Chapter Sixty-One: Daisuke's True Face

(Back In Konoha; Three Hours Later)

Gai was at the Hokage Tower making his way to Tsunade's office. What he saw from Daisuke's fight with Tenten along with what Neji told him troubled and disturbed him. And the fact that only Konohamaru knows of that mysterious ninja was another question factor. Reaching the door, Gai opened it and walked in to see Kurenai, Kakashi and Asuma already present in the office.

"Gai-san," Tsunade greeted, "Your timing is impeccable. I'm happy you're here for this also."

"Is there something that I'm to be made aware of," Gai asked as he entered the office and closed the door behind him.

"There is word of an unknown ninja circulating around the village," Kurenai answered for Tsunade.

"You mean the one that's been hanging around Konohamaru," Gai asked.

"So you've met this ninja," Asuma figured. Gai nodded, "Only a few hours ago when he approached my team and I at our training ground with Konohamaru following him. He goes by the name Rurounin No Daisuke."

"So this ninja has a name," Kakashi remarked while reading his orange book, "That makes things a little easier."

"Gai-san," Shizune inquired, "Is there more you know about him? More information about this unknown ninja would be helpful to us."

"He demonstrated some of his unique skills and jutsus earlier today," Gai replied, "He knows medic jutsus and his style of fighting resembles Orochimaru's."

That revelation earned everyone's undivided attention. Kakashi closed and put away his book seeing the seriousness of the briefing. Tsunade had a calculating look and clasped her hands together as she rested her chin over her hands, "Care to elaborate?"

Gai went into details explaining the spar that took place between Daisuke and Tenten. Everyone in the room listened to Gai's explanation as he also explained to them what Neji told him and his teammates. When Gai was done, Kurenai explained what Shino and Kiba explained to her about Daisuke having no body scent and how Akamaru and Shino's kikai bugs reacted awkwardly towards Daisuke.

"So we have a stranger waltzing around the village who possesses no body odor, a possibly non-existing face and whose fighting style bear a resemblance to that of a traitorous Sannin," Shizune summed up, "Do you suppose this ninja has some connections to Orochimaru, Tsunade-sama?"

"…Hmm," Tsunade sighed while in thought and said, "Up until now, I have never heard of this ninja."

"What do you want us to do Tsunade-sama," Kurenai asked.

Tsunade was quiet for a moment as she meditated on everything she was told. After considering the situation, the Slug Princess decided not to take chances with this unknown ninja.

"Find and bring Daisuke in for questioning," Tsunade ordered, "I want to know exactly who he is and why he's here."

"And if he refuses to comply to be taken into our custody," Kakashi asked.

"Then subdue and arrest him by any means," Tsunade stated, "With the four of you working together, I trust there won't be too great of a problem. Asuma?"

"Hm," Asuma muttered.

"Bring in Konohamaru," Tsunade said.

"My nephew," Asuma asked, "Why?"

"The boy has been reported to being in the company of Daisuke the entire time, Asuma," Tsunade made clear, "Like it or not, the boy is an accomplice to this as well."

Asuma sighed as he reluctantly complied, What did that idiot of a nephew of mine get himself into this time?

Kurenai saw the troubled look on her boyfriend's face

"Dismissed," Tsunade stated before the four Jounins went on their way to find both Daisuke and Konohamaru.


Team 9 was walking together after completing the day's training session. Tenten was still nursing her wounded pride after being defeated and healed by Daisuke.

"That's the second time I lost to a foreigner, Tenten thought sourly before a her mood changed, But at least he was kind enough to heal all of my injuries. Yet what Neji said about Daisuke having no face really creeps me out.

"Tenten," Lee asked seeing that his female comrade was spacing out, "Are you feeling well?"

"Just fine Lee," Tenten assured, "I was thinking about that Daisuke character."

"Yes," Lee said, "He was a most youthful friend of Konohamaru-kun! His hard work has truly paid off for him, especially seeing that he shares our vision in flaming youthful!"

"…Don't remind me," Tenten sighed, "As strong as this Daisuke is, it's almost surprising that none of us has ever heard of him."

"Perhaps," Neji spoke up, "He's good at covering up his tracks and living under a very low profile. Often times, stronger ninjas have many enemies that want them dead, if they could be killed."

"Do you speculate that Daisuke-san has acquired enemies in foreign territories," Lee asked, "Maybe now he seeks refuge here in Konoha, do you think?"

"Nothing of that nature has been said," Neji pointed out, "So we shouldn't presume that-"

"Hey Lee, Tenten, Neji," a hyperactive voice yelled out. Team 9 turned to see U. Naruto and Hinata walking together and making their way over to them.

"Naruto-kun," Lee greeted, "How are you?"

"I'm feeling great," Naruto replied, "Thanks to Hinata that is."

The Hyuuga heiress smiled with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"What happened," Neji inquired, "And how did Hinata-sama helped?"

Naruto started off, "Some guy named Rurounin No Daisuke showed up and-"

"We know him," Tenten interjected, "We saw him earlier with Konohamaru when they came by during our training session."

"What did that prick do," Naruto asked, causing Team 9 to look at him funny.

"You mean he isn't a friend of yours Naruto," Neji asked.

"Hell no, he isn't," U. Naruto spat, "That pompous cold bastard had the nerve to bad-mouth Sasuke and Sakura-chan to my face and think nothing of it."

"…Actually," Hinata confessed, "I-It was Daisuke-san who suggested that I go find and cheer you up Naruto-kun."

"What," Naruto turned to Hinata in surprise, "You're joking right?!"

Hinata shook her head, "My team and I met Daisuke-san with Ino and Sakura at the library. He said that his first meeting with you was bitter and unpleasant. He acknowledged that you weren't happy with the outcome of his meeting with you. (Blushed) So, he wanted me to find and make you happy again. He was confident that I could cheer you up and get you back into your normal self again."

This revelation shocked U. Naruto greatly. Up to now, Naruto was cursing Daisuke's name to hell for all the things he said earlier and now Hinata admitted that Daisuke wanted her to cheer and make him happy again. Though Hinata was a shy and timid girl, she wasn't a liar, this U. Naruto knew.

"Daisuke did that," Naruto asked. Hinata nodded with her head partly lowered. She was afraid that this would make Naruto think differently of her, even after what he said about her at Ichiraku.

"I guess his sending you Hinata to cheer me up was his way of saying he's sorry," U. Naruto figured, "I suppose he's not so cold after all, though he's still a pompous prick."

"Y-You don't dislike me for that, do you," Hinata asked nervously.

"Don't be crazy Hinata," Naruto replied, "I'd still be sulking in my own misery right now had it not been for you! I don't think any less of you for that and I meant everything I said of you back at the Ichiraku! Dattebayo!"

Hinata blushed redder and smiled brightly, secretly wishing to thank Daisuke to placing U. Naruto in a foul mood and sending her to cheer him up. Tenten was about to say something when she caught sight of the other Genins and Shikamaru approaching and joining them. Konoha's eleven was now assembled.

"What's the troublesome topic that's in discussion amongst you guys," Shikamaru asked boredly.

"Konohamaru's new friend," Tenten answered, "Rurounin No Daisuke."

"…Never heard of him," Chouji said while munching on his chips.

"None of us have until today," Sakura said.

"We don't know much about him," Ino added.

"Besides that fact that he's an expert user of the naginata and know medic jutsus," Tenten commented.

"He knows medic jutsus," Sakura asked. Tenten nodded, "He came with Konohamaru a few hours ago at the training group we were at and challenged me to a spar…I lost badly and he had to heal me."

"What's more is that Daisuke is walking puzzle," Neji stated, "I couldn't make sense of his chakra, his coils and bodily make up. Along with this, he has no face."

"What's that suppose to mean," Naruto asked confused with the others except Tenten and Lee also looking confused. Neji elaborated, "During his spar with Tenten, I used my Byakugan to analyze him and found an undefined chakra coil system with erratic chakra in his body. When I went to see though his mask, I couldn't see a face or make sense of what I was seeing."

"Don't feel like you're going crazy," Kiba interjected, "Akamaru, Shino and I also couldn't make head or tails of that guy either."

"How so," Hinata asked since we left early from the library instead of sticking around with her team.

"Compounded with Neji finding Daisuke with no face," Shino spoke up, "We found him with no body odor. He has no scent whatsoever, making tracing him with tracking dogs or bugs impossible."

"But if Konohamaru is still in his company," Shikamaru figured, "Then let's follow Konohamaru's scent and see where it leads us."

The Genins nodded in agreement as they and Shikamaru made their plan to track down Daisuke through Konohamaru. While this was going on, three kunoichis were standing on the rooftop of one of the buildings looking on at the group below.

"This is not good," N. Ino remarked. (A/N: N. Ino, N. Hinata and N. Temari will be used to differentiate between the girls from U. Naruto's universe)

"We have to get to Daisuke and Konohamaru before they do," N. Temari stated, "Hinata, can you locate them?"

"I'll try," N. Hinata said, "Byakugan!"

Using her bloodline limit, N. Hinata scanned around the village in hopes of finding both the boy and Daisuke. So far, her search turned up blank.

"They don't seem to be in the village," N. Hinata confirmed, "They must be elsewhere."

"Let's continue our search on foot," Temari suggested as the two younger girls nodded before departing on their way.

(Back In The Cave)

After spending a couple of hours studying and analyzing the seal, Jiraiya began writing a series of high level seal stabilizers around the Hoka Sekai Senshi. From the complexity of the seal, the Toad Sannin had a bit of a while before he could enact the stabilizers.

(Elsewhere In The Forest)

A squirrel was moving around in search of food to eat. It went from place to place eating the small vegetation and berries it found on the ground. As the animal was eating what food it found, an inexplicable creature stealthily made its way over to where the squirrel was. Slowly the creature moved closer to the squirrel while the animal was unaware of its presence. The squirrel didn't have time to react when the creature ambushed and killed it before swallowing it whole.

After ingesting the slain squirrel, the creature grew in size, becoming more reptilian as it grew arms, feet and a spiky tail. The reptilian creature went in search of more food and prey to increase in strength.

(All The While)

Konohamaru and Daisuke were walking together outside Konoha where the running stream was. The older teen was still carrying his naginata over his right shoulder while Konohamaru was looking over the book he borrowed from the shinobi library. The boy was surprised at the amount of rules that went into using bojutsu and the naginata. The dedication it would take for him to learn from that book would require more time than his anticipated.

"Konohamaru-chan," a young feminine voice called out, breaking Konohamaru out of his studies. The boy looked up to see Moegi and Udon running over to him. Konohamaru closed his book and held it in his arm as the pair approached him and Daisuke.

"Moegi-chan, Udon," Konohamaru greeted, "What are you two doing here?"

"We were looking everywhere for you," Moegi smiled, "We haven't seen you for the last few days."

"We thought something might have happened to you," Udon said, "Is everything all right?"

"Just fine," Konohamaru assured. Moegi and Udon looked to see the older teen standing next to Konohamaru.

"Who's this guy," Moegi asked as she eyed the older boy questionably.

"Oh him," Konohamaru answered, "This is Rurounin No Daisuke. He's a visitor."

"From where," Udon asked.

"That's exactly what we'd like to know," Kakashi said as he and the three other Jounins appeared some distance from them. Daisuke found Kakashi, Gai, Asuma and Kurenai standing in front of him and the three youths.

"Is there a problem," Daisuke asked.

"Rurounin No Daisuke," Kakashi replied, "We have orders to bring you in for questioning."

Konohamaru wondered what was going on, "What's the idea? Dai-kun didn't do anything-"

"Konohamaru," Asuma interjected, "This ninja is an unknown stranger, and we have rules about foreign ninjas entering and walking through our village unauthorized."

The boy was about to defend his friend when…

"Konohamaru," Daisuke said, "Please take your two friends and head over to your uncle. I don't want you or them to get into any trouble."

Asuma looked at Daisuke cautiously, "How did you know I'm his uncle?"

"I saw the resemblance," Daisuke shrugged. Asuma and the other Jounins didn't look convinced. Konohamaru complied and went over to Asuma with Moegi and Udon, leaving Daisuke alone.

"Daisuke," Kurenai spoke up, "Save both us and yourself the trouble by following us back for questioning."

"On what charges," Daisuke asked.

"You possess attributes that our Hokage finds questionable," Asuma said.

"I didn't do anything wrong nor did I do anything in secret," Daisuke retorted calmly, "Konohamaru and I were always where we could be seen by the public and ninja populous. Therefore your Hokage's paranoia is unfounded."

"You're in our village unauthorized," Kakashi said, "And we have no record of you or your exploits in any village or nation."

"You must be Hatake Kakashi," Daisuke said, "I know much about your exploits. Also I ran into the blond fool and Dekosuke earlier."

"Who," Gai asked.

"He means Naruto-niichan and Sakura-san," Konohamaru interpreted.

"What did you do," Kakashi asked.

"Offer Naruto some advice which I doubt he'll accept," Daisuke replied.

"And that was," Kakashi inquired.

"For him to stop pursuing fruitless romances with kunoichis that don't like him," Daisuke explained, "And to broaden his horizons to find a kunoichi worth his time and effort who likes and appreciates him for just being him. His wasted infatuation with Sakura will get him nowhere besides at the other end of her fist."

The Jounins now had raised eyebrows on hearing that.

"You're telling us that you came to Konoha to help Naruto with his love life," Kakashi remarked cynically, knowing that there was a lot more to Daisuke's presence than he was letting on.

"If he has a female companion who admires and appreciates him and finds inspiration from him as a drive to better herself," Daisuke replied, "Both that girl and Naruto will get very far I strongly believe. That shy Hyuuga heiress seems like a nice girl. I hope she went and cheered Naruto up like I asked after that fool and I got into a small argument earlier today."

"And what did that argument entail that required Hinata to comfort Naruto," Kurenai asked. Deep down, Kurenai was wondering what Daisuke's true motives were. It was almost as though he was trying to hook Naruto and Hinata up. The genjutsu mistress, who was practically a mother figure to the Hyuuga heiress, knew of Hinata's feelings for Naruto and her reluctance to open up and tell the Naruto the truth about it.

"For him to accept the fact that Sasuke is a traitor to Konoha and to everything the title of Hokage stands for," Daisuke stated, "The argument turned ugly as he stubbornly refused to accept everything I told him about Sasuke's betrayal and his senseless promise to Sakura in bringing that traitor back to Konoha. In the end, I sent that fool away in tears without so much of an apology.

"After Konohamaru and I ran into the other Genins at the library, I briefly told them what happened between Naruto and myself and requested Hinata to find and cheer Naruto up."

"Why Hinata?," Kurenai asked carefully.

"She expressed the most concern for Naruto and his well being," Daisuke said with no deception in his voice, "I knew she'd have taken immediate action if anything were to happen to Naruto. It was clear to me that the young girl has feelings for the stubborn narrow-minded Genin.

"Later Konohamaru and I met up with Gai and his team and I had a sparring session with Panda-ko."

"Who," Asuma asked.

"Tenten," Gai interpreted, "That's the nickname he gave her, which my youthful student doesn't seem to like."

"After my sparring session with her," Daisuke continued, "Konohamaru and I went on our way and ended up where we are now."

Kurenai and the other Jounins looked at Daisuke suspiciously.

"How do you know about Sasuke's defection," Kakashi asked.

"I have my sources," Daisuke replied, "Plus I do my own research. Sasuke's a lost cause, though Naruto won't accept that, foolishly believing that he could redeem someone who consciously betrayed all that the Hokages gave their lives for."

"Naruto had a bond with Sasuke," Kakashi retorted, "And they were best friends despite their rivalry."

"Despite the rivalry you both had Kakashi," Daisuke implied, "Obito didn't betray his bond and friendship with you before his untimely death; did he Kakashi?"

Kakashi's eye narrowed dangerously at Daisuke.

"He saved your life at the cost of his own," Daisuke continued, "And gave you his Sharingan to replace the left eye you lost to that Iwa Jounin during the Third Great Shinobi World War. I consider that Uchiha's selfless actions as one of a true friend, not Sasuke's."

Kakashi and the other Jounins saw that Daisuke knew and understood too much and the fact that Konohamaru and his two friends were around to hear this didn't help matters either.

"Daisuke," Kakashi stated with a serious tone, "You will follow us back to Konoha seeing that you possess knowledge that very few are to know. You're a security risk."

"I have no intentions of being interrogated any further," Daisuke said, "I answered all of your questions with no falsity to my explanations."

"Don't make matters harder than they have to be Daisuke-san," Kurenai interjected, "We don't want to have to resort to force. But we will if we have to."

"The four of you against one," Daisuke acknowledged, "That doesn't seem like a fair fight seeing that you guys won't see much. I don't intend to break a sweat."

Kakashi looked at Daisuke carefully and wondered if this ninja really knew what he was getting himself into while believing he could dispatch four of Konoha's elites. Gai was about to say something when Daisuke suddenly grabbed himself after feeling something rush through his being. He fell to his knees while holding himself. His naginata disappeared into him.

"Dai-kun," Konohamaru called out, "Are you all right?"

As Daisuke held onto himself, he started glowing with blue chakra as an image of someone else started pulling onto him, as the dimensional fabric of reality was warping around him. Soon a dimensional bubble appeared around Daisuke a few seconds later, it imploded with a flash, revealing an entirely different person kneeling in Daisuke's place in the same pose and position Daisuke formerly was in. The new person had spiky blond hair, dark gray ninja pants, a white tank top and was barefooted. He was catching his breath while in his disoriented state.

Kakashi and the others stayed on guard, ready for anything, or so they thought. U. Naruto and the others arrived to see their respective Jounin-senseis, Konohamaru and his friends standing in front of the new guy that was previously where Daisuke was.

"Kakashi-sensei," U. Naruto called out as he and the others hurried over to them.

"What are you all doing here," Asuma asked.

"Looking for this Daisuke guy," Shikamaru replied in boredom, "I was dragged into this troublesome adventure."

"Who's that guy?," U. Naruto inquired as he turned and pointed to the new guy on his knees with his face to the ground. Everyone else at that moment turned to the new stranger as he focused green chakra into his right hand and placed it over his head to stop and heal the pain and his disoriented condition. Moments later he was done as the chakra disappeared. Turning away from the others, the stranger stood back up on his feet with his back facing them. He stretched and cracked a few bones around his body to loosen himself up. There was a moment of silence as the group prepared for whatever the new stranger was planning.

"Hey," Gai yelled out, "Who are you? And what became of Daisuke-san?"

"Rurounin No Daisuke does not exist," the stranger replied, "He was merely a projected embodiment of my stronger ninja characteristics and ideals that were somehow extracted from out of me. He was somehow merged and absorbed back into me, returning me back to normal."

The stranger turned to face them, giving everyone a shock they weren't prepared for. Konohamaru pretended to be shocked so as to not blow his cover. Kakashi and the others Jounins couldn't believe who they were looking at.

"M-M-Minato-Sensei," Kakashi stuttered. U. Naruto looked at both Kakashi and the stranger in confusion and repeated, "Minato-Sensei?"

"You wish," the stranger remarked, "The name's Naruto."

U. Naruto's eyes widened from the sheer audacity of the person in front of him claiming to be him. Hinata and Neji both looked at him and activated their Byakugan.

He looks like the spitting image of Yondaime, Kurenai thought.

"That's Naruto-niichan," Moegi asked in shock.

"Only bigger," Udon implied, "And without the whisker marks on his face."

"What the hell are you trying to pull you damn imposter," U. Naruto yelled out, "I'm Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Indeed we are," N. Naruto agreed, "We have the same blood, the same birthday, the same body scent and the same eyes. But I'm just in my older teenage form as a result of a healing kinjutsu that backfired and aged me. Plus our personalities and level of skills are way different despite the fact that some of our characteristics are similar."

"You expect us to believe that load of garbage, baka," Sakura scoffed, "You don't even have the whisker scar marks on your face! That's something Naruto has naturally."

"Even in this universe you never change at all Sakura," N. Naruto remarked in boredom, "You're still the same Dekosuke I often took you for."

That was the same mocking nickname Daisuke called her earlier that day. Sakura now radiated bloodlust and the desire to pulverize the older blonde. U. Naruto knew that since Sakura was now studying under Tsunade, she was also practicing how to imitate Tsunade's strength.

"You're in for some busted teeth and a bad beat down buster," Sakura threatened.

"Idle threats," N. Naruto replied, "Do not work on me."

Before Sakura could retort…

"He's telling the truth," Neji confirmed.

"About his insults to me," Sakura sneered.

"No," Neji replied, "About who he says he is! That teenager in front us is truly Naruto!"

"WHAT?!," other Genins except Hinata yelled out. U. Naruto retorted, "That can't be-"

"There's no mistake," Hinata agreed with Neji as she blushed hot red while examining the older-looking N. Naruto, "He is N-N…Naruto-kun, except his chakra coils are thicker and far more developed. Other than that, their chakra signatures are exactly the same."

N. Naruto wanted to say something to Hinata but decided against it.

"The guy smells exactly like Naruto," Kiba confirmed, "There's no distinct difference between their scents."

"This is how Naruto will look like when he grows older," Ino asked with a disbelieving expression, Damn! I never thought dead last Naruto would grow up to look this hot! And he's muscularly built and toned too!

"Without that ridiculous-looking orange jumpsuit that stands out like a sore thumb," N. Naruto remarked.

"Ridiculous," U. Naruto growled, "Who are you to talk!?"

As everyone was having his or her thoughts of N. Naruto was studying him carefully, Kakashi decided to go straight to the point.

"What did you mean by "even in this universe"," Kakashi asked cautiously, "And exactly who or what are you since you say that this Daisuke had split from you earlier today? And seeing that your style of fighting resembles Orochimaru's, are you in anyway affiliated with him?"

U. Naruto turned to Kakashi after hearing the question asked.

"Are you one of Orochimaru's special ninjas with the cursed seal," U. Naruto asked, "Do you know where Sasuke and Orochimaru are?"

"One," N. Naruto said, "Though I know the Snake fighting style, I have no connections with Orochimaru nor do I know where he is. Two, I do not share whatever attachments and sentiments you have for that traitor Sasuke."

U. Naruto growled angrily, "You may look like me, but there's no way you're my older self."

"I never said I was you," N. Naruto remarked, "And I made it clear that we're very different in spite of whatever similarities we share."

"If you have nothing to do with Orochimaru," Gai asked, "Then why are you here?"

"I was summoned to this world," N. Naruto said straightforwardly, "Through the use of a long lost ancient S-class summoning jutsu; a jutsu that can only be executed properly by an experienced seal master."

The group found this revelation hard to digest, let alone believe, despite the truthfulness in N. Naruto's voice.

"You're from another dimension," Chouji asked, being the first to break out of his shock.

"I thought I established that fact earlier," N. Naruto remarked, "I'm from a completely different plane of reality."

"Why don't you have whisker marks on your face," Kakashi asked.

"For reasons concerning my birth I'd rather not discuss," N. Naruto answered, "But I assure you Kakashi that the other Naruto and I share the same burden."

The Genins assumed that he meant that he too was an orphan, however the Jounins deciphered N. Naruto's meaning behind his words in that he's also a Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Yoko.

Another Jinchuuriki was summoned, Kakashi thought, One who also has a Kyuubi within them. This could be trouble.

Two containers of Kyuubi, Gai wondered, One from a completely different dimension?

"If what you say is true," Asuma asked cautiously, "Who summoned you?"

"The identity of my summoner is of no importance," N. Naruto answered, "Even if it was, I'm not allowed to reveal my summoner's identity seeing that I'm bound to that summoning jutsu's contract."

"Nevertheless," Kakashi cut in, "You will be brought back with us under the Hokage's orders."

N. Naruto focused chakra through his body.

"Understandably, from all that you saw and heard, it's clear that you all will do what you must to bring me back for further interrogations, either by Morino Ibiki or Yamanaka Inoichi," N. Naruto said as he assumed a fighting stance, "I'm afraid I can't let that happen. Therefore, all of you are going to have to fight me."

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be," Kurenai stated, "You're outnumbered and foolishly chancing a fight between yourself and four ninja squads."

N. Naruto replied, "Like I said, I won't allow myself be brought in for interrogations, Tsunade's orders or not."

Konohamaru was at a lost in what N. Naruto was up to. Seeing that N. Naruto masked his identity in being the one who summoned him, Konohamaru decided to play it safe and not jump into the situation taking place.

"Konohamaru," U. Naruto said, "Take Udon and Moegi to a safe spot from here while we deal with this guy."

Konohamaru didn't argue as he just did as he as told in backing away and leaving the group with Moegi and Udon.

"Seeing that this mysterious seal master have summoned you into this world for an unknown reason, especially through the use of the jutsu you mentioned," Kakashi said as he lifted up his hard protector off his left eye to reveal his Sharingan, "It's clear that we better not take you lightly."

Gai got into a taijutsu stance, Kurenai assumed a fighting stance of her own and Asuma pulled out and placed his knuckle knives on. Their respective Genins likewise readied themselves to face off against N. Naruto. Tenten pulled out her weapons, Sakura pulled out some senbon needles, Lee and Neji assumed their respective fighting stances.

"You'll pay for that "Dekosuke" remark of yours," Sakura snarled. Shino readied his bugs around his arms and Kiba and Akamaru took their beastly battle stances.

"Ready Akamaru," Kiba asked. Akamaru barked in affirmation. Hinata had a saddened facial expression as she looked at the older Naruto. She looked as though she wanted to curl up and cry. Still, she was a ninja of Konoha, and despite how she felt inside about the situation, she had her obligations and responsibilities as a kunoichi and she had to protect Konoha from outside threats, whatever and whoever they may be. She assumed her Jyuuken style, "Naruto-kun."

"It's sad and most unyouth that you have to fight against us as our enemy other Naruto-kun," Lee said as he looked at N. Naruto, "Nevertheless, we'll show you how radiant our flaming youth is in this world!"

"This is so troublesome," Shikamaru remarked, "What good could come from this?"

"Enough talk," U. Naruto replied, "Let's just kick this guy's ass and bring him back! Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"

U. Naruto summoned ten clones, making their number twenty-five to one. Seeing this, N. Naruto stood up from his fighting stance and grinned mischievously as he was now about to put his plan into action. The look Kakashi saw was one U. Naruto would give when he was up to no good.

What is he up to, Kakashi wondered.

"First of all…," N. Naruto narrated as he picked up a rock and tossed it up and down, "I'm twenty-two years old and a school teacher. My love life is rather dull seeing that I'm not married, which accounts for all the vivid imaginations I have developed over the first year I started teaching, especially as I work with many gorgeous young women."

Everyone now looked at N. Naruto with a perplexed expression.

"What the hell is he doing," Tenten asked.

"Beats me," Shikamaru replied. N. Naruto continued as he started walking back and forth while continually tossing the rock up and down:

"My fantasy always revolved around some of my students, who are age from sixteen to eighteen. Being a confirmed young man, I'm constantly distracted by the luscious curves all around me at school. Alongside this, many of the girls in school frequently wear form-fitting clothes and short skirts. Several times while I was teaching the class, I found it difficult to stay focus on what I would be discussing while trying not to see what color panties the girls were wearing since most choose to cross their legs in a fashion that would arouse any young man my age in their early prime."

Kakashi couldn't help but blush and giggle perversely as he was intrigued with the story. It was like listening to the narration of one of his favorite books. U. Naruto and his clones were looking at N. Naruto in disgust.

"Ero-baka," U. Naruto yelled, "What kind of ninja are you?! Are you even serious about fighting us?!"

The older blonde tossed the rock at their feet and continued his story shamelessly:

"One day during class, I went over to one particular girl with short lavender hair and pale eyes, while the rest of the students were working. I moved over casually to this student and started talking with her about her work. While talking, I absentmindedly stroked her hair, and she responded by resting her head against my hand, carefully so that nobody would notice. We were both quickly excited. She knew what I want, and she wanted it too.

"By this time I was becoming hard. She noticed and pushed her chair back a little so that her shoulder was pressing against my erection, where she rubbed it with little movements. In turn, I pointed to her work in front of her and managed to brush against her breast "accidentally." The risk of someone noticing what we were doing made it all the more exciting to us."

Kakashi blushed and held his mouth as he giggled again, he was already hooked to the story. Gai found the story most unyouthful and taboo. Unlike Kakashi, neither Gai nor Asuma were taking a liking to what they were hearing.

"What the hell is this," Asuma asked to no one in particular, "Is this supposed to be someone's idea of a twisted joke?"

"I don't know what this older Naruto-san is trying to pull," Gai responded, "But his story crosses too many boundaries between sensei and apprentice."

Kurenai didn't like where this story was going and she was very already angered by the sexual context of the story involving a teacher and his student. She turned to Hinata only to find that the red-faced Hyuuga heiress was already in a trance. Hinata was blushing like a tomato while involuntarily listening to N. Naruto's voice telling the story in the first person, especially after hearing the short description of the spoken girl. Sakura looked ready to kill and pummel N. Naruto and was trying to think of when would be the best moment to attack the pervert.

"Naruto's Oiroke No Jutsu is bad enough," Sakura remarked, "But this other Naruto is worse!"

Ino tried to look angry but she couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next as she visualized herself as the girl N. Naruto was talking about.

Kiba looked to be hanging on every word being spoken while Shino had a raised eyebrow. Neji was frowning at N. Naruto and shook his head in disapproval upon seeing the look on Hinata's face. Lee, Chouji and Shikamaru didn't know what to expect from this bizarre change of situation from ready to fight to erotic story telling.

"By this time we were both so aroused that it must have become noticeable. I backed off and suggested that she come with me to the storeroom to get some materials. The rest of the class continued working."

N. Naruto turned to look at the group and saw that they didn't know whether to attack him or even bother to take him serious about actually fighting. The older teen blonde smiled and continued with a more sensual tone:

"When we got to the storeroom, I locked the door and then turned to her. She was waiting, roused, but not knowing what to do as I was the first man that had affected her this way. We kissed delicately, and then I turned her back to me and pulled her to me. At first she didn't understand why, but when I started touching and fondling her soft ample breasts and erected nipples, she saw the advantages of this position and pressed back against me. Feeling her silky and creamy skin against my hands with the smell of her body was intoxicating. She had never felt a man's touch before and the sensations she was experiencing from my touch and caress awoken a passion in her soul.

"I slowly worked down to her clitoris and the tension built up in her until I finally reached under her pants and panties and rubbed my finger between her slit. It was wet and juicy with anticipation. She was frantically pushing and rubbing her buttocks against my hardened member by this time, and I was almost ready to burst from her grinding."

"Enought of this," Kurenai yelled indignantly with a reddened face, "I don't see why we should bother to take you serious about actually fighting all of us! You're as bad as Jiraiya-sama, if not worse!"

Neji, Kiba and the rest of the boys by this time were blushing like crazy and unwillingly felt aroused by what N. Naruto was describing. Lee found this N. Naruto very unyouthful and found his student-teacher love affair story inappropriate. The girls had embarrassed facial expressions from N. Naruto's graphically detailed story.

Kurenai was preparing to do a set of hand signs to catch N. Naruto in a deep genjutsu before she and the rest of the girls beat hell out of him. Seeing their expressions, N. Naruto continued:

"I undid her pants button and unzipped her fly, while at the same time she had reached behind her and undid my zipper before stroking my erect manhood. Its size scared her for a little while, and I had to gently persuade her that she could completely take it in."

Hinata now felt small trickles of blood dripping from her nose with the visuals she was having. She didn't know much she could take before she passed out from blood loss, but wanted to hear the whole thing out. Ino tried to fight down the blush and perverted smile that formed on her face while feeling heat building up within herself. Tenten, blushing like the others, held her kunais tightly while seeking a right moment to attack the shameless story-telling pervert.

I'll kill him! I'll kill him, Sakura contemplated as she grinded her teeth with fury and cracked her knuckles, This new Naruto will need Tsunade-sama to heal him personally after I'm finished mangling his body!

U. Naruto and his clones turned pale and gulped upon seeing the look on Sakura's face.

I'd hate to be the other me right now, U. Naruto thought fearfully, believing N. Naruto was really in for it when he has to suffer Kurenai and the other females' wrath when his story-telling was over.

"By this time, she was really "hot," with the added thrill from the fact that anybody may come into the storeroom at any time. So I-"

Kakashi was sent flying backwards off the ground after N. Naruto instantly appeared and punched him hard in the face. Speedily N. Naruto swung kicked Gai hard to the back of his head. Gai was sent straight to the ground head first, knocking him out instantly. Kakashi skidded off the ground several times before coming to a brutal stop on the ground lying motionless and unconscious.

"Fuuton: Shippuu Uzumaki No Jutsu," N. Naruto yelled out as he focused wind chakra and rotated in a speeding blur with his arms extended creating a wind manipulated version of the Kaiten. The attack punched and knocked everyone off their feet and away from him with a strong force as the wind dome extended. U. Naruto's clones were all taken out while U. Naruto himself and the others were sent flying either to the ground or into nearby trees.

N. Naruto stood in the center of the small crater he created from his wind-based vortex. He watched moments later as Asuma, Kurenai and the other Genins helped each other up. They all sported a series of bruises, bleeding scrapes and cuts from his surprise attack and ambush. Kakashi and Gai, who were still unconscious, were also blasted away from Naruto's wind attack, which led to them suffering additional injuries as collateral damage. Shino and Kiba were picking themselves off the ground and Akamaru was whimpering in pain from the impact of the attack and collision into the base of the tree he hit.

"Are you hurt," Shino asked Kiba despite his own injuries.

"Just my pride," Kiba snarled while holding the injured Akamaru in his arms, "I'll get that other Naruto for this!"

Hinata and Neji were left speechless in how N. Naruto was able to create an attack that closely resembled the Hyuuga's prized Kaiten.

Who is this ninja, Neji thought as he helped Hinata off the ground, He used an attack similar to the Kaiten based on pure wind manipulation. He's not a normal ninja and his rank must be that of a high Jounin.

Hinata pulled out her handkerchief and wiped away the blood that had dripped from out of her nose while trying to cool down her arousal that resulted from N. Naruto's story. Sakura, after checking her own injuries, went to see if Gai and Kakashi were all right and if they suffered any serious injuries. Ino was helping Chouji up and then went to help Shikamaru only to see that the Chuunin lost consciousness after hitting his head on the tree he crashed into. U. Naruto was helping Tenten and Lee pull themselves together.

"Kakashi and Gai were obstacles I didn't want to deal with, as was Shikamaru," N. Naruto explained, "Kakashi had brains and the Sharingan, Gai was a powerhouse with the capacity to back Kakashi and the rest of you up, and Shikamaru was the strategist. I wanted them out of the way without too much trouble, which was why I conjured up that hentai story I gave not too long ago. I knew I could count on Asuma, Kurenai and Gai to be strongly disgusted at my story and Kakashi's perverted nature to lead them to take the bait.

"With all of you being in the state of minds I placed you all in while telling my story, it was easy catching and attacking you all by surprise. Remarkably, none of you suffered from bone breakage, yet."

Kurenai and Asuma saw that N. Naruto thought this plan through and admitted that they themselves were effectively caught off guard by this. What N. Naruto didn't tell them was that he also placed a jutsu marker on the rock he tossed at them earlier, which was why he was able to shunshin over to them combined with Minato's speed and take out Gai and Kakashi when they least expected it. Using the Fuuton: Shippuu Uzumaki No Jutsu in close range within their midst made the attack all the more devastating despite the fact that he held back from using it at full force.

"Teme," U. Naruto snarled, "You'll pay for this!"

"You all have only yourselves to blame for letting your guard down," N. Naruto made clear.

"Perhaps," Neji retorted, "But we will not make that mistake twice."

"We better take that Naruto more serious this time," Shino advised, "What happened earlier only confirmed that he's a lot stronger, faster and smarter than he lets on."

"He can also use wind manipulation," Asuma pointed out, "That makes him more dangerous, so be careful!"

N. Naruto gestured for the remaining ninjas to come at him.


Sakura gathered her senbon needles and held them between her fingers. Hiding in the bushes, Sakura positioned herself at the left left of where N. Naruto was standing. With careful aiming and accuracy, she launched the needles at N. Naruto, hitting several vitals spots on his body. Everyone watched as the blond Elite Jounin was struck by the needles in his back and chest before falling to the ground on one knee with the senbon needles implanted into his body.

"Damn it," N. Naruto cursed as he turned to the left to see Sakura emerged from out of the bushes, "I didn't anticipate this!"

Whoa, U. Naruto thought in admiration, Sakura-chan immobilized him! I guess all that training with Tsunade-no-baachan really paid off! That other 'me' is in for it this time!

N. Naruto struggled to move but found it painful to do so. Seeing his incapacitated and defenseless state, Sakura approached him and threw two more needles into his arms to ensure that he couldn't perform any seals. N. Naruto snarled from the attack as he stared up at Sakura on his one knee with narrowed eyes.

The other Genins slowly approached N. Naruto as he unwillingly remained where he was. Sakura and Tenten looked ready to pummel him while Shino eyed N. Naruto warily. Hinata kept her distance after she and Kiba saw the look on Shino's face.

""Dekosuke" was it," Sakura asked as she cracked her knuckles, "Any final words you like to say, Naruto?"

"…Just one," N. Naruto painfully strained, "…Bang."

N. Naruto exploded, blasting everyone away from him. Ino and Chouji were sent soaring and rolling across the dirt and grass and into the nearby stream.

"Sakura-chan!," U. Naruto yelled as he saw his female teammate blasted into the air before crashing down to the ground, battered with a couple of burns and unconscious with an equally battered Tenten colliding into Sakura and crashing down next to her as she was also knocked out.

"Tenten," Lee yelled out as and U. Naruto went over to the unconscious girls. N. Naruto burst from out of the ground in front of U. Naruto and Lee and stood up with a collected expression.

"When did he switch with an exploding clone," Hinata wondered out loud. What they didn't expect was that N. Naruto anticipated Sakura's use of her senbon needles. So he quickly made an exploding clone and shunshin'd to the rock that was blown into deep into the forest from his wind attack.

"I warned them to take this new Naruto more serious and that there's more to him than he lets on," Shino remarked.

"You bastard," U. Naruto cursed at N. Naruto, "I'll get you for hurting Sakura-chan and the others! Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"

U. Naruto summoned eight solid clones and surrounded N. Naruto with them.

"Fuuton: Arekuruu Kaze," N. Naruto said as he focused his wind element and created a dust storm, blinding Lee, U. Naruto and his clones as they were forced to shield their eyes. Moments later, the dust storm died down and cleared, revealing that N. Naruto was no longer in sight.

"Where did he go," one of the clones asked as they looked around.

"He disappeared," another clone said.

"I really doubt that," one the clones said before thought came to mind, "Wait! He could be amongst one of us in henge form!"

U. Naruto and the clones turned to look at each other suspiciously.

"How do we know you're not the imposter," one of the clones accused the other.

"I can ask the same of you," the other shot back. The clones started arguing before fighting amongst themselves. U. Naruto tried to break them up only get caught up in the ruckus.

"Naruto-kuns," Lee called out as he hurried over to the quarreling group, "This isn't the time to become unyouthful amongst ourselves!"

Lee was pushed away by the arguing clones. Fed up with them, U. Naruto dispelled the clones, leaving himself and Lee alone on the field.

"He escaped," U. Naruto said seconds before he was kneecapped hard to the gut. U. Naruto doubled over and was elbowed to the back and onto the ground on his chest by Lee. U. Naruto wheezed from having the breath knocked out of him and having his back struck. He held his stomach in pain after being assaulted by Lee.

"What gives fuzzy-brows," U. Naruto asked with a confused look, "It's me! I'm the real Naruto!"

"Yes Naruto-kun," Lee agreed before puffing into smoke and changing back to normal, "We are indeed."

N. Naruto punched his right fist into the ground and pulled out the unconscious Lee whom he took out and buried in the ground in the dust storm he stirred up earlier. U. Naruto's eyes widened upon seeing N. Nauto standing over him with Lee in his grasp.

"Your clones were correct in asserting that I was in henge form," N. Naruto said, "However I counted on them in assuming that I'd be hiding as one of them while least expecting that I was disguised as Lee of all people."

Damn! This guy is good, U. Naruto admired, From the way he's fighting and beating us, I must really be something in the world he's from!


Asuma and Kurenai regrouped with Hinata, Kiba, Shino and Neji.

"That guy is no Genin nor do I believe he's a Chuunin," Asuma realized.

"He's strategically decreasing our numbers," Shino acknowledged.

"Do any of you have any suggestions," asked Kiba.

"I have a suggestion," a new voice said from behind, causing everyone to turn to the owner of the voice, "You can die…"

Namikaze Naruto has revealed himself and is fighting against Uzumaki Naruto and all of his friends. However a mysterious intruder has appeared and threatened the lives of the remaining Jounins and Genins? Who is this new intruder and will the N. Naruto and the others stand a chance against the intruder? Find out next time.

Fuuton: Shippuu Uzumaki No Jutsu=Wind Release: Hurricane Whirlpool Technique

Fuuton: Arekuruu Kaze=Wind Release: Raving Wind