Chapter Sixty-Six: Life Stories

(Inside N. Naruto's "Mobile" House)

N. Naruto sat there at the recliner thinking about how to start off his story without revealing too much information that wouldn't compromise U. Naruto's life and safety.

To start off, N. Naruto explained how his kaa-chan returned to Konoha after learning of Kyuubi's attack and how she adopted him as her son and sole Senju clan heir.

"Tsunade-sama made you her heir," Tenten asked in amazement, "So your name is Senju Naruto?!"

"Senju Uzumaki Naruto," N. Naruto said, "Kaa-chan sees me as her only son, not caring that we're not blood-related. Everything that belongs to her clan will be passed down to me as the Senju heir."

Tsunade and Jiraiya had spoken about that last night and that that it's confirmed, they knew that N. Naruto would have a major influence on other elemental nations in his home world.

"So baa-chan plans to give you everything she has," U. Naruto asked, "Would that also include all of her loans and gambling debts she owes?"

Several veins appeared in Tsunade's head as a low growl of annoyance was heard. Jiraiya and Shizune giggled at U. Naruto's remark.

"Keep talking and I just might do that for you gaki," Tsunade snorted.

"Anyway, let me continue," N. Naruto said as he told them the story of N. Jiraiya's return leaving out the parts regarding Minato being sealed inside of him. When he got to the part where he explained how ero-jisan nearly got breastfed by N. Tsunade had it not be for N. Shizune's entrance, Jiraiya burst out laughing.

"He did that?!," Jiraiya applauded, "That other me is even braver than me to have taken a dangerous risk of that magnitude just so he could get that close to Tsunade-hime!"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and scowled, "I'm amazed she spared him for Naruto's sake seeing the low and disgraceful stunt he pulled."

"Like me," N. Naruto joked, "Ero-jisan just wanted to be a fellow partaker of the fruits of your bosoms."

Everyone burst out laughing their asses off. Tsunade's face reddened darker in embarrassment after seeing the implication of N. Naruto's words.

"That was poetically well-said," Jiraiya laughed as he pulled out his pen and notepad and hurriedly scribbled down what N. Naruto said, "I'm definitely using that poetic line for my next book."

After everyone get the laugh their systems, N. Naruto continued with his story. He explained the roles N. Tsunade, N. Jiraiya, N. Hiruzen, N. Shizune and N. Kakashi played in his life while growing up. Kakashi listened without interrupting as he heard how his counterpart was a protective big brother figure and role model to N. Naruto. The cyclops ninja saw how close the two were, especially when N. Naruto explained that for several years he wore a ninja mask like N. Kakashi though his clothes were a masculine version of N. Tsunade's clothes.

As N. Naruto told his story, he left out parts regard his nightmares of Kyuubi and why his right arm would turn red from every nightmare of Kyuubi he'd have. He told the group how N. Hiruzen practically forced him to attend the academy like everyone else. He explained that for the next four years N. Hiruzen had him stay at the academy regardless of the fact that by the time he was around the age of eight and night he was Jounin-level.

"You were Jounin-level at that young of an age," Chouji asked, "And Sandaime wouldn't allow you to graduate early and become a Genin for four years?"

"He said it would serve to humble me," N. Naruto explained, "At that time, I was self-centered and full of myself and honestly, I used to look down on everyone else my age."

The group hearing this found the idea of Naruto looking down on anyone in a spirit of haughtiness hard to believe. Though U. Naruto wanted to prove his worth to everyone he never sought to prove that he was better than everyone in the view that everyone else was beneath him.

"In truth," N. Naruto admitted, "My time at the academy benefited me despite the fact I spent most of my time sleeping in class and pulling pranks and jokes."

"You did that too," U. Naruto asked excitedly.

"I had to make Iruka-sensei's class more interesting," N. Naruto remarked, "My God his lectures were capital "B" Boring!"

"I can empathize with you niichan," U. Naruto said, "Believe me, I can."

"You mean to tell us that you were just as much of a trouble-making juvenile like this baka," Sakura remarked.

"Watch your tongue Sakura-san," N. Ino warned sharply with narrowed eyes, "You're guess in this house so don't cause trouble for yourself."

Sakura was partly stunned by N. Ino's reaction but gave no retort to N. Ino.

"My father and Ino-chan's father didn't think along those lines Sakura," N. Hinata retorted, "In fact, our fathers were the ones who encouraged Ino-chan and I to associate and get to know Naruto-kun after they learned he was in our class."

"What?!," Ino said in disbelief, "Our dad did that!? What about Sasuke-kun? Wasn't he there?"

"My father didn't approve of him," N. Ino said, "I did have a crush on Sasuke for a relatively short time. But his character and attitude completely turned me off and he was as warm as a solid block of ice."

Ino and Sakura and practically the rest of the boys were taken aback by N. Ino's colorful words describing N. Sasuke.

"Why did you choose to pursue Naruto," Ino asked, "What made him so special besides being the adoptive son of a Sannin?"

"Back in our academy days," N. Ino explained, "He treated Hinata and I with respect, he was fun to be with, he was protective of us and he always knew how to give us a good laugh, even when the joke was on him."

"Did he mention that he's a shameless pervert," Sakura said intentionally, wanting to see how the girls would react to that.

"What's your point," N. Hinata remarked politely. This caught the group off guard, seeing that neither of the three girls were phased by Sakura's comment.

"What's my point," Sakura replied in stupefied expression.

"Isn't Kakashi-san your Jounin-sensei," N. Temari retorted. This served to silence Sakura as she tried to come up with a comeback but nothing was making sense.

I like these girls, Jiraiya thought with a lecherous smile.

"Besides," N. Ino said, "Sasuke did something perverted in front of the class once."

That caught the group's attention; Sasuke being perverted, it was unheard of.

"What did he do," Sakura asked, trying to hide her anxious anticipation of the revelation.

"Naruto-kun switched Iruka-sensei's notes and got Sasuke into reading a passage of Icha-Icha Paradise in front of the class before Iruku-sensei stopped him from continuing," N. Ino remarked, "Hinata and I saw how most of the girls in class got a turn-on by his actions and a few bled from their nose."

Shino had a raised eyebrow as he tried to logically fit perversion and Sasuke together.

"Gee," U. Naruto said, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you often chose to pull off perverted pranks yourself, that's why," Shikamaru said.

"How were you able to pull that off," Sakura asked N. Naruto, secretly wishing that it happened in her world while Sasuke was still around.

"My question is how were you were able to get access to adult books," Kurenai said.

"Not important," N. Naruto said, "Anyway, my training and tutelage under kaa-chan and ero-jisan intensified during my time at the academy. After I turned eleven my skills were on par with the Sannins."

"You're kidding right," Asuma asked skeptically.

"It's no joke," N. Naruto assured, "Kaa-chan and ero-jisan's training regiments were brutal if anything. But I wasn't one to back down from any of their challenges and I did get stronger as time went on.

"Itachi and Kisame found that out the hard way after they first fought me when I was eleven."

"You took on two S-class missing-nins on your own," Hinata asked, "Why would you do something that dangerous?"

"I had no choice," N. Naruto said, "They kidnapped Hina-chan and Ino-chan in the attempt to draw me out and take from Konoha. I rescued the girls and told them to head back to kaa-chan who by then was already the Godaime Hokage and tell her and the others what happened while I held off Itachi and Kisame."

"That was suicidal," Kiba said, "Reckless and downright cool man!"

U. Naruto already knew about the organization of the Akatsuki though he doesn't know what their objectives are.

"But can you tell us how the fight turned out," Neji asked.

"I fought Kisame first in a kunai and fistfight," N. Naruto explained, "Itachi stepped in and used his Mangekyō Sharingan on me. He used Tsukiyomi to place me in an illusionary world where I would see kaa-chan, Shizune-neechan, Hina-chan and Ino-chan get butchered over and over and over again while I was crucified and beaten while being forced to watch the slaughter helplessly."

"That's awful and cruel," Hinata said sympathetically.

"Itachi was infamous for his cutthroat tactics," Kakashi said, "I can vouch for the severity an attack with the Mangekyō Sharingan can have on a person."

"Itachi however didn't see the fruition of his attack play out as he had hoped," N. Naruto.

"What do you mean," Gai asked.

"His attack backfired after I overpowered the effects of his Mangekyō Sharingan," N. Naruto said.

"How could you have pulled that off," Kurenai asked, "Tsukiyomi is a powerful illusionary attack."

"I have a condition that renders all forms of genjutsus useless against me and that includes Tsukiyomi," N. Naruto said, "Therefore Kurenai-san, your illusions won't work on me."

"What's this condition," Shizune asked curiously.

"I won't discuss that," N. Naruto answered, "None of you need to know about it."

"Why not tell me about it in private," U. Naruto suggested, "After all, I'm you. Whatever it is you have I'm certain to have it also."

"Not in this case I'm afraid," N. Naruto countered, "With regards to this issue, my condition is…unique only to me. So please don't ask me further about it."

U. Naruto felt rather disappointed that his counterpart has an ability to counter powerful genjutsu attacks and that he didn't have that same ability.

"Anyway," N. Naruto said, "Kakashi-niisan, kaa-chan, ero-jisan, jiisan and the others came to intervene with the fight, causing Itachi and Kisame to retreat."

"Why were Itachi and Kisame after you," Shikamaru asked.

"Because I have many secrets," N. Naruto said, "Several of which won my many enemies, I'll leave it at that."

"What else happened," Hinata asked.

"Word of my fight with Itachi and Kisame spread like wildfire through Konoha. Sasuke wasn't happy at all about how Itachi fought me and lost. He challenged me to a fight to test his skills against my own and lost predictably."

"The teme didn't stand a chance, did he," U. Naruto chuckled, "That's putting him in his place."

"Be quiet Naruto," Sakura retorted, "You weren't all that skillful or that good of a student during our days in the academy."

"My little bro. wasn't a bad student," N. Naruto stated with a partially hardened tone, "He had and was surrounded by bad senseis I'm sure."

Kakashi flinched slightly at that verbal jab, especially since he didn't differentiate between him and the senseis at the academy.

"If my little bro. is anything like me and I'm sure he is," N. Naruto said, "Then he would have gotten very far if he had good teachers."

"Iruka-sensei wasn't a bad teacher though his lectures were dull," Naruto reasoned.

"Not that I'm trying to put Iruka-sensei down in any way little bro.," N. Naruto clarified, "I'm just speaking in general. If the teacher pays poor to no attention to the one student who needs the most help and fails to provide the necessary methods needed to help that student because of personal spite or because they were playing favorites with other students, that to me makes a bad teacher."

Kakashi and the other Jounins gave no reply, almost as though they silently agreed with his statement.

"Speaking of teachers," Konohamaru spoke up, "How did you wind up with Anko-san as your Jounin-sensei?"

"There's a funny story to that," N. Naruto smiled as he scratched the back of his head.

"It wasn't funny to us at the time," N. Hinata remarked.

"It still isn't," N. Ino said in agreement. The group now became more curious seeing how the two girls were acting toward N. Naruto now.

"Tell us what happened," Udon requested.

"Well, to start off…," N. Naruto started before a blush appeared on his face, "I had a huge crush on Anko-chan."

"YOU WHAT?!," U. Naruto shouted with widened eyes and shock, "You had a major crush on that psycho snake lady?! How could you develop a crush on her?!"

"You like older women Naruto," Anko smiled toothily with a dango stick in her hand, "What about me that trigger your infatuation?"

"You were Konoha's bad girl, I couldn't help it," N. Naruto grinned and shrugged. Anko burst out laughing, "…So you're into bad girls, eh Naruto?"

"Shy, strong and independent types too," N. Naruto smiled, "Anyway, one day I found her having dangos at one of dango shops and I approached her in hopes that she'd answer a couple of questions I had for her. But she rudely brushed me off and told me to get lost. So I jumped on top of her table and took her dango from her to get her attention, although everyone else ran away in fear for their lives."

"You have balls gaki," Anko snickered, "I'd have killed anyone else for pulling that stunt on me."

N. Naruto was tempted to tease Anko about that remark but decided to continue with his story, "Kiba, Hina-chan and Ino-chan entered the shop to see what was going on and were shocked at what was taking place between me and Anko-chan. For a practical joke, Kiba pushed me off the table and straight into Anko-chan, effectively causing me to fall on top of her on the floor and causing both of us to have and share our first kiss, with each other in fact."

Everyone with the exception of N. Hinata and N. Ino erupting into laughter again. Hinata turned and saw the surprised look on U. Naruto's face.

"I wish I was there to see that," Kiba laughed.

"You shared your first kiss and make-out session with a hot woman like Anko and in public," Jiraiya applauded, "My hats off to you gaki!"

"That's exactly what ero-jisan said to me after he and Kakashi-niisan bailed by out of the trouble I was in," N. Naruto remarked.

"Surely Anko-san understood that you didn't intentionally mean for that to happen," Shizune implied.

"No she didn't," N. Naruto made clear, "Anko-chan wasn't all that happy about it. She chased me around the village with vipers while shouting threats of death. Kakashi-niisan and ero-jisan rescued and bailed me out from Anko-chan's wrath, but after their teasing session about the incident, I saw that I was better off with Anko-chan trying to kill me. I later learned that Ino-chan and Hina-chan admitted Kiba into the hospital after he was found beaten and unconscious under unexplained circumstances."

"So Hinata and Ino beat Kiba to a pulp for robbing them of the chance of giving you your first kiss," Shino interpreted.

"…Pretty much," N. Hinata admitted with a blush on her cheeks. The group found that hard to believe. N. Ino, Ino and Sakura they would have expected that from, but shy Hinata was another story.

That other Hinata and Ino wanted to kiss the other me, U. Naruto contemplated, They both like the other me and yet they're not fighting and going at each other's throats for his attention like how Sakura-chan and Ino were for Sasuke-teme. From what I've seen, he's been giving both of them and Temari attention and they all appear to like being around and close to him.

None of the girls seem to like me like that and I've always striven for Sakura-chan to like me like just like how she liked Sasuke.

U. Naruto turned to look at Hinata.

I wonder…, U. Naruto thought. Hinata, upon seeing U. Naruto staring at her blushed redder and turned her head from his sight.

"So little bro.," N. Naruto asked getting U. Naruto's attention, "With whom did you share your firs-"

"I'd rather not talk about it," U. Naruto interjected with his head hung down gloomily. Seeing the looking on U. Naruto face, N. Naruto saw that his counterpart really didn't want to bring up the topic.

Damn, N. Naruto thought, I hope it wasn't a boy he kissed by mistake.

N. Naruto shuddered at the possibilities before returning back to the topic, "It was a short while, but in time Anko-chan and I became really good friends."

"Did you had to go through the trouble of having fangirls," Chouji inquired.

"…Don't remind me," N. Naruto sighed, "Even now they still pursue me. I tell you some of them are rather shallow and self-centered."

"You don't say," Shikamaru remarked while looking at Ino, who shot him a death glare in return. The Nara genius turned away from her.

"So," Konohamaru asked while looking at N. Hinata, N. Temari and N. Ino, "You three aren't fangirls of niichan?"

"No," N. Temari said sharply, "We're professional kunoichis, not boy-crazed idiots."

Ino and Sakura winced at that statement.

"However," N. Temari added, "We do hold Naruto-kun in very high regards if you must know. As a ninja, he's outstanding, dedicated and does his hardest to do what's best for his people, family and friends."

Kurenai respected that as she and Shizune agreed with her words.

"Four months before the Genin Exams, ero-jisan and I went away for some outside training and we later returned a few days before the exams were given. It went without say that I passed with flying colors."

"Well at least you didn't do something senseless like painting graffiti on the Hokage Monument before taking the exams," Sakura remarked.

"Wow!," N. Naruto marveled as he turned to his younger counterpart, "You pulled that stunt too?!"

Everyone in the room sweat-dropped as both Narutos grinned mischievously at each other.

I take that back, Sakura mentally sulked.

Was my fiancé that much of a juvenile, N. Temari wondered.

"Yeah," U. Naruto smiled, "In front of everyone right under their noses. I had two Jounins chasing after me and none of them were able to catch me, let alone keep up with me. That was until Iruka-sensei caught and tied me up in class."

"We were given a stupid henge test as punishment because of your prank," Ino snorted.

"Whatever," U. Naruto shot back.

"How did you vandalize the monument," N. Hinata asked the younger Naruto.

"I just painted dumb stuff and markings all over it with multiple colors of paint," U. Naruto answered.

"That's it," N. Ino remarked, "That was all you did?"

"What do you mean that was all he did," Ino asked, "You know how much trouble he got into for pulling that stunt?"

"We believe that what Naruto-kun did in our world was much worse," N. Hinata said.

"What could he have done to top what Naruto did," Tenten asked.

"He painted a giant picture of Icha-Icha Paradise on the face of the mountain next to the monument before painting each face of the Hokages looking as though they were having different reactions to the cover of the book," N. Ino explained. Everyone's mouths dropped on hearing that. Jiraiya gave a lecherous laugh while applauding N. Naruto's stunt. The females though weren't at all amused, especially Tsunade.

He's more perverted and immature than this baka, Sakura mentally wailed while referring to U. Naruto.

"Jiisan and most of the villagers and ninjas though got lots of good laughs from the prank though," N. Naruto added, "I mean, I'm the son of Godaime Hokage who's everyone's favorite village clown and escape artist. Ero-jisan appreciated the advertisement though kaa-chan didn't share the same feelings since she chased both of us around the village screaming death threats and bloody murders at us. I was forced the wash the monument despite the fact that I used vanishing paint. Ero-jisan spent the rest of the time hiding from kaa-chan who want to beat him half to death."

"You must be a huge fan of my works to have gone as far as to pull such a stunt like that," Jiraiya chuckled.

"And why not," N. Naruto smiled, "Your creative writings helped me in more ways than one."

"WOOO HOOO HOOO!," Jiraiya cheered excitedly as many ideas of what N. Naruto could have meant went through his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?!," Tsunade asked with a not so happy but suspicious expression.

Is he implying what I think he is, Kurenai thought will having N. Hinata in consideration.

"Please do tell," Jiraiya insisted with his pen and notepad out ready and waiting, "And don't spare the good stuff!"

The group was wondering if N. Naruto meant what they thought he was implying, seeing the feminine company he was surrounded by. Hinata was already blushing at what N. Naruto could be implying.

That may help to explain how and why he's so good in bed and pleasuring us, N. Temari and the other two girls thought, while fighting down perverted smiles and blushes that were trying to form on their faces.

"What I mean is that his books gave me innovative ideas in using sexual perversions as strategic battle tactics to use against enemy shinobis and kunoichis," N. Naruto explained, "Oiroke No Jutsu just happens to be one of my perverted arsenals and most of you here already experienced one of my other types first hand yesterday."

Growls of resentment were heard in the room among the Genins and Jounins.

"How could you girls put up with having a shameless pervert being around you," Sakura asked.

"Because any guy who tries anything on us without our permission would be severely beaten if not killed," N. Temari replied calmly, "Besides, Naruto-kun saw what happened to the last perverted ninja who tried to pull a fast one on us. He needed immediate medical attention by the time the girls and I were through with him."

N. Naruto knew that N. Temari was referring to N. Jiraiya.

"In that case," Sakura grinned, "You girls have no problem keepings guys in check and in their place."

"None at all," N. Temari said, Guys we don't want touching us except Naruto-kun that is.

"A few days later at the academy," N. Naruto continued, "Everyone was paired off with a team but me. I was the only one with no team but my Jounin-sensei Anko. Kaa-chan said that I was too advanced for the other Genins and that they'd be hard pressed trying to keep up with me and my having to slow down for them wouldn't do me any benefits either. However, a compromise was made in which I would work with Teams 7, 8 and 10 during certain missions if it was saw fit to do so."

"Who was on Team 7 if you weren't in it," Sakura asked.

"This guy who kept making remarks about your forehead and references that questioned your sexual orientation," N. Naruto answered.

"WHAAAT?!," Sakura yelled angrily with bloodlust.

"When asked why," N. Naruto explained, "He kept making remarks about how you kept wooing over an Uchiha who has no balls."

U. Naruto and the boys broke into laughter, knowing that N. Naruto was referring to N. Sasuke. Sakura was fuming at this.

"Who is he so I can show him a thing or two," Sakura growled.

"That's not important," N. Naruto objected, "Besides he's not your teammate in this world so going after him for things he didn't do would be entirely pointless."

Sakura gave a low snarl though she accepted the truth in N. Naruto's statement.

"We did a number of annoying and boring chores that my loving kaa-chan labeled as missions," N. Naruto snorted, "I hated all of them."

"I share your pain," U. Naruto said, "Baby-sitting, pulling weeds, carrying groceries, painting fences!"

"And that damn cat Tora," N. Naruto remarked.

"You and the others had to catch the daimyo's wife's cat also," U. Naruto said in surprise.

"I wanted to feed it to one of Anko-chan's snakes but kaa-chan didn't want a headache from the daimyo's wife about how I turn her pet to snake food," N. Naruto stated.

It's scary to see how despite the noticeable differences, they still act so much alike, several in the room thought.

"There was also that mission we had in Nami No Kuni with Tazuna," N. Naruto said.

"You guys had that mission too," Sakura asked.

"I was teamed up with Kakashi-niisan and his team for it," N. Naruto said.

"So you and the others also took on Zabuza, Haku, Gatō and his thugs while protecting Tazuna and his family," Kakashi figured.

"Them and a formadible Jounin kunoichi from Iwa who was sent after me," N. Naruto added, "She didn't care about the others since I was her sole primary target."

Kakashi's attention was caught by this, as was the attention of the other Jounins, and Jiraiya and Tsunade. Even now, there was some tension between Iwa and Konoha, especially after the Third Great Shinobi World War. The fact that Iwa dispatched a Jounin after N. Naruto specifically placed Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi a bit on edge with U. Naruto in thought. If Iwa in N. Naruto's world suspected who his father was, then what kept Iwa in this world from doing likewise with U. Naruto, they thought.

"Why was she after you," Shikamaru asked. In truth, he didn't need to figure out why Iwa would chance going after U. Naruto if they sought to. After all, Minato's name and legacy in Iwa was despised and if they knew of his surviving son, Iwa would seek to extinguish any links the late Minato would have to the living world.

"My reputation and being the son of a famed Hokage won me additional enemies in high places, even within Konoha," N. Naruto answered. Shikamaru sensed that N. Naruto wasn't telling the whole truth, especially seeing how he evaded answering the question fully. But the Nara kept that observation to himself. The observation was likewise shared with Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi.

"It must suck to be you," Kiba mocked, only to be jabbed at the side by Ino.

"Anyway," N. Naruto continued, "I defeated her but I spared her on a whim seeing that Kakashi-niisan and his team were facing problems against Zabuza and Haku-san in our final confrontation."

"I know how this story ends," Kakashi interjected, "Though no Iwa Jounin was dispatched after Naruto however, if there's anything similar in that last battle, Haku died protecting Zabuza from my Raikiri, Gatō was defeated and killed by Zabuza and Gatō's thugs ran off like the bullies and cowards were after the villagers joined forces against them. The bridge's construction was finished and Haku and Zabuza were buried next to each other in Nami No Kuni."

So Haku-san in this world was killed protecting Zabuza, N. Naruto thought sadly, A pity that my other self couldn't save her; she was a kind-hearted kunoichi with promises and potential.

"Except in my world," N. Naruto corrected, "Haku-san didn't die protecting Zabuza. I intercepted and defected Kakashi-niisan's attack before it could kill Haku by accident."

Kakashi, U. Naruto and Sakura were shocked at this revelation.

"Haku's alive," U. Naruto asked in wanted for more answers, "She's alive and well?!"

"She's lives with us in Konoha and works as a medic-nin and Shizune-neechan's assistant," N. Hinata explained, "Plus, Kiba-kun has a huge crush on her."

"How does she look like," Kiba asked in curiosity.

"What good would that do for you," Neji inquired, "Her counterpart is dead in this reality."

"You were able to save Haku and convince her to live in Konoha," Sakura asked.

"That's right," N. Naruto confirmed, "And I later on found out what the the people of Nami No Kuni proudly call the bridge. And I'm completely certain they call the same bridge here by the same name."

"What do they call it," Sakura asked.

"The Great Naruto Bridge." N. Naruto grinned.

"They named the bridge after us," U. Naruto asked excitedly.

"No way," Sakura objected, "Tell us the truth! What's the real name?!"

"That IS the name," N. Naruto emphasized, "The people dedicated the bridge in honor and memory of the hero and his team for inspiring them to protect what's precious to them as they linked with the rest of the world."

"That's so freaking cool!," U. Naruto shouted happily as he rose off his seat, "They must really love and appreciate me to have done that in my honor! I wonder if I'm now a celebrity in that country!"

"Get off your high horse Naruto," Sakura berated, "You weren't the only one who helped during that mission! There were Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke-kun and myself also!"

"Though Nami No Kuni named the bridge after you," Kakashi said, "Try not to let it go to your head."

"And while it is true that you three and Sasuke were there to help the people," N. Naruto remarked calmly, "That doesn't mean that my little bro. shouldn't take pride in the fact that far from this village that another country acknowledges him as the hero he always has been."

Tsunade and the other Jounins flinched slightly that the verbal jab as everyone else saw how N. Naruto's demeanor momentarily changed. Shikamaru saw where N. Naruto was coming from and silently agreed.

"What I explained wasn't for my little bro. to have a big head about what Nami No Kuni did," N. Naruto clarified, "But for him to be proud of the fact that he earned the respect and admiration of a whole country for what he and his team had done for them. Such actions were an all around inspiration for them and pulled them out of the dampened spirits they were in."

"YOSH!," Gai stood and cheered enthusiastically with tears, "Naruto's flaming youth have brightened the flames of an entire country! His dedication to hard work had paid off and inspired the fires of foreigners to fight hard and let their burning light shine with their protective spirits!"

"Yes Gai-sensei!," Lee agreed as he too stood with tears running down his face, "As a genius of hard work, I too found inspiration in Naruto-kun's passionate flames and his devotion to hard work! I'll work and train twice as hard to obtains flames as bright as his."









The two of them then engaged in a hug with tears still flowing down their faces with a sunset at the beach with crashing waves on the shores in the background. Everyone else sweat-dropped at the sight.

How the hell did that genjutsu appear?!, N. Temari wondered as her left eyebrow twitched at the scene.

Lee and Gai will always be who they are, N. Naruto mentally laughed before something popped in his mind. He kept a collected appearance despite what just happened.

"In any case," N. Naruto said breaking the silence, "I'm tired of talking about myself so much and hearing only my own voice. Let the girls here tell you some things about themselves. I'm sure all of you have as much questions for them as well."

Turning to the three girls, N. Naruto invited, "Ladies, please, entertain our guests."

N. Naruto stood up and walked passed everyone.

"Where are you going Naruto-kun," N. Hinata asked.

"I have something to attend to," N. Naruto smiled, "I'm sure I won't be too long. Please continue in my temporary absence."

The girls and the others didn't have time to question N. Naruto further when he went to the front door and placed his sandals on. He exited the door and closed it behind him thus exiting the house.

"What do you supposed he went to do," Anko asked.

"Our guess is as good as anyone else's," N. Ino remarked.


Ryota and Soujiro were still trekking through sector No Return as a quick pace. A series of creatures in the forest were efficiently killed and posed little trouble for them. So far they were deep in the sector but kept their guards up.

"This accursed forest," Soujiro spat, "I see now why so many don't chance coming here."

"You don't say," Ryota remarked, "Still we haven't found any traces of Naruto and the others who were with him. I say we turn back now."

"No," Soujiro objected, "We came this far so we must see things through!"

"There's a chance we'll run into trouble," Ryota argued.

"You already knew this when you decided to venture into his damn place before I arrived," Soujiro retorted, "And like I said before, we have a mission to do and Iwa wants the lone Uzumaki."

"For what," Ryota growled, "What's so special about that dead last Genin that Iwa would want in their nation? And why are we sticking our necks out for it?"

"That's easy," Soujiro replied, "Because you know more about the lone Uzumaki than you were telling me."

"What are you trying to accuse me of," Ryota countered, "I told you everything you need to know and bring back to Iwa."

"You mean things you only want me to know and bring back to the Tsuchikage," Soujiro pointed out. Ryota didn't like where this was going but she masked it totally, "What are you saying exactly?"

"I didn't become a Jounin by being stupid and gullible," Soujiro said, "I saw that there was more to why you never reported your findings to Iwa after all these months and the fact that you told me half truths and lies about the lone Uzumaki is proof of that."

"Get your head out of your ass," Ryota snarled, "I told you everything I-"

"Last night," Soujiro interjected, "I saw how you were looking at the lone Uzumaki while he was sleeping in his bedroom before I decided to make my presence known to you. With your lips, you curse his name as the dead last and speak of him in low terms. But the look of endearment you had in your eyes for him before I appeared said an entirely different story that contradicted your words. The lone Uzumaki have done a lot more as a ninja than you were telling me."

Ryota was getting nervous seeing that Soujiro was on to her. Seeing how her behavior suddenly changed only proved his point.

"You grew fond and attached to your target," Soujiro said, "You've broken one of the fundamental codes we as Iwa shinobis live by. And by knowingly giving me a falsified report to take back to the Tsuchikage because of your emotional attachment to our primary target, I could run you in for treason and have you executed."

"You and the others should have been executed for leaving me behind to deal with those Akatsuki bastards on my own two years ago," Ryota growled venomously at Soujiro who looked back at her unaffected by the bloodlust she radiated at him, "Because of you and the others, I was blamed for the capture and death of the Jinchuuriki of the Gobi!"

"Mistakes were made Ryota-chan and the power of the Akatsuki was underestimated," Soujiro retorted, "And since attack team was under your command, the council found that you were the easiest scapegoat to pin the blame on for the mission's failure, especially after they learned that Deidara was recruited by that secretive organization!"

"And no one defended me, the village's pariah," Ryota spat, "And all because of my history with Deidara."

"Yet the Tsuchikage decided to give you a chance at redemption by assigning you to this secret mission Ryota-chan," Soujiro smiled, "However the Tsuchikage wasn't foolish enough to rely solely on you for this mission. I admit that I don't know as much as you about the lone Uzumaki. However I managed to obtain my share of tabs and research on him and reported them to Iwa already."

Ryota stayed silent while thinking over what she should do next. Before she could act out what came to mind…

"Nevertheless," Soujiro added, "I'll drop and forget about all the offenses you've done while performing this spy mission and not report any of it to the Tsuchikage, under one condition."

"What condition would that be," Ryota asked cautiously. Soujiro pulled out a scroll from his pouch.

"By performing this secret S-class mission," Soujiro said as he handed the mission scroll to her, "The Tsuchikage understood that it'll be too much trouble attempting to bring the lone Uzumaki back to Iwa alive without Konoha causing too much trouble for our village. Therefore, he stated that this would be a more effective alternative."

Ryota opened and read the contents in the mission scroll, which beared the authenthic signature and seal of the Tsuchikage himself. When she was done, she looked at Soujiro in disbelief.

"You can't be serious," Ryota retorted incredulously, "I'm expected to go through in carrying this out!?"

"You are a ninja and instrument of Iwa, a tool for the village," Soujiro retorted back, "You have your orders which came straight from the Tsuchikage himself and you will see to its completion unless you wish to face the consequences for failure."

Ryota held her tongue despite her inner impulses.

"There have been a number of speculations surrounding the lone Uzumaki and my own reports and findings only helped to strengthen those possibilities. If you successfully see this mission through and without blowing your cover, Iwa will welcome you back with open arms and wipe clean your disgraceful slate and the one your traitorous sensei Deidara left behind for you. I'll check from time to time to ensure that your mission is fulfilled Ryota-chan."

Ryota snarled hatefully at Soujiro who turned and took off, leaving her alone in the forest with the scroll still in her hand. Looking back into the opened scroll, she read and examined the contents in it again. The Tsuchikage made her new S-class mission very clear: she was to return to Iwa carrying the seed of Uzumaki Naruto, by any means necessary…

Ryota has been given a most unwelcoming task of impregnating herself with U. Naruto's child and returning to Iwa with it. What scheme could Iwagakure be plotting and will Ryota actually go through with what the Tsuchikage wants her to carry out? And where did N. Naruto disappear to? Find out next time.