Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Solace"

WARNING: Due to the very graphic and explicit contents in the later portion of this chapter, this fanfic will now to be in the M-rated section. Though there's nothing crude in this chapter. You've been warned and if you don't like it, then don't read this chapter or the rest of the following chapters to come or skip this chapter entirely and wait for the next one after it!

On another note, from what I read in some of the reviews, several found what Konohamaru did to be rather far fetched. But let me, the author, ask you all this:

In the manga, Naruto managed to infiltrate the Hokage Tower, which was supposed to be guarded by the ANBU ninjas, he knocked out the Sandaime and left him in a bloody heap with the use of his Oiroke No Jutsu, broke in and stole the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing from its holding cabinet, Escaped the tower and village Unnoticed for SEVERAL hours. Naruto was said to be the dead last of his class, yet he pulled this off all in one night and learned a B-class Jounin-level kinjutsu on top of that before pummeling the hell out of Mizuki, a traitorous Chuunin while simultaneously saving Iruka's life who so happens to be another Chuunin.

Would not this have been considered far fetched by you the readers? And all this was in the first chapters of that manga! Despite the similarities between the world N. Naruto and his girlfriends entered and the cannon universe, that world too will have alterations.

I hope my point was well taken. To the beta readers on this site, I'm open to suggestions in improving in my proofreading. Now here's the next chapter.

Namikaze Naruto, now in the henge form of Uzumaki Naruto, walked through Konohagakure No Sato with Konohamaru beside him. As he continued on his way, he noticed that the Hokage Monument only had the faces of the first four Hokages.

Looks like kaa-chan's face wasn't yet added onto the monument, N. Naruto acknowledged. While going about his business, he noticed the looks he was getting from a number of people. The stares and whispers he saw and overheard weren't the types he was used to back in his home world. Behind the murmurings were words that were filled with fear, loathing and revulsion. He also saw how a couple of villagers moved away from him while shooting heated glares at him. N. Naruto was only in the village for less than ten minutes and already he felt completely out of place.

This feeling is both foreign and strange to me, Naruto thought, Is this the kind of life I was subjected to in this reality?

All his life N. Naruto was loved, admired and respected by everyone in his home world. Hell, even the council respected and admired him despite knowing of the Kyuubi being sealed into his right hand.

"Hey Konohamaru," N. Naruto asked, "Would you happened to know exactly where my other self lives?"

"I'll show you," Konohamaru said, "But like I said before, you won't like it."

"Whatever gave you the early impression that I liked how I was being looked at by everyone so far," N. Naruto remarked.

"…I see your point," Konohamaru sighed dejectedly as he led the way. N. Naruto followed the younger boy to the poorer and less favored side of the village. While on his way, Minato's displeasure was only rising and causing N. Naruto's own displeasure to worsen. This didn't sit well with the blonde as he and his tenant had to keep their cool and not blow their cover.

"Are you okay nii-chan," Konohamaru asked worriedly.

"Super," N. Naruto replied cynically while keeping his emotions in check. It was a bit of a while before they arrived, and true to Konohamaru's words, Naruto did not like what he saw. The two-story building complex was decrepit and poorly maintained. N. Naruto was already hearing Kyuubi's laughter and taunts in his head.

"This is the life you'd have been subjected to kit had it not been for your father's unwitting screw up in the sealing jutsu he was planning on using," Kyuubi mockingly laughed, "Yondaime's surviving legacy, reduced to the village's scapegoat for something he had nothing to do with! These are the people your father would have sacrificed your ass for? They're nothing but a pack of ingrates that practically spat on everything their Yondaime gave his life for!

"From all this, I wouldn't be surprised if they piss and shit on his grave daily!"

Shut the fuck up you bastard, Naruto mentally barked, only to be annoyed some more by the fox's cruel laughter.

"I hope you're proud of what would have been your work Minato," Kyuubi jeered, "You're seeing first hand what life for your son could have been had your intended fūin jutsu succeeded! I couldn't picture a more loving and parting gift from father to son."

"Naruto-nii-chan," Konohamaru yelled out, snapping N. Naruto out of his trance.

"Oh…uh…sorry about that," Naruto said, "I guess I spaced out. I'm finding all this hard to believe. I had no idea that my life in this world is this repugnant. I never experienced anything of this sort back in my home world. It's really sad and heartbreaking for me."

The look Konohamaru saw in N. Naruto's face was one that expressed a great deal of grief and empathy.

Is this truly what life as a Jinchuuriki really means, Naruto contemplated while remembering an argument he got into with Tsunade and Jiraiya…

(Two And A Half Years Ago)

N. Naruto (age 11) was at home with Tsunade and Shizune. It was three weeks since Naruto's run-in with Itachi and Kisame, and Tsunade had been more protective of him since. She had Kakashi and several other ANBUs on surveillance around the village and they were to report anything suspicious. Jiraiya soon entered their living quarters at the Hokage Tower and briefed them on what he learned from his spy network.

"Do you have anything for us," Tsunade inquired.

"Only so much," Jiraiya said before continued, "From what I gathered from one of my operatives, the Akatsuki is an organization very few know of. In fact, Orochimaru was once part of it."

"What," Tsunade said widened eyes, "For how long?"

"I don't know but he left that organization recently," Jiraiya continued, "It's speculated that he and Itachi got into some form of skirmish that didn't sit well with Orochimaru."

"That's good news to hear," Tsunade remarked, "One less S-class missing-nin to worry about from the Akatsuki."

After thinking it over, Naruto decided to speak and bring up a subject that's been on his mind for a while now.

"What if we were to inform the villagers of my secret," Naruto asked, earning everyone's attention.

"What are you saying," Shizune asked, knowing fully well where the topic was going.

"What if we were to explain to everyone that I'm a Jinchuuriki?

"That's out of the question," Tsunade objected heatedly, "We kept your status as a Jinchuuriki a secret for your protection."

"Clearly there are those who already know or suspect that I'm carrying a bijuu within my being," Naruto argued, "Kisame and Itachi coming after me is proof of that. If the Akatsuki comes seeking me out again, I'm certain that the villagers will want an explanation, especially if the Akatsuki comes back in more numbers with reinforcements!"

"We have no guarantee that the villagers will take kindly to the fact that you're carrying the monster that attacked Konoha and killed so many of their friends and loved ones eleven years ago," Shizune interjected, "Many may become bitter and hold grudges against you for something you had nothing to do with!"

"We don't know that," Naruto countered, "We should have some faith in the villagers' understanding of my father's sacrifice."

"You're very naïve Naruto," Jiraiya chided, "People aren't always as compassionate and understanding as we'd like them to be. Sad to say, that was something your father stubbornly refused to accept also. This was especially the case on the night when he made up his mind in sealing the Kyuubi into you while hoping against impossible odds that the villagers would see you as the hero that jails the demon fox within himself."

Naruto growled under his breath on hearing Jiraiya's words about Minato. Jiraiya though didn't allow Naruto to retort as he continued, "We had no idea what became of Kyuubi until only a few years ago. Virtually the entire village believes that the Kyuubi was done away with and it's best to keep it that way. You have no real understanding what being a Jinchuuriki means."

"What," Naruto retorted indignantly, "My father sealed both himself and Kyuubi into me right after my birth! How could you say I don't know what it means to be-"

"You have no idea what "normal" life is like for a Jinchuuriki, Naruto," Jiraiya said with a hardened voice, "Tsunade-hime, Shizune, Sarutobi-sensei, Kakashi and myself have sheltered and kept you safe from what being a living sacrifice truly means!"

"Hiding the fact that I'm a Jinchuuriki from the villagers is like you're ashamed of what my father had done to save the village," Naruto replied.

Jiraiya kept his cool before he walked over and stood in front of the young blonde.

"Jinchuurikis are never favored, loved or welcomed in their home village," Jiraiya stated as he jabbed his index finger into Naruto's chest with each point he made, "They're often hated, mistreated, looked at as beneath subhuman and if the village sees it fit, the Jinchuuriki is trained to become nothing more than a weapon for their use and then disposed of after their use have worn out. They're known for being lonely people who grow to despise humanity for the curse their own people damned their lives to."

Naruto felt bitter and disgusted by Jiraiya's harsh words.

"This is the sad reality of the Shinobi World," Tsunade added, "Much of which we tried to shield you from so you could have a chance in living a life as a normal person and not as the village's outcast and Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Yoko. You have to understand that Naruto."

Naruto wanted to say something, but was unable to think up of anything to say as an opposing reply to their beliefs. Defeated, he partly lowered his head and just accepted their words as much as he hated to.

(End Flashback: Present Day)

Naruto remembered the time when he and Gaara had a mental link with each other and through that link, Gaara showed Naruto what life as the Suna Jinchuuriki had to be like for him. What the blonde saw through Gaara's eyes shocked and horrified him. And now he was seeing his life in what could have been but was not.

So this is what they meant when they said I don't understand "normal" life as a Jinchuuriki, N. Naruto thought before seeking to momentarily take his mind off what he was experiencing. Turning to Konohamaru, he asked, "Hey, what kind of stuff does my alter ego teach you, if anything?"

"Well," Konohamaru started, "He taught me Oiroke No Jutsu for starters. And then he used kage bushins and had them henge into sexy naked girls before using that against Ibisu-sensei a few months ago. That was his advanced Harem No Jutsu."

Looks like some things don't change, Naruto thought, "Is there anything else besides that?"

"He plays ninja with me, Udon and Moegi-chan when he has the time to."

Just like how I used to, Naruto thought while being surprised by the subtle similarities he was learning about, "Is there more?"

"That's about it really," Konohamaru shrugged. The blonde thought for a moment and then an idea came to mind, "Tell you what! How about I show you some styles with the naginata? What do you say?"

"Cool," Konohamaru cheered, "You'll teach me how to use the naginata?"

"I'll show you the basics and how you can improve and advance to higher levels. Back in my world, jiisan was a skill bojutsu fighter and take it from me, even with kage bushins, I had a hard time with him when he trained me in its use. So do you accept?"

"Learning a fighting style that jiji used," Konohamaru remarked, "I'd be stupid to decline it! When will the lessons begin?"

"We can begin tomorrow afternoon in the Forest of Death. I'll pick you up in secret at Training Ground 34. Make sure you're alone and not followed."

Konohamaru nodded in agreement. Leaving the area, N. Naruto took Konohamaru away as they started on their way to the Sarutobi Compound. It was only seconds later after the duo turned the corner when U. Naruto entered the scene from another corner while making his way home. He was returning from another D-rank mission with Sakura and Kakashi. He was currently grumbling utterances on how earlier that day Tsunade-obaachan again refused his request to let him go out and look for Sasuke in order to bring him back to the village.

(Later That Night)

After dropping the boy home, N. Naruto, while still in his henge form, returned back to where U. Naruto lives and decided to look around the place. Entering the building, N. Naruto found the hallway vandalized and covered in graffiti with words and slogans stating such things as "Die Demon Scum," "Go Back To Hell," "You killed our loved ones you Bastard," and the list went on as the slogans became more cruder and vulgar.

I was only able to imagine what Gaara must have went through all his life after he shared with me his memories and experiences, Naruto thought honestly, I'm seeing my alter ego's life up to this moment thus far and already I'm fighting the urge to slaughter half of this village for bringing dishonor and shame upon my father's memories and sacrifice.

"I recall warning you months ago about this kit," Kyuubi said after a long period of silence, "Everything I said that would happen has happened to this version of you. He's living the life you were spared and protected from. You're no Second Flash here in this dimension kit, just the village's hated trash."

Neither Minato nor N. Naruto had any retort to give to Kyuubi. The sealed former Hokage was busying dealing with his own emotions and anger while keeping his own influence from taking over N. Naruto who was already having a hard time dealing with what he was seeing.

Reaching the apartment, Naruto picked the lock of the door and stealthily entered the apartment. Closing the door, N. Naruto, even with the lights turned off, found the small apartment to be messy with dirty dishes, kunais, shurikens, weights, dirty clothes and empty ramen cups all over the place. After looking around the place, N. Naruto decided to take a look at the bedroom. Arriving there, N. Naruto found his alter ego sleeping and snoring with his green pajamas and sleeping cap on. N. Naruto couldn't help but frown at his alter ego's choice of sleeping clothes.

He's like a kid for his age, N. Naruto thought, since he personally sleeps in his bed with nothing but his boxers. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard U. Naruto talking in his sleep.

"Mmm…Sakura-chan…," U. Naruto spoke dreamily between his snoring, "…Please go out with…I'll treat you to…"

N. Naruto sweat-dropped, "He's having dreams of Sakura of all females."

"…Just one date…," U. Naruto continued saying in his sleep, "…I promise, you'll love it. Dattebayo…"

"Dattebayo," N. Naruto repeated with a confused look on his face, "What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is that even a word?"

Not that N. Naruto hated Sakura back in his universe, but in terms of preferences and feminine qualities, Sakura didn't meet his standards and she was too fixated on a traitorous Uchiha much to his disgust.

Looking around the room, Naruto soon found a group picture of Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura in the middle and U. Naruto sitting on top of the drawer near U. Naruto's bed. From what he was seeing neither of the two boys looked happy with each other while Kakashi and Sakura had smiling faces.

"I wonder what his team dynamics were in this world," N. Naruto thought out loud, "From what I'm seeing I'm sure it was no better than the one back in my home world."

Seeing how sloppy and messy the place was, N. Naruto created a few kage bushins and put them to work in cleaning the place up and wiping away the reviling graffiti that were on the walls in the hallway. Having seen enough, N. Naruto made his exit from the building complex, leaving his clones to the cleaning chores. They were to dispel as soon as their work was done.

(Two Hour And A Half Hours Later; Back In The Forest Of Death)

N. Naruto's clones had finished setting up the heating, water pump and filtering system with a waterline drawing water from a river that was nearby. The house now had running water and heat besides electricity. The girls made the best of their time waiting for N. Naruto's return either by conversing together or reading whatever books that was around the house.

Moments later, the front door opened and N. Naruto stepped into the house after dropping his henge. After closing and locking the door behind him, he walked into the living room where the three waiting females were. Upon seeing him, the girls looked up from the sofas they were sitting on and saw the look on N. Naruto's face.

"Are you alright Naruto-kun," Temari asked with concern. After a pregnant silence, Naruto said, "Now I have a better understanding of the kind of life your brother lived Tema-chan. Though I never lived the type of life he and my alter ego lives however, I now feel I can better understand life as a Jinchuuriki, a life my family and friends shielded me from.

"This village has done a great deal in shaming my father's sacrifice. I'm amazed that my alter ego hasn't lost his sanity and gone on a killing rampage as vengeance and instead managed to endure this kind of life, abuse and mistreatment all these years."

"So what will you do about it," Ino asked. Naruto sighed, "I don't know really. This isn't our world and I doubt we will be here long enough to do significant changes, if any. I told Konohamaru that I'll teach him some bojutsu, the use of the naginata and how he could advance from there."

Naruto went and took a seat on a recliner. Leaning back, he sighed, "Being in this world for a mere few hours already made me see how much I take for granted back home. After seeing life from Uzumaki Naruto's point of view while going around and through that village and interacting with the populous, I started seeing how spoiled and pampered I was growing up and how I was treated like royalty all my life. Ero-jisan was right when he said I don't understand the true life of a Jinchuuriki, being doomed to be alone, hunted down and hated. I wonder if that life is in store for me once or if the truth about me gets out to the villagers back home."

"Don't say such things Naruto-kun," Hinata spoke up softly but with conviction, "Ino-chan and I have known you for many years and from what we've seen and experienced with you, you've been anything but spoiled or treated with favoritism! You've worked hard for what you have now and you're not Kyuubi! And I wouldn't allow anyone to argue otherwise!"

"That's goes double for me," Ino added with a convinced tone, "You've proven to us and to so many others that you are Namikaze Naruto, the one who saves Konoha everyday!"

"Our people back home don't know the truth about Kyuubi," Naruto calmly clarified, "The council and neither jiisan nor kaa-chan told them the truth about what happened to Kyuubi for all these years. So how should the villagers know they're being saved everyday? And if I were to tell them the true story about what really happened on the night of Kyuubi's attack and how my father sealed that monster into me after the death of my birth mother, would the people of Konoha and the other Genins still accept me?"

The girls don't know how to reply to what they were hearing. Temari, from her own experience with her little brother, knew the bitter and sad life that Jinchuurikis lives. She herself was surprised to learn that Naruto was the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Yoko and that the people of Konoha weren't aware of it when she and Naruto first met. After a few minutes of silence, Naruto stood up from the recliner.

"…I'm going to take a shower to calm and clear my head," Naruto sighed as he made his way upstairs to the bathroom, "I'll worry about this world and my other concerns later and try not to let them get to me too much…Goodnight girls."

The three girls watched Naruto disappear from their sight. When he was gone, they turned to face each other.

"I've never seen him so down and sad like that before," Hinata said worriedly.

"He definitely wasn't himself," Ino remarked with the say worried feeling, "What Konohamaru explained to us really hit home with Naruto-kun with whatever he saw and experienced in that village."

"It must have been really bad if he compared it to Gaara's past experiences," Temari added.

"There must be something we can do to lift his spirits up again," Hinata thought out loud, "I really hate seeing him like that."

"What do you have in mind," Ino inquired, "Because I'd be damned to let this crooked world's perception of him change the way he looks at us and everyone else back home. I mean, did you see the look in his face?"

"Too many times with Gaara," Temari remarked with a sad tone, "Like both you and Hinata, I'd hate for Naruto-kun to continue questioning his views of himself and the integrity of all of us, his family and friends all because of this unfortunate experience."

All three girls looked at each other as though they all had a common thought and course of action in mind. The looks they gave each other only solidified the fact that they were thinking of the same thing. After talking it over some more, the three girls came to a mutual decision.


Naruto was in the shower letting the warm water wash down over his body. At this point, he severed and blocked all connections with Minato and Kyuubi. He was in need of some time to think and clear his mind and he wasn't in the mood to listen to Kyuubi's taunts and ridicules. Minato though was busy thinking about how his alternate son was living a life his alter-ego sentenced him to and how his final request for U. Naruto to be seen as the hero with the burden of jailing the Kyuubi the rest of his life wasn't honored by the people he protected. The disgrace Minato felt was indescribable.

"Jinchuurikis are never favored, loved or welcomed in their home village. They're often hated, mistreated, looked at as beneath subhuman and if the village sees it fit, the Jinchuuriki is trained to become nothing more than a weapon for their use and then disposed of after their use have worn out."

Jiraiya's words kept replaying in his head over and over again. He let out a breath of frustration before eventually blocking out the memory. After another fifteen minutes, Naruto turned the water off and dried himself off. He put on a clean pair of boxers and stepped out of the bathroom and then made his way to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He threw his towel to a nearby chair and stretched himself out and released any pent up tension in his body.

He turned the lights off and prepared to head to bed for the night when he heard someone knocking on his door. Knowing it was one of the three girls; he went over and opened the door, only to find Hinata, Ino and Temari standing outside his bedroom door barefooted and wearing nothing but the towels wrapped around their nude bodies. Ino and Temari's blond hairs were calmed down passed their shoulders.

He was already feeling the heat in his cheeks burning.

"N-Naruto-kun," Hinata asked shyly with were face totally crimson, "M-M-May we…spend the night with you?"

From their appearance, N. Naruto knew that the girls wanted to do more than simply spend the night with him in his bedroom. Sure, he knew he was engaged to them, but he wondered if they understood what they were asking, especially since they came together much to his surprise.

"You know…," Naruto said, struggling to keep his rising hormones at bay, "…You don't have to go through with this. I…"

He really didn't know what to say that wouldn't make him sound stupid as his mind was trying to process what was going on. Despite his controlled demeanor, he felt his erection in his boxer getting harder by the sight of the girls alone.

"It's not a matter if we have to go through with this Naruto-kun," Ino said softly, "It's something we want to do with you."

"After what happened and what you experienced earlier tonight," Temari spoke up, "We want to give you comfort and relief in whatever way we can. You've always been there for us and gave us support and consolation when we most needed it. Now we want to do the same for you if you'll let us."

This was all happening so suddenly. Naruto didn't know if he was ready for this. It amazed him that he would take on any challenge that would come his way, but what was happening now was an event he felt very nervous about.

The girls saw the look of hesitance on Naruto's face. Naruto found it ironic that despite his feared reputation as a powerful shinobi and his renowned strategic use of sexual perverted battle tactics against enemy ninjas, he felt like a timid child in front of three beautiful and strong-willed kunoichis offering themselves to him out of their own free will.

The girls giggled at Naruto's expression.

"I-It's okay…Naruto-kun," Hinata smiled despite her stuttering, "Your nervousness is…understandable. We're j-just as nervous about this as you are…i-if not more."

"We gave this a lot of thought and consideration before agreeing to come here tonight," Ino said, "We know many expect us to be married first but, given the kind of life we live and the challenges and burden you're forced to carry Naruto-kun, we don't want to spend the night alone without you."

"Nor do we want you to be alone on this night especially after what happened earlier today," Temari added.

"Please…Naruto-kun," Hinata said swallowing the lump in her throat, "…Let us share your bed."

Naruto couldn't believe what he was seeing, let alone hearing. It was like he was living out one of Jiraiya's stories, which he started reading since he was eight years ago and still does. He was happy that he closed off his links to Minato and Kyuubi earlier.

After thinking it over and seeing the sincere looks on the girls' faces, Naruto stepped aside and allowed the girls into his room before closing the door behind them. He opened the lights dimly adding more to the atmosphere of the room.

"I recall offering you girls that body oil rubdown…"

Naruto shunshin'd from his room and as fast as he left, and appeared right back wearing only his loin cloth and with the bottle of perfumed oil in his hand. This earned him smiles from the three girls.

"And I hate to be a liar, now wouldn't I," Naruto smiled, "Who wants to go first?"

Hinata leisurely removed her towel from off her form as though she was giving Naruto a show of anticipation of what was to come. She slowly dropped it to the floor, revealing her creamy nude teen figure. It astounded the Elite Jounin that the former Hyuuga heiress had a gorgeous shape for her age.

Moving backwards to the bed, Hinata sat and laid back on it, moving up until her body was totally on his bed. The two other blond girls stepped aside as Naruto opened the bottle and made his way over to Hinata. Seeing the way she positioned herself on his bed almost made Naruto lose control himself and the blood rush that was threatening to burst forth from his nose.

Not wanting to ruin the moment, he applied and poured some of the perfumed oil onto Hinata's body. The girl shuddered from the cool feeling of the liquid hitting and running down her skin. Setting the bottle down, Naruto gently started massaging Hinata's body starting from her feet. The girl smiled and blushed while feeling Naruto's hands work their power over her as she felt heat rising in her being. The combined feeling of his hands and oil caused her to sigh and exhale longingly as he slowly made his way up her legs.

Temari and Ino watched close by with hungry eyes as Naruto tended to Hinata's body. True to Naruto's word, as a medic-nin, he learned and knew many things about the human anatomy and the female anatomy wasn't a subject he shied away from. Though his studies of the human body made him a more efficient ninja however, he was now applying his knowledge for more sensual and pleasuring purposes.

After doing her arms, Hinata turned on her front and gave Naruto access to her back. The sight of her smooth peach-shaped rear made Naruto even more aroused as he controlled the urge to take her right there and then. Picking up the bottle again, Naruto poured oil on her back before setting the bottle back down again. He began massaging her shoulders and back ever so softly as Hinata let out a groan of satisfaction. The amount of self-control needed surprised him to no end as he moved down to her rear, feeling his hardened member throbbing in his loin cloth as he groped and massaged her twin cheeks.

"It feels so good Naruto-kun," Hinata purred blissful. Naruto grinned mischievously, "I'm a trained, professional medic. It's my duty to know how to tend to one's physical needs. And as a medic, I swore to deliver satisfying results."

The girls giggled and blushed as Ino and Temari awaited their turns.

Turning back around, Hinata's gave Naruto view of her erect nipples. Grinning, he moved his lips closer to one of them and suckled on it. Hinata gasped from the feeling of his lips and teeth gently nibbling on it as he used his oil-covered left hand to fondle and massage the other breast. Using his other hand, he reached down to her womanhood and started stroking her tenderly there. The girl started moaning hotly as she felt her juices lubricating the lips between her legs.

Ino and Temari both unconsciously removed their towels from off their nude bodies before moving in opposite directions to lean against nearby drawers closest to them. While watching the scene, the two girls started fondling their hardened nipples and breasts while using their free hand to rub their moistened lips, which was starting to leak with expectancy. They gasped and moaned lightly while pleasuring themselves, though they tried not to break off from seeing the treatment Naruto was giving Hinata.

Turning to the two "neglected" young kunoichis, Naruto grinned as he paused from what he was doing to Hinata. The Hyuuga let out a low pout seeing that Naruto temporarily stopped pleasuring her.

"I'm sorry," Naruto teased, "I've been neglecting you both."

He gestured for Ino to come forward to him. Smiling, she gradually made her way to him while swaying and moving her hips and shoulders in a fashion that would give any straight guy a hard-on. Hinata, aroused and hungry for more, reluctantly moved aside to allow Ino to lie down on his bed. Taking her position, Ino lied down a few inches away from Hinata as Naruto picked up the bottle again and poured some oil onto to Ino's body. The young blond female giggled as she watched Naruto pass the oil around her form.

Putting the bottle back down, he went to work in applying the same treatment to Ino as he did to Hinata moments ago. Ino groaned and sighed while enjoying the feeling of Naruto's strong hands working his wonders on her. Reaching her navel, Naruto reached down and kissed into it, causing Ino to let out a small laugh from the slight ticklish sensation his lips gave her body. Continuing, Naruto massaged the oil over her body as Ino stared up at him with feelings of longing and lust. She wanted the young Namikaze to have and claim her as his own. But she restrained herself from jumping onto him knowing that soon he would mark her as one of his mates.

Turning her back to him, Ino lied on her front while raising and shaking her twin cheeks in a teasing manner.

"Don't stop now," Ino playfully whined, "I'm a patient in need, doctor."

"Don't worry," Naruto remarked just as playful, "I have just the prescription for your symptoms. Now if you'll lie down and relax, then I'll gladly apply them."

Complying, Ino ceased her teasing and relaxed on her front side, allowing Naruto to oil and rub her shoulders, back and rear. Ino let out a breath of delight whilst Naruto saw to her receiving enjoyment from his treatment to her body. After a couple of minutes, Ino rolled on her back and motioned her soon-to-be lover to treat her breasts as he did for Hinata.

Gladly following through, Naruto started kissing and sucking tenderly on one of her breasts and fondled the other. Guiding his free hand to her lower region, Naruto moved his finger into her pleasure area between her legs and started rubbing her there. She gasped and moaned repeatedly as she moved both of her hands to his hand to keep it down where it was.

Temari waited anxiously for her turn with feeling of excitement ever building up in her. Hinata moved aside off the bed as older girl approached the bed. Temari sat down where Hinata previously was and said, "Whenever you're ready. You still have one more patient to tend to."

Removing his lips and fingers from off Ino's erect nipples, Naruto rose off the girl allowing her to slowly rise up off the bed. She went over to where Hinata was standing, both girls hungering to dose the fires blazing through their souls.

Turning his attention to Temari, Naruto saw the look on the girl's face. Before he could get the bottle, Temari beat him to it and grabbed the bottle herself.

"I'll do the honors," Temari said before pouring oil all around her body and back bit by bit as though savoring every moment of Naruto watching and studying her movements. Putting the bottle back down, the wind mistress rested on her back and raised her left foot to his chest.

"Start delicately," Temari purred, "I require skillful attention."

Smirking, Naruto rubbed her down just as thorough as he did with Ino and Hinata. It was surprising how sensitive females were to the touch of a male's hands on their bodies, especially when the touch stirs up the senses of contentment, affection and care. Watching Temari and the other girls moaning from his affectionate touch and kisses was satisfying enough but the looks of desire and want he aroused in them was intoxicating as he felt lust for by the three kunoichis.

As soon as Naruto was done, Temari sat up and gestured for Naruto to sit on the bed.

"Thank you for keeping your promise to us," Temari cooed, "Now, it's our turn to return the favor."

Hinata and Ino made their way over to Temari and Naruto. The three girls stood over him with grins on their faces.

"Now Naruto-kun," Ino said, "That piece of fabric has got to go."

Hinata reached down shyly and undid his loincloth. Rising up a bit, Naruto allowed her to completely remove it off him. When he was freed from it, he was now totally naked with his fully erect manhood standing upright in all its freeness. The girls looked at his lengthened rod with heavy blushes on their faces. Seeing how endowed he was in size only served to make the girls all the more excited.

Hinata, having seen Naruto's member more than once because of her Byakugan, blushed even redder after seeing it for the first time in the flesh. Ino felt more amorous and was aching to ride him to 7th heaven. Temari felt the moisture between her legs heightened with high expectations.

Snapping out of her trance, Hinata took up the bottle while Ino gently pushed Naruto down on his back. Going over to him, the female Hyuuga applied the oil all around his body, from shoulders to feet. When that was done, each girl took a position as to where they would massage Naruto; Hinata knelt down on the bed at the base of his feet, Ino knelt on the bed at his right and Temari knelt on his bed at his left. Kneeling where they were, the girls started giving Naruto the same treatment he kindly gave them.

The blond male sighed into comfort and glee as he took in the gratification of the three kunoichis caressing his body. The girls in turn took pleasure in feeling Naruto's strong and nicely structured body against their hands as they rubbed the oil all around his form. Naruto then turned around and gave the girls access to his back. They continued where they left off after putting more oil on him.

As Hinata's hands reached his rear, she saw the looks on the other girls' faces as they also wanted to get a feel of his twin cheeks. Having the same thought in mind, the girls rubbed and groped Naruto's rear together. Naruto chuckled at the girls' antics in wanting to get a feel for his cheeks. All in all, it made him feel good and appreciated. After letting the girls have their fun, he turned back around to see the three girls looking back down at him before the three of them turned and looked at each other. This was the moment they discussed in length before coming here and now here they were.

Nodding, Ino and Temari moved back as Hinata rested on her back on his bed, spreading her legs open and making herself completely accessible to him. Naruto performed a set of hand signs and mumbled something in a very low undertone. The girls looked at him quizzically. He explained, "It's nothing to worry about. It was simply a male birth control medic jutsu I performed just now. Therefore you need not worry about get pregnant."

"We performed a birth control jutsu also Naruto-kun," Temari said, "But seeing you do one only reassures the chance of us not getting pregnant."

He simply nodded quietly before returning his attention to Hinata, who was patiently waiting for him. Moving in between her legs, he positioned himself over her with his erection aimed at her untouched opening while holding himself up with his arms and elbows to the bed. Seeing the nervousness in her face, Naruto asked, "Are you sure want to do this? We can stop now if you want."

Hinata smiled, seeing the concern and care in his face for her. Despite the nervousness she felt, Hinata nodded and replied quietly, "I'm sure, Naruto-kun. This is my gift and I want to give it to you. I've always wanted to give this gift to you."

Grabbing his manhood while feeling the hot blush on her cheeks for doing so, Hinata carefully positioned it into her opening as he slowly lowered herself down on and into her. Naruto felt an unbelievable feeling as his rod spread into Hinata for the first time.

"…So big…will it fit…," Hinata moaned lowly from the feeling of her threshold opening with every distance Naruto made into her. While seeing Hinata willingly lose her virginity to him was proving to be beyond hot, he also knew that with the size of rod there'd be discomfort and probably pain. Watching Hinata's face for any signs of excessive suffering, he slowly pushed deeper into her until he hit a blockage, her hymen.

He knew from his studies that a girl's first time would always be painful and the last thing he wanted was to hurt Hinata and the other girls. Seeing the look on his face, Hinata held his shoulders and assured, "It's alright, go on. I'm ready."

Taking a breath, Naruto pushed down into her, breaking her hymen completely as she took in his full length, forever losing his virginity to her as she gave hers to him. She let out a squeal of pain as a few tears ran down her face as she felt Naruto's warm dowel pierce through her hymen and sink all the way inside of her in one swift stroke, bumping lightly against her cervix. The Hyuuga felt the puncturing pain warred with the incredible sensation of fullness she was experiencing.

For his part, Naruto found himself incapable of rational thought as he found his member trapped almost entirely inside what he could best describe as a warm, wet, slippery and extremely soft yet tight vice. He felt ashamed at himself for taking so much pleasure from something that obviously hurt her, but he realized that he simply couldn't help himself. The pleasure was simply too great to be ignored. Seeing her tears, Naruto kissed her them away and apologized, "I'm sorry for hurting you Hina-chan."

Disregarding her pain, Hinata said softly, "Don't be sorry. For you, it's worth this momentary discomfort."

He rested there allowing her to adapt to the feeling of him inside her. It was a moment later when he felt her hips buck a few times into his, signaling him that she was ready to continue.

Starting leisurely, Naruto pulled his member out until the head was all that was left inside. He slowly pushed it back in completely as her love canal allowed him to re-enter freely. As he pulled out again, her threshold seemed to reluctantly allow him to leave, as though it was begging him to stay and never leave. Hinata started moaning in delight as her lover increasingly picked up the pace as he was trying to build a rhythm with her. Soon, she found her pace and rhythm, and began moving herself along with him as they made love on his bed. The feeling of her oiled-down body against his heightened the sensations they were experiencing as sounds of grinding and slapping flesh was heard in the bedroom.

"…I'm yours…," Hinata cried in erotic passion, "Yes…Make me yours!"

Taking hold of her legs, he lifted and placed them over his shoulders before wrapping his arms around her hips. When that was accomplished, he thrust harder into her with deeper penetration. Hinata screamed louder from the absolute delight her body was receiving from his treatment as he continued pounding into her. She bit down on her lips trying to suppress her pinnacle moment for as long as she could. But every plunge he drove into her only served to push her further and closer to her orgasm.

"…You…You're…," Hinata moaned, "You're amazing…It feels…so good!"

"…Yes you do," Naruto whispered in state of bliss, "…You feel like heaven…"

Hinata thought that she could just die happily at that moment while feeling Naruto emptying and refilling her repeatedly. Grabbing his face, Hinata pulled him in and kissed him hotly with a burning passion. After their kissing session, Naruto erected himself in a kneeling fashion while keeping Hinata's legs over his shoulders. Keeping her laying her on back, Naruto grabbed and lifted her hips and resumed plowing into her as she gripped the sheets on the bed. She let out a silent scream as her body almost threatened to make her pass out from sensory overload on the spot.

Ino and Temari watched from the sides as Naruto mated with Hinata. The sight made both blondes ever more sexually aroused and anxious for their turns soon to come.

Another moment later, Hinata found herself unable to hold back any further.

"…I love you Naruto-kun," Hinata cried in gratification as she climaxed, feeling her threshold squeeze down on Naruto's rod. The older male threw his head back and let out a groan of exhilaration as he ruptured and flowed into her, feeling her love canal milking him for all he was worth. Catching his breath, Naruto looked down at the exhausted but smiling and satisfied female.

"That…was wonderful," Hinata cooed, "…Thank you."

"I love you too Hina-chan," Naruto said before leaning down and softly kissing her lips. He pulled out of her and moved off from her, allowing her to gradually move off the bed and rest on a comforter nearby. Seeing, this Ino walked over to bed as Naruto pulled the previous bed sheet off and cast it to the side. He opened a cabinet and retrieved a clean sheet and used it to cover the bed.

"You ready," Ino asked. Turning to her, he grinned, "I'm not worn out yet."

"Good," Ino replied before pushing him hard to the bed, making him lie on his back. Before he could react, Ino moved and stood on the bed over him on with her left foot holding his chest down. Looking up at her, Naruto saw the mischievous smirk on her face.

"If there's anything you haven't known about me Naruto-kun," Ino said as she slowly moved her foot over it his partly erect manhood, "Is that I love being the girl on top."

The young male found himself getting turned on by Ino's domineering behavior as he felt her oiled foot massaging and gently pushing down on his rod. After seeing that his member was erect again, Ino moved her foot so that both feet stood at both sides of Naruto with his erection aimed directly up between her. She then began her descent down on him until she felt the top of his manhood between the lips of her slit. Putting her hands on his stomach, she slowly lowered herself down on him, feeling his hardened rod pushed and spread her open for the first time. She winced from the mixed sensation of pleasure and pain but continued her descent regardless.

"Are you OK," Naruto asked her with as much concern he did for Hinata. Seeing his face, she assured, "I'm okay. I know it'll hurt, but it's worth it so long it's you that's filling me."

Soon though, she felt his rod hit her barrier. She knew this would be where it would hurt the most. Bracing herself, she lunged down completely on him, losing her virginity for good. She let out a muffled cry as the pain inside her ripped through her body. Her eyes watered from the discomfort as she lowered and rested herself down on his chest.

"…Hold me please Naruto-kun," Ino purred, "…Hold me."

Nodding, Naruto embraced Ino who, after an instant, hummed happily into his chest, feeling his heart beats as she pressed her bosom onto him. He slowly caressed her back as he dipped his hand lower and lightly felt her round bottom. Another pleased moan left Ino's mouth as she shifted slightly.

After a few minutes of feeling him caressing and fondling her cheeks, Ino pushed herself up from his chest and stared into his eyes, then leaned in for a passionate kiss. A few instants passed during which the two young lovers let their tongues waltz around each other's, then Ino fully pushed herself up and resumed her straddling position as she placed her hands over his stomach for leverage.

Slowly and carefully, Ino raised herself from Naruto's hard member and then lowered herself again. She hissed in pleasure at the sensation of his manhood moving deep inside her and began a slow bouncing pace, while Naruto instinctively moved his hands up to her lightly bouncing breasts and started caressing them. Another pleased moan escaped her mouth as he continued groping her bosoms.

For the next few minutes Ino rode Naruto, gradually picking her pace up and unabashedly moaning her pleasure as his hot rod stretched her love canal to its limit. Naruto's own groans were lower, but no less passionate as he watched intently his young lover's gorgeous, oiled and sweat-streaked face and body bouncing up and down on him. He moved his hands to her sides and held onto them as he began bucking his hips harder into her, causing her to moan louder in ecstasy.

"…Don't…Don't stop…," Ino pleaded between her screams, "Please…Don't…"

"…You're so tight," Naruto groaned, "And so beautiful…"

As Ino bounced atop Naruto, feeling herself draw nearer and nearer to her climax, Naruto himself found that he was at the very limit of his resistance. He moved his right hand to stimulate her exposed clit, which was all she needed as her back arched backwards before moaning loudly in sheer bliss as her wet womanhood clamped down on his rod tightly squeezing him. Naruto sighed from pleasure as he climaxed and poured deep into the girl's receptive hole. Some of their mixed love juices spilled out around his member as it filled the girl. Ino then collapsed onto Naruto's chest, panting hard and sweating profusely as her and his sweaty and oiled bodies rubbed together; their hearts racing faster than ever before.

A few minutes later, she moved up and kissed him, "That was incredible."

With her remaining strength, she moved off him and withdrew his shaft from out of her. Getting up off the bed, Ino sat and rest down on a recliner, still tired from her lovemaking. Naruto, after his breathing went back to normal, stood up off the bed and changed the sheets on his bed a second time.

After seeing that both Hinata and Ino had their fair shares of physical gratification, Temari saw that she now had Naruto all to herself. As she moved toward him, Naruto suddenly disappeared out of sight and reappeared behind her, causing the girl to gasp in surprise as he pulled her to him, her back pressing against his chest as he leaned back up against the wall.

Wrapping his left arm around her waist, he held her close to him while his hardening rod pressed and grind against her peach-shaped cheeks. With his other hand he used it to fondle the older girl's clit while laying kisses and light nibbles on her neck, shoulders and ears while smelling the scent of the oil off her body. Temari hissed and moaned from his treatment. She moved and lowered her right hand over his to keep it where it was stimulating her as she used her other arm to reach back and wrap around his neck. Soon, she pushed back and rhythmically started grinding her rear into him. That erotic massaging on his fully erect member got a reaction from the taller blonde as he let out a groan of pleasure as he moved his hand from off her waist and to her face, turning her head to face him before he pressed his lips into hers. Temari returned the kiss with as much sensuality while feeling his finger continually stimulating her.

Breaking the kiss off, moved her over to his bed and motioned on to get on her hands and knees. Climbing the bed, Temari did as requested as she watched her lover position himself behind her. Finding and aligning his shaft at her opening which was wet with anticipation, Naruto held onto her waist as he pressed his rod into her. Slowly he pushed it into her, giving her time to get a feel for his flesh entering her. Temari gripped the bed sheet tightly and moaned lustfully as she felt her virgin womanhood widening with every centimeter Naruto made into her.

"Yes…," Temari breathed lowly, "That's it…don't stop."

Relishing the feeling of burying himself into the older girl, he continued making his way into her when he came to her blockage. Bracing herself, Temari moaned, "…Take me."

Closing his eyes, Naruto plunged into her, claiming her virginity. Temari let out a strained scream as she held the sheet tighter from the pain that ricocheted through her. Fully sank into her, he held still for a few moments to savor the incredible warmth and moist tightness. Her breathing was low but steady as he waited for her pain to subside. Before long, he slowly started a thrusting motion, an action that eventually drew more pleased moans and gasps from the beautiful blond-haired kunoichi. After a while of thrusting he soon picked up the pace, feeling the familiar sensation of tightness around his member.

For a few minutes, the room was filled by moans, grunts and gasps as Naruto progressively drove himself into the wind mistress faster and faster, until he was pounding her for all she was worth. His pelvis rammed and bucked against her twin cheeks as he left and re-entered her in a continuous and rhythmic motion. Moving his hands to her rear, he groped and massaged her cheeks before resuming the rhythm of his thrusting into her. Soon, he realized that he was nearing the end of his stamina, and fervently hoped that he would manage to get the demanding kunoichi off before he blew his load, as he was fairly sure he would be unable to get his rod up a fourth time, no matter how much either girl tried to.

Fortunately for him, Temari was pretty much at her edge as well. When Naruto gritted his teeth and shoved himself as deep into her as he could, blowing his load far up inside of her, he sent her over into a screaming climax. Naruto grunted as he felt her canal muscles tighten to an almost painful point, squeezing and massaging his rod as she thrashed under him. He then fell on her back, completely spent. Naruto smiled as he watched a satisfied smile spread on the exhausted Temari's face, who gave him a grateful nod before closing her eyes and letting herself drop on the sheets with Naruto lying and resting on top of her back with his arms around her.

The blond male took a few minutes to catch his breath and gather what little energy he had left. He then pushed himself off her and tiredly dropped to the side. Getting up off the comforter, Hinata went and got a blanket from the cabinet where Naruto kept the bed sheets in. Ino got up off the recliner and helped Hinata open the blanket and spread it open over the bed as they both climbed into the bed joining Naruto and Temari as they covered themselves with the blanket.

Ino lied by Naruto on his right and wrapped her arms around him as she laid her head on his right shoulder. Hinata climbed and rested on top of Naruto, resting her head on his chest. Temari, being at his left, moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder as she embraced him.

"Goodnight Naruto-kun," Hinata said lightly before drifting off to sleep on him, smiling contently as she felt his heart beating against her, "Thank you for such a wonderful night."

"We love you," Ino whispered affectionately as she also allowed sleep to overtake her, "We always have and always will."

"You're not alone Naruto-kun," Temari sighed contently, "You'll always have us with you, no matter what happens, we'll stay by your side."

All three girls went to sleep, leaving Naruto as the only one who was still awake. Moving his head, he looked to see all three girls resting peacefully with and on him.

"I'm not alone," Naruto said happily as he embraced the girls at his sides, "I love you all too."

He eventually drifted and joined the girls in tranquil slumber, having pleasant dreams with them.

(Meanwhile That Night; Somewhere In Hi No Kuni)

Jiraiya was in his apartment writing his next book when he felt a vibe of some sort rush through his body, causing him to have a large perverted smile spread across his face.

"I don't understand why," Jiraiya giggled, "But I sense things are going to get rather interesting in Konoha in the next couple of days."

After a horrid interaction and tour through a village "foreign" to him, Namikaze Naruto was 'comforted' in the one way the girls mutually felt needed, thus showing their love and complete devotion to him. What will result from this and what more will happen while N. Naruto and his girls are in this dimension? Will U. Naruto find out that N. Naruto fixed up his place while he slept? Will Konohamaru learn much from N. Naruto? Find out next time.