and how I created it."

Shizune couldn't help but have a feeling of disapproval of her "little brother" using the medic knowledge and experience he gained from both her and Tsunade to create viruses. Part of her felt it went against the nature of why they became medic nins in the first place.

"I'll look into the scroll later and discuss the reparations Iwa will have to make at another time," Tsunade said, "There's another matter I have to discuss with you three to bring you up to date with what happened while you all were away."

"We're listening," Naruto replied before Tsunade went into details to explained Sasuke's desertion and the incident involving Otogakure and the Sound Four. Neither of the three interrupted as the Godaime briefed them on all that took place. It wasn't long until she was done with her explanation. Naruto was deep in thought as he mediated on Tsunade's words and everything that happened to him. What irked him and Anko however was when Tsunade explained to them that an unknown ninja summoned a giant snake to distract Kakashi and Haku, giving Kabuto and Sasuke time to escape.

"Anko-chan," Naruto asked, "Do you know of any one else besides Orochimaru and ourselves that have a contract with snakes?"

"None that I know of," Anko said, "That wasn't a contract Orochimaru readily shared with anyone, and back then, he certainly didn't make it easy for me to acquire it either. Perhaps he allowed someone else to sign it without our knowing of it. That's my best guess at it anyway."

Thinking about everything being said to him thus far, the blonde came to make an acknowledgement of something.

"It all makes sense now," Naruto realized, "Otogakure's prime objective was to get Sasuke. The skirmish they instigated through Iwa involving Nami No Kuni wasn't a trap; it was a decoy to lure me away from Konoha."

Sarutobi, while taking a puff of his pipe, acknowledged, "…It's clear that they believed you would have been the greatest obstacle in their plans to get Sasuke. They needed you as far away from Konoha as possible and what better way to bait you than by targeting people you seek to protect. Despite the fact you knew this was a set up of some type, they knew you wouldn't gamble with the lives of Inari and Tsunami. They used your characteristics against you and manipulated ninjas from Iwa to carry it out."

"With you out of the way and kept occupied," Shizune spoke up for the first time since the meeting, "And all of the other Jounins away on missions, it made it easier for Oto to send their ninjas to acquire Sasuke."

One would have assumed that Naruto would have burst out in outrage by what he was hearing. But instead he was calm and had self-control while he calculated everything he was listening to.

"With all that happened to Sasuke and type of life he lived while here in the village," Naruto remarked, "I honestly can't say I'm surprised that he deserted Konoha for Oto. Based on my experience with him and from what kaa-chan's testimony was with regards to Sai's battle with Sasuke, it's evident that Sasuke's grudge and resentment for Konoha went deeper than even I expected.

"He couldn't stand how he wasn't as strong as I am and how the village valued me more than him. He believed the name "Uchiha" was forsaken and looked down on by everyone while the names "Senju" and "Namikaze" were feared and respected. With all this seeded in his heart and his drive to kill Itachi, manipulating him to desert Konoha wouldn't have been all that hard. It's a pity really. If his goals were to have been more constructive, I believe he'd have made a new and better name for the revived Uchiha clan. I'd have helped him get stronger if he wasn't so selfish, ambitious and envious (sighed)…such a waste."

There was a brief moment of silence in the office. Before another word was said, the door opened revealing Sakura entering.

"Tsunade-sama I…," Sakura started before stopping to realize who else were in the room, "Naruto-senpai, you returned."

Now Naruto, Ryota and Anko raised their eye brows on hearing how Sakura addressed the Elite Jounin.

"Senpai," Naruto repeated. Tsunade elaborated, "I took her up as my new apprentice after she came in and asked for personal training from me to become a medic-nin."

"Did she now," Naruto remarked, "What brought about this?"

"She wanted to become more useful to the village than she was before she explained," Shizune replied, "We're to train her in becoming a medic-nin like ourselves Naruto-kun."

"Who's "we"," Naruto remarked, "I didn't agree to being one of her teachers."

"True," Tsunade interjected, "However, you're her senior and higher ranked medic ninja. So they'll be a few occasions when you'll supervise her training, along with the training of the three other youths you took up as your apprentices."

Turning to Sakura, Naruto asked, "Are you serious about becoming a medic-nin?"

"Yes Naruto-senpai," Sakura answered, "I'm taking this very serous. I don't intend to give up, no matter how hard it gets."

Naruto merely nodded, but before he could say another word…

"Was your mission to Nami No Kuni a success," Sakura asked anxiously, "Are Inari and the others alright?"

"Yes. Both Inari and his family are safe and the culprit was dealt with accordingly," Naruto assured. The female medic in-training sighed in relief. Though she was sure of Naruto's abilities, she couldn't help but worry for Inari and his family. With the threat taken care of, Sakura felt she rather relieved.

"Speaking of which," Naruto remembered before turning to Tsunade again, "Here's the full payment for the previous mission Kakashi-niisan, his team and I went on."

Naruto pulled out the pouch of money from his coat and gave it to his mother. She took it from him and set it down on her desk, "I'll see that the payment is made out later."

"I can wait," Naruto replied before changing the subject, "By the way, is that Oto kunoichi conscious yet?"

"No," Tsunade answered, "She hasn't regained consciousness yet."

"When she does," Naruto said, "I wish to interrogate her myself."

"Naruto," Tsunade replied, "Ibiki is assigned for that."

"I know," Naruto said, "But I believe I can get answers out of her faster."

Tsunade knew that Anko trained Naruto in interrogation techniques. She thought about refusing Naruto's request but consented, "Very well. I'll give you one chance. But if you fail, Ibiki will be given the task again and you won't be allowed to interfere. Understand?"

"One chance is all I need," Naruto replied as he turned and walked towards the door, "And I'll do it my way."

Sakura turned to the blond Elite Jounin and asked, "So you heard about Sasuke-kun's desertion?"

"Yes," Naruto answered, "A sad waste really."

"Senpai," Sakura said a bit hesitantly, "I tried to convince and talk him out of leaving but I failed miserably. He was so bent on becoming stronger and he felt he could get what he needs from Oto. I know both you and Sasuke-kun didn't have that great of history with each other but-"

"Sakura," Naruto cut in, "Where are you getting at? Get to the point."

Taking a breath, she asked, "Do you think there's a chance we can get Sasuke-kun back?"

Naruto looked at Sakura awkwardly, "Excuse me?"

"Sasuke-kun must have been manipulated by those Oto nins I'm sure of it," Sakura expressed, "That night when I last saw him, he wasn't himself and I'm sure the curse seal on him had something to do with his unusual behavior."

"From what I've seen of Sasuke," Ryota remarked, "If his behavior haven't been normal up to his disappearance, I haven't noticed."

Anko snickered at Ryota's remark, only to receive a hot glare from the pink-haired Genin. Neither of the female Jounins was intimidated at the least.

"You want me to help you bring him back," Naruto interpreted. Sakura saw that Naruto figured her out, "Sai did what he could to bring him back but Kabuto ambushed Sai and escaped taking Sasuke-kun with him. I know it's a lot I'm asking but…Sasuke-kun's place is in Konoha with us and…I admit that Sasuke-kun, Sai and myself haven't always been on good terms with each other but Sai did say that Sasuke-kun called him a really good friend."

Naruto said nothing as he stood there and listened.

"If it's possible senpai," Sakura requested, "Would you be willing to help both Sai and myself bring Sasuke-kun back to Konoha? You're one of the village's strongest ninjas and I'm sure with your help we can get Sasuke-kun from Kabuto."

The Elite Jounin closed his eyes to evaluate the entire situation and everything he was told from both Tsunade and now Sakura. Everyone else in the room remained silent as they waited for Naruto's answer. After another moment, the blonde opened his eyes and looked directly at the pink-haired Genin as he gave his reply…

"Sasuke became a missing-nin willingly and using the curse seal as an excuse does not satisfy any reason for me to overlook it," Naruto replied, "He jeopardized the lives of your fellow Genins, teammate and two Chuunins, one of them my fiancé, who were sent after him only to be attacked by Oto-Jounins sent to retrieve him. He attacked and tried to kill your own teammate and from I was told, Sasuke double-teamed Sai with Kabuto and might have killed Sai had it not been for Kakashi-niisan and Haku-san's intervention.

"I'm sorry, but I can not and will not overlook Sasuke's crimes against Konoha for whatever personal reasons or attachments you or anyone else has for him. He severed whatever bonds you believed to have had with him the moment he turned traitor. He gave no consideration to your feelings or those of his comrades. The only consideration he had was for his own selfish ambitions."

Everyone in the office stayed quiet as they listened and watched the scene between Naruto and Sakura play out.

"One other thing Sakura," Naruto added, "Kakashi-niisan told me that he once told you guys that those who abandoned their mission are trash; but those who betray their comrades are worse than trash. Sasuke didn't take his sensei's words to heart and he didn't hesitate to betray us for power and revenge the first chance he got. And based on your own sensei's words, Sasuke is worse than trash."

Sakura cringed from Naruto's harsh logic and reasoning. She looked like she was on the verge of tears on seeing how remorselessly Naruto was verbally tearing Sasuke apart.

"If I do bring him back alive Sakura," Naruto made clear, "Trust that Sasuke will be made to answer for his crimes. I will not make the same mistake the two ninjas before me whom I told you and the others about made with regards to Orochimaru."

Sarutobi unconsciously lowered his head as though he was trying to hide his shame for the mistake he and Jiraiya made years ago. Tsunade saw this, but said nothing. Turning to his mother, Naruto said, "If there's nothing else, I'll retire for the afternoon and visit the other Genins. Please notify me when that Oto-kunoichi regains consciousness."

"Do you really think you can get answers out of her," Sakura asked timidly after hearing and seeing Naruto's reaction to her request. Coldly, Naruto turned to face her and replied, "I have ways of making ninjas like her feel utterly useless. Before I'm through she will breakdown on her knees…and beg me for her death."

Sakura's complexion turned pale as an arctic chill ran down her back. Naruto said nothing further as he exited the office, closing the door behind him.

"He wasn't joking when he made that proclamation Sakura," Ryota said, "I've seen his methods and from what happened to the last enemy kunoichi who crossed him…well…let's just say that she was never the same again."

Sakura gulped on hearing Ryota's words, though a part of the pink-haired Genin wondered if the former Iwa Jounin was referring to herself in the third person since both her and Naruto were enemies at one time.


Naruto left the Hokage Tower and made his way over to the hospital to see how the other Genins were doing. It wasn't long until he reached his destination. While making his way to where he was going, he saw Yugao making her way down the hall way from the opposite direction. She was coming from seeing how Hayate was doing. The Special Jounin was recuperating after a successful surgery.

Hayate's health had improved after Tsunade's treatment of it. Hayate was suffering from a rare lung disease though not contagious. Tsunade found it amazing that Hayate was unable to live so long with such a sickness though he was taking earlier medical treatment for it. Luckily the earlier treatments prevented it from becoming terminal which would have in effect shortened his life. The procedure in curing Hayate's condition was risky since both lungs were affected and chances of his survival were very slim. Yugao was reluctant about Hayate taking the procedure at first but later went along with it after Hayate's insistence on trusting in Tsunade's medical skills. Needless to say, the ANBU kunoichi was happy that Hayate would make a full recovery with improved health to boot.

Naruto stopped by the recuperation room to find Shino, Lee, Tenten, Hinata and Ino in the room with Neji, Chouji and Kiba.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata said happily as she rose off her seat and hurried over to him with Ino following close by. Naruto embraced and kissed her as she happily accepted and returned the kiss. Letting go of the lavender-haired girl, the blon Elite Jounin turned to see Ino waiting her turn before she grabbed and kissed him hotly. After a moment, the girl released Naruto and exclaimed, "Damn! I've wanted to do that for days! We missed you."

"I missed you all too," Naruto smiled, "A lot has happened while I was away. Kaa-chan told me about Sasuke's defection to Oto."

"Yeah," Ino said, "Sakura didn't take it rather well."

"Betrayal by anyone is never taken in rather well," Naruto remarked, "I'll worry about Sasuke later. Right now I have comrades and friends to see."

After exchanging greetings, Naruto listened to Neji, Chouji, Kiba and Lee as they took turns relating their encounter with the Oto Jounins the fought. Lee's story with Kimimaro intrigued the blond ninja since the bone-user came very close to killing both Gaara and Lee simultaneously before his body broke and shut down thus ending his life. After another fifteen minutes, Naruto left the room and went to see Sai who was in another room. Upon arriving, Naruto found the teen fully awake and painting a portrait of some kind while on his recovery bed. The pale-skinned Genin turned to the blonde and gave him one of his fake smiles.

"Naruto-kun," Sai greeted, "You've returned."

"Only to find you and the others are in the hospital after a failed retrieval mission," Naruto remarked before walking over to his bed and standing by it from the right, "I know Sasuke isn't as strong as you and based on the reports, you gave that rogue Genin quite the thrashing. Mind giving me a verbal account from your own mouth about your battle with him before you were ambushed by Kabuto? I would also like to know more about that verbal dispute you had with Sasuke during your battle with him at the Valley Of The End."

"The written report wasn't enough," Sai asked. Naruto replied, "Sakura told me that Sasuke called you his friend right before he tried to kill you…and she boldly sought my help to get that renegade back."

"Did you promise her to help get Sasuke back?"

"No," Naruto stated sharply, "But I assured her that should I be assigned to retrieve Sasuke that he'll get no special treatment from me or anyone else. I made it very clear to her that I will not overlook his crimes just because of what clan he's from or because of whatever foolish emotional attachments she has for him. He will be treated and dealt with as a traitor and criminal, last Uchiha or not."

Sai gave Naruto no argument as he simply agreed with the higher-ranked ninja. Putting his painting brush and portrait down on the table, Sai went on to explain the event from his point of view.

(Back At Hokage Tower)

Sarutobi was in the study office going over some scrolls to calm his nerves. Fifteen minutes after Naruto left the tower, Danzo, Koharu and Homura had gotten on Sarutobi's nerves concerning Sasuke's desertion for Otogakure. Danzo argued that they should have had Sasuke executed long ago that night with the rest of the traitorous Uchiha clan that were slaughtered. Sarutobi had to remind them of the threat Itachi made if Sasuke was harmed by either of them. That served to calm and quiet Danzo if only by so much; goading Itachi to reveal secrets about Konoha to hostile nations wouldn't fair well for the village.

Sarutobi sighed as he thought about the Senju and the Uchiha clans. Very few people knew the true story about both clans. Though Sai worked under Danzo, even he wasn't fully aware of the real story and some of what he learned wasn't completely accurate. And in some levels, the same applied likewise for Naruto and everyone else.

Reminiscing about the past, Sarutobi, as a youth, recalled Madara's strong distrust of Senju Hashirama, the then Senju clan leader who later became the Shodaime Hokage. He adamantly argued that the Senjus would bring about the Uchiha's undoing. But the Uchihas back then disregarded Madara's words, looking at him as a greedy opportunist who sought to worsen the already bad blood problems between them and the Senjus. The Uchihas grew to despise Madara and got fed up with his continuous outright talks against the Hokage and Senjus. Madara's desertion of Konoha and later attack against Konoha and Shodai using Kyuubi only made matters worse for the Uchiha clan. Though Madara lost, the Senjus and village council became all the more suspicious and wary of the Uchihas as a result of Madara's treasonous actions.

To keep the other Uchihas from following Madara's example, the Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama, after Shodai stepped down as Hokage and gave the position to his younger brother, made the Uchihas in charge of the Konoha Military Police Force. Though it was a sign of good faith however, even that was a ploy to make keeping an eye on the Uchihas a lot easier since they were all being grouped together while being kept out of government affairs. Tensions and grudges from the Uchihas only grew as a result and Sarutobi, during his reign as Sandaime Hokage, tried to resolve and amend matters as best he could. But something happened during the reign of the Yondaime that sealed the Uchiha clan's fate:

Kyuubi's awakening and wreaking havoc before his arrival to Konoha. Danzo, Homura and Koharu suspected that the Uchihas were behind this but Sarutobi argued otherwise and refused to have this reach Yondaime's ears since the young Hokage had enough problems of his own while dealing with trying to find ways of defeating the fox and dealing with complications of his wife's well being and pregnancy.

Two days after Kyuubi's mysterious disappearance during its attack on Konoha and Yondaime's sealing into Naruto, Uchiha Fugaku, the then Uchiha clan leader, insisted that he be given legal custody over Yondaime's son and sole surviving heir. Fugaku said that he was even willing to have Naruto marry into the Uchiha clan and see to it that he was treated and looked at as an Uchiha. But as in the case with Hiashi, Sandaime had to refuse Fugaku's request regardless of how good-natured it was.

Homura, Koharu and Danzo believed that the Uchihas were seeking to marry Naruto into their clan so they could not only have complete access to all of Minato and the Namikaze clan's secrets, but also control Naruto himself with Yondaime's power and knowledge infusing into Naruto. The three of them feared that having him loyal and raised by the Uchihas would have made that clan an unstoppable force and especially if that clan were to rebel. Sarutobi however argued that Naruto in any clan would make that clan an unstoppable force if they chose to rebel and that Naruto himself needed someone to teach him to be loyal to the village and people and not solely to their clan.

It was no secret that the Uchihas had sought support from the Namikaze clan after they moved in and joined Konoha years ago. The Namikaze clan was famous for their ingenuity in seals, jutsus and spiral-type jutsus and they were very wealthy because of this. However, the Namikazes' fame and exploits won them many enemies that sought their destruction. Knowing of the Senju clan's reputation and accomplishments, they gravitated to the Senjus instead of the Uchiha chan much to the Uchihas' disappointment and frustration.

When Fugaku learned that Senju Tsunade returned to Konoha and adopted and claimed Naruto as her own son and member of the Senju clan, he was furious. When Sarutobi tried to calm and reason with him, Fugaku argued that having a Senju who ran away and later returned at the Hokage's request to raise and control a child with infused Hokage-level powers of the Yondaime undermined the Uchihas' ability to care for Naruto themselves. The Uchiha clan leader took it as an insult that the granddaughter of Shodaime, who forsook Konoha for her own personal reasons, was given Naruto while the Uchihas were denied adoption of the boy. He argued that it was unfair favoritism toward the Senju bloodline, chiefly since the Namikazes had always supported the Senjus.

He wouldn't listen to Sarutobi's words of Naruto's needed balance in his development and that the Namikaze and Senju's past relationship had nothing to do with it. Other clan leaders, the advisors and Danzo themselves weren't given Naruto either and Fugaku knew that Tsunade wouldn't relinquish Naruto over to the Uchiha clan without a fight, literally, and Jiraiya's later return to keep tabs on Naruto only complicated things for Fugaku.

Danzo, Homura and Koharu grew more suspicious of the Uchihas as a result seeing how much Fugaku wanted custody over Naruto. Though Danzo also wanted custody over Naruto however, he wasn't as adamant about it as Fugaku was. With this, along with their suspicion that the Uchiha clan was behind Kyuubi's attack, the three of them believed the Uchihas had set their sights on controlling the village. Therefore, they had the clan's land relocated to a remote corner of the village, effectively quarantining them in order to making surveillance of that clan more thorough since a few ANBU wouldn't be enough. Sarutobi argued against this but the three of them overruled him. This led to many in Konoha losing trust in the Uchiha clan, leading to discrimination against the clan. Their mistreatment led to a lot of bad blood and soon the advisors' suspicion became fact.

The Uchiha clan came together and began plotting a coup d'etät against Konoha. Fugaku was the mastermind behind the coming rebellion. They were also planning on secretly murdering Tsunade, wiping out the Senju bloodline completely, using her then fear of blood against her as her weakness. They had no intention of killing Naruto though as they sought to take and mold him into their clan, taking along with him all of the Namikaze clan's secrets.

The Uchihas were also planning on having Itachi spy on the ANBU and report back to his father and mother with whatever he found out. Later, they were going to have Itachi kill many of the ANBU by placing and hiding a toxic gas bomb within the walls of ANBU headquarters, weakening Konoha's defense forces.

What they didn't know was that Itachi was an implanted spy and double agent secretly reporting their plot and everything else he discovered to Sandaime, Danzo and the advisors. Homura, Koharu and Danzo were outraged by their treasonous actions.

Sandaime tried to negotiate with the Uchiha clan, believing that reconciliation and making peace with them was the answer. But time was running out and the Uchihas were set on getting back the prestige and power they believed Konoha robbed them of. If something wasn't done soon, Sandaime realized, a civil war within Konoha would erupt, rocking the foundations of both the village and Hi No Kuni as a whole. The nation would have been thrown into absolute chaos as loyal ninjas and clans of Konoha would battle against the Uchihas. And if wind of this were to reach the ears of Kiri and especially Iwa, both nations would have send ninjas by the hundreds to attack Konoha while in its vulnerable state, thus triggering the Fourth Great Shinobi World War.

Itachi was then given a secret and classified S-rank mission: Exterminate the Uchiha clan, young and old. Itachi, after accepting the mission with a heavy heart, begged to have Sasuke spared on the plea that Sasuke was innocent and knew nothing of the coup d'etät like the rest of the clan. Sandaime agreed and granted Itachi's request much to Danzo's disapproval, who had his doubts about Sarutobi's act of mercy towards Sasuke. Itachi, after reporting back to Sarutobi that the job was done, left Konoha that night under the label of an S-class missing-nin, being made into a living sacrifice to protect Konoha from the outside. No hunter-nins were ever sent after him since Sandaime marked Itachi as too dangerous to encounter.

Years later, Danzo suggested having Sai join Team 7 with Kakashi as the academy's dead last Genin. Sai's secret mission, while undergoing training, was to keep a close eye on Sasuke and deal with him should he ever turn traitor. Sandaime, Danzo, Homura and Koharu were the only ones who knew the truth about Itachi and the Uchiha Massacre. But for Konoha and Itachi's protection against their enemies outside Konoha walls and to keep his appearance as a missing-nin up, the four of them never revealed this knowledge to anyone else.

In spite of this though, Sarutobi didn't know for how long they'd be able to keep this secret going. Somehow he sensed that this secret would be discovered somewhere down the line.

"…I'm getting too old for this…," Sarutobi sighed when he decided to distract himself with a pastime he was sure to give him escape from reality. Putting the scroll down, he took out one of his many favorite books. Sarutobi opened it and began reading its descriptive contents. Sounds of perverted giggles were heard moments later.


Naruto left the hospital and started on his way to his estate after kissing Hinata and Ino good-bye and telling them he'd meet them home later.

'You're going out with five kunoichis,' Minato spoke up skeptically, 'And none of them have any problems with this?'

For now at least, Naruto admitted, I did explain to you that Hina-chan and Ino-chan have no qualms about sharing me, yes?

'I think you hang around Jiraiya-sensei too much,' Minato remarked.

And you didn't, Naruto shot back, Didn't you once tell ero-jisan that many could learn a great deal from his example?

'Don't try and twist my words Naruto,' Minato retorted, 'That was spoken with regards to his nindo.'

And I use being a pervert in my nindo as an instrument to use against enemy kunoichis who hate such men, Naruto replied back, So far it hasn't failed me yet.

Kyuubi snickered, "I'm sure you'll have no problems keeping your mates in their place if that's the case. Should you have a hard time keeping up with them and their stamina, there's always Kage Bushin."

Shut up you stupid fox!, a redden-faced Naruto mentally shouted, only to be answered back with Kyuubi's laughter. Minato sighed to himself.

'I wonder what eternity in the belly of the Shinigami would have been like if being inside this belly is like this,' Minato muttered into himself.

After overhearing his father's words, Naruto prepared to do a set of nine complex hand seals. Minato immediately recognized it though Naruto already reached the fifth hand seal.

'Cease that at once!,' Minato quickly interjected stopping his son in his track. Naruto snickered at his father's panicked tone after discontinuing the ritual.

"You're sadistic," Kyuubi grinned maniacally.

Naruto continued on his way home, If you like that, then you'll love what I have in store for that Oto kunoichi when she wakes up. She'll be begging for the Shinigami when I'm through with her.

"Your Anko-chan has done wonders with you kit," Kyuubi snickered, "I'm surprised that you didn't mate with that vixen despite all the obvious hints that she was in heat and ovulating."

It's clear that you have a hard time keeping your head out of the gutter seeing that you're locked away in a sewer, Naruto retorted. The great fox snarled venomously at Naruto's remark to him. The fox retreated to his cage and said nothing further, leaving Naruto to his thoughts as he went about his business. While on his way, he came across Temari and Skikamaru who were walking together from wherever they were coming from. Seeing them, Naruto hurriedly made his way over to them.

"Tema-chan," Naruto called out to Temari. The wind mistress, recognizing the voice, blushed from the nickname Naruto called her by.

"Naruto-kun," Temari greeted with a smile as her blond fiancé approached and embraced her, planting a kiss on her cheek. Shikamaru just looked at the sight with boredom.

"Naruto," Shikamaru said, "Nice to see that you're back in one piece. Wish I could say the same for the rest of us."

"I already know what happened," Naruto replied after seeing Shikamaru's bandaged broken finger, "I just came from seeing how the others are doing at the hospital. Thankfully they'll make a full recovery…I see that all you came out with is a broken finger."

"Nothing a little soup can't fix," Shikamaru remarked, "Complaining about it would just be troublesome."

"While we're on the topic," Naruto suggested with his left arm still wrapped around Temari's waist, "Why don't we stop by the dango shop and get some treats while you two tell me about your mission."

"Sounds good to me," Shikamaru agreed, "You're paying right?"

"Whatever," Naruto shrugged as they made their way to the nearest dango shop. After getting there, the trio sat down and enjoyed the snacks Naruto bought for them. Shikamaru and Temari took the time to explain to the Elite Jounin about their encounter with Tayuya and how she was taken out by one of Temari's strongest wind attacks. The wind mistress thought was surprised that Tayuya was able to narrowly survive the attack which should have crushed and end her life.

"And that's just about everything that happened from our standpoint," Temari said with Naruto sitting next to her at her right. Naruto was in deep thought as he contemplated on everything that Temari and the other went through. According to Temari's explanation, her Gaara and Kankuro left for their return to Suna two days ago after finishing a few diplomatic business they originally had to complete before intercepting the Oto Jounins that ambushed the Konoha Genins.

"Sasuke left Konoha for Oto in the belief that he'll get the power he needs to kill Itachi," Naruto said, "His obsession with Itachi will be his undoing…From what you and the others have told me, there's one thing Sasuke and the other Oto Jounins had in common."

"And that would be Naruto-kun," Temari asked. Naruto responded, "They all had Orochimaru's curse seal mark on them, just like Anko-chan. However, Anko-chan never resorted to ever using hers, which was why jiisan and ero-jisan were able to treat it, though they themselves weren't able to remove it. Even now, I'm having a difficult time wondering why I can't remove it either."

"Looks like Orochimaru's surviving legacy lives to continue his work," Shikamaru muttered. Naruto's eyes widened as his ears perked up on his what his friend said.

"Surviving legacy," Naruto repeated before turning to his friend with a now serious look, "Shikamaru, what became of the bodies on those Oto Jounins?"

"They were brought back to the morgue at Kakashi-san's order," Shikamaru said, "He figured that since you're trying to remove Anko-san's curse seal mark that you'd want to perform autopsies on their bodies and see what new information you can unlock."

"I'll have to thank Kakashi-niisan for his foresight," Naruto stated as he stood up from his seat.

"Where are you going," Temari inquired. Turning to her, he replied, "To the morgue. I have some investigating to do."

"But you just came back and I barely got to see and speak with you," Temari pointed out, "Can't you take a break for today and do what you have do first thing tomorrow?"

The blond Elite Jounin thought about going along with what he originally had in mind, but from the sound of the young teen girl's voice he sensed that there was something on her mind. Making several kage bushins, he sent them to do what he originally sought to check out at the morgue.

"Alright Tema-chan," Naruto said while sitting back down, "My kage bushins will do my work for me while I stay and hang around with you."

"If that's the case," Shikamaru said as he stood up, "I'll give you both your space and be on my way. Thanks for brunch Naruto."

Making his exit, the shadow manipulator left the shop.

"So Tema-chan," Naruto asked, "What did you want to do today? It's still early and the sun is up."

"Where do you go to relax and take a breather," Temari asked. Rather than telling her, he took her hand and shunshin'd with her to the top of the Hokage Monument, specifically, on top of Yondaime's head. After arriving, she took a view over the cliff and saw all of Konohagakure No Sato with the afternoon sun shining over it.

"Wow," Temari marveled, "Konoha looks much different from up here."

"This is where I go when I need to clear my mind and think things over," Naruto said, "It's a really peaceful spot and a reminder for me."

"A reminder," Temari inquired. Naruto elaborated, "A reminder as to why I became a ninja and why I choose to fight. It reminds me that I have precious people, family and friends to protect with my life."

Temari smiled before a a expression changed into one that shown that something was on her mind, "Naruto-kun?"

"Hm," he muttered. Taking a breath, she asked, "Do you really want to be with me?"

The Elite Jounin was caught off guard by her question. He wondered if this was something that's been on her chest for some time, "Is something troubling you Tema-chan? Whatever it is, please tell me."

"Naruto-kun…You and I both know that our villages used us as bargaining chips to solidify this new alliance. The council back in Suna practically labeled it as my…"first and final S-class mission as a Chuunin for Suna"…for the sake of my remaining family and people, as a ninja I accepted and chose to come here to fulfill what was best for Suna. But as a person, I was unsure about this for a number of reasons."

Naruto stayed quiet as he allowed the blond wind mistress to speak her heart out.

"The council made no mention to me as to whom I was being wedded off to. I had no idea to whom I was going to be betrothed to. I was afraid that it would be to some perverted old clan leader on the council or one of the council member's sons or some ninja with a personality like my father."

"Your father," Naruto acknowledged, "You and your father didn't have close ties with each other, did you?"

"He's the reason why my mother died and why Gaara was treated so cruelly all his life," Temari remarked bitterly while trying to keep her emotions in check, "After I learned about father's death, I was hoping to fix relations between Kankuro, Gaara and myself, and help Gaara make a new way of life with us and the rest of Suna.

"That however was cut short when I was called upon to fulfill the marriage alliance between the both of us. I left home, my brothers, Jounin-sensei and the life I lived back in Suna to come here to marry and be with you."

Naruto continued remaining silent as he allowed the young girl to say what he felt she needed to say to him. If there was going to be any form of understanding between them it was best if they were honest with each other and not keep secrets about their actual feelings.

"Though a part of me is grieved that I had to make that sacrifice however," Temari continued, "Another part of me is very happy that it's you that I'm with and not any other guy. Despite the fact that I can no longer live in Suna with Gaara and Kankuro, both of my brothers gave me their blessings and approval of being betrothed and later married to you before they left for Suna."

"Being in good terms with in-laws is always one of the best things to achieve," Naruto said, "Me establishing that with your brothers however was no easy feat."

"Kankuro more so than Gaara if you want my opinion," Temari replied, "After I saw everything you did for Gaara and how you said he needed his family, I started liking and thinking about you more so than any boy I ever met, even though you were younger and much shorter then."

Naruto frowned on being reminded that he at one time was short, "I wasn't that short, just steadily maturing for my age."

Temari giggled at Naruto's antics, seeing that she hit a sensitive spot about his height.

"Since you're being open and truthful with me," Naruto said, "Perhaps I should take the opportunity to be truthful with you as well."

Temari turned to Naruto and listened.

"During the days the Konoha council was discussing the treaty and alliance," Naruto explained, "Jiisan pointed out that I was chosen by Suna to be betrothed and wedded to you. To be honest I was reluctant at first to go through with it seeing that I really had no say in the matter.

"My own actions, words and desires were what jiisan and his advisors used to persuade me to accept you as my betrothed and solidify the alliance without causing a political incident. I bound myself to my words about what I desire from females and I had to live by them."

"You said that they used your desires as one of their methods to persuade you to be engaged to me," Temari asked suspiciously, "What kind of desires were they referring to?"

Straightforwardly, he answered, "Strong and desirous qualities I seek in a female. Being the son of two Hokages, one of my parents being the Yondaime won me countless attention from the female populous. However I hated that they sought my attention and affection because of who my father was and what clan I'm from. They don't see me for the person that I am and the secret burden I carry not only as a Jinchuuriki but as a man with a lot of enemies. I found such females as shallow and wanted nothing to do with them.

"You Temari are different from the other females and I'm not saying this out of flattery. Though Ino-chan and Hina-chan knew me for the longest time and are aware that I'm the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi however, neither they nor Shizune-neechan ever had to go through what you did with Gaara. They can't even begin to understand the pains you went through and how your family suffered because of your father's actions.

"Yet, despite all that you went through, you endured through them and with Kankuro's help, you stuck with Gaara and did everything you could to help and protect him. You always cared and looked at him as your little brother and not as some monster that should have been put to death. Though you were terrified of him you stayed by Gaara's side and even now you worry for him. Not once did you ever let the fact that Gaara is a Jinchuuriki deter you from remembering that he's still your baby brother who had that life forced on him and that he was in need of family and friends.

"As a fellow Jinchuuriki, I found those qualities to be fond of and desired them in females I wish to marry. You're not only a strong ninja in terms of your shinobi abilities but also one who'd do anything to protect those precious to her. You willingly made a huge and personal sacrifice for your precious family and people and that to me makes you strong and appealing in my eyes, Tema-chan."

Temari couldn't help but blush after hearing Naruto's words to her. His reasons for finding her attractive weren't perverted or based on sexist ideals.

"But I had to bite my tongue down to keep from busting out die-laughing on the floor when you assumed that Homura-san was your betrothed."

She blushed again, this time out of embarrassment from remembering that incident.

"That isn't funny," Temari snorted, "I wasn't told who I was being wedded off to and all I saw in that meeting chamber were old prunes old enough to be my father, mother or grandparents."

"Yet you still were willing to go through with it," Naruto pointed out, "Though we were used by our villages to make the alliance complete, I'd lying if I said I wasn't interested into getting to know you better for the person that you are and learn about your culture in Suna."

The female Chuunin moved closer and hugged the taller ninja as she gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

"In that case," Temari suggested, "While we're up here, let's get to know and understand each other better."

(Meanwhile; Location Unknown)

"Is that everything," Pein asked Zetsu.

"Yes," Zetsu answered, "That's all that I've managed to see."

Pein was in deep thought. True he heard that Naruto was proclaimed the Second Flash of Konoha and he heard talk of how Naruto had performed the Hiraishin in slaughtering Orochimaru's army during the Suna-Oto invasion two months ago. Now he heard irrefutable testimony from Zetsu who eye-witnessed the S-class ninjutsu performed.

"That little shit stain will be a serious problem for us," Hidan said, "Why don't we just go after him all at once and be done with already?"

"You really are stupid Hidan," Kakuzu remarked, "Ninjas of both A and S-class already have a hard time with him and simply increasing the number of men sent after him won't change that."

"And based on the reports from the bingo books, he never lost a fight," Konan added before turning her eyes to Pein, who had an unreadable expression on his face. The female Akatsuki member knew that her partner Pein never lost a fight either and all those who challenged him have died. And when she thought about it, the same applied likewise with Naruto.

"We have yet to devise a way to subdue the Namikaze," Sasori spoke up, "At the rate he's going, we may have a much harder time fighting him."

"Deidara ran away like a little bitch upon seeing the boy," Hidan remarked.

"Shut the hell up you non-artistic religious prick," Deidara shot back, "Naruto wasn't my target and I'm not assigned to go after him, yeah!"

While the Akatsuki members debated about Naruto, Itachi for his part remained silent and collected. He quietly observed all the members while keeping an emotionless expression. The Uchiha knew that Naruto was able to hold his grounds against strong enemies, but he wondered what would happen should Naruto be forced to face-off against Pein himself. It would be anyone's guess how that battle would end.

Pein stayed quiet he as tried to come up with a plan of action. Naruto having the powers and abilities of Konoha's late Yondaime and his own combined with it indeed complicated things. Still, Naruto had a connection with Kyuubi in some form and though he wasn't entire sure as of yet, he wondered if Naruto was in fact the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi that Konoha kept secret. However, characteristics of the fox's sealing would have been made manifested were that to be the case one way or another.

Deciding to end the dispute, Pein spoke up, "We'll leave Naruto alone for the time being. We won't make him our concern at this time. When the time comes, we'll have better resources and strategy in bringing about his defeat."

The other members didn't dispute with their leader as they waited for his next instructions.

"For now," Pein continued, "We'll work on building up our financial assets for our organization. We'll accept whatever missions that villages and nations are offering and recruit promising missing-nins as agents to help expand the Akatsuki. Collection of the bijuus and Jinchuurikis will commence at a later time. We still have much preparation to do to be worrying ourselves over one ninja. Understand?"

"Yes leader-sama," Kisame answered while the others simply nodded.

"Good," Pein replied, "You have your orders. Dismissed."

Pein severed the telepathic link leaving only him and Konan.

"Do you really think we'll be able to subdue Naruto," Konan asked. Pein turned to her with the same expression on his face, "Naruto is both strong and dangerous, I will admit that. But we have a goal to accomplish and I won't let his exploits and capabilities deter us from fulfilling it. One way or another, Naruto will be brought down, even if must I burn down all of Konoha and kill everyone he cares for to do so."

The Akatsuki is on the move but not after the bijuus or Jinchuurikis, at least for now. Naruto is back and is set on later interrogating Tayuya for information about Otogakure. What methods will he resort to using to make the kunoichi talk? And what possible secrets will Naruto's kage bushins discover from the autopsies? Stick around to find out next time.