Chapter Fifty-Eight: Between Father And Son

A/N: For those for flamed me still for having Konohamaru learn and perform a forbidden secret S-class summoning ninjutsu in two months' time, take this into consideration: In the manga and anime, it took Minato three years to create and master the Rasengan, a high A-class attack ninjutsu. It took Jiraiya four months to learn and master it. Naruto did it in a week after his bet with Tsunade. One would think that it should have taken Naruto longer than both Yondaime and Jiraiya to learn and master the Rasengan since he was a Genin, but it didn't happen that way now did it? And Naruto taught it to Konohamaru using Oiroke No Jutsu in an unspecified time.

And for those who sneered at me for how I depicted Konoha and what took place between Naruto and his girls in the previous chapter, read this chapter and find out why things happened the way they did. Keep in mind too that N. Naruto is NOT perfect and is liable to make mistakes like every other imperfect human before and after him.

(In The Forest Of Death)

N. Naruto was sleeping in his bedroom with Hinata, Ino and Temari sleeping peacefully next and on him with their arms wrapped around him. While sleeping Naruto went into his mind and traveled deep into his subconscious…

(In Naruto's Mindscape)

The young Rokudaime in-training sat on a chair in front of table with his father Minato who was also sitting by the table facing him. The appearance of the housing environment was as serene and beautiful as Naruto last remembered it. Both blondes were conversing with each other about everything that happened last night.

"Naruto," Minato started, "I believe that there is more to what we saw than we believe."

"What," Naruto retorted, "You saw how my other self lives and how he's treated in this world! It's just as Konohamaru explained!"

"Though I won't make excuses about what we saw however," Minato explained calmly, "You're failing to take your own advice in looking underneath the underneath."

Naruto didn't bother to argue with his father. After all, he did retrieve into his mind to seek Minato's counsel and fatherly consoling. The young teen decided to stay quiet and listen.

"After last night," Minato continued, "I took the time to clearly think and meditate about matters in more details. From what I gathered, there must be more to this version of Konoha than the few things we saw and since it was really late last night, you didn't get to interact with much of the villagers or the ninja populous.

"I understand that you're angry about what happened last night, but you mustn't be foolish in believing that what we saw is all there is to that village."

"But you were just as angry as I was," Naruto replied, "I felt your disgust and outrage at the village for what my other self lives through!"

"Again you're missing the point Naruto," Minato rebuked, "I told you, I took the time to calm down and not allow misguided anger to cloud my judgment. I had to look underneath the underneath, not just what we saw on the surface. You're making the mistake in going by first bad impressions from a small group of ignorant people and explanations from Konohamaru who admittedly said that he himself doesn't know the whole story behind your alter ego's life.

"On top of this, you're allowing Kyuubi to easily manipulate you and your course of action. From the first bad impressions we saw and the incomplete explanations we were told, it was easy for Kyuubi to cunningly twist and warp the truth in a manner he saw fit to his liking. He was trying to use and goad into doing something you'd have later regretted."

Naruto now saw where his father was coming from and acknowledged his folly.

"Out of blinded anger, you wanted to kill a mass amount of villagers, many of them perhaps innocent, without knowing the full story or seeing things from your alter ego's point of view," Minato pointed out, "How do you think both your and my alter ego might have felt if you have actually done that under the wrong impressions you experienced?"

Naruto now lowered his head in shame, unable to look at his father. Seeing that Naruto was silently crying, Minato stood up and walk over to him. Naruto embraced his father.

"I'm sorry father," Naruto apologized with tears still running down his face.

"It's alright my son," Minato consoled as he patted Naruto's back, "Despite what happened, you didn't give into your clouded anger and Kyuubi's manipulations and ridicules. I know it's hard dealing with this, but don't take reckless course of actions without getting the facts straight. Besides, Konohamaru did say that there are those who hold your other self in high regards and I'm sure that there are many others who do too, despite the remaining ones who still hold senseless grudges with no justifiable grounds for them."

He watched Naruto wipe his eyes and regain his composure. The older blonde soon went and sat back down on his chair again.

"Plus," Minato continued, "Konohamaru said that Sandaime-sama gave his life to save Konoha from the invasion plotted by Suna and Oto. Therefore, I'm sure that this village isn't as bad as you made them out to be. Maybe it was in the past but I'm confident that some things have changed from the way they used to be."

"And the place that my other self lives in," Naruto asked, "How do you justify that?"

"It was dark Naruto and the eyes and mind can be deceived when emotions and thoughts are quarreling with distasteful inputs from outside sources," Minato said, "Though the graffiti was real and placed there by an ignorant villager or two."

Naruto stayed silent briefly when a thought came to mind. He asked, "What about kaa-chan and ero-jisan and the fact that they weren't there for my other self for all these years? Why is it that my alter ego doesn't-"

"If you really want to know the real truth about the life of your alter ego," Minato interjected, "I suggest you do some investigating in secret without alerting him or others to your presence if at all possible. Don't go off jumping to wrong conclusions and judging everyone based on some bad first impressions, misinformation and interactions with bias people."

The young shinobi sighed and took a moment to recap on the things he was told once before in his life. After a few minutes, Naruto broke the silence.

"Ero-jisan told me how Jinchuurikis aren't well accepted by their home villages and how they're badly treated," Naruto said, "He and kaa-chan enforced it with hard-hitting conviction when they refused to let me reveal my secret to the villagers. When I saw Gaara's memories and life as a Jinchuuriki from his perspective, it only made me believe ero-jisan's words all the more."

"Keep in mind Naruto," Minato explained, "Years ago before your time; Jinchuurikis were used as instruments for huge battles during the chaotic era of war. Nations would use them to rid themselves of their enemy villages or nations while trying to establish themselves as a dominant power. Jiraiya-sensei and Tsunade-sama have seen many horrible things and deaths in their prime years, and I understand why they felt and reacted the way they did when you wanted to expose your secret to the villagers. They were simply being protective parents of you.

"When I sought to seal Kyuubi into you, it wasn't for the purpose of making you an instrument of war, but a measure to save and protect Konoha from Kyuubi and others who'd used that creature for their corrupt ambitions. I had no desire for you to be seen as a usable soul-less weapon or as Kyuubi himself. If I did, Kushina-chan would have never forgiven me and would have cursed me to my grave.

"Also too, that your other self, just like you, wants to become Hokage to Konoha. Therefore, despite whatever injustices he went through growing up, he still saw something good in Konoha. If you take the time to see life from his eyes while being a stranger in his world, perhaps you may see what he sees as well. I'm not saying that you'll agree with everything you see but at least you'll have a better measure of understanding of him and better understand yourself and where you fit-in in life."

Naruto pondered profoundly on Minato's counsel. The older blonde gave the young teen time to think and consider everything he was told. A couple of minutes went by when Naruto came to a decision, "You're right. I'll do just so."

"I'm glad to hear that," Minato smiled, "And don't let Kyuubi manipulate you like before."

Naruto nodded.

"By the way," Minato asked curiously, "How did Hinata, Ino and Temari take the news about what you told them?"

Naruto felt a lump grow in his throw, looking as though he had a hard time conveying his words properly.

"W-Well…," Naruto started stuttered, "They saw that I…didn't take what happened last night pretty well and…"

"And what," Minato asked, seeing his son's heavy blush that started burning on his face.

"Later after I showered and turned in for the night t…the-they," Naruto stuttered again, feeling totally embarrassed telling his father this, "…came to…give me solace."

"They slept with you, didn't they," Minato blatantly stated, reading him like an open book, "And as we speak, they're lying and sleeping right next to you in your bed, am I right?"

Naruto lowered his head and eyes again as though he was trying to hide his embarrassed-look on his face from his father. Naruto sat there quietly and waited to hear his father's words of disapproval and censure. Minato saw the look on his son's expression and acknowledged why Naruto was sitting and looking the way he was.

"To be perfectly honest with you Naruto," Minato remarked, "I can't honestly say that I'm at all surprised, given the circumstances that transpired over the period of time."

Naruto gave his father a perplexed expression, "Say what?"

"To put it simply," Minato said, "I figured that it would only be a matter of time before you slept with one them."

"You what," Naruto asked with a baffled look. He saw that his father wasn't looking down at him with the look of disappointment as he expected. Instead, Minato gave Naruto a look of compassion and understanding.

"First off," Minato elaborated, "You live in a house with five capable kunoichis you've been engaged to, one of them being your former sensei, a woman who so happens to flirt, sensually flaunts her body at you shamelessly and gives off hints about things she'd like to do with you. I'm amazed at how you see pass that and look at the woman in her. Talk about looking underneath the underneath."

Naruto blushed but Minato continued, "Secondly…All five females have been taking the time to get to know you and likewise you've been doing the same with them. It wasn't easy but that's the life you chose and you've placed a great deal of effort and investment in them in spite of what others might have thought.

"But lately, all five females collectively have been seeking your attention and time since you've been hard at work with other affairs in the village and with the shinobi council. This went on for a number of days and the girls started feeling overlooked and frustrated that you didn't have time for them like you used to.

"During this time, the four younger girls have been spending a good portion of their time with Anko and from what I've seen of her, she's been a major influential factor in their lives and in their relationship with you. The fact that they were willing to go along with some of her suggestive ideas, regardless of how questionable there were, shows that the girls hold that woman in high regards like you and in a number of ways they see her as a role model since she's the oldest with more maturity and experience.

"When they tried to get your attention yesterday afternoon in the approach that they did, undoubtedly it was from Anko's persuasion and influence. From the way they were dressed, it was clear that they were trying to achieve something."

"They were wearing lingerie and those 'special occasion' kimonos," Naruto pointed out, "I had no idea they were willing to go that far for my attention. Some fiancé I am; I must have really been putting them off to the sides for some time."

"These things happen some times," Minato replied with an understanding tone, "Understand that some females and males will go through many lengths to earn and gain the wanted attention and time from the ones they care and have feelings for.

"And as the girls explained, they put a lot of time and energy in preparing what they had in mind for you. Evidently though, Jiraiya-sensei ruined and sabotaged everything by posing as you, tricking the all five girls into believing that he was you. So eager they were in believing that you were available and with them, they didn't see through Jiraiya-sensei's deception until you showed up.

"After you allowed them have their way in beating Jiraiya-sensei senseless, you took and left with him from the estate to let the girls calm down. Upon your return, they felt ashamed for what happened earlier and explained why they wanted to treat you in the manner they mistakenly did for Jiraiya-sensei."

Naruto sat there as he listened to Minato's observation and insight. He was about to say something but Minato cut him off with a hand gesturing him to stay quiet and permit him to continue.

"Overcome with guilt for your mistakes brought to the front," Minato continued, "With an honest heart, you sought to rectify matters, and treat and cater to the girls. I know you meant well, but the way you chose to go about catering to their needs sexually aroused all of them. From the way they were looking at you because of that stunt you pulled and the way you spoke with them, they wanted more than a body massage from you though I'm sure they might have taken a cold shower to cool their hormones down.

"But last night's unexpected turn of events didn't allow for that, did they? Temari, Ino and Hinata saw how sad and alone you felt and how you started questioning everything you believed in because of the events that took place in the village "foreign" to you. You started questioning everyone's integrity about you as a person to the point you started losing faith in both them and yourself.

"Since you told me that the girls came to console and give you solace in your bedroom no less, they must have felt it was up to them to relieve you of your stress and anxieties while simultaneously finding relief from their own stress and anxieties, and getting something rewarding with you from it in return. So they gave of themselves to you, which is why they're sleeping with you in your room now, am I right?"

Naruto looked at Minato with a look of disbelief like a gaping idiot. The young blonde couldn't believe how his father analyzed the whole situation and explained it in the way he did. The teen ninja understood where his father was coming from and why the girls did what they did with him last night.

"You look surprised at how I was able to pick out and explain your situation in such details," Minato said.

"It wasn't like I immediately wanted to bed them the first chance I got," Naruto reasoned, "I tried telling them that they didn't have to go through with what they had in mind to do with me. But…they were rather insistent and…they said it was something they wanted to do and…"

Minato saw Naruto's hesitation in his speech. The older blonde knew talking to him about this wasn't easy to do.

"It's okay my son," Minato assured with a fatherly tone, "Take your time. I understand how hard this must be. Gather your thoughts before you say what you want to tell me."

After a few minutes, Naruto explained with a softened voice, "…I found myself incapable of turning them away. It wasn't just because of my arousal at the sight of them. It was…because they felt hurt for me, as though my pain was also their pain. They felt my grief and turmoil and even before they approached me in my bedroom, they offered me soothing words of encouragement. Despite my behavior towards their words, they didn't allow that to make them look at me any different than before.

"During that moment I felt so lost and confused, and uncertain anything or anyone, including myself. The girls saw my troubles and sincerely wanted to show that they love and cared for me, and that they were and would always be there for me, no matter what.

"I found it hard to believe that I could come up with strategic battle use of sexual perversions to use against enemy ninjas and kunoichis, but when it came to Hina-chan, Ino-chan and Tema-chan freely and willingly giving of themselves to me for an intimate purpose, I turned into a timid child and started hesitating. I couldn't even formulate coherent sentences at that moment.

"Yet in spite of my hesitation, they told me that they were just as nervous but that they didn't want me to feel or be alone and that they didn't want to be alone either."

Naruto paused for a moment trying to gather his thoughts together. Minato sat they quietly as he listened to his son's words and feelings.

"They were virgins," Naruto went on, "And I didn't want to take that away from them just to satisfy my own interests and personal gains. Even while they were living in our estate, resisting the urge to take one of them, Anko-chan and Ryo-chan included, was difficult. And Anko-chan's continuous teases and gestures only made things harder.

"Still, I respect her and the others as they should be and I didn't want to look and treat them as sex objects for my own personal use. That was one of the reasons why I was hesitating and reluctant at first when Hina-chan, Tema-chan and Ino-chan came to me last night. I looked at their virginity as something sacred and I didn't want them to give that gift to me just because of that distraught state of mind I was in.

"But that wasn't the case. They wanted to give me that sacred gift to show me how much they care and want to be and stay with me. They wanted to express how much they were willing to stick with me through good and difficult times, and how much they were willing to sacrifice for me.

"I didn't just want to have sex with them. No; I wanted to make love to them, show them how much I treasure and cherish them. They are precious to me and I wanted to express that and my love to them, and show that I also want to be with them through good and difficult times, no matter what."

Minato smiled at Naruto's words and maturity.

"You speak more like a grown and mature man than a teenager Naruto," Minato remarked sincerely, "Not everyone your age has that level of development."

"Thank you father," Naruto said. Thinking back, Minato began speaking, "I remember my relationship with your mother Kushina-chan back in the days."

Naruto looked at his father, "You both were always happy together I'm sure."

"Yes," Minato replied, "But I'd be lying if I said we had the ideal romance and love life. Like every relationship, your mother and I also had our shares of arguments, and ups and downs with each other, especially when we were dating. Her being brash and hot-headed and I being calm mannered and stubborn, sparks flew whenever Kushina-chan and I had our little disputes. Jiraiya-sensei, Kakashi and the others always made a quick exit whenever a sign of an argument between Kushina-chan and I was seen. Believe me, though I was said to be the feared Yellow Flash, her anger scared even me sometimes."

Naruto laughed hard, "You were scared of mom sometimes?!"

"She was worse whenever she had her time of the month," Minato remarked, "Hell, it was like facing a fuming Tsunade after losing a bet."

Naruto laughed harder as he banged his fist on the table. Smiling, Minato continued, "Still, as we dated, we learned more about each other and I grew to love your mother very much as she grew to love me too despite our small differences in characteristics.

"But like I said earlier, we didn't have the ideal relationship and mistakes were made, pretty much along the line of what you did."

"How's that," Naruto asked curiously.

Sighing to himself, Minato explained, "You mother and I became really close during the time I was courting her. However, after my inauguration as Yondaime, being the Hokage took a great deal of time out of my schedule. The amount of paperwork that required my review, signature and seal was tedious and I had to frequently go over mission requests and reports while taking care of other matters and affairs of the village. Part of the Hokage's duty too is to maintain good terms with local and foreign dignitaries, and the daimyo of Hi No Kuni.

"Being Hokage in the beginning proved to be very demanding and I couldn't afford slacking off in my work. This made spending time with Kushina-chan rather difficult since there were days I either spent the entire night finishing work at the office or I was at one of my meetings.

"Kushina-chan grew frustrated and heatedly criticized me in my office one day for not making time for her like how I used to and how I canceled our dates on a few occasions because of the amount of work I had to take care of. I told her that I would make it up to her and give her the time and attention she deserved."

"Then what happened," Naruto asked, wanting to hear more of his father's story.

"We arranged to have dinner at her place and spend the evening talking and holding each other, like how normal couples in love do."

"I'm taking it that things didn't work out as planned," Naruto figured.

"No, they didn't," Minato said as he shook his head, "During that week, I was already two days behind on my paperwork as a result of an emergency meeting that suddenly came up with the shinobi council with no way for me to reschedule it and there was the matter of dealing with the problems Orochimaru left Konoha to deal with after turning traitor.

"As a result of being so caught up in my work and getting back in track with affairs of the village, I completely forgot about my dinner plans with Kushina-chan, so much so that I didn't even think to call and inform her that I wouldn't be able to make it.

"The following day when Kushina-chan appeared in my office while I was alone doing my work. Unaware of my mistake, I gave her one of my trademark smiles, clearly I was happy to see her. I was hit with a harsh reality when she walked over to the side of the desk where I sat and slapped me."

"Mom slapped you," Naruto asked with a surprised and shocked expression. Minato nodded, "She was really angry that I forgot about our dinner date that I told her I would show up for. She said that she prepared a romantic dinner for the both us and that she put her whole heart into making sure that everything was perfect. She was very hurt that I've been neglecting her and putting everything else ahead of her. She told me off about it before leaving my office with tears streaming down her face.

"As the Yellow Flash, I broke a lot of women's hearts in making them widows and their children fatherless, which was perhaps one of the reasons why I was so hated in Iwagakure. I could take that, but the one thing I couldn't bear…was to see Kushina-chan cry and knowing I was responsible for it.

"I was accustomed to her laughter and smiles, hearing her boisterous shouts and cocky attitude. But that day I didn't see any of that; only the looks of sorrow, hurt and neglect, and knowing that I caused that and her hurt feelings made the guilt I felt all the more unbearable and it ached at my heart. I didn't know how I was going to fix things and make it up to her and sincerely mean it."

Naruto listened intently to her father's story without interrupting.

"Later that day, Sarutobi-sama entered the office to check up on me. Seeing how depressed and miserable I looked, he asked me what happened and I explained everything to him. Out of his kindness, he told me to take the rest of the day off and make up with Kushina-chan. He assured me that he would take care of my work in my absence.

"It went without say that I thanked Sarutobi-sama and hurriedly left the office and tower. After buying a bouquet of Kushina-chan's favorite flowers and hurried over to her place as it started to rain and rain hard it did. But I didn't care. All that matter was getting to Kushina-chan.

"When I got there though, I became very nervous, not knowing how I was going to apologize to her. I stood in front of her door getting drenched in the pouring rain for a whole eight minutes trying to think of what to say to her. As I reached to knock on the door I felt my heart beating hard against my chest as if it wanted to burst right out of me."

"You were really that worried, huh," Naruto asked.

"I was afraid that she was still mad and didn't want to see me, if at all anymore," Minato explained, "Before I could knock on her door, it opened revealing Kushina-chan who looked like she was about to step to head somewhere. Seeing my horrid condition, she freaked out and pulled me inside her place. She wouldn't stop fussing over how I would catch a cold or some other sickness from staying in the rain for so long. You'd think I was at risk of catching a life-threatening disease with how she was acting. But her concerns for me though were understandable. She lost so many people in her life and she told me she couldn't handle losing me too.

"Though Kushina-chan was a foolhardy, loud-mouthed tomboy, she was also a very caring and loving woman. She had me change out of my wet cloak and Jounin uniform and into some gender-neutral clothes she had available before taking the flowers I bought for her and placing them in a vase on the table. She took out the food she prepared the previous night and warmed them up. Whatever errand she was about to do, she cast it off to the side and focused her attention on the dinner she so eagerly wanted to have and share with me.

"After a pleasant time eating with her, we sat together by the fireplace. I held her in my arms as she sat on my lap. She apologized for her behavior earlier but I told her that I deserved it and that I was also sorry. As we talked longer with each other, all I was able to do was admire your mother's beauty, her spirit and her beautiful long and silky red hair that seemed to flow like a river. Though it was getting late, I didn't care. All that mattered to me was her and the attention she wanted and needed from me. I saw from her eyes that she didn't want to be alone, and the truth was, neither did I. Neither of us wanted to let go of that feeling of holding each other closely.

"Soon, I moved closer and kissed her lips. It started off light but it eventually became more passionate, as were the feelings that were building up inside us."

"So what happened," Naruto asked. Minato grinned, "We made love."

"Huh," Naruto blushed heavily. Minato chuckled at his son's reaction, "That night was special to your mother and I, Naruto. Ever since then I always made it my endeavor to always be there for her, through good and bad times. It wasn't long after that when I asked her to marry me, and she happily accepted. Those were joyous times for me and I always cherished them, even now as we speak.

"When your five girls came seeking your time and attention in the way in which they did, I saw where they were coming from."

"And you didn't tell me this, why," Naruto asked with a frowning look.

"How else would you grow to understand them and their feelings, if you never learn from your own interactions and experiences with them? When it comes to the matter of the heart Naruto, each person is unique with their own needs. Taking care of those young girls and their needs, be it emotional, physical, mental and financial, is now your responsibility and no one else's.

"You became sexually intimate with three of those five females you're engaged to. Understand that's not something to take lightly. Reading about sexual intimacy is one thing, but experiencing it is a whole different dimension in itself, and since you and the girls tasted it, I'm sure you four will crave for more of it as your bodies will seek to have its awakened hunger for intimacy sated. You and your fiancées will have to work together to keep that desire under control and not let it control your lives and the stability of your relationship.

"You're no longer looked at as a boy or Genin in-trainng by me or anyone else. You're going to have to balance between being a ninja, a sensei, a clan leader, a fiancé, and in the future when you're ready, a husband and father. Those were important lessons I had to learn after I became intimate with Kushina-chan, and you must shoulder those responsibilities as well."

Again Naruto meditated on his father's advice, seeing the truths in the older man's words. Though it was a lot to take in, Naruto understood his role.

"You really did love mom," Naruto acknowledged. Minato nodded, "More than anything before we decided to bring you into the world. We were looking forward so much to a new life as a family, and Kushina-chan couldn't wait to show you off to everyone after she was to give birth to you. But as you already know, Kyuubi's attack changed everything and led to events that bring us to where we are now."

Naruto saw a seldom look that appeared on Minato's face, "I miss Kushina-chan dearly, but her memories will always live on with me as a part of her will always live on in you Naruto."

Naruto was silent for a few moments before a thought came to mind.

"I doubt my other self knows the truth about his birth parents," Naruto stated.

"And as much as you want to Naruto," Minato said with a serious look on his face, "I advise you not to tell him the truth about his parents. There's no telling what disastrous repercussions that could trigger or how he and others might take it hearing it from you. It would be best if either Jiraiya-sensei or Tsunade-sama tells him the truth when he's mature and ready to know.

"I'm sure one of the reasons for that was for the boy's protection. If anything, my other self undoubtedly made a whole lot of enemies from Iwagakure and elsewhere. Besides, you didn't know or learn about me being your father until much later in your life and it was to protect you from my enemies as well."

"…I understand," Naruto replied, "And thanks for the advice."

"That's what fathers are for," Minato grinned.

(Back In The Real World; The Following Morning)

N. Naruto stirred but only so much. He slowly opened his eyes as vision was gradually restored to his eyes. He looked to see Hinata still sleeping peacefully on top of him with Ino and Temari sleeping at his sides with their arms around him and their heads on his shoulders. Naruto gently tried to pry them off so he could get up and get cleaned up. But as he did he found that their grip on him tightened, almost as though they were holding him down and refusing to let him leave, not wanting to lose the warmth their nude bodies were receiving from his.

"…Looks like I won't be going anywhere for a while longer," Naruto sighed, flopping his head back down on the pillow.

"So you mated with the vixens and established yourself as the alpha," Kyuubi remarked, "You're finally stepping up and becoming a man!"

Up yours Kyuubi, Naruto mentally snarled. Kyuubi was about to jeer him but Naruto cut off the link, not wanting to listen to the fox's manipulations or anything else he was going to tell him.

(Meanwhile In Konoha)

U. Naruto woke up and stretched with a yawn escaping his mouth. While waking up, he got up to get himself and his place cleaned up. When he looked around however, it didn't take him long to notice something was rather peculiar about his apartment…

"Wait a minute; I don't recall cleaning this place up last night…or did I," Naruto asked to no one in particular with a confused expression, "This is all very strange."

Normally his place was kept clean and spotless. But since he's been busy for the last couple of days, he had little time to clean up after himself. Deciding to worry about that later, U. Naruto went and got himself clean up before going out to meet up with Sakura and Kakashi. While heading to the bathroom…

"Ah man," Naruto complained with disappointment, "I went from dreaming about Sakura-chan accepting to go out with me only to wake up and find out it was all just a dream."

Arriving in the bathroom, Naruto undressed and washed himself thoroughly. Fourteen minutes later, Naruto stepped out and dried himself off. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he stepped out of the bathroom and returned back to his bedroom. Putting on a clean pair of boxers and orange jumpsuit, the blond-haired Genin got his blue sandals on and hurried out of his apartment to meet up with Sakura and Kakashi at the bridge. When he ran through the hallway, he noticed that the reviling graffiti someone placed there last night was gone.

"Someone up there must love me today," U. Naruto remarked happily as he continued on his way to his next destination, "If my luck holds out, maybe today will be the day Sakura-chan will finally accept to go on a date with me."

(Meanwhile Back In the Forest Of Death)

N. Naruto was fully awake and cleaned up, wearing a pair of dark blue ninja pants and white tank top. He was currently fixing breakfast for his three fiancées who have yet to come down from upstairs. They were taking turns using the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash up. In both Ino and Hinata's cases, they hurried to make sure they went first having experienced Temari's infamous reputation in hogging up the shower for long periods of time.

After another, twelve minutes, the girls came downstairs, each of them wearing one of Naruto's t-shirts and boxers. Reasons for the boxers is simply because N. Naruto never considered the idea of packing panties or other feminine clothes along with the items he stored in his "mobile" house, believing that his female teammates or subordinates would more than likely have taken care of that matter themselves. Smelling the food, the girls sat down by the table.

"Now this is a morning I can grow used to and never get tired of," Temari smiled, "Waking up from a long and pleasurable night of hot lovemaking after a hard day's work and seeing your strong and handsome lover up the next morning in the kitchen preparing you breakfast."

"I agree girlfriend," Ino remarked toothily.

"Truly our fantasy come true," Hinata giggled.

"Ha ha ha, yeah laugh it up you three," Naruto snorted playfully.

"We love you too Naruto-kun," Hinata laughed lightly. Finishing up, Naruto summoned three kage bushins and had them take the breakfast he prepared to his girls. Taking the plates, the clones made their way to the waiting kunoichis and set the plates down on the table in front of them. Naruto came with his own plate and sat down with them as the clones puffed out. They started down eating their breakfast quietly at first before Naruto broke the silence.

"Thank you, all of you," Naruto said, causing the girls to look up at him.

"You mean for what we did last night," Ino asked coyly.

"…Hina-chan, Ino-chan, Tema-chan," Naruto said softly and with more sincerity, "…Making love with you three was a wonderful experience, and I've bonded with you all even more than I ever have before. Plus, all of you helped to remind me of whom I am and all that I have…and what I'm not. What I experienced in that village last night made me question myself and the integrity everyone back home has in me, including yours. Also, for the passed number of days, I've been neglecting you three, Anko-chan and Ryo-chan. For all this, I am truly sorry. And I thank all three you deeply for helping me come back to my senses. You all are precious to me."

Getting off their seats, girls went over and embraced Naruto.

"You're precious to us too and to many others Naruto-kun," Temari assured, "What happened last night and before then wasn't your fault. We don't hold it against you."

"We all go through complications and bad moments in our lives," Ino said, "And we already forgave you. So please don't hold that bad experience against yourself."

Hinata added, "We're just happy that we were there for you when you mostly needed us. We know you have and will always do the same for us."

The blond Elite Jounin smiled and accepted their affectionate words and embrace.

"I honestly don't think I deserve you girls," Naruto replied.

"Indeed you don't," the girls chorused before laughing.

"Last night thought," Naruto said, "While you girls slept, I did a lot of thinking about yesterday and I had a dream that gave me an epiphany."

"Really," Ino asked with an interested tone.

"Would you three like to hear about it," Naruto offered. The girls nodded and went back to their seats.

"Breakfast and a story," Temari joked, "Could this day get any better?"

The front door to the house opened revealing one of Naruto's fully dressed kage bushins entering the house with three scrolls before closing and locking the door.

"Here they are," the clone said while handing a scroll to each of the girls at the table.

"What's in the scrolls," Hinata inquired.

"Seeing that I had no female garbs on standby here in the house," Naruto explained, "I had one of my disguised clones go into the village and buy some new clothes and panties for you three."

"You really know how to spoil and treat us right," Ino grinned.

"Would you rather I go into the forest and skin tigers and leopards for their fur and make loin cloths for you three instead," Naruto remarked.

"That would be nice," Ino remarked toothily. Before more on that subject could be said, the clone, changing the subject, said to Naruto, "I also delivered the message to Konohamaru. He's completely aware of everything."

"That's good news to hear," Naruto said in approval.

(Back In Konoha; Three Hours Later)

"Where is he," yelled a fuming U. Naruto, "He should have been here by now!"

"Give it a rest Naruto," Sakura chided, resisting the urge to smack him hard upside the head, "I'm just as annoyed with Kakashi-sensei's tardiness as I am with your childish behavior! Grow up already for once!"

"You don't have to be so mean Sakura-chan," Naruto said feeling deflated. A moment later…

"Yo," Kakashi said as he suddenly appeared in a puff of white smoke with his favorite orange book in hand.

"You're late!," Sakura yelled, as Naruto sighed, When I yell she gets mad, but it's OK for her to yell.

"I'm sorry," Kakashi said with a fake apologetic tone, "You see, this little boy's pet turtle fell and swam into a lake and he asked me if I can go and retrieve it for him."

"LIAR!," Sakura and Naruto yelled pointing their finger at him. Kakashi shrugged, And I spent the morning making that one up.

"So what's today's mission Kakashi-sensei," Naruto asked. Kakashi said in reply, "Today's mission was canceled due to some business I have to take care of. So you both have the rest of the day off. Use it to do some training or something else as productive. I'll see you two tomorrow."

And with that Kakashi shunshin'd and left the scene, leaving two angry Genins.

"He made us wait here for three hours just to tell us that today's mission was canceled and that we have the rest of the day off," Sakura fumed.

"That lazy bum," Naruto replied, "He probably went to buy his newest book that ero-sennin wrote no doubt!"

"I'll say," Sakura snorted with her arms crossed over her breasts. Seeing this as his opportunity, Naruto turned to her and offered, "Well, since it's just the two of us here Sakura-chan, how about we-"

"The answer is 'no' if you're asking me out for a date, again," Sakura retorted piercingly. Naruto's head sank with a dejected feeling.

Why am I not surprised, Sakura sighed, "…Anyway, I might as well go to head to the library to catch up on some studying Tsunade-sama wants me to do for that written test she's going to give me soon. I'll see you later."

U. Naruto watched as Sakura walked off and made her way to the library, leaving him along where he was on the bridge.

"Why won't Sakura-chan give me a chance," Naruto asked out loud crestfallenly.

"Because she's not interested in you," a masculine voice answered for him, "From the tone of her voice, I think she made that perfectly clear to you repeatedly."

U. Naruto turned and looked up to see a figure looking to be either fifteen or sixteen years old crouched down on top of a tall wooden light pole. He was dressed in what looked like blackish dark gray pants, a form-fitting dark blue tank top that showed off his pecks and abdominals and black fingerless gloves. He also wore a bloody red cape-like cloak with a hood that was part of the cloak over his head. He had strands of spiky red hair that fell over his forehead. Over the bottom half of his face was a ninja mask as bloody red as the cloak.

On both of his arms around his wrists were two silver braces that looked to be fastened enough not to move. He had white bandages around his ankles and wore black sandals. His complexion and eyes were very similar to U. Naruto's and he, from U. Naruto's standpoint, the stranger had a well-built bodily structure.

"As much as you refuse to allow youself to acknowledge it," the older teen said, "She clearly doesn't like you in that way."

"What did you say," Naruto yelled angrily, "And what would you know?!"

"I know enough to save myself from future heartbreaks and disappointments by not wasting my time and investments on fruitless romances," the stranger answered, "Maybe you ought to consider taking the girl's advice and grow up."

"Just who the hell are you anyway," Naruto asked the stranger with a clearly annoyed and angered look, "And how do you know what she said?"

The older teen smiled, "First off, I'm a visitor here. Secondly, I was touring the village when I came across the scene between you and that girl with the large cranium before your sensei came and ditched you guys. Kakashi and Sakura I believe their names are."

"That's them," Naruto said before his eyes narrowed, "Hey buster, you better not be having eyes on Sakura-chan!"

To this, the stranger sharply replied, "I have no interest in Sakura. There are other girls out there much better than her. Take my advice, broaden your horizons to find such a girl."

"A girl better than Sakura-chan," U. Naruto remarked with disbelief, "No way! Sakura-chan is the smartest and the prettiest girl I know! Just wait! Soon, she'll come around and see me for the great guy that I am!"

"Spoken like a true fanboy," the stranger mocked. Naruto's widened before his glare heightened.

"I'm not a fanboy," Naruto protested.

"Whatever," the stranger replied and shrugged, "Anyway, I'm new here and don't know much about this village and you're the first villager today I'm speaking with. Hey, would you happen to know if there's a shop with some good tasting ramen by any chance? I'll treat you to a bowl if you know of one."

U. Naruto immediately forgot about his troubles with Sakura upon hearing those magic words.

"Yeah," Naruto replied enthusiastically, "Ichiraku's! The old man there makes the best ramen in town!"

"Oh yeah," the stranger said, "Mind leading the way?"

"Follow me," Naruto gestured to the stranger, Though he's a bit of a jerk, this guy can't all bad if he loves ramen and is treating me to a free bowl.

The stranger then stood and walked off the pole. Naruto thought the older was going to drop straight down when to his surprise, the older teen floated down to the ground towards him. He touched down on his feet stealthily, standing in front of the younger and shorter blond-haired teen ninja.

"How did you do that," Naruto asked excitedly.

"My secret," the ninja-masked stranger replied, "Now where's this Ichiraku that you speak of?"

"This way," Naruto said as he led the older male to his favorite eating spot.

"By the way," U. Naruto introduced, "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage."

"Future Hokage," the stranger asked.

"That's right," Naruto said with confidence, "So tell me, what's your name?"

"…Oturan," the stranger replied, "Makiuzu Oturan."

A mysterious stranger named "Makiuzu Oturan" is in Konoha? Who is this unknown stranger and is he friend or foe? Find out next time.