Chapter Sixty-Two: Leviathan

(Meanwhile On The Battlefield)

N. Naruto stood over U. Naruto with the unconscious Lee in his right hand. The older blonde laid Lee down next to the immobilized blond Genin as he knelt down on his left knee to face his alter ego.

"You and your friends are competent ninjas little bro.," N. Naruto smiled at U. Naruto, "Despite what Daisuke told you earlier today, I personally don't see things entirely the way he said them, especially since this isn't my world."

"Where are you getting at," U. Naruto asked sourly, "Aren't you our enemy?"

"Far from it," N. Naruto replied, "I'm a Konoha shinobi in my world also."

"Then why did you fight us?," U. Naruto asked angrily, "Why didn't you just agree to come back with us?"

"As you saw earlier," N. Naruto explained, "Your Jounin-senseis were already temperamental about me, especially after the stunt Daisuke pulled before you guys got here and they were hell bent in bringing me back for further interrogations. I didn't want be arrested and have my mind read. There are some secrets about me I don't want to be made known or public."

"Beside the fact that you're a Jinchuuriki and also have the Kyuubi sealed inside you like me," U. Naruto asked.

"That's an S-class secret," N. Naruto clarified, "There's another secret about me that's SS-class."

"You're joking, right," U. Naruto remarked.

"No," N. Naruto replied, "Like I said, there are some things about me I don't want to be made known.

"And the fact that I and three others are in this world already places me, them and my summoner at risk. The jutsu used to bring us to this world was a jutsu that was never to be used again. In truth, I and the three kunoichis with me aren't supposed to be here."

"Who's the holder of this jutsu," U. Naruto asked, "Does your summoner have anything planned against Konoha?"

"No," N. Naruto assured, "Nothing of that nature. So you and your friends don't have to worry about that. Plus, I'm sincerely sorry for Daisuke's actions."

"What are you talking about," U. Naruto remarked with a perplexed expression, "Weren't you Daisuke the entire time?"

"Rurounin No Daisuke was not an actual person," N. Naruto elaborated, "Earlier today, the seal that was used to bring me and my three friends to this world somehow malfunctioned and probed deep into my mind. That seal overwhelmed all the safeguards I built to control the power of my mind, including my dark and focal ninja characteristics and ideals, the types that live within us shinobis.

"With those safeguards that control them ripped away, that harsh concentrated side of my nature came forth determined to carry out objectives he believed should be done according to his own will, doing so without any regards to the opinions and feelings of those he came across in this reality. Daisuke lacked my other essential qualities which includes compassion, empathy and understanding. His existence was based exclusively on the way of the ninja, being completely emotionally detached.

"From the things I saw earlier in this world when I first came here disguised as you, I saw and experienced things that left me confused, angry, disgusted and distraught. Not used to the treatment I received from the villagers, Daisuke adamantly sought to fix things his way. He approached Konohamaru and offered him training in exchange for information the boy knew about your life, even if it was limited. Please don't hold it too much against Konohamaru, he only thought that he was helping a very close friend and brother-figure in you."

"I was never angry at Konohamaru to begin with," U. Naruto said, "Just that cold-hearted inner-jerk that came out of you."

Ignoring his remark, N. Naruto continued, "In the weakened and vulnerable state that I was in, I couldn't control Daisuke so long as that malfunctioned seal was still operating.

"I believe someone must have found and corrected the seal, which teleported me to where Daisuke was and merged us back to normal. Only a true seal master could do such a thing, therefore the one responsible for fixing that seal must be alert to my presence in this world."

"So all those things Daisuke said of me, Sasuke and Sakura-chan," U. Naruto asked.

There was a momentary silence between the two blondes. After gathering his thoughts, the older blonde took a breath, trying to be as honest as possible.

"Understand me please little bro," N. Naruto said, "I'm not here to impose my will upon you and the others nor am I here to tell you how you ought to live your life regardless what Daisuke believed and said to you and Konohamaru. This isn't my world nor is your life my life. We're two different people with different beliefs and upbringings.

"In spite of the opinions I hold about Sasuke and Sakura in this world however, I can't nor will I force you to accept them since I never lived your life, and likewise you never lived mine. It wouldn't be fair of me to tell you how you ought to live your dreams based on experiences I had that you don't understand. It still stands though that I don't share your attachments or sentiments you have for Sasuke, but unlike Daisuke, I'll respect them if that much."

"…That's fair enough," U. Naruto admitted and then asked, "But what about Sakura-chan?"

"She's your teammate and fellow shinobi," N. Naruto said, "And very much like the Sakura from my universe."

"Why don't you like Sakura-chan," U. Naruto asked, "I know she's not perfect, but she's not all that bad as Daisuke made her out to be."

"Don't get me wrong little bro.," N. Naruto said, "I don't hate her and she is trying to become a better kunoichi and medic-nin like the Sakura from my world. But I personally don't take too kindly to being insulted by girls with violent tempers who think they can have their way with me. And in terms of girlfriend material, I'm not here to tell you exactly who you ought to go out with. However, I will say that you shouldn't be afraid to widen out and broaden your horizons in meeting and getting to know different females. Who knows, maybe one might surprise you in sharing our love for ramen."

"Share our love for ramen," U. Naruto remarked with a wide grin, "That sounds more like the ideal girl!"

"Still," N. Naruto continued, "I'd like to know and learn more about you and what life had to be like for you growing up seeing that there's so little I understand. Though I'm a fellow Jinchuuriki however, I never lived life as an outcast, so it was hard for me to relate to you, just like it was hard for me to relate to Gaara. If you're willing to share your experiences with me, little bro., you can help me better understand you and perhaps I can better understand myself. So what do you say? Can we be friends, little bro.?"

The younger blonde found himself smiling his trademark fox grin at his older counterpart, "You bet! Maybe you can tell me some things about yourself also and those cool jutsus you used!"

N. Naruto smiled and nodded when suddenly an explosion of some kind was kind.

"The hell," N. Naruto yelled as he and U. Naruto turned to the source of the explosion, "Your friends are in trouble!"

"I can see that," U. Naruto replied as he pulled himself together and stood back up, though still sore from his alter ego's previous attack.

"Help your friends I took out while I deal with this new threat," N. Naruto said as he hurried over to where the others were.

(In The Forest)

Kurenai, her team, Asuma, and Neji were up against a towering seven foot tall humanoid shinobi crocodile. (A/N: Think of Lizard from Spiderman, except with crocodile spikes around its body and tail).

This new foe was both deadly and fast with a body that was hard to penetrate. Neji's wounded right arm was being treated by Hinata after he was bitten. The Hyuuga prodigy attempted to shut off the creature's tenketsus and nearly lost both of his arms attempting to do so. Shino lost a number of his kikai bugs after a failed attempt to tear through the mutated crocodile's thick armor-like scales. The creature unleashed a vicious spinning attack that killed a portion of Shino's bugs and injured Shino himself on top of that. The reptilian monster was too fast for Kurenai to trap in a genjutsu and she took a smack and injury to her left leg from his spiky tail.

Asuma and Kiba were doing what they could to hold the creature off from their wounded comrades but things weren't going in their favor.

"That creature is very tough opponent," Neji said as he winced from the pain, "I couldn't penetrate any of his tenketsus."

"Try not to move niisan," Hinata insisted as she cleaned and bandaged his wound. Just then Asuma and Kiba came flying in, crashing down where the two Hyuuga Genins were. Both Jounin and Genin sustained several injuries from their battle with the creature and additional injuries from their crash landing impact.

"Kiba-kun, Asuma-sensei," Hinata called out in great worry. The two staggered to get back up despite their injuries. The creature moved in closer and stood over the group.

"You guys are putting up more of a fight than the last meals I've had in this forest," the creature remarked, "But there'll be no escape from Leviathan."

"Uh, excuse me," a voice cut in from behind Leviathan. The creature turned to see N. Naruto's fist punch strike him in the face with a strong force as he was sent flying through a series of trees through the forest and into a boulder, creating a crater into it before falling to the ground motionless. Hinata, Neji and the others were gaping with mouths and eyes wide open like dish plates, being too shocked by what they saw.

"He has Tsunade-sama's insane strength," Kiba said stating the obvious, "One hit and you're dead!"

"Exactly how strong is this new Naruto," Neji asked aloud.

"It would be safe to assume that during his fight with us," Shino deduced, "He's been using non-lethal force to take us down."

"I hate to admit this," Kiba said, "But I think you're right."

Turning to the group, N. Naruto went to check on them, "You guys alright?"

"You attacked and beat the hell out of us and now you're asking if we're alright," Kiba snorted.

"Would you rather I had stayed out of the way while Leviathan had its way with you guys," N. Naruto shot back. Kiba was about to say something when…

"Naruto-kun," a feminine voice called out. Everyone turned to see N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari arrive on the way.

"What the," Kiba shouted, "You mean you weren't the only one who was summoned to this world?!"

"Long story," N. Naruto replied as the three girls made their way over to him.

"You're awake and back to yourself Naruto-kun," N. Ino smiled and caressed his face, "Are you alright now?"

"Super," N. Naruto remarked before, "Look out!"

N. Naruto grabbed all three girls when a blast of organic acid was sprayed at them. The acid struck one of the trees and dissolved it enough to cause it to collapse to the ground. The girls paled momentarily when they saw what could have happened to them had their lover not got them out of the way in time. They turned to see a smaller version of Leviathan facing them that stood over six feet.

"Another one," N. Naruto said, stating the obvious.

"Hopefully," N. Hinata added, "There aren't anymore of them besides this one and the big one you took out."

"One is already too much," N. Naruto remarked, "You three girls deal with this one and help the others, while I deal with the larger one that ambushed the others a moment ago."

N. Naruto hurried through the wreckage of fallen trees he made after punching Leviathan. The smaller reptilian creature looked back at the girls darkly.

"I'm going to eat and dissolve the flesh off your bones," the reptilian creature said as it held out its claws at them. N. Ino and N. Hinata readied to fight as N. Temari pulled out her fan and spread it open, "Bring it! We've been meaning to have new belts for ourselves."


Upon his arrival, N. Naruto found that the creature was gone.

"Shit, it escaped," N. Naruto cursed as he searched around for the creature. It was long until the creature's spiky tail came swinging swiftly at his face. N. Naruto ducked, narrowly avoided the spikes of the tail slashing the flesh off his face. Leviathan leaped from the bushes and stood before N. Naruto.

"Namikaze," Leviathan grinned sinisterly, "I've been meaning to find you. Orochimaru-sama sends you his regards."

"What did you say," Naruto said cautiously with narrowed eyes, "I killed Orochimaru."

"Really," Leviathan taunted, "I recalled how you escaped death's grip in your last battle with my master. Surely you didn't think Orochimaru-sama wouldn't have a fall back plan in case his others failed, did you?"

"How did you follow me to this world, and how was it that Orochimaru survived an attack that clearly ended his life?"

"Aren't you nosy," Leviathan mocked as he charged at the now angered Namikaze. Not in the mood to waste time and play around with the creature, N. Naruto evaded and parried every attacked, tail swipe and claw slashes Leviathan threw at him.

"How did he survive!?," N. Naruto asked heatedly as he found an opening and implanted his fist into the creature's gut, hard. Leviathan coughed out blood from its mouth from the sheer impact of his fist.

"Tell me!," Naruto demanded.

"Never!," Leviathan spat back before trying to take a bite out of N. Naruto's head. The Elite Jounin grabbed its jaw as the creature pressed down on him, using all of his strength to reach his head.

"I don't have time to waste on the likes of you," N. Naruto said as he charged the creature and body crashed him through a tree that was close by. Leviathan got on both his hands and feet focused chakra into his body. The Rokudaime in-training watched as the creature grew in size and strength.

"Oh great," N. Naruto growled as Leviathan chuckled sinisterly as a large thirty foot-long crocodile.

"You won't get much from me except the far end of my teeth gnawing on your bones," Leviathan growled as it charged at N. Naruto. It snapped its mouth at the blonde seeking to catch him in its oral grip. Naruto speedily moved out of the way as the creature crunched its mouth onto the tree N. Naruto stood in front of. Leviathan tore the tree off from its foundation and swung it at N. Naruto. The blonde punched the tree to pieces, leaving the tree stump remaining in the creature's mouth. The creature swung and threw the stump at N. Naruto's direction as it rushed at the blonde.

N. Naruto moved to the left avoiding being hit by the stump as Leviathan plunged and tunneled into the ground.

"The hell?," N. Naruto said as heard tunneling noises from under the ground. Silence soon consumed the area as Naruto looked around for the creature. Barefooted, Naruto stealthily moved around on the dirt covered ground with the monster nowhere in sight.

"Where are you?," N. Naruto said slowly while keeping his guard up for a possible surprise attack. A moment later, the ground burst open in back of him. Naruto turned in time to grab the tail that nearly impaled itself through him. Leviathan though burst forth from behind Naruto and caught him in its mouth.

"Aaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!," N. Naruto cried from the pain of Leviathan's sharp teeth crushing down on his body. The blonde was struggling to break free from Leviathan's hold.

"I'm going to enjoy savoring the taste of you, Namikaze," Leviathan said as he pressed his teeth deeper into N. Naruto, for to see the blonde lose color before bursting into mud, "What?!"

Leviathan spat the mud from out of its mouth. N. Naruto came charging in from behind and raced through a set of hand seals.

"Doton: Doryū Taiga," N. Naruto said as the ground from underneath Leviathan melted into a running river of mud. Unable to get a strong grip of the surface, the monster reptile was pushed away with a strong force from the currents of the flowing mud. It managed to stop its momentum in time to see Naruto perform additional hand signs.

"Doton: Doryūdan," Naruto said as a dragon's head made from the flowing mud emerged and fired a series of hardened mud rockets at Leviathan. Quickly doing another set of hand signs, Naruto said, "Katon: Karyūdan!"

Fire burst forth from Naruto's mouth and stream swiftly over to the mud rockets, combining with them to form one attack. The fused elemental attacks blasted upon Leviathan's form, blowing off chunks of scales and flesh that were consumed by the fire. As the fire cleared away, a burned and battered Leviathan growled and roared beastly before coming at the blonde with a rage despite its injuries.

"He's still able to fight," N. Naruto noted with shock. Leviathan swiped its spiky tail at the blonde who ducked underneath it and then jumped over it as it came at him again. Hurrying to the reptilian beast, Naruto assaulted it with a strong punch to its guts, sending Leviathan skidding off the ground before coming to a crashing stop into one of the trees in its path.

Naruto carefully made his way over to Leviathan as it gradually stood back up. The mutant reptile shrunk down to its previous size and came at the Elite Jounin with a fury. N. Naruto dodged many of Leviathan's attacks all the while seeing Leviathan healing from the wounds N. Naruto would inflict on it.

"Shit," N. Naruto cursed in frustration, "He heals as fast as I'm hitting him!"

"It's fun fighting you and seeing your dismay in your incapacity to do me serious harm," Leviathan taunted.

"So you feel nothing from any of my attacks," N. Naruto implied.

"Oh I do feel the experience of pain," Leviathan replied, "But it's much unlike how you humans handle them. You see I have the ability to move my brain and vital organs wherever I please."

Leviathan demonstrated by shifting his heart of a few of his other organs around his body before return back to his original appearance.

"When I see your attacks coming, I simply adjust and reconfigure my internal makeup so that all you hit are scales and flesh. It makes hurting me very complicated, especially since you don't have the Byakugan."

"I don't have time to waste on you," N. Naruto said as he took a moment to come up with a plan to stop the creature before it could do further harm to anyone else. That though was interrupted as Leviathan launched itself at N. Naruto. The Jounin evaded the slashed but was struck from the side by its tail, resulting in three bleeding slash marks appearing on his left arm.

"Damn you," N. Naruto cursed as he pulled back momentarily to heal his arm. The creature though wasn't about to have the blonde have his way in doing so when it raised its raise arm out and extended it clawed fingers into Naruto. The five tentacle-claws impaled into Naruto's chest, tearing through flesh and bones.

The blond Rokudaime in-training bit down a scream of pain that wanted to escape his throat. He grabbed the tentacles and pulled Leviathan over to him. Upon reaching him, N. Naruto delivered a solid punch to the creature's face sending him flying from him. Naruto though pulled him back to him again and this this delivered a swift swing kick to the beast before releasing the tentacles that now came out of him as Leviathan went skidding and crashing down onto the ground. Naruto took the moment to heal himself as fast as possible before being assaulted again. The wounds weren't closing as fast as he would have liked.

"By now you can see that you don't have ordinary wounds," Leviathan pointed out, "My claws were laced with toxic venom which will circulate through your body and in time kill you."

"Well it won't be the first time I died," N. Naruto grunted before feeling Kyuubi's chakra entering where his wounds were and ridding his body of the venom he was poisoned with, gradually allowing his wounds to heal.

Leviathan was healing and pulling itself back together before standing back up on its two feet.

"You can hit me all you like," Leviathan said, "But it won't help to change anything! I'll just come right back."

The creature laughed at the blonde as the Elite Jounin quietly allowed his wounds to close up.


N. Naruto's girls were having their fair share in battling Leviathan's smaller and elusive doppelganger. They had several close calls in almost being hit by his acidic spits and poisons clawed tentacle fingers. Temari's wind jutsus played their part in keeping the doppelganger at bay but only for so long. Like the original, it was able to move its brain and vital organs around its body and it didn't stand around long enough to give N. Hinata and N. Ino an opportunity to double team and do serious damage to it.

"We have to take that creature out and fast," N. Hinata said, "I don't know for how much longer we can keep this up."

"He's fast and hard to pin down without the risk of being bitten, poisoned or torn apart," N. Temari added.

"We have to find some way to immobilize it long enough to take it down," N. Ino suggested.

"How will we accomplish that," N. Hinata asked. Temari was quiet for a moment as she went to possible ways for killing the creature before their chakra reserves ran out. After three minutes an idea came to her.

"I have an idea," N. Temari said, "But we'll only get one shot to make it count, so there's no room for mistakes!"

"I'm up for anything useful you have to offer," N. Ino said.

"What's your plan," N. Hinata inquired. N. Temari briefed them quickly and just in time as the reptilian doppelganger came at them again.

"Let's do this," N. Ino shouted as the creature made its way to N. Hinata who stood where she was unaware of the hand signs N. Ino was making. Just as the creature thrust out its arms and extended its tentacles, N. Hinata darted away at the last second, narrowly missing being facially impaled by the creature as its tentacles rammed and impaled themselves through the tree behind N. Hinata.

"Shintenshin No Jutsu," N. Ino said as she transferred her mind into the trapped creature as her body fell to the ground. While inside the mind of the doppelganger she hurriedly disabled it, knocking its mind out. Seeing her chance, N. Hinata activated her bloodline limit, rushing and attacking vital tenketsus in its body, damaging its chakra coils and causing organ failures as she attacked them as well, right as N. Ino escaped from out of the body and back into hers. N. Hinata pulled back and got to a safe distance with N. Ino, allowing N. Temari to finish the job.

"Daikamaitachi No Jutsu," N. Temari yelled as she used her large fan to create and focus slicing whirlwinds against the weakened creature. The doppelganger was brutally assaulted and torn by the wind-based attack. Overwhelmed by the severity of all three attacks, the smaller version of Leviathan collapsed dead to the ground. The girls approached the creature and made sure it was dead.

"I see no trace of chakra or a heart beat," N. Hinata confirmed as she scanned its body, "We officially killed it."

"What the hell was that thing," N. Temari asked aloud.

"Who knows," N. Ino remarked, "I just hope there aren't more of those damn things."

Kurenai and her team and Neji went over to the three girls.

"Good work in taking out that creature," Neji complimented, "Your teamwork and plan of execution were rather impressive."

"Thank you," N. Hinata replied, "How's your arm?"

"Still in place thankfully," Neji said. U. Naruto approached them seeing that they got through removing the threat.

"You three were amazing," U. Naruto complimented, "I wasn't sure how you guys were going to deal with whatever that thing was."

"Our Naruto-kun trained and taught us how we can complement each other's unique abilities as a fighting team," N. Temari said with a smirk, "Together we're a force to be reckoned with."

"Speaking of the other Naruto-kun," Hinata spoke up, "Isn't he still fighting that larger monster?"

(In The Meantime)

With most of his injuries healed up, N. Naruto continued his battle with Leviathan and so far they, were at a stalemate. The area where they were fighting suffered extensive landscape damages and a number of trees were either destroyed or uprooted. The drawn out battle was proving to be agitating for the blonde and frankly he had enough of the monster. After catching his breath, N. Naruto prepared to fight the creature again. Before he could, Leviathan picked up on new scents that entered the area.

"Children," Leviathan smiled sinisterly as he turned to the source of the scent, which turned out to be Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon from a distance. Transforming back into a giant crocodile, Leviathan rushed at them.

"I love children!," Leviathan drooled hungrily as it trembled down whatever was in its way like a raging tank.

"RUN!," Konohamaru yelled urgently as he, Moegi and Udon turned to run as fast as their feet could carry them. Leviathan closed in on them just as Moegi tripped and fell to the ground.

"Moegi!," Konohamaru and Udon cried out as they turned back to aid their friend as Leviathan prepared to bite down on the young girl who now had a look of panic and terror as the crocodile monster lunged at her.

"Female children always have the most tender taste and feeling on the teeth," Leviathan remarked hungrily, "I'll start with you!"

Moegi screamed and shielded herself, preparing for the worst. Leviathan's snapped its mouth at Moegi but it didn't do any harm to the girl. Its teeth were mere millimeters away from the skin of her face when it came to an abrupt stop. It turned to see N. Naruto holding it back by its tail.

"I had just about enough of you!," N. Naruto declared as he pulled and threw Leviathan high into the air. There N. Naruto shunshin'd to it and delivered a brutal roundhouse kick to it, sending it flying through the air and deeper into the forest. It didn't get far as N. Naruto shunshin'd over to where it was and before it could reach the ground, N. Naruto appeared on top of it and drove it hard into the ground with a strong punch to its guts. The blonde jumped from off it and flipped away from it, making a small distance from the monster crocodile. Moments later, Leviathan slowly rose from the crater and stood back up as it transformed back to his humanoid form. Naruto stood upright to see the creature gradually heal itself again.

"You still failed to hit my vitals," Leviathan grinned, "The Hyuuga boy himself couldn't do much to hurt me even with his Byakugan! You're fighting a losing battle! I'll just heal from all the punches, kicks and stab wounds you'll give me."

The killer mutant crocodile was confident in its healing factors, sure that it had the fight won. N. Naruto decided to break his brief silence.

"You know I thought about what you said…and you're right, without Byakugan there's no way I can tell where your vitals are hiding," Naruto stated as then he focused and flared chakra around his arms and fists, "So I'll just slash and smash everything all at once."

"And how do you plan to-"

(Two Minutes Earlier)

U. Naruto, Kurenai and her team and Neji were hurrying over to where they saw last saw Leviathan and N. Naruto battling it out. Asuma found Konohamaru and his two friends and brought them back to where the others were recuperating and being checked up on by N. Naruto's girls. After seeing the direction N. Naruto kicked Leviathan through the air and back into forest, they followed the path hoping to provide additional fighting power to take Leviathan down.

That was when a few moments later, a ground-shaking impact occurred that rocked the forest. The tremor sent everyone off their feet to the ground and many birds flying from the trees into the air and other smaller animals running from where the impact occurred.

"That can't be good," Kiba remarked as he and the rest with him were getting back off the ground.

"C'mon," U. Naruto said, "That could be Leviathan's doing!"

"I somehow doubt that," Shino commented after seeing N. Naruto's abilities till now. The group hurried to the scene and found a shocking sight.

There was a huge crater with several trees all around the crater knocked from off their foundations. Inside and in the center of the crater was N. Naruto, who stood over the fallen and inhumanly beaten and bleeding Leviathan with cold ocean blue eyes staring down at it. Leviathan lied motionless on its back overwhelmingly broken, bleeding and indescribably mangled after N. Naruto got through crushing and tearing through muscles, bones, nerves, spinal cord, and several organs. Its eyes were left wide open as though it was in shock from the sheer intensity of N. Naruto's vicious attack.

Fusing Hiraishin, Godaime-like strength and chakra scalpels proved to be beyond what Leviathan was realistically able to handle. The creature, despite its still opened eyes, wasn't conscious due to the extreme shock its brain suffered as a result of Naruto's last attack.

"What the hell?!," Kiba remarked. N. Naruto looked up at the group with the same eye and facial expression, causing the group to shudder and involuntarily take a few steps back from the crater. Those eyes belong to ninjas who've seen things beyond death and back.

Kurenai tried to suppress her growing fear of N. Naruto while wondering who this supposed seal master was that summoned him and how he was able to control such a powerful ninja. Hinata looked at the older blonde with emotions of shock and fear. Shino's eyebrows were raised at the Leviathan's appalling disfigured sight. Neji was holding his stomach in after seeing the creature's condition. U. Naruto didn't know what to think. He was scared at the present sight of Leviathan but at the same time his admiration for N. Naruto grew.

Grabbing its tail, N. Naruto dragged and hauled the creature from out of the crater with a trail of blood following behind it. He looked to see the group looking at him. They noticed the blood on N. Naruto's shirt but found no wound or any other injury on him whatsoever.

"We were hard pressed fighting that guy," Kiba said, "And here it is that this new Naruto came and single-handedly beat it."

"To within an inch of its life," N. Naruto added as he reached the group.

"W-What," Kurenai said with realization, "You mean that thing is still alive?!"

"He'll no longer pose as a threat to anyone," N. Naruto assured, "Its body is far too broken for its healing abilities to handle. Even if he could heal, its spinal cord and nerve endings which I severely damaged are impossible to heal with medic ninjutsu of any level."

"Then why don't you just kill it and put it out of its misery," Neji asked.

"He has answers to questions I seek," N. Naruto replied.

"He won't be talking anytime soon," U. Naruto remarked, "If at all."

"Don't worry about that," N. Naruto assured as he continued dragging Leviathan, "I already have that issue covered."

Seeing the horrid condition of the creature's body up close, the group knew that no ordinary ninja could have done this much damage in such a very short time.

"How exactly did you beat Leviathan," Kurenai asked, "We were approaching and getting close to where both you and Leviathan were fighting. From our earlier fight with Leviathan, we barely did much harm to it. But mere moments before we caught up with you, you somehow pulverized the creature in a very short time."

"How I did it is not important," N. Naruto remarked, "What's important is the information I have to extract from out of him."

"You know interrogation techniques," Shino acknowledged. N. Naruto nodded, "He's from my universe and somehow he teleported with me and the girls."

"Through a long lost and forgotten jutsu," a new voice spoke up. Everyone turned to see Jiraiya standing beside a tree nearby.

"Ero-jisan," N. Naruto said out of force of habit, causing everyone to raise their eyebrows.

"Ero-jisan?," U. Naruto repeated quizzically. Seeing his blunder, N. Naruto sighed, "…I'll explain later."

N. Naruto summoned a thirty-one kage bushins and handed Leviathan over to one of them.

"Take and detain it," N. Naruto instructed, "Make sure it doesn't die before I can interrogate it."

The clone nodded as it went on its way from the group, disappearing quickly into the forest before it shunshin'd from the area. Turning to the remaining clones, N. Naruto instructed, "For the rest of you, your job is thoroughly sanitizing the entire area for Leviathan's blood trails and whatever other remains of Leviathan are left. Make sure nothing is left behind."

The clones nodded and henge'd into different looking people of various ages from man, woman and children. Given their instructions, they went off to complete the task they were summoned for. Jiraiya looked at N. Naruto with eyes of fascination. Like the others, he too had many questions for the Elite Jounin.

"Hoka Sekai Senshi," Jiraiya said, earning everyone's attention as they turned to him, "I heard many stories about that ancient summoning jutsu; most of which are in steep in the blood of the slaughtered."

"Well," N. Naruto said, "Let's not talk here. It would be best to regroup with the others and bring Konohamaru and his friends with us seeing that they saw and know too much as it is."

The others nodded before returning to where the rest of the group where at. Returning, he found his three girls. Upon their arrival, they found that the smaller version of Leviathan was already dead. N. Hinata and the other two girls were checking on the rest of the Konoha nins after gathering their unconscious forms together under shaded trees.

"Is everyone accounted for?," N. Naruto asked, gaining his girls, Asuma, Konohamaru and his two friends' attention.

"We're all here Naruto-kun," N. Temari nodded.

"Any serious injuries?," N. Naruto asked.

"You besides the ones you personally inflicted on them," N. Ino remarked, only to receive a shrug from her lover.

"Niichan," Moegi said to the older Naruto. The blonde turned to the young girl who went over to him and bowed to him, "Thank you for saving my life and the lives of my friends from that monster."

Konohamaru and Udon also went and thanked him in the same like manner.

"You're welcome," N. Naruto accepted before he went over to where the smaller Leviathan was. Picking up its tail, N. Naruto dragged it away from the group and trees. When he was in the clearing at the rocky side of the river away from the trees, he performed a couple of hand seals and…

"Katon: Ryū Endan," N. Naruto said before taking in a large gasp of breath and blowing fire upon the dead creature, burning its body to ashes. After it was completely burned, he used his wind element to blow the ashes into the river, washing away any traces of the burnt creature. With that task done, he returned to the group and began healing everyone's injuries. The Konoha group was silent as they didn't know what to say to N. Naruto and the girls with him. U. Naruto looked upon his older alter ego in awe and admiration. There were a number of questions they wanted to ask him and so many things they wanted to know from him.

"They'll regain consciousness soon," N. Naruto assured before turning to Jiraiya, "All of their injuries have been fully healed and mended."

"You're quite the shinobi gaki," Jiraiya remarked.

"I had very good teachers and parents," N. Naruto replied.

"P…Parents!?," U. Naruto repeated, "You had parents…You know who our parents are?!"

Jiraiya started sweating, seeing that this could be trouble. Before the Sannin could intervene…

"Foster parents," N. Naruto said, "I was raised by foster parents all my life."

The older blonde saw some measures of happiness, sadness and jealousy mixed together in U. Naruto's eyes.

"I know all of you have many questions for us," N. Naruto said, "But the girls and I can't answer them here or within Konoha's walls. Tell kaa-chan-"

"Who's kaa-chan," U. Naruto asked. N. Naruto smacked himself in the forehead realizing his own blunder, "…The one you refer to as…baa-chan."

"WHAT?!," Jiraiya pieced together, "You mean Tsunade-hime raised you?!"

"…All my life," N. Naruto confirmed, "And you are my pervy uncle and somewhat father figure. Kakashi and Shizune are like my older siblings."

Now everyone wanted to hear this, especially U. Naruto. They started shooting a series of questions at him all at once. N. Naruto had to quiet them down not wanting to answer their questions just yet.

"Like I was saying," N. Naruto said, "Tell your Hokage and Shizune-neechan to meet me and the rest of you guys tomorrow around this time at sector No Return."

Asuma and Kurenai felt cold chills run down their spines, knowing about the infamous reputation of that sector of the Forest of Death. Jiraiya too was very familiar with that sector.

"Why there," Jiraiya inquired.

"That's where the girls and I are taking temporary residence," N. Naruto replied, "Meet me at the entrance of that sector and one of my kage bushins will escort and guide you all to where we're staying at. And make sure no one else know of this meeting. Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi may come too."

"They can't," Asuma protested heatedly, "I won't risk their safety in that forest and-"

"You have worser things to fear in that forest than the monsters and beasts living there," N. Naruto interjected.

"Like what," Asuma asked.

"Like us," N. Naruto remarked referring to himself and his girls, "I assure you, nothing will happen to the children. After all, you should have a measure of reassurance seeing that the girls and I are temporarily residing there in that sector."

"…What are they," Kurenai said in an undertone unknown to herself.

"What was that remark," N. Temari asked while holding her fan with narrowed eyes.

"We'd appreciate if you don't insult us under your breath, Kurenai-san," N. Hinata said in a respectful yet firm tone. Neji, Kurenai and Hinata were taken aback by this new Hinata's conduct. Her aura alone was enough to tell the female Jounin that this other Hinata wasn't like the one she looks at as a daughter.

"I apologize," Kurenai said with a low bow. The Genins and Jounins saw that N. Naruto's girls were very unlike the ones they came to know. These girls gave off similar auras N. Naruto gave. That was when they finally noticed the Konoha insignia around N. Temari's neck. Before any of the Genins could question N. Temari about it…

"Very well," Asuma reluctantly agreed after seeing N. Naruto's point, "We agree to your terms."

Turning to Jiraiya, N. Naruto said, "You were the one who corrected the seal I assume."

"I came across it on the way here back to Konoha," Jiraiya said, "That seal was a most complex one if I ever say so despite how sloppy parts of its designs were drawn."

"Where's this seal located," Kurenai asked.

"It's best if that's kept secret," Jiraiya said, "There's a reason why that seal was never used again. I had to conceal where that seal was before anyone else saw it. We'll meet with the older gaki at when and where he told us to."

"Thank you," N. Naruto said as he turned to his girls, "Hina-chan, Ino-chan, Tema-chan, move out."

The girls nodded and gathered around N. Temari. Using her fan, she flapped it and performed a wind and sand shunshin, departing from the area with N. Ino and N. Hinata with her. N. Naruto was about to leave when…

"Hey," U. Naruto called out to his counterpart, "I have a question for you."

N. Naruto turned to him and asked, "Yes little bro.?"

"What's a clitoris?," U. Naruto inquired, "You mentioned it in that story you gave us earlier."

Jiraiya burst out laughing on hearing that while holding his stomach. Kurenai and Hinata were blushing in pure embarrassment and Kurenai herself was tempted to smack U. Naruto for asking such a question despite his naivety. Neji, Asuma, and Shino shook their heads while Kiba was cracking up. Grinning, N. Naruto replied, "It's a special and very sensitive muscle unique only to human females as an Adam's apple is to human males."

Kurenai appreciated N. Naruto's tasteful approach to the question though she was still angry at him for what he did earlier.

"Oh," U. Naruto said as he turned and looked at Hinata, "So that means you have one too, huh?"

Now N. Naruto burst out laughing at his alter-ego's stupidity. Jiraiya and Kiba only laughed harder while Neji frowned daggers at U. Naruto. Kurenai couldn't believe what she was hearing and seeing. Hinata's shock and embarrassment only worsened from being asked such a question in front of the few present.

"Y-Y…Yes," Hinata choked.

"Cool! Can I see it," U. Naruto asked, totally unaware of what his question entailed. Jiraiya and Kiba at this point fell to their hands and knees as tears of laughter fell from their eyes. They were practically gasping for air as their laughter continued. Hinata's face turned a shade of red no one thought was humanly possible, and the fact that part of her was tempted to comply and lead him behind the bushes out of sight to answer his question caused a few droplets of blood to seep down her nose before she fainted.

Asuma was biting his tongue down and fought to keep a straight face though a few chuckles escaped his throat. Kurenai turned and glared heatedly at her boyfriend who gulped and cowered like a scared animal.

"Was it something I said," U. Naruto asked cluelessly while scratching the back of his head.

"Idiot," a flustered Kurenai muttered. N. Naruto was fighting to regain control of his own laughter and soon managed to regain control over it.

"Read up on the human anatomy at the library and you'll have a better understanding about it Naruto," N. Naruto suggested, "And when you do little bro., you should never ask a female that question again. I'll see you all tomorrow. Make sure you're not followed."

With that N. Naruto shunshin'd from them to catch up to his girls leaving the group with their thoughts. By that time Jiraiya and Kiba eventually calmed their laughter down enough to get serious.

"Let's wrap this up," Jiraiya said, "We can't talk here."

"What hit me," Kakashi said as he woke and gradually stood back up. A moment later, Gai, Shikamaru and the other Genins who were unconscious woke up; except for the still red-faced Hinata.

"That other Naruto beat and knocked you all out and healed all of your injuries," Neji stated. Kakashi and the others didn't know how to respond to that. Before any of them could…

"We have much preparation to do," Jiraiya said, "Seeing that you're all awake now, it save us the trouble of carrying all of you back. Let's return to the Hokage Tower now. There's much we must discuss with Tsunade-hime."

"Where's that other Naruto," Kakashi asked.

"We'll discuss that later," Jiraiya said firmly, "Let's return to the tower now!"

It was rare to see Jiraiya like this. The Jounins knew that this was going to be a serious mission when Tsunade assigned the task of capturing Daisuke, but now things became more complicated with everything that's happened thus far. Without further delay, they followed the Toad Sage back to Konoha. U. Naruto volunteered to carry Hinata back since he was responsible for making her faint. Sadly, that was a pleasure the Hyuuga heiress would later regret not being awake to fully enjoy and appreciate. When Sakura asked what happened that led to Hinata's unconscious state, no one bothered to answer her question, especially since she'd have beaten Naruto into an unconscious bloody heap, thus resulting in additional weight to carry back which no one wanted.

Jumping to the trees, the Konoha nins started on their way back to the village. While on their way, something came to U. Naruto's mind.

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto asked.

"Hm," Kakashi muttered.

"Earlier you mistaken my older counterpart with this Minato-sensei person," Naruto recalled. Jiraiya turned to the cyclops ninja while hiding his true expression. Shikamaru, being the closest one next to Naruto overheard the conversation between the two ninjas.

"He reminded me of a ghost from my past," Kakashi replied, keeping a straight face, "That's all."

"Who was this Minato person from your past," Naruto asked, "From the way you were looking at the other me, it was as though he was a long lost friend."

Jiraiya saw that this could be trouble.

"I'd rather not talk about it Naruto," Kakashi said, hoping to close the discussion, "The topic about Minato-sensei is a rather sensitive topic to me."

"It's that serious, huh," Naruto figured, "If you don't want to talk about it, then I won't try to force it out of you."

"I truly appreciate that," Kakashi nodded before the group continued on their trek back to Konoha. Jiraiya knew that Kakashi truly screwed up big time but he decided not to voice it just yet. Shikamaru on the other hand saw that Kakashi knew and was hiding something. He saw from Kakashi's expression after first seeing N. Naruto that the Jounin mistaken N. Naruto for his dead sensei.

Come to think of it, Shikamaru contemplated, That other Naruto looked like a younger Yondaime without the facial whisker marks, which in turn means that Uzumaki Naruto will grow up to look like Yondaime as well.

The gears in Shikamaru's head started turning as he now sought to piece together unexplained reasons for Naruto's strong resemblance to the late Yondaime and the fact that there might be possible connections between Yondaime and Naruto…


N. Naruto was back at the house with the girls. He was in the living room explaining everything that happened with regards to splitting with his embodied subconscious "Runounin No Daisuke", Daisuke's interactions with Konohamaru, the others, his fusing back with Daisuke and how he beat Leviathan.

"That's quite a tale Naruto-kun," Ino said, "All this happening all in one day."

"What will you do with Leviathan now," Temari asked.

"Probe his mind to see what I can find," Naruto said, "He told me that Orochimaru sent him."

The girls' looked at Naruto in a stupefied disbelieving matter.

"That's impossible," Hinata replied, "Orochimaru is dead! You killed him. Ino-chan, myself and many others eye witnessed it! There's no way he could have survived and escaped from that kinjutsu ougi you used on him!"

"We won't get answers by arguing about this," Naruto said, "I strongly believe that we'll get the answers from Leviathan itself. Ino-chan, your clan specializes in mind reading and temporarily controlling someone's body. You're experienced with that than I am and my training with the Yamanaka clan's jutsus is far from finished. I'll require your expertise in helping me probe and divulge information from Leviathan's mind. He holds information that could threaten the safety of many back home if what he says about Orochimaru is true."

"I'll do my best," Ino said, ready and willing to get Naruto her fullest support, "I'll help in whatever way I can."

"Hina-chan," Naruto turned to the Hyuuga, "Your Byakugan will be most useful in monitoring Leviathan's vitals. We'll need you to standby and keep watch over Leviathan and make sure his body doesn't shut down while Ino-chan and I are in him. If it does, we might end up trapped within that dead mind."

"I won't let you down Naruto-kun," Hinata said.

"Tema-chan," Naruto said, "With, Ino-chan, Hina-chan and I occupied, you'll be our only line of defense, especially since neither Ino-chan and I won't have to capacity to defend ourselves physically while we're in Leviathan's mind. We'll need you as our means of protection."

"The feared Second Flash of Konoha in need of my protection," Temari teased, "Now I know we're not home."

"Seriously Tema-chan," Naruto snorted.

"You have my unwavering support Naruto-kun," the wind-mistress smiled.

"Great," Naruto nodded, "Now let's get everything set up for the interrogation."

"It would be best if we rest first Naruto-kun," Hinata suggested, "We exhausted a large amount of chakra today and we could use a break right now."

Naruto thought about what Hinata said. Taking the day's events into consideration, Naruto agreed, "You're right. We'll perform the interrogations later this evening after everything has been prepared."

The four of them went and got themselves cleaned and rested up with something to eat, preparing for a long night ahead of them…

Namikaze Naruto and his girls are preparing to dig into Leviathan's mind for answers concerning possible secrets of Orochimaru's supposed survival. Will they find the answers they seek or will it turn out to be some wild goose chase? How was Leviathan able to travel from N. Naruto's world and into U. Naruto's world? How will Tsunade and Shizune take the news that Jiraiya and the others will relate to her? What will Shikamaru's seeded interest to investigate Naruto's history in relations to Yondaime lead to? Find out next time.

Doton: Doryū Taiga=Earth Release: Moving Land River

Doton: Doryūdan=Earth Release: Earth Dragon Missile

Katon: Karyūdan=Fire Release: Fire Dragon Missile

Katon: Karyū Endan=Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile

Daikamaitachi No Jutsu=Great Cutting Whirlwind Technique