(In Konoha; 1:00 AM)
Kakashi was still awake with much on his mind. He was presently thinking about what took place yesterday afternoon and how N. Naruto easily thrashed him and everyone else single-handedly. He turned to look at the portrait of his late sensei and late teammates sitting on the dresser. His eye fell on Minato as his thoughts shifted to both U. Naruto and N. Naruto. He then remembered being told at the meeting what N. Naruto told Jiraiya after the Sage complimented him:
"You're quite the shinobi gaki," Jiraiya remarked.
"I had very good teachers…," N. Naruto replied.
While he was hearing the reports and praises about N. Naruto's performance, Kakashi during that meeting didn't want to show his guilt and shame in how his student didn't come anywhere close to N. Naruto's level. And the reply N. Naruto gave only hammered the point deeper in how inattentive he as a Jounin-sensei was to U. Naruto, the son of his late sensei. What also caught him off guard was when U. Naruto explained that the Kakashi from the other world was like an older sibling to N. Naruto, which meant that both he and Kakashi's counterpart were really close and considered family.
That relationship didn't exist between him and U. Naruto. Kakashi knew that he always remained emotionally isolated from everyone after the death of his sensei and teammates. He formed no emotional attachments to anyone, not even with Minato's son who of all people needed attention and love from anyone willing to show him those feelings and bonds. He focused Naruto and his other Genins on maintaining teamwork but he honestly didn't show balanced attention to either U. Naruto or Sakura. Most of that was given to Sasuke, who took his training and used it against his own teammates, especially against U. Naruto.
Jiraiya later came and took U. Naruto up as an apprentice after he, Kakashi, turned U. Naruto's training over to Ebisu just so he could focus more on Sasuke's development, especially since he was up against Gaara during the final part of the Chuunin Exams months ago. When he saw N. Naruto, Kakashi for that brief moment thought that it was really Minato reborn. Part of him really wanted to believe that Minato had somehow returned, even if in a younger form. When U. Naruto asked about his blunder in calling N. Naruto "Minato-sensei," Kakashi clearly didn't want to talk about it knowing that it would lead to a whole lot of trouble for him and many others. To Kakashi, N. Naruto's presence served to show him how negligent of a sensei and friend he was to U. Naruto, a sharp contrast that undoubtedly exist between N. Naruto and the other Kakashi.
"Sensei," Kakashi said while staring at the photo, "I'm sorry. I've made many mistakes with regards to your son, and I hope it's not too late to correct them in anyway I can."
(In Sector No Return; Sometime Later; Passed 2:00 AM)
N. Naruto, wearing only his black boxers, was awake in his bedroom standing and looking out his window, staring at the shining full moon in the blue-hour star-littered night sky. N. Temari, N. Ino and N. Hinata, wearing only their panties with the rest of their clothes tossed to the chairs, were fast asleep in his bed with only the lower half their bodies covered. The girls being asleep gave him time to think and review everything that happened throughout his life while wondering what life for his younger alter-ego had to be like. He thought about everything Minato told him while also recalled how Kyuubi was using U. Naruto's situation to manipulate him.
With this in mind, he thought about how the meeting with Tsunade and everyone else was going to turn out. If anything, he wanted an explanation for U. Naruto's situation and why he's the way he is. Sure, N. Naruto realistically knew that he couldn't possibly just go and fix every wrong that took place in U. Naruto's life, but part of him still felt that something should at least be done for him to help him get his life together for the better. Then another thought came to mind…
"He wants to get Uchiha Sasuke back," N. Naruto said to no in particular, "I don't know what kind of relationship he had with that traitor. If he's that thickheaded in refusing to give up on him, my guess is that maybe there was something, if anything that existed between them that never existed between me and the Sasuke of my universe. That's something I'll never come to understand."
Then another thought came to mind…
"A promise of a lifetime to get Sasuke back," Naruto remarked, "A promise of that level made to Sakura of all people. Somehow, I wonder if my other self knew what he was getting himself into before making such a declaration. But in any case, it's not my place to force him to change his mind. I can only hope that it won't change and backfire into something he'll later come to regret."
What does the future has in store for us, Naruto wondered to himself.
"…Naruto-kun…," Hinata muttered lowly in her sleep. Naruto turned to Hinata and the other girls sleeping soundly.
"…I better get some sleep myself," Naruto decided as he made his way joining the girls back in bed.
I'm sure I'll think of something to get us back home, Naruto thought while lying in bed amongst his girls, Besides, it's not like anything more could possibly happen now to hold us here any longer than we have to be here.
(Meanwhile In Konoha)
A lone fifteen-year-old feminine figure was standing outside on top of one of the roofs across the street from the building where U. Naruto lives. She was geared in foreign Jounin uniform and gear with a brownish tan vest over her Jounin vest. Her long calm dark brown hair flowed freely down to her lower back. This foreign Jounin kunoichi was a beauty with both a face and body to show for it; though in her homeland however, she's held in little regard and admiration because of her bitter history, making her an unfavorable ninja among her people.
Currently, she was standing outside looking into Naruto's apartment, looking down at the young sleeping form of the teen ninja wearing his childish sleeping pajamas and cap.
"Does he seriously have to wear those while sleeping," the kunoichi muttered, "How could anyone take him serious, especially with those horrendous bright orange clothes he wears?"
"Ryota-chan," a masculine voice called out to her. Ryota, Iwagakure's Shining Stone, turned to see the one person she despised as much as her former sensei approaching her. Also, she couldn't stand the fact that he kept using that "chan" honorific with her name. No matter how many times she told him to stop, he'd continue to do so just to spite her.
"Bastard," Ryota spat, "What the hell are you doing here Soujiro!?"
Soujiro, the Diamond Fang of Iwa, stood tall and behind her.
"Ryota-chan," Soujiro said with mock hurt, "Is that anyway to welcome a fellow nin?"
She sneered venomously at him.
"…It's been just about two years already," Soujiro sighed, "Can't you put the past behind us?"
Her animosity toward Soujiro was very strong after the stunt he pulled on her about two years ago. The very thought of him being anywhere near her nauseated her, and she was more than tempted to attempt to kill him, if possible.
"I'm here by order of the Tsuchikage," Soujiro said pulling out and showing her the official document with the Tsuchikage's signature and seal on it, "So you're going have to work alongside me and put aside your hate."
"What are you here for," she snarled as she took and looked over at the document.
"Your report," Soujiro grinned toothily at her, "You haven't reported anything to Iwa since you were assigned and posted here. What developments have you found recently?"
Finding the document authentic, she gave it back to him.
"Nothing," Ryota said, "There's nothing significant about this blond-haired Genin that we ought to look into."
"You've been assigned to monitor and report back with whatever information you found on Uzumaki Naruto," Soujiro retorted, "You've been posted here for several months and you're telling me that you found nothing of interest about him Ryota-chan? The Tsuchikage won't be pleased if you don't give me anything with which to report back to him."
She sighed to herself before getting her thoughts together.
"I'm waiting Ryota-chan."
Ryota replied to him with a straight face, "Here's a list of all the things Iwa needs to know about the Uzumaki."
"I'm listening," Soujiro replied.
"He's an orphan who lives on his own with no known existing family. He's the only ninja who possesses the Uzumaki name with no clan status in this village. The identities of his father and mother are unknown and clearly no one ever wanted to adopt him. He's scorned and looked down on by entire village in general."
"Is that all?," Soujiro asked cynically.
"There's more to him," Ryota continued, "His grades at the academy are by far the worst. He failed the Genin Exams three times and by some miracle passed the fourth time.
"He's his graduating class's dead last and his chakra control is god-awful terrible.
"He can't even perform a simple Bushin to save his life without his Bushins looking pale, decrepit and sick.
"He didn't pass the Chuunin Exams and he failed in retrieving Uchiha Sasuke, and was nearly killed in the process of trying to get him back along with the others who were sent after the deserter who left Konoha for Otogakure.
"His other teammate, Haruno Sakura has book smarts and very good chakra control. But in terms of being a kunoichi, she's more concerned about her failed romance with Konoha's deserter and her former teammate, the last Uchiha, the proclaimed rookie of the year of Konoha's Ninja Academy."
"This Uzumaki has a hopeless one-sided infatuation with his violent and short-tempered female teammate who has no interest in accepting his offers of dates with him for reasons I mentioned earlier about his skills.
"During the time Otogakure and Sunagakure attacked and invaded Konohagakure, Naruto was found in the forest on the ground beaten up and drained of chakra with his teammate Sakura knocked unconscious. Sasuke was the only one left standing after his fight with Gaara, the famed Suna Genin who was never hit once until his match with a Konoha Genin named Rock Lee and later bout with Sasuke.
"In other words, I'm wasting my time being forced to stay here and spy on this Uzumaki Naruto. This Genin is an absolute lost cause."
"You mean to tell me that this is all you found on him," Soujiro asked while looking back at her in disbelief.
"Iwa has never taken pride in me," Ryota answered, "What better way of using my talent than by stationing me in enemy territory of the worst kind where I could put my skills to good use in spying on some dead last Genin."
"Iwagakure has some form of interest in the lone Uzumaki," Soujiro said, "I don't know exactly what that is, but our Tsuchikage has taken some form of notice in the boy. If anything, he has plans for the lone Uzumaki."
"He's wasting my time and resources in having me spy on some orphaned Genin who holds no promises as a ninja and practically no one in Konoha likes the blond idiot," Ryota remarked, "The Tsuchikage is better off if he were to focus on more important missions instead of some no talent Konoha Genin."
"Be that as it may," Soujiro said, "But we have our orders, and we will carry them through."
"Whatever," Ryota replied with boredom.
"If you find anything else," Soujiro concluded, "Report back to me about them. Are we clear?"
Ryota gave him no reply as she turned her head back to U. Naruto's window. Soujiro shunshin'd and left the scene, leaving Ryota alone.
"I thought the fucker would never leave," Ryota snarled before her expression and tone changed. Her eyes turned to the boy's sleeping form again. Turning, Ryota took off into the night and went on her way before any scouting Konoha shinobi spotted her.
"Uzumaki Naruto-kun," she muttered under her breath before retreating into her thoughts, Hard to believe that this is the same Genin who could execute and create hundreds of Kage Bushins without suffering from chakra exhaustion.
He's also the same Genin who, with his team and Jounin-sensei, took on Zabuza, the Demon of the Bloody Mist and his partner Haku in Nami No Kuni.
Not to mention that he's the same one who fought and defeated the Hyuuga prodigy and Suna's Jinchuuriki all in the same day.
Jiraiya the Toad Sage, the man who trained Konoha's Yondaime, has taken Naruto-kun up as an apprentice.
Itachi and some organization called the "Akatsuki" are seeking him out for some reason, though I doubt it's for the same reason as Iwa's.
Naruto-kun learned and mastered the Yellow Flash's Rasengan with a month and used it against this guy named Kabuto while protecting and saving the Slug Princess Tsunade during a fierce battle with Orochimaru.
His battle with the last Uchiha was fierce and unlike any I've ever seen, especially since the Uchiha was using the cursed seal Orochimaru gave him to the highest level he was able to output thus far.
It took everything I had to get as close as I could to observe the battle and not blow my cover.
Naruto-kun was punched through the chest and straight out of his back by Sasuke's Chidori and still survived it and on top of that, he healed almost instantaneously from the wound that would have killed a normal person.
Naruto-kun could have clearly killed the last Uchiha but some for reason he held back and ended up losing the fight in the end.
Without a doubt, this Naruto-kun is definitely the Jinchuuriki whom Konoha's Yondaime sealed Kyuubi No Yoko into.
Looking straight ahead, Ryota said under her breath, "Nothing important Iwa needs to know about Uzumaki Naruto-kun…nothing at all."
(The Following Day)
U. Naruto and the whole gang consisting of everyone who was supposed to attend the meeting with N. Naruto were gathered together standing at the entrance to sector No Return. From the way it looked, none of the Genins were all the eager about entering the area which promised an almost immediate death.
"And I thought the Forest of Death couldn't get anymore creepier," Ino remarked.
"If you think that was creepy," Anko replied, "Then you'll love this."
"I almost feel like we're committing suicide just by being here," Chouji grimaced.
"If you don't have balls as big as you to be here," Anko said, "I suggest you leave now and tell no one what you saw or know of."
"I said nothing about leaving," Chouji shot back swallowing his fear.
"Was that Naruto really serious about meeting up in a place like this," Kiba asked before hearing beastly growls from inside the sealed off area. Seconds later, sounds of a vicious fight from inside the sector was heard followed by the wailing cries of a creature being overpowered. What soon followed in sync with this were the sounds of blood and flesh being torn and devoured with the sounds of bones being broken off and crushed between teeth.
Konohamaru and his two friends were already getting scared as they hid behind Asuma. Hinata gulped in fear and even Neji started second guessing the notion of entering the place. Sakura thought that U. Naruto's counterpart was out of his mind taking residence in that sector. If anything, her first experience in the Forest of Death was no paradise and being brought to a place that's considered to be even worse didn't sound all that inviting either.
Did Naruto-niichan have to have us meet here of all places, Konohamaru thought to himself. Kakashi was reading his book while trying to ignore the noise around him.
"Are you sure that those four aren't already dead by now after being in that place," Tenten remarked.
"Tenten," Gai said, giving her his good-guy smile, "Don't allow this dreaded place to cower your flaming youth! Look at it as a challenge to strengthen your flames!"
"I'm not in a hurry to die Gai-sensei," Tenten exclaimed sourly, "Youthful or not!"
"Sakura-san," Lee said appearing next to her, "You need not worry! As I said in the past, I'll protect you with my life! My burning youth should be more than enough to take care of those monsters in that forest!"
"Your and Gai's choice of fashion should be more than enough to frighten those monsters," Anko mocked. Despite the situation, some in the group couldn't help but snicker at Anko's remark, though at the expense of Gai and Lee. Just then, U. Naruto remembered something.
"Hey, Hinata," Naruto said, immediately gaining the Hyuuga heiress's attention. Hinata looked to see Naruto approaching her.
"Naruto-kun," Hinata greeted with a faint blush on her cheeks.
"…Hinata," Naruto started with a blush on his face, "About yesterday's blunder, I want to apologize and say I'm sorry. I had no idea what I was asking of you at the time."
Turning crimson, Hinata said, "I-It's alright. I wasn't angry at you…Naruto-kun. You didn't know."
"That was until Shizune-neechan gave me a crash course about the subject," Naruto added with his face still reddened by the memories of Shizune's explanation.
"What are you two talking about over there?," Sakura interjected. Hinata and Naruto turned to face the pink-haired Genin. Sakura saw that both her teammate and Hinata were blushing.
"What's this all about," Sakura asked curiously, "Why are you two blushing?"
"No reason," U. Naruto said, trying to lie his way out of explaining the story to Sakura, "Just having a friendly conversation with Hinata."
That causes the both of you to blush that shade of red, Sakura mentally remarked cynically, "Well fill me in. What's the gossip?"
That by far was the worst word Sakura used.
"Did someone say gossip," Ino exclaimed as she suddenly appeared among the group, "C'mon let's hear it! What's the dirt?"
"Who invited you into this conversation," Sakura replied.
"I don't see a sign saying that only those with large foreheads could join in," Ino shot back.
As the argument grew, Naruto and Hinata took the opportunity to sneak away before the Ino and Sakura could remember for what reason they came to Hinata and Naruto.
"…That was too close," Naruto sighed in relief. Hinata simply nodded in agreement.
"What are Ino and Sakura arguing about," Shikamaru asked.
"Nothing important," Naruto replied.
"Troublesome girls," Shikamaru said.
"It's good to see that you guys showed up on time," a masculine voice said. The group looked up to see N. Naruto barefooted and in the same clothes as yesterday standing on top of the tree next to them. He leaped down and landed in front of them. Ino and Sakura had stopped arguing through they both shot glares at each other.
"Everyone's here and accounted for," N. Naruto said, "Good."
"Why are you late," Jiraiya asked.
"A ninja never reveals exactly when he'll arrive," N. Naruto replied, "You of all people should know that rule ero-jisan."
"Ero-sennin," Jiraiya grumbled, "Now ero-jisan! I get no respect from either of those blond brats!"
"Anyway," N. Naruto said getting back to the subject, "Let's make our way to-"
"You actually want us to walk with you through that damn forest," Ino shouted.
"Who said we were walking," N. Naruto remarked before focusing a strong amount of his wind affinity around group and moments later…
"Fūton: Kūki No Kūtai," N. Naruto said as he encased the group in a concentrated atmospheric dome. N. Naruto, still using wind manipulation, levitated group off the ground and walked over to the air bubble and grabbed it.
"What the," U. Naruto shouted.
"It's like an invisible air balloon," Shizune commented.
"This Naruto has a high level wind affinity," Kakashi said as he closed his book and put it away, "It's truly astonishing."
Forming a hand sign with his left hand, N. Naruto and the giant air bubble with the group inside disappeared in a puffed of smoke and instantly appeared in front of his "mobile" house deep within sector No Return.
"Now that's what I call safe traveling," Tsuande remarked.
"Excellent," the real N. Naruto said seeing that his Kage Bushin did the job in encasing the group securely inside the air bubble. N. Naruto was dressed in standard Konoha Jounin gear and uniform and standing in front of the group and his Kage Bushin who dispelled the air bubble before puffing himself out in a cloud of smoke.
When Jiraiya, Tsuande, Shizune, Kakashi, Anko and the other Jounins saw him, they couldn't help but think that he looked like the spitting image of Namikaze Minato. Shikamaru remained silent as he studied N. Naruto's appearance, which only helped to solidify his conviction that U. Naruto was indeed the son of Yondaime.
He's a cutie, Anko grinned.
"How did we get here so fast?," U. Naruto asked.
"I summoned all of you and my Kage Bushin here collectively," N. Naruto explained, "After my Kage Bushin encased all of you in that atmospheric dome he made and grabbed onto it, it made teleporting all of you with my clone here easier."
"Damn," U. Naruto shouted excitedly, "I'm so cool! You got to teach me your jutsus!"
"We'll see," N. Naruto replied.
"You have a house in the middle of this place," Asuma exclaimed, "There's no way you could have built it in such a short time!"
"I didn't," N. Naruto agreed, "After making and forming the required foundation, I released this "mobile" house from the scroll I sealed it into."
"You sealed an entire house into a scroll," Ino asked in disbelief.
"Was something that I said misunderstood," N. Naruto remarked, "I uprooted this house from out of its foundation and sealed it into a scroll."
N. Naruto remembered filling the ditch in his estate where the house once was with rich soil and dirt before giving it to N. Ino knowing how much she enjoys planting and flowering, especially since her clan owns a flower shop. N. Hinata would join her in gardening occasionally. Of course, the girls didn't know about the house that was once there until recently.
"Who sold you this house," Kakashi inquired.
"It wasn't sold to me," N. Naruto answered, "It was given to me as payment by a once wealthy and powerful man who I wish not to reveal. In any case, I use this "mobile" house as a sanctuary for long duration missions outside Konoha. However, I make sure that I situate the house by a close-by water source."
"So while you're enjoying luxury in this house during long missions," Tenten asked indignantly, "Everyone else back where you're from is forced to resort to campfires, tents and sleeping bags?"
"Not my problem," N. Naruto remarked, "Every Jounin leader has their own methods of performing missions. I simply use what's…available to me."
"Why not make it available for everyone else," Asuma asked.
"No one's given a house for free," N. Naruto replied.
"That sounds so unyouthful," Lee commented.
"Then by all means," N. Naruto said in sarcasm, "Use that as a challenge to help strengthen your flames."
Neji and Tenten both dropped their heads gloomily knowing what was to come next.
"Yosh," Lee shouted enthusiastically, "You're right other-Naruto-kun! I'll take your youthful counsel and use it to improve in radiating my shining flames! I-"
Lee was quickly quieted by Tenten who placed her hand over his mouth.
"We pretty much get the idea," Tenten remarked.
"Anyway," N. Naruto said, "Come inside and make yourselves at home."
"What about those monsters in the forest," Udon asked.
"Don't worry about them," N. Naruto assured, "I placed seal barriers around the perimeter covering a seventy-meter radius. Neither they nor anyone else will be breaking through it."
The group followed and entered the house with N. Naruto. Upon entering and taking off their sandals at the front door, they couldn't believe how beautifully decorated and clean the place was. Yesterday, to pass the time while N. Naruto earlier that day was recuperating in bed, N. Ino, N. Hinata and N. Temari distracted themselves by giving the place a more feminine touch believing that though the place looked good, it still felt a bit too masculine.
"You have a lovely house niichan," Moegi admired.
"You must have done something incredible for whoever that wealthy man was to have given you this house as a gift," Shikamaru commented.
"I'd rather not brag about it," N. Naruto said.
"I love the decorations and choice of furniture," Hinata complimented.
"The flower ornaments looks skillfully done," Ino admired.
"Was all this given to you like this," Shino spoke up.
"Not really," N. Naruto admitted, "The girls fixed up the place believing that it was too manly. They said it needed a woman's touch."
"Too manly," Kiba asked, "What's so bad about that? Besides it's your place. Why should they care?"
"You obvious don't understand women Kiba," Ino remarked, "And with that kind of attitude you never will."
"You shouldn't be talking," Kiba shot back, "You still haven't gotten yourself a decent boyfriend and you have little to no comprehension about genuine boyfriend material."
"What did you say!?," Ino shouted with bloodlust, scaring the Inuzuka heir.
"Listen all of you," N. Naruto stated, "While you're all guests in my house, I will not tolerate anyone throwing violent fits of anger at anyone, no matter the reason. So do me a favor and keep your tempers in check. Understand?"
"Whatever you say Naruto," Kakashi replied as though speaking for everyone, "Like you said, this is your house and we have to respect your rules."
"Perfect," N. Naruto smiled, "Then everything's all good. Now please, have a seat, all of you."
Everyone did as they were invited to and took seats on the cushy sofas. N. Naruto took a seat on the recliner that gave him a view to see everyone in the living room. U. Naruto made his way to sit next to Sakura when he spotted Hinata sitting on another sofa.
Maybe I can take this as an opportunity to get to know Hinata better, U. Naruto thought remembering N. Naruto's advice about getting to know other girls besides Sakura. With his mind made up, U. Naruto turned and made his way to Hinata.
"Mind if I sit next to you Hinata," U. Naruto smiled. His smile alone could make the Hyuuga heiress melt. She smiled in return and offered him a seat next to her, "No, not at all. Please, you can sit here if you want."
"Great," U. Naruto said as he went and took a seat next to the shy Hyuuga. Some in the room didn't really think much of U. Naruto's gesture. Sakura though almost found it odd that U. Naruto chose to sit with Hinata and not her.
Funny how moved away from me and went over to Hinata, Sakura figured with a shrug, Oh well. I guess he didn't want to chance being yelled at for anything stupid he might do.
Anko grinned, "I could get used to living here. Beats the dump I stay at! How much you want for this place?"
"Not for sale," N. Naruto replied.
"C'mon, name your price," Anko offered with a grin, "If you let me, I'm sure I can…make it worth your wild."
"Still my same flirty and amorous Jounin-sensei, Anko-chan," N. Naruto said.
"Say what," U. Naruto reacted as he turned to look at his older counterpart, "You're telling us that in your world your Jounin-sensei is this psycho snake lady!?"
"Aww," Anko pouted with mocked hurt, "I'm not that all that bad gaki."
"You threw a kunai at my face and licked my cheek while it bled," U. Naruto retorted.
"That only happened once," Anko smiled.
"Where I'm from, you did it to me frequently with sensuality, in public or not shamelessly," N. Naruto remarked, "A penalty for whenever I dropped my guard when I failed to catch sight of you, whether in the opening or in hiding."
"What?!," U. Naruto exclaimed.
"Sounds exactly like what Anko would do," Kurenai agreed as she eyed the look in her friend's face.
"Like he didn't enjoy the punishments," Anko shot back with a twisted smile.
"It took a little getting used to," N. Naruto smiled and blushed, "Once I got passed the 'being cut with a kunai' part, I would stay still and allow her to nurse my wound with her tongue."
Jiraiya and Kakashi were already blushing and snickering like the perverts they were. The Toad Sannin had his notepad and pen out and jotted down what N. Naruto told him. Kiba was blushing and smiling at the idea of a hot-looking woman licking his face, neck or any other part of him for that matter.
I love this gaki, Jiraiya giggled as he wrote down N. Naruto's words, I'm definitely using that one for my next book.
"Isn't such behavior from a Jounin-sensei inappropriate," Neji asked.
"That's what I was thinking," Lee added.
"While it is true that Anko-chan is not a medic-nin like myself," N. Naruto admitted, "But I was under her supervision at the time. Therefore I obliged in allowing her as my then superior to improvise in the only manner she knew."
U. Naruto, Chouji, and the rest of the boys looked at N. Naruto in disbelief. Hinata didn't know what to think while hearing what N. Naruto was saying. Asuma and Gai gave no reply to the story, deciding to keep their thought to themselves, at least for now.
Tsunade, Shizune and Sakura weren't at all amused by the story, especially since they were also medic ninjas, Sakura in-training anyway. Kurenai shook her head wondering just how much did N. Anko influence N. Naruto's thinking. The Slug Princess turned to see Jiraiya writing down everything he was hearing with that perverted smile on his face. It irritated Tsunade to no end that her counterpart raised and brought up a young man who was a shameless pervert no thanks to Jiraiya having a major share in N. Naruto's upbringing.
"Your sensei is rather kinky," Konohamaru grinned toothily, "I'm sure being around her was a lot of fun."
Moegi looked at Konohamaru with an annoyed expression.
"She's as kinky and fun as she is dangerous and crazy," N. Naruto added.
"How could my counterpart approve of having Anko-san as your sensei," Tsunade asked.
"You make it sound like a bad thing Tsunade-sama," Anko snorted, "Though I myself am interested in hearing about it since I never gave thoughts to having an apprentice."
"It's a long story really," N. Naruto said, "But we can talk about that and other things with some drinks and refreshments."
N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari, all three dressed in beautifully designed kimonos and hairstyles befit for a geisha, entered the room with trays carrying treats and refreshments. N. Naruto's Kage Bushins were in the kitchen helping the girls prepare the food and drinks to serve to the guests. The treats consisted of bowls each having roasted beef and chicken cutlets, two riceballs, chopsticks and two sticks of dangos. N. Naruto's girls politely went over and offered a bowl of food each the guest. Everyone gave their thanks and accepted the food being offered to them.
"Itadakimasu!," U. Naruto shouted happily before digging in.
"You don't have to be so loud and piggish Naruto," Sakura scolded. Her words went with no reply being given to her.
"You planned all this out gaki," Anko asked.
"Hey," N. Naruto replied, "Just because we're ninjas doesn't mean we can't entertain our guests, yes?"
Shikamaru looked at U. Naruto with thoughts about what he uncovered last night while investigating Naruto's backgrounds. The Nara heir could only wonder how U. Naruto could continue being the person he was despite all of the adversities and tribulations he endured all his life as a Jinchuuriki.
I don't know how I'd have managed living your life Naruto, Shikamaru contemplated, But it's clear to me that you use your smile and hyperactive demeanor as a defensive mask to hide your true pain, sorrow and loneliness. What more is there to you Naruto?
"I love your kimono and hairstyle," Ino complimented her other self, "You really make the both of us look good in it."
"Thanks," N. Ino smiled, "I do my best to impress."
"The fabric material looks exquisite," Hinata complimented, "You girls have good taste."
"To tell you the truth," N. Temari said, "Naruto-kun picked them out and bought them for us."
"Your Naruto did what," Kiba snickered, "He actually went to a woman's store and bought you girls kimonos and feminine accessories?! He must be in touch with his feminine side!"
"Shut up Kiba," U. Naruto retorted defending his counterpart, "At least he looks out for them and has the girls' best interests in heart!"
"He's right Kiba," Kurenai agreed, "You shouldn't be to quick too make snide comments about a person's actions without knowing the motives behind it. And it's clear that this Naruto has an eye for choosing appealing clothes."
Seconds later, five of N. Naruto's Kage Bushins came out with drinks, one of them having a tray carrying small cups and a bottle of sake. Shikamaru and the Genins were given non-alcoholic beverages whereas Jiraiya and of course Tsunade were offered sake.
"Where did you get the sake," Shizune inquired.
"From my small bar where I stash the rest of my sake and wine," N. Naruto replied.
"You drink!?," Tenten asked with a risen voice.
"Yeah," N. Naruto remarked, "The girls and I do, so what of it?"
"But you and the rest of us are underage," Ino said.
"As Anko-san once explained it to the three of us," N. Hinata replied politely while referring to N. Ino, N. Temari and herself, "If becoming ninjas make us adults legally by shinobi standards, then by those same standards, we're eligible to enjoy and appreciate the taste of all forms of alcohol."
Everyone in the room, with the exception of N. Naruto, N. Ino and N. Temari, looked at N. Hinata with stupefied expressions. In all accounts, their Hinata was always the shy, quiet and timid Hyuuga Heiress. This N. Hinata was clearly the complete opposite.
"Did she just say what I thought she said," Chouji asked.
"Did I stutter," N. Hinata remarked just as politely, causing the said group to be taken aback.
"I like your attitude," Anko smirked, "You got spunk! How else did I influence you?"
"It's a long story," N. Ino answered for N. Hinata, "And we'd rather not discuss it openly."
Tsunade and Jiraiya currently both didn't seem to care as they accepted the free sake. In Tsunade's case, she took three cups worth. Kurenai looked at the N. Hinata, comparing and contrasting her to the other Hinata. What she saw in N. Hinata was a spirit that manifested self-confidence, poise and a level a maturity that radiated a particular afterglow. The genjutsu mistress, who always had a special motherly attachment and bond with the Hyuuga heiress, saw that there was more to N. Hinata than meets the eyes.
Asuma, who's been quiet and more observant thus far, saw the look in Kurenai's face as she eyed both Hinata and N. Hinata. He wondered what was going through her mind at the moment as he accepted the cup of sake offered to him by N. Temari. Gai also accepted a cup of sake and he wasn't too quick to drink it just yet. Kakashi declined and settle for something non-alcoholic.
After all the guests were served their food and drinks, the girls and Kage Bushins set the trays down on a nearby table. N. Hinata gave N. Naruto a cup of sake before she and the two other girls took seats around him. This didn't go without Jiraiya's notice as a perverted smile grew on his face.
"You four must be rather close," Jiraiya snickered, "Eh, gaki? I mean it's just you, three girls and this big gorgeous house that you own in the middle of a dangerous forest. With all the dangers and monsters lurking around in this forest cut off from civilization, the girls must feel safe knowing they have someone as handsome and strong like you around to protect them, especially during those cold, dreadful and lonely nights."
N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari had to fight hard not to show any blushes on their faces, especially since Jiraiya was actually talking the truth, whether or not he knew it. Tsunade and the others saw where Jiraiya was going in his speech and frankly, Tsunade and most of the females weren't amused at all by his implications. Hinata was blushing at Jiraiya's words, as was Ino though she did better at hiding it.
"And with your added medic-nin expertise," Jiraiya teased, "I'm certain the girls can always rely on your skill hands for a thorough physical."
Tsunade charged and thrust her fist at Jiraiya. Her right fist came mere centimeters from his face when she and the others found snakes wrapped tightly around both her right arm and waist, holding her back from inflicting any harm to the Toad Sannin. Turning to the source of the snakes, everyone saw N. Naruto's right arm extending with snakes coming out of his sleeve.
This gaki also knows snake jutsus, Anko realized like everyone else, I wonder what else he knows that my other self might have taught him.
"With all due respects," N. Naruto said calmly but seriously, "I'd appreciate if you'd keep your temper in check and not resort to using brute force in my house. I'd hate for you to have to pay for the damages incurred because you couldn't control your violent temper."
All but N. Naruto's girls looked at N. Naruto in shock and disbelief. He was restraining and putting the Hokage in her place without the slightest hesitation or fear for his own safety. The look he gave the older woman showed that he wanted his words respected and obeyed.
This guy has a death wish, Sakura thought, Pulling a stunt like that on Tsunade-sama!?
"He's really in for it this time! SHANAROO!," Inner-Sakura proclaimed.
"Are you crazy," Kiba retorted, "Don't you realize with whom you're missing with?!"
"I'm very well aware of my actions Kiba," N. Naruto said, "But this is my house. And in it, I'm Hokage and I'd appreciate having my rules respected by my guests.
"Ero-jisan, though perverted, was simply stating his opinions. It's not worth getting violently worked over."
Silence filled the room as the group in general just stared at N. Naruto in awe. Pulling a stunt like this on the Hokage would have promised an immediate death for practically anyone else.
This guy is a lot like me, U. Naruto thought with a childish smirk on his face, I guess we're not so different after all!
Am I seeing and hearing this!?, Tenten thought in shock as her idol was being reprimanded in front on everyone. Sakura was shocked that Tsunade didn't retaliate against N. Naruto at that moment. If anything, she expected the senior medic-nin to clobber N. Naruto for the stunt he pulled on her.
Though this Naruto is strong, Sakura figured, There's no way he could match up against a Sannin of Tsunade's caliber, especially when she's angry.
Wow!, Konohamaru thought as he, Udon and Moegi looked at N. Naruto with disbelieving eyes and admiration, He's telling it to Tsunade-sama without fear of punishment! Anyone else would have been beaten badly and hospitalized by now!
In spite of what just happened, Tsunade grew a form of respect for N. Naruto. The blond Hokage wasn't exactly surprised by N. Naruto's actions. She recalled her first encounter with U. Naruto and how he threatened to punch her in the face if she bad mouthed Sandaime and Yondaime in front of him again like she was doing when they first met.
"My apologies," Tsunade apologized respectfully, "You're absolutely right. This is your house and I must respect your rules regardless of how much Jiraiya's words irks us."
"Like none us ever had a perverted thought in our lives," N. Naruto remarked before retracting the snakes from off Tsunade, "As if."
His remark won him several snorts, all of which he ignored.
"It's hard to believe that I'm your adoptive mother back where you're from," Tsunade remarked, "Are you certain there was no mistake?"
"You breastfed me as an infant until I was five," Naruto replied and shrugged. This resulted in everyone but Tsunade bursting out into a fit of loud laughter. Tsunade's mouth dropped opened with widened eyes as her face turned a shade of red that rivaled any Hinata ever turned. When the group visualized Naruto being cradled on Tsunade's lap while being breastfed by her, it made them laugh harder. U. Naruto's face was just as red as he looked at Tsunade and thought about what his counterpart just said.
"Don't get any ideas gaki," Tsunade grumbled, whose face was still just as red from sheer embarrassment.
"How was such a thing possible," Shizune asked while trying to control her laughter, "Tsuande-sama never had children, so-"
"Kaa-chan developed a wet-nursing jutsu and tested it out with me while I was still a newborn infant," N. Naruto interjected and explained, "The results were more than satisfactory and successful as many female medics sought to learn this medic jutsu."
"Are you serious," Sakura asked.
"Gaki," Jiraiya said between his laughs, "You…must have been… the envy of…your world! Five years worth of Sannin-level breast-feeding…I know Tsunade-hime is world renowned medic-nin…but she took nursing to a whole new level!"
"Put a sock in it Jiraiya," Tsunade snorted as her right eye twitched. Turning to Shizune, Sakura and Tsunade, N. Naruto said, "Though I'm no female, I have detailed knowledge on how the jutsu works and what's required physically with the needed chakra control to perform the jutsu properly. Would you like for me to devise a scroll for this just for this world's use for those who wish to become wet nurses for newborn babies?"
The offer of a new medic breakthrough was very tempting and Tsunade was debating on whether or not to accept the offer, especially since it was her other self who created and perfected it. Therefore, saying that she created it wouldn't exactly be an all out lie.
"We'll talk," was Tsunade's reply.
"Fair enough," N. Naruto said, "So what would you guys like to know?"
"Tell us what growing up was like for you," U. Naruto asked, "What was it like having Tsunade-no-baa-chan and ero-sennin as parents."
"And why is it that Temari-san is wearing a Konoha handband," Shino asked after a long silence, "She didn't defect from Suna to Konoha, did she?"
"Where do I start," N. Naruto said aloud as he collected his thoughts to carefully explain his story.
Ryota was standing outside the entrance to sector No Return. Using her earth affinity, she analyzed the ground and checked for any changes that might have taken place before her arrival. She discovered that the tracks have stopped several feet from the sealed off entrance. She searched around and found no traces of the group departing elsewhere.
"That's odd," Ryota contemplated out loud, "The tracks just stopped at the entrance but there's no sign of anyone entering the forest or going anywhere else. So where did they go?"
Her eyes then caught sight of a footprint on the ground, which clearly showed that someone who wasn't wearing any form of footwear was in the area at the same time the group of Konoha nins were present.
Were they collectively levitated and brought into the forest, Ryota wondered, "Where are you Naruto-kun. You can't hide from me."
Doing a set of hand signs, Ryota summoned her Iwa No Tsurugi and clasped the earthen sword in her hand.
"Looks like I have to venture through that forest and find you the hard way Naruto-kun," Ryota said as she made her way enter through the entrance of sector No Return. When she was just about to enter…
"Ryota-chan," Soujiro called to her. Ryota snarled at being referred to again by that honorific, "Why are you here now Soujiro?"
The Diamond Fang of Iwa appeared in front of her, "Coming at check out why you're entering that forest. Are you in such a hurry to die?"
"No," Ryota retorted, "I was simply doing my job before you interfered."
"In that case," Soujiro offered, "Since I'm here, why don't I accompany you through this most hated and secluded forest."
"I can take care of myself," Ryota replied, "I don't need your help."
"Maybe," Soujiro said, "But we know very little about this part of the Forest of Death and if anything you will need my help should things get out of hand in that part of the forest.
"Remember we have a mission to fulfill. Iwa has important plans and the lone Uzumaki is the essential part of the plan. Understand, Ryota-chan?"
Ryota saw that Soujiro knew more than he was letting on. She decided not to press on the subject, at least for now.
"I understand," Ryota consented.
"Good," Soujiro smiled, "Now let's continue with this mission."
The two Iwa-Jounins turned and made their way into the forest…
While N. Naruto and his girls are gathered together with the Konoha-nins, Ryota and Soujiro are venturing through sector No Return. Ryota told Soujiro half truths about U. Naruto when she clearly knows more about the Genin. What was her motive behind her actions and what could Iwa possibly want with Uzumaki Naruto? What stories will N. Naruto and his girls reveal to the Konoha-nins? Find out next time.
Fūton: Kūki No Kūtai=Wind Release: Atmospheric Dome
Iwa No Tsurugi=Stone/Rock Sword