Chapter Fifty-Five: "Namikaze's Five"

(At Konoha Hospital)

In a restricted area at the hospital, Naruto was in Tayuya's recovery room standing by her bed. Standing next to him was Yugao, who looked at the blonde questionably while he was holding his scroll in his hand.

"Can you truly be rid of Orochimaru's cursed seal mark from off of this Oto Jounin," she asked.

"Yes, in theory," Naruto replied as he opened the scroll, "But I'd like to put that theory to the test."

"You plan on using her as a lab rat," Yugao inquired.

"Does her participation in the invasion of Konoha three months ago followed by her involvement in Sasuke's desertion and helping Oto attempt to trigger another war between Iwa and Konoha merit that I excuse her from this experiment?"

"Point taken," she shrugged. Naruto pulled out another scroll and handed it over to Yugao.

"This document authorizes me to remove this kunoichi off hospital grounds and into a secluded holding location designated to me by the Hokage. Show this to the other two ANBU ninjas outside this room as I prepare to have the girl to be removed."

"Hai," Yugao obeyed as she went and did as she was told. In removing the monitoring devices and IV needle out of Tayuya, Naruto was careful not to do anything that would cause a risk factor in her well being, especially since he needed her alive and in one piece in order to fully test the power of his Harai Fuujin.

The three ANBUs returned into the room. Seeing them, Naruto told one of the two males to carry Tayuya. The second male stepped forward and lifted her up off the recovery bed.

They followed and shunshin'd with Naruto to where the secluded location was, which turned out to be the same chamber Kakashi used with Sasuke when he used the Fuuja Houin to suppress the cursed seal on Sasuke's neck. Looking around the chamber, the Yugao and the other two with her saw that Naruto had already placed the required seal characters on the ground in a circular form where Tayuya was to be placed on.

"This guy works fast," one of the male ANBUs muttered in an undertone.

"Bring her," Naruto ordered. The ANBU carrying Tayuya came and brought her to where Naruto was. She was position in the center of the floor where the seal characters were written. Going to work, Naruto took out his scroll and laid it down fully open on the ground. Summoning four Kage Bushins, Naruto had them write the necessary seals on Tayuya's body. Going over to her, they removed her hospital clothes, leaving her only in her gray panties. They then quickly got to work in writing the seals on her body.

The three ANBU watched quietly seeing Naruto and his clones at work. That quiet atmosphere however didn't last long.

"Do you really think he can pull this off," whispered the second male ANBU to his partners.

"Kakashi and even Sandaime-sama couldn't remove cursed seal," whispered the other male, "If you ask me, it would take someone of Yondaime's level to accomplish such a feat."

"But we must keep in mind that this is the same person who brought about Orochimaru's death and defeat," Yugao reminded in an undertone, "It would be best not to underestimate him."

Naruto was too focused on his work to pay attention to the fact that he was the topic of discussion among the three ANBU ninjas with him. It wasn't long until the four clones were done. Nodding, Naruto then took out a vial from within his trench coat that contained Orochimaru's blood samples. Opening the vial, he poured a few blood droplets down upon the seals in the scroll. Closing and putting the vial away, Naruto then performed a complex set of hand signs and clasped his hands together, "Fūin Jutsu: Harai Fuujin!"

The seals instantly started glowing with purplish blue chakra radiating out of them. Yugao and the others watched quietly as the chakra from the seals rose up and out of the scroll and over into the seals writings on the ground. The seals began glowing while circulating chakra that was making its way over to Tayuya's body. The chakra soon enveloped Tayuya completely and the seals on Tayuya herself started glowing also until they were absorbed into her body.

The sealing jutsu went to work on her body. A moment later, the chakra was absorbed into Tayuya's chakra coils, absorbing and removing all of Orochimaru's influence. All was going smoothly when Tayuya suddenly screamed and convulsed from the ground. The ANBUs were about to restrain her when Naruto halted them in their place. He had one of his Kage Bushins hold Tayuya down to the ground.

"She must have been using the power of that cursed seal for a long time," Yugao acknowledged.

Naruto simply nodded as he watched and observed the reactions of his seal countering the cursed seal. After another moment, Tayuya dropped back down and lied on the floor motionlessly as the chakra gradually moved its way out of her body. The chakra flowed back into the scroll and into the seals, with the kanji for "seal" appearing in the scroll. Rolling the scroll up after the task was done, Naruto tied it and placed it into the inside pocket of his trench coat. The Kage Bushins puffed out of existence after seeing that their work was done.

Going over to the unconscious female, Naruto knelt down and concentrated green chakra into his hands and performed a thorough examination of Tayuya to check for any forms of side effects. So far, he found no physical side effects and no sign of the cursed mark or its influence anywhere on her. The ANBU ninjas in the room were now wondering what was going to happen now.

"Naruto-sama," the first male ANBU asked, "What happened?"

"Excellent," Naruto remarked, "Harai Fuujin was a success!"

He actually did it, thought the second ANBU male present in the chamber.

"That's terrific," Yugao complimented, "Well done Naruto-kun."

"Based on my findings, I found no ill effects to her anatomy," Naruto analyzed while passing green chakra around Tayuya's form, "From what I'm finding, her body is still healthy though her traumatic head injuries are still present…"

Naruto paused momentarily as he contemplated on that observation. The blonde shinobi passed and scanned Tayuya's head with his chakra-covered hand.

"Though Orochimaru's cursed seal has been thoroughly removed however," Naruto analyzed, "Her early anguish and reaction to the removal process shocked her body and forced her to temporarily awaken from her coma before shocking her back into it again. The seal's integration into her chakra coils must have had a strong influence on her mental psyche and we can only guess for how long she's been under its potent influence.

"In all accounts, there's no telling what mental side effects the seal's removal will have on her, if any. For what it's worth, the effects, disabling or not, could very well be permanent."

"Do you suppose you can request for Inoichi-san to run a mental analysis on her," the second male ANBU asked.

"Perhaps," Naruto replied, "But he's not in town and won't be for another week and a half. Plus Inoichi works in Ibiki's interrogation unit and having him do me that favor would mean that I'd have to relinquish all responsibilities of this Oto kunoichi over to Ibiki. Until I can discern that I can't do anything further as a result of any mental disabilities, I won't resort to that option just yet."

The ANBU ninjas gave no reply as they simply nodded. Naruto suspended the chakra from his hands.

"So your perfected seal will work in removing the cursed seal off of Anko," Yugao asked with a hint of hope in her voice, hoping for her friend to have that wretched abomination taken off her once and for all.

Putting his right hand under his chin, Naruto closed his eyes and contemplated on Anko's situation. He after giving it some thought, Naruto stated, "Anko-chan refrained from ever using the cursed seal and the suspension seal jiisan placed over it years ago helped to keep its influence at bay. Therefore, she won't suffer the same ill effects as this kunoichi did."

Yugao nodded, though behind her mask was a look of relief.

"I'll take my leave and report my results to kaa-chan," Naruto said, "Return her to her holding room at the hospital and have one of the doctors put her back on the monitoring computers and IV."

They nodded and followed through the given directions. Naruto made a hand sign and shunshin'd from the chamber, leaving the ANBU ninjas with Tayuya.


Hinata, Ino, Temari, Ryota and Anko were walking together through the village streets. The sight of these five walking together would have seemed unusual at first, especially to those who knew about Anko's infamous reputation.

"Anko," Temari inquired, "Exactly where are we going?"

"Someplace to relax and have some fun as girls," Anko grinned as she led the way.

"What did you have in mind," Hinata asked. Turning to the girls, Anko looked at them carefully before a thought came to mind.

"I know just the place to go," Anko cheered as she thrust her fist into the air, "Come with me!"

"Do we have an option," Ino remarked cynically as she and the others followed the Special Jounin to where they were being taken. The girls had no idea what the oldest female of the group had in mind but the look on her face was enough for them to know that it was something mischievous.

After a while, the group made it to where Anko was bringing them. Ino and Hinata's face turned crimson while Temari looked at the Special Jounin questionably. Ryota had a large smile of anticipation on her face.

"You can't be serious," Temari remarked as she looked at Anko in disbelief, "You don't realistically expect us to actually go in there do you?"

"And why not," Anko replied, "This store is one of the best in town. I'm sure Suna has one too."

"None that I know of," Temari said indignantly, "Besides those clothes are unsuitable for kunoichis."

Anko snorted, "Excuse me? What kind of upbringing did you have? Certainly you must have read about these fashions, secretly."

Temari didn't come out and say it, but she did skim through one of those kinds of magazines before. But seeing the graphic contents in it, she threw it away and never gave looking into such magazines again a second thought.

"Don't be such a stiff and have some fun once in a while," Anko said, "Yondaime-gaki won't mind at all, in fact I'm sure he'll love and appreciate it."

Ino was blushing redder at the thought of wearing such clothes Anko was suggesting in front of Naruto. The idea was rather fun and downright exciting.

"A…Anko-san," Hinata cut in, "…Aren't we underage to be going into such a place?"

Frowning at the youngest of the group, Anko remarked, "Hinata, being a ninja makes you an adult now! You need to stop being so goddamn shy and come out your overprotective shell! You have a body with a figure many girls would die for and it's time you started showing that off and flaunting it in Yondaime-gaki's face! And that goes for the rest of you girls!

"If being ninjas at your age makes you old enough to kill, therefore it makes you old enough to wear and appreciate-"

"We get the idea Anko," Ryota cut in as she grabbed Ino and Hinata, pulling them both into the store with her. Temari stared at Anko who shot her back a mischievous grin, "Temari, you and I both know that deep down you want to go inside and try on some of those clothes. Stop denying yourself opportunities to take a break from being a ninja and being a carefree woman once in a while."

Temari knew that Anko wasn't going to stop and Ryota already dragged the other two girls into the store leaving her with the snake mistress.

"…Fine," Temari sighed in defeat, "But I won't like it."

Anko gave the girl no reply as she followed her into the store to catch up with the others. When the store owner and workers saw the girls, they immediately recognized them.

"It's them," the female store owner said, "Namikaze's Five (Namikaze No Gonin)."

"Namikaze's Five" became a new popular nickname Hinata and the others four girls were given by the villagers. Temari at first was annoyed when she and the others were labeled with that name which became admired throughout the village. It sounded like they were somebody's property at first, but after a given time, she and the others saw they could use the name to their advantage, especially when faced against enemy ninjas or bandits. For Anko, despite her feared reputation as an interrogation specialist, the nickname served to add highlights and new respects to her image in the community, for Ryota as well since she was once hated and avoided because of her origins.

The girls were looking around the store at the clothes being displayed, many of them rather revealing. Seeing that the girls were checking out what they could buy, the store owner instructed her three other female workers quietly, "Look for some our latest and best clothes we have in stock. If word spreads that Namikaze's Five shops here, that will increase our sales and profit for sure! Now hurry!"

The employees speedily went on their way to carry out their assignments. The store owner then went over to the females and greeted, "Good afternoon ladies. May I be of some assistance?"

"Yes," Anko said toothily, "We're looking for something that will allow us to feel comfortable during our off time with Naruto-kun."

"Well then," the store owner smiled, "Let me not insult you all with "everyday" sensual kimonos and lingeries. Follow me please; I think I can help you five find just what you may be looking for."

(All The While)

Naruto was standing in front of his mother's office with a folder in his hand. Standing in front of the door to the office was an ANBU.

"Namikaze-sama," the ANBU greeted with a bow. Naruto sighed inwardly at the formality of being a clan leader.

"I'm here to see kaa-can," Naruto said going straight to the point. The ANBU replied, "She's…occupied and doesn't wished to be disturbed at this time."

Occupied my ass, Naruto snorted, She's probably slacking off and sleeping at her desk in her drunken stupor again.

"She'll see me whether she wants to or not," Naruto said as he walked pass the ANBU who didn't dare get in his way.

Your funeral, the ANBU mentally remarked as Naruto closed the door behind him. The blonde male stood with a less than surprised look on his face seeing his mother in the position she was in. Her head was resting on top on her arms on the desk with a small cup and two empty bottles of sake lying on top of her desk in front of her. Naruto walked over and stood in front of her desk. Grinning, Naruto shouted, "Stop trying to peak under kaa-chan's breasts ero-jisan!"

Tsunade instantly woke up in a violent rage ready to inflict a vicious beating on the Toad Sannin, only to find that he wasn't there at all. Naruto chuckled at his mother's confused state before her mind became sober enough to remember her surroundings. Seeing only her son in front of her, she gave him an irritated expression.

"That wasn't very funny," Tsunade scolded.

"It did the job in waking you up," Naruto replied as he went and handed her the folder that was in his hand. Sighing, she took the folder from him, "What's in it?"

"My detailed report concerning the results of my Harai Fuujin," Naruto answered. His mother went through the process of examining her son's written report about the results of his Harai Fuujin and Tayuya's condition. The Elite Jounin stood there quietly as the older blonde read through the documents. It wasn't until another ten minutes when Tsunade was done. Looking at her son, she said, "Your new seal was a success. That's good news to hear. But based on your report, you're uncertain as to what possible psychological side effects this will have on the Oto kunoichi."

"That's right," Naruto admitted, "However, those same side effects won't occur with regards to Anko-chan due to the different mental conditions both females have along with the fact that Anko-chan refrained from ever using Orochimaru's cursed seal. Removing the cursed seal off of Anko-chan won't be as problematic."

"Not as problematic," Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

"As you already know kaa-chan, the cursed seal embeds itself into its host chakra coils and the more its use the more potent its influence and integration becomes. Though Anko-chan doesn't have that problem however, that doesn't mean she won't experience some measure of pain in extracting the cursed seal from out of her chakra coils. As the saying goes, you don't get something for nothing."

Tsunade rubbed the bridge of her nose while contemplating on her son's report. Looking down at her desk, she found her small cup and two empty sake bottles.

I could use a drink, Tsunade thought before returning her attention back to her son.

"When do you plan on using your Harai Fuujin on Anko," Tsunade asked.

"I'll set it up with Anko-chan when I see her again," Naruto replied, "I'm sure she'll most likely want it done as fast as possible."

"…Who could blame her after the hell that cursed seal caused her to suffer through half her life," Tsunade sighed, "Based on this report I'll document and classify your Harai Fuujin as an S-class fūin kinjutsu."

"What!?," Naruto retorted with a look of total displeasure and outrage, "Why must it be classified as a kinjustu of that nature like practically every other jutsu I created?!"

Tsunade saw the look in her son's eyes and face, which obvious showed that he was anything but happy with what she said. Taking a deep breath, she maintained her calm yet stern demeanor and explained, "You're overlooking the bigger picture Naruto."

From the sound of her voice, the Elite Jounin knew to stay silent as the Godaime continued her explanation.

"We must keep in mind that your fūin jutsu required the blood of a late Sannin, something that can not be taken lightly. Anyone seeking access to it can't be too readily trusted and special precautions are to be made if they are. That was why you needed a written authorization from me personally to have access into the ANBU archives to retrieve vials with Orochimaru's blood samples. With the exception of Sarutobi-sensei, Jiraiya, you and myself, anyone else who seeks permission for the use of that fūin jutsu will be brought in for questioning, especially if they have no pervious knowledge or experience in seals of that caliber.

"Keep in mind that medic specialists like ourselves can derive a great deal from one's blood and bloodline limit. Orochimaru was notorious for his twisted experimentations and tampering with blood and bloodline limits. He even experimented on his own body in his search for immortality. There's no telling what someone could learn from Orochimaru's blood and how it could be implemented for whatever purpose they'd seek to use it for. That was why Sarutobi-sensei had Orochimaru's body quickly disposed of right after he died and the rest of his things locked away."

Naruto found logic in Tsunade's words as much as he hated to admit it to himself. He found it ironic that his new jutsu made to dispose of Orochimaru's A-class cursed seal was designated as an S-class forbidden sealing technique because of its prerequisites.

"I understand," Naruto acknowledged in defeat as he deflated, "I accept your decision."

Tsunade was happy to see that Naruto now was calmed while thinking about everything she told him. Seeing that her son was still in her office, Tsunade decided to bring up a topic that she's been putting to the side for some time.

"Naruto," Tsunade started, "I've been meaning to discuss with you the terms of the reparations Iwa agreed to."

"I'm listening."

She opened the drawer of her desk and pulled out a document with Iwa's official seal on it.

"After many negotiations, an agreement was made. The Tsuchikage is willing to pay a sum of 75 million ryos out of Iwa's treasury," Tsunade said while handing the scroll over to her son, "Out of that sum, 10 million would go to Tazuna and his family, 45 million to you and the rest of the 20 million into Konoha's treasury."

Naruto took and opened it to read into it. He read through the document and found the authentic signature and seal of the Tsuchikage with Tsunade's signature and seal underneath. He also took notice of the blank line underneath her name.

"It also requires your signature and clan crest to show your agreement to the reparations," Tsunade pointed out.

"Yes, so it does," Naruto replied when he placed the scroll down on the desk and signed it and placing the Namikaze clan insignia next to his name.

"The Tsuchikage is planning to have ambassadors arrive here to deliver the-"

"I'll go to Iwa myself as Konoha's ambassador," Naruto cut in, "And I'll take three others of my choosing to accompany me as my entourage."

Tsunade looked at him cautiously and replied, "Why would you want to do something like that?"

Naruto replied back, "I'm sick and tired of that village holding some senseless grudge against me for what my father had done to protect Konoha all those years ago. My going there would be a sign of good faith that I hold no grudges and seek to diminish as much as possible what bad blood exist between them and my clan."

"The council will object to this," Tsunade argued, "They won't like the idea of the course of action you're seeking to carry out."

"I'm not doing this for their sakes," Naruto made very clear, "I'm doing this for my future children and their children's sakes. I don't want my father's past with Iwa being carried over to them like a familial curse. I want to end this grudge Iwa has against my clan before their hate for my family's name is carried over to Iwa's next generation of children and ninjas."

"And what of the Senju's name," Tsunade shot back as she stood from her seat, causing Naruto to be taken aback. There was an awkward moment of silence between them. Tsunade for that brief moment allowed her emotions to seep into her sense of judgment before regaining her self-control.

After what felt like an eternity, Tsunade finally spoke up calmly, "You are my only son whom I have raised all your life and that will not change. Should you go to Iwa as Konoha's ambassador, you'll be carrying both the names of the Namikaze and Senju clan with you."

Naruto now understood where Tsunade was coming from and what she was trying to convey to him. He was thinking too much about the reputation that Minato left the Namikaze clan with in regards to Iwa and how it could possibly be fixed. With a feeling of guilt, Naruto realized that he didn't give thought to the name and honor of the Senju clan and failed to realize that his actions would reflect on both clans as a Senju-Namikaze merged clan unit.

"Naru-chan," Tsunade continued with a voice that carried in it a more motherly tone in, "As it's already known throughout many shinobi villages and nations, you've inherited everything that once belonged to your father and the Namikaze clan. However, I haven't yet discussed with you your inheritance from me as the Senju clan heir."

Naruto's attention was now focused on Tsunade who gave him a serious yet maternal expression in return.

"I'm listening; you have my attention."

Tsunade was about to talk when…

"Tsunade-sama," Shizune called out as she barged into the office unannounced. Tsunade and Naruto turned to the young medic Jounin.

"This better be important Shizune," Tsunade said with a straight face, though angered that her discussion with Naruto was so abruptly interrupted. Shizune saw that both Naruto and Tsunade were in the middle of whatever it was they were discussing. Still, she explained what she had to say, "You're needed at the hospital immediately. Two Chuunins were seriously wounded with a poison we don't know how to heal."

Tsunade sighed at this, frustrated that she couldn't tell Naruto what she wanted to say.

"We'll talk about the matter at a later and more convenient time," Tsunade told Naruto, "But I will address the council of the request you made and see what can be done, if anything."

Naruto nodded as both he and Tsunade exited the office with Shizune. He left the tower with much to think about.

(Later That Day)

Kakashi and Jiraiya were walking through the streets of Konoha together. Currently Kakashi, while walking with the Toad Sannin, was reading Jiraiya's latest big hit that was in the market, Icha-Icha Paradise: The Passion Of The Teacher. Kakashi, as always, was first in line in purchasing that rare golden edition that to his excitement was said to have a surprising alternate ending. After having it personally autographed by Jiraiya, the Copycat Ninja couldn't wait to buy and get his reading on. The thing that threw him in a loop was when he saw that the two lead characters, Narutobi and Ankoku, were named after Naruto and Anko. For him, it didn't make visualizing the main characters all that hard. Jiraiya was very happy at the book's success. It wasn't even a week and already it was big hit in the market and to Jiraiya's surprise, even a movie director who bought his book was thinking about turning it into a live action movie production.

Kakashi's enjoyment of his reading was interrupted when Jiraiya decided to bring a topic for Kakashi to listen to.

"The Akatsuki are on the move again," the Sannin said. Kakashi stopped reading and looking over at the older man, "Oh? What have they been doing lately?"

"Based on the reports given to me through my spy network, they haven't been doing anything leading or indicating that they're going after any of the Jinchuurikis."

"You mean Naruto and Gaara," Kakashi stated as a matter of fact.

"I mean all nine of them."

Kakashi now gave Jiraiya a curious look, "Nine Jinchuurikis?"

"My sources made it clear to me that there are other Jinchuurikis in the other elemental nations. Some even have two Jinchuurikis from what I found out," Jiraiya explained.

"That could be trouble were a war ever to break out," Kakashi acknowledged, "Were you able to learn of their identities?"

Jiraiya let out a sigh as they continued their walk, "Disappointedly I haven't so far. Their identities are being tightly kept in secret. They're being used as their nations' last line of defense, and for their nations' protection, their identities haven't been made public, which isn't the same for Gaara in Suna's case I'm sorry to say."

"But no one else besides the chosen few know of Naruto's secret," Kakashi said, "Though I admit I don't know for how long that will last and what repercussions it'll have once word about it somehow gets out."

"I'm sure the Akatsuki suspects something of Naruto but thankfully they haven't confirm whether he's a Jinchuuriki or not," Jiraiya said, "But I wouldn't put it pass them to go all out against Naruto when they decide to go after the nine Jinchuurikiris."

They continued their conversation while continuing their walk. It wasn't long until the subjection of the discussion was over. And it was in perfect timing especially when they saw Anko and the four other girls with her coming out of the lingerie store. They, along with several other onlookers, noticed that the girls were carrying scrolls; therefore what they bought was sealed into the scrolls. A number of the bystanders there were already gossiping about Namikaze's Five buying clothes from that store. The store owner saw this and grinned brightly.

It won't be long now when wind of this spreads out to the female populous, the store owner thought with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Looks like Anko took the girls out shopping for something rather exquisite. Don't you think Jiraiya-sama," Kakashi asked as he turned to the Sannin, only to find that he was no longer standing beside him, "Where did he go?"

The cyclops ninja didn't find Jiraiya anywhere in sight. Shrugging to himself, Kakashi returned back to reading his new book as he went about his business. Sounds of perverted giggles came from his mouth moments later.

"Narutobi," Kakashi giggled with a blush hidden under his mask, "You're just like your real life counterpart."

(Back At The Hokage Tower)

Sarutobi Hiruzen was in the study office smoking his pipe and like Kakashi, reading his latest volume of Icha-Icha Paradise. Though he was supposed to review a few documents Tsunade asked his advice for, he decided to take his unscheduled break and read Jiraiya's latest piece of work.

"…Jiraiya you never fail to amaze me with your stories," Hiruzen giggled with a blush after reading the graphic contents of the book. His favorite pastime was interrupted when a knock come from the door. Hurriedly putting the book away, Sarutobi picked up one of the documents and changed into his professional mode.

"Yes, come in," he said before the door opened revealing an ANBU with a Boar mask and a scroll in hand.

"Sarutobi-sama," the ANBU bowed and greeted before going over and handing the older man the scroll. Seeing the encrypted seal on the scroll, Hiruzen acknowledged from whom the scroll was. Turning to the ninja, Hiruzen thanked and dismissed him. The ANBU bowed again before exiting the office. Returning his attention back to the scroll, he unsealed and opened it, reading the encrypted message in the scroll.


I am returning and acknowledging your previous message to me concerning Sasuke's desertion of Konohagakure No Sato. I thank and appreciate you keeping me informed of everything that's happened though I'm rather disappointed in Sasuke's foolish and traitorous actions. Should anything happen to Sasuke, I will hold no ill will against Konoha as he chose to desert and turn his back to our village. I can only hope that he'll someday seek redemption and return to Konoha though his return will be met with punishment for his actions. If he shouldn't and I encounter him myself somewhere down the line, then I'll deal with him personally.

So far, nothing major has taken place within the Akatsuki however I'm not sure what they plan to do with all nine the bijuus once collected from the Jinchuurikis. Everything is being kept in tight secret and movements in gathering the Jinchuurikis have been pushed back and won't go into operation until further notice. Regrettably I can't reveal the locations of the other Jinchuurikis since their identities and locations haven't yet been disclosed at this time. What I can tell you which you probably already suspect is that Uchiha Madara is alive and is hiding himself under a low profile within the Akatsuki when in truth he's the true leader of the organization. I strongly advised that you keep this information secret for now and send no one to pursue Madara.

I will continue my surveillance and inform you of anything major taking place. Though Naruto-kun, Kakashi and Godaime-sama are kept informed of the Akatsuki through Jiraiya-sama's spy network however, make sure they leave nothing to chance; especially should my cover be blown. Please protect Konoha from within the village walls while I'll do everything I can to protect it from the outside.

Good-bye for now.

ANBU#: 1A430X

Codename: "Weasel"

Sarutobi sighed as he rolled up the scroll and placed it into his pocket. Of all the Uchihas, Itachi was the only loyal one and it was truly tragic that he had to wipe out his own traitorous kinsmen to stop them from triggering a civil war. What troubled Hiruzen was the fact that Madara's survival was officially confirmed by Itachi. Sarutobi was tempted to explain to Jiraiya and Tsunade about Itachi being a double-agent and spying on the Akatsuki from within the organization and the confirmation of Madara's survival in his final fight with Hashirama. However he decided against it seeing that it would raise a number of unwanted questions that would require explanations of dark secrets he didn't want to disclose and he didn't want to compromise Itachi's cover and request to have the truth about the Uchiha clan kept hidden for his clan's name and reputation's sake.

Secrets and deceptions surround the life of the ninja, Hiruzen though himself. Wanting to put away those frustrating and burdening thoughts, he returned back to reading his new book. A smile and blush appeared on his face followed soon after.

(Later At The Namikaze Estate)

Naruto was returning home after a long day. Stepping in front of the door of his mansion, he was about to open it when the door was opened by Ryota, who to his surprise, was dressed in a beautifully made bright pink and red silk kimono with the design of a crane going diagonally across the kimono from the right. She was barefooted and much of her legs and part of her shoulders were exposed, revealing the violet silk lingerie she was wearing underneath. Her dark brown hair was let down passed her shoulders and she wore a welcoming smile. Naruto blushed heavily while sporting a large grin.

"Ryo-chan," Naruto smiled happily, "What's the occasion?"

A moment later, Ino stepped forward wearing new silk-made kimono as well, except hers were bright blue and white with carnation designs going across it. She wore her kimono in the same style as Ryota and her blond hair was freed from its ponytail style and allowed to flow freely down her back.

"The occasion is that you've been overworking yourself and you're in need of some rest Naruto-sama," Ino said with sultry, causing the blood in Naruto to rise in his face. Ino went over and took Naruto by the hand and led him inside the mansion. He removed his ninja sandals and allowed himself to be escorted into his house by the two maidens.

Arriving in the living room, he saw Hinata, clothed in a white and light blue kimono with a waterfall design made on it. She was wearing her kimono in the same fashion as Ino and Ryota and like them she was also barefooted and much of her shoulders and left leg were exposed. She gave herself a strong thrust not to faint from how Naruto was looking and gawking at her. In her hand was a small tray with a cup of fresh warm tea.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata greeted with a blush and warm smile as she presented his tea to him, which he happily accepted. He sipped the tea and looked at Hinata with approving eyes.

"That was delicious Hina-chan," Naruto smiled, causing the former Hyuuga heiress to blush some more, "You have to make this more often."

"Thank you, Naruto-kun," Hinata bowed before Naruto placed the tea cup back down on the tray Hinata was still holding. The Hyuuga placed the tray down on a nearby table.

"Come with me," Hinata said as she gestured to Naruto who followed and obeyed as he went along with what the girls were doing. Ryota and Ino followed close by from behind. They made their way to the back on the mansion where the porch was to find Anko and Temari waiting. The sight of both females before him, especially Anko, almost caused Naruto to collapse from nasal blood loss. Luckily he managed to prevent himself from doing that while studying Temari and Anko's looks.

Both females were dressed in the same manner and barefooted. Except Anko, being a fully grown adult, had a body and bosoms that were more developed and pronounced. Her cleavage was more exposed, revealing the black silk lingerie she was wearing underneath. The look on her face was mischievous but her smile could have any guy bend to her will. She was dressed in a tan beige kimono with cherry blossom designs on it.

Temari was dressed in a sky blue kimono with a design of the rising sun on it. In her hand was her large fan which was still kept closed. Like Anko and Ryota, Temari was in bright yellow lingerie and as much as she tried not to show it, she was enjoying the feeling of the sensual clothing she was wearing. Hinata and Ino didn't have lingerie on since the store didn't have any in their sizes.

Anko went over to him and unzipped his Jounin vest.

"Remove that and your shirt, Yondaime-gaki," Anko grinned toothily while seeing the lustful look on Naruto's face. Doing as he was told, Naruto took his vest and shirt off, leaving him in his white tank top, dark pants and bandages wrapped around his ankles. Ino came and took the vest and shirt from Naruto and placed them off to the side. Anko gestured to Naruto to come forward and take a seat on the recliner. Naruto did so and sat back on it as Anko made her way to stand behind the recliner. After she did so, she reached out and started massaging his shoulders, causing Naruto sigh in content and bliss. Temari came forward and opened her fan before using it to fan the Hokage-level ninja.

Ryota passed a few sliced fruits and grapes to Ino and Hinata before the three of them join Anko and Temari. Hinata, Ino and Ryota knelt around Naruto with fruits in their hands.

"I don't deserve you girls," Naruto said blissfully before being fed with a grape by Ino, "…I feel so spoiled."

"Don't feel bad Yondaime-gaki," Anko cooed, "You're the best thing that happened to us. If anything we don't deserve you."

"Indeed," said a voice from the side. Everyone turned to see Naruto standing by the entrance of the mansion fully dressed with his arms crossed over his chest with a not so happy facial expression.

"What the hell is this?!," Naruto asked wanting an explanation. Hinata and the other females with her were dumb-founded and baffled. They tried to make sense of what was going on.

"B-B…But if you're Naruto-kun," Temari stammered, "Then-"

"A Kage Bushin," Anko guessed.

"Trust me," Naruto assured, "I would NOT require Kage Bushin for what you girls were doing just now. That's something I would happily indulge in personally."

Anko and the girls speedily looked to the recliner and found that it was no longer occupied. 'Naruto' was hurriedly making a swift exit from the Namikaze Estate when Minato's security seals activated, trapping 'Naruto' within the confinements of the estate. The 'blonde' knew that the security seals were blood seals and only Naruto's blood could drop the barrier.

Damn it, 'Naruto' panicked, He activated the barrier seals trapping me here! How am I going to-

"Oh 'Naruto-kun'," Hinata said with a deceptively shy and sweet voice. 'Naruto' was in fear and dread when he felt the massive bloodlust aimed at him. Slowly, he turned to see five enraged kunoichis looking at him. Hinata had her Byakugan fully activated with what looked like extra veins appearing from the sides of her face; Temari's fan was completely opened with three stars appearing on it; Anko had vipers slithering out of the sleeves of her kimono; Ryota's fists were covered with gauntlets made out of sharp rocks; Ino cracked her knuckles as she prepared to use her father's Shinranshin No Jutsu, which she recently learned from her father.

Surrounded, 'Naruto' was about to make a run for it when gravel-made vines appeared out of the ground and wrapped around 'Naruto''s ankles and wrists.

"What's the hurry," Ryota said after pinning his ankles to the ground, "This party is just getting started and you're the star attraction."

'Naruto', with fear in his heart for what was about to befall him, pleaded, "Have mercy…"

(Outside The Namikaze Estate)

Kakashi was making his way over to Naruto's place when…


That was followed by sounds of explosions and fierce beatings accompanied by the yells of several angry females.


"Perhaps I should stop by here later," Kakashi said as he turned and walked off while hearing the poor soul's unanswered cries for help, "I'm sure he'll pull through this one like all the other times."

(Later That Evening)

Jiraiya was back home in his room lying in his futon and covered in bandages. The beating he received from Naruto's girls would have killed a normal Jounin, if not cripple him for life. Tsunade left a while ago after giving him a vicious verbal lashing for the latest perverted stunt he pulled on Naruto's fiancés. That of course didn't go without her giving him a few hits of her own, much to his grief.

Luckily, Naruto was still with Jiraiya tending to his many injuries and snake bites since Tsunade wasn't willing to do so.

"You're just of a glutton for punishment," Naruto added while changing his bandages.

"…I faced worse than this," Jiraiya grunted.

"You'll never change," Naruto remarked.

"Are you going to give me a verbal lashing and beating like Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya inquired.

"Quite the opposite really," Naruto said, "That stunt you pulled did me a favor in teaching those five girls a lesson. You have my gratitude."

"Excuse me," asked a confused Jiraiya, "What are you talking about?"

"As kaa-chan told me earlier today, I have to see the bigger picture. And Kakashi-niisan always tells me to look underneath the underneath."

"OK, now I'm lost," Jiraiya replied, "Would you mind speaking straight forward rather than in riddles?"

"You were able to deceive Hina-chan, Ino-chan and the rest effectively," Naruto explained, "They had no idea that you were posing as me, not that it was your first time doing so. One would think that skilled ninjas like Anko-chan and Ryo-chan would be able to tell the difference between the real person and a henge. But as you proved time after time again, you can make yourself as inconspicuous as possible if you so want to, especially since espionage is one of your specialties.

"The way you deceived kaa-chan all those years ago when you first posed as me seeking to get breastfed by her is proof of that, and she's a Sannin. She had no idea how or when you snuck into her room and turned into a baby version of me. I'm sorry to say this, but from the way it looked, one would say that you could have had your way with her."

"Hey," Jiraiya retorted indignantly, "Though I'm a super pervert however, I know my limits and even in my standards the act of rape is grounds for death."

"Yes I know. So going back to the previous topic, Orochimaru was able to sneak into the village posing as a Genin, Jounin-sensei and the Yondaime Kazekage all during the Chuunin Exams without anyone noticing, that was until I interrogated one of his Oto Jounins and forced him to reveal to me Orochimaru's location. Before that there was the rogue ANBU who tried to kidnap me when I was still an infant that did likewise in being an ace in deception."

"Where are you getting at Neo-Yondaime Hokage," Jiraiya asked.

"Yours, Orochimaru and that rogue ANBU's actions prove that bloodline limits, doujutsus and special jutsus of any sort mean nothing when faced against high level experienced ninjas who can get around them. The way I beat Neji and killed Soujiro testifies to that as well. Plus, you didn't become the strongest of the Sannin simply by being the self-proclaimed super pervert.

"The lesson you taught those girls is that if they're not careful in looking underneath the underneath, an enemy ninja of your caliber could bypass their defenses if/when their guard is down and kill them. Deception is all part of the life of the ninja."

"I'm happy that despite what happened, you found constructive points to take from it. If you like," Jiraiya smirked with a lecherous smile, "I'm opened to giving them Lesson 2 in-OOOOOOOOWW!"

Naruto abruptly cut him off when he intentionally pressed a washcloth soaked with rubbing alcohol hard against an open injury on his back.

"Oh, you said something ero-jisan," Naruto asked with mock innocence. Jiraiya grumbled incoherent curses under his breath while feeling the burning stings on his back. Naruto continued tending to Jiraiya's injuries before returning back home.

(At The Namikaze Estate)

Hinata, Ino, Temari, Ryota and Anko were all sitting in the living room still dressed in their new kimonos. Neither of them said a word to each other after the stunt Jiraiya pulled on them. The silence though was soon broken.

"Damn him," Anko cursed, "I should have neutered that pervert and poured ammonia over his crotch!"

"He tricked all of us not just you," Ryota said.

"Hard to believe that a Sannin of Jiraiya-sama's stature is that kind of man," Temari said.

"Girlfriend where have you been," Ino remarked cynically, "He's the writer of those orange books Kakashi-sensei loves reading so much."

"He is," Temari asked, recalling catching Kankuro reading one of those books once before beating him with her fan for doing so. Baki though was careful not to get caught knowing that Temari sometimes had a bit of a temper, and seeing that book only made matters worse.

Before the conversation could escalate, Naruto Hiraishin'd into the living room. He was standing outside his house just seconds ago. But to solidify that he was the real thing, he executed a jutsu that only he as the sole son of the Yellow Flash could do.

"I'm home," Naruto smiled warmly. The girls were a bit reluctant to greet him. He saw that they were still embarrassed and ashamed about what happened earlier.

"It's alright," Naruto assured, "Ero-jisan got his fair punishment and it wasn't like any of you meant for what happened to happen."

"But we put a lot of thought in catering to you earlier today and it was all ruined," Hinata said sadly.

"You've been working so hard lately around the clock for the passed number of days and you barely gave yourself a break," Ino said.

"It was like you didn't have time for anything else besides your work," Temari added. Naruto inwardly flinched on hearing that.

Was I that preoccupied and negligent of the girls' personal needs and want for my attention, Naruto thought with a feeling a guilt. He saw where they were coming from and found that lately he placed his work before them and anything else too frequently and barely made time for them. With that in mind, an idea came to his mind and after thinking it over, he came to a decision after putting all other matters and concerns on his mind on hold.

"Will you all excuse me," Naruto asked before he shunshin'd away from them.

"What do you suppose he went to do," Ryota asked.

"Beats me," Anko shrugged.

"At least he wasn't angry at us," Hinata said with a relieved expression.

"He didn't stay long to be around us either," Temari remarked dejectedly, causing the other girls to deflate with lowered heads. It wasn't until a few minutes later when Naruto returned, standing by the living room entrance.

When the girls turned to see him, blood spilled from out their noses. He was barefooted and wearing nothing but his tiger-skin loincloth with his muscles and built radiating in all their glory. In his right hand was a large bowl filled with sliced fresh fruits and a bottle of expensive perfumed oil in his left hand. His head band was removed off his head, allowing his now partially calmed unruly spiked hair to flow freely while covering his Sōzō Saigen shadow seal that was on his forehead. Desire and lust was already growing in the girls' eyes and hearts.

Wow!, Hinata thought excitedly, Naruto-kun looks a lot better than before when he last wore that! I can't wait to run my gentle fingers on him! Married or not!

Damn he's hot!, Ino mentally yelled heatedly, I so want to know how his skin would feel against mine!

This is the Namikaze clan leader!, Temari blushed heavily with blood seeping down her nose. She was currently trying to make coherent sentences but nothing she was saying was making sense as she was too busy gawking at him.

And they call old man Sarutobi-sama the God of Ninja, Ryota thought while drooling at Naruto, What I'm looking at is a God in flesh!

Anko licked her lips with feelings of sexual lust while eyeing the Namikaze who looked back them with a teasing smile.

Ever since he was weakened in his fight with Orochimaru and the four resurrected ninjas, Naruto pushed himself hard in the effort to regain his previous strength and power. Tsunade though protested and restrained Naruto from going beyond his limit because of his physical condition then. But from the way he looked now, one wouldn't think he was weakened at all. In fact, he looked a whole lot stronger than before.

"Seeing that you girls had a hard day today," Naruto grinned, "How about I treat you five to snacks and body oil rub downs? After all, I am a medic-nin and physical therapy is one of my specialties."

There was a brief moment of silence as the girls registered what Naruto was offering, especially seeing that he was wearing his original tiger-skin loincloth that he surprisingly kept since the Chuunin Exams.

"Are you confident that you can handle the five us," Anko asked with a lecherous smile.

"Like I said earlier today," Naruto smiled back, "I'm a man known for his unmatched stamina and huge reservoir of chakra. Plus, I'm a man known to never give up. I promise to satisfy all of you. And I never go back on my word. It's my nindo."

Namikaze's Five were promised a satisfying time. Let's hope he delivers. Aside from this, Tsunade mentioned to Naruto his inheritance as the Senju clan heir. What could this entail for Naruto and the Namikaze name? Will Naruto actually go to Iwa as Konoha's ambassador to retrieve the reparations promised to him, Tazuna and Konoha?

And what of Tayuya's condition? Will she stay in a coma indefinitely and what possible side effects might result from Naruto's use of his Harai Fuujin on her if/when she wakes up from her coma? Stick around for the next chapter.

A/N: If any of you reviewers like to offer any ideas as to what Naruto as the Senju heir could entail, I'm open to suggestions and opinions.

Shinranshin No Jutsu: Mind Confusion Technique

Fuuja Houin: Evil Sealing Method