Chapter Fifty-Four: Life Goes On

(A Month Later)

Sai, Kiba, and the rest of the Genins that were admitted into the hospital were discharged two and a half weeks ago and allowed to return home though they had to spend the next few days recuperating before returning back to full-time ninja duty. Kiba however chose to spend his extra time being around Haku whenever she had time to spare. Ryota would crack occasional jokes, teasing Haku about how she ought to have Kiba kept on a leash and curbed since he's been hanging around her often lately.

Tayuya was still in a coma due to severe injuries and massive head trauma. There was no telling if or when she'd wake up, if at all for that matter. Regardless, there were ANBU stationed in and around her room on 24-hour surveillance.

During those passing days, Temari had been spending much of her time with Naruto as they started getting to know each other better. Though she's been living in Konoha for the past few weeks, she was still adjusting to life in a well forested, cooled and watered region, in contrast to her earlier life in the hot and arid desert. Ironically, Temari was found to love and enjoy taking long hot showers especially since water in Suna was always kept cold because of its regional climate. For that reason, there were times, when even after thirty minutes, Temari was still in the showers.

In sparing sessions, Hinata and Temari were clearly found to be polar opposites. Whereas Hinata was a close-range fighter, Temari was a long-range combatant and knowing of the Hyuuga's Jyuuken, the wind-mistress preferred using her fan to make wind attacks to keep Hinata at bay. Ino found getting close to Temari to be a challenge as well. It was clear to both Genins that Temari was a well-seasoned Chuunin ninja Suna had brought up. However, Ino and Hinata, working together, managed to find a way to topple the fan mistress. Hinata posed as the main decoy while Ino used her shintenshin to immobilize the wind-using kunoichi. Hinata then rushed at Temari and hit several of her tenketsus, not to kill her but enough to knock her out and leave her sore for the rest of the day.

Naruto was happy to see how Ino and Hinata were able to work together with their respective familial jutsus besides working with their own teammates. In a spar against Naruto himself, Temari found going up against Naruto was like fight the Hokage herself. Though he held back, Temari wasn't able to lay a single hit on him, but the fact that he was using wind-manipulated attacks like her only made her all the more interested in how he fights and it raised her interest in him personally seeing that they had more things in common. She wondered if there were new wind-type jutsus she could learn from him to help improve her own fighting styles.

(At The Vet)

Hana was at her desk doing a write-up on one of the villager's pets that were brought in earlier for a medical examination. While doing her share of paperwork, there came a knock on the door.

"It's open," Hana replied before the door opened revealing her kid brother entering her office with Akamaru situated in front in his master's coat.

"Hey nee-chan," Kiba greeted.

Hana looked up from her desk and turned to face Kiba, "Hey Kiba. What are you doing here? Coming to have Akamaru neutered?"

The white dog in questioned whimpered as he hid deeper into her master's jacket. Kiba frowned at her sister's antics, "No nee-chan, I wouldn't want to do that to Akamaru. I'm here for something entirely different."

"And what might that be?"

Kiba sighed, not knowing how this was going to turn out for asking his sister of all people for this…

"I need some advice."

Now Hana's attention was caught on a hook. Kiba rarely, if at all, ever came to her for advice.

"It must be serious if you're asking advice from me. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," Kiba assured, "I just…well…"

He started scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Yes Kiba, out with it," Hana pressed on.

"What's the best way I can get a girl to like me?"

Hana's left eyebrow raised on hearing that question, before she shot her brother with a full-blown toothy grin.

"What's this I'm hearing," she teased, "Has my little brother found a potential mate whom he desires to bear pups with?"

The boy in question blushed heavily on the implications of his sister's words, though deep down the idea was rather inviting. The look on his face only made her grin even more.

"Have you been sniffing for pheromones," Hana teased some more. Kiba, with a crimson face, fell backwards on his butts on hearing those words. His sister laughed at his reactions and it didn't help that even Akamaru snickered at his plight.

"I'm not trying to get killed," Kiba shot back as he stood back up, looking at his sister indignantly for teasing him, "Besides this girl is a very skilled kunoichi and medic-nin. Hell, even that prick Sasuke royally got his ass kicked by her in a fight he and Sai once had with her."

Hana looked at him questionably, "Are you serious?"

"Naruto himself told me about it after his first mission to Nami No Kuni with Team 7," Kiba confirmed, "I've heard from Naruto about what she's capable of and from what he told me, she was holding back against Sasuke the entire time when she could have easily killed him then before Naruto showed up to rescue both him and Sai."

Now Hana was really interested in the girl of Kiba's interest. Deciding to be serious, Hana asked, "What's her name?"

"Haku-chan," Kiba answered. His sister didn't miss the honorific Kiba added to the girl's name but she went on, "Oh that girl? Yeah, I met her a few times. She's Shizune's assistant at the hospital."

"That's the same one."

"I will admit that she's a quite a beautiful-looking young girl," Hana said, "I even caught a few other guys looking her way."

"Other guys," Kiba growled with his eyes partly narrowed.

"Yes little brother," Hana replied in the same demeanor, "But she showed no interest in them at least from what I've seen."

She didn't miss the look of relief that showed on his face, "So you'd like some tips on how to get her to like you more."

"That would help," he nodded.

"First off," she began, "You can start by being her friend and taking the time to get to know her."

"I've been doing that for some time now," Kiba replied, "Since the first day Sakura introduced her to the other Genins and I."

"And how much about her do you know," Hana asked.

After thinking about it, he answered, "She's from Kirigakure and took up residence here. She's the only certified Konoha ninja with the ability to manipulate ice.

"Also, she's honest, very open with people and really smart. Though she's an agile high Chuunin to borderline Jounin-level kunoichi, she's very gentle, smiles a lot and practically anyone can approach her. She lives on her own since her parents died years ago and she's very touchy about the subject of her parents' death. She's not the kind of person who judge others based on what clan or village they come from and that fact that she spends much of her time with Ryota is proof of that.

"Besides being a medic-nin, Haku-chan is really modest and has a strong caring spirit for her friends and those she considers her precious people and family. She even lectured me about how having such a spirit made people like her and Naruto very strong and hard to beat."

Hana sat there at her desk looking at Kiba in amazement. At first, she took what Kiba felt as some silly adolescent infatuation, but after hearing what she heard, she started second guessing her first assumptions.

"I'm amazed," Hana remarked, "I've learned more about that girl's character and personality than her outward beauty. Your reasons for liking her aren't superficial as I admittedly thought they were going to be. You must really like this girl.

"I'll tell you this: you're on the right track Kiba. And if you want this particular girl to like you, be yourself and don't act cocky or like a show off like you usually do."

He snorted on hearing that, "I don't always do that."

"Don't do it at all," Hana emphasized, "Though you don't do this, but as a reminder, don't go on thinking you are or should be better than anyone else. Something like that is a major turn off to girls with heads on their shoulders."

"Sasuke's fangirls could have used that advice back then," Kiba snorted.

"I repeat, girls with heads on their shoulders," Hana remarked before sneering, "Further, fangirls disgust me; they make us kunoichis look bad."

"So Haku-chan is okay in your book?"

"Thus far from what you told me," Hana continued, "In short, don't rush anything and take the time to find out about the things she likes to do or things she likes to eat and drink. And if she's interested in you let her learn things about the real you. But if she's not interested in you in that way, swallow your hurt and respect her decision as hard as it may be. You'll show that you care for her if you accept her happiness with whomever it may be."

Kiba let out a low breath with a hint of disapproval upon hearing the last statements she said.

"Think about what I said Kiba," Hana advised, "Though you don't want to face the latter however, you know that it's a potential reality you'll have to face if it ever happens."

"…Yeah I know," Kiba said before his own toothy grin appeared on his face, "But we haven't come to that yet so I still have a chance to earn and win her affections. Thanks nee-chan."

Hana wasn't able to get another word out to her brother when he turned and hurried out her office. Shaking her head, she smiled, "I hoped she's the one you're looking for little brother."

Looking back at her pile of work, Hana decided to get back in track and continue where she left off.

(A Week Later)

During the passing week, Naruto and his clones were in the autopsy lab going over what they learned from the bodies of the dead Oto Jounins bearing the curse seal markings. They found that the markings were deeply merged into their chakra coils on levels that even affected their anatomies if used repeatedly if not excessively. Judging from the conditions of the corpses he was studying, the Sound Four and Kimimaro had ample time to adjust and adapt to the effects of the curse seal.

Speaking of Kimimaro, Naruto found his anatomy rather interesting. His bones were unlike anything he ever came across; they were practically hard as diamonds even though their deterioration began kicking in several days ago. Based on Lee's testimony, Kimimaro was truly a formidable opponent.

Naruto studied all of their bodies and found that even after their deaths the curse seal's integration into their chakra coils was still in effect through it was slowly breaking down as a result of the coils deteriorating along with their respective corpses. Naruto, with Minato's supervision, tried creating a prototype seal that would help exact the curse seal from off its host; Harai Fuujin, as Naruto called it. So far, all of Naruto's efforts in perfecting the seal have failed.

(The Following Day; At The Autopsy Lab)

Naruto was in the office sitting down by the desk. His clasped hands were to his chin while contemplating where he could have gone wrong in creating the Harai Fuujin. A moment later, there came a knock on his door.

"Come in," Naruto responded before the door opened, revealing Sakura and Shizune entering the office.

"Naruto-senpai," Sakura greeted as she looked at Naruto who had a frustrated look on his face. Naruto nodded to her while looking up from his desk, "Is there something you need?"

"No," Sakura answered, "We just came to see how you've been doing. You've been hard at work for the past couple of days."

Naruto exhaled as he leaned back on his seat, "That damn curse seal Orochimaru made has me on edge. I've been working on ridding Anko-chan of it for some time now and still all I've hit were dead ends."

"Don't beat yourself over it too hard senpai," Sakura encouraged, "You'll come up with something soon enough I'm sure."

"Besides," Shizune added, "Like all ninjas of your caliber, Orochimaru was the type that put his sweat and blood into his work I'm sure. Many of us always put a part of ourselves into whatever we do or create."

Naruto blinked a few times before slamming his head on the desk with an audible thud to follow along with it. Shizune and Sakura jumped back in surprise from the Elite Jounin's unexpected yet bizarre reaction.

"I'm incredibly stupid and slow for not figuring that out sooner," Naruto said as he raised his head again, revealing his foxy grin showing an optimistic spirit with his head protector hiding his reddened forehead result from his previous actions. He got up from his desk and hurried out of the office, but not before grabbing and giving Shizune an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

"What would I do without your brilliant mind nee-chan," Naruto said toothily before making his way to his next destination, leaving a confused Sakura and Shizune behind.

"What was that all about," Sakura asked.

"My guess is as good as yours," Shizune replied before smiling, "But whatever it was Naruto-otouto got out of it put him in good spirit again."


Konohamaru and his two friends were at the Sarutobi clan compound reading a few books and scrolls given to them by Naruto. The books and scrolls entailed information about their respective nature affinities and theories of manipulating them. Several days ago, Konohamaru started his new training with his grandfather in preparation in acquiring a contract with the apes. Needless to say, the youth found earning that contract a lot harder than he expected, especially since his grandfather wasn't going easy on him either. Still, he was willing to work hard for it and prove to his grandfather that he was worthy of acquiring and becoming the successor of that contract.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was surprised that Konohamaru didn't go bragging that he was given the chance to earn a summoning contract. Upon being asked why, Konohamaru explained that from his lessons with Naruto, ninjas who bragged around their abilities and secret skills always suffer humiliation and defeat in the end when faced against a superior ninja. He explained that those who are humble and modest always reap the best results with success as its reward. It was that kind of thinking that made Sarutobi all the more willing to train his grandson in attaining the contract and helping in other areas where he was waning.

During the past month, Konohamaru and his friends started the tree-climbing exercise with Naruto. Surprisingly, it was Udon that made it up the tree after three days, Moegi and Konohamaru managed to do so successfully the following day. They spent the next two days after that practicing tree-climbing and on the third day, Naruto gave them the day off to recuperate.

In the beginning of the fourth week, Ebisu suggested that he'd be allowed to train Konohamaru and his friends in the art of water-walking. Naruto consented since it'd give the closet pervert something to do with his time besides reading Jiraiya's books; something Naruto also does only more discreetly.

(At The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade was in her office doing her fair share of paperwork and documentations. She was currently working on the condition for the reparations Iwa was going to have to make for the incident that occurred over three weeks ago. It was also to soon be discussed with the shinobi council.

As she was working, the door to her office opened, revealing her son entering the office with a serious look on his face. Whatever it was that was on his mind, the blond Hokage knew that Naruto put all humor aside.

"Yes Naruto," Tsunade asked taking a break from all of her paperwork, "How may I help you?"

"There's something I need," Naruto replied, "And for me to get it, I need you to do a very important favor for me."

"And that would be?"

"I request permission to the ANBU archives."

Now Tsunade became more serious than she was before, "What do you require from there?"

"I recall jiisan and two other ANBUs with him raiding one of Orocimaru's hideouts years ago," Naruto explained, "I'm sure that they kept some of Orochimaru's experiments and blood work secretly locked away though to the rest of the public, all of Orochimaru's work and experiment records were destroyed."

The blond Hokage stayed quiet as her son continued.

"After my brief conversation with Shizune-neechan earlier today, I deduced that I was missing a key component needed to perfecting the Harai Fuujin, a blood sample from Orochimaru himself. I realized that without it, it would be impossible to perfect the seal. Jiisan though had Orochimaru's body destroyed after his death two months ago and any traces of Orochimaru's blood in that area where we last did battle had long vanished."

The blond Hokage stood from her desk and went over to the cabinet to the left side of her office. Opening it, she retrieved a small scroll from it before closing the cabinet. Going back to her desk, she opened and signed the documented scroll before placing her official stamp on it. Making her way over to the Elite Jounin, she handed the scroll to him, "You'll need this to gain access to Orochimaru's experiment records. Present this to the supervising ANBU captain when you see him."

Taking the scroll, Naruto thanked her and continued on his way out of the office. After he left, Tsunade exhaled and thought, Just like his father; once he puts his mind to something, he never backs down.

(Meanwhile In Taki No Kuni (Waterfall Country))

Itachi was alone at an inn with his Akatsuki cloak resting on a nearby chair. He was sitting on his bed studying a few medical scrolls to deal with a problematic illness he came down with. He hid it well enough so as to not alert the other Akatsuki members to the fact that his health wasn't up to par.

As he was reading, a pigeon appeared and landed down on the window. Turning to the bird, Itachi stood up and walked over to it. Looking down at the bird, the Uchiha found an encrypted and sealed message attached to its left leg.

Realizing from whom and where the messenger bird came from, Itachi unsealed and decrypted the message. He read it carefully and checked to make sure that there was not fraudulency in it. Acknowledging its authenticity, Itachi wrote an encrypted reply before placing it back on the pigeon with the seal placed back on it. The pigeon flew off, beginning its return to its sender.

As Itachi turned away from the window, three words were mumbled from under his breath, "Foolish little brother."

(Back In Konoha; At ANBU Headquarters)

Naruto made his way into the building after showing the supervising ANBU captain the scroll authorizing his access into the classified S-class archives. The blonde was escorted by Yugao to an underground section of the building where Orochimaru's experiments and other unfinished projects were locked away. Upon their arrival the female ANBU unlocked the door and allowed Naruto into the room. He switched on the lights and found various forms of vials, scrolls and motionless deformed creatures floating in tanks filled with preservatives.

"What do you expect to find here if you don't mind my asking Naruto-kun," Yugao asked.

"Orochimaru's blood samples," Naruto replied as he searched around the large room, "I'm sure he kept some of it in one of these test tubes in his twisted search for immortality. Though he was good in covering his tracks however, he got sloppy just before he was busted by jiisan in one of his hideouts when he wasn't chosen to become Yondaime."

The two ninjas looked around the chamber and looked over various scrolls and vials that were there. Yugao soon came across a set of vials kept in a wooden vial holder. Taking a closer look, she found they held blood deposits in them with preservatives in them.

"Perhaps this may be what you're looking for Naruto-kun," Yugao suggested as she took the holder and showed it to him. The blonde made his way over to her and examined the vials.

"Terrific," Naruto nodded before taking the vials from her, "Thank you."

"I'm happy I was of service to you," Yugao remarked as they made their way out. While leaving, Naruto's eyes suddenly caught sight of something that was in the shadows. The female ANBU noticed that Naruto was no longer walking next to her.

"Is something the matter," she asked. Instead of getting a quick reply, she saw the Elite Jounin walked over to what it was that grabbed his eyes. It was a book of some sort that had a seal placed on it. Looking on it, the blonde found the kanji for "Blood Double" engraved on it.

"What is this book," he asked. She shrugged, "No clue. No one has been able to open it up. Whatever is in it must be valuable information Orochimaru didn't want anyone to find out about."

"Then why leave it behind in Konoha instead of taking it with him?"

"He must have been confident that no one would be able to crack the seal," she replied.

"In that case, I'll being taking this with me also," Naruto said as he made his way back to where Yugao was. She simply nodded as they exited from the chamber, closing the lights and locking the chamber up.

(Later That Afternoon)

Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon were at the ramen stand with Ebisu. The three youths were taking the rest of the day off from their hard studies.

Naruto has really changed Konohamaru-kun and his friends in such a short time, Ebisu thought, They're more focused with their studies and practice than how they used to be before when I started training them. I hate to admit it, but Naruto might be an even better teacher than I am.

"…Jiji is a slave driver," Konohamaru sighed, "He's just as hard as Naruto-niichan, if not worse."

Maybe I spoke too soon, Ebisu thought with a sweat-drop.

"Cheer up Konohamaru," Ayame smiled, "All good things comes through dedication and hard work."

"Yosh," said an all too familiar voice. Ebisu grimaced, knowing exactly from whom that voice belonged to, Oh no…

Maito Gai appeared from behind with Rock Lee, Neji and Tenten standing beside him. Team 9 approached the group as the others turned to face them.

"Konohamaru," Gai started, "I'm sure by now that you understand that no one gets anything through short-cuts in life. And those who seek so-called short-cuts often do harm to themselves and others."

Ebisu felt a jab through those words but said nothing as a retort.

"I know," Konohamaru replied, "Naruto-niichan made us understand that. As hard as his training is we still put our all in it."

Moegi added, "Ebisu-sensei comes and helps train us whenever Naruto-sensei isn't able to do so."

Gai nodded and turned to Ebisu, "So my youthful comrade, how has everything else been with you?"

"Can't complain too much," Ebisu said, "Things have been rather quiet for the past few weeks, so-."

Konohamaru and Udon didn't let Ebisu finish when they tackled him to the ground just seconds before an anaconda rushed speedily at them and bit down on the counter. Ayame and Teuchi jumped backwards from the surprise attack before another anaconda lashed out at Moegi. The girl jumped from off the seat before the large constrictor could abduct her. Gai and his Genins turned hurriedly to the source of the attack and readied to fight only to find Naruto standing forty to fifty feet behind them with the two anacondas coming from out of his sleeves with his arms stretched out forward.

"Well done," Naruto complimented before retracting the large snakes into the sleeves of his coat and making his way over to the group, "Seems you three have improved a bit. I'm proud to see that."

"That was uncalled for Naruto-kun," Ayame scolded with her arms crossed over her breasts, "You could have caused a scene for more than it was worth because of that stunt you pulled."

"I thought it was an ambush from those ninjas from Otogakure," Teuchi said with a butcher knife in hand.

"I'm sorry, but please understand that Moegi, Udon and Konohamaru are ninjas in training," Naruto replied, "It's expected for the unexpected to occur. And because of that we as ninjas must always be on our toes and cautious as serpents though mild as doves."

"Very youthful words Naruto-kun," Lee agreed, "Your students' shining flames will burn brightly with the training you're giving them."

"Me and a few others," Naruto corrected.

"Naruto," Tenten asked with a smile as she pulled out her weapons scroll, "Since you're so interested in training, how about we go have a weapon spar, you and me? I've been itching to test my skills and see how far I've gotten this time."

This was of no surprise to Naruto or Neji for that matter as the Hyuuga turned his eyes to the weapon mistress in training. Ever since the Preliminaries and Naruto's last battle with Orochimaru, Tenten have been seeking to improve her skills in the art of the staff and cunning. Frankly, she believed she could attain that by spending as much time as she could challenging the Hokage-level Elite Jounin whenever possible.

"You're seeking to beat nii-chan in a spar," Konohamaru inquired, "Get in line, because I'll be the one who'll beat him first after my training is over."

"Oh yeah," Tenten remarked, "You've just started your training and you're nowhere near my league little boy."

"I'm not little," Konohamaru retorted heatedly, "And I'm sure I can beat you in a fight easily just like how nii-chan does!"

"What was that," Tenten fumed. Udon and Moegi sighed in annoyance watching the childish scene between their friend and the older girl. Neji looked on with indifference with no remark to give.

"That's enough," Gai cut in defusing the senseless argument, "There's no need for any un-youthfulness here."

"And as much as I'd love to accept your invitation Tenten," Naruto said, "I unfortunately have to go and continue on the project I've been working on all week long. So I'll see all of you later. And Ebisu, follow the schedule I outlined for the three trainees. I don't want them falling behind."

"I'm no slacker," Ebisu retorted, "I know my priorities and I don't need you to remind me."

"In that case you won't resort to your "un-youthful" training methods you call "short-cuts"," Naruto remarked with a sinister grin, "Such "un-youthfulness" like that would drench their "flames"."

Naruto rapidly dashed away in a blur, missing the sneer on the Ebisu's face. Tenten's head dropped with a sweat-drop after hearing Naruto purposely mentioning words of youth and flames in front of Gai and Lee, knowing she, Neji and the others were in for a speech.

"Ebisu," Gai said with a serious tone, "What un-youthful short-cuts of yours was Naruto referring to that would deter these ninjas' flames?"

Ebisu scowled, swearing he'd get Naruto back someday as Gai gave him a speech about helping others to work hard for their flames and youth.

(Three Days Later; At The Namikaze Estate)

Naruto was in his study office revising his Harai Fuujin. With the information he extracted from Orochimaru's DNA, he was able to incorporate it into his new corrected seal. At the same time, he had several of his kage bunshins work on deciphering the writings of Orochimaru's book after unlocking the seal that kept the book closed. While that was going on, another group of Kage Bushins were elsewhere at another facility in the estate working on another project Naruto had secretly been theorizing. No one else besides Minato who was helping him knew of this project Naruto started working on in secret since his return from Nami No Kuni.

Soon a knock came at his door.

"Come in," Naruto said. The door opened and Hinata, Anko, Temari, Ino and finally Ryota entered his office. The five females walked over to his desk. Seeing them, the blond Elite Jounin looked up from his desk that was littered with scrolls, seals and his ink brush.

"Something the matter," he asked.

"No," Anko replied, "We just came to check up on you."

Hinata spoke up, "You've been multi-tasking with a number of projects for the past number of days."

"At this rate," Ino added, "You'll burn yourself out if you don't take a break and relax for a bit."

"Makes me appreciate my unmatched stamina," Naruto remarked, "I'd be way behind in my work had it not been for my ability to replicate myself hundreds of times with my huge reservoir of chakra to back me up. And speaking of work Anko-chan, I have something that will be of great interest to you."

"And that would be," she asked.

"A seal to remove and destroy Orochimaru's curse seal from off your shoulder for good," he answered. Anko looked at him in disbelief before a hopeful look appeared on her face.

"You can remove this accursed seal from off me now," Anko asked. Naruto explained, "In theory, yes. However, before I use this seal on you, I'd rather test it out on someone else first."

"Who do you have in mind Naruto-kun," Temari asked, "No one else from Konoha besides Anko has a curse seal mark on them?"

"And you're right Tema-chan," Naruto replied as he stood from his desk, "No one else from Konoha besides Anko-chan has a curse seal mark on them."

He took his scroll and rolled it up before going over to his coat holding and placing it inside his coat and putting his coat on.

"Where are you going," Ryota asked.

"To the hospital," he said, "There's someone I have to make an unscheduled visit to."

He didn't give the girls time to dispute with him as he shunshin'd away from his office to his next destination, leaving the five kunoichis in his office. Unconsciously, Anko rubbed her left shoulder where Orochimaru's curse seal was. Being free from the seal's grasp; the Special Jounin welcomed the prospect.

"And here we were trying to get him away from his office and work," Ino remarked, "I wonder what he'll be like when he does become Hokage seeing how he and his mother are polar opposites from what Naruto-kun told us."

"How are they different from each other," Temari asked in curiosity. Ino answered, "She slacks off much more than he does and is often found sleeping at her desk with a smell of strong sake coming off her. From what I was told, waking her up in that drunken state is a risk few are willing to take seeing that she usually wakes up with a temper."

Temari found that hard to believe. The idea of a respected village leader slacking off in that manner so unprofessionally was unfathomable of to her. In Suna, ninjas found conducting themselves in such a manner while on duty were reprimanded severely.

"I trust that Naruto-kun got his personality from his father," Temari remarked.

"Regardless, we still got time to work on him," Anko grinned mischievously as she turned to the younger females with her, "After all, he did say he has unmatched stamina and a large reservoir of chakra to back him up. I'm confident that those two qualities will be more than enough to go around amongst the five of us since we're willing to share. Plus, I'm sure he inherited a lot more from his father than just his charming personality."

The younger females blushed crimson from what Anko was implying, though a few droplets of blood dripped down the younger girls' noses upon visualizing Anko's implication.

(At The Hospital)

A teenage girl with tan skin and long red hair was resting on her recuperating bed with two ANBUs stationed outside the door of the room and another stationed inside the room. Naruto appeared in the room and saw the masked female ANBU assigned to watch over her.

"Naruto-kun," the ANBU greeted as she bowed to him.

"What a coincidence," Naruto said, "I didn't expect to find you here today."

"I was assigned to guard duty here," Yugao said, "I'm under orders to remain here until I'm relieved from my duty in the next two hours."

"In that case," Naruto said as he approached the sleeping girl, "You'll be my eyewitness in what I'm about to do now."

"And that would be," Yugao asked as she stepped over to him. Naruto simply pulled out the scroll from his coat and opened it. He then answered, "I'm going to remove the curse seal from off this kunoichi's neck."

Naruto's revised Harai Fuujin is going to be tested out on Tayuya with Yugao being an eyewitness to its possible results. Will the new seal work or will it prove to be a disappointing failure? Alongside this, what will Naruto and his clones discover from Orochimaru's Blood Double book and what secret project are Naruto and Minato working on that no one else knows of? And what was that secret message that was given to Itachi? Stick around and find next time.

Harai Fuujin: Purification Seal; Also could be known as "Exorcism Seal"