Chapter Fifty-Six: "A World Apart"

(In A World Parallel From The Norm)

A young boy no older than eight years old was studying an ancient scroll which he acquired after retrieving it from his late grandfather's locked away archive in his clan's estate in the village a month and a half ago. The scroll in question possessed a secret that was expressly forbidden from ever being known, let alone used. But the boy was ambitious and wanted to gain the kind of power and abilities his grandfather had in his prime, which made him so renowned even after his untimely demise saving the village from an invasion triggered by his traitorous former student.

The boy never forgave the man responsible for taking his grandfather away from him and he was always angry at himself for being incapable of helping his grandfather whom he always wanted to surpass and gain the title he had as the village leader. With his grandfather gone, the child felt he had to find some way to fill in the gap left behind and become the ninja his grandfather was. Only he didn't believe that he had anyone strong enough to help him down that trek. Sure his sensei was good in his own rights, but his ideas of short-cuts and favoritism irritated and frustrated him. The one he regards as a big brother and role model was also talented in his own rights, but the youth sought something beyond him as well.

The youth spent over a month and a half studying the complex seals in secret at his personal hideout in a cave outside the village. The nature of the seals themselves in the scroll were on levels that only a trained and experienced seal master could understand; which was probably why his grandfather never resorted to using the scroll since he wasn't a seal master like his late successor/predecessor was. Regardless, the boy was certain that through the secret of that ancient scroll, he would manage to start his journey in becoming a great ninja and warrior his late grandfather was.

That night, the boy got everything he needed to execute the secret within the scroll. At his hide away, he carefully wrote the required seals on the ground. It took over three hours to do so perfectly since based on what he studied about seals, one mistake anywhere in its writings, even in the smallest caliber, could prove disastrous. After putting the final writings in place, the boy made a thorough and careful inspection of the seal.

Finding everything in perfect order, he went about in initiating the next phase of the jutsu. Standing before the seal, the boy, after spending hours over the past two weeks memorizing the required hand signs for the seal, performed the intricate hand signs in the exact order explained in the scroll and then clasped his hands together. The seals on the ground began glowing in a radiant white glow.

(Back In Naruto's World; At The Namikaze Estate)

Naruto, still in his tiger-skin loincloth, was still holding the large bowl of sliced mixed fruits and bottle of perfumed body oil in his other hand. Hinata and the others looked at Naruto with eager anticipation of what he was going to give them. Hinata prepared to remove her kimono and when Ino saw this, she reached to undo her sash holding her kimono up also. The rest soon followed as they were about to strip down to their bra and panties, and in Anko, Temari and Ryota's case, their two piece lingerie.

As Naruto was enjoying the entertaining sight, something suddenly shot into his mind and body, instantly changing the expression on his face to that of stunned shock. The five females saw the look on Naruto's face and knew something was wrong.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked worriedly, "Is everything alright?"

Naruto couldn't respond as he was frozen in place like statue. Hinata, Ino and Temari went over to him while wondering if anything happened. Upon reaching Naruto however, something happened. An unknown glowing seal of some sort suddenly appeared from underneath them and Naruto. Anko and Ryota hurried to where the four of them were, only to be repelled back by a white sphere that encased the four them and speedily vanished, taking Naruto and the three girls with him. Anko and Ryota were left confused and bewildered at what just happened.

"Where did they go," Ryota asked, not sensing their chakra anywhere, "And what was that seal that appeared on the floor under them?"

"I don't know," Anko replied.

(Location Unknown)

Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Temari landed in a heap with Naruto on the bottom. All four were a bit disoriented since they were completely caught off guard by what happened. The bowl of fruits and bottle of perfumed oil were lying on the ground next to them. After a moment…

"As much as I'm enjoying the intimacy with you girls all at once," Naruto remarked, "But can you three please get up off me now?"

The girls blushed heavily but complied as they stood up from where they were and dusted themselves off. Naruto got up and did likewise.

"Where are we," Ino inquired while looking around the cave they were in, "It certainly isn't our place Naruto-kun."

"Naruto-niichan," a young masculine voice shouted in surprise at the tallest figure in the room, "How can this be?!"

The group turned to see the lone boy who was with them in the once isolated chamber.

"Konohamaru," Naruto replied back while looking at the shocked looking boy. Konohamaru stared back at the taller and older looking version of his big brother and teacher figure.

"What's going on here," Naruto asked as he went over to Konohamaru, who stood there stupidly while staring at Naruto's appearance, "You can't be the real Naruto-niichan! Something must have gone wrong with that jutsu I used!"

"What are you talking about," Naruto asked, "What jutsu?"

"I…," Konohamaru started, "…I was trying to use a special summoning jutsu I learned from jiji's old scroll. I was trying to find a way to summon a powerful ninja to be my sensei and help me in becoming a strong defender like jiji was. I didn't think that it would have summoned you, not that you're weak or anything like that."

"Where's this scroll," Naruto inquired. Konohamaru went over and got the scroll and handed it over to the male blonde. Taking the scroll, Naruto opened and carefully analyzed it.

"We were summoned here," Temari asked out loud. Konohamaru then remembered that Naruto wasn't alone and stared back at the three girls with him. A heavy blush appeared on his face while looking at how the girls were dressed. Realizing their appearance, they hurriedly closed up their kimonos and tied their sashes tightly.

"Hentai," Ino scowled at Konohamaru.

"Look who's talking," Konohamaru smirked, "Seeing the way niichan and you girls are dressed, I'd say you three and niichan were about to get it on. Mind if I watch?"

No sooner he said that when a large fan came flying down to strike the boy's head. Naruto however caught and held the fan before it could do any injury to Konohamaru.

"That's enough," Naruto stated calmly while temporarily ignoring how he and the girls were dressed. Temari argued, "But-"

"We're in an unusual situation here," Naruto abruptly cut her off, "And I don't need any of us joking or talking foolishly with one another. I need all of us to be levelheaded and in control of ourselves. Am I clear?"

Reluctantly, Temari complied as she withdrew her fan from Naruto's grip.

"Is everyone in this village perverts and peeping toms," Temari remarked feeling exasperated.

"No not everyone," Naruto simply shrugged while continuing his analysis on the scroll. To say that Konohamaru was surprised by what he just saw happened would have been an understatement. He practically had stars in his eyes while admiring this version of Naruto in front of him. From what he knew of the Genin Naruto, girls like Sakura always had their way with him and they always clobbered him whenever he did something stupid or unintentional. This Naruto standing in front of him was an entirely different person besides the fact that he looked much older and far stronger than his role model.

"Niichan," Konohamaru asked, "How come you look older and bigger while Hinata-san and Ino-san are still the same age?"

"Didn't I tell you and the others already," Naruto said while not fully understanding the situation they were in just yet.

"This is my first time seeing you," Konohamaru said, "You and your friends are not from here."

"Excuse me," asked a confused Naruto as he decided to investigate the scroll, certain he'd find the answers to his questions in it. The girls were just as perplexed by the boy's bizarre statement. Minato, gazing through Naruto's eyes, was also studying the seals written in the scroll. Temari and the girls had no idea what was going on.

'Amazing,' Minato remarked in disbelief while looking at the seals, 'I've read about this unique jutsu, but I never in my life would have thought it still existed.'

What kind of jutsu is this, Naruto mentally inquired.

'Kuchiyose: Hoka Sekai Senshi,' Minato explained, 'It's a primeval S-class summoning jutsu of a master level that pulls someone from an entirely different dimension into the world of the one who summoned him or her. The one summoned is tied to the one who summoned their service until their deed is done. This jutsu goes back almost two hundred years before the founding of Konohagakure No Sato. It was during the turbulent years of war when that jutsu was last seen and used. Its origins are a total mystery.'

Is this jutsu of a dark nature like Edo Tensei, Naruto inquired.

'No,' Minato answered, 'It's the complete opposite in that the summoning doesn't require human sacrifices as hosts for the summoned. This jutsu summons living ninjas or even Kages into the service of the summoner. However, the jutsu does require the summoner to pay a tribute of some form to the summoned after their service is deemed completed.'

What kind of tribute, Naruto asked.

'I'm not too sure,' Minato said, 'From what I studied about it, it varies depending on who the summoned were and each summoned could require different payments for their services, but the payment had to be justifiable.'

Tema-chan, Ino-chan and Hina-chan are also here, Naruto pointed out, Were they summoned also?

'The boy's intention was for one person, namely you, to be summoned,' Minato pointed out, 'The fact that the girls were pulled in and teleported with you was a fluke. Therefore, they can't receive any payments of any sort from Konohamaru.'

Does this jutsu comes with some form of side effects, Naruto asked, wanting to know as much about this unknown jutsu as possible.

'Possibly,' Minato replied, 'Back in our home world though, the scroll possessing the instructions in using this ancient jutsu is said to have been long lost and forgotten. Before then, many clans have warred and battled to the death for possession of it. Young and old, countless were killed either in their quest for the scroll or by the one summoned from it.'

What if the required tribute to the summoned isn't paid, Naruto asked, Or if the summoner doesn't have the means to pay the tribute?

'The summoner dies and the summoned are returned back to their world,' Minato said straightforwardly, 'A penalty for failing to fulfill the jutsu's requirement. No one today knows for sure the full extent of this jutsu's power. I learned about this jutsu to the extent that I know from what was documented in the archives in the Hokage Tower.

'At the same time though, this jutsu, like any other S-class jutsu of this caliber, can prove dangerous for many in the wrong hands, especially if word gets out that the scroll for this jutsu still exist.

'Sadly, like most youths, this Konohamaru is naïve when it comes to the dire consequences of his actions, regardless of the fact that he astonishingly pulled off such a complex jutsu. If he fails to make the payment, he'll have to suffer the jutsu's penalty. And if word gets out that he knows how to execute the secret of this jutsu, he'll have to worry about enemies of various sorts and perhaps other nations seeking that he reveals the secret in using that jutsu in exchange for the lives of his friends and family.'

Why not Konohamaru's life, Naruto asked.

'Killing the only person having knowledge and insight of your desired prize would be a defeat in itself,' Minato made clear.

Point taken, Naruto mentally nodded.

'What I'd like to know is how Konohamaru learned and found out about the existence of this jutsu, something that he shouldn't have access to or knowledge of,' Minato said, 'I'm sure that Hiruzen-sama didn't allow the boy to have access to this jutsu freely.'

Naruto rolled the scroll up and tied it close. Turning to the boy, Naruto asked seriously, "Konohamaru, did jiisan give this scroll freely?"

"No," Konohamaru admitted, "I took it from his vault after I managed to break into it almost two months ago. It took me a long while to study that jutsu before I was able to use it."

And this went on completely unnoticed, Naruto contemplated thoughtfully, "Konohamaru, I need to know, do you fully understand the nature of the jutsu you have just performed?"

"Yeah," Konohamaru replied, "It's a summoning jutsu of an ancient type that allows the summoner to call upon a warrior of another world of his choosing."

"Wait a minute," Ino interjected, "Summoned from another world!?"

"That's right," Konohamaru said, "I wanted the best ninja so I can become his apprentice and learn a great deal from him. Niichan appeared from the jutsu so therefore he must be as great as jiji was. But I'm surprised you three came along with him also."

"What do you mean 'as jiji was'," Naruto inquired. Konohamaru explained, "Jiisan died fighting that Orochimaru when he and Suna invaded and attacked Konoha three months ago. This lady called Tsunade is the Godaime, she's said to be one of the Sannins and one of jiji's former students."

This was a lot to take in. Everything seemed to be happening all at once. They were quiet as they processed everything explained to them. Naruto thought about telling Konohamaru the truth about the jutsu but decided against it, for now at least.

So jiisan is dead in this world, Naruto thought sadly, I wonder what else took place in this reality. Do I even want to know?

"Let me get this straight," Hinata said, "We're from a totally different universe apart from this one?"

"Based on what I read in this scroll, we are," Naruto confirmed after snapping out of his daydream, "As farfetched as it sounds, we're far from home."

"That's putting it lightly," Ino remarked with her arms crossed over her breasts. Looking around at their surroundings, Hinata decided to see pass where they were.

"Byakugan," she said before scanning the surrounding environment, "We are deep in the woods some distance outside of Konoha."

"How far are we," Ino asked.

"About a twenty-seven minutes' walk from here," Hinata said.

"But we can't go into the village looking the way we do," Temari pointed out.

"On top of that we have nowhere to stay," Ino added, "And all of our equipment and gear is back in our home dimension."

Focusing chakra into his left arm, a seal of some form appeared on Naruto's upper shoulder.

"Kai," Naruto said before the seal on his left shoulder released a scroll from within it.

"We're not entirely lost my ladies," Naruto grinned as he held the scroll in his hand.

"What's in that," Temari asked.

"Just some necessities I've packed and sealed into this scroll and then sealed the scroll into my body in the event of long duration missions," Naruto replied, "But I must release the seal in this scroll in a clear opening in the Forest of Death."

"What," Ino shouted in disbelief. Truthfully none of the girls wanted to go back into that dreaded and deadly forest.

"W-W-Why do we h-have to go a-a-and take up residence in th-th-that forest of all p-places," Hinata asked, stuttering for the first time in a long time with fright present in her voice.

"The fact that very few would dare to enter that forest knowing that they'd be risking a quick death makes it the perfect hiding spot," Naruto explained, "Plus I've studied the terrain of that entire forest and know of areas that even the ANBU fear to enter."

"All the more why we don't want to go there," Temari remarked heatedly.

"…Listen," Naruto sighed keeping a staedy head demeanor, "I'm sorry that our circumstances is a great inconvenience for us. But we can't just barge into that village and act like we own the place. If anything, it won't be the same Konoha that we're from.

"For starters we have no idea how things in this world operate and there's no telling how the villagers and others will react to our presence, let alone to the fact that we come from a parallel universe. It'd be best if we do some investigating in how this world works since we won't be going back home for a while."

"And how long is 'a while'," Ino asked.

"I don't know really," Naruto said, "It could be days, perhaps weeks depending on whether or not our purpose in be summoned here is fulfilled, in which the jutsu will dispel and return us back to our home dimension. Until then, we're stuck here."

(Meanwhile Back In Naruto's Home Dimension)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY SON AND THE OTHERS JUST VANISHED!," screamed an angry Tsunade. Anko and Ryota, dressed in the regular clothes again, were pale-colored at the sight of their angry future mother-in-law. The two kunoichis just got through explaining everything that happened at the mansion and needless to say, Tsunade wasn't taking it too well.

Hiruzen was in the office during that hour briefly talking with his former apprentice about Naruto's request to travel to Iwa when Ryota and Anko barged in and explained what happened. Shizune and Kakashi were also in the office while keeping their eyes on the door for a rapid emergency exit in case Tsunade's motherly rage exploded.

"Like we explained," Anko continued despite her fear, "An unknown seal of some sort appeared and took-"

"We heard what you said," Tsunade cut her off. The blonde took a moment to calm herself down. She knew that what happened was beyond their control but she couldn't help but worry for her son and the three other kuniochis who went missing with him. After a couple of minutes, Sarutobi asked, "Did you get a good view of how that seal look like? Maybe through this we can get an idea of what could have happened to Naruto and the others."

"We'll do what we can," Ryota answered, "But the seal in question looked really complex and unusual. It didn't look like anything I've ever seen before in my entire shinobi career."

This intrigued Hiruzen as he put on a thoughtful expression.

"Where's Jiraiya," Hiruzen inquired.

"Recuperating," Anko remarked, "Why?"

"His knowledge on seals is better than my own," Hiruzen said before taking a puff of his pipe, "He would have most likely been able to find something faster."

"He'll come once he hears that Naruto is missing," Tsunade assured.

"You know me better than anyone else Tsunade-hime."

Everyone turned to the window to see an almost fully healed and restored Jiraiya crouching on the window.

"How long were you there," Tsunade asked.

"Long enough to know what's going on," Jiraiya replied with an unusual seriousness in his tone while turning to face the two younger females, "What's your description of this seal that's being spoken about?"

"I hope our memories serve us as best as they can," Ryota remarked before she and Anko were given papers to draw as best as possible the description of the unknown seal.

(Back In The Alternate Universe)

Naruto and the crew were in a large enough clearing deep in the Forest of Death. They encountered some of the forest's welcoming animals and returned the greetings with some of their specialty jutsus. Konohamaru was scared shitless seeing the kind of animals and creatures that live in the infamous forest they were traveling through. He was certainly happy that Naruto and the others were there to keep him from getting lost or better still, eaten.

"I thought you said that you knew of a safer part of this forest to stay," Ino remarked sourly while carrying both the bowl of fruits and bottle of body oil.

"Safer in that it make many ninjas and those in the ANBU think twice before treading into this location," Naruto shot back as he walked forward some distance from the group with his scroll in hand. The group stood where they were while wondering what Naruto was up to. Finding the right distance, he punched the ground with a great force forming a large and wide enough crater into it. Konohamaru's eyes were budging out of his sockets with his mouth wide open while feeling the momentary tremor and shock wave.

"Y-You have i-i-insane s-strength as…the Godaime," Konohamaru stuttered in shock before a wide grin of admiration appeared on his face, "That's so cool! What else can you do niichan?!"

While in the crater, focusing and using wind manipulation, he sculptured and smoothly paved the crater he made into a rectangular structure that was seven and a half feet deep, fifty-two feet long and twenty-eight feet wide.

"He can do wind manipulation like Asuma-jisan," Konohamaru said in surprise.

"He can do a lot more than that Konohamaru," Ino said, "Take my word for it."

After opening and setting the scroll down on the ground in the center of the symmetrically designed pit, he jumped out from the pit and walked away from it while going over to where the group was. In the middle of the scroll was the kanji for "residence."

"What are you doing now niichan," Konohamaru asked.

"Watch," Naruto responded as he made a hand sign, "Kai!"

A huge burst of white smoke came forth from the seal in the scroll as it released what was confined into it. It was a few moments before the large smoke screen cleared. When it did, all but Naruto marveled at what came out from it and into what was once an empty pit.

"No way," Temari looked on in surprise.

"It's an entire house," Hinata said in disbelief, "He sealed a whole house into that scroll!"

"Wow," Konohamaru marveled, "You really are a super strong ninja!"

"I'm not that great really," Naruto replied while scratching his head, "There are others of better skill than my own."

"Aren't you modest," Temari teased only to receive a snort from Naruto.

"Let's look inside," Ino suggested as she and the others followed. Entering the beautiful two-story house, Ino and the others saw that the once sealed house was a fully decorated and established living residence ready to be used. It had furniture, clothes, survival equipment, stored food, toilette and all. There was also a generator in the basement of the house providing them electricity, thus lighting up the house and making all of the electronic appliances in the house usable.

"Who sold you the scroll having this place," Temari asked in surprise.

"I didn't buy it," Naruto answered, "I took one of the unused houses in my estate and sealed into one of my scrolls. Designing and creating the seal to contain this house with all its essentials wasn't all that hard. This house should hold us up until we're able to return back home."

"You own houses," Konohamaru asked in surprises, "Are you a clan leader or something in your world?"

"That's not important," Naruto smiled, not wanting to give too much information about himself and the girls too soon.

"What about those creatures outside the house," Hinata asked, "This place will no doubt attract many of them."

"Relax," Naruto assured, "I didn't spend so much time training with Anko-chan in the Forest of Death to end up with no knowledge on how to repel them. I'll set up some seal barriers to keep them and other intruders out."

Summoning four Kage Bushins, he sent them outside to perform the task of setting up the barrier seals around the perimeter of the house.

"In the meantime," Naruto suggested, "Make yourselves at home."

"What do you mean," Ino remarked, "Your home IS our home."

"All of you girls live with Naruto-niichan where you're from," asked a grinning Konohamaru, "The niichan from this world isn't so lucky…"

Konohamaru's expression changed as his grin faded, "…Not with the life he lives."

"What do you mean," asked a curious Naruto, whose interest in his alter-ego suddenly sparked. Konohamaru started, "I don't know the full story and jiji never told me much about it. But from the things I've see and heard, you're not liked all that much here for some reason. Everyone looks at you with hatred and fear and they pull their children away from you as though you're a walking disease."

This story sounds all too familiar, Temari contemplated as she thought about Gaara's life growing up in Suna. Hinata and Ino were tempted to ask the boy if he knew anything about their counterparts but from the way he was talking about Naruto they didn't think he'd know much about them, if anything.

"Anything else," Naruto asked wanting know more, "Does he live with anyone?"

Konohamaru continued, "Niichan never speaks of his parents. He never knew who they were or how they look like since he was an orphan all his life. I try not to think that he was abandoned by his parents so I take it that his parents were killed right after he was born. As for where he lives, it's more like the slums of Konoha and he lives by himself.

"Like me, niichan wants to be Hokage and tries very hard to prove to everyone that he's not a bad guy as they always make him out to be. But the villagers would ignore him, throw things at him or beat him up for even the smallest things. A few times I overheard people call him things like "monster," "beast" or "demon."

"Once, while spying on niichan when he went to a grocery store, I saw the store clerk overcharge Naruto for a half gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. She made Naruto pay three times the amount those things actually cost. After he left, I saw this Sasuke guy enter the store to buy the same items and a few other things moments after Naruto left. The clerk didn't charge him anywhere near what she forced Naruto to pay. Sasuke nearly bought his stuff for free.

"Sure niichan pulls pranks here and there, but nothing malicious to deserve the way they treat him. From what niichan told me, his poor treatment has been like that for as long as he could remember."

Naruto could already feel Minato's white hot rage and indignation coursing through his body besides his own. The mixed bloodlust he radiated started terrifying everyone inside the lit living room. It took a moment for the Elite Jounin to regain his control though Minato's fury was still present. Temari was made aware of Naruto being adopted by Tsunade by Naruto himself a week ago. It took a while for it to sink in, but in the end, she still looked at Tsunade as Naruto's only mother, blood-related or not.

"Does he have any friends," Naruto asked, hoping that there was something positive in his alter-ego's life besides Konohamaru.

"Me, Moegi-chan and Udon are his friends and we look up to him a great deal," Konohamaru replied, "He has a few other friends whom I can't name off the top of my head. The Godaime is especially fond of him though they have their unfavorable moments. He recently started hanging around this old Toad Sage person, Jiraiya is his name I think."

"Recently," Naruto questioned, "Where was he the rest of the time over the years?"

"Beats me. All I know is that he spends a great deal of his time checking out girls and hot springs and writing those pervy books from what niichan told me."

Even in this world ero-jisan never changes, Naruto mentally remarked.

"There's this pink-haired girl on his team also," Konohamaru added, "Sakura, I believe her name to be if I remember right."

"What about Forehead-Girl," Ino inquired. Konohamaru explained, "She's on the same team as Naruto-niichan with Kakashi-san as their sensei. Naruto-niichan has a huge crush on her but she seems to be more into that Sasuke guy."

Naruto found that revelation hard to swallow. He almost refused to believe what he heard with his own ears.

"My…other self ha…has…a…C-C-Crush…on S-Sakura…Sasuke's Biggest Fanatic," Naruto repeated in disbelief.

"Niichan told me that Sakura turned him down many times when he'd ask her out. She hits hard and punches niichan a lot too and her temper is rather scary. Even though niichan is scared of her temper, he still tries to win her affections."

"Such inspirational determination," Naruto remarked cynically, "But what of Hinata-chan and Ino-chan? Don't they like him at all?"

"I really doubt Ino likes him much, if at all. She rarely interacts with him from what I've seen and like Sakura, she had a major thing for Sasuke."

Ino felt rather disgusted on hearing that, "My alter-ego is a Sasuke fangirl?"

"Niichan said that Sakura and Ino used to argue and fight each other about who gets to be with Sasuke," Konohamaru added, "But since Sasuke deserted the village they don't fight as much about him."

Some things don't change, Naruto mentally sighed.

"Hinata-san is very shy and is one of the only people that treat niichan kindly along with Teuchi-jiisan and his Ayame-neechan."

"I'm really liking this world lesser and lesser with every word we're hearing so far," Ino commented.

"Likewise," Temari remarked.

"I'm sorry to say that we can't relate to our other selves," Naruto said struggling to keep his earlier mixed bloodlust in check, "Maybe I'll have better chance of understanding the situation if I'm there to see it first hand."

"Well you can't go into the village looking the way you do now," Konohamaru pointed out, "Plus, niichan is…well, shorter. And he has whisker markings on his face. By the way, what happened to yours?"

"I hide them deep within my skin. Would you happen to have a picture of this other me," Naruto asked. The boy nodded and pulled out a small wallet from his pants pocket. Opening it, he took out a folded picture of himself and the younger-looking Naruto, and handed it over to the male blonde. Upon seeing the picture, Naruto grimaced at his ego's choice of clothes.

"He wears that ugly thing," Naruto remarked, "He must want to be killed by enemy ninjas."

'Or maybe he's starving for attention,' Minato acknowledged, feeling his fatherly instincts kicking in, 'With those clothes it's hard not to notice.'

The blonde just shook his head and sighed as he made a hand sign.

"Henge," Naruto shouted before transforming into an exact replica of his alter-ego. The group saw him standing and dressed in what could be described as a bright orange, white and blue jumpsuit with blue sandals.

"How do I look," Naruto asked altering his voice back to how it used to sound.

"Like a pip-squeak," Temari teased, "I forgot how short you used to be."

He frowned on being reminded about his former height.

"You're right," Ino remarked about the clothes he was wearing, "Those clothes are ugly. That other you needs some serious fashion tips."

"In any case," Naruto cut in, "I have to escort Konohamaru back home. He can't be seen walking through this forest alone or at any other time for that matter."

"How long will you be," Hinata asked.

"Not long I'm sure," Naruto assured as he gestured to the boy to come along with him.

"What about the scroll," Konohamaru inquired. Thinking it over carefully, Naruto turned to Konohamaru and stated, "Konohamaru, that scroll will remain with me. That jutsu you performed in summoning us to this world…no one, and I mean NO ONE can know how you executed it nor can they know that you know how to execute it."

"What," Konohamaru retorted in disappointment, "How come!?"

Sighing, Naruto explained, "Your grandfather hid that jutsu away for very good reasons. If anyone were to find out that you know its secret, you'll have enemies of all sorts coming after you, using any means to get that secret out of you. Imagine someone like Orochimaru getting his hands on this jutsu and summoning an army of rogue S-class ninjas from my world into this one to do his bidding and warring against Konoha. This jutsu is a master-level S-class summoning and the fact that you summoned someone of my caliber into this world would indicate that-"

Naruto paused for a moment as he contemplated on an idea that came to his mind. He was silent briefly as everyone else wondered what could have caused him to go mute.

"Is something the matter Naruto-kun," Hinata asked worriedly. After a brief moment of silence, Naruto finally answered, "Konohamaru managed to execute a master-level S-class summoning jutsu, a feat that many believe that only a seal master could pull off."

"Where are you getting at," Temari asked.

"Eventually our presence in this world will be known," Naruto pointed out, "Perhaps sooner than we think. However, if we can maintain the belief that a ninja of a seal master class summoned us into this world, it can serve to protect Konohamaru and keep most if not all from suspecting that he was the one who brought us over to this world."

The gears in to everyone's head started turning as they caught on to what Naruto was saying.

"And Konohamaru," Naruto made clear, "That means when you see me and the others make our true appearance, don't approach and talk to us as you already know us. Act as though you're shocked and surprised. Got it?"

Konohamaru nodded in understanding. Seeing this, Naruto headed to the front door with Konohamaru following. The duo made their way through the deadly forest with the Elite Jounin slicing through whatever obstacles or creatures came their way.

(Back In Naruto's Home Dimension)

Anko and Ryota got through drawing up made as best as they could the seal they saw on the floor at Naruto's mansion. It took a quite a while but they finally came to a decision on which concept to go with. Jiraiya and Hiruzen looked at the agreed concept and examined it closely. Upon further inspection of the sketched seal, Sarutobi dropped his pipe from his mouth, something that did not go unnoticed.

"I take it you know something about that seal Sarutobi-sama," Kakashi figured.

"I do," Hiruzen admitted before doing a set of hand signs and activating a sound barrier jutsu around the office. He then knelt down and retrieved his pipe that he dropped to the ground.

"What was that for," Ryota asked.

"The information I know about that seal is a top SS-class secret and is NOT to be discussed with anyone outside of this office," Hiruzen stated very seriously, "It's a jutsu I thought that would never see the light of day again."

Now everyone saw that there was more to that jutsu than they counted on.

"What jutsu is it," Shizune spoke for the first time after a long period of silence.

"Kuchiyose: Hoka Sekai Senshi," Hiruzen answered, "A master-class summoning jutsu."

Hiruzen went on to relate the history of the jutsu to Jiraiya, Tsunade and the others. Everyone else listened to the old man as he gave what history he knew about the jutsu. Jiraiya had a thoughtful expression though he was starting to understand why his former sensei was hoping that jutsu would never be seen again.

"Many lost their lives in pursuit of that jutsu even after it was long lost," Hiruzen continued, "My sensei, Shodaime-sama, was the first in a hundred years to discover the lost jutsu, which was buried in a temple deserted by monks. However, because of its infamous history and not wanting another war or a civil war to break out for it, he entrusted it to someone that he and his brother had the highest confidence in to make sure that the scroll was never found."

"In other words," Jiraiya interpreted, "You were entrusted with that scroll's secrecy."

"…Yes," Hiruzen said, "Hashirama-sama wanted me to never use that jutsu or teach it to anyone. Years ago, his rival Uchiha Madara was one of the very few who heard about this jutsu from another source and spent a long time looking for it and thankfully with no success in finding it."

"Well clearly someone from another universe managed to learn the Hoka Sekai Senshi and summoned my son, Hinata, Ino and Temari over to their world," Tsunade retorted, "Regardless that my grandfather never wanted that jutsu to be found again, we have to use it to get them back!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible," Sarutobi countered.

"And why not," Tsunade shot back with a tone that showed she wanted a good explanation, "There's no telling what that person who summoned them could be making them do at this moment!"

"Yes I know," Hiruzen said calmly, "But using that jutsu now in this world is completely not viable. It would require someone of this dimension of the exact same wavelength as the one who performed the jutsu. In other words, we would need the counterpart of the one who did the jutsu; only then would it nullify the power of the jutsu used on the other side.

"However finding such a person is impossible from this end from where Naruto and the others were taken. For we know, that person might not even be alive in this world in contrast with the other universe. He or she might even be from a completely different or remote village or nation. There's no way to tell."

"Can't you chance the use of that jutsu to get them back," Tsunade argued with the former Hokage, "For all we know, maybe it would your own counterpart who performed the jutsu."

"It's too great a gamble," Sarutobi made clear, "One Naruto himself wouldn't chance. If I or anyone else besides the summoner's counterpart performs that jutsu, Naruto and the others could end up forever trapped between worlds in dimensional limbo because of the imbalanced wavelength."

Tsunade slammed her fists down on the desk in frustration. It angered her that her son was taken from her and that there was nothing she or anyone else could do to undo it.

"It's not fair," Tsunade said lowly.

"How long will the jutsu last," Kakashi asked.

"I don't know," Sarutobi said, "Days, perhaps weeks. It all depends of the purpose of why Naruto and the others were summoned. They can't and won't be sent back until their task is deemed done by the one who summoned them and their tribute is paid off to them by their summoner, whatever that might be."

"But people will catch on that Naruto and other three girls aren't around," Jiraiya pointed out, "They and the council will start getting suspicious of their absence."

There was a moment of silence in the room as they thought about how they could cover this incident without arousing suspicion from the populous on the council. A couple of minutes later…

"We'll explain and write up documented paperwork that Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Temari have left together for a secret mission with unspecified time duration," Hiruzen explained, "It'll be marked as an S-class mission with Naruto as team captain. The council and others will be denied being given any information on the nature of the mission and told that for the team's safety and well being, the secrecy of the mission is of high priority."

Hiruzen went on in detail explaining to Tsunade and those present how the cover up would work. Though Tsunade didn't like the situation, she had to go along with it and hope that Naruto and the girls with him were returned soon before further complications could arise.

(Back In The Other Universe)

Naruto successfully escorted Konohamaru out of the deadly forest without being spotted by Anko or anyone else. Despite how terrified he was being in that forest, Konohamaru made mental notes about how Naruto navigated them through the Forest of Death and avoided the creatures and traps in the forest.

"I never knew such a terrible place like that exists in our village," Konohamaru said.

"It's the second part of the Chuunin Exams," Naruto said.


"If you want to become Hokage," Naruto said, "That forest is one of the obstacles you'll have to overcome, like your niichan did."

Konohamaru knew that U. Naruto participated in the Chuunin Exams and made it to the finals. Though he didn't make Chuunin, the fact that U. Naruto survived that forest was amazing enough as it was.

(A/N: U. Naruto (Uzumaki Naruto) will be used to distinguish the Genin Naruto from N. Naruto (Namikaze Naruto))

"If you and niichan were able to do it," Konohamaru declared, "Then so will I when my chance comes. I won't let him become Hokage without a challenge!"

Still the same Konohamaru, Naruto thought as he and the boy approached the main gates of the village, Here we go.

The disguised Namikaze Naruto entered the "foreign" village of his counterpart for the first time while wondering what he was going to encounter and experience first hand as Uzumaki Naruto…

Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Temari have been pulled from their world and brought into a completely different reality. What challenges will Namikaze Naruto face being in a world where he's feared and despised by his own villagers? Will he be able to keep Yondaime's indignation and bloodlust under control upon seeing his alter-ego's treatment?

How will the girls adjust to life in that unfamiliar world and what kind of interactions can they expect? And will Tsunade and the others back in Naruto's home dimension ever see them again while keeping their disappearance a secret? Will Konohamaru have the means to pay N. Naruto the required tribute for the summoning or will he be made to pay with his life? Stick around to find out next time.

Kuchiyose: Hoka Sekai Senshi: Summoning Spell: Other World Soldier(s)