Chapter Sixty-Three: The Meeting

(In The Forest)

The Konoha nins were making haste to the village, leaping from tree to tree. U. Naruto was was still carrying Hinata on his back, who was still unconscious. While on their way, Kurenai couldn't help but recall the look N. Naruto had on his face and the expression he had in his eyes after what he did to Leviathan. The thought alone oddly enough sent a cold chill down her back. N. Naruto switched from being a shameless story-telling pervert to a sophisticated and strategic fighter to a potentially ruthless ninja. If what she saw from Leviathan's decrepit body was any testimony to what N. Naruto was truly capable of, one would rue the day having him for an enemy.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru was contemplating on everything that's happened up to now. What he was now focusing on was the topic regarding both Minato and Naruto.

It's strange, Shikamaru thought,…Now that I think about it, both Naruto and Minato have the same eye color, same color hair, hairstyle, very similar complexion and they both have the same smile. I knew that Uzumaki Naruto has been an orphan all his life but I as well as everyone else of our age group overlooked Naruto's uncanny resemblance to our late Yondaime Hokage. Things aren't adding up; there must be more to this.

Kakashi-sensei was rather evasive about answering Naruto's question in why he mistook the older Naruto for his late sensei. I suspect that Kakashi must know something that he won't willingly tell Naruto.

At this point, Shikamaru placed everything he thought he knew and understood about Naruto in question. But he decided not to voice his thoughts and theories until he had more time to further investigate the matter further.

The group soon arrived at the village gates and made the way to the tower. Unknown to them was that they were being followed by someone from the rooftops. This person was careful to keep a safe distance from the group until he was ready to make his appearance to them.

(Meanwhile At The Hokage Tower)

Mitarashi Anko was inside the Hokage's office standing in front of Tsunade's desk with Shizune standing next to the blonde. The interrogation specialist was reporting her findings to the blond Hokage who appeared to be listening with attentive ears.

"Are you sure about this," Tsunade asked. Anko nodded, "Those creatures weren't killed by each other or by ordinary means. Someone with exceptional skills took them out. I followed the trail of corpses as far as I could and found that it led to sector No-"

Before Anko could finish, the door to the office opened, revealing Jiraiya and the rest of the fifteen ninjas that followed him back. Konohamaru and his two friends were present also.

"Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya said with a surprisingly serious tone, "We have very important business to discuss with you."

"Can it wait," Tsunade retorted, "I'm in the middle of an important meeting with Anko concerning an unknown intruder who infiltrated the Forest of Death."

"That's exactly what we're all here to discuss with you," Jiraiya replied, "We know who those people are."

"Well speak," Tsunade said, "Anko-san will remain here to listen to this as well."

Jiraiya argued, "But-"

"She was the one who discovered the trail of corpses of the creatures living inside that forest and if my assumptions are correct, it leads to that classified sector. No one here is better familiar with that forest than Anko-san herself, therefore she will be an asset."

Jiraiya sighed in defeat, "Very well. But I would prefer that we don't talk here. The nature of what we have to share with you and Anko is something we don't want leaking from outside this office."

Tsunade reluctantly nodded as she stood up from her chair. She led the group to the meeting room and Shizune locked the door behind them. Jiraiya then perform a sound-proof barrier jutsu around the room.

"That should give us some extra privacy," Jiraiya said, "It could be very big trouble should this get out to the public."

"Jiraiya what's this all about," Tsunade asked.

"How much to do you know about Hoka Sekai Senshi, Tsunade-hime," the Toad Sannin asked. Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a small frown.

"It's an ancient summoning jutsu that was long lost two and three hundred years ago," Tsunade said, "My grandfather had a difficult time searching for it and he never found it from what I know."

"If that's the case," Jiraiya remarked, "Someone has succeeded where Shodaime has failed."

Tsunade's eyes went wide on hearing those words. With a disbelieving expression, she asked, "Are you serious?!"

"The ninja who was summoned with that jutsu was the very same one responsible for the slaying of those creatures Anko found in that dreaded forest and in sector No Return," Jiraiya made clear, "He was also the same one Kakashi and the other Jounin-senseis and their teams here encountered and lost to."

Tsunade knew when Jiraiya was joking and fooling around and now wasn't one of those times.

"What's Sector No Return," Shino asked. Anko looked at Tsunade who nodded back to her.

"It's a classified and most restricted region of the Forest of Death," Anko explained, "Up to now, almost everyone who ever entered that sector never returned alive nor were they ever found again. Many ninjas have braved that sector at the cost of their own lives, this even include some in the ANBU unit. My going in there is a risk that promises death that same day if I'm there too long, despite the fact that I know routes around it."

"It's that dangerous?!," Chouji inquired. Giving him a twisted smile, Anko replied, "If you don't believe me, by all means you're more than welcomed to journey there after leaving your clan a letter explaining your reasons for suicide."

Chouji gulped fearfully on hearing those words.

"What I'm shocked about is hearing that this unknown ninja was able to battle and take out those creatures in that sector with little to no problems seeing what he did to their carcasses," Anko said.

"He's a formidable ninja," Shizune acknowledged, "Especially since all four ninja teams combined lost to this one ninja."

"You don't have to rub it in," Asuma remarked.

"My best guess of his skills was that of a high B-A class Jounin level ninja," Neji said, "He even executed a wind-manipulated version of my clan's prized Kaiten with devastating effectiveness."

From the tone of Neji's voice, it was clear that the Hyuuga prodigy actually had a form of respect and admiration for N. Naruto doing what many considered the impossible.

Thus the reason why Naruto is called the number one most surprising ninja, Neji thought to himself.

"There's more about him that we don't know," Jiraiya remarked, "However, should I gauge that ninja's caliber, my guess at best, is S-class Kage-level."

U. Naruto's eyes widened as he now sported a huge smile with all his teeth showing, which didn't go unnoticed by the others present. Sakura sighed and shook her head in annoyance at Naruto's behavior during a serious meeting.

"No disrespect to you," Sakura said, "But aren't you exaggerating Jiraiya-sama?"

"No, he is not," Kurenai stated firmly surprising some in the room, "The look my team, Naruto, Neji and I saw in that ninja's eyes after what he did to that monster and the surrounding landscape wasn't the kind you'd see from your everyday common shinobis. The feeling I got from just looking at his eyes alone made it clear to me that he wasn't a normal ninja."

"What's that supposed to mean?," Naruto asked in what was seen as a defensive manner. Those who weren't there when Kurenai and those with her confronted N. Naruto at the crater didn't understand U. Naruto's sudden defensive behavior of the ninja in question.

"What I mean," Kurenai clarified, "Is that this ninja we encountered is one with a great deal of experience, much I'm sure none of us could even begin to understand."

"Now that speaks volumes," Anko remarked.

"Who is this ninja," Tsunade asked seriously. Jiraiya was about to answer when…

"An older, stronger and handsome kick-ass version of me!," U. Naruto said enthusiastically with his chest out and a huge cocky grin on his face, "Uzumaki Naruto! Dattebayo!"

This was sadly met with a palm being struck hard to the back of his head by fuming Sakura.

"Shut up, Naruto!," Sakura berated as Naruto rubbed his sore head with a clearly annoyed expression.

"Naruto," Tsunade rebuked, "We don't have time for your nonsense at a time like this! Now tell us, who was the ninja being spoken about?"

"The gaki already answered your question with no falsity," Jiraiya said backing Naruto up, and giving Sakura a hardened look of rebuke. The pink-haired kunoichi lowered her gaze from the Toad Sage who looked at her with disapproval for her earlier actions toward U. Naruto.

"A completely different Naruto," Jiraiya explained, "Was summoned to this plane of reality for reasons unknown and single-handedly took out the ninja squads you sent after Runounin No Daisuke who turned out to be a psychic embodiment of that other Naruto's stronger shinobi qualities."

Tsunade, Shizune and Anko found that revelation hard to swallow, especially when they turned to look at the younger Naruto standing with the group.

"You honestly expect us to believe some older version of this gaki wiped the floor with you guys," Anko asked cynically, "And killed those creatures in sector No Return?"

"What's there not to believe," a new voice spoke up for the first time, causing everyone to jump back from surprise. They turned to see N. Naruto standing behind them with his arms crossed over his chest. He was still barefooted and dressed in his white tank top and blackish gray ninja pants. Tsunade, Shizune and Anko were lost for words. They took a moment to study and analyze the new Naruto standing before them as he went over and stood side by side with his younger and goofier counterpart.

"This is how the gaki will look like when he grows up," Anko asked before turning to U. Naruto, grinning toothily at him. U. Naruto gulped and backed away a few steps and hid behind his older alter ego.

"Even in this world," N. Naruto grinned, "You still shamelessly flirt with me Anko-chan."

"Anko-chan?!," everyone repeated.

Things are getting interesting, Jiraiya thought, "Hey gaki, how did you get in here?"

"I'm a ninja," N. Naruto replied, "Therefore I won't explain how I did it. I'm here just as testimony and proof to your story. Now that my job here is done…"

N. Naruto puff into smoke, revealing to being a kage bushin. Tsunade turned to the ninjas in the room with a convinced and serious demeanor, "I want to know everything that's happened up to now. And we can start with you Konohamaru."

The boy in question gulped but complied seeing that there was no way out of the mess he was now in. Konokomaru went explaining how he met up with Daisuke and everything that happened up to the point where he met up with Udon and Moegi before Kakashi and the others intercepted them.

"Konohamaru," Tsunade said sternly, "As an academy student training to become a shinobi of this village, you should never be too trusting of foreign ninjas whom none of us nor you yourself know, especially if they're in our village unauthorized."

"I'm sorry," Konohamaru apologized, "But Dai-kun meant well for Naruto-niichan. He in no way posed as a threat to anyone of us, especially since it turned out that Dai-kun was really part of the older Naruto-niichan."

"Good intentions," Tsunade made clear, "Does not excuse acts considered as serious security protocol violations that could jeopardize the lives of your comrades and the villagers."

"I understand Tsunade-sama," Konohamaru replied, "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"I'm happy to hear that," Tsunade said before turning to the other Jounins, "Now explain to me in detail what happened when you all intercepted this other Naruto and how he single-handedly defeated all of you and this 'monster' Kurenai mentioned."

The looks the four Jounins and their Genins gave showed that they really didn't want to talk about it. The expressions they had were those of embarrassment and on some levels, shame.

"I'm waiting for an explanation," Tsunade stated.

"With all due respect Tsunade-sama," Kakashi said, speaking up for the first time, "Shouldn't Jiraiya-sama's statement about the other Naruto's abilities being that of a high S-class shinobi be sufficient? All of us here are very well aware that ninjas of such a level are very difficult to beat, let alone fight against."

Tsunade, as well as the others, saw how Kakashi was trying to be evasive in explaining the event. When the others didn't argue against Kakashi's words, that only made Tsunade and Jiraiya all the more interested in what happened.

"If this one ninja from another universe was able to best all of you despite your respective skills and number," Tsunade said, "Then I think it would be best I hear about it so we can come up with procedures and means to improve ourselves."

The group realized that there was no way around what they were trying to avoid.

"Now tell us," Tsunade ordered, "What happened? Or must I subject Anko to interrogate all of you and get the answers from her?"

"Please choose the latter," Anko smiled with twisted excitement, "I'm sure we all will have much fun!"

"…We'll talk," Kakashi sighed in defeat. This was going to be an explanation that none of the fifteen ninjas present were going to enjoy giving…

Kakashi and the others are going to explain to the Sannins, Shizune and Anko what happened in their encounter with N. Naruto. What reactions will they have after hearing their story? Find out next time.

A/N: I want to take this opportunity to explain some things I felt after reading Kishimoto's latest chapter:

I read many of the forums concerning what happened in Chapter 437 of Naruto. Many of the forums I came across rather angered and disgusted me since they made devaluing remarks about Hinata's selfless actions to save someone who was precious to her more so than her own life. Hinata's sincere words to Naruto from her heart were things that he'd been waiting his whole life to hear, from anybody:

Acceptance, recognition of his determination, unconditional love and the fact that in the end his actions actually helped and strengthened someone. Everything that Naruto had been working towards his whole life since he became seriously determined to become Hokage, Hyuuga Hinata presented to him. She was the FIRST person to ever tell Naruto "I love you," three powerful words Naruto had never heard from anyone and it completely shocked him to know someone truly loved him, the one who has been treated as the village pariah and outcast for most of his life. Sandaime, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi, Shizune, Iruka, Teuchi, Ayame, Sakura, the toads nor anyone else for that matter ever told Naruto those three special words. True they all acknowledged him and in time the villagers began to do so also. Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune and others have shown concern and care for the blonde and Naruto was aware of that as he began making friends and bonds with them. But they never once said "I love you" to Naruto.

Some argued that Sasuke and Kakashi expressed their feelings about Naruto. However, from what I remember, Sasuke said to Naruto that he was his closest friend and that Naruto understood him. Kakashi in Shippuden said that he really like Naruto now after seeing his change from the way he used to be, though Naruto took it the wrong way. Others said that Sakura started crushing and flirting a few times with him despite her violent temper towards him. Those examples DO NOT equate to a young woman wholeheartedly saying to a young man who's been hungry for attention and affections all his life "I love you" and willingly going as far as giving her life for his with no regrets.

Others were angry that Jiraiya's death, Kakashi's death(?), Shizune's death (which she didn't deserve), the destruction of Konoha, and what happened to all five toads combined didn't trigger as powerful of a reaction from Naruto as Hinata's death(?) did. In my point of view, Hinata's death(?), which I REALLY hope is not true, represents the death of Naruto's dreams. In an instant, Pein viciously destroyed what Naruto always wanted in life and he made Naruto watch helplessly as the blonde begged for Hinata to be spared to show that there was nothing he could have done to stop it. And on top of that Pein mocked him and Hinata's actions. That's why Naruto lost his mind right there and went Six Tails, a level he never went before. Kyuubi saw Naruto in his weakest mental and emotional state at that moment and fully took advantage of it the first chance he got.

Some said that Hinata should have pulled the seven rods from out of Naruto's body. Uh, Bansho Tenin and Shinra Tensei anyone? I mean really, like Pein would have idly stood there and watch as Hinata frees the man she loves a rod at a time.

Some in the forums said that Hinata was both stupid with no common sense and suicidal for engaging Pein after telling Naruto she loves him. I guess they didn't recall Kakashi's words: Those who abandon the mission are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are lower than trash. Out of everyone, Hinata was the only one brave enough to fight Pein one on one fully knowing she didn't stand a chance just so she could, I think, possibly give someone else time to rescue Naruto while she kept Pein distracted.

Some undermined Hinata by saying that she was just some random expendable character Kishimoto used for the convenience to have Naruto go Six Tails and that anyone else could have triggered Naruto going Six Tails, be it Kiba, Shino, Sakura, Iruka, Tsunade, etc. From what I saw and read in the manga, Shikamaru was told by his father not to jump in, Sakura had a random Hyuuga telling her what was going on and she was occupied with a weakened Tsunade, the slugs were informing others about Naruto's battle with Pein and telling them not to jump in. Sakura, being a medic-nin on the battlefield, couldn't afford to die as Tsunade drilled into her head. The ANBU ninjas and the others there didn't jump in to help Naruto after Pein subdued and rendered him helpless before he started verbally manipulating him. Hinata's actions and words contradicted Pein's and oddly enough Pein actually stood there quietly and listened as Hinata expressed her absolute love for Naruto. From this, I fail to see how Hinata was some expendable random character.

If Kishimoto actually killed off Hinata after all of her developments and her finally revealing and declaring to Naruto that he was loved by her, then in all honesty, I'll stop reading the manga and watching the anime entirely. I'll continue with this fic though I'm uncertain if I'll have to same motivation as before. I mean to have a young woman tell a young man who's been starving for affections from anyone that she loves him and then kill her off irreversibly in the same chapter just to make a point is cruel. And if this is to be used as leverage for Naruto to hook with Sakura down the line, then I'll regret even more that I invested my time in Kishimoto's work.

I'm sorry for rambling so much, but I had to get this off my chest somehow. I know that Sakura more than two hundred chapters ago confessed her love to Sasuke and told him that she was even willing to go as far as abandon Konoha for and with him and help him with his revenge just so long she was with him. But if you ask me, Hinata's declaration of love to Naruto and proving it with her brave and selfless actions spoke deeper volumes.