Chapter Sixty-Seven: Namikaze Girls' Side Of The Story

A/N: I know some of you found U. Ryota's new S-rank mission rather weird and perverted. But please understand that some ninjas won't do things honorably and will do what they will to have what they seek, no matter the cost or who they hurt. Orochimaru is a prime example of that.

In this fic, just so that all of you know, U. Naruto is close to 14 years of age at this point.

(Five Minutes Later)

Ryota was standing where she was in the forest with the same mission scroll in hand. Closing her eyes, she rolled the scroll closed and placed it in her pouch.

'You are a ninja and instrument of Iwa, a tool for the village.'

Those words played in her head over and over again. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

"A tool," she spat in disgust, "That's my only worth; not even subhuman."

As she started walking in the opposite direction Soujiro head into, she thought more about the mission the Tsuchikage wanted her to perform. When she thought more about it, she realized that impregnating herself with Naruto's seed would mean more than just having Naruto's child.

"That would make it my child as well," Ryota realized, "A part of me…My and Naruto-kun's child would be used as a tool for whatever it is that the Tsuchikage is planning. He wants to use whatever child I have with Naruto-kun for his own means."

"If you successfully see this mission through and without blowing your cover, Iwa will welcome you back with open arms and wipe clean your disgraceful slate and the one your traitorous sensei Deidara left behind for you."

"The Tsuchikage must know something pretty damn important about Naruto-kun to want me to go through with this 'mission'," Ryota acknowledged, "And he won't chance having me retrieve Naruto-kun himself back to Iwa. He doesn't know that Naruto-kun has the Kyuubi sealed inside of him. And even if he did, a Jinchuuriki couldn't pass on a bijuu that was sealed into it into an undeveloped fetus upon conception.

"So what more is there to Naruto-kun that has the Tsuchikage drooling for his DNA?"


Soujiro was making his way out of the forest when…

"Soujiro," a feminine voice called out to him. Soujiro turned to see a familiar face approaching, jumping from tree to tree.

"Tsuchiko-chan," Soujiro smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Keeping an eye on you and Ryota," Tsuchiko remarked as she landed down on the ground in front of him, "My uncle wants to ensure that nothing goes wrong in the mission he wanted you to ensure was given to Ryota to carry out."

"It's funny you should say that Tsuchiko-chan," Soujiro replied, "Considering that your uncle made no mention of you or anyone else knowing of that or the previous missions Ryota-chan was assigned to."

"You'd be surprised how I can pry information from him," Tsuchiko said, "He is my uncle after all and you know how he is around me."

"Yeah, a spoiled niece," Soujiro retorted.

"Whatever," Tsuchiko replied, "By the way, while I was on my way here, I found something that you'll find most interesting."

"And what might that be," Soujiro asked suspiciously, secretly readying to attack should it prove to be a trap.

"This," Tsuchiko said as she reached into her pouch and retrieve an object that any Iwa ninja would recognize off the spot. She tossed it at his and he caught it with ease.

"…W-What!?," Soujiro said in shocked, "Thi-This is…the-"

"The tri-pronged kunai of the Yellow Flash I presume," Tsuchiko finished for him. Soujiro looked at its designed and studied it.

"What would you know about it," Tsuchiko asked.

"What are you, stupid?!," Soujiro remarked, "This is the very weapon that bastard Namikaze Minato used against our brethren! It cost us our victory in the Third Great Shinobi War years ago!"

"But Minato is dead now," Tsuchiko shrugged, "Therefore, that weapon is useless."

"No!," Soujiro said sharply, "There's nothing useless about this legendary kunai!"

"It represents the very man our people in Iwagakure holds the utmost hatred for," Tsuchiko pointed out.

"All the more why we must bring this weapon back to Iwa," Soujiro retorted, "This kunai is a gold mine for our people!"

"How so," Tsuchiko asked.

"Our Tsuchikage will have great plans for this magnificent weapon," Soujiro stated as he saw that the kunai was real, "This I know."

"Oh," Tsuchiko asked curiously, "How can that be? I thought only the late Yellow Flash knew how to use that kunai to its maximum power. The knowledge of how to execute the jutsu to that weapon died with Minato almost fourteen years ago."

"Then we'll just have to find a way to revive it," Soujiro replied, "And if all speculations about the lone Uzumaki are true, then Konoha is in for a great quake from Iwa the like which they've never seen!"

Soujiro didn't have time to speaker further when a flash of yellow light appeared and instantaneously knocked him unconscious. Tsuchiko stood over him with the kunai Soujiro was previously holding in her hand.

"Not if I have a say in matters," Tsuchiko said before puffing into smoke and changing back into N. Naruto. Grabbing Soujiro by his hair, N. Naruto dragged and hauled the unconscious Iwa-nin away from sight.

"You're going to tell me everything that your Tsuchikage is plotting and why he's after my kid brother," N. Naruto said with a hardened tone to no one in particular.


Ryota was moving through the trees when her eyes caught sight of something. Jumping down to the ground, she hid behind one of the trees and peered from behind it to see what was going on. She looked to see U. Naruto and others resting outside under shaded trees. She was about to focused her earth manipulation to move closer to the group when a needle was shot into the right side of her neck. She fell to the ground unconscious as N. Naruto shunshin'd and stood over her.

U. Naruto and his fellow Konoha nins puffed out of existence, revealing themselves to be nothing more than Kage Bushins in henge form.

"What were you deciding to go through, Ryo-chan," N. Naruto said as she bent down to lift and carry Ryota away bridal style.

(Back At The House)

Neji sat by his teammates and sensei with a thought in mind that he had been meaning to ask N. Hinata since N. Naruto wasn't around to answer his question.

"There's something Hinata-sama and I have been meaning to ask you," Neji said to N. Hinata.

"And what might that be," N. Hinata asked.

"How was Naruto able to create a wind-manipulated version of our clan's famed Kaiten," Neji asked.

"Yesterday we saw Naruto-kun use what he called Shippu Uzumaki No Jutsu when he ambushed us," Hinata said stepping into the conversation, "From what we saw, we have reasons to believe that Naruto-kun created that jutsu after our clan's Kaiten."

"He did," N. Hinata comfirmed, "Naruto-kun had spent much time around the Hyuuga compound and learned much about how our clan fight."

"But he doesn't possess the Byakugan," Neji said, "So how was it that he learned the Kaiten?"

"He got the idea of how he could create his own variation of it after my match with Neji during the Preliminaries," N. Hinata replied, "I would have at least got the match to end in a draw if I wasn't caught off guard by his Kaiten. Neji-niisan then attempted to use Hakke Rokujūyon Shō on me to its fullest extent."

Neji was surprised that his other self knew how to perform the Kaiten that early.

"So he was aiming to kill you," Shizune deduced. N. Hinata nodded, while Neji's memories of his own past actions against his cousin reminded him of his guilt and shame.

"I saw this and I countered it with a jutsu of my own making which deflected most of Neji-niisan's attack," N. Hinata replied.

"You mean to say that we both were that advanced even before the finals," Hinata asked with heightened anticipation of what was going to be revealed next.

"We were," N. Hinata confirmed, "Neji-niisan and I forced each other to reveal our trump cards against each other much earlier than we'd have wanted to. My Shugo Hakke Rokujūyon Shō countered his Hakke Rokujūyon Shō. But because of my injuries from his Kaiten attack, he was able to land a few blows on my tenketsus."

"You used Shugo Hakke Rokujūyon Shō to counter the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō," Hinata asked her other self, "I created the jutsu much later but the idea of how you used it never even crossed my mind."

"Until now," N. Ino remarked, "I saw first hand how amazing it was seeing those two jutsus in action against each other."

"Well I always thought Hinata was an amazing ninja after seeing how she used that Shugo Hakke Rokujūyon Shō on that giant flying bug and those other insects during our mission to find that scent bug to use to track down Sasuke," U. Naruto said, causing Hinata to smile and blush, "The mission sadly ended in failure."

"No thanks to you," Sakura remarked.

"…You don't have to rub it in Sakura-chan," U. Naruto sighed.

"Naruto-kun was enraged by Neji's murderous actions against me," N. Hinata interjected, "So much so that during the finals, he almost went through the act of surgically blinding niisan after decoying him into a clone bomb that severely injured and immobilized Neji. Not once did Neji land on a blow on Naruto-kun."

"Wow!," U. Naruto marveled while recalling a similar event, "I remembering literally swearing on Hinata's blood that I'd win and get back at Neji for what he did to Hinata."

"You…did that," Hinata asked in surprise, only now finding out about U. Naruto's act of swearing a blood oath with her blood to win against Neji.

"Yeah, I did," U. Naruto said, "What I saw in your fight with Neji made me see you in a whole new light. I believe I told you that day I had to go up against Neji."

"And I take it that you won the match also," N. Temari figured.

"It wasn't easy," U. Naruto admitted, "But I had an oath to fulfill and I wasn't planning on failing to carry it out. But I wasn't planning on blinding or crippling Neji in anyway."

"Naruto-kun didn't actually go through the act of blinding Neji," N. Hinata clarified, "But like you I'm sure, in the end he helped niisan to change his view of himself and others. My friendship with him was repaired and strengthened because of that."

"Mine was too," Hinata said as she turned to face U. Naruto, "You helped change niisan and for that you have my thanks and gratitude Naruto-kun."

"Thanks," U. Naruto smiled modestly, "But I really didn't do that much if anything."

You do a lot more for all of Konoha than you give yourself credit for Naruto, Shikamaru thought, It's a pity that not everyone appreciates that.

"Sometime after the Chuunin Exams," N. Hinata continued, "Naruto-kun later started studying and analyzing our movements with the Jyuuken before he started theorizing concepts on how he could combine his wind manipulation with movements similar to the Jyuuken. I was there to help him perfect his experimental jutsu. He has yet to reveal that jutsu to my father who no doubt will be shock by its ability."

Neji nodded.

"Speaking of our father…," Hinata spoke up nervously, "You…mentioned earlier that…father encouraged you to…get t-to know Naruto-kun."

"He did," N. Hinata replied, "He saw Naruto-kun as someone I could learn much from and he welcomed him to visit the Hyuuga Compound whenever he wanted to, even if it was for tea."

"I never got that kind of welcome from any clan leader from what I remember," U. Naruto remarked.

"With that kind of pranks you pulled back then with your record of cutting class and always getting into trouble," Sakura commented, "You were looked at as a loose delinquent. It's only recently some of the villagers and ninjas started looking at you in a more positive light."

"That's terrific news," U. Naruto grinned before turning to Tsunade, "Get ready to hand over your seat to me baa-chan because my dreams of being Hokage will become reality one day! Dattebayo!"

"I'm sure it will," Tsunade smiled, "But you still have a long way to go."

"With the progress I'm making," N. Naruto replied, "It won't be long at all!"

"Aren't you modestly ambitious," Tsunade mocked only to rewarded with snort from U. Naruto.

"Is there's more you can tell us," Hinata asked before any tension could start up between Tsunade and U. Naruto.

"Hanabi thinks of Naruto-kun as a cute weirdo," N. Hinata said, "It's no secret to me or niisan that she has one of the biggest crushes on Naruto-kun though she denies it."

"Are you serious," Hinata giggled, finding that revelation most surprising.

"She was caught a couple of times hiding from view so she could steal glances at Naruto-kun whenever he came by," N. Hinata added, causing Hinata to blushed being reminded of her own times of doing exactly that with U. Naruto. Neji had a raised eyebrow as he tried to visualize Hanabi having as big of a crush on U. Naruto as Hinata and hiding herself from view so she could steal glances at him. The thought was just too awkward for him to fathom considering her age and the kind the girl Hanabi was.

"Didn't you say that Hanabi hides of picture of Naruto-kun under her pillow in her room," N. Ino asked with a mischievous smile. Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Chouji and Kiba started laughing at the idea while U. Naruto was sitting there clueless. Kurenai, who knew how closely Hanabi followed after Hiashi's footsteps, found it difficult to picture that little girl having a childish crush on Hinata's love interest.

"That's cute," Shizune giggled with Tonton in her arms.

"Do you hide pictures of men under your pillow Shizune," Jiraiya snickered. Shizune blushed at the accusing question aimed at her while Tsunade shot Jiraiya an annoyed look that told him to keep his mouth shut. It was no secret to Tsunade that Shizune had issues finding a decent boyfriend.

"Who's Hanabi," U. Naruto asked while scratching the back of his head.

"She's my…eight-year-old sister," Hinata said.

"Huh," U. Naruto replied, "You have a kid sister?"

Hinata nodded, "She spends much of her time training with father. He believes that she holds more potential than I do."

"Nonsense," N. Hinata retorted with a partial hardened tone, "Unlike Hanabi, you actually have battle and combat experiences, and faced dangers Hanabi has yet to be exposed to. You and I have potential in our own unique abilities and we can always grow stronger in different areas. So don't believe or let anyone tell you otherwise, even if that person is our father."

Hinata slowly smiled and nodded shyly. Kurenai liked and admired this version of Hinata and how she was giving her other self the needed self-confidence and motivational boost.

"Is there anything you girls can tell us about what we're like in your dimension," Tenten asked.

"If you girls are as strong as you say you are," Kiba added, "Then we must be just as strong."

N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari looked at each as though they were waiting for the other to say something.

"Well," Chouji said, "Isn't there something you can tell us about our other selves and how far we came in your training like you three?"

"Honestly," N. Ino replied, "You guys did come a long way…"

"But there isn't much of a different between them and us is there," Shino figured. N. Ino shrugged with a nervous chuckle.

"Well that sucks," Kiba snorted.

"You're telling me," Chouji agreed.

"…," Shino gave no reply.

"In any case," Shizune spoke up changing the subject, "Temari-san, why don't you tell us the story as to why you're a Konoha-nin now."

"What's there to say," N. Temari started, "After the death of Orochimaru during the failed invasion-"

"Death of Orochimaru," Tsunade and Jiraiya replied simultaneously in shock and disbelief. Everyone else looked at the three girls while wondering if what N. Temari said was true.

"That's right," N. Ino confirmed, "Orochimaru was killed during the invasion; him along with a large portion of his army, with two unidentified Kage-level ninjas who were killed alongside the traitorous Sannin."

"Very interesting indeed," Asuma remarked, "So my old man did away with Orochimaru after all."

"Actually," N. Hinata corrected, "It was Naruto-kun who killed Orochimaru and those four resurrected ninjas, two of them Kage-level, one Jounin-level and the last a Genin, after single-handedly slaughtering Orochimaru's army at the stadium. Sandaime never actually fought Orochimaru, which is why he's still alive in our world."

The group didn't know how to respond to that bombshell. If anything, they found the revelation like a very hard solid pill to swallow.

Jiji's alive in their world because of niichan, Konhamaru thought to himself.

It amazed them how N. Naruto's upbringing resulted in so many events playing out differently in oppose to how things happened their world. But what was done was done and they couldn't undo any of those events, only live and learn from them.

"Sandaime had insisted that he fight and deal with Orochimaru and the four revived ninjas himself," N. Hinata continued, "But Naruto-kun refused to listen and decided to deal with the Snake Sannin and the four other ninjas himself in his own way."

"You can't be serious Hinata-sama," Neji remarked, "I accept that Naruto is strong and all but-"

"I, along with the rest of the Genins, our Jounin-senseis and the Hokages have eye-witnessed Orochimaru's demise by Naruto-kun's own hands," Hinata stated with a soft but solid tone, "We tell you this with no falsity in our testimony."

"It must have been a most fierce battle," Shino believed.

"It was," N. Ino assured as she, N. Temari and N. Hinata explained the events that happened during the invasion of Konoha in their world. The group listened as the three girls told their story, including the events that happened before and during the finals of the Chuunin Exams. N. Temari explained how N. Naruto managed to persuade N. Gaara to side with Konoha while being careful not to mention the issue with the bjiuu he carries and how N. Naruto managed to repair the seal containing the monster.

"He must be a most skilled negotiator," Kurenai said, "To be able to persuade foreign ninjas to side with him against their allies who were in fact enemies his home village."

"Orochimaru and those Oto ninjas murdered my father," N. Temari said, "Though my father and I were never close, but he was the Kazekage and by betraying him they betrayed us, like how Suna had betrayed Konoha before the invasion. That's always why some a number of the Suna shinobis lost their lives."

"Naruto took on a Sannin and two Kage-level ninjas on his own," Gai thought aloud, "Though it was a couragerous youthful act however, I'd have thought something of that nature would have cost him his life."

"It did," N. Hinata admitted.

"Excuse us," Tsunade remarked as the rest of the group looked at N. Hinata awkwardly.

"Naruto-kun couldn't kill the four resurrected ninjas that easily," N. Hinata stated, "He resorted to using an ancient S-class kinjutsu ougi which he revised to seal their souls away at the cost of his own life."

Now everyone looked at the girls like they grew extra heads on their shoulders.

He resorted to using Shiki Fuujin?!, Jiraiya, Kakashi and Tsunade wondered while trying to figure out for the life of them how N. Naruto was still alive since that the Shinigami takes and consumes not only the souls of the sealed but also the soul of the sealer as payment. The other Jounins were trying to make sense of the story themselves but they couldn't come up with a satisfactory explanation.

"How can my other self be alive if he-," a now freaked out U. Naruto asked in fright, "You mean that my other self is an undead zombie?!"

"No," N. Hinata said, "He's as alive as the rest of us."

"But how can that be," Kakashi inquired.

"Naruto-kun used an S-class self-reviving medic kinjutsu," N. Ino explained, "He never explained to us the secret complex details of how that kinjutsu worked or how he created the seals for it. All we know is that it did the job in bringing him back to life."

"So Naruto is a trained seal master," Jiraiya concluded.

"One of the best trained by the best, Jiraiya-sama," N. Temari added, "Naruto-kun never lost a fight."

Hearing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but feel amazed at his alter ego's accomplishments in training N. Naruto.

"I'm so damn cool!," U. Naruto cheered excitedly.

"Niichan is really powerful and strong!," Konohamaru marveled.

"His ingenuity in seals and medic expertise is most impressive," Udon commented.

"He sounds stronger than the Yondaime himself," Moegi said dreamily, "I don't even think he could have pulled that off!"

"As much as I hate to admit it," Kakashi said in a calm tone, "I think you're right. My sensei never trained in medic jutsu, therefore pulling off a self-reviving medic kinjutsu of that nature would be impossible."

Hearing that served as a motivational factor to U. Naruto to fulfill his dreams in surpassing Yondaime and all the other Hokages all the more.

"Though Naruto-kun did all those great things however," N. Ino added in, "That battle and all those powerful kinjutsus he used took a severe toll on his mind, body and chakra coils. He fell into a coma right after his revival for about two weeks and it was only because of Tsunade-sama's medical skills that his injuries and damage to his coils weren't permanent and irreversible. Tsunade-sama and Sandaime strictly forbade him from ever using those jutsus again."

"Damn!," Kiba remarked, "Those jutsus must have been extremely dangerous if two Hokages forbade their reuse that badly."

N. Ino and N. Hinata nodded, especially since neither they, N. Temari, N. Anko, N. Ryota nor others back home wanted to lose N. Naruto again.

"To rectify Suna's foolish mistakes, new negotiations, terms of agreements and treaties were made. One of which was that I'm to serve as a liaison between both nations as a Konoha Chuunin."

N. Ino and N. Hinata saw that N. Temari was careful not to mention the part of her being betrothed to N. Naruto as part of the treaty.

"So you live in Konoha now," Tenten asked.

"That's right," N. Temari nodded, "It still will take some getting used to since I was raised in a desert region for most of my life."

"How did things play out during the Preliminaries," Chouji asked.

"I fought Kiba and his canine sidekick and won," Temari smirked, purposely stating her answer in that fashion, "The gaki got his ass handed to him on a platter, royally."

"Oh yeah," Kiba retorted indignantly, "I bet Akamaru and I could take you on better than our other selves did!"

Akamaru barked in agreement.

"I said nothing about fighting you Kiba," N. Temari said, "But I'm sure your style is no different from your counterpart's therefore I already have an idea about how you fight. And since Naruto-kun trains the three of us, that'll make me more of a challenge for you and your sidekick. I'm sure you recall what the girls and I did to that creature yesterday."

Kiba growled lowly but gave no reply.

"So if I didn't fight Temari," Tenten asked, "Then who was I up against during the Preliminaries back in your world?"

"Naruto-kun," N. Ino answered, "Sad to say, it was an obvious one-sided battle, and considering the fact that Anko-san was his Jounin-sensei at the time, his efficient execution of tactics were swift, vicious and cutthroat."

Anko smiled at the possibilities of what N. Naruto might have done to N. Tenten during the match. Tenten however cringed at the thought and decided to skip the idea of knowing the details of her counterpart's quick and brutal defeat as it only brought back memories of her own painful defeat to Temari.

"So Naruto is now your Jounin-sensei," Neji asked the three girls.

"No actually," N. Temari said, "Hinata and Ino are part of Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei's teams. I was formerly part of Baki-sensei's team before my becoming a citizen of Konoha. Naruto-kun trains not only us but three other youths as their Jounin-sensei."

"So why does Naruto train you three if he's not your Jounin-sensei," Neji inquired.

"Naruto-kun is very selective in whom he decides to train," N. Ino replied, "Many ninjas, including Jounins, have sought to be trained by Naruto-kun. He turned them all down, including Sasuke."

"Wait a minute," U. Naruto interjected with a stunned expression, "Back that up! Sasuke…from your dimension…sought me out…for training?!"

"He did," N. Hinata confirmed, "But Naruto-kun rejected him. He made it clear that he won't train fangirls, fanboys or anyone who'll only use his training and teachings to carry out their own selfish ambitions."

"Forehead Girl," N. Ino spoke up, "Started training under Tsunade-sama and she refers to Naruto-kun as senpai."

Ino chuckled upon hearing the same nickname she gives Sakura.

Even in that world she calls by that name, Sakura snorted mentally before commenting, "Naruto-senpai?"

"That has a nice ring to it," U. Naruto joked, "I could get used to that."

Sakura shot him a look that promised a lot of bruises and pain later. U. Naruto gulped when he saw the look Sakura gave him.

"The dynamics between you two quite take my breath away," N. Temari remarked cynically, "What jutsu do you resort to using to get that kind of effect from him?"

Tsunade and the others saw that N. Temari's remark wasn't aimed as a compliment.

"What's that supposed to mean," Sakura retorted.

"Where we're from," N. Ino said, "Naruto-kun would never allow himself to be treated like that by anyone regardless who they are."

"You mean Naruto never had a crush on Sakura," Kiba asked.

"Nothing personal against her," N. Hinata said, "But he made it clear that she's not his type."

"Then what kind of girls is his type," Ino asked with a huge smile on her face.

"I believe Naruto-kun already answered that question earlier," N. Hinata said.

"C'mon, spill the beans," Ino pressed on, "It's not like we can go and gossip about it to anyone anyway. So it'll just be between all of us here."

"I admit you bring up a good argument and I'm very tempted to actually talk and reveal things that Naruto-kun didn't reveal to you girls," N. Ino replied.

"You mean there's more interesting stuff to your stories," Tenten asked, wanting to hear more of their stories.

"You have to tell us more good stuff later on," Ino grinned, "And don't spare us the juicy details either."

"Why not talk about it now," asked Lee inquired cluelessly.

"Because it involve things only girls appreciate and not to be said in front of you guys," Ino barked.

"Whatever," Shikamaru replied in boredom, "I won't waste my time wanting to know what you girls will want to talk about in private later. It'll just be too troublesome anyway."

"Oh shut up Shikamaru," Ino retorted.

"Don't worry," N. Ino said, "We girls will talk later, without the guys."

Ino and the rest of the girls smiled at the anticipation of the things N. Ino and the other two girls might share with them later.

"There is however," N. Ino suggested, "Another story we can share with all of you though."

"And what story might that be," Tsunade asked as some of the guys took sips of their drinks while Tsunade drank her sake.

"During the Preliminaries Naruto-kun came barefooted and dressed in nothing but tiger-skin loincloths tied around his waist," N. Ino said with a shrugged. The guys spat their drinks out and Tsunade choked on her sake. Hinata was blushing heatedly upon hearing that revelation.

Jiraiya listened keenly with his pen and notepad out and ready to write down what he was going to hear next. Kakashi took his attention from the book he was reading to look at the three girls while Gai, Asuma and Kurenai wondering if the girls were being serious. Anko had a twisted smile, wanting to hear what the girls had to say.

"HE WHAT?!," Sakura replied in disbelief.

"Naruto-kun came wearing only tiger-skin loincloths which he made out a large tiger he killed in sector No Return after he was ambushed by the same Iwa kunoichi who forced him to remove and destroy his clothes and gear with a jutsu she used on him," N. Hinata explained, "From what Naruto-kun was willing to tell us, she used a summoning jutsu to gain access and use of a special earth armor that gave her to ability to her way with him as her personal plaything. He mentioned something about being retrained with handcuffs and whipped."

Hinata and the other girls blushed deeply at the story being told to them, not knowing yet that there was more to the story than they and the others thought. Anko was laughing her ass off while Shizune didn't know what to think. Tsunade, with the benefit of the doubt, believed that there was more to the story that the girls were soon going to reveal.

"WHOA," Jiraiya grinned with a huge lecherous smile as he penned everything being said, "You mean to tell us that some Jounin kunoichi traveled all the way from Iwa just so she could get kinky with Naruto?!"

"No freaking way," Ino said with shocked expression while wanting to hear more like the others.

"That's so unfair," Kiba said foolishly with a touch of jealousy, "So while everyone else was facing danger and getting killed in the Forest of Death, Naruto was getting his freak on with some kunoichi from Iwagakure?!"

"That doesn't sound like anything he or I would do," U. Naruto remarked in disbelief.

"It wasn't," N. Temari agreed, "He wasn't being whipped for any perverted kinky enjoyment. He was being brutally beaten and tortured with a whip that tore and ripped away at his flesh with each blow and lash landed on his body."

The Genins cringed at the description of N. Naruto's horrific experience.

"During that occasion," N. Temari continued, "Naruto-kun was still in his thirteen-year-old form. While in the forest, she had found the earth scroll he was looking for and said that he'd get that and his freedom if he beat her. The jutsu she used on his body through the use of her special armor rendered Naruto-kun defenseless and at her mercy. A normal ninja would have died had they experienced what Naruto-kun went through and she could have killed him at anytime. But she wanted to break him and make him suffer for her first humiliating defeat by his hands during his mission with Team 7 in Nami No Kuni."

Remains of when Tsunade-hime nearly beat me to death just for peeking at her in the hot spings all those years ago, Jiraiya thought to himself.

"It makes the beatings Naruto regularly takes from Sakura look like a playschool activity," Kiba said.

"Hey!," U. Naruto shot back indignantly.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata said under her breath.

"…Damn," Chouji remarked, "He must have really pissed her off in the way he defeated her to merit that."

"Sounds like something Anko would do," Kurenai remarked.

"With that delicious and fresh blood pouring smoothly from his opened wounds," Anko replied with a warped smile on her face as she turned to look at U. Naruto before licking her lips. Seeing the look on her face and recalling what she did to him during the second part of the Chuunin Exams, U. Naruto scooted away from Anko while inadvertently moving closer to Hinata with his arms seeming reaching out to grab hold of something which turned out to be the said girl. A red-faced Hinata for her part tried to keep from fainting again from the close contact with U. Naruto who was unknowingly holding onto her.

Do I really act like that, N. Hinata wondered while watching her alter ego and U. Naruto. It wasn't until a moment later when U. Naruto realized what he was doing. He turned to see Hinata in his embrace while her face was directly in front of his. Hinata, seeing her close facial contact with U. Naruto, blushed even redder.

I'm this close with Naruto-kun…again, Hinata thought happily while savoring the feeling of being wrapped in U. Naruto's arms.

"Are OK Hinata," U. Naruto asked, "Are you ill? Your face is all red."

Everyone sweat dropped at this.

Is Naruto-kun really this slow in this world, N. Ino wondered in dismay.

"I'm sure she's fine," N. Temari said, "She's probably overwhelmed by your close physical contact with her."

"Oh, uh," U. Naruto said befoe releasing Hinata, "…Sorry about that; that creepy snake lady just freaked me out."

"I-It's alright, Naruto-kun," Hinata assured, "I understand."

"Anko," Jiraiya asked, "Would you mind freaking Naruto out again?"

"Huh," everyone said while eyeing the Toad Sage questionably.

"What the hell for," Tsunade asked irritated.

"Because that was good source material I was provided with," Jiraiya replied while using his pen to write down what he saw earlier, "A sexy and skimpy-dressed infamous kunoichi putting sensual fear into the heart of a young impressionable Genin while the said Genin finds protection and solace with a young and shy-natured kunoichi who affectionately takes him into her embrace with her awaiting arms and bosoms as he-"

Jiraiya was cut off when Tsunade appeared behind him and slapped over his head. Everyone winced upon hearing the sound of her palm hitting the back of his head.

"OOOOWWW!," Jiraiya wailed while rubbing the back of his now sore head.

Damn it, Kakashi mentally wailed, Just when it was getting good.

Kiba and Chouji were snickering at what happened while Gai and Lee found Jiraiya's actions unyouthful. Neji scowled at the very thought of the Toad Sage using his younger cousin as source material for one of his perverted writings.

"Ero-sennin," U. Naruto retorted with an annoyed expression, "Have you no shame?!"

"Why are you complaining gaki," Jiraiya remarked, "The vision I saw with you three had live action dynamics that will produce a future best seller on the market!"

Tsunade whacked him across the head again. Hinata blushed crimson, understanding the implications of Jiraiya's words. Kurenai looked ready to pulverize the shameless Sannin with one of her strongest genjutsus for using her daughter figure and love interest for one of his hentai books.

That story has much potential with an intriguing plotline, Kakashi thought with a smile and blush hidden under his mask, I do hope Jiraiya-sama plans on writing that story.

"Like I was saying," N. Temari said trying to get everyone back on the topic they were discussion. The group soon returned their attention back to the wind mistress.

"Naruto-kun managed to break free from his confinements and escape from her with enough time to come up with a plan of action against her and to heal his heavily battered and beaten body," N. Temari said.

"From the description of Naruto's body," Shino spoke up, "Surely he would have required a large amount of chakra to repair his body."

"Naruto-kun resorted to an untested medic jutsu," N Hinata spoke up, "It's purpose was to completely heal and restore his body back to full strength. The jutsu however went wrong and aged him two years as it healed his body. Though it made his stronger and faster with larger chakra reserves however, because of the heavy price that was paid which was two years of his life, it was classified as an S-class medic kinjutsu."

"Any chance of Naruto teaching any of us how to perform that kinjutsu," Neji inquired.

"It's impossible since Naruto-kun created that kinjutsu specially for himself," N. Hinata pointed out, "And like I said, it went terribly wrong since Naruto-kun didn't create that medic jutsu properly. Plus he was forbidden from using that jutsu again."

"So what happened between Naruto and that Iwa kunoichi," Asuma asked.

"With his new found power, strength and speed," N. Ino replied, "Naruto-kun killed and skinned a tiger for its skin and fur to make a loin cloth for himself. When that task was done, he went to find the kunoichi and beat her to within an inch of her life after destroying her armor and almost all of her clothes and gear."

"He did what," Sakura asked, wanting to make sure she heard right.

"I'm sure we all heard the same thing as you Sakura," Shino stated, "It quite understandable really considering the purpose of the Forest of Death during the Chuunin Exams. And if my memory serves me correctly, Temari-san mentioned earlier how that Iwa kunoichi had the earth scroll the other Naruto was looking and that he'd get that and his freedom if he beat her. And beat her he did, quite literally."

"Talk about poetic justice," Kakashi remarked.

"How can you call that poetic," Shizune retorted. Shizune wasn't fond of Iwa but the thought of what N. Naruto did was rather vicious. But considered what the Iwa kunoichi did, most ninjas might of retaliated in the same manner, she figured.

U. Naruto thought about what he heard. Sure he fought against female enemies before, but he never thought of ever resorting to such an extreme level of brutality against a female. It was ironically really, seeing that U. Naruto had always been at the receiving end of Sakura's fists for as long as he could remember.

"Beating a female nearly to death…," U. Naruto commented, "That sounds rather…cruel."

"So he pretty much returned the favor," Anko smirked, "Before leaving her battered body for the creatures in the forest."

"Not quite," N. Temari interjected.

"What Naruto-kun did next would have been considered even crueler to some," N. Ino remarked. Everyone wanted to hear this.

"What could he possibly have done to make what he did even worse than the act of beating someone to within an inch of their life," Gai asked.

"He healed her almost completely," N. Ino explained, "And explained to her that his reasons for sparing her from dying a slow death from her injuries was that he found use for her to serve as his messenger with a message to gave back to the Tsuchikage, telling him to never come after him again, otherwise he wouldn't be as merciful the next time. He left her in the forest with his freedom and both scrolls in his hands."

"He spared her and let her live," U. Naruto shrugged, "What's so cruel about that?"

"His reasons behind it," Kakashi answered.

"What do you mean," U. Naruto inquired.

"His objective was to send her back in disgrace and humiliated," Kakashi explained, "For an enemy high level Jounin to be beaten twice and spared from death on both occasions by the same Genin only to be used by the Genin for their own personal intentions would dishonor and shame the enemy Jounin. Some would even go as far as to commit seppuku because the shame is too great to bear."

"Did the kunoichi commit seppuku," Lee asked.

"No," N. Temari said, "Naruto-kun told me that she had a nervous breakdown and begged him to allow her to die by his hands."

"Wow!," Anko marveled, "He mentally broke her that badly?! Did he actually went through in carrying out her request?"

"No," N. Hinata said, "In fact, she later joined Konoha and became a Jounin who occasionally works alongside Naruto-kun."

"You're joking," Anko remarked, "She defected from Iwa to Konoha?"

"What's not to believe," a voice spoke up from behind anyone. The group was startled by N. Naruto's surprise presence in the room.

"What the hell!?," Tenten exclaimed, "How and when did you get here without notice?!"

"If I told you that then I wouldn't be known as the number one most surprising ninja," N. Naruto grinned with a large smile.

"You and Naruto here are definitely one and the same," Sakura remarked.

"I'll take that as a compliment," N. Naruto said, "That means that my kid brother's hidden potential has yet to be tapped into."

Turning to N. Ino, Naruto said, "Ino-chan, Will you come with me please? I'm in need of your assistance."

N. Ino nodded and excused herself from the rest of the others as she headed over to N. Naruto. The pair left the living room and went to their next destination.

"I wonder what they went to do," Ino spoke aloud.

"Whatever it is," Asuma replied, "I'm sure it's not that big a deal."

N. Naruto returned back to the house briefly to take N. Ino with him before leaving again. What does N. Naruto require from N. Ino and what became of Ryota and Soujiro? Find out next time?

Seppuku is a ritualistic suicide.